Expert - A Matter of Taste
Expert - A Matter of Taste
Expert - A Matter of Taste
Revenge, they say, is a dish best served on a sesame-seed bun, But then, Harland… well, Harland had himself a major
with a side of fries. revelation about his buddy Carl, the OmNom, and the future.
Actually, nobody but “Crimson” Carl Culver says that, but since Harland burned their encampment, left his partner for dead,
he’s the driver behind this mission, his shitty opinion gets top and absconded with the OmNom. Culver, already pretty fucking
billing. This one is for expert-level characters, which is kind of a put out as you might imagine, suffered extreme insult follow by
joke, ’cause the only things “expert-level” characters are expert grievous injury when he received the equivalent of a gang-bang
at in PunkApocalyptic are taking dumps, killing things, and by a pack of slitherskin as he tried to get back to what passes
as “civilization” in the Wasteland.
presumably avoiding dirt-naps—at least so far, that is. We’re
What’s a slitherskin, you ask? Shit, pilgrim, you’re gonna wish
gonna throw some nasty gribblies at your PCs, ones that’d you hadn’t. Truly. Slitherskin are sentient cast-off epidermises
otherwise make paste outta lower-level pukes, lest they didn’t (or “epidermides” for all you pedantic assholes) that bailed
just drop dead first from sheer fucking fright. on their original bodies and have gone rogue, living a life
Culver’s former epidermis without a fight.
Any fight with Grunkee will certainly rouse the slitherskin,
who will arrive within 1d6 rounds of the combat starting. If
Skinville is a charming little cluster of seven dilapidated but
mostly intact houses still showing traces of yellow and red Grunkee falls, the slitherskin will likely bolt soon after, unless
paint, sitting in a semi-sheltered valley with sparse patches of one or more gets caught up in the midst of trying to “expand
green grass throughout. All the above likely should make the the family.” Once the characters capture or get Culver’s former
mercs very (correctly) suspicious. The relatively placid nature skin to stop slithering, the mercs should probably stick it in a
of the vale is enforced by the slitherskin and their “protector” bag or something, else it will attempt to flee.
ruthlessly eliminating (or recruiting!) trespassers. Looting the buildings will result in finding the remains of
A flense of slitherskin (yes, the collective noun for a group former “bad men,” leading to a haul of 10 bullets, 3 water, and
is, in fact, a “flense”) lairs in one of the houses’ attics. There 2 medicine.
1 foreman, and 1 watch leader. One such group will always be
BOK BOK CHIRP manning the fortress.
All of them ultimately report to Captain Soya Shake (see
Their next target lies two days to the northwest of Skinville. “Personalities,” below) who, in turn, reports to the Colonel.
This journey is less eventful than the last leg, though on Captain Shake is fairly laid back for a ruthless killer. She’s a
the second day, as they approach within a few hours of the pale woman with platinum hair, wiry muscles, and a very sharp
outskirts of the area the Colonel’s forces control, they hear sword. During the day, she usually patrols about. At night,
a hell of a thing just before they see it: in the distance, a unless expecting trouble, she can be found in the Colonel’s
susurration, which manifests into a vast multitude of creatures suite on the fortress’s second floor, either fucking his brains
making the same, collective, continuous sounds, pronounced out or sleeping, depending on the hour. Before the start of any
thusly: “BOK BOK CHUURP!” fight, she takes a dose of a special combat drug she’s created
A vast brood of lizardcocks is slowly working its way over that’s been enhanced by the OmNom.
the fields before them, pecking at the ground, standing on During the day, Colonel Harland Seitan (see “Personalities,”
rocks, each other—they’re none too bright. The lizardcocks below) can occasionally be seen helping in the gardens, for
mostly ignore the characters, unless they decide to grab a few the sake of appearances. Most of the time, he can be found
for dinner. In such a case, the brood makes such a massive in his suite, which takes up the whole of the second floor of
racket, shrieking and running for their sad little lives, that a pair his fortress, where he is either reading, tinkering, or spending
of Seitan’s forward scouts (gangers) hear the commotion and time with Captain Shake. At all times, unless otherwise
come out to see what the fuss is. Any of the mercs scouting ordered by the Colonel, his bodyguard Glutenus Maximus (see
make an Eyes roll with 1 complication. On a success, they catch “Personalities,” below) is only a stone’s throw away. Glutenus is
a glimpse of the ganger scouts before being spotted and have a titanic slab of muscle whom the Colonel saved from a pack of
a chance to tell the other characters to either hide or attempt cannibals who’d managed to drug him and his former gang. He
to slip forward and ambush them. Once the gangers spot the is rabidly loyal to Seitan and will die for him without hesitation.
characters, they will promptly flee, to immediately report Colonel Seitan keeps the OmNom in a large broken floor safe
if they can. If either of them succeeds in getting away, the in his study. Its combo lock is just for appearances and doesn’t
Colonel’s forces will be on alert in the following scene. work anymore, but it keeps the device as secure as he can
manage. If an attack is clearly underway, he’ll cover the safe
FRANCHISE methods. If they take the “direct approach,” i.e., frontal assault,
they’ll have a big fight on their hands, with waves of patrols
coming at them, backed up by the Captain, with Seitan and
Glutenus holing up in the fortress.
If they make it in all quiet and stealth-like, they might be
The Colonel set himself up in a fast-food joint that has been able to get away with fighting only the Colonel, the Captain,
renovated into an oh-so-swanky citadel—at least, insomuch and Glutenus. Obviously, if they want Harland’s head, he ain’t
as the Wasteland allows. It sits amidst the ruins of a former gonna just give it away. Total stealth to grab the OmNom and
suburban neighborhood, with burned-out houses and slip out though? Probably not gonna work. See, the Colonel and
buildings in various states of rubble surrounding it for miles. the Captain have a beloved pet/mascot, a little ball of purple
There are more than a few ruins that could easily hide a fluff called Grim (martabbit) that lives on the second floor of
stealthy merc crew. the fortress. No matter how stealthy the characters are, even
The “fortress” itself is a two-story structure, with a mass of if they scope out the fortress, figure out where the OmNom is
different fast-food logos fused into a weird emblem topped with likely held and slip in, undetected, to spirit it away, a shrieking
a crown, or maybe a jester’s cap (it’s difficult to say) sitting on Grim will likely puff up and explode, causing a very loud
the roof, lit up by small floodlights at night. It is surrounded commotion (and a very nasty mess).
by vegetable gardens. Indeed, many different garden plots are Colonel Seitan will immediately suspect the characters have
scattered throughout the ruins, anywhere there seems to be a been sent by Culver once trouble starts. He’ll know it for certain
patch of decent soil, in fact. The most predominant plant seems when they go for the OmNom. If circumstances allow him a
to be some kind of sickly green cabbage. chance to talk to the mercs, he’ll tell them they are making a
The Colonel’s followers are a mixture of normal folks and terrible mistake and will call for a parley to share the revelation
hardcases, but all of them are very loyal to their charismatic, he came to about his former partner and the OmNom, which
if somewhat erratic, leader. His “regular” folks include fifteen convinced him to betray Culver.
farmers (scumbags), three foremen (gangers), and three The OmNom requires organic matter in order to function
watch leaders (badasses). During the day, many of them correctly. The better the organic matter you start with, the
work in the gardens. A watch leader will regularly take a group better the resultant food. Most organic matter in the Wasteland
of three to four farmers with them to patrol about the area is fucked up, in one way or another. The “best” organic matter
surrounding the fortress. If they’ve been alerted to the fact that to be found easily in the Wasteland? Non-mutated humans.
mercs are about, they always travel in groups of 7: 5 farmers, Harland knew his ruthless partner well enough to realize that
Culver wouldn’t hesitate to put ground people-chuck into the
OmNom to create flawless, insanely tasty, addictive cannibal
burgers. He decided, despite all the bad shit they had done
together, he just couldn’t let
If they hear it, will the characters believe him? Will they give Bob is the equivalent of a brute, but he is not a dumbass. His
a shit, even if they do? Maybe, fuck if I know. second Special Activity works the same, though, but is instead
Depending on events and the outcome, there may or may called “I Felt That, Asshole.”
not be time for opportunistic looting. If so, the fortress kitchen
presently holds 8 food and 4 water. 8 bullets, 3 power, 4 salvage, CARL “CRIMSON” CULVER
and 3 medicine can be found scattered about the Colonel’s room. Culver is the equivalent of a warlord, though with a -2 to his
Defense. Instead of a sword, he carries a big-ass meat cleaver