Chart 5

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TRANSPORT © N a t i o n a l D e p a r t m e n t o f Tr a n s p o r t , 2 0 0 0 2000
Control signs
R1 Stop sign R226 Midibus prohibited sign R341 Tram stop reservation sign TRAFFIC SIGNALS
R1.1 Stop sign R227 Bus prohibited sign R342 Bus & tram reservation sign Standard traffic signal faces (S1-S15) Steady “red man” signal
R1.2 Stop/Yield R228 Delivery vehicle prohibited sign R343 Bus & tram lane reservation sign Steady red disc Indicates to pedestrians to remain stationary on the sidewalk
R1.3 3 -Wa y s t o p s i g n R229 Goods vehicle prohibited sign R344 Bus & tram lane reservation begins sign Stop vehicle behind line until green signal is displayed, then until a “green man “ signal is displayed
R1.4 4 -Wa y s t o p s i g n R230 Goods vehicle over indicated GVM prohibited sign R345 Bus, minibus & tram reservation sign proceed with caution
R1.5 Stop/Go sign R231 Construction vehicle prohibited sign R346 Bus, minibus & tram lane reservation sign Flashing “red man” signal indicates to pedestrians
R2 Yield sign R232 Vehicle conveying dangerous goods prohibited sign R347 Bus, minibus & tram lane reservation begins sign Flashing red disc signal 1 who have not yet started to cross road to remain
R2.1 Yield to pedestrians sign R233 Abnormal vehicle prohibited sign R348 Bus lane right reservation sign Act as for 4-way stop & yield right of way to pedestrians stationary
R2.2 Yield at mini-circle sign R234 Rickshaw prohibited sign R349 Bus & minibus lane right reservation sign 2 who are within a pedestrian crossing that a steady
R3 No entry sign R235 Tour bus prohibited sign R350 Bus & tram lane right reservation sign Steady red bus signal “red man” signal will follow soon
R4.1, R4.2 & R4.3 R236 Agricultural vehicle prohibited sign R351 Bus, minibus & tram lane right reservation sign Stop bus behind line until green bus signal is displayed,
One-way roadway signs R237 Animal-drawn vehicle prohibited sign R352 High occupancy vehicle lane right reservation sign then proceed with caution Steady “green man” signal
R5 Pedestr ian pr ior i ty s ign R238 Horses & riders prohibited sign R353 Authorized passenger transport vehicle lane reservation sign Indicates to pedestrians that they may cross junction within
R6 Yield to oncoming traffic sign R239 Width limit sign R354 Authorized passenger transport vehicle lane right reservation Steady red tram signal markings. Drivers of vehicles must yield right of way to such
R240 Towed vehicles prohibited sign sign Stop tram behind line until green tram signal is displayed, pedestrians
Com m a n d signs R241 Hawkers prohibited sign then proceed with caution
R101 Minimum Speed sign Comprehensive signs Steady red pedal cycle signal
R102 Ve h i cl e s e x c e e d i n g m a s s o n l y s i g n Reservation & Parking reservation signs R401 Dual-carriageway freeway begins sign Steady red arrow signal Indicates to a pedal cyclist that he/she shall not cross
R103 Keep left sign R301 Bus reservation sign R402 Single-carriageway freeway begins sign Stop vehicle behind line, turn left only if it is safe to do so roadway until steady green pedal cycle light signal is
R104 Keep right sign R301-P Bus parking reservation sign R403 Woonerf sign & yield to traffic & pedestrians for whom a green signal is displayed
R105 Proceed left only sign R302 Bus lane reservation sign displayed
R106 Proceed right only sign R303 Bus lane reservation begins sign Exclusive secondary message signs Flashing red pedal cycle signal
R107 Proceed straight only sign R304 Pedal cycle lane reservation sign (R)501 One period time limit sign Flashing left red arrow signal Indicates to a pedal cyclist who has not yet started crossing
R108 Turn left sign R304-P Pedal cycle parking reservation sign (R)502 Two periods time limit sign Stop vehicle behind line, if it is intended to turn left at the roadway that he/she shall not cross roadway until steady
R109 Turn right sign R305-P Parking reservation sign (R)503 Two periods or days time limit sign junction he/she may do so even though red disc signal is green pedal cycle light signal is displayed
R110 Pedestrians only sign R306-P Limited parking reservation sign (R)504 Three periods or days time limit sign displayed, & shall yield right of way to all vehicles &
R111 Pedal cycles only sign R307 Motor cycle reservation sign (R)505 Maximum stay during two periods or days time limit sign pedestrians for whom a green light signal is displayed Steady green pedal cycle signal
R112, R113, R114 & R115 R307-P Motor cycle parking reservation sign (R)506 Maximum stay during one period time limit sign Indicates to a pedal cyclist that he/she may cross junction
Pedal cycles & pedestrians only sign R308 Motor car reservation sign Steady yellow disc signal within the pedal cyclist crossing, & that vehicles shall yield
R116 Motor cycles only sign R308-P Motor car parking reservation sign (R)511 Day condition sign Prepare to stop vehicle behind line & remain stationary until right of way to a pedal cyclist crossing such junction
R117 Motor cars only sign R309 Taxi reservation sign (R)512 Night condition sign a green signal is displayed
R118 Taxis only sign R309-P Taxi parking reservation sign Red flashing signal
R119 Minibuses only sign R310 Minibus reservation sign (R)520 Reserved movement left by vehicle class sign Flashing yellow disc signal FRD Drivers must stop before signal & not proceed until
R120 Midibus only sign R310-P Minibus parking reservation sign (R)521 Reserved movement right by vehicle class sign Proceed with caution & yield right of way to pedestrians it is safe to do
R121 Buses only sign R311 Midibus reservation sign (R)522 Reserved movement to left & right by vehicle class sign so
R122 Delivery vehicles only sign R311-P Midibus parking reservation sign (R)523 Pay & display sign Steady yellow bus signal
R123 Goods vehicles only sign R312 Delivery vehicle reservation sign Prepare to stop bus behind line & remain stationary until Railway crossing red flashing signal
R124 Goods vehicles over indicated GVM only sign R312-P Delivery vehicle parking reservation sign (R)530 Operator identity (logo) sign a green signal is displayed Indicates the approach of a train & the driver of a vehicle
R125 Construction vehicles only sign R313 Goods vehicle reservation sign (R)531 Operator identity (words) sign shall stop his/her vehicle & shall not proceed until the signals
R126 Vehicles conveying dangerous goods only sign R313-P Goods vehicle parking reservation sign (R)532 Mass limit sign (text) Steady yellow tram signal cease to flash, & it is safe to do so.
R127 Abnormal vehicles only sign R314 Goods vehicle over indicated GVM reservation sign (R)533 Motor cycle engine size limit sign (text) Prepare to stop tram behind line & remain stationary until
R128 Rickshaws only sign R314-P Goods vehicle over indicated GVM parking reservation sign (R)534 “and Local Access Only” limit sign (text) a green signal is displayed Overhead lane direction control arrows
R129 Tour buses only sign R315 Construction vehicle reservation sign (R)535 Distance “For” limit sign (text) Steady green arrow
R130 Agricultural vehicles only sign R315-P Construction vehicle parking reservation sign Steady yellow arrow signal S16 Vehicles may be driven in a lane over which a green
R131 Animal-drawn vehicles only sign R316 Vehicle conveying dangerous goods reservation sign (R)540 Maximum number of vehicles sign Prepare to stop vehicle behind line, if it is intended to turn arrow is
R132 Pay toll sign R316-P Vehicle conveying dangerous goods parking reservation sign in the direction of the arrow, & remain stationary until a displayed
R133 Switch head lamps on sign R317 Abnormal vehicle reservation sign (R)560 Buses sign green signal is displayed
R134 Buses & minibuses only sign R317-P Abnormal vehicle parking reservation sign (R)561 Pedal cycles sign Steady red cross
R135 Buses & midibuses only sign R318 Rickshaw reservation sign (R)562 Motor cycles sign Steady green disc signal S17 Vehicles shall not be driven in a lane over which a
R136 Buses, midibuses & minibuses only sign R318-P Rickshaw parking reservation sign (R)563 Motor cars sign Proceed through junction in any direction, subject to restricting red cross is
R137 Roundabout sign R319 Tour bus reservation sign (R)564 Taxi sign road signs & yield right of way to other traffic & pedestrians displayed
R138 Trams only sign R319-P Tour bus parking reservation sign (R)565 Minibus sign who are lawfully within junction
R139 Buses & trams only sign R320 High occupancy vehicle reservation sign (R)566 Midibus sign Yellow arrow left & right
R140 Buses, trams & minibuses only sign R320-P High occupancy vehicle parking reservation sign (R)567 Delivery vehicle sign Steady green bus signal S18 & S19 Indicates to the driver of a vehicle that the
R321 Emergency vehicle reservation sign (R)568 Goods vehicle sign Proceed through junction in any direction, subject to restricting lane ahead is
Prohibition signs R321-P Emergency vehicle parking reservation sign (R)569 Goods vehicle over indicated GVM sign road signs & yield right of way to other traffic & pedestrians closed & that he/she shall leave the lane in
R201 Speed limit sign R322 Police vehicle reservation sign (R)570 Construction vehicle sign who are lawfully within junction the direction
R202 Mass limit sign R322-P Police vehicle parking reservation sign (R)571 Vehicle conveying dangerous goods sign of the arrow when it is safe to do so
R203 Axle massload limit sign R323 Disabled persons vehicle reservation sign (R)572 Abnormal vehicle sign Steady green tram signal
R204 Height limit sign R323-P Disabled persons vehicle parking reservation sign (R)573 Rickshaw sign Proceed through junction in any direction, subject to restricting
R205 Length limit sign R324 Authorized vehicle reservation sign (R)574 Tour bus sign road signs & yield right of way to other traffic & pedestrians Hand signals - Traffic officers
R206 Excessive noise prohibited sign R324-P Authorized vehicle parking reservation sign (R)575 High occupancy vehicle sign who are lawfully within junction SS1
R207 Hitch-hiking prohibited sign R325 Bus stop reservation sign (R)576 Emergency vehicle sign (a) Stop traffic approaching from the front
R208 Unauthorized vehicles prohibited sign R326 Minibus stop reservation sign (R)577 Police vehicle sign Flashing green bus signal (b) Stop traffic approaching from the rear
R209 Left turn ahead prohibited sign R327 Bus & minibus reservation sign (R)578 Disabled persons vehicle sign Bus may proceed and that his/her movements are unopposed (c) Stop traffic approaching from the front & the rear
R210 Right turn ahead prohibited sign R327-P Bus & minibus parking reservation sign (R)579 Authorized vehicle sign by other traffic (d)&(e) Indicates to traffic to proceed from the front, left &
R211 Left turn prohibited sign R328 Bus & minibus lane reservation sign (R)580 Agricultural vehicle sign rear
R212 Right turn prohibited sign R329 Bus & minibus lane reservation begins sign (R)581 Animal-drawn vehicle sign Flashing green tram signal
R213 U-turn prohibited sign R330 Bus & midibus reservation sign (R)582 Towed vehicle sign Tram may proceed and that his/her movements are Flag signals - road construction
R214 Overtaking prohibited sign R330-P Bus & midibus parking reservation sign (R)583 Tram vehicle sign unopposed by other traffic SS2
R215 Overtaking by goods vehicle prohibited sign R331 Bus & midibus lane reservation sign (a) Flag signal to warning traffic
R216 Parking prohibited sign R332 Bus & midibus lane reservation begins sign De-restriction signs Steady green arrow signal (b) Flag signal to stop
R217 Stopping prohibited sign R333 Bus, midibus & minibus reservation sign Proceed only in direction of arrow, subject to restricting road (c) Flag signal to proceed
R218 Pedestrian prohibited sign R333-P Bus, midibus & minibus parking reservation sign signs & yield right of way to other traffic & pedestrians who (d) Flag signal to slow down
R219 Pedal cycle prohibited sign R334 Bus, midibus & minibus lane reservation sign are lawfully within junction (e) Warning of slow moving vehicles
R220 Pedal cycle & pedestrian prohibited sign R335 Bus, midibus & minibus lane reservation begins sign
R222 Motor cycle prohibited sign R336 High occupancy vehicle lane reservation sign Flashing green arrow signal
R223 Motor car prohibited sign R337 High occupancy vehicle lane reservation begins sign Proceed in direction of arrow which is displayed together
R224 Taxi prohibited sign R338 Tram reservation sign with a steady red disc signal for traffic travelling in the
R225 Minibus prohibited sign R339 Tram lane reservation sign opposite direction
R340 Tram lane reservation begins sign

R o a d l a y o u t signs W361 Electrical shock sign GUIDANCE SIGNS
W101 Crossroad sign W362 Tram sign Location signs Tourism sign
W102 Priority crossroad s i g n W363 Gravel road ends sign Symbols Symbols GFS A11-4 Bike trail GFS D1-14 Left/right arrow
W103 Secondary crossroad sign GLS-1 River name GFS A1 Generic - National park GFS A11-5 River rafting GFS D1-15 Diagonal left/right arrow
W104, W105 & W106 Hazard marker signs GLS-2 Toll route name GFS A1-1 National parks GFS A11-6 Scuba diving GFS D1-16 Advance left/right arrow
T- & skew T-junction sign W401 & W402 GLS-3 End of toll route GFS A2 Generic - Provincial parks GFS A11-7 Ballooning GFS D1-17 Exit (route number)
W107 & W108 Danger plate sign GLS-4 Dual carriageway freeway name (Class GFS A2-1 Provincial parks Gauteng GFS A12 Generic - Farming GFS D1-18 Parking
Side road junction sign W403 & W404 A-1) GFS A2-2 Provincial parks Free State GFS A12-1 Wine cellar GFS D1-19 Filling station & workshop
W109 & W110 Railway crossing sign GLS-5 Single carriageway freeway name (Class GFS A2-3 Provincial parks Western Cape GFS A12-2 Wine route/estate GFS D1-20 Filling station
Staggered junction sign W405, W406, W407 & W408 A-2) GFS A2-4 Provincial parks Kwazulu-Natal GFS A12-3 Showground GFS D1-21 Picnic area
W111, W112, W113 & W114 Sharp curve chevron sign GLS-6 Interchange name GFS A3 Generic - Resorts GFS A12-4 Cherry farm GFS D1-22 Tourist information
Sharp junction sign W409 T-junction chevron sign GLS-7 Conservancy area GFS A3-1 Country clubs (Golf) GFS A12-5 Ostrich farm & riding GFS D1-23 Motor car wash
W115 Y-junction sign W410 Dead end or road closed chevron sign GFS A3-2 Hot springs GFS A12-6 Ostrich farm GFS D1-24 Truck wash
W116 & W117 W411 Boom barricade sign Signs GFS A3-3 Inland water GFS A12-7 Fish farm GFS D1-25 Drinking water
End of dual roadway sign W413 Gore plate sign GL1 Street name GFS A3-4 Seaside/beach GFS A12-8 Roadside stall GFS D1-26 Fireplace
W118 & W119 W414 Gore chevron sign GL2 Suburb name GFS A3-5 Berg/mountain GFS A12-9 Butterfly GFS D1-27 Cooking facilities
Beginning of dual roadway sign W415 Overhead danger plate sign GL3 Town or city name GFS A4 Generic - Scenic GFS A13-1 Animal theme park GFS D1-28 Shower
GL4 River name GFS A4-1 Nature reserve GFS B1-1 Telephone
Direction of movement signs INFORMATION SIGNS GL5 National or provincial border GFS A4-2 National Heritage site GFS B1-2 Police GF1 Freeway advance exit
W201 Traffic circle sign IN1, IN2 & IN3 GL6 Geographical location GFS A4-3 Botanical gardens GFS B1-3 Hospital (with name) GF2 Advance turn
W202 & W203 Countdown sign GL7 Route name GFS A4-4 Gardens (Flowers) GFS B1-4 First aid post GF3 Final turn
Gentle curve sign IN4, IN5 & IN6 GL8 Interchange name GFS A4-5 Waterfall GFS B1-5 SOS call station (sign) GF8 Service exit sequence
W204 & W205 Cul-de-sac sign GFS A4-6 Lake or dam (No watersport) GFS B1-6 SOS call station (post) GF9 Rest & service sequence
Sharp curve sign IN7 Right of way sign Route marker signs GFS A4-7 Caves GFS B1-7 NSRI GF12 Advance roadside emergency service
W206 & W207 IN10 Park & ride sign Signs GFS A4-8 View point GFS B1-8 Ambulance/medical services GF17 Part-time attraction
Hairpin bend sign IN11.1 to IN11.5* GE2 Advance trailblazer GFS A4-9 Forest (Natural) GFS B1-9 Fire station/services
W208 & W209 Supplementary plate sign GE9 Advance transport trailblazer GFS A4-10 State forest GFS B1-10 Cell phone emergency number GDLS A1-1 Central business centre
Winding road sign IN12 Information centre sign GE18.3Tourism route marker GFS A4-11 Mountain/berg GFS B2-1 Filling station & workshop GDLS A1-5 Shopping centre
W210 & W211 IN14 Co-ordinated traffic signals sign GE19.3SADC route marker sign GFS A5-1 Motor racing track GFS B2-2 Filling station GDLS A1-6 Railway station
Combined curves sign IN15 Multi-phase traffic signals sign GFS A5-2 Golf course GFS B2-3 Workshop GDLS A1-7 Airport
W212 Two-way traffic sign IN19 Modal transfer sign Direction signs GFS A5-3 Horse racecourse GFS B2-4 Tow-in service GDLS A1-8 Bus station
W213 Two-way traffic crossroad sign Symbols GFS A5-4 Equestrian events GFS B3-1 Truck rest & service area GDLS A1-9 Minibus rank
W214 & W215 GDS-1 Railway station GFS A5-5 Fishing GFS B4-1 Restaurant GDLS A1-10 Harbour
Lane ends sign
ROAD MARKINGS GFS A5-6 Cricket field
Transverse regulatory markings GDS-2 Bus terminus GFS B4-2 Refreshments GDLS A1-11 Parking
W216, W217 & W218 GDS-3 Airport GFS A5-7 Swimming pool GFS B4-3 Take-away GDLS A1-12 Parking garage
Concealed driveway sign RTM1 Stop line marking GFS A5-8 Sports stadium
RTM2 Yield line marking GDS-4 Freeway (Class A-1) GFS B4-4 Rural shop/cafe/corner shop GDLS A1-14 Mine
GDS-5 Freeway (Class A-2) GFS A6 Generic - Wildlife GFS B5-1 Parking area (free parking) GDLS A2-1 Information centre/layby
Symbolic signs RTM3 Pedestrian crossing lines marking GFS A6-1 Conservancy area
RTM4 Block pedestrian crossing marking GDS-6 Power station GFS B5-2 Toilets GDLS A2-2 Post office
W301 Traffic signal ahead sign GDS-7 Industrial area GFS A6-2 Game reserve GFS B5-3 Shower GDLS A2-4 Industrial area
W302 Traffic control “STOP” ahead sign GDS-8 City centre/central business district GFS A6-3 Bird park/sanctuary GFS B5-4 Drinking water GDLS A2-6 Waste disposal site
W303 Traffic control “YIELD” ahead sign Longitudinal regulatory markings GDS-9 Toll route GFS A6-4 Zoo GFS B5-5 Fireplace GDLS A2-7 Produce market
W306 Pedestrian crossing sign RM1 No overtaking marking GDS-10Alternative route GFS A6-5 Snake park GFS B5-6 Cooking facilities GDLS A2-9 Conference facilities
W307 Pedestrians sign RM2 No crossing marking GDS-11Heliport GFS A6-6 Crocodile park GFS B5-7 Picnic area GDLS A2-11 Power station
W308 Children sign RM3 Channelizing line marking GDS-12Mine GFS A6-7 Rhino park GFS B5-8 Tourist information GDLS A2-12 School
W309 Cyclists sign RM4.1 Left edge line marking GDS-13Harbour GFS A6-8 Lion park GFS B5-9 Facility for handicapped GDLS A2-13 Library
W310, W311 & W312 RM4.2 Right edge line marking GDS-14Shopping centre GFS A7 Generic - Historical GFS B5-10 Roadside stall/curio shop GDLS A2-14 Swimming pool
Farm animals sign RM5 Painted island marking GDS-15Library GFS A7-1 National monument GFS B5-11 Post office GDLS A2-15 Border/customs post
W313 Wild animals ahead sign RM6 Parking bay marking GDS-16Bicycle route GFS A7-2 Museum GFS B6-1 Rest area (Class 1) GDLS A4-3 Fire station
W314 Gate sign RM7 Exclusive parking bay marking GDS-17Park ‘n ride (train) GFS A7-3 Historic mine GFS B6-2 Rest area (Class 2) GDLS A4-5 Heliport
W315, W316 & W317 RM8 Mandatory direction arrow marking GDS-18Park ‘n ride (bus) GFS A7-4 Historic railway station GFS B6-3 Rest area (Class 3)
Motor gate sign RM9 Exclusive lane line marking GDS-19Pick-up point GFS A7-5 Historic battlefield GFS B7-1 Motor cars GDL1 Advance local direction
W318 Railway crossing sign RM10 Box junction marking GDS-20Parking GFS A7-6 Historic cemetry GFS B7-2 Caravans GDL2 Local direction
W319 Tunnel sign RM11 Zig-zag zone marking GDS-21Minibus rank GFS A7-7 Geological site GFS B7-3 Buses GDL3 Local fingerboard
W320 Height restriction sign RM12 No stopping line marking GDS-22Toll plaza ahead GFS A8 Generic - Coastal GFS B7-4 Trucks
W321 Length restricted sign RM13 No parking line marking GDS-23Border/customs post GFS A8-1 Marine reserve GFS B7-5 Delivery vehicles GSS-1 Arrestor bed
W322 & W323 RM14 No motor cycles marking GFS A8-2 Maritime museum GFS B7-6 Motor cycles GSS-2 Change to lower gear
Steep descent & ascent sign RM15 Mini-circle marking Signs GFS A8-3 Aquarium GFS C1-1 Accommodation (incl. hotels,
W324 Slow moving heavy vehicles sign RM16 Disabled persons parking marking GD1/GD2 Stack-type composite direction GFS A8-4 Whales inns etc) GS103 Traffic movement affected by obstruction
W325 Gravel road begins sign RM17 Exclusive use lane symbol marking GD2 Stack-type direction GFS A8-5 Dolphins GFS C1-2 Chalet/self catering GS205 Additional lane
W326 Narrow bridge sign GD4 Fingerboard GFS A8-6 Lighthouse GFS C1-3 Caravan site GS302 Lane use control by regulatory sign
W327 One vehicle width structure sign Warning markings GD9 Map-type advance direction GFS A8-7 Dockyard GFS C1-4 Camp site GS403 Lanes merge
W328 Road narrrows from both sides sign WM1 Railway crossing marking GD10 Overhead advance direction GFS A8-8 Boat launch GFS C1-5 Guest house GS501 Arrestor bed pre-advance exit
W329 & W330 WM2 Continuity line marking GD12 Overhead advance direction GFS A8-9 Fishing GFS C1-6 Bed & breakfast GS505 Engage lower gear
Road narrows from one side only sign WM3 Dividing line marking GA2 Advance exit direction GFS A8-10 Crayfish GFS C1-7 Rooms (bed only) GS605 Overhead lane use control by regulation sign
W331 Uneven roadway sign WM4 Reversible lane line marking GA3 Exit direction GFS A8-11 Oceanarium GFS C1-8 Youth hostel/centre/camp GS701 Public transport
W332 Speed humps sign WM5 Yield sign ahead marking GA4 Gore exit direction GFS A8-12 Beach GFS C1-9 Trail shelter GS818 At grade lane layout
W333 Slippery road sign WM6 Lane reduction arrow marking GA4(E) Gore exit direction GFS A9 Generic - Arts & craft GFS C1-10 Guest farm GS901 Junction with warning sign
W334 & W335 WM7 Mandatory direction arrow ahead marking GA8 Exit sequence GFS A9-1 Painting & drawing GFS C1-11 Ethnic (Zulu) GP4 Arrow left
Falling rocks sign WM8 No overtaking or no crossing line ahead marking GB1 Cross-road advance direction GFS A9-2 Pottery GFS D1-1 Motor cars GP17 Buses
W339 General warning sign WM9.1 Arrestor bed ahead marking GB2 Near-side on-ramp direction GFS A9-3 Jewellery GFS D1-2 Caravans GP18 Minibuses
W346 Emergency flashing light sign WM9.2 Escape road ahead marking GB3 Far-side on-ramp advance GFS A9-4 Weaving & knitting GFS D1-3 Buses GP3 Arrow right
W348 Jetty edge or river-bank sign WM10 Speed hump marking direction GFS A9-5 Leatherwork GFS D1-4 Trucks
W349 Crosswinds sign WM11 End of exclusive use lane arrows marking GB4 Far-side on-ramp direction GFS A9-6 African arts & crafts GFS D1-5 Motor cycles VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGNS
W350 Drift sign GC1 Overhead pre-advance exit GFS A9-7 Woodwork GFS D1-6 Take-away VM1 Sliding sign (W333 plus IN11.1)
W351 Low flying aircraft sign direction GFS A9-8 Metalwork GFS D1-7 Restaurant VM2 Roller blind sign (TR201)
Guidance markings GFS A10 Generic - Cultural
W352 Agricultural vehicle sign GM1 Lane line marking GC3U Overhead supplementary GFS D1-8 Refreshments VM3 Rotating plank sign (Blank & tr210)
W354 Reduced visibility sign exit/through direction GFS A10-1 Theatre GFS D1-9 Shop VM4 Rotating disc sign (R201)
GM2 Guide line marking GFS A10-2 Amphitheatre
W355 Congestion sign GM3 Furcation arrow marking GB3(+IN25) Far-side advance direction toll GFS D1-10 Facility for handicapped VM5 Freeway “direction sign” changes to “no entry” sign
W356 Horses & riders sign tariff combination GFS A11-1 Hiking trail GFS D1-11 Toilets VM6 TW333 plus IN11.1
GM4 Information arrow marking GFS A11-2 Horse trail
W357 Elephant sign GM5 Bicycle crossing guidelines marking GA7A Confirmation alternative route GFS D1-12 Telephone VM7 TW353
W358 Warthog sign (Class A1) GFS A11-3 4x4 trail GFS D1-13 Straight-on arrow VM8 TR201 plus TW339 plus IN11.4
GM6 Symbol road marking
W359 Hippo sign GM7 Word marking
W360 Width restricted sign GM8 Kerbing marking

See permanent signs for names not R o a d l a y o u t signs TGA4(V) Gore exit direction sign R208-502 W202+IN11.1
indicated here TW101, TW104 & TW106, TW108, TW110, TW114, TGD2-D Detour direction sign No unauthorized vehicles, two time periods Gentle curve (right), recommended
Com m a n d signs TW115 and TW119 TGD4 Fingerboard sign R213-512 speed
TR101, TR104, TR106, TR109, TR110, TR111, TGD9 Map-type advance direction sign No U-turn, night-time W216+IN11.3
TR112, TR118, TR119, TR121, TR123, TR125, TGS304+TIN11.2 R306-P-523 Concealed driveway (from right), a
Direction of movement signs Lane use control for a distance Limited parking, pay & display distance ahead
TR127, TR129, TR130, TR131, TR133, TR134, TW201,TW203, TW205, TW207, TW209, TW211,
TR136 and TR137 TGS303 Lane use control R105-569 W302+IN11.3
TW212, TW213, TW215 and TW218 TGS106+TIN11.3 Tr af f i c c o n t r o l “ St o p ” a h e a d, a
P r o c e e d l e f t o n l y, g o o d s v e h i c l e o v e r
Tr a f f i c m o v e m e n t a f f e ct e d b y indicated GVM distance ahead
Prohibition signs Symbolic signs obstructions a distance ahead R109-502 W339+IN11.4
TR201, TR202, TR203, TR204, TR205, TR208, TW301, TW302, TW303, TW306, TW307, TW309, Tu r n r i g h t , t w o t i m e p e r i o d s General warning, text message
TR210, TR211, TR212, TR214, TR215, TR216, TW310, TW311, TW312, TW318, TW320, TW321, TEMPORARY COMBINATION SIGNS R209-569 W332-RB
TR217, TR218, TR219, TR222, TR223, TR226, TW322, TW323, TW324, TW325, TW326, TW327, T R 2 0 1 - R C + T W 3 3 1 -W C + T I N 1 1 . 2 - S S 3 No left turn ahead, goods vehicle over Speed humps plus text message (on a
TR228, TR230, TR232, TR234, TR239 and TW328, TW331, TW332, TW333, TW335, TW339, Speed limit (on a high visibility background) on indicated GVM high visibility background)
TR240 TW346, TW349, TW350, TW354, TW355, TW356, an uneven roadway for a distance plus flashing R217-571 W 32 2-WF +I N 1 1. 2- S S 3
TW360, TW361 and TW363 lights No stopping, vehicle conveying dangerous Steep descent (on a high visibility
Reservation & Parking reservation TR201-RB/RE goods background), for a distance, with
TW304 Traffic control ahead sign Speed limit (on a high visibility background) with R201-511 flashing lights
signs TW305 Scholar patrol ahead sign
TR301-P, TR304, TR305-P, TR306-P, TR307, a text message Speed limit, daytime W 30 2-WA +I N 1 1. 5 69 +I N 1 1. 3
TW336 Roadworks sign T R 1 3 3 - R C + T W 3 5 4 -W C R205-502 Tr a f f i c c o n t r o l “ S t o p ” a h e a d ( o n a h i g h
TR308-P, TR309, TR314-P, TR315, TR316-P, TW337 Grader working sign
TR317, TR319, TR320-P, TR321, TR322-P, Switch head lamps on (on a high visiblity Length limit, two time periods visibility background), goods vehicle
TW338 Loose stones sign background) reduced visibility (on high visibility R101-568 over indicated GVM, a distance ahead
TR323, TR324-P and TR333 TW340 & TW341 background) Minimum speed, goods vehicle W 3 5 0 + W 3 3 9 -W D + I N 1 1 . 4
Surface step sign T W 3 3 6 -W F + T I N 1 1 . 3 R201-562 Drift plus general warning (on a high
Comprehensive signs TW342 Soft shoulder sign Roadworks (on a high visibility background) a Speed limit, motor cycle visibility background), text message
TR402 TW343 “Stop/Go” control ahead sign distance ahead R132+IN11.3 R 2 0 1 - R C + W 2 0 8 -W C + I N 1 1 . 2 - S S 3
TW344 & TW345 TR103-RD Pay toll (on high visibility background), Speed limit (on a high visibilty
Exclusive secondary message signs Construction vehicles crossing sign Keep left (on a high visibility background) for a distance background), winding road (right-left)
(TR)501, (TR)504, (TR)505 and (TR)506 TW347 Temporary police flashing light sign R1+ TIN11.577 R214+IN11.2 (on high visibility background), for a
TW353 Accident ahead sign Stop by police No overtaking - all vehicles, for a distance distance, with flashing lights
(TR)511 and (TR)512 TR102+TIN11.3 R 2 0 1 - R C + W 3 5 4 -W C + I N 1 1 . 2
Hazard marker signs Ve h i c l e s e x c e e d i n g m a s s o n l y a d i s t a n c e a h e a d Speed limit (on a high visibility
(TR)522 and (TR)523 TW401, TW405 & TW407, TW409, TW410, TR106-562 background), reduced visibilty (on a high
TW411, TW413, TW414 and TW415 P r o c e e d r i g h t o n l y, m o t o r c y c l e s visibilty background) for a distance
(TR)530, (TR)532, (TR)534 and (TR)535 TR210-560 R108-569+IN11.4+IN11.3
TW412 Traffic signals out of order sign No right turn ahead, buses Tu r n l e f t , g o o d s v e h i c l e o v e r i n d i c a t e d
(TR)540 TR216-562 GVM, text message, a distance ahead
TEMPORARY INFORMATION SIGNS No parking, motor cycles R107-569-RA
(TR)565, (TR)571, (TR)572, (TR)574, (TR)576, TR315-501 Proceed straight only plus goods vehicles
(TR)577, (TR)578, (TR)581, (TR)582 and TIN3, TIN4 and TIN11.1 to TIN11.4
Construction vehicle, one time period over indicated GVM (on a high visibility
(TR)583 TW336+TIN11.2 background)
TEMPORARY GUIDANCE SIGNS Roadworks, for a distance R204-RF+IN11.3-SS3
De-restriction signs TGE2 Advance trailblazer sign
TGA5 Advance off-ramp terminal direction sign TW343+TIN11.3 Height limit (on a high visibility
TGD1 Stack-type advance direction sign “Stop/Go” control ahead, a distance ahead background), a distance ahead, flashing

Prepared and distributed by National Department of Transport Tel : (012) 309 3000 Fax: (012) 323 2215

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