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Development of a Cost-Effective Dynamometer

using PLC

Group Members
Qaisar Mehmood (2019-EE-512)
Mehroz Zahid (2019-EE-532)
Abbas Javeed (2019-EE-533)

Supervised by
Engr. Muhammad Usman Aslam

Department of Electrical Engineering (RCET)

University of Engineering and Technology Lahore
Development of a Cost-Effective Dynamometer using PLC

Group Members
Qaisar Mehmood (2019-EE-512)
Mehroz Zahid (2019-EE-532)
Abbas Javeed (2019-EE-533)

Supervised by
Engr. Muhammad Usman Aslam


Department of Electrical Engineering

Rachna College of Engineering and Technology (RCET) Gujranwala
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore
Development of a Cost-Effective Dynamometer using

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Degree of

Bachelor of Science
Electrical Engineering

Approval on _________________

Supervisor External Examiner


Electrical Engineering Department


Department of Electrical Engineering

Rachna College of Engineering and Technology (RCET) Gujranwala
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore

We Hereby Declare That This Project Report Entitled "DEVELOPMENT OF COST-

EFFECTIVE DYNAMOMETER USING PLC," submitted to the "Department of Electrical
Engineering (RCET)", is a record of an original work done by us under the guidance of
Supervisor "ENGINEER MUHAMMAD USMAN ASLAM" and that no part has been
plagiarized without citations. Also, this project work is submitted in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering degree.

Group Members Signature Date

Qaisar Mehmood

Mehroz Zahid

Abbas Javeed


All praises and thanks to Almighty Allah, Who provided us with the capability to complete
this assigned task.

We want to thank all the wonderful people whose support and encouragement made this
project possible. We want to thank our FYP supervisor, Engr Muhammad Usman Aslam
and Principal Dr. Haroon Farooq, who gave us continuous guidance, assistance, and
inspiration to continue efficiently working on our project and obtain promising results. We
want to thank all our teachers for their advice, help, aid in troubleshooting, and permission
to try out various laboratory systems.

We would also like to thank The Usman Engineers for helping us provide some of the
required components and equipment and allowing us to use their space for testing and

We want to thank every person who contributed to our final year project directly or
indirectly. We wish to acknowledge their comments and suggestions, which were crucial for
completing this task.

Last but not the least, we would like to present a special thanks to our families for their love,
understanding, encouragement, and confidence in us.

Qaisar Mehmood

Mehroz Zahid

Abbas Javeed

Table of Contents
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1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Motivation............................................................................................................................ 2

1.2 Problem Statement ............................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 2

1.4 Chapter Outline .................................................................................................................... 3

2 Literature Review ......................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Dynamometer ...................................................................................................................... 4

2.1.1 History of Dynamometer ................................................................................................. 5

2.1.2 Dynamometer Classifications .......................................................................................... 5

2.2 Research Gap ....................................................................................................................... 6

3 Methodology................................................................................................................................. 8

3.1 Learning PLC and HMI ....................................................................................................... 8

3.1.1 Win-pro-ladder .................................................................................................................... 8

3.2 Small Projects ...................................................................................................................... 9

3.2.1 Automatic Coffee Vending Machine ............................................................................... 9

3.3 Selection of Sensors ........................................................................................................... 10

3.3.1 Torque from the load cell and YH-T7E ......................................................................... 11

3.3.2 Revolutions per minute from the encoder...................................................................... 12

4 Detailed Design and Architecture ............................................................................................... 13

4.1 Component Details ............................................................................................................ 17

4.1.1 Contactors ...................................................................................................................... 17

4.1.2 Relays ............................................................................................................................ 18

4.1.3 PLC................................................................................................................................ 18

4.1.4 Individual Description of Each Part .............................................................................. 20

4.1.5 Circuit Breaker .............................................................................................................. 21

4.1.6 Encoder.......................................................................................................................... 21

4.1.7 Load cell ........................................................................................................................ 22

4.1.8 HMI ............................................................................................................................... 23

4.1.9 RS-232 ........................................................................................................................... 23

5 Implementation and Testing ....................................................................................................... 24

5.1 Implementation and testing of load cell and YH-T7E module .......................................... 24

5.1.1 Installation Connection .................................................................................................. 25

5.1.2 Testing and evaluation of ladder diagram ..................................................................... 27

5.1.3 Results on the status page .............................................................................................. 33

5.2 Implementation and testing of encoder .............................................................................. 33

5.2.1 Encoder Connections ..................................................................................................... 33

5.2.2 Project I/O configuration ............................................................................................... 34

5.2.3 Ladder logic code for calculating RPMs from the encoder ........................................... 35

5.2.4 Results on the status page .............................................................................................. 37

6 Conclusion and Future Work ...................................................................................................... 38

6.1 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 38

6.2 Future Work ....................................................................................................................... 38

Table of Figures

Figure 3-1: Selecting PLC type ............................................................................................................. 8

Figure 3-2: SFC in Win-pro-ladder ....................................................................................................... 9

Figure 3-3: Selected Components ....................................................................................................... 10

Figure 3-4: Project layout .................................................................................................................... 11

Figure 4-1: Connections of dynamometer's motor .............................................................................. 14

Figure 4-2 Connection diagram of motor under test ........................................................................... 15

Figure 4-3: Control circuit of dynamometer ....................................................................................... 16

Figure 4-4: Magnetic contactor ........................................................................................................... 17

Figure 4-5: Relay................................................................................................................................. 18

Figure 4-6: FBs-20-MA ...................................................................................................................... 18

Figure 4-7: Typical ladder diagram ..................................................................................................... 19

Figure 4-8: Instructions list ................................................................................................................. 19

Figure 4-9: Different parts of Fatek PLC ............................................................................................ 20

Figure 4-10: Circuit breaker ................................................................................................................ 21

Figure 4-11: Encoder........................................................................................................................... 22

Figure 4-12: Load cell ......................................................................................................................... 22

Figure 4-13: HMI ................................................................................................................................ 23

Figure 4-14: RS-232 cable .................................................................................................................. 23

Figure 5-1: YH-T7E reading weight ................................................................................................... 24

Figure 5-2: Load .................................................................................................................................. 24

Figure 5-3: Data on real term .............................................................................................................. 25

Figure 5-4: YH-T7E Connection layout .............................................................................................. 25

Figure 5-5: Sensor LED pins ............................................................................................................... 26

Figure 5-6: Cable pins ......................................................................................................................... 26

Figure 5-7: Practical communication check ........................................................................................ 26

Figure 5-8: Ladder logic code 1 for PLC ............................................................................................ 27

Figure 5-9: Ladder logic; Continuation of figure 5-8 .......................................................................... 28

Figure 5-10: Ladder logic; Continuation of figure 5-8 ........................................................................ 29

Figure 5-11: Ladder logic; Continuation of figure 5-8 ........................................................................ 30

Figure 5-12: Ladder logic; Continuation of figure 5-8 ........................................................................ 31

Figure 5-13: Ladder logic; Continuation of figure 5-8 ........................................................................ 32

Figure 5-14: Results on the status page ............................................................................................... 33

Figure 5-15: Encoder connections ....................................................................................................... 34

Figure 5-16: Encoder configuration .................................................................................................... 34

Figure 5-17: Encoder configuration .................................................................................................... 35

Figure 5-18: Ladder logics for encoder ............................................................................................... 36

Figure 5-19: Ladder logic: Continuation of figure 5-18 ...................................................................... 37

Figure 5-20: Results of encoder on status page ................................................................................... 37

List of Tables

Table 2-1: List of dynamometer manufacturing industries………………………………………….. 5

Table 4-1: List of individual parts ……………………………………………………………………20

List of Abbreviations

PLC Programmable Logic Control

HMI Human-Machine Interface

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

RPM Revolutions Per Minute

PPR Pulses Per Revolution

PPS Pulses Per Second

MCU Microcontroller Unit

PC Personal Computer

PID Proportional-Integral-Derivative

DTC Direct Torque Control

SVM Space Vector Modulation

SFC Sequential Flow Chart

CV Current Value

PV Previous Value

PWR Power

ERR Error

LED Light-emitting Diode


Induction motors are widely utilized due to their simple and robust design, cost-
effectiveness, and high reliability. With a wide power range and efficient operation, they
offer self-starting capability and compatibility with the standard power grid, making them
the preferred choice for various applications. These motors must be tested before any
application for performance parameters such as speed (rpm), torque, and power. The
development of a dynamometer proves very fruitful for testing purposes, but this testing
comes at a greater expense, hence not quite affordable. This article describes how a "Cost
Effective Dynamometer" effectively tests such parameters under a reasonable tag. The
dynamometer works with PLC, analog modules, communication buses, and HMI. The
components being used are cheaper but effective. The encoder and load cell measure the
speed, and torque of the motor under test, respectively. The results of these parameters are
displayed on an HMI. This project also follows the rule of SDGS which is decent work and
economic growth and industry, innovation, and infrastructure which are goal number 8 and
9 respectively.

Chapter 1

1 Introduction

In this era, the industrial sector occupies a large area, accommodating a great use of electric
motors. The industry's most popular motor by far is the ac induction motor. It is extensively
used because of its low buying cost, durable design, and low maintenance [1]. It accelerates
high load inertia more rapidly and efficiently and is more dependable than synchronous
motors under transient load situations. Pumps, fans, compressors, and conveyors can all be
driven by these motors, which transform electrical energy into mechanical energy. However,
testing and assessing these motors' capabilities is crucial to ensure they are performing at
their peak levels.

A dynamometer is one of the most widely used tools for testing and evaluating the
performance of induction motors. Dynamometer is a device used to measure the output of
engines, motors, and other machines [2]. It can measure force, torque, or power output, test
and calibrate equipment, troubleshoot problems, and optimize performance.

This thesis aims to design and develop a cost-effective dynamometer system for induction
motors using a Fatek PLC as the control system. The system will be designed to provide
accurate measurements of motor performance, including torque and speed while being easy
to use and cost-effective compared to traditional dynamometer systems.

The research will begin with a review of existing induction motor dynamometer systems,
followed by a detailed explanation of the components and architecture of the proposed
system. The design and implementation of the Fatek PLC-based control system will then be
presented, along with experimental results demonstrating the accuracy and cost-
effectiveness of the system. The data obtained will be used to evaluate the performance of
the motor, including its efficiency, power and starting and running characteristics.

The results of this research will provide valuable insights into the performance of induction
motors and help optimize their efficiency and reliability. The findings of this thesis will be
helpful for engineers, manufacturers, and researchers in the field of induction motor
technology [3]. It will also help design, test, and optimize induction motor systems, which is
crucial for industries that rely heavily on these motors.

1.1 Motivation

Electric motors are widely used in many industries and applications, such as transportation,
manufacturing, and power generation. To ensure that these motors are functioning correctly
and efficiently, manufacturers need a way to test and evaluate their performance. This is the
part where induction motor dynamometers come in.

By using an induction motor dynamometer, manufacturers can ensure that their motors meet
the performance specifications and identify any issues with existing motors. Additionally, it
also helps in the research and development of new electric motor designs. Induction motor
dynamometers also help improve the quality of the motors and reduce production costs.

1.2 Problem Statement

The points of the problem statement are as under:

• Some dynamometer designs may not provide accurate torque and power output
measurements, which can lead to errors in determining the motor's efficiency.
• Some current dynamometers are complex and challenging to use, which can
increase the time and cost of testing and make it difficult for non-experts to perform
the test.
• Current dynamometers are expensive and may not be affordable for many industries
or researchers.
• Current dynamometers are large and heavy, making them difficult to transport and
use in different locations.
• Some current dynamometers may not be compatible with different motors or control
systems, limiting their use to specific applications.
• Some current dynamometers have a limited measurement range and may be unable
to test motors with a wide range of power ratings.

1.3 Objectives

The objectives of the project are the development of a dynamometer that

• Can measure the output power, torque and speed of the motor precisely.
• Is cost effective and mobile.
• Is compatible with an extensive range of motors.

• Is easy to use.

1.4 Chapter Outline

Five chapters make up this thesis, from the introduction to the conclusion. Following this
introduction (chapter 1), previous work on dynamometers and literature review is discussed
in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 elaborates the methodology and design. Chapter 4 includes results
and parameters, followed by Chapter 5, which covers conclusions and future work.

Chapter 2

2 Literature Review

2.1 Dynamometer

The cost of dynamometer systems varies widely depending on the size and type of
operation. Generally, larger systems are more expensive, ranging from a few thousand to
several thousand dollars. The cost of operation also varies depending on the type of
operation, as well as the frequency of use. Generally, larger systems require more frequent
maintenance and calibration, which can increase the cost of operation. Safety considerations
should also be considered when assessing dynamometers' cost-effectiveness. Most
dynamometers come with safety features that help to reduce the risk of injury or damage to
the equipment. These features include emergency shut-off switches, overload protection,
and special guards.
Several engine development operations, including the calibration of engine management
controllers, thorough analyses of combustion behavior, and tribology, can be performed on
dynamometers as part of a testbed. Dynamometer for measuring hand strength testing the
strength of your grip Hand-held dynamometers, as they are known in medicine, are used for
initial and ongoing assessments of patients with hand damage or dysfunction and routine
grip and hand strength checks. Additionally, they are utilized to assess grip strength in
patients who may have compromised cervical nerve roots or peripheral nerves. Force
dynamometers are used to measure the back, grip, arm, and leg strength of athletes, patients,
and workers in rehabilitation, kinesiology, and ergonomics to assess physical status,
performance, and task demands.
In conclusion, dynamometers' cost-effectiveness depends on various factors, including the
size and type of system, the cost of operation and maintenance, the accuracy and reliability
of the system, and the safety considerations associated with its use. Generally, larger
systems are more expensive but provide more accurate and reliable results. Additionally,
safety features should be considered to reduce the risk of injury or damage to the equipment.
The project fulfils maximum SDGs to make it economical, safe and environment friendly.
This project achieves two sustainable development goals, including decent work &
economic growth and industry, innovation & infrastructure.
A list of motor dynamometers manufacturers companies is listed shown in Table 2-1 [4].

Table 2-1: List of dynamometer manufacturing industries

Companies Country Website

Application Systems India
AEP Transducers Italy
Adoorwin Industrial Limited China
Hwanwoong Mechatronics Co., Ltd. Korea
Weinlich GmbH & Co. KG Germany

Every industry needs a motor, which calls for a dynamometer for maintenance. Since there
is no dynamometer production in Pakistan, all enterprises must import expensive
dynamometers, including import duty expenses. The proposed project is an essential step to
ease dynamometers' availability and repair services; it is also economically effective. This
project is arranged under the supervision of Engr. Muhammad Usman Aslam in final year
project at Rachna College of Engineering and Technology, Gujranwala, with the
collaboration of Usman Engineers, Gujranwala.

2.1.1 History of Dynamometer

The Graham-Desaguliers Dynamometer was invented by George Graham and mentioned in

the writings of John Desagulier in 1719 [5]. Desaguliers modified the first dynamometers,
so the instrument became known as the Graham-Desaguliers dynamometer.

With the passage of time, engine and vehicle dynamometers are made by Worcester, United
Kingdom-based Froude Ltd. They claim that William Froude invented the hydraulic
dynamometer in 1877 and that their ancestor firm manufactured the first commercial
dynamometers in 1881 [6]. In recent years, technology related to dynamometers has
advanced significantly. For instance, certain modern dynamometers correctly measure force,
power, and torque using digital sensors and microprocessors. Additionally, improvements
have been made in how dynamometers are used to test renewable energy sources like solar
and wind power.

2.1.2 Dynamometer Classifications

Dynamometers can be broadly classified into two types. These are:

5 Power Absorption Dynamometers
Dynamometers that measure and absorb power are known as power absorption
dynamometers. The absorbed power is typically released as heat in some way. Prony brake,
rope brake, eddy current, hydraulic, and other dynamometers are examples of power
absorption dynamometers. Power Transmission Dynamometers

Power is transmitted to the load connected to the engine after it is indicated on a scale in
power transmission dynamometers. They are also referred to as torque meters.

2.2 Research Gap

Worldwide, much research has been done on the cost-effectiveness of dynamometers using
PLC but not in Pakistan.

• In the United States, three students from Cornell University designed an electric motor
dynamometer to measure a small electric motor's torque, efficiency, and power by using
PIC32 MCU. But MCUs necessitate special mounting and connection considerations to
withstand industrial environment shock and vibration [7].
• Development of Load Characteristic of Main Engine and Its PLC Compatible
Preparation in Cooperation with Water Brake as Generator, in which SIEMENS PLC is
used as a microcontroller which is expensive as compared to FATEK PLC, and
SIEMENS sensor modules are not readily available in Pakistan's market [8].
• One research had also been done in the US by the university "University of Arkansas"
to design and Implement a Small Electric Motor Dynamometer for Mechanical
Engineering Undergraduate Laboratory with Computer Automated Measurement and
Control as a microcontroller. But PCs cannot protect the control code and execution
activities from outside influences [9].
• In India, research has been held for the performance Investigation of PLC Hardware for
a Portable Two-Wheeler Dynamometer Test rig. Mitsubishi FX series PLCs are used as
an operating unit, but compared to our proposed solution, it is expensive and does not
easily avail their compatible modules and sensors [10].
• Another research has been done on how to build a PID-based dynamometer; in this
research, a propositional-integral-derivative control logic algorithm is used to tackle the
industrial environment. The most popular control algorithm used in industry is PID
control, which is widely utilized in industrial control but has no customization option

for additional usability that plays a vital role in increasing overall industry efficiency
• In China, Beihang University designed and simulated an electrical dynamometer using
improved DTC induction motor on the basis of driver space vector modulation (SVM)
technique. However, this dynamometer is designed to measure torque and stator current
ripples only [12].
• Measurement System for the Experimental Study and Testing of Electric Motors at the
Faculty of Engineering, University of Debrecen, is designed for testing prototype racing
cars' motor efficiencies to improve their active duty. This project is PC based system.
PCs cannot protect the control code and execution activities from outside influences

Chapter 3

3 Methodology

Developing a cost-effective dynamometer was completed by following steps one by one.

These steps are the following:

1. Learning PLC and HMI

2. Small projects
3. Selection of sensors
4. Working with sensors

3.1 Learning PLC and HMI

First, it was used to practice and learn how the PLC and HMI worked while working on a
few modest tasks. Win-Pro-ladder is the PLC's chosen software. Several studies related to
this senior project were carried out using this software.

3.1.1 Win-pro-ladder

For FATEK PLCs, Win-Pro-ladder software is used. Using FATEK PLC, this software was
studied and practiced. Figure 3-1. depicts the front view of the Win Pro Ladder, as all new

Figure 3-1: Selecting PLC type

file settings are made

using that page. The PLC being used in this project is FBs-20-MA. It has 12 DC, 24V
inputs. The inputs include 2x100 KHz, 4x20KHz and 6x20KHz ports while there are 8 total
outputs. The outputs are 2x100KHz and 6x20KHz ports. It has 1 communication port that
can be expanded upto 3 depending upon the modules connected to it.

Figure 3-2. displays a Sequential Flow Chart (SFC) example. The SFC is a different PLC
language from ladder diagram.

Figure 3-2: SFC in Win-pro-ladder

3.2 Small Projects

We created the projects listed below as assignments while learning about PLC.

3.2.1 Automatic Coffee Vending Machine

We created a PLC program to create an autonomous coffee maker that allows users to
purchase a cup of coffee by entering coins into the device. Utilize the Ladder Diagram
language to implement the PLC program for this machine.

3.3 Selection of Sensors

After that, the first objective is to select compatible sensors with a minimum price and good
performance by reviewing previous work on them in the last decade. A dynamometer can
fulfil our required results of measuring the motor's RPMs, torque and power. After that, the
aim is to arrange the necessary sensors, checking one by one and the hardware structure
before construction. Now this research shows how to develop a cost-effective dynamometer
to get the following results:

• First, we conducted a literature review on the project to determine how much work is
involved and how it may be completed. We read nearly seven research articles for this,
and we gained a lot of knowledge.
• After that, a list of the equipment required for this study is designed. Then decide
which of the equipment options is best for our project.
• An analogue sensor load cell of 100kg by Tin Hang Technology Limited, YH-T7E
communication port, the incremental encoder of 500 pulses per revolution by Hubner
Berlin Encoders, 7-inch HMI by Weintek, PLC microcontroller by Fatek FBs-
20MAT2-AC, dc generator by Siemens, FBs-CB25 and RS-232 communication cable

Figure 3-3: Selected Components

are selected. These selected components are shown in Figure 3-3.

• Perfect alignment is an important issue. The motor being tested and the dynamometer
must be perfectly aligned. The flexible coupling is used to address this misalignment
• The software which is selected to program our PLC is win-pro-ladder version
• The accuracy and reliability of dynamometers also play an essential role in their cost-
effectiveness. Generally, higher-end systems provide more accurate and reliable

Figure 3-4: Project layout

results. This is due to the use of more advanced sensors, as well as the use of more
sophisticated software.
• In Figure 3-4, the project is Working with Sensors

After selecting sensors, the next step is calibrating sensors by connecting them with PLC.
These steps are described below one by one.

3.3.1 Torque from the Load Cell and YH-T7E

• In this section, measurement is performed to calculate torque.

• The data transferred from the load cell through YH-T7E is in ASCII.
• First, with the help of ladder logic, this serial data is converted into floating form.
• This data is the weight of the rotating motor produced by the moment arm on the load
• The weight is converted into force by this calculation.
𝐹 = 𝑚 × 𝑎 3.1

𝐹 = 𝑤 × 𝑔 3.2

• Torque is derived from exerted force and moment arm by this calculation.
𝑇 = 𝐹 × 𝑙 3.3

3.3.2 Revolutions Per Minute from the Encoder

In this section, measurement is performed to find the motor's RPMs under test from PPR.

• PPR is specified on the encoder.

• To achieve real-time RPM, average data values are arranged according to the
revolution in data per second.
• Set two values as CV and PV. Initially, set the previous value to zero.
• RPM is obtained from scaling through ladder logic code steps. These steps are
discussed below.
𝑃𝑃𝑆 3.4
𝑅𝑃𝑀 = × 60

Chapter 4

4 Detailed Design and Architecture

The systematic and imaginative process of developing a technical element that satisfies
particular functional requirements and constraints is called design. The design is vital in this
project when referring to problem-solving. Let us begin with the basics of this project. A
labelled diagram for all the wired connections of the dynamometer is given below [1]. In
Figure 4-1,4-2,4-3, L1, L2 & L3, and respectively are three-phase connections with the
motor and CT1, CT2 and CT3 are three current transformers going from motor to analyzer
meter. The sheet for understanding the circuits is given below.

K1 Magnetic Contactor 1

K2 Magnetic Contactor 2

K3 Magnetic Contactor 3

TB1 Terminal Block 1

TB2 Terminal Block 1

TB3 Terminal Block 1

A1 220V AC Terminal to Control Circuit

A2 Neutral Terminal to Control Circuit

R1 Relay 1

R2 Relay 2

R3 Relay 3

F1 Shunt supply terminal1 to motor M2

F2 Shunt supply terminal2 to motor M2

TR Transformer 400V to 220V

Figure 4-1: Connections of dynamometer's motor

Figure 4-2 Connection diagram of motor under test

Figure 4-3: Control circuit of dynamometer

4.1 Component Details

The components being used in the project are as follows

• Contactors
• Relays
• Encoder
• Circuit Breaker
• RS-232
• Load Cell

4.1.1 Contactors

An electrical switching device known as a contactor switch is used and it regulates electrical
power circuits. It can handle high-current loads and is essentially an electrically driven
switch intended to be utilized when frequent switching is necessary. A series of contacts, an
electromagnetic coil, and a spring-loaded mechanism that pushes the contacts apart when
the coil is de-energized make up a conventional contactor. The contacts are pulled together
when the coil is energized, completing the electrical circuit and permitting current to pass
through the controlled device. A contactor used in the project is shown in Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4: Magnetic contactor

4.1.2 Relays

Typically, a 220V AC relay comprises a coil that becomes energized when a voltage is
introduced and a series of contacts physically attached to the coil. The contacts are drawn
together by the magnetic field created when the coil is energized, completing the circuit and
allowing current to flow through it. In our project, we employ the relay for safety.Figure 4-5
displays a being utilized in the project.

Figure 4-5: Relay

4.1.3 PLC

The PLC employed in this project is FBS-20-MA. The FBS-20MA is a small PLC with 8
relay outputs and 12 digital inputs. Users may program sophisticated logic processes and

Figure 4-6: FBs-20-MA

control sequences using its robust and adaptable instruction set. Additionally, the
PLCfeatures built-in connection connectors for RS-232, RS-485, and Ethernet that let it
connect to various hardware and systems. The PLC is displayed in Figure 4-6. Fatek PLC
understands and supports two programming languages: ladder logic and instructions list. Ladder Diagram

An industrial automation system's PLCs may be programmed and controlled using ladder
diagrams, a graphical programming language. It has rungs for logical processes, contacts for
input devices, and coils for output devices. Together, they resemble a ladder. Ladder
diagrams are a crucial tool for developing and programming industrial automation systems
because they are adaptable, simple to modify, and offer a visual depiction of a system's
logical order of actions. A typical ladder diagram is illustrated in Figure 4-7.

Figure 4-7: Typical ladder diagram Instruction List

Programmable logic controller (PLC) programming uses an instruction list, a text-based

Figure 4-8: Instructions list

programming language. It consists of a series of commands that the PLC follows
sequentially. Small- to medium-sized control system programming is frequently done using
instruction list programming since it is effective and simple to interpret. See Figure 4-8 for
better understanding.

4.1.4 Individual Description of Each Part

A complete diagram of Fatek PLC is displayed in Figure 4-9.

Figure 4-9: Different parts of Fatek PLC

Table 4-1 gives detail of each part of PLC.

Table 4-1: List of individual parts

Number Name Number Name

1 Input and power supply 11 Installation holes (2)
2 Input terminal label 12 Screws to install/remove the
3 Port to install BD board 13 Input LED
4 COM 2 14 Action LED: PWR; RUN;

5 COM 1 15 Expansion cable
6 Cover plate for COM port 16 Output terminal
7 Output terminal label 17 Action LED
8 Output and 24V power 18 Port to connect with
terminals expansion
9 Output LED 19 Input and power supply
10 Port to connect with expansion

4.1.5 Circuit Breaker

It is intended to safeguard an electrical circuit from harm brought on by excessive current

due to overload or short circuits. Its primary job is to stop the current flow after a problem
has been found. The circuit breaker utilized in this project is depicted in Figure 4-10.
SIEMENS Company circuit breakers are utilized in this project.

Figure 4-10: Circuit breaker

4.1.6 Encoder

An encoder is a component that transforms mechanical motion into electrical signals for use
in automation and control systems. It comprises a spinning shaft connected to a disc or
wheel. The disc or wheel passes past a sensor as it spins on the shaft, which creates
electrical pulses that may be used to track speed. In this project, Hubner Berlin Encoder that
gives 500 pulses per rev is being utilized to measure the rpm of the induction motor. Figure
4-11 displays an encoder being used in this project

Figure 4-11: Encoder

4.1.7 Load cell

A transducer that measures force or weight is called a load cell. Strain gauges are installed
on a metal body that makes up the device. When a force is applied, the body deforms,
changing the strain gauges' resistance and resulting in an electrical signal that can be
detected. We are utilizing a load cell by Tin Hang company that can measure a weight up to
100 KG. The load cell is displayed in Figure 4-12.

Figure 4-12: Load cell

4.1.8 HMI

We are using Wintek HMI in this project. The HMI displays parameters like motor
speed(rpm), torque and power of the motor. Figure 4-13 displays an HMI.

Figure 4-13: HMI

4.1.9 RS-232

A common protocol for serial communication is called RS-232, and printers, modems, and
computers use it. A connection used to link two devices utilizing this protocol is known as
an RS-232 cable. The communication cable is being used for communication between PLC
and HMI. It is displayed in Figure 4-14.

Figure 4-14: RS-232 cable

Chapter 5

5 Implementation and Testing

5.1 Implementation and Testing of Load Cell and YH-T7E Module

Before implementation, communication is checked first. Communication check requires

monitoring software for capturing and troubleshooting serial communication data streams.
To be more precise, serial terminals are software tools used for development, debugging,
and reverse engineering. They are helpful for sending and receiving data sent through serial
communication protocols, most notably RS-232 or UART. Real Term is an illustration of a
serial terminal programmer. It can be used to watch, manage, and view serial data. The term
"terminal" derives from an earlier computer terminal utilized for data entry and retrieval.
Terminal emulators simulate the same experience—the communication check requires the
following steps.

• Firstly, we connect the RS232 communication extension of YH-T7E directly to the

• Secondly, install Real Term and adjust their baud rate according to YH-T7E. The
baud rate of both software and module is adjusted to 9600 according to the user
• Now, we test the communication. The weight of 10LB (4.4KG) is applied on the
load cell and read as shown in Figure 5-1, and the weight is shown in Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-1: YH-T7E reading weight Figure 5-2: Load

Figure 5-3: Data on real term

5.1.1 Installation Connection

A connection layout of YH-T7E is shown in Figure 5-4[14]. RS232 communication source

is used for load call communication with PLC. The YH-T7E receive analogue input data
from the load cell and sending to PLC in ASCII code as digital data.

Figure 5-4: YH-T7E Connection layout

The connection between load cell, plc and YH-T7E is according to the following steps. The
9-pin plug socket is used to attach the load cell sensor. Figure 5.5 [2] shows each lead pin's
role. Short E- and S-, E+ and S+ if a 4-core shielded cable is used, or the indicator will not
work correctly.

• To ensure an instrument's perfect metering performance, please use a 6-core
shielded cable. Pins 1 & 2 and 6 & 7 at the 9-pin sensor connector may become
shorted if only a 4-core shielded cable is present at the location.

Figure 5-5: Sensor LED pins

• A continuous serial connection link makes the data communication between the
YH-T7E and higher computer possible.
• The 9-pin socket is used by the YH-T7E communication interface (pin). Pin 2 and
5 on a lead pin are designated as the TXD (serial communication data line) and
ground wire; shielded cable is advised for use as the connection line. Details can be

Figure 5-7: Practical communication Figure 5-6: Cable pins


seen in Figure 5-6 [15].

• Practical implementation is shown in Figure 5-7.
• The ladder logic code for PLC to manipulate the results of the load sensor is
depicted in figures below.
• We use the FBs-CB25 circuit board for PLC dual communication through the
RS232 communication port.

• FBs-CB25 board contains two ports of RS232 and RS245 communication sources.
RS-232 serial communication is used for communication with YH-T7E.

5.1.2 Testing and Evaluation of Ladder Diagram

Figure 5-8: Ladder logic code 1 for PLC

Figure 5-9: Ladder logic; Continuation of figure 5-8

Figure 5-10: Ladder logic; Continuation of figure 5-8

Figure 5-11: Ladder logic; Continuation of figure 5-8

Figure 5-12: Ladder logic; Continuation of figure 5-8

Figure 5-13: Ladder logic; Continuation of figure 5-8

5.1.3 Results on the Status Page

The results on the status page are shown in Figure 5-14. This status page shows all
converted results from ASCII data to decimal data.

Figure 5-14: Results on the status page

5.2 Implementation and Testing of Encoder

An encoder is a sensing tool that offers commentary. Encoders translate movement into an
electrical signal that a counter, PLC, or any control device in a motion control system can
read. A feedback signal from the encoder can be used to calculate position, count, speed, or

5.2.1 Encoder Connections

The encoder is four wired sensors, including two signal wires of blue colour and two power-
up wires of, red and black colour. The encoder is powered up from PLC 24V DC power
points by connecting black wire at the ground and red wire with a 24V DC power supply.
The signal wires have a blue colour representing K1 and K2. These wires are connected
with x0 and x1 terminals of PLC. The used encoder specifies that it produced 500 pulses per
revolution. The practical implementation is shown in Figure 5-15.

Figure 5-15: Encoder connections

5.2.2 Project I/O configuration

After the connection encoder is configured firstly from project I/O configuration as shown
in Figure 5-16.

Figure 5-16: Encoder configuration

Now, we use interrupts to determine the more precise value of RPMs; for this purpose, we
use a high-speed counter and configuring encoder in the following steps as given below
• Select Timer/Counter as HSC0
• Select counter type as hardware counter
• Select counter mode as A/B phase
• Select A-phase as X0. Select B-phase as X1
This configuration is shown in Figure 5-17.

Figure 5-17: Encoder configuration

5.2.3 Ladder Logic code for Calculating RPMs from the Encoder

The code is designed to calculate revolutions per minute, receiving data from the encoder as
pulses per revolution. The ladder logic code for the encoder is shown in Figures 5-18, 5-19.

This code includes the following steps

5. Divide the number of pulses received in one second by 60 to get the pulses per
6. then multiply that number by the gear ratio to get the RPM from PPR.

These steps are followed to design code for calculating RPMs.

A rotary encoder's precision can be described by pulses per revolution (PPR). A device that
transforms mechanical motion into electrical impulses is an encoder. Rotary encoders are
utilized as positioning systems in various fields, including robotics and machine tools.

PPR counts the number of pulses produced by each encoder shaft rotation. As a result, if a
shaft has 100 PPR, the encoder will generate 100 pulses for each complete cycle. The
accuracy of an encoder will improve with increased PPR. This measurement is frequently
used with incremental rotary encoders, which measure a moving object's distance in precise

Figure 5-18: Ladder logics for encoder

Figure 5-19: Ladder logic: Continuation of figure 5-18

5.2.4 Results on the status page

The final result is shown in register DR112, Figure 5-20.

Figure 5-20: Results of encoder on status page

Chapter 6

6 Conclusion and Future Work

6.1 Conclusion

In conclusion, this thesis has been successful in addressing the construction of a low-cost
dynamometer that uses a PLC as its primary control system. The dynamometer system
provides dependable and precise data-collecting capabilities by integrating a load cell for
torque measurement and an encoder for RPM measurement. The current system represents a
considerable breakthrough in terms of accessibility and functionality, notwithstanding the
possibility of implementing changeable test circumstances in the future. Utilizing a PLC
allows for easy integration and scalability for possible industrial applications in addition to
accurate control and monitoring of the dynamometer. The system's usefulness in monitoring
and analyzing the performance traits of various motors is demonstrated by the findings. The
cost-effective technique presented in this thesis advances dynamometer technology and may
be used by researchers, engineers, and businesses engaged in motor testing and analysis.

6.2 Future Work

In this project, only the RPM, torque, and power are being measured for an induction motor.
These parameters are being measured using Fatek PLC, and respective sensors as mentioned
in chapters 3 and 5.

In the future, this project can be extended by including features of variable loading, and
measurement of parameters of other types of motors.

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YH-T7E Weighing Indicator User Manual, V1.01. Shanghai Yaohua Weighing

System Co., Shanghai, China,


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