Becoming An Effective Manager
Becoming An Effective Manager
Becoming An Effective Manager
Your exposure to higher level managers is usually limited, so you need to make a good impression when you have the opportunity. After all, the managers above your boss can affect your pay, promotions, assignments, and even your job security. Whetever they are in business, government, or the non-profit sector, all executives appreciate certain things. Here are a few ways to make the most of your encounters with the higher-ups. 1. Consider the big pictures. The higher you go in an organization, the wider the view. Executives really appreciate employees who think about issues beyond their own narrow job description. If you seem to understand and care about larger organizational goals, you will make a positive impression. 2. Collaborate across function. Part of seeing the bigger picture is recognizing how your job function connects to others. All too often employees and lower-level managers get stuck in their solos and focus only on their own objectives. But high-level managers want different functions to work together to achieve organizational goals. 3. Be smart about money. All high-level managers are concerned about money in one way or another, whetever its increasing sales, reducing costs, managing budgets, or insuring overall profitability. If you show concern for finances, top managers will know that you appreciate the issues that they must deal with on a regular basis. 4. Ask intelligent questions. Executives appreciate employees who take an interest in the business, and they usually love to share their knowledge or perspective. When you have a chance to interact with the managers above your boss, try to have a few well-thought-out questions ready. 5. Propose solutions. Managers constantly hear about problems, so they really appreciate people who focus on solving them. Even if an executive doesnt agree with your ideas, the fact that you think about solutions will be viewed positively. 6. Share interesting information. Even thought executives have a broader view, they know little about the everyday details of most functions. And they are usually quite interested in hearing more about whats going on. Any new information about customers, employees, finances, or projects will usually be greeted with interest. 7. Be succinct. Executives have limited time, so dont expect them to sit through lengthy descriptions of projects or problems. Be prepared to convey your information quickly and concisely. If they wan to know more, they will ask. 8. Disagree respectfully. Most high-level managers have little respect for wimps. On the other hand, they expect people to respect their position and their authority. So presenting different view will often be viewed positively, as long as you are non-confrontational and respectful. 9. Make effective presentations. Whenever you present information to an executive, you have a chance to make a positive impression. Many people make bad presentations, so good ones really stand out. If you are unsure of your presentation skill, read up the topic or study people who do it well.
The primary purpose of strategic planning is to identify critical priorities that must be addressed to insure a successful future. Here are some things that you can learn through the planning process: What your customers like about your products or services and what they dislike. Why customers might decide to take their business elsewhere. How your future success could be derailed or enhanced by upcoming changes in the business environment. Where the quality of work may be suffering in your organization. Why employees may decide to leave your organization and pursue their careers elsewhere. Whetever you current allocation of human and financial resources is in line with your goals. How you can do a better job of holding people accountable for results.
At the strategic level, the planning process take a big picture look at the organization, studying external trends and changes as well as internal strengths and weaknesses. At the end of strategic planning process, you will have agreed on limited number of Strategic Priorities & Goals that need to be addressed over the next three to five years. WHAT QUESTIONS DO YOU NEED TO ASK? Essentially, strategic planning is about answering questions. The most important questions to ask depend upon your current circumstances. The relevant questions may therefore change from one planning cycle to the next. Here are some of the questions you may want to address. ESTABLISHING HE FOUNDATION To plant effectively, you must know why your organization exists and what you hope to accomplish in the future. Mission: What is our purpose? Why was this organization created and what are we here to do? Vision: Considering our purpose, what results do we hope to have accomplished three to five years from now? Stakeholders: Who are we here to serve? Whose interest must we consider as we work towards our purpose? Values: What do we believe about the way we should do our work? What are our ethical principles? Core functions: To accomplish our purpose successfully, what must our organization be able to do well?
ASSESSING THE CURRENT SITUATION To be successful, organizations must have the internal capability to respond effectively to their external environment. Therefore, an important aspect of planning is identifying trends outside the organization and evaluating effectiveness inside the organization. Environmental Scan: What change or trends may affect us in the next three to five years? Internal Assessment: Considering our purpose and our environment, what are our strengths and weaknesses?
DEFENING YOUR FOCUS Having identified your purpose, your hopes for the future, and the critical factors in your current situation, you will be better equipped to sharpen your focus on during the next three to five years. Strategic Priorities: Given all available information, what things must you focus on in order to be successful? Goals: For each priority area, what are the specific results that you hope to accomplish?
ORGANIZING FOR SUCCESS Once you know what you need to be doing, then you must be sure that your structures and processes will help you accomplish desired results. Organizational Structure: Are you organized correctly for the results you want to achieve? Critical Processes: Do your critical work processes operate effectively and efficiently? Outcome Measures: What indicators will let you know if you are successful in carrying out your purpose? Once you have completed the strategic planning process, you are then ready to develop your Operating Plan for the first year. An Operating Plan contains the specific objectives and action steps needed to accomplish your strategic goals. While strategic planning is done every three to five years, operational planning is done at the beginning of each year. Goals and objectives for each department or unit should grow out of the annual Operating Plan. Both strategic and operational planning are necessary for longterm success.
Option 1: MAKE THE DECISION BY YOURSELF. Reasons to use this strategy: You have all the information you need. You already know which decision is likely to be best. Acceptance by others is not important. A decision must be made quickly.
Option 2: GET INFORMATION FROM OTHERS, THEN DECIDE BY YOURSELF. Reasons to use this strategy: You lack critical information that others have. With this information, you will be able to tell which decision is best. Acceptance by others is not important. A decision must be made quickly.
Option 3: BEFORE DECIDING, CONSULT WITH OTHERS ONE-ON-ONE TO GET THEIR VIEWS. Reasons to use this strategy: The best decision is not clear. Others may have conflicting views or different priorities. Hearing different perspectives will help you make a better decision. Including others in the process will increase acceptance of the decision. A group discussion would not be helpful. You have time for consultation.
Option 4: BEFORE DECIDING, HAVE A GROUP DISCUSSION TO EXPLORE OPTIONS. Reasons to use this strategy: The best decision is not clear. Others may have conflicting views or different priorities. You need to hear other perspectives to make a good decision. Having a group discussion will allow more possibilities to be explored. Hearing the views of others will help group members understand and accept the decision. Group decision is logistically possible. You have time for group participation.
Option 5: ASK THE GROUP TO REACH A CONSENSUS INDEPENDENTLY Reasons to use this strategy: The best decision is not clear. You have no strong preferences. Group members share your priorities and can agree on common goals. Group members have all relevant information. The group has a big stake in the outcome. Acceptance by the group is important. The group has a history of working well together. Group discussion is logistically possible. You have time for consensus-building.
Making good decisions depends not only on locating all necessary information, but also on involving the right people in the right way. If you tend to overuse one or two of the above strategies, look for appropriate occasions to try a different approach.
THE KEY QUESTION Is it an Ability Problem or Motivation Problem? This is the most fundamental question about performance issue, because ability problems and motivation problems need to be addressed quite differently. Heres the differentiating question: if you put a gun the persons head (which is not recommended), could they produce the correct performance? If they could, then the ability is not the issue.
When the employee does not have the ability to do the work, then no amount of recognition, punishment, or encouragement will make it happen. However, if the person has the ability, but is simply not motivated, then training and skills coaching is a waste of time and money.
ABILITY QUESTIONS 1. Does the employee have sufficient resources? If and employee doesnt have the time, money, equipment, access to people, or whatever, then it may be impossible to deliver desired results no matter how much they want to.
When its difficult to obtain the final decision, get collaboration from another department, or overcome any other obstacle, results may be difficult to accomplish.
If its not clear whats desired in terms of quality, quantity, speed, or any other performance dimension, then odds are the expectations wont be met. Its absolutely amazing how often this is the source of performance issues. Although managers usually think they have been clear and specific, the message often doesnt get through for one reason or another.
Does the employee have the skills needed to produce desired results?
Have employees had sufficient training? Coaching? Enough time to get through the learning curve? Or are they expected to just sink or swim? If someone doesnt have the skills or enough time to learn the skills then they cant do the work.
Does the employee have the innate talent for this type of work?
When someone is a complete mismatch for the job, then all the skills training in the world will be of no help at all. People wander into career choices in all kinds of ways, with the result that some turn out to be square pegs in round-hole jobs. If this is the case, then the manager needs to kindly help the person find a more suitable type of work.
MOTIVATION QUESTIONS 6. Does the employee understand why performance is important? Manager dont always share reasons with employees. They sometime assume that the importance of a task or policy should be obvious. Or that just telling someone to do something is sufficient. But assumptions are always dangerous. A simple explanation of the reason for the requests, goals, or work standards will sometimes resolve motivation issues.
When managers want to encourage particular behaviors or results, they need to express appreciation. If no one says thanks or good job, then its easy for an employee to assume that the task isnt very important.
Managers sometimes unintentionally reward the very behavior they dont want. How? By failing to take any action to stop it. When you have a problem with someones behavior or results, you need to tell them. Otherwise, they will likely assume everything is okay. And if you tell them, but nothing changes, then adverse consequences need to follow.
When some is afraid to address an issue directly, they may demonstrate their anger or resentment through their behavior. This is called a passive-aggressive response. Angry employees may passiveaggressively express displeasure by putting less energy into their work. If possible, the manager should explore and resolve the cause of the resentment in addition to addressing the performance issue.
Being burned out or bored does not give an employee a get-out-of-jail-free card. They are still expected to do the work. But motivated employees produce better results, so managers should work with these employees to help them get reenergized. And if thats not possible, then it may be time to restructure their job or help them consider a different type of work.
Once you have considered the possible cause of an employee performance problem, then you need to have a coaching discussion with the person.
1. THE GOALS ARE CLEAR The purpose, plan, and key priorities are clearly communicated to all concerned. 2. EVERYONE UNDERSTANDS THE BUSINESS All employees have an understanding of the type of work done by the organization. 3. PEOPLE HELP EACH OTHER Coworkers have collaborative and supportive working relationship. 4. NEW IDEAS HAVE A CHANCE TO GROW Suggestions and ideas are discussed and explored, not criticized and killed. 5. NO ONE GETS UPSET ABOUT SMALL STUFF People focus on real issues, not minor irritants or nit-picky details. 6. MISTAKES ARE NOT HIDDEN Errors are seen as opportunities to learn, so people dont fear being punished for them. 7. PROBLEMS ARE ADDRESSED AND RESOLVED People do not waste energy on blaming and fault-finding, but take the initiative to find solutions. 8. DESIRED RESULTS ARE ACHIEVED Most importantly, the organization succeeds in fulfilling its mission and achieving its goals. 9. CREDIT IS SHARED APPROPRIATELY Everyone is recognized and appreciated for their part in the organizations achievements. 10. SUCCESSES ARE CELEBRATED! The group takes time to reflect on their successes and celebrate their accomplishments.
A. Commonly-Asked Questions Anyone who has ever applied for a job knows that certain questions show up in interview after interview: What are your goals? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What do you know about our company?
One of the reasons these questions are frequently asked is that they do focus on useful information. The problem, however, is that candidates are asked them so often that they usually have well-rehearsed answers. When you want to ask a common question, try to give it a slightly different twist. Change it to an Experience Question or Predictive Question (discussed below) or simply ask it in a different way. Here are some examples: COMMON QUESTION: What did you like about your last job? REVISED QUESTION: Give me an example of a time that you felt really excited about your work.
COMMON QUESTION: What do you know about our company? REVISED QUESTION: Why are you interested in working for this company?
COMMON QUESTION: What are your goals? REVISED QUESTION: How do you feel this job would help you achieve your career goals?
B. Experience Questions Experience Questions are designed to relate the applicants past experiences to your current needs by asking for specific examples from their work history. Because the best predictor of future performance is past performance, experience questions are usually the best way to get information about ability, motivation, and fit. Here are some examples of experience questions: Think of someone you found it hard to work with in the past. What made that relationship difficult? If you could have made one suggestion to management in your last job, what would it be? What about yourself would you like to improve? Give an example of how these characteristics have caused you problems in the past.
C. Predictive Questions Sometimes an experience question may be difficult to use because the applicant has not worked in similar circumstances. In that case, you may want to pose a hypothetical question which asks how the applicant would handle a particular type a situation. Although this does not necessarily predict what they would actually do, it does let you know how they view the problem and what options they consider. Here are some examples of predictive questions: I understand that you have worked mostly with customers who have technical background. How would you explain the major features of your companys product to a customer with no technical knowledge? Your previous teaching experience has been with children, but this position involves teaching adults. If you were developing a workshop for adult learners, what might you need to do differently?
D. Follow-Up Questions As an interviewer, your goal is to learn much as possible about the applicant. You will therefore use follow-up questions to further explore the answers you are given to questions in your interview plan. As applicants answer your questions, listen for points that you want them to clarify or expand, then ask a
follow-up question to get additional information. You may also plan in advance to ask a follow-up to some of your standard questions, as in the example below. INITIAL QUESTION: What do you do to try to calm down angry customers? FOLLOW-UP QUESTION: How do you handle customers who wont calm down?
A. Neutral All too often, managers ask questions which provide lots of clues about the right answer. To encourage unbiased responses from the applicant, your questions must be neutral that is, they must not reveal the answer you want. BAD QUESTION: Would you be able to travel about 50% of the time? BETTER QUESTION: How much do you travel in your current job? Ideally, how much travel would you like to have in a job? How much travel would be too much for you?
B. Job-related Interview questions should be developed from the requirements of the job. Questions directly related to the job are also legally safer. Legally, questions about the applicants personal life, hobbies, family, finances, and non-work activities are hazardous. BAD QUESTION: Do you have small children? BETTER QUESTION: What caused you to miss work in the past? What might limit your ability to travel?
C. Open-ended You will gain more information from questions that start with words like who, what, how, tell me about, describe, etc. avoid questions that can be answered with a yes or no. BAD QUESTION: Do you like your present job? BETTER QUESTION: What do you find most rewarding about your present job?
D. Non-threatening Applicants provide more information when they are relaxed. Since job interviews are uncomfortable for many people, try to avoid questions that will make them more anxious. BAD QUESTION: Why do you change jobs so often? BETTER QUESTION: For your last three jobs, tell me why you took them and why you left them.
Sample Interview Questions Ability Describe your qualifications for this job. Describe two or three things that you learned from your last (or present) job. What have you learned in school that would help you in this job? Give me some examples of the kinds of decisions you made in your last job. What is the biggest mistake youve made during your career? Describe some difficult problems that you have had to deal with. In your last (or present) job, what did you spend most of your time on? What are your special abilities? How have they helped you succeed in the past?
What about yourself would you like to improve? Give an example of how these characteristics have caused you problems in the past. What have you done that youre particularly proud of?
MOTIVATION Why did you choose this field of work? What jobs have you enjoyed most? Least? Why? What did you like about your last job? Not like? Why? What motivates you? Give me an example from your previous work experience. Why are you considering a job change at this time? What would it take to keep you in your present job? Describe some of yours accomplishments and talk about the reasons for your success. What are some things that you would like to accomplish in your career? What would cause you to get tired of a job? What have you found most frustrating about your previous job?
FIT WITH EMPLOYER What is it about our organization that interests you? Why do you think you would like this position? Think of some people you have worked well with. What made those relationships successful? Think of someone you found it hard to work with. What made relationship difficult? If you could have made one suggestion to management in your last job, what would it be? What kinds of things have bothered you most at work? Describe your last three managers. What kind of manager do you prefer? Why? What were your last managers strengths? Weaknesses? Describe the best boss you have had. The worst boss. Why have you decided to leave jobs in the past? Describe your ideal working environment.
CONDUCTING A COACHING DISCUSSION Coaching discussion are needed not only to address performance problems, but also for employee development when an employee is new or the job has changed in some way. The coaching discussion should be focused on development, learning, and problem solving. Both manager and employee should participate actively in the discussion, sharing perspectives, ideas, and suggestions. A coaching discussion should always end with an agreement about what action will be taken or what will be done differently in the future. Here are the steps in a coaching discussion: 1. Determine your goal. Be very clear about you hope to accomplish in this conversation. Then be sure to keep the discussion on track. 2. Recognize theirs strengths. Discuss what the employee does well. Even if there are problems, no one is all good or bad, so describe this particular persons talents or accomplishments. If the goal is for the person to learn a new task or skill, discuss the reasons why you feel they can be successful. 3. Share your observations of jobs performances needs. In neutral, factual terms, describe the problem that needs to be addressed or the skill that needs to be learned. If there are problems, do
not sugarcoat them so that they no longer sound like a problem. Be direct, but not critical or blaming. Discuss job behaviors or tasks, not personality traits. For example, do not say that the person has no initiative, but explain what tasks are not being done or what problems are not being resolved. 4. Ask questions to get their point of view. Coaching discussions should be two-way conversations, so it is important to ask a question early in the conversation. Otherwise, the employee will just feel that you are lecturing. 5. Describe the effect of the problem. Sometimes people really do not understand the effect of their behavior on others or on the work. So if there are performance issues, describe how they are adversely affecting outcomes, colleagues, the organization, yourself, the employees career, customers, etc. 6. Get input on possible solutions. Before you suggest a solution, see what the employee has to say. Often, they will come up with a better idea. If not, you can always give a different opinion. Be open to the idea that you might also need to do something differently to support the employee. 7. Agree on action steps. At the end of the discussion, agree on specific actions to be taken and the timeline that will be followed. Make arrangements for a follow-up discussion to assess progress. If you do not end with action steps, then nothing is likely to happen. 8. Appreciate their willingness to change. Thank the employee for participating in the discussion. And be sure to follow up on your agreements! If you dont, then you send the message that the issue wasnt actually very important.
1. IDENTIFYING YOUR PREFERRED LEADERSHIP STYLE Just as we each have individual personality characteristic, each manager has his or her own leadership style. You may not have given much thought to describing your leadership style, but your employees could definitely tell you about it! The better you understand your natural style, the more easily you can modify it when you need to.
Two basic responsibility of any manager are exercising control and encouraging employee involvement. These two things may sound somewhat contradictory, but they actually are not. The table below specifies just what is meant by Control and Involvement, the two factors we will use to describe different leadership styles.
Control Setting goals Clarifying expectations Providing direction Giving information Defining roles Answering questions Organizing and structuring Making decisions Listening
Asking opinions Providing encouragement Getting feedback Trying new ideas Facilitating discussions Developing relationships Sharing decision making
All managers need to use Control and Involvement behaviors in different combinations and at different times. Knowing when to use each of these behaviors appropriately is one of the keys to being an effective manager.
B. The Developmental Leadership Model The Developmental Leadership Model combines Control and Involvement behaviors into four different leadership styles. These styles are not innately good or bad the key is to use the right style at the right time and with the right person. The four styles are shown in the table below.
LEADERSHIP STYLES High High Consulting Reviewing work Answering questions Active supervision INVOLVEMENT Input on decisions Directing Defining tasks Giving instruction Close supervision Low Management decisions CONTROL Sharing perspectives Discussing ideas General supervision Mutual decisions Delegating Agreeing on results Allowing autonomy Little supervision Independent decisions Low Participating
Identifying Your Style Preferences Rank the four styles according to your level of comfort with each one. Give a 4 to the style with which you are most comfortable, a 3 to the next most comfortable, and so on. Then discuss with your group members the reasons why you prefer your highest-ranked style and why you may tend to avoid your lowest-ranked style.
2. CHOOSING THE APPROPRIATE STYLE FOR EACH EMPLOYEE Successful managers learn that they must treat their employees both the same and differently! You want to be consistent and not show favoritism, but at the same time you need to change your leadership to meet each employees individual needs.
Employees differ in the amount of direction and interaction they want from they manager, so one factor influencing your style may be the employees preference. Thinking back to motivational differences, for example, a high-affiliation employee may want to interact more frequently than someone motivated largely by achievement. Another critical factor in determining the appropriate leadership style is the employees job maturity. This is the primary factor used in the Developmental Leadership Model.
A. Matching Leadership Style & Job Maturity The key to using the Developmental Leadership Model is learning to shift your style to match the developmental level of each employee and the specific situation you are facing. The appropriate style is determined by assessing the employees job maturity, which is related to several factors. Low Job Maturity Little work experience Little job experience New to organization New to assignment Poor decision-making ability Poor job performance Poor work habits Avoids responsibility High Job Maturity Extensive work experience Extensive job experience Familiar with organization Familiar with assignment Good decision-making ability Outstanding job performance Good work habits Enjoys responsibility
Is the person or group 1. Able to set appropriate work-related goals? 2. Willing to set high, but attainable goals? 3. Able to solve work-related problems? 4. Likely to be a self-starter 5. Likely to stick with a task until it is completed? 6. Eager to take responsibility? 7. Able to work without much supervision? 8. Likely to prefer working independently? 9. Supportive of the objectives of the task or job? 10. Interested in the task or job? 11. Educated and/or experienced in this area? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Low Maturity 11 22 33 44
High Maturity 55
B. Coaching Employees through a Learning Curve Developmental leadership can help you coach employees through a learning curve when the job, organization, or assignment is new to them. By gradually shifting from higher control and involvement to lower control and involvement, you help the employee learn to become more independent and selfsufficient.
MASTERING THE DELEGATION PROCESS Delegation means achieving results by giving someone else the authority to do work for which you are ultimately responsible. Despite the fact that delegation has many benefits, the process also has some potential pitfalls, so you need to use a delegation process that will minimize the risk and maximize the rewards. Consider these questions in deciding whether to delegate to task or project.
Do I really have to do this myself? Who else has the ability to do this? Who might benefit from learning to do this? What is the worst thing that may happen if I delegate this? How can I prevent that from happening? Who has the biggest stake in the outcome? Who really owns this problem?
Seven Steps to Effective Delegation Delegation can be risk and nerve-wracking if done badly, because you may find that you dont get the expected results. However, by following the steps outlined below, you can usually insure that you will achieve desired results and both you and the employee will be satisfied with the process. 1. Define your desired results. 2. Select an appropriate employee. 3. Determine the level of delegation. 4. Clarify expectations and set parameters. 5. Give authority to match level of responsibility. 6. Provide background information. 7. Arrange for feedback during the process. The level of delegation referred to in Step 3 relates to the amount of decision-making authority the person will have. Here are the five options to consider for level of delegation: Take action independently. No need to report back. Take action, but report back to me when you do. Recommend the action you think should be taken. Wait for my approval. Give me several possible alternative actions and recommend one. Gather information about the pros and cons of different options.
Characteristics of Effective Delegators Effective delegation requires not only a structured process, as described above, but also the proper attitude on the part of manager. Some characteristics of an effective delegator are described below. Develops trusting relationships with employees. Is able to let go of detail work. Can let others make decisions. Focuses on desired results, not methods. Is open to new ideas and approaches. Helps people learn from their mistakes. Feel rewarded by the success of others.
Most performance reviews should be a pleasant and productive experience. After all, this is probably one of the few times that you spend and extended time focusing on a persons job and discussing it with them. The performance review should focus on four primary areas: Past job performance Future plans and expectations Developmental goals Employee needs and concerns
The following questions reflect the concern that employees typically have about appraisals. Will it be scheduled in advance? Will be there be enough time for a real discussion? Will it be private? With no interruptions? Will it be kept confidential? Do I know what expectations I will be evaluated on? Were they communicated in advance? Have I been given ongoing feedback so that there wont be any surprises? Does my manager know what my job involves? Will the evaluation be honest? Will it be fair and unbiased? Will my manager listen to what I have to say? If my manager has made a mistake, will it be admitted? Will we talk about the things that I do well? Will I be given specific examples of any problems? Will I feel free to discuss the evaluation and my reaction to it? Will we discuss developmental opportunities for me?
Making It a Two-Way Conversation A useful performance review should be a two-way discussion about the employees job. The following list of questions may give some useful ideas for encouraging employee participation. Job Responsibilities What do you see as the major responsibilities of your job? Which are most important? Least important? Why? What takes the most time? What do you like best about your job? Least? What would you change about your job? Expectations What accomplishments are you most pleased out? What has contributed to your success in these areas? In some areas has it been difficult to reach your objectives? How could I help you with these areas in the future? Strengths What do you consider to be your strong points? How do these abilities help you in your job? Are there ways we could use your talents more effectively? Areas for Improvement In what areas do you feel you could do a more effective job? What have you been doing to improve in these areas? How could I be of help to you? Development What abilities would you like to develop or improve? What developmental opportunities would be helpful to you?
A Road Map for the Appraisal Meeting The following guidelines can help you structure a normal appraisal discussion that is, one dealing with generally acceptable performance, even though some improvement may be needed. If performance is poor enough to require corrective action, however, this approach will not be appropriate.
Starting the Discussion Before the meeting: Consider giving the employee the review form to read in advance. Created a relaxed atmosphere at the beginning of the discussion. Give the employee an overview of how the discussion will be structured. (For example, First, Id like for us to talk about each of the goals that you had for last year and the results that were achieved. Then we can discussion the performance factors listed on the form. Finally, Id like to review your goals for this year and talk about professional development activities.) If others were part of the appraisal process, indicate how their input was gathered and used.
Discussing Job Performance If the employee has not read their review in advance, tell them their overall rating, since thats usually what employees are most concerned about. Indicate that the reasons for the rating will be discussed as you go through the various parts of the appraisal. If the employee did read the review in advance, ask if they had any questions about it. If they have general questions, answer them. If they say they did not understand the rating they got, indicate that the reasons for the rating will be discussed as you go through the various parts of the appraisal. If their questions relate to specific goals or performance factors, make a note of them and indicate that you would like to include their questions in the discussion of each separate area. Talk about one goal, objective, or performance area at a time. Discuss strengths and needs for improvement in each area. This is better than simply giving an overview of the persons strengths and weaknesses, since it relates your comments to specific job performance. Ask for employee input in each area. If a self-appraisal was done, incorporate the employees comments into your discussion. You may ask them to elaborate on their written remarks. In any area requiring improvement, ask how you can help.
Performance Planning Agree on expectations and goals for the upcoming year (or review those that have already been set). Discuss plans for professional development.
Summarizing the Discussion Summarize the employees strengths and developmental needs. Review any action steps that were agreed upon (for either the employee or yourself). Establish follow-up dates. Express appreciation to the employee (for anything you sincerely do appreciate).
BUILDING EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT TEAM A. The Management Team Research Project To find out what makes a management team effective, we studied more than 500 members of 72 management groups in both business and government. The terms were surveyed using the Team Effectiveness Assessment for Management (TEAM), an instrument develop specifically to assess management groups. Teams rated in the top 25% on these effectiveness measures were compared with those in the bottom 25% to determine which characteristics differentiated successful from unsuccessful teams.
B. What Is a Management Team? Management Team usually refers to a group of managers at the same organizational level who report to the same person. They meet regularly to share information and make decisions that affect the whole organization or department. Management teams are part of an organizations formal leadership structure. Management teams usually share the following characteristics: The teams primary purpose is to make decisions that guide organizational operations. All team members hold leadership positions in the organization. Team membership and leadership are determined by position, not selection. Members often need to work together outside the team setting. Members can be more effective individually by sharing information with one another.
Small enterprises may have only one management team, while large organizations have several teams at each layer of their hierarchy.
C. Types of Management Teams Management teams are found in business, government, and non-for-profit organizations. Many management teams fall into one of the following categories: Executive team: The top management group in organization. Line management team: Managers who run departments that produce, deliver, or sell the organizations products or service. Staff management team: Managers who run departments who exist to support the line functions. Staff departments have knowledge and abilities in specialized areas, such as information systems, human resources, etc. Board or Council: A formal group that meets periodically for join decision-making. Members have no other connection as a group. Boards usually provide governance and oversight, while Councils offer input, advice, and coordination of activities.
D. Barriers to Creating a Leadership Team To many people, management team sounds like an oxymoron. In fact, turning a group of managers into an effective leadership team is no easy task, for several reasons: Management personalities: Management work tends to attract people who are analytical, action-oriented, and high on need for control. (This generalization does not apply to all managers, but is true of managers as an occupational group). These characteristic are often helpful in management, but usually do not enhance teamwork. Conflicting interests: Each management team member is responsible for a separate organizational unit. These units often have conflicting goals, interests, and needs.
Power relationships: Management teams are embedded in a complex network of organizational relationships, which greatly affect their ability to produce results. To be effective, they must successfully manage relationships upward, downward, and laterally. Group decision-making: Because their primary purpose is to make decision, management team members must continually try to reach agreement in critical issues. Conflicting interests can make this process especially difficult.
E. Promoting Positive Relationships A collaborative decision-making climate does not emerge overnight. Team members require time to become familiar with one another, acquire a common history, and develop shared perspectives. Two factors appear to be especially important for encouraging collaboration: trust and respect. Respect can be broken down into two types: basic respect and earned respect. Trust: Different levels of trust may exist on a management team. A minimal degree of trust about work activities is absolutely necessary. Over time, a highly cohesive team may develop a deeper level of trust, but this is not necessary for members to work together effectively. Basic Respect: Basic respect refers to the respectful treatment we should show to any other person simply because they are another human being. Team members should always show basic respect towards one another. Earned Respected: Earned respect does not come automatically a person attains earned respect through their action, knowledge, or accomplishments. For a management team to be effective, members need to have at least some degree of respect for the abilities of other team members. In addition, maintaining positive relationships requires successful conflict management among team members, since differences and disagreements are a natural part of team interaction.
F. What Makes a Management Team Successful? In the Management Team Research Project, the following five Success Factors appeared to differentiate the most successful teams from unsuccessful ones. When the five factors were present, management teams that we studied worked as productive, cohesive groups. When they were absent, teams had difficulty their leadership role in the organization.
Success Factor 1: Strategic Goals To focus activity and effort, management teams need a clear understanding of their purpose and the goals they intend to accomplish. These goals should address the organizations critical strategic priorities.
Success Factor 2: Extensive Networks To make informed decisions, management teams must access critical information from both inside and outside the organization.
Success Factor 3: Collaborative Relationships To cooperate in achieving team goals, management team members be able to develop positive, supportive relationships.
To make good decision, management teams must effectively process the information available to them. our research found that the leader of a management team has more influence over this aspect of team effectiveness than any other.
Success Factor 5: Focused Action To accomplish results, management teams must make the transition from discussion to action. A brilliant decision that is implemented poorly will be of no benefit to the organization.
TWELVE TIPS FOR NEW MANAGERS 1. Dont let the position go to your head. You have not just become Grand Dictator of the Universe, so dont begin ordering people around and watching their every move. Did you find that helpful when you were just an employee? 2. But dont be afraid to act like a manager. While you dont want to go mad with power, you do need to become comfortable with the power you now have. You must be able to provide direction to your employees, give them feedback, help resolve problems, and address performance issues. Otherwise, people will begin to view you as a wimp. 3. Discuss your role with your boss. Along with a new job, you probably have a new boss, so you need to be clear on his or her expectations. Have a meeting to discuss any of the following questions that might be useful: What are the most impotant goals in my job? What is your view of my staff? What decisions do you want to be involved in? How do you want me to share information with you? What are your particular hot buttons? and any other questions that might be helpful. 4. Learn about the organizational culture. If you are in a new organization, take time to figure out the lay of the land. Many people have made career-killing mistakes by failing to adapt to a different ways of doing things. Even if you have been with your organization for along time, you are now at a different level and need to learn about the management culture. Your new boss and your new peer group can be very helpful here. 5. Learn from your role model. You have probably worked for several different managers in your life, so try to take the best from each one and avoids their bad habits. As an employee, what did you want from your manager? What motivated you? What turned you off? 6. Get to know people and let them get to know you. Begin to hold regular staff meetings (and be clear on what those meetings should accomplish). Take time to meet with employees individually to discuss their work, get their view of the departments strengths and weaknesses, and find out what they need from you. Do the same with your new peer group. You are now a member of a management team and need to be able to work collaboratively with those colleagues. Id your organization offers Transition Meetings or Assimilation Meetings, talk with your Human Resources department about having one. 7. Understand individual differences. You now have to manage a group of people who have different style of working, communicating, and making decisions. This is where you learn that not everyone does things the way you do. But as long as the results are okay, so is their work style. 8. Discuss your role with your staff. If you were promoted over your peers, all of you need to adjust to the change in roles. This will be easier if you talk about it with them. Acknowledge that everyone is having to adjust, which may be a little uncomfortable for awhile. Talk about your goals for the department and the way that you like to work. Ask what questions they have about
the change. Of you have joined a new organization, the transition is different, but the conversation will still be helpful. You might also consider having your boss talk with the staff about the goals for your department and why you were selected to lead it. 9. Compare your leadership style with your predecessor. Under they previous manager, your staff become accustomed to a certain way of doing things. They must now get used to a different set of expectations and preference. To help them adapt, encourage open discussion of similarities and differences in leadership style. If you did not know your predecessor, ask about his or her style and determine what you are likely to do differently. Unless they are psychic, your staff cant know how expectations have changed unless you tell them. 10. Talk with any staff member who applied for the job. This may uncomfortable, but it will help to move things along. Acknowledge that you know they may be disappointed, but that you hope the two of you will be able to work together. Ask if they have any advice for you as you start this new job. If the person is a valuable employee, express sincere appreciation for their contributions. 11. Identify the most important goals of the department. Write up an initial plan for your department and share it with your manager. One he or she has signed off, share the plan with your staff and ask for their input. If this represents a big change, meet with each person individually to discuss new expectations. 12. Manage your stress! A new management job can be stressful for awhile. If youre feeling frazzled, seek out some stress management tips and put them into practice. One helpful hint: find someone outside of your work group to talk to about this transition. A mentor, coach, or trusted friend can be a good sounding board and stress reducer. If you find that management is not for you, there are always other choices. But the odds are that once you get through the learning curve, you are likely to really enjoy your management role.
If you want someone to accept change, you must first understand why they may resist it. By anticipating their likely reaction to your plan or proposal, you can make intelligent decisions about how to introduce it. There are three things to know about change: (1) emotions are inevitable, (2) change equals loss, and (3) acceptance requires planning.
1. CHANGE IS AN EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE One of the most fundamental facts about change is that all change is an emotional experience. Think about the recent change at home or at work. How did you feel in that situation? Worried, depressed, sad, angry, stressed out? Or excited, happy, motivated, energized, and optimistic? Maybe your feelings were both positive and negative. But the odds are that you felt something. If you remember the change, its probably because there was an emotion attached to it.
Understanding normal emotional responses to change can help you anticipate reactions. First, the initial response to change is often negative. People seem to automatically scan the situation for any alteration that is not to their benefit. Then they complain about it. This negative focus often blocks their awareness of positive aspects. On the other hand, some changes are eagerly anticipated and welcomed. However, these too are frequently followed by a period of disappointment and regret for example, the well-known phenomenon of buyers remorse that real estate agents have learned to expect. In this situations, the
initial optimism and excitement prevent the person from seeing a complete picture, resulting in unanticipated disappointments later on. The bottom line here is that you should always expect a negative reaction to any change. If you dont get one, just be happy.
2. CHANGE EQUALS LOSS The main reason that people have negative reactions to change is that when things change, you lose something. You may gain something as well, but a loss is always involved. When you get promoted, you gain a better title, higher pay, and more recognition but also lose your former feelings of comfort and competence in your previous job. When you get married, you gain a loving life partner (hopefully), but you take a hit in the areas of freedom and autonomy. And when you have a child, you gain one of lifes greatest blessings, but you definitely lose money, time, and sleep.
At work, the losses that come with change typically fall into one of four areas: Safety & security: You dont feel as certain that you will continue to be employed. Relationships: You lose contact with people who are important to you or the nature of the relationship change. Competence: You feel less certain of your ability to perform job duties or produce results. Mission & purpose: Your work used to be part of your reason for being, but it no longer feels that way.
3. ACCEPTANCE REQUIRES PLANNING If you want people to accept change, you need to invest some in planning and communication. All too often, managers and colleagues (or parents and spouses, for that matter) just throw a change out there and expect others to say, Well, thats just fine. These people are living in a fantasy world. To get people to accept change, the first step is to understand what, from their perspective, they feel that they are losing. If you can empathize with their feelings, then begin to replace or compensate for the loss, you have taken a giant first step towards acceptance.
Four factors are particularly important in promoting acceptance: Caring: People feel that those who have power care about their concerns and will listen to them. listening to peoples reactions is just as important as explaining the reasons for change. Control: People have some input into how the change will be implemented. They are asked for opinions or suggestions in any area where their input may be truly considered. Never ask for input that you dont plan to use. Choice: People are given options as part of the change process. The more choices people have, the more they feel in control. And some of the energy that previously went into complaining will now go into decision-making. Competence: People feel that they have the skills, knowledge, and abilities to succeed after the change. The faster you can help someone move through the learning curve, the faster they will accept the change. Keep in mind that learning can be about people, places, and cultures as well as about skills and tasks.
So before you begin to implement your change, take time to develop a change plan that incorporates those four features.
Finally, you should also be aware of the circumstances that tend to make resistance worse: Important expectations about the future will not be met as a result of the change. Some people feel that they are unfairly affected more adversely than others. There is a long period of uncertainly about what is going to happen. Too many change occur at the same time, or change seems to go on and on without end.
When you determine that these factors are present in the situation, pay even more careful attention to your communication and implementation plan.
As a manager, an important part of your job involves addressing the problems and concerns of your staff. The following suggestions may help to make these discussions more pleasant and productive.
1. Give the employee your full attention. Keep in mind that dealing with employee problems and concerns is not an interruption in your work. As a manager, it is your work. Taking phone calls or continuing to work on your computer clearly sends the message that the employees concerns arent all that important.
2. Listen to their explanation without interruption. Unless the person is just endlessly rambling on, let them finish their story. If they are endlessly rambling, just say, let me stop you for a minute to be sure that I understand. Then summarize what youve heard so far. 3. If its not clear what the problem is, ask how can I help?. Sometimes people just dont explain things well. If you really have no clue what the issue is, finding out what they expect from you may make it clearer.
4. Show understanding, but not necessarily agreement. You want to be emphatic and convey that you understand the problem, but so far youve only heard their version of the situation. Agreeing with them can therefore be hazardous. So dont say, Thats awful! We have to do something about it! better to say something like, I can understand why you would be upset about that. 5. Remain neutral about issues involving other people. You dont want to jump to conclusions about the behavior of others until you have actually talked to them or learned more about the situation.
6. Ask questions to get a complete picture. Sometimes people who are upset or angry fail to provide all the relevant information. They are usually focused on their own point of view to the exclusion of all others. Try to understand the whole situation before deciding what to do next.