Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

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Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

Rita E. Freed

ew have made contributions to as many areas of Egyptology as William Kelly Simpson. He is especially renowned for his advancement of Middle Kingdom studies, and his pioneering volume, The Terrace of the Great God at Abydos,1 published in 1974, has led many to look at Middle Kingdom stelae in new and useful ways.2 This study,3 offered in his honor and inspired by his research, represents, in part, an attempt to address one of the questions posed by him in that volume, namely whether it is possible to identify the work of individual sculptors or workshops of relief sculptors.4 In a broader sense, it examines stelae for the information they can provide about the organization of artisans in early Dynasty 12 and the development of relief styles.5 Accordingly, works are grouped together on the basis of their similar style or iconography. Stelae with signicant elements in common are considered to come from the same workshop or studio, here dened as a group of artisans working cooperatively in the same place over a period of time and observing a common model.6 Although written records are lacking, that such workshops existed seems only logical, particularly in the Middle Kingdom, when large
1 William

Kelly Simpson, The Terrace of the Great God at Abydos: The Offering Chapels of Dynasties 12 and 13 (New Haven and Philadelphia, 1974). 2 For a review of literature on stelae since Simpsons work, see C. Obsomer, D.f prt-rw et la liation ms(t).n/r(t).n comme critres de datation dans les textes du Moyen Empire, in C. Cannuyer and J.-M. Kruchten, eds., Individu, socit et spiritualit dans lEgypte pharaonique et Copte. Mlanges gyptologiques offerts au Professeur Aristide Thodorids (Brussels, 1993), pp. 16465. 3 For his many valuable editorial comments, I am grateful to Mr. Peter Shapiro. 4 Simpson, Terrace, p. 4 and n. 4. 5 Much of this material was presented by the author in a paper entitled Abydene Stelae Workshops of Early Dynasty XII at the International Congress of Egyptology meeting in Toronto, September, 1982. 6 Simpson considered the existence of such workshops in Terrace, p. 4, item 12, and the concept was further developed for early Dynasty 12 by R. Freed, The Development of Middle Kingdom Egyptian Relief: Sculptural Schools of Late Dynasty XI, with an Appendix on the Trends of Early Dynasty XII (Ph.D. Dissertation, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 1984), p. 207ff., and for the Second Intermediate Period by M. Mare, A Remarkable Group of Egyptian Stelae from the Second Intermediate Period, OMRO 73 (1993), pp. 717. D. Franke discusses workshops at Elephantine in Das Heiligtum des Heqaib aus Elephantine (Heidelberg, 1994), p. 105ff.

Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

numbers of similar stelae found at the same site are dated or datable within a relatively short period. This study covers a representative sample of workshops from approximately the beginning of Dynasty 12 through the reign of Amenemhat II. Although stelae from that time have been found throughout the Nile Valley,7 workshops may be identied with certainty only at Abydos, Thebes, and Elephantine, owing to the number of stelae found at those sites. The Theban and Abydene workshops are discussed here.8 While the primary focus of the study is art historical, inscriptional information, particularly in the offering formula, is included when it provides information about the date of a stela or workshop. It is hoped that further work will add more stelae to the workshops listed on the following pages, uncover additional workshops, and rene those workshops identied here. Clarication of terminology A stela workshop is dened here as three or more stelae sharing distinctive aspects of composition or style which collectively set them apart from others. Each workshop is given a name based on one or more of its salient characteristics although stelae in a given workshop may show considerable variety aside from their shared attributes. In virtually no case are all of the distinctive attributes found on all the stelae. Alternatively, stelae associated with certain workshops appear so similar as to suggest the work of an individual artist. The Vertical Curls and Flower Group is an example. Stelae in the same workshop may span several decades. Occasionally, architectural elements such as wall reliefs and false doors are included in the workshops where they meet the appropriate criteria. Most of the monuments discussed are decorated in relief, but a few uncarved stelae which were painted (usually, although not necessarily, in preparation for carving) are included, based on their similarity to carved examples in a given workshop. For each member of a workshop, an attempt is made to include at least one primary or signicant reference where additional information about the piece may be found. Photographs of representative examples of each group are also included.

7 Stelae 8

were also found at quarry sites beyond the Nile Valley. For the Elephantine workshops, see Franke, Heqaib, p. 109ff. For a reference to a stela found near Elephantine which I believe was made in Abydos, see Packed Offerings Group.


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

Generally, the provenance given is the one listed in the primary publication of the stela. All those in Simpsons groupings in Terrace of the Great God at Abydos are assumed to come from Abydos. He includes examples from the great mid-nineteenth century collections of Athanasi and Anastasi, sold at auction in London in 1837 and 1857 respectively. Following Simpsons model, other stelae from those collections not included in his groupings are also treated as Abydene.9 As far as date is concerned, a stela is considered dated if it contains a cartouche in or near its lunette or upper border, or if the context of the cartouche otherwise implies that the stelas owner lived during the reign of the king mentioned.10 A stela is labeled datable (as opposed to dated) if it belongs to the same owner as a dated stela or if its owner is known through other sources, such as statuary or papyri, to be associated with a given king. Stelae listed together by Simpson in the same group (see below) are considered to be approximately contemporary when a product of the same workshop. Workshops are listed in approximate chronological order, although there is substantial overlapping. Simpson Number refers to the number assigned by Simpson to a given Abydos North Offering Chapel (ANOC) group in his Terrace of the Great God at Abydos. WORKSHOP NO. 1. Colorful Theban Group Members
NY, MMA (g. 1a) 16.10.333a

Thebes, Asasif Thebes, Asasif Thebes, Asasif Thebes, Asasif Edfue (g. 1e)


Simpson no.

Cairo, JE 45626 (g. 1b)

Cairo, JE 45625b
(g. 1c) NY, MMA 16.10.327c (g. 1d) Florence 6364d Vienna S


W.C. Hayes, The Scepter of Egypt I (New York, 1953), p. 331, g. 219, where it is called probably Eleventh Dynasty. b M. Saleh and H. Sourouzian, The Egyptian Museum Cairo (Mainz, 1987), no. 79, where it is attributed to Dynasty 11. Obsomer, Critires de datation, pp. 170, 197, is inclined to place it in Dynasty 12.
9 Simpson,

Terrace, pp. 56.

10 A cartouche in the context of a pyramid name is an example where the name of a king is

only a terminus post quem and not a specic date.


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

Nofretdie Schne. Die Frau im Alten gypten (Mainz, 1984), pp. 4849, where it is ascribed to Dynasty 12. d S. Bosticco, Museo Archeologico di Firenze. Le Stele egiziane dallAntico al Nuovo Regno (Rome, 1959), pp. 2324 and pl. 17, where it is ascribed to Dynasty 11. in Luxor (Bosticco, Stele, p. 23). I. Hein and H. Satzinger, Corpus antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien 7, Stelen des Mittleren Reiches II (Mainz, 1993), pp. 14044. It is dated 11th or early 12th Dynasty, although a date from Amenemhet I through Sesostris I is favored on the basis on style and epithets (p. 141).
f e Purchased

Date Range. Possibly as early as late Dynasty 11, although most are more likely to be early in the reign of Amenemhat I. This is based on a combination of style,11 inscription,12 and the archaeological record.13 Relief Style. Stelae in this group may be carved in either relatively low, at, raised relief, sunk relief with a deep outline, or painted only. Regardless of the technique, they all preserve abundant and skillfully painted detailing, particularly in the offerings. Males tend to be either short and stocky or overly thin-waisted, and females may be quite slender and high-waisted. Shared Attributes. This group, which may be either horizontal or vertical in format, is characterized by a large, gural eld and an inscription most often restricted to no more than two lines. Often the inscription does not include an offering formula but only identies the gures depicted and names one of a variety of deities. Women and men share equal prominence. Relatively large facial features are given extra emphasis through paint. Eyes and brows are placed particularly high on the face and extend in thick, parallel cosmetic lines to the temples. Men often sport short beards and carry staves with upturned ends.14 The offerings represented are disproportionately large and few in number. They tend
11 For the low at, raised relief style of MMA 16.10.333 and Cairo, JE 45626, which is char-

acteristic of Amenemhat I see R. Freed, A Private Stela from Naga ed-Deir and Relief Style of the Reign of Amenemhat I, in W.K. Simpson and W. Davis, eds., Studies in Ancient Egypt, the Aegean, and the Sudan (Boston, 1981), pp. 6876. 12 The following are indicators of a date in Dynasty 12: d.f prt rw on Cairo, JE 45626, (C. Bennett, Growth of the tp-d-nsw Formula in the Middle Kingdom, JEA 27 [1941], pp. 7891, but see also D. Spanel, Ancient Egyptian Boat Models of the Herakleopolitan Period and Eleventh Dynasty, SAK 12 [1985], p. 253, n. 43 for a Dynasty 11 example), and the orthography of nr nb on MMA 16.10.327 (W. Schenkel, Frhmittelagyptische Studien [Bonn, 1962], pp. 3031 [hereafter FMS], where there is also one Dynasty 11 example listed). 13 The pottery found with MMA 16.10.327 (in TT 5A.R6 in the Assasif) is ascribed to Dynasty 12 by Dr. Dorothea Arnold. Dr. Arnold considers the pottery found with MMA 16.10.333 (in TT 5A.R8) to be late Dynasty 11 or early Dynasty 12 (both oral communication). I am grateful to Dr. Arnold for her kind assistance in looking at this material. Such staves occur on stelae of Dynasty 11 to early Dynasty 12 date. See H.G. Fischer, Notes on Sticks and Staves in Ancient Egypt, MMJ 13 (1978), pp. 910.


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

Fig. 1a. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art 16.10.333, stela of Ddw. Courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1916.

Fig. 1b. Cairo, JE 45626, Stela of mn-m-t. Courtesy Egyptian Museum, Cairo.

Fig. 1c. Cairo, JE 45625, Stela of Nt-pt. Courtesy Egyptian Museum, Cairo.

Fig. 1e. Vienna, S 202, stela of ty. Courtesy, Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna. Fig. 1d. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art 16.10.327, stela of ntf and Nswmnw. Courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1916.


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

to be loosely packed and well balanced. There is at times an inventiveness seen, for example, in Cairo, JE 45626, where three gures on a chair with two backs interlock arms (and legs) in an embrace. Comments. Although generally not quite as ne, the style of painting and relief is remarkably similar to what is found in the tombs of Dagy and Meketre at Thebes, which have recently been redated to Mentuhotep III and the early years of Amenemhat I respectively.15 This represents a continuation of a style seen on a group of Theban stelae made during the reign of Mentuhotep II after the reunication.16 The beginning of a dynasty, before its canons are established, is at times characterized by the charm and playful inventiveness seen in this group. Vienna S 202 preserves traces of a full eighteen-square grid, perhaps the earliest stela to do so.17 This eshing out of the limited guidelines of the Old Kingdom Achsenkreuz came about presumably as an attempt to emulate Old Kingdom proportions at a time when Old Kingdom monuments were again accessible.18 The fact that it is often impossible to distinguish between late Dynasty 11 and early Dynasty 12 material at Thebes lends further support to Arnolds theory that Amenemhat I ruled from Thebes for a longer period than is generally realized.19 Both the inscriptions and decoration of MMA 16.10.327, MMA 16.10.333, Cairo, JE 45626, and Cairo JE 45625 may have been executed by the same hand. WORKSHOP NO. 2. Few Standing Figures Members
London, BM 52881a Berlin 22820b (g. 2a)

W. Thebes Kamala (17 km W. of Luxor) Deir el Bahari


Simpson no.

Florence 6378c (g. 2b) Dufferin Collectiond

Purchased in Luxor

15 For the former, see J. Allen, Some Theban Ofcials of the Early Middle Kingdom, in the present volume and, for the latter, D. Arnold, Amenemhat I and the Early Twelfth Dynasty at Thebes, JMMA 26 (1991), p. 21ff. 16 Freed, Middle Kingdom Relief, pp. 18184, 19193. 17 These gures are standing. The earliest full grid for a seated gure (14 squares) appears as early as the reign of Mentuhotep II following the reunication, on the stela of Intef, Cairo, CG 20003 (Freed, Middle Kingdom Relief, pp. 8384). 18

H.W. Mller, Der Kanon in der gyptischen Kunst, in Der Vermessene Mensch (Munich, 1973), pp. 1518. 19 Arnold, JMMA 26 (1991), p. 14ff.


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

Stockholm, MM 18155e

Purchased in Sheikh abd el Gurna Naga ed-Deir Dendera Dendera Abydos Abydos


Simpson no.

Oxford, Ashmolean 1954.25f (g. 2c) Moscow 4160g Berlin 19582h Marseilles 21i Moscow 4159j Rome, Museo Barracco4k Boston, MFA 25.659l Oxford, Ashmolean A 149m Los Angeles County 50.37.13 (g. 2d) New York, MMA 65.269n Leiden V 124o Leiden V 125p Amsterdam, Allard Pierson 8789q

ANOC 37.1 ANOC 37.2

Hieroglyphic Texts from Egyptian Stelae &C in the British Museum V (London, 1914), pl. 3 (hereafter HTBM). It was found in Theban Tomb 62. b R. Anthes, Eine Polizeistreife des Mittleren Reiches in die Westliche Oase, ZS 65 (1930), pp. 10814 and pl. VII. c Bosticco, Stele, pp. 2526 and pl. 19. The stela is placed in Dynasty 11. d I.E.S. Edward, Lord Dufferins Excavations at Deir el-Bahri, JEA 51 (1965), pl. 10, no. 2. e B. Petersen, gyptische Stelen und Stelenfragmente aus stockholmer Sammlungen, Opuscula Atheniensia 9 (1969), pp. 9596. I am grateful to Dr. Edward Brovarski for bringing this stela to my attention. f Ashmolean Museum, Annual Report 1954, p. 23 and pl. IV. g S. Hodjash and O. Berlev, The Egyptian Reliefs and Stelae in the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow (Leningrad, 1982), no. 28, pp. 72, 75. It is ascribed to the rst two reigns of Dynasty 12. h Unpublished. i J. Capart, LArt Egyptien (Brussels, 1911), pl. 141. j Hodjash and Berlev, Egyptian Reliefs, no. 27, pp. 7374, where it is attributed to Dynasty 11. k Museo Barracco di Scultura Antica. La Collezione Egizia (Rome, 1985), pp. 1213 and pl. 10. l R. Freed, Relief Style of Amenemhat I, pp. 6876. m W. Petrie, Dendereh (London, 1900), pl. XI bottom left. n Unpublished. The stela is sandstone, a material which was quarried south of Thebes.


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

Terrace, p. 19 and pl. 55 top. p. 19 and pl. 55 bottom. q W.M. van Haarlem, Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam (forthcoming), pp. 45.
p Ibid.,

o Simpson,

Date Range. Based on the high, rounded relief style of some and the jewel-like, incised detailing of others (see comments), it is possible that a few stelae in this group are attributable to late Dynasty 11. According to Hodjash and Berlev, the fact that the name of the owner of Moscow 4159 is separated from his titles by the epithet m r and the name of the patron deity supports a date prior to Dynasty 12.20 The phrase n.f after on Ashmolean A 149 is commonly found on Heracleopolitan Period false doors and post-reunication Dynasty 11 monuments from Thebes.21 On the basis of style and attributes, however, most stelae in this workshop appear to be early Dynasty 12. Dated examples of the bookroll with single tie, seen on Leiden V 125, are not known earlier than the coregency between Amenemhat I and Sesostris I.22 Relief Style. These stelae display considerable variation of style. The relief may be decidedly high and rounded or signicantly lower and atter. One stela is carved in sunk relief. Musculature in legs and knees are often exaggerated. Incised interior detailing is generally restricted to wigs on both men and women. Figures tend to be canonical vertically but males particularly may vary from canonical norm in breadth of shoulders or girth. Shared Attributes. The presence of a large-scale standing couple, a triad of equal height, and less often, a single male bind these stelae together as a group. With the previous Theban-based workshop it shares, in most instances, a limited area for inscriptions. When present, offerings tend to be relatively packed and restricted to the far side of the stela by a visual barrier created by a walking stick. Additional shared attributes include a large basin with tapering sides which either rests on the offering table or replaces it, and a scepter with upturned end (also seen on the previous group) held by many males. On a few stelae, the offering table itself is quite tiny, and either the walking stick or a ower stem may rest directly on it. In several instances the walking stick

20 Hodjash and Berlev note that this separation is unattested after Dynasty 11, Egyptian Reliefs, no. 27. 21 E. Brovarski, The Inscribed Material of the First Intermediate Period from Naga-ed-Dr (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1989). 22 Schenkel, FMS, p. 28. For additional comments on aspects of the inscription see n. 17.


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

Fig. 2a. Berlin 22820, stela of Ky. Courtesy, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.

Fig. 2b. Florence 6378, stela of Mn-nt. Courtesy Museo Egizio di Firenze.

Fig. 2d. Los Angeles County Museum of Art 50.37.13, stela of mw. Courtesy Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Gift of William Randolph Hearst. Fig. 2c. Oxford, Ashmolean 1954.25, stela of Ddw-sbk. Courtesy of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

intersects the table. A triangle is either incised or cut out of the bottom of the table leg. On many, incised detailing draws attention to the wigs. Individual curls on male wigs generally are arranged in horizontal rows or radiate out from a central point on the skull and follow the contour of the head. Female wigs may also be decorated. Either the hair is braided, as indicated by cross-hatched lines, or it is pulled directly back from the forehead, as indicated by incised parallel lines. Comments. The geographical spread of this stela group (Thebes to Abydos) suggests the increasing popularity of stelae, as well as the greater ease of travel and communication in the post-reunication years. The relief style and attributes of Los Angeles County Museum 50.37.13 are very similar to those of Ashmolean A 149, which was also found at Dendera. These two stelae may well be the earliest known from the workshop or be from the hand of an artist trained prior to the reunication. This is based on the non-canonical style of the Ashmolean stela and the intricate interior detailing seen on both. The latter is found not only at Dendera,23 but also in the tombs of Mentuhotep IIs minor queens at Thebes, which predate the reunication,24 and in other contemporary material.25 The bold, rounded, raised relief style of Moscow 4159 is also very similar to what is found on Theban material dating prior to the reunication.26 Conversely, the low, at, raised relief style devoid of interior detailing and the overall formality of MFA 25.659 from Naga ed Deir reects the Northern inuence on early Dynasty 12 material. Although differences of style link certain stelae to specic sites, overall there is a tendency toward standardization of format and sophistication. Such features link these stelae more closely to later Twelfth Dynasty works. Within the standardization, there is still room for creativity, as seen, for example, in Berlin 22820, where the owner K carries a bow and arrows in the same manner as he would carry a walking stick and scepter. He is also accompanied by his hunting dogs. The curved stick held horizontally on several stelae in this group and the ower held at the base of the stem on Marseilles 21 are features found on other stelae from the end of Dynasty 11 and early Dynasty 12.27
W. Petrie, Dendereh, pl. XI, for example, and W. Barta, Das Selbstzeugnis eines altgyptischen Knstlers (Berlin, 1970), pls. VIVII, nos. 1718. 24 E. Naville, The XIth Dynasty Temple at Deir el-Bahari I (London, 1907), pl. XVII C, F, and Barta, Selbstzeugnis, pl. VIII, no. 20. See also Freed, Middle Kingdom Relief, p. 153ff. 25 From Gebelain: Barta, Selbstzeugnis, pls. IIIV, nos. 1416. 26 Barta, Selbstzeugnis, pls. IIIVIII and Freed, Middle Kingdom Relief, p. 153ff.


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

London, BM 52881, Berlin 22820, the Dufferin Collection stela, Ashmolean 1954.25, Marseilles 21, Museum Barracco 4, and Leiden V 125 appear to be the work of the same sculptor,28 irrespective of their different provenances.29 Similarly, the decoration and text on Ashmolean A 149 and Los Angeles 50.37.13 may also be by the same hand. WORKSHOP NO. 3. Fleshy Feature Group Members
Paris, Louvre C (g. 3a) 3a

Abydos Abydos

Year 9, Sesostris I datable Amenemhat I/ Sesostris I datable Amenemhat I/ Sesostris I Amenemhat I/ Sesostris I

Simpson no.
ANOC 6.3 ANOC 6.1

Paris, Louvre C 19b

Berlin GM 26/ 66c(g. 3b) Cairo, CG 20756d (g. 3c) Paris, Louvre C 1e Munich S 33f (g. 3d)


ANOC 6.4

Abydos Abydos

ANOC 6.2

Simpson, Terrace, p. 17 and pl. 15 top. For a discussion of this stela, see P. Vernus, La Stele C 3 du Louvre, RdE 25 (1973), pp. 21734. b Simpson, Terrace, p. 17 and pl. 15 bottom left. c H. Satzinger, Die Abydos Stele des Jpwy aus dem Mittleren Reich, MDAIK 25 (1969), pp. 12130. See also Franke, Dossiers, no. 282. Lange und H. Schfer, Grab-und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches im Museum von Kairo IV (Berlin, 1902), pl. LVIII. e Simpson, Terrace, p. 17 and pl. 14. f S. Schoske and A. Grimm, Eine Stele des Mittleren Reiches, Im Blickpunkt, gallery guide (Munich, 1991).
d H.

Date Range. Two stelae in this group are dated by cartouche to the coregency of Amenemhat I and Sesostris I. Others belong to the same owner or family group (ANOC) as the dated examples or were carved by the same hand as the dated examples.

MMJ 13 (1978), pp. 910. Simpson attributes Leiden V 124 to the same sculptor as Leiden V, 125 (Terrace, p. 4, n. 25), but I prefer to see them as the work of two different hands in the same workshop. The somewhat better quality of Leiden V 125 suggests that it served as the model from which Leiden V 124 was made. Both belong to the same owner. 29 When the capital moved to -twy during the reign of Amenemhat I, it is likely that the center of stela production also shifted northward.

27 Fischer,


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

Fig. 3a. Paris, Louvre C 3, stela of Mry. Courtesy Muse du Louvre; photo Chuzeville.

Fig. 3b. Berlin GM 26/66, stela of pwy. Courtesy Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.

Fig. 3d. Munich S 33, stela of Wsw. Courtesy State collection of Egyptian art Munich.

Fig. 3c. Cairo, CG 20756, stela of Wsr and Nt. Courtesy Egyptian Museum, Cairo.


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

Relief Style. With one exception all the stelae in this group were carved in sunk relief or combine raised and sunk relief. Both types are unmodeled and share rather coarsely incised linear interior detailing. Proportions are often non-canonical. In the case of Berlin GM 26/66, two gures display the elongated legs, high waists, and small heads characteristic of pre-reunication Dynasty 11.30 In other examples, torsos are elongated or heads too large or too small. Shared Attributes. Prominent pug noses and eshy upper and lower lips forming a horizontal V in the cheek are the most notable features of this group. A pronounced hydrocephalic bulge and too thin necks are often evident on males represented either in close-tting wigs or natural hair. The attribute they most frequently carry is a folded bolt clutched to the chests. On womens sheath dresses, a relief-carved band generally delineates the upper border. In most instances, the offerings are loosely organized, but the pairing of similar items indicates an interest in symmetry. For example, on Berlin GM 26/66 and Louvre C 3, two geese lie hind-quarter-to-hind-quarter on an offering table, and their heads hang limply but decoratively over the sides. On another (CG 20756) paired leeks are shown in a similar manner, and in yet another (Munich S 33) joined double breads ( ) are shown in pairs. This type of bread31 appears on all but one stela in this group. Other shared attributes not commonly found on stelae include a duck head among the offerings, ducks in ight(?) restrained by a leash, and jars of sacred oils, which are named.32 Many of the tables are noteworthy for their truncated conical tops with concave sides placed atop narrow legs. Two stelae occasionally write horizontally oriented signs vertically,33 perhaps as a space-saving measure. Others have additional inscriptional oddities including confused signs, reverse orientation, and the sporadic use of hieratic. Comments. Many of these stelae belong to the same family group (ANOC), as shown by Simpson, but additionally, the gural areas of Louvre C 3, C 19, and Munich S 33 are clearly by the same artisan,34 who also carved the inscription. This is one of the earliest of the Abydene schools and differs from the approximately contemporary (or
30 W.

Barta, Selbstzeugnis, pp. 7576. a discussion of these breads see Vernus, RdE 25 (1973), p. 230. 32 For comments on the oils, ibid., p. 230. 33 On Louvre C 1 several ns ( ) and one r ( ) are oriented vertically and there is one vertical n on CG 20756. This occurs occasionally on stelae outside this workshop as well. 34 The presence of the same hand on Munich S 33 and Louvre C 3 was already noted by Simpson in Vernus, RdE 25 (1973), p. 230.
31 For


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

slightly earlier) Colorful Theban Group in its lengthier inscriptions and, not surprisingly given its Abydene provenance, in both the mention of Osiris and the inclusion of his multiple epithets. Also, incised linear details replace the painted ones of the Colorful Theban Group. WORKSHOP NO. 4. Vertical Curls and Flower Members
Cairo, CG 20256a (g. 4a) Berkeley, Hearst 93b (g. 4b) London, BM 560c (g. 4c) Cairo, CG 20516d

Abydos (Anastasi) Abydos

Year 30, Amenemhat I/ Year 10, Sesostris I

Simpson no.

a Lange b H.

and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine, pl. XIX. Lutz, Egyptian Tomb Steles and Offering Stones of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology of the University of California (Leipzig, 1927), pl. 47, where it was considered to be of spurious origin. c HTBM II (London, 1912), p. 10 and pl. 35. d Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine, pl. XXXV.

Date Range. All of the stelae in this group are stylistically and epigrahpically similar, as described below. The presence of the cartouches of Amenemhat I and Sesostris I on CG 20516 therefore dates the group. Relief Style. All were carved in sunk relief. Incised detailing is mainly restricted to male wigs and owers. Males are canonically correct, or nearly so. Womens torsos and arms are often attenuated. Shared Attributes. Men wearing close-tting wigs meticulously incised with rigid vertical rows of individual curls, and women carrying straight-sided lotus owers with short stems are among the many unifying characteristics of this group. Almond-shaped eyes without incised cosmetic lines or eyebrows, pointed noses, small straight mouths, and relatively large ears with distinct inner ridges are also shared. Of the three member stelae of this group which have offering tables (CG 20516, CG 20256 and Hearst 93), the overall design is very similar. Each table, for example, exhibits the unusual feature of a leg with its extra ring at the bottom and top. The latter two stelae also share a meat offering of roughly heart shape with a projection at the top, a shape seldom found on stelae.


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

Fig. 4a. Cairo, CG 20256, stela of Nb.t.f. Courtesy Egyptian Museum, Cairo.

Fig. 4b. Berkeley, Hearst 93, stela of Itj(?). Courtesy Phoebe Hearst (formerly Lowie) Museum of Anthropology, University of California at Berkeley.

Fig. 4c. London, BM 560, stela of Nt-rw and Pt-kw. Courtesy Trustees of the British Museum.


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

Comments. In relief style, attributes, and epigraphy these stelae are strikingly similar, and it is not out of the question that they were all made by the same artist. Many of the stelae exhibit a slight awkwardness in execution, particularly in the proportions of female gures. Various body parts are either too long, too thin, or too eshy, as if the sculptor was unfamiliar with any canon of proportion. This awkwardness can also be seen in the off-center table leg and mat on Hearst 93, a feature that undoubtedly contributed to the initial belief that the piece was spurious.35 The offerings radiating out from a central point on the table of CG 20256 is also unusual. Further, the arrangement of hieroglyphs on many of the stelae in this workshop is uneven. All of these things suggest they were made during a period of experimentation, as one might expect at the beginning of Dynasty 12 at a site like Abydos, which had previously lacked a strong tradition of stela production. For Late Eleventh and Early Dynasty 12 parallels to the curved stick on Hearst 93, see note 14 above. WORKSHOP NO. 5. Packed Offerings Group Members
London, BM 152a (g. 5a) Cairo, CG 20315b (g. 5b) Cairo, JE 36420c (g. 5c) Detroit
a HTBM b

Salt Collection Abydos Aswan

Year 10

Simpson no.


(g. 5d)

II, pl. 34.

Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine, pl. XXIV. Franke, Dossiers, no. 343 ascribes this stela to Anfang 12. Dynasty. c Freed, Relief Style Amenemhat I, p. 76 and g. 7. d Unpublished.

Date Range. Late Amenemhat I to early Sesostris I. No stela in this group is dated by cartouche, but one (BM 152) has a year date of ten. On the basis of its style and organization (see below under comments), it is most likely to be Year 10 of Sesostris I. Other stelae in this workshop exhibit strong stylistic similarities to BM 152. Additionally the contents of the tomb in which Cairo, JE 36420 was found, including the cofn, have recently been attributed to Amenemhat I.36
Egyptian Tomb Steles, p. 9 and pl. 47. H. Willems, The Cofn of Heqata. A Case Study of Egyptian Funerary Culture of the Early Middle Kingdom (Leuven, 1995), pp. 2125, esp. p. 25.
36 35 Lutz,


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

Fig. 5b. Cairo, CG 20315, stela of Nt. Courtesy Egyptian Museum, Cairo.

Fig. 5a. London, BM 152, stela of Nfr-twt. Courtesy Trustees of the British Museum.

Fig. 5c. Cairo, JE 36420, stela of Msnw. Courtesy Egyptian Museum, Cairo.

Fig. 5d. Detroit 81.4, stela of ty. Courtesy Founders Society, Detroit Institute of Arts Founders Society Purchase, Hill Memorial Fund and Contribution from an Anonymous Donor.


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

Style. All were carved in low, at raised relief. Interior modeling was used sparingly and skillfully, especially to highlight leg muscles and facial features. Interior detailing is restricted to jewelry and the essential elements of offerings. Figures are canonically correct. Shared Attributes. On all members of this group, the offerings are articially compressed, forming a compact, rigidly rectilinear unit. Also, the offerings are balanced on reed leaves with overly tall stems arranged on distinctive, split-foot splayed-leg tables. The tables additionally feature an extra ring between the leg and the table top. At least one spoutless s vase and a libation set lies below the table. The strict academic symmetry apparent in JE 36420 may also have been present in CG 20315, which is damaged. Comments. The low, at relief style and rigidly symmetrical composition which characterizes all the stelae in this group support a date in the reign of Amenemhat I.37 At this time artisans had not yet achieved the sophistication of stelae carving or subtlety of detail which appears later in the reign of Sesostris I (see workshops following). Cairo JE 36420 was found in Aswan, but because it bears such a striking resemblance to other stelae in this group, one of which comes from Abydos, it seems likely the Aswan stela was also made in Abydos.38 WORKSHOP NO. 6. Large Male Members
Paris, Louvre C 2a Paris, Louvre C 34b (g. 6a) Cairo, CG 20473c

Abydos Abydos

Year 9, Sesostris I datable, Amenemhat I/ Sesostris I datable, Amenemhat I/ Sesostris I datable, Amenemhat I/ Sesostris I Year 9, Sesostris I

Simpson no.
ANOC 29.1 ANOC 29.2


ANOC 29.3

Cairo, CG 20474d


ANOC 29.4

Leiden V 2e (g. 6b)

Abydos (Anastasi)

37 Freed, 38 One

Relief Style Amenemhat I. other stela, now Cleveland 21.1017, was also found in this tomb, but it, as well as other early Twelfth Dynasty reliefs from Aswan, differs stylistically from this stela. Detlef Franke excludes it from his Elephantine workshop but assigns it, as well as a few other Elephantine reliefs, to Kniglichen Residenz-Handwerkern, cf. Heqaib, p. 107.


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

London, BM (g. 6c) 558f

Abydos (Anastasi) Abydos (Anastasi) Abydos (Anastasi)


Simpson no.

London, BM 587g (g. 6d) London, BM 585h (g. 6e)

a Simpson, b Ibid.,

Terrace, p. 19 and pl. 44. p. 19 and pl. 43. c Ibid., p. 19 and pl. 45 top. d Ibid., Terrace, p. 19 and pl. 45 bottom. e P. Boeser, Beschreibung der Aegyptischen Sammlung des Niederlndischen Reichsmuseums der Altertmer in Leiden (Den Haag, 1909), pl. 7.
f HTBM g Ibid.,

II (London, 1912), pl. 14. pl. 36. h HTBM III (London, 1912), pl. 31.

Date Range. Late Amenemhat I to Sesostris I. Undated stelae are dated on the basis of family relationship to dated examples or on the basis of relief style. Offering formulae incorporate the classic hallmarks of the rst half of Dynasty 12.39 Relief Style. These stelae exhibit mainly raised relief, the height of which varies from low and at to a higher, more rounded surface. Modeling is particularly noticeable on the face, torso and legs. Incised interior detailing is sparingly and artfully used, particularly on wigs and offerings. All gures are canonical. Shared Attributes. The dominant presence of a male gure, usually alone and standing, unites most of these stelae. On many, naturalistically rendered rolls of fat and a sagging breast symbolize prosperity. Offerings are organized into a discreet area. Although they ll the available space, they are only loosely balanced, rather than being articially compressed, as they are in the Packed Offerings Group above. A conspicuously large eye may be further highlighted by delicately incised lines or shallow depressions rendered above, below, and sometimes encircling the orbit. Comments. The hands of master artisans are evident on a number of these stelae. For example, subtle modeling sets off the abdomen and back muscles of the owner of Leiden V 2, and the neck muscle of the deceased in Louvre C 34. Often the contrast between shallow and more deeply carved incised detailing creates an almost three-dimensional ef39 Bennett, JEA 27 (1941), pp. 7782. G. Rosati, Note e proposte per la datazione delle stele del Medio Regno, OrAnt 19 (1980), pp. 26978, and most recently Obsomer, Critres de datation, pp. 163200.


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

Fig. 6a. Paris, Louvre C 34, stela of r. Courtesy Muse du Louvre; photo Chuzeville. Fig. 6c. London, BM 558, stela of Bmky. Courtesy Trustees of the British Museum

Fig. 6b. Leiden V 2, stela of M-t. Courtesy of Rijksmuseum van Oudheden.

Fig. 6d. London, BM 587, stela of mn-m-t. Courtesy Trustees of the British Museum.

Fig. 6e. London, BM 585, stela of S-rnnwtt. Courtesy Trustees of the British Museum.


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

fect. Nowhere is it more beautifully done than on the feathered wings and webbed feet of the duck on BM 585. There is also a sense of playfulness in the way the ducks tail on BM 558 overlaps the side border and in the manner that the foot of a gure on Louvre C 34 steps into the inscription. CG 20473 and CG 20474 are wall reliefs. The many stylistic similarities between them and Louvre C 2 indicate that they were carved by the same hand.40 On BM 558 and BM 587 the similar faces and naturalistically rendered hair (including the hint of sideburns), also suggest they were executed by the same artist. Overall, the provincial, folk art quality of many earlier stelae is absent in this group, but there is still a playfulness seen in the experimentation with surface textures and the violation of borders. All of these stelae appear to have come from Abydos and were most likely made there by an experienced, well established school. WORKSHOP NO. 7. Incised False Door Members
Cairo, CG (g. 7a) 20515a

Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos

Year 10, Sesostris I datable, Sesostris I datable, Sesostris I Year 14, Sesostris I

Simpson no.
ANOC 30.1 ANOC 30.3 ANOC 30 ANOC 31.2

Cairo, CG 20751b Cairo, CG 20263c Berlin 1192d (g. 7b) Cairo, CG 20470e Cairo, CG 20088f Cairo, CG 20708g Paris, Louvre C 32h (g. 7c) Leiden V 85i (g. 7d) Cairo, CG 20524j Cairo, CG Cairo, CG
a Simpson, b Ibid.,

20525k 20400l 5-352m

Berkeley, Hearst

Terrace, p. 19 and pl. 46. p. 19 and pl. 47 bottom.

40 As

noted by Simpson, Terrace, p. 4, n. 25.


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

c Lange

and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine, pl. XX. This stela was added to ANOC 30 by H. de Meulenaere in his review of Simpson, Terrace, in CdE 52 (1977), p. 80.

d Simpson, e Lange

Terrace, p. 19 and pl. 49. and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine, pl. XXXIII. f Ibid., pl. VIII. g Ibid., pl. LIII. h E. Gayet, Muse du Louvre, Stles de la XIIe dynastie (Paris, 1886), pl. LVII. i Boeser, Beschreibungen, pl. XI. j Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine, pl. XXXVII. k Ibid., pl. XXXVII. l Ibid., pl. XXIX. m R. Fazzini, Images for Eternity (Brooklyn, 1975), pp. 5455.

Date Range. First half of the reign of Sesostris I on the basis of the dated and datable stelae in the group and the stylistic similarity of the undated stelae to the dated examples. Relief Style. The stelae in this group exhibit a wide variety of relief styles. Seven out of the thirteen were executed in a low, at, raised relief. Two combine this type of raised relief with a silhouette sunk relief for the minor gures, where not just the outline but the entire gure is depressed considerably below the surface of the background. Two are carved entirely in this sunk relief technique, and one is painted only. Except for the leg muscles, there is virtually no modeling, but incised details, including those articulating anatomical elements, may be abundant. The proportions of all the main gures approximate canonical norm, but there is great variety within the minor gures. Shared Attributes. A false door incised on the bottom register of ve stelae (CG 20470, CG 20515, CG 20088, Hearst 5-352, and Berlin 1192) is the element for which this workshop is named. Two eyes adorn the doors lintel. Additional attributes shared by other stelae in the group include the enumeration of offerings in the lunette, the arrangement of offerings (especially s jars and libation basins) beneath the offering table, and the placement of a mirror or bs jar beneath the legs of a seated female. Reed leaves on offering tables have almost imperceptible stems. In general, offerings are relatively few and loosely grouped. On or near the top of the offering pile, an over-large lettuce, when present, tends to dwarf other items. With two exceptions, all stelae feature at least one seated couple (a man and usually his wife, but occasionally his mother or sister). On many raised relief examples, shared details include horizontal registers of curls on male wigs and parallel strands on the wigs of women. Tiny


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

Fig. 7b. Berlin 1192, stela of Dbw.s. Courtesy Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Fig. 7a. Cairo, CG 20515, stela of Nt. Courtesy Egyptian Museum, Cairo.

Fig. 7d. Leiden V 85, stela of r-r. Courtesy Rijksmuseum van Oudheden.

Fig. 7c. Paris, Louvre C 32, stela of Ntny. Courtesy Muse du Louvre; photo Chuzeville.


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

almond-shaped eyes devoid of eyebrows or cosmetic lines, a small nose, either pointed or pug, and a narrow slit mouth are also present. In addition to the main couple, most of these stelae have one or more registers of auxiliary gures, usually identied as family members. In most instances, they stand with both hands hanging empty at their sides or with one raised in a worshipful gesture. On only a few stelae are auxiliary gures depicted in more active poses or bearing offerings. Comments. The variety of proportions approximating canonical norm seen on some of these stelae is to be expected in the early years of Dynasty 12 because the bulk of canonical material of the North would have been accessible to court artisans for relatively few years. Low, very at relief is also characteristic of this time. The custom of clasping a lotus at or near the bottom of its stem (Leiden V 85 and Louvre C 32) is a hold-over from the previous dynasty41 and is seldom found in Dynasty 12. The facial features of the raised relief stelae are relatively similar to what is seen on stelae dated to Sesostris Is second decade in the long-enduring Many Active Figures group (see below). Eyes appear on lintels of false doors in the tomb chapels beginning in the late Old Kingdom.42 Berlin 1192, CG 20263, and CG 20751 appear to be by the same hand. Similarly one artisan likely produced, Louvre C 32 and CG 20515, as well as possibly CG 20470. Another hand was responsible for both Leiden V 85 and CG 20524. WORKSHOP NO. 8. Many Active Figures Members
Cairo, CG 20026a Alnwick 1932b London, BM 586c MMA 12.184d (g. 8a) Paris, Louvre C 167e (g. 8b) Paris, Louvre C 168f

Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos

Year 10, Sesostris I Year 13, Sesostris I Year 14, Sesostris I Year 17, Sesostris I Year 25, Sesostris I datable, Sesostris I

Simpson no.
ANOC 31.1 ANOC 4.1 ANOC 4.2

Naga-ed-Dr, pp. 237, 926, and 1039 n. 20. A. Rusch, Die Entwicklung der Grabsteinformen im Alten Reich, ZS 58 (1923), p. 116.

41 Brovarski,


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

Cairo, CG 20561g

Abydos Abydos Abydos

datable, Sesostris I Year 33, Sesostris I Year 44, Sesostris I

Simpson no.
ANOC 4.4 ANOC 20.1

Leiden V 3h (g. 8c) Leiden V 4i Turin 1534j (g. 8d)

a H. Lange and H. Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches I (Berlin, 1902), pp. 3334. b Simpson, c HTBM

Terrace, p. 19 and pl. 48. II, p. 7 and pl. 12. d C. Ransom, The Stela of Menthu-weser, BMMA 8 (October, 1913), pp. 21618 and frontispiece. e Simpson, Terrace, p. 17 and pl. 10 top, and R. Moss, Two Middle Kingdom Stelae in the Louvre, in Studies Presented to F. LL. Grifth (Oxford, 1932), pp. 31011 and pl. 47. Simpson, Terrace, p. 17 and pl. 10 bottom, and Moss, Two Middle Kingdom Stelae, pp. 31011 and pl. 48. g Simpson, Terrace, p. 17 and pl. 11 bottom. h H. Schneider and M. Raven, Die Egyptische Oudheid (Leiden, 1981), p. 66, no. 45. i Simpson, Terrace, p. 18 and pl. 30. j Museo Egizio di Torino. Civilta Degli Egizi. Le Credenze Religiose (Turin, 1988), p. 109, g. 14445.

Date Range. Based on the numerous dated examples, and the stylistic similarity of the undated pieces to the dated ones, this workshop must belong in the four last decades of the reign of Sesostris I. Relief Style. All member stelae are in relatively high raised relief, which often includes interior modeling, especially in the area of the leg muscles. Incised interior detailing, particularly emphasizing details of offerings and attire, is abundant in some, but in others it is more restrained. All gures are canonical. Shared Attributes. Attendants carrying an interesting variety of goods, as well as the presence of numerous, well-organized offerings on tables characterize this group. The existence of separate baselines for single gures on CG 20561 and MMA 12.184 and small tables for just a few offerings provide further examples of the organizational tendencies artisans of the group exhibit. The leg of the main table has two variants; it is either slightly concave and narrower at the top with separate rings at top and bottom, or broadly splayed and split at the foot. The static appearance produced at rst glance by the neat spacing of offering bearers with their repetitive gestures (particularly on Louvre C 167, C 168, and Alnwick 1932), is offset, however, by the rich variety of offerings, many of which feature realistic details executed with


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

Fig. 8a. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art 12.184, stela of Mnw-wsr. Courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Edward S. Harkness, 1912.

Fig. 8b. Paris, Louvre C 167, stela of ntf. Courtesy Muse du Louvre; photo Chuzeville.

Fig. 8c. Leiden V 3, stela of ntf-r. Courtesy Rijksmuseum van Oudheden.

Fig. 8d. Turin 1534, stela of b-kw. Courtesy Museo Egizio-Torino.


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

minute precision. The net bags in which women carry jars on CG 20561 and Louvre C 167 and the tapered vertical rows of curls on Leiden V 3, V 4 and Turin 1534 provide delightful examples. Facial features in this group tend to be relatively uniform. Eyes are large and almond-shaped. Brows and cosmetic lines are often executed in paint only, and ears are large and well dened. Especially on the minor gures, the elongated and at times aquiline nose above a tiny upturned mouth produces a prole with a slightly compressed appearance. Comments. The dated stelae in the group demonstrate the tendency for relief to become higher and more plastically modeled as the reign progresses. Stela format has now become relatively standardized, and although the overall organization is similar in earlier groups (for example compare CG 20561 to MMA 65.269 in the Few Standing Figures Group, or MMA 12.184 to BM 152 in the Packed Offerings Group), there is often now a polished sophistication which sets them apart from the somewhat provincial awkwardness and forced organization of earlier examples. Both the overall design and the exquisitely carved details of these stelae bear eloquent testimony to the skill of their artisans, who, one might conjecture, were now part of a thriving community of artisans at Abydos. It is likely that CG 20561, Louvre C 167,43 Louvre C 168, MMA 12.184 and Alnwick 1932 were carved by the same artist. Similarly, Turin 1534, Leiden V 3 and Leiden V 4 may be a product of the same hand. WORKSHOP NO. 9. Elongated Skull Members
London, BM 572a

Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos (Anastasi)

Year 39, Sesostris I Sesostris I datable, Sesostris I Sesostris I Sesostris I/ Amenemhat II Year 13, Amenemhat II

Simpson no.
ANOC 5.1 ANOC 5.3 ANOC 5.2 ANOC 20.2

London, BM 562b London, BM 581c

Cairo, CG 20539d Boston, MFA 1980.173e (g. 9a) (false door) Munich GL. WAF 35f London, BM 571g

43 Simpson

also ascribes CG 20561, Louvre C 167, and C 168 to the same hand (Simpson, Terrace, p.4, n. 25).


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

Vienna 90h

Provenance (g. 9b)

datable late Sesostris I/ early Amenemhat II

Simpson no.

Cairo, CG 20425i Kansas City (g. 9c) Cairo, CG Cairo, CG 3316j

Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos

ANOC 24.1 ANOC 24.2 ANOC 24.3

Cairo, CG 20592k 20456l 20458m

Cairo, CG 20033n (g. 9d) London, BM 564o

a Simpson, b Ibid.,

Terrace, p. 17 and pl. 12. p. 17 and pl. 12. c Ibid., p. 17 and pl. 12. d Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine, pls. XLIXLII and S. Sauneron, Les Deux statues de Mentuhotep, Karnak V 19701972 (Cairo, 1975), p. 72 and pl. XXVIII. e W. K. Simpson, Mentuhotep, Vizier of Sesostris I, Patron of Art and Architecture, MDAIK 47 (1991), pp. 33140 and pl. 47. Terrace, p. 18 and pl. 30, right. II, pl. 16. h W.K. Simpson, The Steward Ieys Son Anhurhotpe in Vienna (Stela Inv. 90) and the Reisner Papyri, SAK 11 (1984), pp. 15764, where the stela is dated on the basis of the owners presence in the Reisner Papyri. i Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine, pl. XXX. j Handbook of the William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art (Kansas City, 1933), p. 116, lower left.
g HTBM k Lange and Schfer, f Simpson,

Grab- und Denksteine, pl. XLVII. In Franke, Dossiers, no. 778 the stela is ascribed to ca. Sesostris I and Anfang/Mitte 12. Dynastie. l Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine, pl. XXXII. m Simpson, Terrace, p. 18 and pl. 36 right. n Ibid., p. 18 and pl. 36 bottom. o Ibid., p. 18 and pl. 36.

Date Range. Late Sesostris I through early Amenemhat II, based on dated examples and the stylistic similarity of the undated stelae to the dated ones. Also n m (rather than n k n m) on many of these stelae is an expression found only rarely after Amenemhat II.44 Relief Style. On all of these stelae, the relief style is quite distinctive. They were carved in sunk relief made by cutting a deep outline, and (in most instances) rounding the surface of the cut inward and up to background level, so that little of the interior of a gure or object was
44 Bennett,

JEA 27 (1941), p. 79, and later, A. Obsomer, Critres de datation, pp. 18687.


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

Fig. 9a. Boston, MFA 1980.173, false door of Mnw-tp. Courtesy Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Fig. 9b. Vienna 90, stela of y. Courtesy Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna.

Fig. 9c. Kansas City 3316, stela of Sny. Courtesy The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri (Purchase: Nelson Trust).

Fig. 9d. Cairo, CG 20033, stela of Rn-n. Courtesy Egyptian Museum, Cairo.


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

actually recessed. An elegant attenuation marks many gures, particularly the attendants, but it seems clear this was done deliberately rather than in an unsuccessful attempt to produce canonically correct gures. This elongation is echoed in the exaggerated thinness of many of the offerings and even in the long, narrow shape of many of the stelae themselves. Lyrically curved lines offset the vertical emphasis. This is seen, for example, in the pronounced curve at the back of the skull of males in cap wigs (the feature after which the group was named), the upturned legs of tables, and the curvilinear shape of many of the vessels. Incised interior detailing is sparse and, for the most part, restricted to offerings. Modeling is used with great skill, particularly to highlight musculature in the arms, legs, abdomen, and even the neck, which is marked by a vertical depression on ve stelae in this group. Shared Attributes. In addition to the pronounced bulge at the back of the head and the deeply split table leg with upturned ends mentioned above, many of these stelae display offerings piled loosely around tables with no pretense of balance, and a wide variety of jar shapes. Generally the number of offerings is quite limited. Male owners are often overweight, and this is represented by abstract horizontal cuts on the chest and a pendant breast. (On only the false door fragment, MFA 1980.173, is this rendered with any degree of naturalism.) Most seated men wear a wrap-around kilt exposing part of the thigh. On womens dresses, a lock of hair substitutes for at least one shoulder strap. The nose is the most prominent facial feature and is either long and decidedly aquiline or comes to a point. Comments. The large size of this group reects, at least in part, the increasing demand for stelae at Abydos toward the end of Sesostris Is reign. Because of the demand, there is also a tendency toward mass production, and that may account for the wholesale substitution of sunk relief for the more time-consuming raised relief, as well as the absence of meticulously carved detail. Instead, the skill of the artisans is expressed in their use of abstract curvilinear forms, which have their own decorative impact. Simpson noted that BM 572, BM 562, and BM 581 were carved by the same hand.45 To this list should be added Vienna 90, Kansas City 3316, CG 20425, CG 20539, CG 20458, and CG 20456 Recto at least as far as the decorative areas are concerned. It seems likely, however, that in this instance, several different scribes were responsible for the inscriptions.46 Based on their epigraphic idioTerrace, p. 4, n. 25. follows Frankes suggestion that two people, a s-kdwt (draughtsman) and a gnwty (sculptor) work on a single stela (Franke, Elephantine, p. 105.
46 This 45 Simpson,


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

syncrasies, it appears one hand wrote BM 572, BM 562, and BM 581, while another wrote Vienna 90, Kansas City 3316, CG 20425, and CG 20456 Recto (CG 20539 and CG 20458 appear to have unique handwriting as far as this workshop is concerned.) WORKSHOP NO. 10. Attenuated Figures Members
Paris, Louvre C 172a London, BM 828b (g. 10a) Berlin 1183c Cairo, CG 20531d Paris, Muse Guimet 11324e London, BM 576f

Abydos (Anastasi) Abydos Abydos Abydos

Year 3, Amenemhat II Year 3, Amenemhat II Year 3, Amenemhat II Amenemhat II datable, Amenemhat II datable Amenemhat II or later Year 24 Year 24

Simpson no.
ANOC 23.1 ANOC 23.3

Berlin 1200g (g. 10b) Cairo, CG Cairo, CG 20090h 20546i 162j

Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos Abydos

ANOC 2.2 ANOC 2.3 ANOC 8.2 ANOC 21.1 ANOC 30.2 ANOC 39.1 ANOC 39.2

London, BM

Berlin 1188k (g. 10c) Paris, Louvre C 176l Cairo, CG (g. 10d) Cairo, CG Cairo, CG Cairo, CG Cairo, CG Cairo, CG Cairo, CG Cairo, CG Cairo, CG Cairo, CG 20526m

Cairo, CG 20567n 20568o 20288p 20063q 20094s 20139t 20285u 20566w 20589x 20676y

Cairo, CG 20091r

Cairo, CG 20300v

Cairo, CG 20697z


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

Cairo, CG 20750aa 241ab London, BM (g. 10e) London, BM (g. 10f)

Abydos Abydos (Athanasi) Abydos (Athanasi)


Simpson no.
ANOC 42.1

London, BM 839ac 971ad

Paris, Louvre C 180ae Paris, Louvre C Paris, Louvre C Paris, Louvre C Paris, Muse Guimet 10aj NY, MMA 12.182.1ak Chicago, Oriental Institute 9920al Berlin 7280am
a Mentioned

181af 184ag 245ah

Paris, Muse Guimet 4ai

most recently in C. Obsomer, La date de Nsou-Montou (Louvre C1), RdE 44 (1993), p. 118, n. 58.

b HTBM II, pl. 21, and K. Piehl, Explication dune stle datant du Moyen Empire, Sphinx 2 (1898), pp. 13136. c H.W. Mller, MDAIK 4 (1933), pl. 33. d Simpson, Terrace, p. 18 and pl. 35 bottom. e Ibid., p. 18 and pl. 35 top. f HTBM II, pl. 10. The owner of the stela was an ry-t of Amenemhat II. g E. Varga and S. Wenig, gyptische Kunst. Sonderausstellung der gyptischen Abteilung der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin (Budapest, 1963), p. 9, no. 50 and pl. V. The year date on this stela is crudely incised below the baseline, following a line of hieratic. It may postdate the gural carving. h Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine, pl. IX. The year date on this stela is at the bottom of a crudely incised column of hieratic. It may be a later addition, as on Berlin 1200. i Simpson, Terrace, pp. 1415, 17 and pl. 6 left, and Franke, Dossiers, nos. 93, 100, and 379 where the stela is dated end Amenemhet II to somewhat earlier (than Sesostris III). j Simpson, Terrace, pp. 15, 17 and pl. 6 right, and Franke, Dossiers, no. 100, where the stela is ascribed to beginning/middle 12th Dyn. (before Sesostris III). k Simpson, Terrace, pp. 17, 23 and pl. 17 bottom, and Franke, Dossiers, no. 496, where the stela is ascribed to middle 12th Dyn. l Simpson, Terrace, p. 18 and pl. 32 upper left, and Franke, Dossiers, no. 267, where the stela is ascribed to beginning of Dynasty 12. m Simpson, Terrace, p. 19 and pl. 47 top. Simpson dates this stela to Year 10, Sesostris I (Terrace, p. 19), based on the fact that its owner, the s kd, Nt is the son of the owner depicted on Cairo CG 20515, which is dated to that time, and Franke, Dossiers, no. 338, agrees. I would, nevertheless, argue for a later dating for Cairo CG 20526 on the basis of its stylistic similarities to members of this stelae group (see following paragraphs), which are dated or datable to late Sesostris I Amenemhat II.


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

n o

Simpson, Terrace, p. 20 and pl. 57 left. Franke, Dossiers, no. 308 ascribes it to early/ middle Dynasty 12. Simpson, Terrace, p. 20 and pl. 57 right. Franke, Dossiers, no. 308 ascribes it to early/ middle Dynasty 12. p Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine, pl. XXII. pl. VI. pp. 11012. s Ibid., pl. IX. t Ibid., pl. XII. u Ibid., pl. XXII. v Ibid., pl. XXIII. w Ibid., pl. XLV, and Franke, Dossiers, no. 566 (early/middle Dynasty 12). x Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine, pl. XLVII. y Ibid., pl. LI. z Ibid., LIII. A dog sits under the owners chair on this stela. Pgers claim that this is not found on stelae after the reign of Sesostris I has been proven incorrect by Obsomer, Critres de datation, p. 183, where he cites an example from the reign of Amenemhat II.
r Ibid., q Ibid.,

and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine, pl. LVIII. III, pl. 36. ac Simpson, Terrace, p. 20 and pl. 61 left. Franke, Dossiers, no. 597 ascribes the stela to Sesostris I. ad HTBM III, pl. 37. Franke, Dossiers, no. 345 ascribes it to beginning 12th Dyn. ae Gayet, Stles, pl. XXXV. af Ibid., pl. XXXVI. ag Ibid., pl. L. ah Unpublished. ai A. Moret, Catalogue du Muse Guimet. Galerie Egyptienne (Paris, 1909), pl. III. aj Muse Guimet, pl. IX. ak Hayes, Scepter I, pp. 33334 and g. 221. Franke, Dossiers, no. 391 ascribes it to Sesostris I, and Obsomer, Critres de datation, p. 191, places it at the end of the reign of Sesostris I or in the reign of Amenemhat II, based on liation designated by r(t).n. al D. Silverman, The Chamberlain NJ-SW WJ, Serapis 3 (197576), pp. 3540 and pl. I. am I. Mller in Priese, ed., gyptisches Museum, pp. 5657, where the provenance is listed as Abydos?

aa Lange

Date Range. Late Sesostris I Amenemhat II. Three stelae are dated by both the Kings name and a year date (see above) to Year 3, Amenemhat II. Another bears that Kings cartouche. (The Year date of 24 found on Berlin 1200 and CG 20090 is, in my opinion, a later addition because in both cases the numerals and their accompanying hieratic signs are crudely incised in comparison with the rest of the text and differ from it in size, and are not placed in an area where an inscription is generally found.) Others in this workshop are stylistically similar (or even by the same artisan) to the dated examples. Franke includes eleven of the non-dated stelae in his Dossiers, where he dates them from Sesostris I to late Amenemhat II, including beginning/middle 12th


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

Fig. 10b. Berlin 1200, stela of S-rnnwtt. Courtesy Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.

Fig. 10c. Berlin 1188, stela of Wsr-tsn. Courtesy Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.

Fig. 10a. London, BM 828, stela of S-mnw. Courtesy Trustees of the British Museum.

Fig. 10d. Cairo, CG 20526, stela of Nt. Courtesy Egyptian Museum, Cairo.

Fig. 10e. London, BM 241, stela of Nt and nt-ty-tp. Courtesy Trustees of the British Museum.

Fig. 10f. London, BM 971, stela of M-swsr. Courtesy Trustees of the British Museum.


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

Dyn. (see Workshop no. 10, notes io, w, acad, and ak), on the basis of other sources of information about the people represented. The presence of the title nbt-pr (Woman of the House) on two of the stelae (Berlin 1188 and Guimet 11324), has often been used as an argument for a date of Amenemhat III or later. However, noting the relatively frequent occurrence of the title in the context of dated tombs from the reign of Mentuhotep II on, Obsomer argues for a pre-Amenemhat III date for their appearance on stelae.47 Additionally, many of these stelae preface the name of the owner with n m, rather than n k n m, which, as noted earlier, is rare after Amenemhat II.48 As far as a terminus post quem for this workshop, many of these stelae indicate liation by r(t).n rather than ms(t).n. According to Obsomer, this places them at the end of the reign of Sesostris I at the earliest, or the reign of Amenemhat II.49 In short, art historical, philological and administrative criteria all point to a date from Late Sesostris I through Amenemhat II for this workshop. Relief Style. The stelae in this group share a strikingly similar carving style. For the most part, they are in sunk relief with an occasional element in raised relief to provide contrast. This is seen, for example, on CG 20566 with the owner and his wife, the main offering table on CG 20091 and CG 20094, and a pile of offerings on Oriental Institute 9920 and BM 576. There is an angularity evident in the carving, produced by outlining gures and objects with a deep, sharp line, and making a second cut from the interior, which meets the rst at approximately a 45 angle. No attempt was made however, to smooth the sharp edge left where the second cut meets the interior surface, as was done in the Elongated Skull Group. The angularity is carried over into the shape of the gures, particularly those of the male attendants whose torsos are reduced to a triangle from which thin straight arms hang limply downward. Often the arms, not only of the minor gures, but of the owner and his wife as well, are overly long, and in that sense they are non-canonical. The offering table, the offerings, and even the hieroglyphs (Muse Guimet 10) may assume the same attenuated form. Incised interior detailing and modeling is virtually non-existent on both main and minor gures, although the essential elements of offerings are occasionally indicated, perhaps to identify them.

Obsomer, Critres de datation,pp. 16667, where all the previous discussions are summarized. 48 See note 44. 49 Ibid., pp. 18091.


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

Despite the overall angularity, a number of stelae make use of curves in an ingenious way. On CG 20531, CG 20546 and BM 162, the top few lines of hieroglyphs curve to echo the rounded tops of the stelae themselves. Even and generally fairly ample spacing of the gures, whether carrying offerings or empty-handed, as well as the tendency toward similar gestures, give these stelae an overall repetitive and somewhat sterile feeling. They are easily recognizable as a group. Shared Attributes. The majority of stelae in this large group t into a few basic models. Most commonly the owner, always male, sits while his wife stands some distance behind and clasps him on his far shoulder. A column of inscription between them identies her. Less commonly he sits alone. On a few stelae only standing gures are shown. The last group is generally devoid of both offerings and an offering formula.50 Additionally, most stelae feature six or more family members who stand on subsidiary registers with their arms hanging limp and emptyhanded at their sides. Most are identied by their relationship to the stela owner. Occasionally, attendants bring one or two items of food or drink, and this contrasts sharply with the more heavily laden offering bearers seen on stelae from other workshops, for example, in the Incised False Door Group. Seated males most often wear a closely wrapped kilt which extends to their knees. Standing males wear a kilt of similar length, but with an overlapped front ap projecting forward in a triangle, and the interior edge hanging in an elongated triangle pendant between the legs. Male wigs generally fall into two categories; one type falls in a gentle curve from the forehead to well below shoulder level and is occasionally decorated with parallel horizontal striations. On the other type, a horizontal line extends beyond the prole and delineates bangs. The rest of the hair falls in a pronounced curve from in front of the ear to just below the shoulders. Women wear sheath dresses on which both shoulder straps are generally indicated. The straps increase dramatically in width from shoulder to bodice, forming a wide V which is bisected by a lock of hair. A concave-leg offering table supporting stemless reed leaves is a prominent feature of this group. The leaves may be either wide-bladed,
50 Presumably another element of the offering chapel would have contained an offering formula. For a discussion of these stelae particularly as individual components of Abydene stela chapels, see Simpson, Terrace, p. 15.


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

usually eight in number, or tall and narrow, in bundles of as many as sixteen. To its right, and beneath or beside it may rest a tall s jar or libation set. To the left of the table leg, dbt-tp (offerings) is frequently inscribed, and above, often (thousand) signs accompany the hieroglyphs for the foods and material goods enumerated in the offering formula. Less often, a thin mat or a low table placed above or beside the reed leaves contains additional items. Comments. The Attenuated Figures Group is both the largest and chronologically the latest of the workshops presented here. Its member stelae are also the most homogeneous in both relief style and attributes. There is less variation in the positions of gures and greater spacing among them.There is also a tendency toward carelessness which is particularly noticeable in the angular cutting of the minor gures. The compositions are generally spare, including few offerings and showing little attention to individual detail. Although they are not unappealing, their simplicity and overall sameness suggests that they were hastily carved. Within that uniformity, a few individual hands may nevertheless be noted. Clearly CG 20546 and BM 162, (both ANOC 2) were carved by the same artist, who may have also carved BM 839, Berlin 1188, CG 20091, CG 20094, CG 20285, and CG 20531. Similarly, CG 20567 and CG 20568 (both ANOC 39), are from the same hand,51 also possibly responsible for Louvre C 172. Another hand carved CG 20091 and CG 20285. Another: CG 20090, Berlin 1200, and Guimet 11324. Another: CG 20526. Another: Berlin 1183, Louvre C 176, Louvre C 181, BM 576, and BM 828. Another: BM 241, Louvre C 180, and Guimet 10. Another: Oriental Institute 9920, CG 20697, and BM 576. Because so many more stelae have survived from this workshop than from any other, because so many individual hands can be identied, and because the variation in composition and attention to detail and execution is so dramatically reduced, one may infer that by the reign of Amenemhat II a greater demand for stelae has led to short cuts in the stela-making process. These shortcuts include the widespread use of sunk relief, the sameness of pose, a lack of time-consuming intricate details, and an overall simplicity of format. Moreover, a number of stelae contain names and titles in hieratic (CG 20090) or in hieroglyphs that seem cursorily rendered compared to the hieroglyphs of the offering formula (CG 20300), or to precisely executed gural carving (CG 20139).

51 Ibid.


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

This suggests that at least some stelae were now available from a readymade, generic stock, which could be personalized after purchase. On the basis of the dated stelae, this workshop endured for at least twenty years. Conclusion In addition to what they show us about the make-up of stela workshops, private stelae from the reigns of Amenemhat I, Sesostris I, and Amenemhat II provide a rich illustration of the art historical creativity of the time and mirror its political changes. Of the 123 stelae in this study, twenty-three are dated by cartouche, thirteen are datable on the basis of the identity of their owners or specific aspects of style, attributes, or inscriptional information, and an additional eighty-seven are attributed to a given reign (or reigns) based on their inclusion in a dated or datable workshop. When not only dated stelae, but also stelae in dated or datable workshops are considered, much more material is available from which trends may be observed. Stela workshops discussed here fall roughly into three groups, corresponding approximately to the three reigns. The earliest workshops, specically the Colorful Theban Group and Few Standing Figures Group were headquartered at Thebes, where the capital was presumably still located. The former follows very closely the style of painting and relief found in the tombs of the royal courtiers, Dagy and Meketre, believed to date to the reign of Mentuhotep III and Amenemhat I respectively.52 It is possible both workshops were established in Dynasty 11 and continued into Dynasty 12. Whether or not the earliest member stelae were made in Dynasty 11, their debt to the post-reunication style is readily discernible. Although both groups may be contemporary, the Few Standing Figures Group bears the stamp of Northern inuence in its relief style, and it is this style that prevails, with some modication, well into the reign of Sesostris I. When the capital moved northward to -twy, it appears that the center of stela production also shifted northward, but only as far as Abydos. Regardless of whether it preceded the move, it is not surprising that the Fleshy Features Group, probably the earliest Abydene workshop, reects a Theban inuence in its occasional non-canonical proportions. It is noteworthy that fully seven stelae included here are dated by cartouche and year date to Year 9 or 10 of the reign of Sesostris I. These seven stelae belong to ve different workshops (Fleshy Features, Ver52 See

discussion on p. 302 of this article and especially n. 15.


Rita E. Freed, Stela Workshops of Early Dynasty 12

tical Curls and Flower, Large Male, Incised False Door, and Many Active Figures), and they clearly demonstrate the extent of experimentation and creativity that followed the move northward and the royal building projects a new capital and necropolis demanded. At no point later in the dynasty does such a diversity of styles exist at the same time. Politically, the middle years of the reign of Sesostris I were a time of stability, and stela workshops appear to have ourished. Although different workshops are identiable, there is also much more similarity among them, particularly in relief style, than previously. The mature raised relief style of Sesostris I (seen particularly in the Large Male, Incised False Door, and Many Active Figure workshops) is higher, thereby permitting more plastic modeling. On the face of the owner of Leiden V, 2, for example (Large Male workshop), a depression surrounds the eye, parallels the nose, and separates the face from the neck. A fold of esh marks the corner of the nostril. Such realistic modeling is often accompanied by delicate touches of incised detail, as the feathering of a ducks wing on British Museum 585 in the Large Male Group, and the painstakingly executed jars carried in net bags on Louvre C 167 or Cairo, CG 20561 (both in the Many Active Figures workshop). These skillfully executed touches demonstrate a condence derived from experience in relief carving. Virtually all include canonical gures. The combination of plastic modeling and nely incised detailing which unites the Abydene workshops after the rst decade of Sesostris Is reign is characteristic of both royal and private works of the same period made elsewhere. On the White Chapel of Sesostris I at Thebes, for example, the reliefs are covered with painstakingly incised detail.53 The face of the nomarch Ukh-hotep in his tomb at Meir54 is marked by plastic modeling similar to what is seen on Leiden V 2. Although reliefs from each region maintain some of their own idiosyncrasies, these broad characteristics bear testimony to a trend toward country-wide artistic unity. There is also a tendency for the content of a stela to be more complex at this time and to feature more gures in a greater variety of poses. For example, Leiden V 4 from the Many Active Figures workshop shows gures in a series of action poses, one mashing grain, another trussing a bull, and numerous male and female attendants bringing a wide variety of offerings. The Incised False Door Group is so named because of the inclusion, on four of its member stelae, of a complete
53 P. 54 A.

Lacau and H. Chvrier, Une Chapelle de Ssostris I Karnak (Cairo, 1951), plates. Blackman, The Rock Tombs of Meir II (London, 1915), pl. XXXV, no. 1, for example.


Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson

false door in miniature in the center of the bottom register. The combination of the false door, the offering bearers, and the scenes of daily life means that most of the repertoire of an entire chapel is included within these stelae. In the reign of Amenemhat II, the high, plastic modeling, intricate detailing, and complex compositions which characterize the workshops ourishing under Sesostris I give way to a less detailed, more mechanical style, probably as the result of increased demand. This is seen particularly in the Elongated Skull and Attenuated Figures workshops. All those stelae were executed in sunk relief, which is both easier and faster to carve than raised relief. In the latter workshop particularly, not only is the amount of detailing reduced, but there are fewer gures and fewer offerings. The repertoire of poses is limited, and generally the gures assume more passive positions, thereby demanding less creativity on the part of the artisans. By far the largest workshop, with thirty-nine stelae carved by several identied hands, the Attenuated Figures Group exhibits a decided carelessness with regard to the canon, each artisan seeming to have his own variant. Accordingly, within the same workshop, legs, arms, torsos, and necks may be too long or too short, or too fat or too thin, particularly on the minor gures. No workshop can be dated exclusively to the reign of Sesostris II, although it is not out of the question that the Attenuated Figures workshop continued that late. Following that reign, the production of stelae, like pottery, grave goods, and many other aspects of the material life of Egyptian society underwent signicant changes reecting the wholesale reorganization of the country that occured under Sesostris III, and the new world vision that was promulgated.55

55 For

an overview of these changes and their reasons, see J. Bourriau, Patterns of Change in Burial Customs during the Middle Kingdom, in S. Quirke, ed., Middle Kingdom Studies (New Malden, Surrey, 1991), pp. 320, especially pp. 1012.


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