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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9

School: Dulop National High School
Teacher: Ms. Baby Joy Jovita
Grade Level: 9
Learning Area: English
Quarter: 2nd Quarter
At the end of the discussion, the learners are expected to do the following with at least
75% level of accuracy: 

a. define what is a theme through reading the poem titled “Footprints in the Sand”;
b. identify the theme through series of songs taken from the famous movies; and
c. express gratitude to someone who extends help in times of trouble through a
“Thank You Card”.
Topic: Footprints in the Sand
“Footprints in the Sand Poem/ Beautiful Poem from Only the Bible.com/
Footprints In The Sand Poem-Guy & Ralna-FrBw_sqhExY-144p-1654727681485.mp4
https://www.onlythe bible.com/Poems/Footprints-in-the- Sand-Poem.html
Freepik.com. High angle of footprint in the sand at the beach Free Photo.
Freepik.com. Vector illustration of a realistic style of bright glowing lightning isolated on
a dark, natural light effect. Free Vector.
Skills: Reading, Writing, Listening, Viewing and Speaking.
Instructional Aids: Laptop, TV, visual aids and other related materials.
Value Focus: Sense of Resiliency and Gratefulness
GAD Core Message: Equality


Preliminary Activities

 Opening Prayer
 Everybody please rise, as the class president
leads the prayer.

 Greetings
Good afternoon, Ma’am!
 Good afternoon, class.
 What state are you in right now? We are in a good mood Ma’am.

 Checking of Attendance
Who is your class secretary? Kindly submit to me
the list of the absentees for today right after the
class and I am requesting everyone to please
wear your name tags.

 Setting of Standards
 Before we begin our lesson, please
be reminded of the following class rules:
*No using of cellular phones
*Raise your hands if you want to answer

Am I clear with that class? Yes, Ma’am.

Is it a yes, yes, yes? Yes, yes, yes.


A. Review/ Recapitulation
Can anybody tell me what is our lesson
last meeting? Student 1 answers
Very impressive.

B. Activity

This time I will group you into 3 and in

your group you will choose a leader. Now
we will have an activity. Are you familiar
with 4 PIC 1 WORD? Yes, Ma’am
Oh it’s nice that you are familiar with that
but our activity is called 1 pic 4 words.
As you can see on the screen there is
only one picture and this picture
represents four words.
Write your answer in a bond paper which Yes, Ma’am.
I have provided for each group. The first
group to finish the task with correct
answer will earn an extra point.
Is everything clear?
Now based from the activity that we have Our lesson for today is all about
completed, what would be our lesson for the poem tilted Footprints in the
today? Sand.
Yes, what a brilliant answer. Today we
will read the poem titled “Footprints in the
Sand” by Mary Stevenson, but before
that, let us first have our learning
(The teacher lets the students read the learning
objectives through visual aids.)

Will you help me achieve our learning objectives Yes, Ma’am.

Yes, yes, yes
Is it a yes yes yes?

. Introducing the Author’s Background

Who would like to read the background of the Ma’am
poem’s author?
Yes, you may start reading.

Mary Stevenson was born on May 22, 1844,

Allegheny City, Pennsylvania. An American
painter and printmaker who was part of the group
of Impressionists working in and around Paris.
She took her subjects almost exclusively
the intimate lives of contemporary women,
especially in their roles as the caretakers of
children. She died in June 14, 1926.

 Unlocking of Difficulties
Are you excited to read the poem class?
Alright, but before that, let us unlock first
the difficult words found in the poem
through another activity.

Activity 2- (Take Me to AB)

I need 4 volunteers for this activity, 1
volunteer from each group. As you can
see, there are pictures of footprints in the
sand labeled "A" and "B" in this classroom
to represent the letter choices.

I will flash the meaning of the difficult words on

the screen and all you have to do is to go to the
wall where the letter of your choice is located.
The volunteer who will have the most number of
correct answers will receive a prize.

Am I clear with the directions, volunteers?

Are there any questions? None, so far Ma’am.

(The teacher facilitates the activity)

1. A sudden burst of light or of something

shiny or bright.
a. flashed
b. thunder
2. A sequence of continuous action in a play,
movie or book.
a. role play
b. scene
3. The impression left by a foot or shoe on

the ground or surface.

a. footprints
b. imprints

4. Causing difficulty or annoyance

a. troublesome

b. awesome
Yes, Ma’am
5. To talk softly, without much or any vocal
cord vibration, especially to prevent being
None, so far Ma’am

a. whispered Students’ answers

b. shouted
1. a
2. b
3. a
Let us give 5 claps to the volunteers. 4. a
5. a

1. Reading of the Text (Reading


Before you start reading the poem, was there

ever a time that you felt so alone in the world?

Oh, that's really awful to hear, but don't worry—

after reading this poem, you'll see that even in
your darkest moments, you are not alone, that
someone who genuinely cares exist.
Yes, Ma’am.
Is everybody excited to read the poem?


I want group 1 to read the 1 st stanza, group 2 for

the 2nd, group 3 for the 3rd and altogether for the
4th stanza. You have to listen very carefully for I
will ask questions later. Am I understood?
Yes, Ma’am.

(The teacher flashes on the screen the poem and

let them read it.)
Group 1

One night I dreamed a dream.

As I was walking along the beach
with my Lord.
Across the dark sky flashed
scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two
sets of footprints in the sand,
One belonging to me and one to
my Lord.

The author and the Lord.

They are walking along the


She saw two sets of footprints in

the sand.

Group 2

After the last scene of my life

flashed before me,
I looked back at the footprints in
the sand.
I noticed that at many times along
the path of my life,
especially at the very lowest and
saddest times,
there was only one set of

She noticed that at many times

especially at the very lowest and
saddest times, there was only
one set of footprints.

Group 3

This really troubled me, so I

asked the Lord about it.
“Lord, you said once I decided to
follow you,
You’d walk with me all the way.
But I noticed that during the
saddest and most troublesome
times of my life,
there was only one set of
I don’t understand why, when I
needed You the most, You would
leave me.”

She questions the Lord because

she was troubled for the Lord
once said that if she will walk with
Him, He will walk with her all the


He whispered, “My precious child,

I love you and will never leave
Never, ever, during your trials and
When you saw only one set of
It was then that I carried you.”

I feel relieved and happy for I

know that during my toughest
time, He will never forsake me.

C. Analysis

1. Who are the persons involved in the The narrator and The Lord.

2. What are they doing? Where are they?

They are walking barefoot in the

3. What did the author saw? The author saw footprints.

4. What did the author noticed that made her The author noticed two sets of
confused? footprints.

5. Why did she question the Lord? He thought that the Lord left him
on his dark days.

6. How did you feel as the poem ended? I feel glad knowing that I always
7. have the Lord by my side.
D. Abstraction
The poem that we have just read has a
Do you know what a theme is?
The theme is believing in God
Oh, but you know what is the lesson that and know that we are not alone.
you get from the poem?

Who would like to share their learnings from the (student’s answer)

What a brilliant answer and that answer is

the theme of the story.

Theme is the lesson or moral that an

author wants the reader to learn from a

What are other lessons that you learned I have learned to pray and to
from the poem? trust in the Lord’s promise that
whatever happens He will carry
me especially in great need.

To trust God and to thank Him for

whatever may happens God will
never abandon us.

I have learned to pray and to trust

in the Lord’s promise that
whatever happens He will carry
me especially in great need.

Very good. What an awesome answer.

We can get many lessons from the poem

like what you had answered a while ago.
That God is always with us no matter
what we may think and all we have to do
is to pray unto Him for He will surely
always be at our side even in our darkest

E. Application

Activity 3:

For our next activity, each group will make a short

“Thank You Card” expressing your gratitude to
someone who helped you in times of trouble.

Paste your output on the board and explain it.

I will give you 2 minutes to finish the task.

Please be guided by the criteria.


Creativity- 3 pts.

Content- 5 pts.

Sentence structure and spelling- 7 pts.

A total of 15 pts.

Alright thank you. Let us give Dionesia Clap for

everybody for completing the task.

Do you want some more activity? Yes, Ma’am.

Our next activity will test if you really understand

what a theme really is.

I have here a video of different songs taken from

the famous movies. All you have to do in your
group is to listen and identify what is the theme of
each song. Write the letter of the correct answer
in the bond paper everything clear? Clear, Teacher.

Have you enjoyed the activity, class? Yes, Ma’am.

Do you have questions regarding our lesson? None Ma’am

Since you don’t have any questions get ¼ sheet
of paper and let us have a quiz.

VI. Evaluation
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What does the Poem "Footprints" teach

a. Importance and Presence of God

b. Importance of God

c. Presence of God

2. This poem is happening in a

a. Real life

b. Movie

c. Dream

 3. When did the author feel that he was

left all alone?

a. During his lowest and most

hopeless moments

b. During his happiest moments

c. During when he lost his family

4. Where is the author walking in this poem?

a. Along the sandy beach

b. Along the windy beach

c. Along a street

5. The author is walking with

a. God

b. friends
c. children

6. How many sets of footprints did the author

noticed for each scene?
a. two sets
b. three sets
c. four sets
7. Why did the author only sees one set of
footprints in the sand during her lowest and
darkest times?
a. Because the Lord left her.
b. Because the Lord flies in heaven.
c. Because the Lord carried her.
8. How many sets of footprints did the author
saw during her darkest times?

a. two sets
b. 1 set Answers:
1. a
c. three sets
2. c
9. What is the theme of the story? 3. a
a. God will never leave us especially in our 4. a
most trying times. 5. a
b. God will leave us when we have problems 6. a
in life. 7. c
8. b
c. God will revenge those who hurt us. 9. a
10. After reading the poem, what made you 10. a
a. To trust God and not to worry for God is
always at our side.
b. To love our parents and respect them.
c. To do what is right and just.

VII. Assignment
 For your assignment, in a ¼ sheet of paper, I
want you to summarize the events in the poem
“Footprints in the Sand” in just five sentences.
Submit it next meeting.

That would be all, class. Thank you for your

active participation. Have a good day and stay
safe. Goodbye, class.

Good bye Ma’am.

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