August 14, 2011

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AUGUST 14, 2011

TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME + YEAR OF THE EUCHARIST + 1501 South Main Street, Lombard, IL 60148 Rectory: (630) 629-1717 Fax: (630) 705-0692 Academy: (630) 627-0640 Fax: (630) 705-0139

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Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011

August 14, 2011

Christ the King Directory

PASTOR: Rev. Peter Jarosz
630.396.6079; [email protected]

Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12:00 Noon

WEEKEND ASSISTANT: Rev. Robert Schoenstene



Saturdays: 4:00pm-4:45pm M-F 9am; And by appointment

Deacons: Deacon Wayne Storrs 630.629.1717

Deacon Frank Lillig 630.396.6077 [email protected] Deacon Peter Robinson 630.629.1717 [email protected]


Second Saturdays at 11:00am


Eileen Maggiore 630.396.6076; [email protected]


Weekdays at 7:35am Tuesdays 5:30pm


630.396.6073; [email protected]

1st Thursday 9:00am until 1st Friday at 8:15am Other Thursdays 9:00am-8:00pm


630.396.6078; [email protected]


630.396.6075; [email protected] PASTORS/PARISH OFFICE SECRETARY: Carol Clishem 630.629.1717; [email protected] ACADEMY SECRETARY/ PARISH FINANCE ASST.: Lori Bhardwaj 630.627.0640; [email protected] KINDERGARTEN TEACHER: Jill Placey, Academy Director 630.627.0640; [email protected] PRE-SCHOOL TEACHER: Karen Hanish

Mon-Thurs: 9:00 am-3:00 pm Friday: 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. After Hours By Appointment REGISTRATION: We welcome you as a family member of Christ the King Parish. It is our hope and prayer that you feel at home with us at weekend masses, prayer times, and parish activities. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Arrangements for baptisms are made by attending a preparation meeting. Parish registration is a prerequisite for attending the meeting. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Please allow eight months of preparation time. Date arrangements are made after the initial meeting with pastor or a representative before any other commitments are made. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: If you or one of your loved ones are in need of the Sacrament contact the rectory or see the priest after Mass. In case of an emergency of illness or death, please contact the rectory, ext 1. SACRAMENT PREPARATION FOR CHILDREN: A child must be registered in Religious Education classes for two years prior to receiving the Sacraments of Initiation. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS: Individuals who are interested in becoming in full communion with the Catholic Church ought to contact the parish rectory for an appointment.


FACILITIES MANAGER: Tony Azzolin 630.629.1717; [email protected] MAINTENANCE: Paul Sweder, Joe Iapichino, Victor Mandin

Christ the King Mission Statement

The People of Christ the King in Lombard are a welcoming, vibrant faith community building the kingdom of God through our many ministries. We celebrate our diversity, seeking to realize the gifts of each member of our parish, as we are all joined together under one faith, in a spiritual journey of evangelization, service to others, and a reverence for all life. In the Eucharist, we find new life, and bring this life to others through stewardship, education, and worship.

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Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011

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Wedding Banns
Sunday, August 14 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am Blanche Houdek Is 56:1, 6-7; Ps 67; Rom 11:13-15, 29-32; Mt 15:21-28 12:00 pm Special Intention Monday, August 15 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:30 am Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132;1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27- 9:15 am 28 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Tuesday, August 16 St. Stephen of Hungary Jgs 6:11-24a Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday, August 17 Weekday Jgs 9:6-15 Mt 20:1-16 Thursday, August 18 Weekday Jgs 11:29-39a Mt 22:1-14 Friday, August 19 St. John Eudes Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22 Mt 22:34-40 Saturday, August 20 St. Bernard Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17 Mt 23:1-12 Sunday, August 21 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 22:19-23; Ps 138; Rom 11:3336; Mt 16:13-20 8:30 am Mildred Sapata 8:30 am Betty Niziolek 8:30 am For the unborn 8:30 am Marcela Breta 10:00 am Dorothy Runge

I Adrian Laurean & Lisa Trombetta II Peter Thomas Nussbaum &

Judy Mary Runge

John Airey Sacrament of Reconciliation

Meet the New Bishop

Fr. Jarosz invites the community of Christ the King to a celebration welcoming our new Bishop Daniel Conlin. On Wednesday, August 17th, 7:00pm Mass at Saint Isaac Jogues Church. Reception following the Mass in the Parish Center will be held for everyone in attendance. Saint Isaac Jogues Church 306 W. Fourth St. Hinsdale, IL 60521 630-323-1248

4:00 pm Confessions 5:00 pm Jeannine Brown

8:00 am

Deacon Fred Francl

10:00 am Walter Stawiarksi 12:00 pm Kay Fischer

Because the feast of the Assumption falls on a Monday this year it is not a holy day of obligation. Holydays were instituted by the Church to remind us of the mysteries of our religion and of the important events in the lives of Christ and of His Blessed Mother, and to recall to us the virtues and the rewards of the saints. The faithful are still encouraged to participate at Mass on those days. Regular weekday is at 8:30 am.

Pray for Healing

Tina Orlita, Dorothy Hamil, Emily Rusek, Marge Urbonas, Dave Hepko, Lillian Szmurlo, Coletta Novak, Adeline Staib, John Cleary, Cathey Castro, Ed Fontana, Betty Adams, Terri Jirsa, Kevin Stellmach, Michael Reynertson, Mary Amabile, Ali Broshar, Madalyn Lostumo, Kathleen Intiher, Mary Lou Nugent, Marilynn Melichar, Natalie McCarthy, Deacon Bill Hetzel, Rita Kiely, Michael Lang, Gonzalo Sadia, Marie Grimes.
* If it has been longer than six weeks since you or your loved ones name has been on the list, please call the rectory to give an update.

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Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011

August 14, 2011

St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Named a Member of the Circle of Hope

The Northern Illinois Food Bank has recognized the St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry at Christ the King as a member of their Circle of Hope. The Circle of Hope is a society of NIFBs most generous and involved donors. We will be recognized on NIFBs 2011 Annual Report and Donor Wall at the Geneva facility. We are honored to be included in the Circle of Hope, and wish to share with all of our generous benefactors this prestigious recognition. Special thanks to long time member Don Shimkus, our lead person in our relationship with the Northern Illinois Food Bank.

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
In todays first reading, the Lord speaks through the prophet Isaiah during a time of political dissolution and moral decline. The prophet had warned of Gods judgment against people for the feelings of self-importance they found in their possessions, and condemned them for various forms of economic injustice such as exploiting the poor and immigrants. Good stewards know that Isaiahs message is as compelling today as it was in the time of the kingdom of Judah: Do the right thing. Offer justice and compassion toward others. Be honest in all your dealings. And remember to observe the day of the Lord.

Stewardship of Treasure July 30/31, 2011 Collection

How Much Should I Give?
# Registered Families Account White Envelopes Non-envelope users This weeks total Weekly Budget *Difference* 1380 No. 326 Households Amount $10,668.25 $2,024.52 $12,692.77 $12,692.00 + $ .77

Green Envelopes* (Mortgage) Restricted Budget** Difference Gold Envelopes Gold Budget


$1,015.00 $1,731.00 - $716.00


$660.50 $673.00

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Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011

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Calling all Teens: World Youth Day Lock-In U Can B Part of IT!
Are you ready for a night of fun, food, and fellowship?

We know how hectic life can be this time of year, but Religious Education is an important part of your childs journey! If you have not yet registered for RE, please call Sherry at 630-396-6078 to make an appointment. Before you know it, classes will be starting!

Classes Begin:
Sunday, September 11, 2011 Wednesday, September 14, 2011 and

Join us as we head over with other teens in the Diocese to St. Isidore Parish for a virtual World Youth Day experience. We will start with Mass here at Christ the King on Saturday, August 20th and end up at St. Isidores in Bloomingdale for a night of lock-in fun. They will have inflatable activities of all sorts, games, activities, food and there will be an opportunity to SKYPE with the teens in Madrid. We will also watch the World Youth Day Mass LIVE at 2:00 AM. The cost for the evening is $15. Pick up your permission slip in the back of church. RSVP to Sherry Rochford by August 14th. [email protected] OR 630-396-6078

Come on out and bring your friends!

Sessions Meet: Sundays- 8:45-9:45 AM Wednesdays - 6:30-7:45 PM

Register For RE NOW!

We Need YOU!! What is your gift? Do you hear God calling you? Can you share your faith with our young parishioners?
We are still looking for a few good people who want to share their faith with the young people of Christ the King. We need Catechists and assistants. As a Catechists, you will work with an assistant or Co-Catechist to share your faith through weekly lessons. We provide all the resources you need to help you on this journey. As an assistant, you will help the Catechists by helping the children stay on task. Never say you are too young because we can use High School Students too! Wont you consider answering Gods call by sharing your gifts? If we can help you discern that call, please contact Sherry Rochford 630396-6078 Thank-you for all you do for Christ the King!

Protecting Gods Children Work Shop Sat. Aug. 27, 2011 at 9:00-11:30 a.m. in the Parish Life Center
All volunteers that work with minors must have on record a proof of attendance to a Protecting Gods Children Workshop, application, written acknowledgement of a Standards of Behavior and a criminal background check. Our next Protecting Gods Children workshop will be on Sat. August 27, 2011. Please go to the web site and register. You may also call Eileen at 630 396 6076.

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Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011

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The Alpha Course Schedule

Alpha Schedule: August 17, 2011 How Can We Have Faith? August 24, 2011 Why and How Do I Pray? August 31, 2011 Why and How Should I Read the Bible? September 7, 2011 How Does God Guide Us? September 14, 2011 How Can I Resist Evil? September 21, 2011 Why and How Should I Tell? September 28, 2011 Does God Heal Today? October 5, 2011 What about the Church? Each evening begins at 7:00 p.m. with hospitality in the Parish Life Center. There is an approximately 40 minute DVD presentation followed by small group discussion. Anyone interested can come to one or all of the evenings. If you can register ahead of time is wonderful, but you are always welcome! For more information please call Eileen at 630-396-6076.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Are You Interested in being a part the Catholic community?
Each year thousands of adults choose to become Catholics. They come from different backgrounds for different reasons: Some are already Christians from other traditions attracted by the teaching of the Catholic Church and by the example of individual Catholics they know. Some are from another faith or no faith at all who have heard about Jesus, His claim to forgive sin and His promise of eternal life. Some are non-Catholics who have been coming regularly to Mass for years with their Catholic relatives. They wish now to become full members of the Church. Some have had no previous contact with the Church at all but have this inner calling to discover the truth about the most important questions of life. The program is also for Catholics who missed out on the sacraments as children. If any of the above situations applies to you, then the RCIA process is for you. The R.C.I.A. is a process of faith formation for baptized non-Catholics and persons who have never been baptized who may be interested in becoming members of the Catholic Church. The process, done in a group setting, is facilitated by a team of parishioners and a staff member/ priest. Some of our team members became Catholics through this process while others are "life-long Catholics." Those persons who will be attending R.C.I.A. fall into three categories: Catechumens are persons who have not been baptized. They will receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Candidates for full communion with the Catholic Church have been baptized in another Christian tradition and would like to be in full communion with the Catholic Church. They will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Catholics who have been baptized but have not received the other Sacraments of Initiation will receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. For more information contact [email protected]

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Childrens Choir / Instrumentalists

Children's music ministry for boys and girls rehearsal will start Wednesday, September 14! Singers and instrumentalists in grades 3-6, come meet new friends, learn to lead new music in different styles, and have fun! Rehearsals will be on Wednesdays, 5:306:15pm. Children who attend Wednesday evening RE will be walked to the school afterwards. The children will rehearse at 9:15am to be music ministers at the 10:00 mass on the fourth Sunday of each month from October - April (excluding December 25). Rehearsals are mandatory in order to sing at masses. Singers of all levels are welcome. Instrumentalists need to be able to read music, hit pitches, and produce a consistent tone. Questions? Contact Denise Blank at 630-8890676 or [email protected].

Teen and Young adult Musicians

If you're thinking of music education, elementary education, or you just like kids and music, here's a way to beef up your college and job apps! CTK's children's music ministry is seeking a volunteer to act as assistant to the conductor. This position may include some conducting, helping teach part-singing, accompanying, and some administration and communication tasks. Ideal candidates would be at least 16 years old, have interest in working with children, knowledge and experience of Roman Catholic worship services, and be able to play/sight read well enough to learn to accompany on either keyboard or guitar. Choir or instrumental ensemble experience is a plus. Candidates must be available Wednesdays, 5:00-6:30 p.m., and the fourth Sunday of each month, 9:00-11:00 a.m., October - April (excluding December 25). All activities take place at Christ the King Church in Lombard. Questions? Contact Denise Blank at 630-889-0676. Interested? Send a resume of your experience/interest in music and working with children (include phone contact info) to [email protected]. Applications must be received by September 1. The position starts the week of September 10.

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Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011

August 14, 2011

You are cordially invited to attend our Open House at Christ The King Early Learning Academy Friday August 19, from 4:00 6:00 pm Come visit the school that leads the diocese of Joliet in cutting edge technology with full-day kindergarten and preschool! ENROLL NOW BEFORE OUR CLASSES FILL UP! Please call for a tour or to register at: 630-627-0640 Visit our website [email protected] We look forward to seeing you!

Open House!

Save the date

An invitation to all the gals in the parish from 6 to 96 Come for Tea! Sunday - September 18th at 2:00 pm in the Parish Life Center.

Understanding The Revised Mass Texts

This is a four hour training session .We are asking that every Liturgical Minister and Catechist attend one of the following Sessions. There will be a sign up in the Narthex.

The Biblical Walk Through The Mass

The Biblical Walk through the Mass is a 5 week, one and one half hour bible study. If you are unable to make the New Translation sessions and would like to attend The Biblical Walk through the Mass. It would qualify for training purposes. The times are as follows: Wednesdays: September 7 & 21, October 5 & 19, & November 2 at 7:30-9:00 p.m. Saturdays: October 8, 15, 22, 29 and November 5 at 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays: October 18 & 25 and November 1, 8 &15 at 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. There is a $20 cost for materials for the Biblical Walk Through the Mass. You will also need a Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. You must preregister to order the materials ahead of time.

Saturday, August 20, 9:00-1:00 pm. (Both A & B) Sunday, August 28, 1:00-5:00 pm. (Both A & B) Tuesday, September 13, 9:00-11:00 am. (Session A) Wednesday, September 14, 9:00-11:00 am. (Session B) Monday, September 19, 7:00-9:00 pm. (Session A) Tuesday, September 20, 7:00-9:00 pm. (Session B) Saturday, September 24, 9:00-1:00 pm (Both A & B) Open to all parishioners.

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Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011

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Roman Missal Sign Up Mass Mass (Interpreted Hearing impaired) RCIA Mass

Mass times 8:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm Narthex Church Church ER Church

Adoration Clergy Meeting

8:00 am 5:30 pm Church R/DR

Academy Open House Prayer Group

4:00 pm 7:00 pm Academy ER

Assumption Set up for seminar St. Vincent De Paul

8:30 am mass 9:00 am 12:00 pm Church PLC ER

Roman Missal Training Open House Confessions Mass

9:00 am 1:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:00 pm Narthex Academy Narthex Church

Early Education Seminar Rosary and Chaplet Admin Committee Meeting

8:30 am 5:30 pm 7:00 pm PLC Church ER

Mass Mass (Interpreted Hearing impaired) RCIA Mass

8:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm Church Church ER Church

Gathering Service Year WCS Banquet Meeting Prayer Shawl Ministry Alpha

8:30 am 9:00 am 1:00 pm 7:00 pm Church PLC ER PLC

August 20, 5:00 PM

August 21, 8:00 AM

August 21, 10:00 AM

August 21, 12:00 PM

Altar Server

Neil Orr Kelly Zelenka Charlene Giampapa Joseph Iapichino Florence Owens George Zelazny Fran Zelazny Gene Doretti Fr. Bob Schoenstene

Charles Grunert Hannah Krause

Nicole Campbell Kaitlin Klasen Ryan Lim Mark Campbell Joseph Maka Karen Schumann Ed Schumann KimberlyAnn White Marie Voss Fr. Peter Jarosz

Cedric Martinez Justin Martinez Monique Martinez Roberta Beckman Patricia Caruso Terry Caruso Martha Cebulski Patricia Millsap Valeree Paras Fr. Peter Jarosz

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

Jan Benshoof Marie Brudnicki Lolita Javier Matt Novak Sandie Novak Dolores Aikman Fr. Bob Schoenstene

Lector Presider Ministers of Care

B. Collins, G. Francl, L. Michalik, B. & P. Robinson, R. Caselli, Sue McGarry, E& E Mears

CHURCH NAME & NUMBER Christ The King #512918 ADDRESS 1501 South Main Street Lombard, IL 60148 PHONE 630.629.1717 CONTACT PERSON Gina Gallo 630.290.6367 or Eileen Maggiore 630.308.1127 SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher 2007 E-Mail from [email protected] Adobe Acrobat NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 12


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