Physical Fitness Notes
Physical Fitness Notes
Physical Fitness Notes
Physical fitness: The ability to handle physical demands of life. Part of your life: A healthy lifestyle combines good nutrition and physical fitness. It is a balance that improves the quality of life and decreases your risk of health problems. If regular physical activity is not already a habit, it is time to make a change. Physical Activity: Physical activity is something you do that involves movement and expends energy. - Improves coordination - the smooth and effective working together of your muscles and bones - Improves balance - the feeling of stability and control over your body - Helps maintain a healthy weight by burning calories - units of heat that measures the energy available in foods. - Improves health - Improves fitness - Improves well-being - Maintains a healthy weight - Helps control blood pressure - Improves blood cholesterol levels - Reduces your risk of becoming obese by helping you achieve and maintain a healthy weight Exercise: Is a physical activity that is planned or structured. They are movement designed to make your body stronger Physical Fitness: Is something you acquire, It is a measure of your body's ability to perform physical activities and exercises. Physical fitness and its components These five components work together to create a healthy balance. 1. Cardio Repertory Endurance - heart and lungs Moderate to vigorous exercise over a period of time - aerobic exercise -walking, cycling, swimming, jogging 2. Muscular Endurance - speed, how long Moderate endurance is a muscle endurance increase your stamina for
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Moderate endurance is a muscle endurance increase your stamina for daily tasks - push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, weight training 3. Muscular Strength - muscles A measure of how much weight you can lift or the most force you can exert at one time -- lifting weights 4. Flexibility - stretching Stretching is the only way to improve flexibility. Flexibility is the ability of your bodies joints to move easily through full range of motion. It plays an important role in performing daily activity and minimizes your risk of injury. -- stretching 5. Body Composition - fat to muscle The lean body tissue is bone muscle and fluid. You can improve your body composition by participating in regular physical activity and eating healthy foods. -- eating healthy and stay physical What is your body type? Mesomorph - Athletic - Hard body well defined muscles - Rectangular shaped body - Strong Endomorph - Soft and round body - Gains muscles and fat very easily - Is generally short and stalky Ectomorph - Small "delicate" frame and bone structure - Flat chest - Small shoulders - thin Healthy Triangle The healthy balance that keeps you balances when you are physical active, mentally/emotionally healthy and social health Social Health - interaction to others Physical Health - how you are active, physical fitness Mental and Emotional Health - how you think and how you feel F.I.T.T. Principle The F.I.T.T. Principle provides a framework for developing a program. F: Frequencies is the number of times you exercise each week I: Intensity is how hard you are working while are exercising T: Time (how long will you exercise)
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T: Time (how long will you exercise) T: Type (what exercise or activity do you have planned?) Exercise: - Planned physical activity done regularly to maintain one fitness. - There are two types of exercised, Aerobic and Anaerobic Aerobic - Aerobic exercise provides cardiovascular conditioning. - The term aerobic actually means "with much oxygen" breathing control - A lot of oxygen flow through muscles - Cardiovascular work/endurance - Elevates the heart rate and increases consumption - Delivers oxygen to the muscles Benefits - Improves cardiovascular conditioning - Decrease risk of heart disease - Lower blood pressure - Increase HDL or "good" cholesterol - Helps to better control blood sugar - Assist in weight management and/or weight loss - Improves lung function - Decreasing heart rate Examples Low Impact - Swimming - Cycling - Using an elliptical trainer - Walking - Rowing - Using an upper body ergometer (a piece of equipment that provides a cardiovascular workout that targets the upper body only) High Impact - Running - Jump Rope Performing high impact routines or step aerobics - Zumba How Often - 5 to 7 days a week - 30 minuets a day Heart Rate - Heart rate increases in direct correlation with the intensity of the exercise - Resting heart rate/1 minute Target Heart Rate = (220-age)x0.6=low average 124.8 (220-age)x0.8=high average 166.4
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(220-age)x0.8=high average 166.4 My heart rate: 80 Methods - Increase the speed - Increase the resistance - Increase the duration Anaerobic - Intense exercise - Little Co2 - muscles don't need oxygen to function - Short bursts of energy - Short duration - Physical activity that alternates short bursts of energy with periods of rest Examples - Football - Sprinting - Lifting weights