Final Draft of Pfi On 2005e-1

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Firstly, we would like to thank our almighty God who helped us for the completion of this
partial fulfillment of BSC project. Next we would like to express our heartily gratitude to our
supervisor Alula Mebratu (MSc) for his guidance and enthusiasm given throughout the
progress of this project. Our appreciation also goes to Ato Asefa Megu, a technician in the
Substation and head of all electronics workshop. In addition Ato Belay Wosene head of the
planning department of the Hawassa textile factory. We would also like to thank Hawassa
University Electrical and Computer Engineering Department that involves directly or
indirectly in this project fulfillment.

I | For Hawassa textile factory

Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013

Power factor improvement (PFI) is a technique of counteracting the undesirable effects of
electric loads that create a power factor that less than one. Power factor improvement may be
applied either by an electrical power transmission supply to improve the stability and
efficiency of the transmission network or correction may be installed by individual electrical
customers or factories to reduce the costs charged to them by their electricity supplier. Many
control methods for the Power Factor Correction have been proposed. This work describes
the design and development of a power factor corrector using PIC (Programmable Interface
Controller) microcontroller chip. Measuring of power factor from load is achieved by using
PIC Microcontroller-based developed algorithm to determine and trigger sufficient switching
of capacitors in order to compensate demand of excessive reactive power locally, thus
bringing power factor near to unity. In order to install sufficient capacitor bank we would
analyzed reactive and active power flow of the factory. These power factor improvement
method to automatic as well as capacitor bank would be protected from heat which developed
during the charging of capacitor units, by using reactors connected in series with capacitor

II For Hawassa textile factory

Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................................................ I
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................ II
ABBREVIATION ....................................................................................................................................... VI
CHAPTER ONE ......................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT .......................................................................................... 1
1.2 MOTIVATION ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ............................................................................................ 2
1.4. OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................................ 3
1.4.1 General Objective .................................................................................................................. 3
1.4.2 Specific Objective .................................................................................................................. 3
1.5 METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.5.1. LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................... 3
1.5.2. DATA COLLECTION ................................................................................................................ 3
1.5.3 STUDY THE CAMPANY PROBLEM ........................................................................................... 4
1.5.4 DESIGN SOLUTION BASED ON THE STUDY ............................................................................. 4
1.5.5 SIMULATING THE PROPOSED SOLUTION ............................................................................... 4
1.5.7 ANALYSIS OF RESULTS ............................................................................................................ 4
CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................................ 5
THEORY ................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 POWER FACTOR ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 POWER FACTOR IMPROVEMENT .................................................................................................. 5
2.3 REACTIVE POWER IN TEXTAIL INDUSTORY ................................................................................... 8
2.4 PROBLEM OF POOR FOWER FACTOR ............................................................................................ 8
2.5 HOW TO STUDY PF PROBLEM ....................................................................................................... 9
2.5.1 METHODS OF CORRECTION ................................................................................................... 9
2.5.2 METHODS OF POWER FACTOR IMPROVMENT ...................................................................... 9
2.5.3 REACTIVE POWER COMPENSATION METHODS ................................................................... 10
2.5.4 ADVANTAGES OF IMPROVED POWER FACTOR .................................................................... 11
2.5.5 DISADVANTAGE OF STATIC POWER FACTOR CORRECTION ................................................. 11
2.6 How Capacitors Work ................................................................................................................. 12
2.7 SUPPLY HARMONICS ................................................................................................................... 13

III For Hawassa textile factory

Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013

2.8 DETUNED REACTORS (FOR SERIES…R EXECUTION) .................................................................... 13

2.9 MICROCONTROLLER BASED RELAY ............................................................................................. 15
2.9.1 Microcontroller .................................................................................................................... 15
2.9.2 RELAY ................................................................................................................................... 16
2.10 USES OF MICROCONTROLLER BASED RELAY............................................................................. 16
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................... 17
SYSTEM STUDY ...................................................................................................................................... 17
3.1 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OF THE FACTORY ....................................................................................... 17
3.2 SCHEDULE OF THE MACHINES (LOADS) IN FACTORY ...................................................................... 17
3.3 REACTIVE POWER CONSUMPTION OF THE FACTOR ....................................................................... 17
CHAPTER FOUR ..................................................................................................................................... 20
SIMULATION AND DESIGN .................................................................................................................... 20
4.1 LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS FOR SELECTING CAPACITOR VALUE ........................................................... 20
4.2 SIMULATION RESULT....................................................................................................................... 21
4.3 NEW CAPACITOR BANK RATTING ................................................................................................... 21
4.4 SIMULATION OF MICROCONTROLLER BASED RELAY ...................................................................... 22
4.4.1 PRINCIPLE OF DESIGN .......................................................................................................... 22
4.4.2 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF AUTOMATIC POWER FACTOR IMPROVEMENT .................................. 22
4.4.3 POWER SUPPLY .................................................................................................................... 22
4.4.4 ZERO CROSSING DETECTORS ............................................................................................... 23
4.4.5 HARDWARE .......................................................................................................................... 23
1) Voltage Regulator ......................................................................................................................... 23
2) Current Transformer ..................................................................................................................... 23
3) Potential Transformer................................................................................................................... 24
4) Uln2003 Relay Driver .................................................................................................................... 24
5) Capacitor ....................................................................................................................................... 25
4.4.6 The designed Cosφ meter .................................................................................................... 25
4.4.7 Microcontroller Algorithm Scheme ..................................................................................... 26
4.4.8 Ventilation............................................................................................................................ 29
4.5. Simulation and Discussion ..................................................................................................... 30
4.5.1 Correction Section................................................................................................................ 30
CHAPTER FIVE ....................................................................................................................................... 31
CONCLUSTION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................................ 31
5.1 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................... 31

IV For Hawassa textile factory

Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013

5.2 RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................................................... 31

REFERENCE ............................................................................................................................................ 32
APPENDIX: ............................................................................................................................................. 33
1. MICRO C-PROGRAMMING ............................................................................................................ 33
2. Temperature controller source code ............................................................................................ 35

Table 2.1, Advantage and disadvantage of PFC methods……………………………………12
Table 3.1, machines operating time………………………………………………..…………17
Table 3.2, Power consumption of the factory for March, 2013………………..……………18
Table 3.3, converged power flow of each bus………………………………….……………19

Figure 2.1: Power triangle…………………………………………………………….……….5
Figure 2.2: Phase diagram of current ……………………………………..…….……………7
Figure 2.3, Illustration of fixed power factor correction………………………....….…….....10
Figure 2.4, Illustration of group power factor correction……………………………..…….10
Figure 2.5, Capacitor bank connection with phases …………………………….…………11
Figure 2.6, Principle of capacitor work …………………………………………….……….12
Figure 2.7, detuned filter reactors………....…………………………………….…..……..13
Figure 2.8, Connection of detuned reactor with capacitor unit……………………….……..14
Figure 2.9, Relay……………………………………………………………………………..16
Figure 3.1, Reactive power compensation in the factory…………………………..………...19
Figure 4.1, illustrates the major power system components of the factory…………….…….20
Figure 4.2, block diagram of automatic PFI………………………………………………...22
Figure 4.3, Voltage regulator……………………………………………………….………..23
Figure 4.4, detail of current transformer……………………………………..………………23
Figure 4.5, Relay driver …………………………………………………………………….24
Figure 4.6, show the capacitor…………………………………………………………….……..25
Figure 4.7, block schema of zero cross detection…………………………………….......…..25
Figure 4.8, General circuit diagram………………………………………………..…….…..26
Figure 4.9, Flow chart for the proposed automatic power factor controlling……………......27
Figure 4.10, Temperature controller flow chart……………………………………………………….29

V For Hawassa textile factory

Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013

AC1, 2......................................Air conditioning room
ACPF…………………………….Automatic controlling of power factor
EEPCo……………………………Ethiopian electric power corporation.
KVA…………………………….. Kilo volt ampere
KVAR…………………………... Kilo volt ampere reactive
KW……………………………… Kilo watt
LCD………………………………Liquid crystal display
PFC……………………………….Power factor correction
PFI………………………………..Power factor improvement
PIC………………………………..programmable interface controller
ZCD………………………………Zero cross detection

VI For Hawassa textile factory

Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013

Power factor is the ratio between the KW and the KVA drawn by an electrical load where the
KW is the actual load power and the KVA is the apparent load power. It is a measure of how
effectively the current is being converted into useful work output and more particularly is a
good indicator of the effect of the load current on the efficiency of the supply system. When
an electric load has a PF. lower than 1, the apparent power delivered to the load is greater
than the real power that the load consumes voltage. All currents will cause losses in the
supply and distribution system. A load with a power factor of 1.0 provides most efficient
loading of the supply and a load with a power factor of 0.5 will result in much higher losses
in the supply system. A poor power factor can be the result of a significant phase difference
between the voltage and current at the load terminals. Poor load current phase angle is
generally the result of an inductive load such as an induction motor, power transformer,
lighting ballasts, welder or induction furnace. An improved power factor AC output is the
main target of our project. This paper focuses on the power factor improvement using
Microcontroller based relay switching of capacitor banks.

The main reason we are interested about the project is it contains most of the courses we have
taken. The aim of the project is to improve power factor by analyzing the inductive loads in
the factory. Suitable capacitor unit is selected to compensate reactive power flow. As well as
using microcontroller based relay to be automatic capacitor bank switch ON by sensing
increment of inductive load. Microcontroller is a computing device capable of executing a
program so we program in c high level language.

As we are power students we are motivated to do project around power system. Analyzing
and controlling of active and reactive power while stabilizing voltage drop are need in every
power system. Recently scenario industries are increasing so; the consumption of active and
reactive power will be supported by new designed technologies. There for power factor
improvement would be the most important idea when we think to use power consumptions to
our factory and household loads. Power factor improvement will need to every inductive
loads, then we will make it digitalized controlling system by using microcontroller based
relay for reactive power compensation to switch the capacitor banks as the inductive load

1 For Hawassa textile factory

Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013


Most of textile factory consumes the electricity for the purpose of inductive load. The
inductive load is act as a lagging power factor. So, they using grouped capacitor bank which
operates manually. The existing work on power factor correction in Hawassa textile factory is
having some disadvantages like switching, operations and sensing stability of the system. In
addition, some capacitors blowout due to starting current (inrush current) and overheating
while they are on operation. So, power factor would be failed below 0.95.

This will have direct impact on energy losses and unimproved power factor. This project
focuses on the design and simulation of power factor improvement using PIC Micro-
controller based relay on switching of capacitor bank. Because, switching of capacitor bank is
not automatically. So, power factor is not reliable to inductive power compaction. Capacitor
bank also needs external cooling system as well as temperature sensor relay.

Recently, the technical revolution made embedded technology cheaper, so that it can be
applied to all the fields this can be achieved in a product by using programmable device.
Whenever we are thinking about any programmable devices then Microcontroller based
technology are the most preferable once. This technology is very fast. Therefore, controlling
of multiple parameters is possible and the Parameters are field programmable by the user.
The automatic power factor correction device is a very useful device for improving efficient
transmission of active power. If the consumer connect inductive load, then the power factor
lags, when the power factor goes below 0.95(lag) then the Electric supply company charge
penalty to the consumer. So it is essential to maintain the Power factor below with in a limit.
Automatic Power factor improvement device reads the power factor from line voltage and
line current, calculating the compensation requirement switch on different capacitor banks.

2 For Hawassa textile factory

Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013

1.4.1 General Objective
 To design methods of automatic controlling capacitor bank through microcontroller
based relay, for improvement of power factor in Hawassa textile factory. In addition,
to design system for cooling of capacitor bank ventilation fun with temperature

1.4.2 Specific Objective

 Reduction of Power factor penalty in the factory.
 Reduction of reactive current consumption of the factory.
 Reduction of power loss in transformers and distribution equipment.
 Reduction of voltage drops in long transmission lines.
 Extended equipments life i.e. reduced electrical burden on cables and equipment.
 Gain deeper knowledge about reactive power compensation of power systems.
We would read different methods of low power factor correction. One of the important
methods is use capacitor as a source of reactive power for compensating local reactive power
demand. This approach is more reliable because, it implies the count of lagging current in the
power factor with very precise step setting in term of calculating the phase angle in power
factor correction schemes. we would proposed for automatic detection and controlling of
Power Factor using microcontroller based-relay for an inductive load comprising of both
induction motors as well as resistive load.


First we asked the textile factory that what sort of drawback the current power correction has
in the textile factory. Then we collected the necessary data’s on:
 Active power
 Reactive power
 Penalty the factor pays.
 Transformer ratings
 Ratings of present capacitor bank and etc…
Having this in mind we look forward for the possible solution and methods. This are
selecting appropriate equipments as well as software’s to simulate the design unit we made.
Software’s like power world and proteus are used to check and analyze the operation of the
designed system. Equipments like current transformer, voltage transformer, cooling fan,
temperature sensor, microcontroller, relay, capacitor bank have also been used.

3 For Hawassa textile factory

Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013


A) Capacitor bank ratting of the factory (Literature Survey)
 The capacitor bank in Hawassa textile factor has five units for one transformer rating.
Each unit of the capacitor has 120KVAR of reactive power compensator. Features of
these existing capacitor unit has 120KVAR, 167A, 50HZ,3PHASE,40degree-
centigrade-Nominail temperature and contactor with temperature sensor relay to open
when temperature is above nominal value to protect capacitor units ( 4x25KVAR and
2x11.2KVAR, 380V 50/60Hz connected in parallel).
 Totally 600KVAR have been connected to one transformer. Each unit are operates
separately with common Air circuit breaker. One unit of capacitor bank contains six
capacitors connected in parallel.
 There are four step-down transformers each with ratting of 2500KVA. High tension
side 15kv to 380v output which is supplied to different loads.

B) The major problem that the current PFC has:

 Capacitor bank controller is not automatic (Manual based operation).
 Capacitor blackout due to maximum inrush current ( high starting current).
 Poor PF value (0.67) due to capacitor blackout which is also the result of poor
capacitor specification and there is no heat sink.
 Penalty bill due to manual operation of capacitor bank. In which at instant of time as
the reactive power increase, they cannot sense and turn on capacitor bank instantly.


Using power world simulation software we analyzed power flow for reactive and real power
in the factory and selected suitable value of capacitors to compensate it.


Power flow analysis has been done on the power world simulator software. Figure 4.1,
illustrates the major power system components represented in Power World. In our case two
generator, nine bus, four transformer and four loads are represented to analysis simple power
system of the Hawassa textile factory. We selected the appropriate value of the capacitors to
compensate the reactive power.


 On our project we have designed microcontroller based automatic capacitor bank
controller, temperature sensor relay and ventilation fun for controlling of overheating
between capacitors.
 This project focuses on the design of microcontroller based relay of power factor
improvement and based on switching of electromagnetic relay automatically.


We would analyze the solution on the power world simulator and selected the capacitor value
which was used to compensate the reactive power of the factory, and also we designed the
microcontroller based relay on proteus software to analysis and to see its operation for
inductive load incremental system.

4 For Hawassa textile factory

Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013

Power factor is the ration between the KW and the KVA drawn by an electrical load where
the KW is the actual load power and the KVA is the apparent load power. It is a measure of
how effectively the current is being converted into useful work output and more particularly
is a good indicator of the effect of the load current on the efficiency of the supply system

Apparent Power
Reactive Power

Active Power
Figure 2.1: Power triangle
All current will cause losses in the supply and distribution system.
A load with a power factor of 1.0 result in the most efficient loading of the supply and a load
with a power factor of 0.5 will result in much higher losses in the supply system.
A poor power factor can be the result of either a significant phase difference between the
voltage and current at the load terminals, or it can be due to a high harmonic content or
distorted/discontinuous current waveform. Poor load current phase angle is generally the
result of an inductive load such as an induction motor, power transformer, lighting ballasts,
welder or induction furnace. A distorted current waveform can be the result of a rectifier,
variable speed drive, switched mode power supply, discharge lighting or other electronic
A poor power factor due to an inductive load can be improved by the addition of power factor
correction, but, a poor power factor due to a distorted current waveform requires a change in
equipment design or expensive harmonic filters to gain an appreciable improvement. Many
inverters are quoted as having a power factor of better than 0.95 when in reality, the true
power factor is between 0.5 and 0.75. The figure of 0.95 is based on the Cosine of the angle
between the voltage and current but does not take into account that the current waveform is
discontinuous and therefore contributes to increased losses on the supply.


Electrical service to industrial customers is given as a three-phase supply as opposed to the
single phase power supplied to residential and small commercial customers. Most electric
loads are reactive in nature and have lagging power factor (less than unity). Transmission
lines, transformers and generators of the electric power utility have to carry the lagging
reactive power of the load. Transformers, the distribution systems and the generators are all
rated in KVA or MVA. An improvement in the power factor leads to a reduction in KVA for

5 For Hawassa textile factory

Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013

the same real (average) power supplied. This leads to a release in some of the generation and
transmission capability so that it can be used to serve more customers [6]

Generally, power is distributed through transmission lines and the voltage at one end of these
lines is maintained constant. It can be inferred that as the power factor falls, for a fixed
amount of power, the magnitude of current flowing through these lines increases. As a result
the voltage at the load end drops. Also, loss in the transmission line increases thereby
decreasing the overall efficiency. Hence, to improve the power factor, capacitors in three-
phase banks are connected to the system, such that the combination of the plant load and the
capacitor banks presents a load to the serving utility which is nearer to unity power factor. In
the R-L load is being supplied by the source and a capacitor is connected across the load. It is
known that the capacitor draws a leading current (or supplies lagging current) from the
source. If the magnitude of the current drawn by the capacitor is equal to the quadrature
component of the load current (Iy = IL sin µ), the source will then supply only the active
component of current (Ix). In that case there is a significant reduction in the current flowing
through the trans-mission line (without the capacitor the current flowing in the transmission
line is “IL” and with the capacitor it is IL cos µ). This results in the decrease in voltage drop
and power loss in the transmission [6]

Capacitive Power Factor correction is applied to circuits which include induction motors as a
means of reducing the inductive component of the current and thereby reduce the losses in
the supply. There should be no effect on the operation of the motor itself.
An induction motor draws current from the supply that is made up of resistive components
and inductive components.
The resistive components are:
(i)Load current
(ii)Loss current
The inductive components are
(i)Leakage reactance
(ii)Magnetizing current

6 For Hawassa textile factory

Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013

Figure 2.2: Phase diagram of current

The current due to the leakage reactance is dependent on the total current drawn by the
motor, but the magnetizing current is independent of the load on the motor. The magnetizing
current will typically be between 20% and 60% of the rated full load current of the motor.
The magnetizing current is the current that establishes the flux in the iron and is very
necessary if the motor is going to operate. The magnetizing current does not actually
contribute to the actual work output of the motor. It is the catalyst that allows the motor to
work properly. The magnetizing current and the leakage reactance can be considered
passenger components of current that will not affect the power drawn by the motor, but will
contribute to the power dissipated in the supply and distribution system.
In the interest of reducing the losses in the distribution system, power factor correction is
added to neutralize a portion of the magnetizing current of the motor. Typically, the corrected
power factor will be 0.92 - 0.95, while others penalize consumers with a poor power factor.
There are many ways that this is metered, but the net result is that in order to reduce wasted
energy in the distribution system, the factory would be encouraged to apply power factor
Power factor correction is achieved by the addition of capacitors in parallel with the
connected motor circuits and can be applied at the starter, or applied at the switchboard or
distribution panel. The resulting capacitive current is leading current and is used to cancel the
lagging inductive current flowing from the supply. Main aims of the reactive power
compensation are:
- Maintaining the energy supplier in order to avoid paying
- The energy consumption becomes cheaper
- Improving power quality
- Decreasing power losses
- Decreasing the cross section of the wires
- Decreasing transformer costs as well as its power losses
- Lower voltage drop of supplying network

7 For Hawassa textile factory

Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013


PFC is desirable because the source of electrical energy must be capable of supplying real
power as well as any reactive power demanded by the load. This can require larger, more
expensive power plant equipment, transmission lines, transformers, switches, etc. than would
be necessary for only real power delivered. Also, resistive losses in the transmission lines
mean that some of the generated power is wasted because the extra current needed to supply
reactive power only serves to heat up the power lines.
The electric utilities therefore put a limit on the power factor of the loads that they
will supply. The ideal figure for load power factor is 1, (that is, a purely resistive load),
because it requires the smallest current to transmit a given amount of real power. Real loads
deviate from this ideal. Electric motor loads are phase lagging (inductive), therefore requiring
capacitor banks to counter this inductance. Sometimes, when the power factor is leading due
to capacitive loading, inductors (also known as reactors in this context) are used to correct the
power factor. In the electricity industry, inductors are said to consume reactive power and
capacitors are said to supply it, even though the reactive power is actually just moving back
and forth between each AC cycle. Electricity utilities measure reactive power used by high
demand customers (Factory) and charge higher rates accordingly. Some consumers install
power factor correction schemes at their factories to cut down on these higher costs.
The disadvantages of a poor power factor are:
1. The load draws greater current for the same value of the useful power.
Thus, as the power factor decreases the current required for the same value of active, or
useful, power increases. The result is that the sizes of the equipment, like the switchgear,
cables, transformers, etc., will have to be increased to cater the higher current in the
circuit. All this adds to the cost.
Further, the greater current causes increased power loss or I2R losses in the circuits. Also
due to higher current, the conductor temperature rises and hence the life of the insulation
is reduced.
2. Also, with the increased current the voltage drop increases; thereby the voltage at the
supply point is reduced. For different loads it causes voltage drop resulting in:
 Lower output of the illumination system.
 Less current is drawn by the heating devices so that the operating temperature drops.
This results in increased consumption for the same rise of temperature
 The induction motors slow down and therefore draw more current to produce a fixed
torque for the loads, again more consumption for the same torque.
In the transmission and distribution of the current itself, from the generating station to the
consumer, heating losses will be greater at low power factor (varying in proportion to the
square of the current) and the voltage drop will be in accordance with relation I*Z (where
Z is the impedance, combination of resistance and reactance) . Since the losses in the
electricity system due to low power factor will incur additional cost, it is evident that
these will have to be reflected to some extent in the charges to the consumers. This is
implemented by metering the maximum demand in KVA or by applying a low power
factor penalty component in the tariffs.
8 For Hawassa textile factory
Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013


If our system is found to have a low power factor, then first check that there are no blown
fuses or tripped breakers for any existing capacitor banks. After confirming this, call in an
expert to check installed equipment, sizes, loads and locations. Utility bills should be
examined for the average power factor experienced. It can then be determined what
amount of capacitance is required, the type of control needed, and the desirable location
for the application.


a. For motors of 50 hp and above, it is best to install power factor correction capacitors at the
motor terminals since distribution circuit loading is reduced. When this is done, motor
settings that are over current protection relays must be adjusted down accordingly.
b. In the second arrangement capacitor banks are connected at the bus for each motor control
centre. This compromise to Method 1 will reduce installation costs.
c. In the least expensive method the capacitor banks are connected at the service entrance.
However, the disadvantage is that higher feeder currents still flow from the service entrance
to the end of line equipment.


Methods for improving power factor may be classified as below:-
A) First in which equipment operates at unity power factor thereby improving the
overall power factor of the system, and
B) The second where auxiliary equipment is used specifically to supply the
magnetizing power or the KVAR needed by the load.
Equipment that operates at unity power factor includes:
1. Unity power factor synchronous motors.
2. Unity power factor capacitor motors.
3. Incandescent lamps.
4. Resistance heaters and other non-inductive loads.
When this type of equipment is added to a system, the overall power factor of the system
improves. This additional real power (kW) increases the demand and the energy cost, and is
never done for the sole purpose of improving the power factor. However, the choice of load
(such as a synchronous motor over an induction motor) can improve power factor.
For the present discussions, we would consider reducing the reactive load rather than
increasing the kilowatt load to improve the power factor.
Improving power factor by reducing the KVAR load requires the use of power factor
equipment which operates at a leading power factor such as:
• Synchronous motors which are either over-excited or under loaded with full
excitation so they will supply KVAR to the electrical system.
• Static capacitors which are electrical devices without moving parts that have the
ability to provide magnetizing current to the load. Their efficiency is high
since losses are less than one-half of 1 percent of their KVAC (or KVAR)

9 For Hawassa textile factory

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Generally speaking, undesired power factor value caused by inductive load connected to the
supplying network can be corrected (compensated) by means of loads having the capacitive
Single and group power factor correction
There are few possible configurations of compensating systems; however there are two basic
methods that can be distinguished:
1. Single (fixed) power factor correction – put in practice by connecting power capacitor
directly to terminals of a device that has to be compensated. Thanks of this solution;
electric grid load is minimized, since reactive power is generated at the device terminals.
This method eliminates controlling devices, since capacitor is being switched on and off
by means of the same switch as the device. The main disadvantage of this method is that
the capacitor is not being used when the device is not operating. Moreover, the series of
type of capacitors offered by manufacturers is not always sufficient to meet the

Figure 2.3, Illustration of fixed power factor correction

2. Group power factor correction – this method is more effective than the previous one.
Group PFC assumes compensation of a group of loads supplied by the same switchgear.
Capacitor bank is usually controlled by the microprocessor based device called power factor
regulator, beside this method force applying protection for power capacitors.

Figure 2.4, Illustration of group power factor correction

10 For Hawassa textile factory

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 Reactive power decrease
 Avoid poor voltage regulation
 Overloading is avoided
 Copper loss decreases
 Transmission loss decreases
 Improved voltage control
 Efficiency of supply system and apparatus increases
Power factor correction is achieved by the addition of capacitors in parallel with the
connected motor or lighting circuits and can be applied at the equipment, distribution board
or at the origin of the installation.

Static power factor correction can be applied at each individual motor by connecting the
correction capacitors to the motor starter. A disadvantage can occur when the load on the
motor changes and can result in under or over correction. Static power factor correction must
not be applied at the output of a variable speed drive, solid state soft starter or inverter as the
capacitors can cause serious damage to the electronic components.

Over-correction should not occur if the power factor correction is correctly sized. Typically
the power factor correction for an individual motor is based on the non load (magnetizing)
power since the reactive load of a motor is comparatively constant compared to actual kW
load over compensation should be avoided. Care should be taken when applying power factor
correction star/delta type control so that the capacitors are not subjected to rapid on-off-on
conditions. Typically the correction would be placed on either the Main or Delta contactor
circuits. But the power factor correction to the large factory is very difficult because of many
inductive motors are present. So, common correction used for some of inductive loads in
commonly. Power factor correction applied at the origin of the installation consists of a
controller monitoring the VAR’s and this controller switches capacitors in or out to maintain
the power factor better than a preset limit (typically 0.95).

Power Factor
Correction Unit

Figure 2.5, Capacitor bank connection with phases

11 For Hawassa textile factory
Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013

Table 2.1, Advantage and disadvantage of PFC methods

PFC Method Advantages Disadvantages

Fixed  Compensation at the  Maintains

place of reactive power demanded tangent
generation only for one piece
 Minimize the load at of equipment
the mains  Switching the
 Small capacitor power device off stops
 No regulator for control operation of CB
multi – level CB  Big amount of
compensating units
 Does not
compensate whole
Group  Minimized number of  Poor adaptation to
capacitor the mains
Banks compared to parameters
single compensation  Very often needs
method controlling devices
 Particular parts of the
mains are being
compensated( closer to
the source)

2.6 How Capacitors Work

Induction motors, transformers and many other electrical loads require magnetizing current
(KVAR) as well as actual power (kW). By representing these components of apparent power
(KVA) as the sides of a right triangle, we can determine the apparent power from the right
triangle rule: kVA2 = kW2 + kVAR2.
To reduce the KVA required for any given load, you must shorten the line that represents the
KVAR. This is precisely what capacitors do.
By supplying KVAR right at the load, the capacitors relieve the utility of the burden of
carrying the extra KVAR. This makes the utility transmission/distribution system more
efficient, reducing cost for the utility and their customers.

Figure 2.6, Principle of capacitor work

12 For Hawassa textile factory

Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013


Harmonics on the supply cause a higher current to flow in the capacitors. This is because the
impedance of the capacitors goes down as the frequency goes up. This increase in current
flow through the capacitor will result in additional heating of the capacitor and reduce its life.
The harmonics are caused by many non linear loads; the most common in the industrial
market today, are the variable speed controllers and switch mode power supplies. Harmonic
voltages can be reduced by the use of a harmonic compensator, which is essentially a large
inverter that cancels out the harmonics. This is an expensive option. Passive harmonic filters
comprising resistors, inductors and capacitors can also be used to reduce harmonic voltages.
This is also an expensive exercise. In order to reduce the damage caused to the capacitors by
the harmonic currents, it is becoming common today to install detuning reactors in series with
the power factor correction capacitors. These reactors are designed to make the correction
circuit inductive to the higher frequency harmonics. Typically, a reactor would be designed to
create a resonant circuit with the capacitors above the third harmonic.


The problem with harmonic resonance can be avoided by selecting a different reactor in
series with the capacitor bank. The purposes of such reactors are specifically to avoid tuning
to any frequency where harmonic current may be present. For this reason these reactors are
termed detuning reactors and the capacitor bank as
a whole is referred to as a detuned bank.
The dry type resin embedded reactors are specially
designed to suit the reactive power compensation
application. Their exceptional linearity and thermal
stress resistance characteristics ensure a high
reliability degree even in case of temporary
Figure 2.7, detuned filter reactors
Detuned filter reactors, are used in series with
capacitor banks in power factor correction units.

By using these types of detuned reactors it is possible to avoid following negative effects on
 Over current during switching on the capacitor banks.
 Overload of capacitor banks because of the harmonic resonance.
 Short lifetime on capacitors.
 Overheating of the utility transmission cables.
 Overheating of the distribution transformer.
 Unintended triggering of the protective devices.
 Distortion of supply voltage waveform and problems on voltage sensitive devices.
 Interferences on data transmission systems.
 Unexplainable faults in electronic boards.
Choosing the correct detuned filter reactor and capacitor value on power factor correction
systems is very important. To obtain optimum performance form a power factor correction

13 For Hawassa textile factory

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system following criteria must be controlled and met during the pairing of the reactors and
Adding the inductance in series with the capacitors will reduce their effective capacitance at
the supply frequency. Reducing the resonant or tuned frequency will reduce the effective
capacitance further. The object is to make the circuit look as inductive as possible at the 5th
harmonic and higher, but as capacitive as possible at the fundamental frequency. Detuning
reactors will also reduce the chance of the tuned circuit formed by the capacitors and the
inductive supply being resonant on a supply harmonic frequency, thereby reducing damage
due to supply resonance amplifying harmonic voltages caused by non linear loads.

Figure 2.8, Connection of detuned reactor with capacitor unit.

N.B: Bear in mind that this diagram shows for a single transformer supply. This to mean we
have four Microcontroller based relay since we have four transformers.
 Visual indication of incorrect CT polarity.
 Digital display of power factor and number of energized banks.
 Automatic setting of c/k value (sensitivity based on CT ratio and kvar available).
 Visual indication of insufficient KVAR to reach target power factor.
 Capacitors disabled in steps within 35 milliseconds of main power interruption.
 Automatic sensing of KVAR values per step.
 Optional communications capable (RS-485/Modbus) from controller.
 Optional metering capability

14 For Hawassa textile factory

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 Fully rated for capacitor switching up to 150 KVAR at 600 V.
 Integral pre-charge/pre-insertion module standard. The contactor reduces damaging
switching transients. This provides safety and durability for the system:
 Lessens the chance of disrupting sensitive electronic equipment.
 Reduced inrush current extends the life of the capacitor cells.


2.9.1 Microcontroller
Microcontroller must contain at least two primary components-random access memory
(RAM), and an instruction set. RAM is a type of internal logic unit that stores information
temporarily. RAM contents disappear when the power is turned off. While RAM is used to
hold any kind of data, some RAM is specialized, referred to as registers. The instruction set is
a list of all commands and their corresponding functions. During operation, the
microcontroller will step through a program (the firmware). Each valid instruction set and the
matching internal hardware that differentiate one microcontroller from another.

Most microcontrollers also contain read- only memory (ROM), programmable read- only
memory (PROM), or erasable programmable read –only memory (EPROME). All of these
memories are permanent: they retain what is programmable into them even during loss of
power. They are used to store the firmware that tells the microcontroller how to operate. They
are also used to store permanent lookup tables. Often these memories do not reside in the
microcontroller; instead, they are contained in external ICs, and the instructions are fetched
as the microcontroller runs. This enables quick and low-cost updates to the firmware by
replacing the ROM. Most microcontroller runs contain circuitry to generate the system clock.
This square wave is the heart beat of the microcontroller and all operations are synchronized
to it. Obviously, it controls the speed at which the microcontroller functions. All that needed
to complete the clock circuit would be the crystal or RC components. We can, therefore
precisely the operating speed critical to many applications.

Automatic power factor correction device reads power factor from line voltage and line
current by determining the delay in the arrival of the current signal with respect to voltage
signal from the function generator with high accuracy by using an internal timer.

This time values are then calibrated as phase angle and corresponding power factor. Then the
values are displayed in the LCD modules. Then the microcontroller calculates the
compensation requirement and accordingly switches on different capacitor banks through
electromagnetic relay. This work describes the design and development of a power factor
corrector using PIC (Programmable Interface Controller) microcontroller chip. Measuring of
power factor from load is achieved by using PIC Microcontroller-based developed algorithm
to determine and trigger sufficient switching of capacitors in order to compensate demand of
excessive reactive power locally, thus bringing power factor near to unity.

15 For Hawassa textile factory

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2.9.2 RELAY
A relay is an electrical switch that opens and closes under the control of another electrical
circuit. In the original form, the switch is operated by an electromagnet to open or close one
or many sets of contacts. Because a relay is able to control an output circuit of higher power
than the input circuit, it can be considered, in a broad sense, to be a form of an electrical
amplifier. Current flowing through the coil of the relay creates a magnetic field which attracts
and changes the switch contacts. The coil current can be on or off so relays have two switch
positions and they are double throw (changeover) switches. Usually this is a spring, but
gravity is also used commonly in industrial motor starters. Most relays are manufactured to
operate quickly. In a low voltage application, it is used to reduce noise. In a high voltage or
high current application, it is used to reduce arcing.

Features: Figure 2.9, Relay

 Miniature package with universal terminal footprint

 High dielectric withstanding for transient
protection: 1000V surge in us between coil and contact
 Sealed construction
 Class B coil types available
The relay used here having the specification as follows,
Coil resistance =400ohm
Coil voltage=12Vdc
Contact capacity=230V, 7A


Microcontroller base automatic controlling of power factor will be monitored based on
relays. The current and voltage signal are acquired from the main AC line (L) by using
Current Transformer and Potential Transformer. These acquired signals are then pass on to
the zero crossing detector (ZCD I & ZCD V) individually that transposed both current and
voltage waveforms to square-wave to make perceivable to the Microcontroller to observe the
zero crossing of current and voltage at the same time instant. Bridge Rectifier for both current
and voltage signals transposes the analog signal to the digital signal. Microcontroller read the
RMS value for voltage and current used in its algorithm to select the value of in demand
capacitor for the load to correct the power factor and monitors the behavior of the enduring
load on the basis of current depleted by the load. Synchronizing circuit is developed to
synchronize the zero cross detection circuit, Microcontroller and LCD with incoming supply
In case of low power factor Microcontroller send out the signal to switching unit (relay) that
will switch on the in demand value of capacitor. The tasks executed by the Microcontroller
for correcting the low power factor by selecting the in demand value of capacitor and load
monitoring are shown in Liquid Crystal Display (LCD).

16 For Hawassa textile factory

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Line two(L2) and Line three (L3) are tow three phase supplied by sub-district of Hawassa
EEPCO to the factory, when it arrives the textile factory at substation of the factory both lines
are rearranged parallel on one bas bare with sequence of R-S-T. All supply lines are 15kv.
After it shunts on main bas bare, it would take to primary side of four step-down
transformers. The transformers are rated as, 2500Kva, delta- star connected, and three phases
and have approximately 400v secondary.
Transformer one (T1), was supplied to all FINISHING department loads as well as taped to
important power consumption of emergency generator, and all lighting system of finishing
with their own sub distribution board.
Transformer two (T2), was supplied to all UTILITY loads such as boiler, chiller, milling (air
condition) for each rooms, water pump, water heater………etc.

Transformer three (T3), was supplied to all WIVING department with sub distribution board,
for above hundred smooth shuttles machines.
Transformer four (T4), was supplied to different machines of SPINNING department with
each have their own sub distribution board, such as ,Blowing section ( blain feeder, waste
feeder, combined feeder and polestar feeder) and Silber as well as yarn section ( carding,
drawing farm, roving farm, ring farm, open end ,warping and sizing machines).


Table 3.1, machines operating time
NO Department loads Time of operation
1 Utility loads Operates always
2 Spinning loads Parallel with utility, AC1 and AC2
3 Waving loads Parallel with utility, sizing and AC3
4 Finishing loads Parallel with utility and AC4
Microcontrollers based relay operates with the variation of inductive loads in one department
to the one transformer.


Electrical loads consuming alternating current power consume both real power, which does
useful work, and reactive power, which dissipates no energy in the load and which returns to
the source on each alternating current cycle. The Vector sum of real and reactive power is the
apparent power.
The presence of reactive power causes the real power to be lee than apparent power and so,
the electric load has power factor less than one. The reactive power increases the current
flowing between the power source and the load, which increases the power losses through
transmission and distribution lines. This results in additional cost for power companies. There
for, power companies requires the factory, especially those with high loads, to maintain their

17 For Hawassa textile factory

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power factor above specified amount (usually 0.9 or higher) or be subject to additional
charges; electricity supplier measure reactive power used by high demand consumers and
charges higher rats accordingly.
Table 3.2, Power consumption of the factory for March, 2013
Initial reading Final reading Consumption
Reactive Active Reactive Active Reactive Active
e (Kvar.h) (KWh) (Kvar.h) (KWh) (Kvarh) (KWh)

L2 36498 49409 36646 49582 148 173

L3 28370 45632 28445 45711 75 79

223 252

From this table we get billing of the factory and sending ending of reactive and active power
supplied to it.
Power consumption=252kwh x 3000 x 0.4086birr/kwh=30,890.6birr
Penalty billing =223 x 3000x 0.408birr=27,355birrr
The real and reactive power would be:
For L2; Q=36498kvarh/720h=50.692kvar
For L3; Q=28370kvarh/720h=39.403kvar
P=45632kwh/720h=63.40kw is supplied power.

The factory must install power factor correction schemes at their factories to cut down on
these higher costs. In addition to the increased operating costs, reactive power can require the
use of wiring, switches, circuit breakers, transformers and transmission lines with higher
current capacities. Power world simulator is very important to analysis reactive and active
power flow of the power system. As we show in below power flow diagram, L2 and L3 are
lines which are supplied by sub-district of Hawassa EEPCO, so we would take as generators
on simulation which connected to bus one. In practical bus one is the common bus to all
transformers of primary supply; three phases are shunted on bus one then takes to each
transformer with their arrangements of R-S-T.

18 For Hawassa textile factory

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Figure 3.1, Reactive power compensation in the factory

The power world simulator also analysis, each department would have need how mach units
of capacitor to compensate reactive power. Finishing loads are fixed value and the reactive
power compensator shunt capacitor value would be varies with their units. For,
00.11847MVR of loads reactive power one unit of capacitor is ON as much as possible. The
same for utility loads of 0.07898MVR, one unit is possible to compensate it. For,
0.23694MVR of waiving loads reactive power two units of capacitor units are ON to
compensate the load reactive power and for 0.33567MVR of spinning loads three units of
capacitor units are ON as much as possible to compensate reactive power of the loads.
Table 3.3, converged power flow of each bus

The power consumption in each department with maximum and minimum reactive and active
power of the loads is shown in the following table above. It also shows the appropriate shunt
capacitors values.

19 For Hawassa textile factory

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The simple power system in which, a generator is supplying power to loads through 15KV
distribution system feeders. The solid red blocks on the line and load represent circuit
breakers. To open a circuit breaker simply clicks on it. To vary the generator and load click
on the up or down arrows between the load value and generator value in the “MW” field.
Note that because of the impedance of the line, the load’s voltage drops as the load is
increased. In order to analysis power flow in each department of the factory, power world
simulator is very important. But all active and reactive power flow needed for each
department is in KVA, KW and KVR power units for display values. It is so need to know
and to calculate the exact values of capacitor bank units which is installed to compensate
Reactive Power of each department, when we work to general (grouped) power factor
correction of more loads as the hole.

Figure 4.1, illustrates the major power system components of the factory

The method of connecting a capacitor in parallel with an inductive load is known as power
factor correction. The effect of the capacitor is to increase the power factor of the source that
delivers power load. Also, the source apparent power Ss decreases.
The source current Is = Ss/V also decreases. When line impedance between the source and
load is included, the decrease in source current results in lower line losses and lower line –
voltage drops. The result of power factor correction is improved efficiency and improved
voltage regulation.

20 For Hawassa textile factory

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To see an animated view of the above power flow diagram, open Power Word Simulator case
textile. On the main menu, select Simulation, Solve, and Animate to begin the simulation.
The speed and size of the green arrows are proportional to the real power supplied to the load
bus, and the blue arrows are proportional to the reactive power. Here reactive power
compensation can be supplied in discrete 0.1 –KVAR steps by clicking on the arrows in the
capacitor’s KVAR field, (which means manual operation in practical cause to switch ON and
OFF capacitor units by step by step) and the load can be varied by clicking on the arrows in
the load field. Notice that increasing the reactive compensation decreases both the reactive
power flow on the supply line and the KVA power supplied by the generator; the real power
flow is unchanged.


Depending up on the above simulation result and practical capacitor unit which have best
specification for compensation of reactive power for long period of time, we would select
beast capacitor unit with the following specification. It would be approximately much with
the value of shunt capacitor unit on simulation results
One capacitor would be ∆3x83uFx2=166uF per phase .Generally we have six per of capacitor
connected in parallel. One capacitor would be ratted to 12.5KVAR x2=25KVAR in parallel
which is also one contactor ratting*. There are sex per of capacitors in parallel connected,
6x25kVAR =150KVAR (0.15MVAR) in one unit. Therefore, we have similar three units. So,
that 3x150KVAR=450KVAR (0.450MVAR) would be the capacitor banks ratings, for one
transformer. There are four step down transformers, with high tension side of 15kv primary
and 400v of secondary low voltage side and have ratted ape to 2500KVA. When we selected
the above capacitors based on their specification and unit cost of the pervious value as well as
really needed KVAR amount in the above simulation. The pervious cost per unit is 120,000
birr that are made in Indian as we seen they have poor specification towards the heat
resistivity values. We should reduce the number of units from five to three with beast

*One unit of capacitor from Arebamiche textile made in Chicozalavakiya.

21 For Hawassa textile factory

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Automatic Power Factor correction device is developed basing on a micro controller
Pic16F877A. The voltage and current sampled is converted in to square wave using a zero
cross detector. The V and I sample signals are feed to the micro controller at
INT0 and INT1 and the difference between the arrivals of wave forms indicate the phase
angle difference.


Figure 4.2, block diagram of automatic PFI


In this power supply we are using step-down transformer, IC regulators, Diodes, Capacitors
and resistors. Explanation: - The input supply i.e., 230V AC is given to the primary of the
transformer (Transformer is an electromechanical static device which transform one coil to
another without changing its frequency) due to the magnetic effect of the coil the flux is
induced in the primary is transfer to the secondary coil. The output of the secondary coil is
given to the diodes. Here the diodes are connected in bridge type. Diodes are used for
rectification purposes. The output of the bridge circuit is not pure dc, somewhat rippled ac is
also present. For that capacitor is connected at the output of the diodes to remove the
unwanted ac, capacitor are also used for filtering purpose. The both (-ve) terminal of the
diode (D2 & D3) is connected to the (+ve) terminal of the capacitor and thus the input of the
IC Regulator (7805). Here we are using Voltage regulators to get the fixed voltage to our
requirements.” Voltage regulator is a CKT that supplies a constant voltage regardless of
changes in load currents. These IC’s are designed as fixed voltage regulators and with
adequate heat sinking can deliver o/p currents in excess of 1A. The o/p of the IC regulator is
given to the LED through resistors, When the o/p of the IC i.e , the voltage is given to the
LED, it makes its forward bias and thus LED gloves on state and thus the +ve voltage is
obtained. Similarly, for –ve voltage, here the both +ve terminals of the diodes (D1 & D4) is
connected to the –ve terminals of the capacitors and thus to the I/p of the IC regulator with
respect to ground. The o/p of the IC regulator(7805) which is a –ve voltage is given to the
terminal of LED, through resistor, which makes it forward bias, LED conducts and thus LED
gloves in ON state and thus the –ve voltage is obtained [3].

22 For Hawassa textile factory

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The zero crossing detectors are a sine-wave to square-wave converter. The reference voltage
in this case is set to zero. The output voltage waveform shows when and in what direction an
input signal crosses zero volts. If input voltage is a low frequency signal, then output voltage
will be less quick to switch from one saturation point to another. And if there is noise in
between the two input nodes, the output may fluctuate between positive and negative
saturation voltage.
The controller operates on +5 V dc, so the regulated +v 5 v is supplied to pin no. 40 and
ground at pin no. 20. The controller is used here need not required to handle high frequency
signals, so as 4 MHz crystal is used for operating the processor. The pin no. 9 is supplied
with a +5V dc through a push switch. To reset the processor .As prepare codes are store in the
internal flash memory the pin no. 31 is connected to + Vcc.

1) Voltage Regulator
 When the 12V through voltage regulator, the supply
will be fixing to 5V and divide it to switch ON the PIC
16F877a and relays. The type of the voltage regulator
is LM 7805(see Figure 4.3. Voltage regulator

2) Current Transformer
There are several types of current detector such as current
transducer and current transformer which are use for detected
current by sensing the AC current. Below is an example figure 4.4, for current detector.

A current transformer is a type of "instrument transformer" that is designed to provide a

current in its secondary which is accurately proportional to the current flowing in its primary.
Current transformers are designed to produce either an alternating current or alternating
voltage proportional to the current being measured.

Figure 4.4, detail of current transformer

Current transformers measure power flow and provide electrical inputs to power transformers
and instruments. Current transformers produce either an alternating current or alternating
voltage that is proportional to the measured current. There are two basic types of current
transformers: wound and toroidal. Wound current transformers consist of an integral primary
winding that is inserted in series with the conductor that carries the measured current.
Toroidal or donut-shaped current transformers do not contain a primary winding. Instead, the
wire that carries the current is threaded through a window in the toroidal transformer.

23 For Hawassa textile factory

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3) Potential Transformer
The standards define a voltage transformer as one in which "the secondary voltage is
substantially proportional to the primary voltage and differs in phase from it by an angle
which is approximately zero for an appropriate direction of the connections.
This, in essence, means that the voltage transformer has to be as close as possible to the
"ideal" transformer. In an "ideal" transformer, the secondary voltage vector is exactly
opposite and equal to the primary voltage vector, when multiplied by the turn’s ratio.
In a "practical" transformer, errors are introduced because some current is drawn for the
magnetization of the core and because of drops in the primary and secondary windings due to
leakage reactance and winding resistance. One can thus talk of a voltage error, which is the
amount by which the voltage is less than the applied primary voltage, and the phase error,
which is the phase angle by which the reversed secondary voltage vector is displaced from
the primary voltage.

4) Uln2003 Relay Driver

Pin Diagram

Figure 4.5, Relay


Logic Diagram
The ULN2003 is a monolithic high voltage and high current Darlington transistor arrays. It
consists of seven NPN Darlington pairs that feature high-voltage outputs with common-
cathode clamp diode for switching inductive loads. The collector-current rating of a single
Darlington pair is 500mA. The Darlington pairs may be paralleled for higher current
capability. The ULN2003 has a series base resistor for each darlington pair for
operation2.7k directly with TTL or 5V CMOS devices.
* 500mA rated collector current (Single output)
* High-voltage outputs: 50V
* Inputs compatible with various types of logic.
* Relay driver application.

24 For Hawassa textile factory

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5) Capacitor
This capacitor we use to correct level power factor. This part is very import in the circuit. With
capacitor, we cannot the power factor. A capacitor is an electrical/electronic device that can store
energy in the electric field between a pair of conductors (called "plates"). The process of storing
energy in the capacitor is known as "charging",
and involves electric charges of equal
magnitude, but opposite polarity, building up on
each plate.

Figure 4.6, show the capacitor.

Futures: 400v, 50HZ, 12.5kvar Delta 3 phase

with 83µ,FTEMP-25/45°C

4.4.6 The designed Cosφ meter

Power factor is measured for the current and voltage wave forms obtained by simulations
because there is no induction motor in the program library. The block schema of the
simulation circuit is given figure 4.7. The produced signals are inserted into input of
PIC16F877A. Then PIC16F877A calculates the time difference as microsecond between
current and voltage signals produced by ZCD I and ZCD V. Then, it calculates the cosines of
the angle corresponding the time difference. It displays the cosines value on the LCD [7].

Figure 4.7, block schema of zero cross detection

The software program making simulation of current and voltage signals taken from output of
the zero crossing detectors are loaded into PIC16F877A.

25 For Hawassa textile factory

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Figure 4.8, General circuit diagram

PIC16F877A calculates the time difference between current and voltage signals. And then it
calculates the cosines of the angle corresponding, this time difference. Also it find displays
and controls the power factor, to correct power factor first we need to find the current power
factor. It can be find by taking tangent of ratio of time between zero crossing of current and
voltage wave forms and two successive zero crossing of voltage waveform. Then it displays
the calculated power factor in the LCD display and switches ON the capacitors.
4.4.7 Microcontroller Algorithm Scheme
Microcontroller pretends as brain of the Automatic Controlling of Power Factor using
Capacitor Banks with Load Monitoring circuit. For the analysis of voltage and current
signals, Microcontroller through microcontroller’s capture module (for voltage ZC) and (for
current ZC), measure the phase delay between the voltage and current square-waves yielded
by the zero crossing detector circuit. Microcontroller observes the rising edge of the square-
waves of both the signals at same time instant. The time lag evaluated by the Microcontroller
is in terms of power factor of the enduring load, after the evaluation of power factor of the
load, the RMS value of current and voltage signals are read by the microcontroller. The low
power factor included with current and voltage signals are corrected in the algorithm of the
microcontroller. Microcontroller automatically select the in demand value of capacitor to
amend the power factor of the load to desired value [8]
The instructions of the Microcontroller monitor the behavior of the running load on the basis
of current depleted by the load and the results were shown on LCD. Figure19, Shows the
flow chart of the proposed automatic power factor controlling and load monitoring of the
load. In the flow chart, the first step is about the initializing the ACPF circuit. Microcontroller
measures the line voltage Vrms an Irms through ADC pins (AN0 and AN1) on real time
basis. The voltage and current signals which have been converted into square waves after
zero crossing are provided to microcontroller input pins (RC1 and RC2) that are
fundamentally the input of capture module of the microcontroller. If the zero crossing of
26 For Hawassa textile factory
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voltage and current signals acquired by the microcontroller points out that V and I signals are
not in phase and power factor of load is less then set referenced value of 0.95 lagging then
Microcontroller instructs for switching action to involve the required value of capacitor to
counterbalance the power factor of running load through developed microcontroller algorithm
to set reference value. Microcontroller does not execute any action if both the voltage and
current square-waves provided to capture module of the microcontroller’s pin are in phase or
the measured power factor is 0.95 set as referenced value.LCD displayed the measured values
of low power factor, corrected power factor, required value of capacitor to correct the power

Figure 4.9, Shows the flow chart of the proposed automatic power factor controlling and load

27 For Hawassa textile factory

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The followings are conditions needed for simulation on proteus software [8].

 Vrms and Irms are read by the Microcontroller using ADC ports.
 After the zero crossing of voltage and current signals, which are converted to square-
waves, are provided to Microcontroller.
 Power Factor is measured by the Microcontroller from manipulating of capture
module for V and I signals.
 Real Power is measure as: P=IrmsVrms Cosф
 For angle detection by taking the cos inverse of phi (φ) and getting the angle theta
Set the Phi (φ2) as a reference value equal to 0.95.and taking the cos inverse of 0.95 getting
reference theta (θ1).
 From the power angle diagram, the reactive power (VAR) utilized in circuit is given
as: VAR1 =P×tan θ1
For reference VAR, VAR 2 =P×tan θ 1
 Required reactive power of the load is: VAR =VAR1 – VAR2
 Current required for new VAR by load is: 𝑰required = Vrms
 Required value of impedance Xc is: 𝑋𝑐 =

• Required capacitor to improve the power factor for

Inductive load is given as: 𝑐=
2Π f Xc

28 For Hawassa textile factory

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4.4.8 Ventilation
Except for series of systems, all capacitor banks are equipped with a ventilation system
specially selected for their duration longevity. The capacitor bank ventilation system consists
of fans with temperature-dependent probes which provide the fans with the necessary thermal
data. In case of temporary overheating, the capacitor bank is automatically deactivated. The
following flow chart is for temperature sensor in capacitor bank during operation period.


Initializing system

Measuring Display on LCD


To above NO
30 deg.c Fun OFF


Fun ON

Figure 4.10, Temperature controller flow chart.

29 For Hawassa textile factory

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4.5. Simulation and Discussion

Automatic controlling of power factor is completely tested on Proteus software in which
simulation result are based on the lagging power factor of the load. Integrated circuit
consisting of analog and digital components is designed for measuring power factor of the
inductive load connected alternative current network, the current and voltage signals of the
load taken from output of the zero crossing detectors. The output signals are obtained square
wave to measure the angle difference between current and voltage because the
microcontroller is used.
4.5.1 Correction Section
When load is connected the power factor is calculated by the PIC microcontroller. If the
calculated power factor is less than 0.95 then the relay switches ON the capacitor bank. The
relays are switched using ULN2003A which is basically a driver IC. The current lead in
capacitor compensates the corresponding current lag which is usually present in loads. Hence
the phase difference between the current and voltage will be reduced. Power factor correcting
capacitor connected parallel to load through relay, if the relay is energized by microcontroller
it will connect the capacitor parallel with load, if relay de-energized it will remove the
capacitor from the load. When the load is resistive load is ON the power factor will be near to
unity so the microcontroller doesn’t energize the relay coil. When the inductive load is ON
the power factor decrease now the microcontroller energized the relay coil in order to
compensate the excessive reactive power. Following are the simulations results will be
expected that includes different cases of resistive and inductive load.
Case 1: When Resistive Load (400W) Is ON.
When a resistive load of 400W is ON, both the current and voltage signals are in phase. In
this case the power factor would be 0.95 as the set referenced value, so there is no insertion of
capacitors. By the development of Microcontroller algorithm this 0.95 power factor shows
unity power factor in actual.
Case 2: When 0.373kw Induction Motor Is ON.
When an inductive load of 0.373kw induction motor is ON, there is phase delay in between
current and voltage signals. Microcontroller senses the delay produced by the load, and
according to the delay, it inserts the desired value of capacitor by the development of
Microcontroller algorithm to improve the power factor of the system to desired value.
Case 3: When 0.746kw Induction Motor Is ON.
When an inductive load of 0.746kw induction motor is ON, there is large phase delay in
between current and voltage signals. Microcontroller senses the delay produced by the load,
and according to the delay, it inserts the desired value of capacitor by the development of
Microcontroller algorithm to improve the power factor of the system to desired value.
Case 4: When 1.119kw Induction Motors Are ON.

When an inductive load of 1.119kw is ON, there is large phase delay in between current and
voltage signals. Microcontroller senses the delay produced by the load, and according to the
delay, it inserts the desired value of capacitor by the development of Microcontroller
algorithm to improve the power factor of the system to desired value.
Case 5: When both resistive and inductive load are ON.
When both resistive (400W) and inductive load 1.119kw is ON, there is large phase delay in
between current and voltage signals. Microcontroller senses the delay produced by the load,
and according to the delay, it inserts the desired value of capacitor by the development of
Microcontroller algorithm to improve the power factor of the system to desired value.

30 For Hawassa textile factory

Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013


A PIC microcontroller based relay power factor controller is capable of adding capacitor
banks across the load automatically when the power factor is lagging. It is capable of
removing capacitor banks from the load when there is leading power factor. This work also
facilitates to monitor the power factor changes on LCD in real time basis. This is suitable for
applications where manual switching of capacitors is to be replaced by automatic switching.


We would like to recommend Hawassa textile factory to improve its power factor correction
using latest means of technology. We would also like to recommend EEPCo just to provide
latest means of power factor improvement rather than taking penalty of reactive power as the
can sell the power to other customer. In addition, we like to recommend researchers that it is
better to do projects on the latest means of power factor improvement. This is due to sense
induction load at fast and takes the required measure efficiently than the normal operation.
Also our department has to buy latest soft ware’s for more efficient work of the student.
Since the available simulation soft ware has limitation and they are student version.

31 For Hawassa textile factory

Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013

[1], dspacel bitstreaml/ Programming of PIC microcontroller for
power factor correction.

[2], of power factor controller using

PIC microcontroller.


[4],…/4-Design-and-implementation.of power factor correction.

[5],…./Programming of microcontroller based power factor.

[6],…/automatic-power-factor-controller –relay-using-microcontroller.

[7], Microcontroller program for power factor control…

[8], articles/2012/6/68…..measurement and simulation of power factor using


[9], Power system analysis and design-glover (Fourth edition), J.Duncan Glover.Mulukutla.S
&Thomas J. Overbye.

[10], Programming 8 bit-Micro Controllers-in-C with interactive Hardware

Simulation/Martin P. Bates

[11], VK. Mehta principles of power system 1996(ebook).pdf

[12], WWW. codeforge. Com /.... / Microcontroller based power factor correction.

32 For Hawassa textile factory

Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013

//LCD Module Connections
sbit LCD_RS at RB2_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at RB3_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at RB7_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at RB6_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at RB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at RB4_bit;
// Pin direction
sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISB2_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISB3_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB7_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB6_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB4_bit;
int powerfactor();
int powerFactor()
int a=0,b=0,t=0,x=0;
float tm,pf;
void cos();
if(PORTD.F0 == 1)
T1CON.F0 = 1;
else if(PORTD.F0 == 0 )
T1CON.F0 = 0;
a = (TMR1L / (TMR1H<<8)) * 2;
if(PORTD.F0 == 1)
33 For Hawassa textile factory
Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013

b = TMR1L | (TMR1H<<8);
tm = (float)b/a;
pf = cos(tm*2*3.14);
return x;
void main()
char c[]="0.00";
int a,b,c,d,x;
float tm,pf;
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Cursor off
ADCON1 = 0x08; // To configure PORTA pins as digital
TRISA.F0 = 1; // Makes First pin of PORTA as input
TRISA.F1 = 1; //Makes Second pin of PORTA as input
TRISD.F0 = 0; //Makes Fist pin of PORTD as output
TRISD.F1 = 0; //Makes Second pin of PORTD as output
a = powerFactor();
b = powerFactor();
c = powerFactor();
d = powerFactor();
e = powerFactor();
x = (a+b+c+d+e)/5;
c[3]=x%10 + 0x30;
c[2]=x%10 + 0x30;
c[0]=x%10 + 0x30;

Lcd_Out(1,1,"Power Factor");

PORTD.F0 = 1;
PORTD.F0 = 1;
34 For Hawassa textile factory
Microcontroller based PF improvement 2013

PORTD.F0 = 0;
PORTD.F0 = 0;

2. Temperature controller source code

#include " 16F877A.h "
#device ADC= 8 // 8-bit conversion
#use delay(clock = 4000000)
#use rs232(baud = 9600, xmit = PIN_D0, rcv = PIN_D1) // Display output
void main() //*****************************************************
float refin, numin, temp;
int1 flag;
setup_adc(ADC_CLOCK_INTERNAL); // Setup ADC
for(;;) // Repeat always
set_adc_channel(0); // Read ref. volts
refin = read_adc();
set_adc_channel(1); // Read temp. volts
numin = read_adc();
temp = (numin*50)/256; // Calc. temperature
putc(254); putc(1); delay_ms(10);
printf( " Temp = %3.0 g " ,temp); // Display temp.
putc(254); putc(192); delay_ms(10);
if (numin < (refin-10)) // Temp. too low
output_low(PIN_B2); // Fan off
flag = 1;
if (numin > (refin + 10)) // Temp. too high
output_high(PIN_B2); // Fan on
flag = 0;
if (flag == 0) printf( " Fan ON " ); // Status message

35 For Hawassa textile factory

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