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1. (12/9/2015) Fewer and fewer people walk on a daily basis. What are the
reasons and how to encourage them to spend their time walking?
In modern life, many people have lost
the habit of walking regularly. While lost the habit [expression]: stopped
some activity/ behaviour that you used
there are various reasons for this trend, to do often.
some measures can be implemented to
encourage people to take up walking
as part of their daily routine. take up (something) [phrasal verb]:
start to do something.

There are two main reasons, in my

opinion, why fewer people walk
regularly nowadays. Firstly, the
development of technology has
discouraged some people from
walking. Escalators and lifts have
appeared everywhere in most towns
and cities, especially in shopping
centres and offices. They are,
admittedly, convenient and time-saving
but they also encourage laziness.
Secondly, as part of our modern laziness [noun]: the quality of not
lifestyle, so many journeys are made by wanting to be active.

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car. For example, parents now often
drop off [phrasal verb]: quickly leave
drop off and pick up their children at
someone or something at a place.
the school gate, even if the school is
pick up [phrasal verb]: go somewhere
near their home. This is
in your car and collect someone who is
understandable in one sense, as waiting for you.
parents worry about the safety of their
understandable [adjective]: normal
children, especially if there are busy and reasonable in that situation.
main roads to cross to get to school.

There are measures which could be

implemented to encourage people to
walk more often. In low-rise
low-rise [adjective]: a low building,
buildings, the use of the stairs should with not many floors.
be obligatory, with a lift only for
obligatory [adjective]: that you must
disabled people. In order to dissuade do because of the rules or the law.
people from using their cars
unnecessarily, no-stopping zones
no-stopping zones [noun]: areas in
ought to be established in the vicinity
which it is not permitted to stop your
of schools. If children become car or other vehicle.
accustomed to the habit of the daily
walk to school, then responsible
parents would need to accompany
them. The whole family would thus
get used to regular walking exercise.
As another measure, pavements should
be improved and more pedestrian-only

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zones established in city centres.
Covered walkways and more trees
could provide relief from rain and sun
in such zones.

In conclusion, some reasons why

people are walking less regularly can
be identified, and some simple
solutions should be adopted to
encourage them to walk more
299 words

2. (28/05/2016) Nowadays, young people admire sports stars though they

often do not set a good example. Do you think this is a positive or negative
In recent years there has been a
growing tendency for the younger look up to [phrasal verb]: admire or
generation to look up to sports stars as respect someone.
role models. Although not all famous
athletes set a good example, I believe
that the majority do have a positive
influence on the behaviour of

idolise [verb]: admire someone very

From an individual perspective, an much.
adolescent may idolise a well-known

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sportsperson who has many good
qualities. No successful sports star
makes it to the top without years of
dedication to training and a healthy
lifestyle. A youngster who seeks to make it to the top [expression]: be
emulate David Beckham or Serena very successful.
Williams will be inspired to join a
sports club and work out regularly at
the gym as a step on the ladder of
success. Other sportspeople have emulate [verb]: try to do something as
shown determination to overcome well as someone else who you admire.
injuries or illness, another admirable
work out [phrasal verb]: train the
quality that may motivate some young
body through physical exercise.
people to deal with such setbacks in
their own lives. The Paralympic
Games, for example, are watched on admirable [adjective]: having qualities
TV worldwide, and disabled that you admire and respect.
youngsters can draw inspiration from
athletes in wheelchairs or with artificial
limbs competing at the highest level. setback [noun]: a difficulty or problem
that delays something, or makes a
situation worse.
From a social perspective, there are draw inspiration from [expression]:
many examples of sports stars who be inspired by something to have new
provide a moral lesson for youngsters ideas or new ways of thinking, or to be
to follow. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of creative.
the most idolised football superstars in
charitable [adjective]: concerned with
the world, but he still finds time to charities or helping people who are
support charity events and inspire his poor or in need.
fans to join charitable campaigns.
Even negative examples of sports stars reach the top [expression]: become
who have cheated to reach the top very successful at something.
serve as moral lessons for young performance-enhancing [adjective]:
people. The cyclist Lance Armstrong, things – such as drugs – that people
who was found guilty of taking take in order to be more successful in a
performance-enhancing drugs, was sports competition.

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publicly shamed, though he had once shame [verb]: make someone feel that
been a hero because of his personal they have lost honour or respect.
fight against cancer.

In conclusion, youngsters are altruism [noun]: the fact of caring

influenced in positive ways by their about the needs and happiness of others
admiration for sports celebrities and the more than your own.
example of fitness, dedication and
sometimes altruism set by those stars.
298 words.

3. Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports,

while others think people should have freedom to do any sports or activity.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
It is true that there is widespread
extreme sports: activities perceived as
concern over the practice of extreme
involving a high degree of risk
sports, to the extent that some people
argue that they should be outlawed by
outlaw[verb]: to make something
government legislation.While nobody illegal or unacceptable
should underestimate the risks, I would
argue that people should be free to
practice such sports if they so wish.
to impose an official ban on:
introduce a new law, tax, rule, or
On the one hand, critics of dangerous
sports give strong reasons why
governments should impose an official
on safety grounds: for safety reasons;
ban on such activities. Firstly, they to avoid danger or harm

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argue that such a measure is necessary
on safety grounds. There have been
numerous incidents where members of
life-threatening[adjective]: able to
rescue services have had to put their
cause death
own lives at risk to save extreme sports
to infringe on: to take away or limit
enthusiasts who are in life-threatening
the rights or freedom of someone
situations. Secondly, it is necessary at in the peak of physical condition: the
point of greatest health and physical
times to infringe on personal freedoms
because people who lack the necessary
to take up: to begin to do something
experience or who are not in the peak
of physical condition sometimes take
up dangerous sports. Such
irresponsible behaviour can only be
prevented by banning these sports.

On the other hand, I concur with those

who argue that people should be free to to abide by: to accept or obey an
agreement, decision, or rule
do extreme sports, although I believe it
is necessary for individuals to abide by
the safety rules. One reason is that the
imposition of sensible safety measures
has been proven to minimize the risk of
accidents and injuries. For example,
all sports which carry a significant
element of danger, such as scuba
diving or paragliding should be

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supervised by an experienced and
professionally qualified instructor.
Another factor is that there is now a
range of essential sports gear to
essential sports gear: the correct set of
protect those who practice dangerous tools that will help you or protect you
will playing any game or sport
sports. Such equipment ranges from
safety ropes and helmets to water-
resistant clothing.
In conclusion, it seems to me that
dangerous sports should be permitted,
although those who take part have a
responsibilty to adhere to the
to adhere to: to obey or closely follow
recommended safety procedures. a rule, a standard, an agreement
296 words.

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