006 - PDF 9 July 23
006 - PDF 9 July 23
006 - PDF 9 July 23
T a c t
ice Ex
สมัครเรียนที่ LINE ID: @krubirdhome
Items 71-73 Not only will the top three entries
“Good evening, this is Jimmy Samson, earn cash, but they may also
your host for tonight’s episode of feature on our show, potentially
“Fit & Fresh”. Tonight, we have the inspiring thousands of viewers.
pleasure of welcoming fitness So, don’t miss this chance to get
expert, Sofia Burns. Sofia will fit, earn, and influence on ‘Fit &
enlighten us on how to transform Fresh’. Now, let’s hear from Sofia.”
our living spaces into effective
workout zones, a much-needed 71. Where is the man most likely
discourse in our current home-bound working?
situations. (A) At a television station
(B) At a hospital
But wait, there’s more! Our audience (C) At a legal firm
won’t just be on the receiving end (D) At a university
of advice. We invite you to share
your innovative indoor workout 72. What is the topic that the
ideas on our channel website. You speaker and his guest will dis-
stand a chance to win exciting cuss?
cash prizes up to $1,000! Whether (A) How to lose weight in 10 days
you’ve turned your garage into a (B) How to conduct a survey
yoga studio or are getting fit in (C) How to negotiate a deal in
your kitchen, we’d love to hear business
from you. (D) How to work out indoors
73. According to the speakers, However, I regret to inform you that
why should the listeners visit the our Mummy Chamber is currently
website? under renovation. As such, we’ll
(A) To fill out some forms have to save that experience for
(B) To apply for a job your next visit.
(C) To enter a competition
(D) To send a complaint Lastly, please note that due to
preservation concerns, photography
Items 74-76 is strictly prohibited inside this
“Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! place. I kindly request all of you to
I’m your tour guide, Ahmed, and deposit your cameras and mobile
I’m thrilled to accompany you phones in the lockers provided at
through this magnificent journey the entrance.
into Egypt’s past. Today, we’ll
traverse rooms filled with priceless Now, let’s embark on this enlightening
artifacts, from intricately inscribed journey, immersing ourselves in
papyrus scrolls to the colossal the echoes of ancient Egypt.”
statues of ancient pharaohs.
74. Where most likely is the speaker?
In our first exhibit, you’ll marvel (A) At a factory
at the majestic jewelry adorned (B) At a museum
by queens millennia ago. Then, we’ll (C) At a concert
proceed to the Hall of Hieroglyphs, (D) At a warehouse
where stories of gods and mortals
alike are etched in stone.
75. What has happened to the However, we noticed that your
Mummy Chamber? application was missing an essential
(A) It has been destroyed by a storm. component - the lyrics to the
(B) It has been moved to somewhere songs you wish to sing in the
else. competition. As you may know,
(C) It has been closed to the general our panel of judges evaluate not
public. just the voice but also the song
(D) Some archaeologists have choice and lyrical relevance to
discovered new artifacts in there. make the selection fair and
76. What will the listeners do
next? Could you kindly send us the lyrics to
(A) Go back home your chosen songs by this coming
(B) Write a report Friday? Our judges will be convening
(C) Keep their belongings in lockers on Saturday to finalize the list of
(D) Renovate the room contestants who will participate
in the show.
Items 77-79
“Hello there! This is Richard Collins Your prompt response will ensure
from the Selection Committee of your application is complete and
‘The Voice Symphony’. We received ready for assessment. We look
your application to be a participant forward to hearing from you soon.
on our esteemed singing competition Good luck and keep those tunes
show and we’re quite excited coming!”
about your potential!
77. Who is most likely the speaker?
(A) One of the candidates
(B) An employee on a TV show
(C) A business owner
(D) A songwriter