Hrist THE ING Arish: It'S Here! St. Joseph Table Sunday

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1501 South Main Street, Lombard, IL 60148 Rectory: (630) 629-1717 Fax: (630) 705-0692 Academy: (630) 627-0640 Fax: (630) 705-0139



The tables are set, the soup is hot and the meal is ready to go. The St. Joseph Committee and the Service Commission are all prepared for this family-oriented event. The gymnasium is decorated Italian style and all we need now is for you to join us at 1:00 pm. For a free-will donation, you cant beat the St. Joseph Table for fellowship, good eats and helping others in need. Proceeds from this years St. Joseph Table will be donated to Catholic Charities in Lombard.

Parish Reconciliation Service Monday, March 19, 2012 @ 7pm

This lent let Jesus create in you a clean heart through one of the many opportunities for reconciliation. The parish reconciliation service will offer community prayer with private confessions from one of the seven confessors.IfyouareunabletomakeitonMonday,we haveascheduleforeachdayoftheweek. Tuesday,March2011am1:00pm Wednesday,March216:008:00pm Thursday,March223:005:00pm Friday,March236:308:00pm Saturday,March244:004:45pm

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Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011

March 18, 2012

Christ the King Directory

BISHOP: Most Rev. Daniel Conlon PASTOR: Rev. Peter Jarosz 630.396.6079; [email protected] WEEKEND ASSISTANT: Rev. Robert Schoenstene 630.629.1717 x 6082 DEACONS: Deacon Wayne Storrs 630.629.1717 Deacon Frank Lillig 630.396.6077 [email protected] Deacon Peter Robinson 630.629.1717 [email protected] PASTORAL ASSOC./ ADULT FAITH FORMATION: Eileen Maggiore 630.396.6076; [email protected] BUSINESS MANAGER: Elaine Colpo-Ward 630.396.6073; [email protected] CHILDRENS FAITH FORMATION: Sherry Rochford Youth Outreach 630.396.6078; [email protected] DIRECTOR OF MUSIC AND LITURGY: Bill Runge 630.396.6075; [email protected] PASTORS/PARISH OFFICE SECRETARY: Carol Clishem 630.629.1717; [email protected] BULLETIN EDITOR: Gina Gallo [email protected] ACADEMY SECRETARY/ PARISH FINANCE ASST.: Lori Bhardwaj 630.627.0640; [email protected] KINDERGARTEN TEACHER: Jill Placey, Academy Director 630.627.0640; [email protected] PRE-SCHOOL TEACHER: Karen Hanish PRE-SCHOOL AIDE: Christine Leslie KINDERGARTEN AIDE: Michelle Iwinski FACILITIES MANAGER: Javier Aguilera 630.396.6093 [email protected] MAINTENANCE: Tony Azzolin, Joe Iapichino, Victor Mandin

Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12:00 Noon


Saturdays: 4:00pm-4:45pm M-F 9am; And by appointment


Second Saturdays at 11:00am


Weekdays at 7:35am Tuesdays 5:30pm

1st Thursday 9:00am until 1st Friday at 8:15am Other Thursdays 9:00am-8:00pm

Mon-Thurs: 9:00 am-3:00 pm Friday: 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. After Hours By Appointment REGISTRATION: We welcome you as a family member of Christ the King Parish. It is our hope and prayer that you feel at home with us at weekend masses, prayer times, and parish activities. Registration is on the first Sunday of the month in the narthex, after each Mass or come to the parish office during business hours. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Arrangements for baptisms are made by attending a preparation meeting. Parish registration is a prerequisite for attending the meeting. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Please allow eight months of preparation time. Date arrangements are made after the initial meeting with pastor or a representative before any other commitments are made. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: If you or one of your loved ones are in need of the Sacrament contact the rectory or see the priest after Mass. In case of an emergency of illness or death, please contact the rectory, ext 1. SACRAMENT PREPARATION FOR CHILDREN: A child must be registered in Religious Education classes for two years prior to receiving the Sacraments of Initiation. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS: Individuals who are interested in becoming in full communion with the Catholic Church ought to contact the parish rectory for an appointment.

Christ the King Mission Statement

The People of Christ the King in Lombard are a welcoming, vibrant faith community building the kingdom of God through our many ministries. We celebrate our diversity, seeking to realize the gifts of each member of our parish, as we are all joined together under one faith, in a spiritual journey of evangelization, service to others, and a reverence for all life. In the Eucharist, we find new life, and bring this life to others through stewardship, education, and worship.

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Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011

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Christ the King Lenten Fish Fry

Sunday, March 18 Fourth Sunday of Lent 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23; Ps 137; Eph 2:4-10;Jn 3:14-21 Alternate readings (Year A):1 Sm 16:1b, 67, 10-13a; Ps 23; Eph 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38] Monday, March 19 St. Joseph 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a Tuesday, March 20 Lenten Weekday Ez 47:1-9, 12; Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday, March 21 Lenten Weekday Is 49:8-15 Jn 5:17-30 Thursday, March 22 Lenten Weekday Ex 32:7-14 Jn 5:31-47 Friday, March 23 St. Turibius Wis 2:1a, 12-22 Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday, March 24 Lenten Weekday Jer 11:18-20 Jn 7:40-53 Sunday, March 25 Fifth Sunday of Lent 8:30 am For the Unborn 8:30 am Lynn Hall 8:30 am Souls in Purgatory 8:00 am Felicidad Conrado Ranola 10:00 am Mariann Weglarz 12:00 pm Raymond King

8:30 am Priests of the Diocese

The Knights of Columbus are hosting the annual Lenten Fish Fry at Christ the King on Friday, March 30. Dinner will be served in the Parish life Center from 5:00PM 8:00PM, and everyone is welcome. Please invite family, friends and neighbors to this enjoyable evening. If you are planning on attending the Friday Stations of the Cross, stop by for an earlier dinner before the stations. The Knights will be serving battered cod, baked tilapia, French fries, rice pilaf, Cole slaw and green beans. There is also a children's menu of Mac & Cheese and green beans. Of course there will be desserts, coffee, soft drinks, beer and wine. Tickets are available at reduced prices after the masses the weekends of March 17 & 18, and March 24 & 25. Adult tickets are $8.00, seniors are $7.00, and children between the ages of 5 and 12 are $6.00. Families of 2 adults and two or more children can purchase a family package for $25.00. Tickets are also available at the door the night of the dinner, but will be $1.00 more per ticket. All proceeds from this event will go to help pay down the parish mortgage.

Welcome Into The

8:30am Louis Bergantino 8:00 pm 40 Day Mass Gonzalo Sadia

Catholic Church!
Congratulations to the parents of Asa Murray

4:00 pm Confessions 5:00 pm Louis Bergantino

Pray for Healing

Jasmin Navarro, Betty Silvasy, Elaine Logan, Norma Migali, Cathey Castro, Joshua Hubbard, Kay Quinlan Kearney, Lorraine Airey, Tina Orlita, Frank Lillig, Joyce Sasso, Kevin Stellmach, Michael Reynertson, William Pociask, Eugene Los, Rita Kersten, Coletta Novak, Deacon Tom Fricke Fr. Herbert Essig, Ed Schumann, Fr. Ernie Norbeck
Please put in writing the name, address, phone and family contact and send to the rectory to let us know if you want your loved one to be on the Healing List.

8:00 am Special Intention

Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 10:00 am Louise Intrieri 12:20-33 Alternate readings (Year A):Ez 37:12-14; Ps 130; Rom 8:8- 12:00 pm Frank Hopkins 11; Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33

Pray for Our Military

Douglas Wozniak, Thomas Pierczynski, John Pierczynski, Nicholas Zappa, James Crue, Philip Corpuz Torralba, Nick Bunyea, Allen Petersen, Matt Beifuss, Francis Beifuss, David Starke, Derek Sisneros, Chris McGarry

Rest in Peace
Our condolences to the family and friends of Mary Chlapecka

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Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011

March 18, 2012

STEWARDSHIP OF TIME Lunch With the Lord Fridays at Noon

Stations of the Cross followed by a simple soup lunch-perfect for those who want to pray but are limited with time. I would like to thank all those who have helped provide soup and assistance with the stations and set up: Mary Ellen & Dick Clish, Judy & Don Knox, Florence Kaminski, Pat & Bob LeBeau, Michelle Iwinski, Pat Beifuss, Joe Iapachino, Larry Michalic, Ditas and Arsenio Alzona, Roger DSouza and Eileen Maggiore. You have each provided some awesome soup or spiritual guidance and support for all who attend! Thank-you Thank-you Thank-you! Sherry Rochford, Childrens Faith Formation

Mar 3/4, 2012 Collection
# Registered Families Account White Envelopes Non-envelope users This weeks total Weekly Budget *Difference* Green Envelopes* (Mortgage) Restricted Budget** Difference Gold Envelopes 65 86 1400 No. 381 Households Amount $10,872.00 $3,179.00 $14,051.00 $12,692.00 + $1,359.00 $1,608.00 $1,731.00 - $123.00 $913.25 $962.00

Thank you for helping us make up the difference)

Gold Budget (extra ordinary expenses)


A Way to Give Back

A note of gratitude to our St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry that will now share in the cost, with the parish, for the pest control of the East Room and all the buildings of the campus. As you know we are in a wetland area and wooded area, which surrounds, the parish campus . St. Vincent De Paul will contribute 30 dollars a month, towards this needed service for the parish. Thank you for giving back and being faithful stewards. St. Vincent, pray for us. Fr. Jarosz and Finance council

Thank you to all that participated in the Diocesan appeal last weekend. Our goal set by the Diocese is $52,435 and we hope we will be able to reach our goal. As of this week, we are at $14,611, which is 27.86 % of our goal. If you have not turned in your pledge envelope, please do so. You can put the envelope in the Sunday collection basket. For those that were not able to participate or if you have reviewed your financial situation and feel your resources will allow additional support, please complete the envelope provided by our Bishop, plus additional envelopes will be available in the narthex. This is an excellent opportunity for us to reach out and provide support for the many great ministries the Diocese supports that help those truly in need and the ways the diocese assists the parish in the work of Christ. Finance Council

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Build a Better You. Through Living the Eucharist Retreat Saturday, April 28th
9:30-2:30 in the PLC and Church We conclude our Lenten Parish Renewal with a retreat on April 28, 2012. This is a half day retreat focusing on how to respond to Gods promise made to us, I will always be with you. The first half of the day begins with prayer, discussion, and followed with lunch and Adoration. All parishioners are invited to the retreat whether you participated in the small groups or not. This is a wonderful way to commence the Easter Season. We need musicians, lectors, prayer leaders, and kitchen help for the retreat. Please contact Eileen Maggiore by email at [email protected].

Short Examination of Conscience

When was my last good confession? Did I receive Communion or other sacraments while in the state of mortal sin? Did I intentionally fail to confess some mortal sin in my previous confession? Did I willfully and seriously doubt my faith or put myself in danger of losing it by reading literature hostile to Catholic teachings or by getting involved with non-Catholic sects? Did I engage in superstitious activities: palm reading, fortune telling? Did I take the name of God in vain? Did I curse or take a false oath? Did I use bad language? Did I miss Mass on a Sunday or a holy" day of obligation through my own fault, without any serious reason? Did I fast and abstain on the prescribed days? Did I disobey my parents or lawful superiors in important matters? Was I selfish in how I treated others especially my spouse, my brothers and sisters, my relatives, or my friends? Did I hatefully quarrel with anyone, or desire revenge? Did I refuse to forgive? Did I cause physical injury or even death? Did I get drunk? Did I take illicit drugs? Did I consent to, advise, or actively take part in an abortion? Did I willfully look at indecent pictures or watch immoral movies? Did I read immora1 books or magazines? Did I engage in impure jokes or conversations? Did I willfully entertain impure thoughts or feelings? Did I commit impure acts, alone or with others? Did I take contraceptive or abortifacient pills, or use other artificial means in order to prevent conception? Did I steal or damage another's property? How much? Have I made reparation for the damages done? Have I been honest in my business relations? Did I tell lies? Did I sin by slander? By detraction - telling unknown grave faults of others without necessity? Did I judge others rashly in serious matters? Have I tried to make restitution for any damage of reputation that I have caused? If you remember other serious sins besides those indicated here, include them also in your Confession:

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Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011

March 18, 2012

Christ the King Early Learning Academy presents: The 3rd Annual

Lombards Got Talent!

Saturday, April 21st


Do you have a special talent? Can you sing, make people laugh or perform magic? Can you dance, juggle, or play a musical instrument? Come and share your talent. Show us what amazing things you can do! If you are between the ages of 3 and Infinity, you could be a part of the 3rd Annual Lombards Got Talent Show , to be held on Saturday, April 21st at 7pm at Christ the King Early Learning Academy gymnasium at 115 E. 15th Street, in Lombard. The Academy will be holding LAST CHANCE AUDITIONS in the school gym on Tuesday, March 20th at 6:30 pm. You must provide your own music and instruments. Entrant Fee to audition is $3.00 per act. Entrant Fee is $6, if there are four or more people in your act.

Tickets to the talent show are on sale now at the Christ the King Early Learning Academy office.
Admission fee for reserved seating is $10 each.

(There are only 40 of these tickets available.)

Admission fee for general seating is $7 each Children-age 2 and under are admitted free.

Call 630-627-0640 for more information!

PATRIOTIC ROSARY The Legion of Mary is sponsoring the monthly Patriotic Rosary on Saturday, March 24 at 2:00 p.m. @ Sacred Heart Church, 114 S. Elizabeth St., Lombard Each bead of the Rosary is for one of the 50 States. Come join The Legion of Mary in this devotion and to pray especially for the conversion of our nation and for the upcoming elections that our nation will choose leaders who will uphold the Constitution and the Laws of God. This devotion is held every 4th Saturday of the month. STAND UP FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RALLY On Friday, March 23rd at noon there will be a Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally in defense of religious freedom against the Obama administration's HHS Mandate, at the Federal Plaza, 50 W. Adams Street, Chicago. These rallies are being organized all over the country by Eric Scheidler and Dr. Monica Miller. So far they have 80 cities signed up to participate. For m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n g o t o Please come and be a part of something important. Support our brave bishops, leaders of other faiths, and Jewish leaders as well. Show Washington that we will not meekly accept this assault on our free exercise of religion.

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HE LIVES! Retreat for grades 3-5 Saturday, March 24th 2:00-4:00 PM PLC get a New Attitude a Beatitude Attitude!


Living Stations All 5-8th graders are invite to help us with our very popular Living Stations Practice times are: Monday March 19, 6:15-6:45 PM (prior to Parish Reconciliation Service) Monday, April 2, 6:30-8:00 PM Good Friday-1:00-2:30 Performance 3:00 PM-On Good Friday

Where 2 or more are gathered Join us this Sunday Evening at 7:00 PM See the PasThe Gathering sion expressed through sand art and help us plan our Sunday, March 18 summer events. Our events this summer: YLC June 22-24 God Calls You By Name Bread Truck - July 23-28 SWIM July 30-Aug. 3 (Summer Witness in Mission) Other things to work on: Extreme Trampoline, Pool Party, Cougars Game, Summer Retreat

YLC 2012 June 22-24 Early Bird cost $165Deadline April 20th FIRM

(call Sherry for paperwork and info)

Join us at 7:00 PM in room 8 of the ELA on Tuesdays during Lent. Our next gathering will focus on participation GET IN THE GAME!!! Tuesday, March 20

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Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011 Getting to Know Our Staff

March 18, 2012

During the summer of 1988, my brother Philip was occasionally filling in for Sister Helen as the organist for masses. Since he was already director of music at another parish in Chicago, he was unable to continue this on a regular basis. He informed the pastor, Fr. Valente, that he had a brother that might be able to "help out" for a mass once in a while. I remember coming home from Montini one day that November to have a message from Sister Helen saying they needed help for the 7:30am Sunday masses, and so began my career as a church musician. Christmas Day, 1988, at the 7:30am Mass, a 14 year old kid sat up on the organ and started playing Christmas carols. As time went on, I began to play the organ at the Noon mass and started singing with the choir. After becoming the assistant director at Notre Dame de Chicago in 1993, I had to give up singing in the CTK choir, but remained as organist for the 7:30 and Noon masses. This became a way of life for me. Serving the church as a liturgical musician was, and still is, my life's passion. I would play the Saturday evening liturgy at Notre Dame; the 7:30am mass at CTK before flying down the Eisenhower (almost literally) to play the 10am at Notre Dame, and quickly returning to CTK for the Noon mass. After Sister Helen's retirement in 1997, Father Dvorscak, who is still a very dear friend of mine, hired me as the full-time Director of Music. Father Dvorscak, being an organist himself, assisted me in becoming the liturgical musician I am today. As a mentor, he taught me the skills needed to serve this community in prayer and song. He, along with Sister Helen, were instrumental (no pun intended) in my musical and spiritual formation. With Father Jarosz's arrival in 2002 came my appointment as Director of Liturgy and Music. In the ten years since, it has been my pleasure to continue serving the people of Christ the King Parish. I am thankful to Father Peter for urging me to become certified through the Diocese of Joliet by means of the Liturgy Certification Program, LCP, which I completed in 2009. Christ the King Parish has been my home for almost 24 years. It has truly been a privilege to be part of this community for so long. Many of my colleagues ask how I can stay in one place for so long, and my answer has always been the same: I love the people. You have been part of my extended family for the majority of my life. I would be at a loss without all of you! God bless you all, and thank you for letting me be part of your lives. With Sincerest Gratitude, Bill Runge Director of Music and Liturgy Suburban Catholic Singles Group (SCSG) Multi Parish Ministry For singles in their 40s and 50s March/April Events Another Round Bar & Grill 5141 Main St. Downers Grove, IL Wednesday March 21st 6:30 - 9:30 pm
March Events Space Golf Sat. 3/24 6 PM 15611 S.94th Av, Orland Park Carpooling available Meet at Panera Bread in LaGrange at 5:00 PM will leave promptly at 5:15 PM Stations of the Cross Fri. 3/30 - 6 PM St. John of the Cross Church, 5005 Wolf Rd., Western Springs April Events Dinner & Movie Sat. 4/14 Time TBD Hollywood Blvd. Cinema- 1001 W. 75th, Woodridge Brookfield Zoo Sat. 4/28 10:00 AM - 1st Ave and 31st St., Brookfield Above events are subject to change. Visit our web site for up to date information. You can contact us at [email protected] us on Facebook - Suburban Catholic Singles

Blood Pressure Screenings

Blood pressure screenings will be taken on the week-end of March 24 and 25. Please come after Mass to the counsel room to check your current blood pressure and to learn about how blood pressure affects your health. Blood pressures will be taken by an RN.

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Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011

March 18, 2012

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Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011

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Mass RE Classes Confirmation Retreat #5 Set-up for St. Joseph Mass (Interpreted Hearing impaired) Family Class Mass RCIA Mass St. Joseph Table Baptism The Gathering (Youth Ministry)

8:00 am 8:45 am 8:45 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 1:00 pm 7:00 pm Church Academy PLC Gym Church Church ER Church Gym Narthex Academy

Adoration Break Open the Word Reconciliation K of C

9:00 am 10:00 am 3:00 pm 7:30 pm Church Rectory Church ER

Stations of the Cross w/soup Prayer Group Reconciliation Stations of the Cross Prayer Group Mass - 40 Days

12:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm Church ER Church Church ER Church

St. Vincent De Paul Pantry Lent Reconciliation RCIC

12:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm ER CH/PLC R

Adoration Committee Meeting He Lives Retreat Confessions Mass Free Blood Pressure Screen

10:30 am 2:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm ER PLC Narthex Church Council R

Youth Council Meeting Staff Meeting Reconciliation Rosary Admin Committee Meeting

7:00 am 11:00 am 11::00 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Academy R/DR Church Church ER

Mass RE Classes Confirmation Retreat #5 Free Blood Pressure Screen Mass (Interpreted Hearing impaired) Liturgy of the Word for Children Scrutiny # 3 RCIA Mass Pilgrimage Meeting Taize Service

8:00 am 8:45 am 8:45 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 7:30 pm Church Academy PLC Council R Church Church Church ER Church ER Church

St. Patricks Luncheon Prayer Shawl Ministry Childrens Choir Reconciliation RE Class Baptism Class Kings Choir Rehearsal Bible Study

11:00 am 1:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm PLC ER Ch/PLC Church Academy Narthex Church ER

Daily Mass 8:30 am

Adoration Every Thursday

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Rosary, Tuesdays 5:30 pm

Ministry Schedule for Saturday, March 24, and Sunday, March 25, 2012
Mass Time Lectors Altar Server Presider Ministers of Care

Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM Sunday 10:00 AM Sunday 12:00 PM

K. Reinebach

A. Forstneger D. Hernandez P. McGovern, L. Penas J. Pizzotti M. Brudnicki, M. Iwinski L. Javier, F. Kaminski G. Majcen R. Maslinski, I. Olson C. Porras, R. Venezio B. Venezio M. Marten, M. Marten R. Mathew, V. Paras S. Pierscionek

N. Gelino J. Gelino T. Gelino K. Zelenka E. Chmielewski K. Klasen H. Krause

Fr. Peter Jarosz

M. & K. Campbell M. Gonzalo

A. Staron

Fr. Peter Jarosz Fr. Bob Schoenstene Fr. Bob Schoenstene

L. Michalik S. Pierscionek C. Thompson M. Novak E& E Mears J. & E. Rodenas

M. Shutock

R. Villamil

D. Lavedas A. Sandei

CHURCH NAME & NUMBER Christ The King #512918 ADDRESS 1501 South Main Street Lombard, IL 60148 PHONE 630.629.1717 CONTACT PERSON Gina Gallo 630.290.6367 or Eileen Maggiore 630.308.1127 SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher 2007 E-Mail from [email protected] Adobe Acrobat NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 12


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