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Grade Level: VI
School: SCHOOL
Student Teacher: ARIANNE S. CRUZ Learning Area: SCIENCE


PLAN Teaching Date:

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of the effects of volcanic eruptions.

B. Performance The learners should be able to design an emergency and preparedness plan and kit.

C. Learning Describe the changes on the Earth’s surface as a result of earthquakes and volcanic
Competencies/ eruptions (S6ES-Iva-1).
for each - Define the different kinds or stages of volcano.
- Describe how does the volcanic eruptions occur.
- Discuss the effects of volcanic eruptions resulting to changes in Earth’s


Science Processes observing, describing, demonstrating, inferring, performing, exploring, analyzing

A. References
1. Teacher’s Curriculum Guide in Science 6, p. 96
Guide pages
2. Learner’s Science Beyond Boarders Textbook pp. 187-189
3. Textbook pages Science Beyond Boarders Textbook pp. 187-189
4. Additional
Materials from Worksheets, pictures, video clips, instructional materials, powerpoint,
Resource (LR)
B. Other https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDKmiWuO43U
Learning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYR5mPnGKe8

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Prayer

Everybody, please stand and let’s start our day with

a simple prayer.

Can you lead a prayer, Angel?

Close your eyes, bow our head and feel the presence
of the Lord.
In the name of the father, the son, the Holy Spirit,
Angel of God,
My guardian dear:
To whom God's love,
Commits me here. 
Ever this day,
Be at my side, 
To light and guard,
To rule and guide.
A. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning, Ma’am Shaina!

Before you take your seat, look at your left, your

right and under your desk and kindly pick up all the (Learners will pick up the pieces of paper and arrange
papers or any trash and put it inside your bag and their chairs)
arrange your chairs properly.
Thank you, Ma’am.
You may now take your seats.

B. Checking of attendance
None Ma’am.
Azhley, Is there any absent from the group 1?
No one is absent Ma’am.
That’s good to know! How about the group 2, Jan
No one is absent from my group, Ma’am.
Very good! How about the group 3, Ron?
(The learners will clap 3 times)
Great! Since you are all present, give yourself 3


A. Reviewing the previous lesson or

presenting the new lesson

Do you still remember our last topic?

Yes Ma’am.
Very good! What was that all about, Hannah?
It was all about Earthquake, Ma’am.
Very good! Can you tell me what are the two types
of earthquake Nathan? Those are volcanic earthquake and tectonic earthquake
Very good Nathan! Do you still remember the
layers of the Earth that we’ve tackled last meeting?
Yes Ma’am.
Great! So now, let us see if you still remember the
layers of the Earth.

Directions: Identify what layer is being asked in

each sentence. Complete your answer by choosing
the letters in the box and paste it on the board.

Before we start, I will just remind you that if you

want to answer, just raise your hand. Is that clear? Yes Ma’am

Very good! Let us now start.

1. It is made of solid nickel, iron and molten

The answer is outer core, Ma’am.
Jacob, find the letters of your answer in the
box and paste it on the board.

Good job Jacob!

2. It is the thickest layer of the Earth.
Ma’am my answer is mantle.
Allysa, what is being asked on the second
sentence? Find the letters of your answer in
the box and paste it on the board.

Very good Allysa!

3. It is made of liquid nickel, iron and molten

Ma’am, my answer is inner core.
Jared, what is your answer for number 3?
Find the letters of your answer in the box
and paste it on the board.

4. It is the thinnest layer of the Earth.
Ma’am my answer is the crust
Would you like to answer the last number
Ashley? Find the letters of your answer in
the box and paste it on the board.

Very good! I’m glad that all of you really

understand our lesson last meeting.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson plan


Would you like to sing a song?

Yes Ma’am.
I will play a song, try to sing along and after you
finished watching, I will ask some questions.

“The Volcano Song”.

(The learners will sing along with music)

What is the song all about, Khalix?

The song is about the volcano, Ma’am.

Very good! What things that are related to volcano

mentioned in the song, Bettina?
Magma, lava and volcanic eruption Ma’am.
Good job! Based on the music you’ve watched,
how can you describe a volcano, Julliana?
Ma’am, a volcano is very dangerous, therefore, we
Very good! have to keep away from it specially the active ones.


C. Presenting examples/instances of the new


Now let us have a short game. Who wants to play?

(The learners will raise their hands)
Okay! Our game is called “pic to word” wherein
you have to guess the missing word by
combining two or more pictures. Are you ready? Yes Ma’am!
Great! Let us now start our game.
(The teacher will paste the activity on the board) Yes Ma’am!

Shane, will you answer number one?

Ma’am the answer is volcano.
Very good! Give Shane a very good clap.
(The leraners will clap their hands)

Ma’am the answer is active.

How about the second one, Jared?

Good job! Give him a very good clap.

(The learners will clap their hands)

How about the third one, Nathan?

It is a molten rocks Ma’am.
Very good! And for the last one, Azhley?
It is a dormant Ma’am.

Very good Azhley! Give them both a very good

clap. (The students will clap their hands)

Based on our game and in our song earlier, do

you have any idea what would be our topic for Yes Ma’am, I think that our topic is about volcano or
today, Angel? volcanic eruption.

Very good!
D. Discussing new concepts

Now, let us find out if you are correct.

Our new topic is all about “Volcanic eruption”

But before that, can you tell me what comes on Ma’am every time I hear the word volcano, I feel
your mind when you hear the word volcano? scared because it is very dangerous especially in our
Very good! What else, Hannah?
The volcano erupts Ma’am.
Very good! What else?
Volcanoes have magma, Ma’am.
Very good!

(The teacher will present the topic written on

instructional material)

Volcano – it is an opening in the Earth’s crust.

Molten rocks, ashes and gaseous materials are
forced out through its opening. Volcano – it is an opening in the Earth’s crust. Molten
rocks, ashes and gaseous materials are forced out
Ejay, can you read what is a volcano?
through its opening.
(The teacher will discuss volcano further)

Here are some examples of volcanoes.

Those are Taal and Mayon volcano Ma’am.

What do you call these volcanoes, Jaira?
(The students will raise their hand)
Very good Jaira! Who can give more examples of
Mt. Kanlaon Ma’am in Negros Oriental Ma’am.
Yes JD?

Very good! What else Betina? Mt. Pinatubo in Zambales Ma’am.

Very good!

“Do you know how a volcanic eruption occur?”

Class, do you have an idea how a volcanic eruption (The students will raise their hand)

Yes Clency? I think, a volcanic eruption occurs when the high

temperature and pressure produce magma Ma’am.
Very good Clency!

So, a volcanic eruption occurs when tectonic plates

collide, massive rocks underground deform and
trigger a build up of temperature and pressure.

Now, let us discuss the different parts of a volcano.

The Parts of Volcano

Crater – It is the opening at the top of a volcano.

Magma chamber – it is a large pool of liquid rock

beneath the surface of the Earth.

Lava – the magma that flows out on the surface.

Vent- a weak point in the Earth’s crust where hot

magma has been able to rise from the magma
chamber and reach the surface.

Volcanic ash - it is formed during

explosive volcanic eruptions when dissolved gases
in magma.

Again, what are the parts of Volcano, Jayralyn? Crater, Magma chamber, lava and Vent Ma’am.
Very good Jayralyn!

Now, I want you to know the 3 kinds of volcano.

But before that, I need 3 volunteers. (The learners will rase their hand)

Okay, Danah, Jaira and Julliana, please join me

here in front of the class. All you have to do is to
choose any of these three volcanoes and act like a
real volcano by introducing them just like how you
introduce yourselves. Is it clear? Yes Ma’am.

Very good! Are you ready? Yes Ma’am.

Very good! You can now wear your chosen


Okay, active volcano, will you introduce yourself? Hi! I am an active volcano. I am currently erupting
and showing regularly signs of activity like
earthquakes. (Danah)

Very good active volcano!

How about you, dormant volcano? Will you Hi! I am Dormant volcano. Some people call me
introduce yourself? “sleeping volcano” because I’m a kind of volcano that
erupted and then entered a long period of inactivity.
Very good dormant volcano!

And last but not the least, Extinct volcano, will you Hi! My name is an extinct volcano and I have not
introduce yourself? shown signs of activity for a long period of time.

Good job extinct volcano!

Again, what is an active volcano, Jacob? Active volcanoes are currently erupting or showing
signs of activity Ma’am.

Very good! How about the dormant volcano, These are the sleeping volcanoes Ma’am.

Very good! How about the Extinct volcano, These are the volcanoes that have not show signs of
Ashley? activity Ma’am.

Very good!

How about the effects of volcanic eruptions? Ma’am the bad effect is many people, plants and
Can you give some good or bad effects of a animals will be damaged because of volcanic eruption.
volcanic eruption, Samia?
It can cause health problems Ma’am.
Very good. What else, Angel?

Very good! Let us discuss the bad and good effects

of a volcanic eruption.

Bad effects of volcanic eruption:

1. During a volcanic eruption, very hot lava
flow can burn anything in its path.
2. The mudflow or lahar can cause landslides,
flooding, and immense damage to buildings
and farms.
3. Volcanic ash and dust released in the air can
irritate lungs and cause health problems.
4. Very strong eruptions can also trigger

It also gives beneficial effects or good effects of

volcanic eruption

Good effects of volcanic eruption:

1. The pyroclastic materials from a volcanic
eruption can make the soil fertile.
2. The heat inside the volcano can cause
gasses to come out through the holes or
vents called fumaroles. These fumaroles can
provide geothermal steam to generate

(The teacher will show pictures of good and bad

effects of volcanic eruptions)
E. Continuation of the discussion of new
concepts (leads to Formative Assessment

Now, let us have an experiment.

Bring out your materials that I asked you to bring (The learners will bring out their materials)
yesterday and go with your designated groups.
After your experiment, you have to answer the
questions I have prepared that you will be presented
in front of the class.

Are you all ready? Yes Ma’am.

Very good!
Before we start, I will give you the printed
instructions, safety measures, and questions for
your experiment.
Yes Ma’am.
Do you understand?

Okay, I will read the instructions first and then you

may start your experiment.

What you’ll need:

 Volcano model
 Dishwashing liquid (The learners will do the activity)
 Food coloring (red)
 Vinegar
 Baking soda
 Goggles
 Gloves
 Apron
Safety measures:
 Wear your protective gears (goggles, gloves
and apron) before you start the activity that
cover exposed skin and protect you from
potential splashes.
 Make sure that you do this activity with an
adult’s supervision.
 Never eat food and drink beverages during
the experiment.
 Be careful to pour the liquid materials into
the bottle.
 Dispose your wastes properly after the
What to do:
1. Put about four tablespoon of baking soda
into the bottle.
2. Add several drops of dishwashing liquid
and food coloring.
3. Slowly pour vinegar into the bottle.
4. Watch out – eruption time!

F. Developing mastery (leads to Formative

Assessment 3) Discussing new topics

Reporting Output:

These are the following questions you have to


1. What have you observed after you poured (The learners will present their activity and report
the vinegar into the “crater” of your their answers)
2. What might have caused the vinegar and
baking soda to burst out of the volcano
when they were mixed? Relate this to
explosive eruptions of volcanoes.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts

and skills in daily living (reflective
Very good! Now, go back to your proper seats and
get a piece of paper and answer this question.
Elaborate your answers.

What are the effects of volcanic eruptions? (The learners will write their answers)

H. Making generalizations and abstractions

about the lesson.

Let’s have a short recap about our topic.

Nichole, what is a volcano? Volcano is an opening in the Earth’s crust Ma’am.

Very good! Bea, can you define the difference
between explosive and non-explosive volcanic
eruption? Explosive volcanic eruption is a large of pyroclastic
materials are ejected by the volcano into the air while
non explosive eruption lava just flows out of the crater
Very good! and gaps of the volcano Ma’am.


I. Evaluating learning

Now, we are going to have our last activity for


Direction: Write the effects of volcanic eruption

from the following. (The learners will start the activity)

1. People
2. Plants
3. Health

K. Additional activities for application or


Research a volcanic eruption happened in the

Philippines. Print photos regarding its effect. Then,
paste it on a bond paper.

______Re-teaching _____Transfer of
V. REMARKS lesson to the following day
______Lack of Time _____No class

B. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
evaluation 5– MEAN -
4– SD -
3– MPS -
D. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
F. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson
H. No. of learners who continue to require
J. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
L. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
N. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:
Ms. Arianne S. Cruz
Teacher I Applicant

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