Gujarat State Groundwater Year Book 2020-21

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December - 2021



Compiled by

Dr. Gajanan Ramteke, Hydrometeorologist

Shri. Nilesh Dhokia, Draftsman


December 2021

Central Ground Water Board, West Central Region, has been issuing Ground
Water Year Book annually for Gujarat state by compiling the hydrogeological,
hydrochemical and groundwater level data collected from the Groundwater
Monitoring Wells established by the Board in Gujarat State. Monitoring of
groundwater level and chemical quality furnish valuable information on the
groundwater regime characteristics of the different hydrogeological units
moreover, analysis of these valuable data collected from existing observation wells
during May, August, November and January in each groundwater year (June to
May) indicate the pattern of groundwater movement, changes in recharge-
discharge relationship, behavior of water level and qualitative & quantitative
changes of groundwater regime in time and space. It also helps in identifying and
delineating areas prone to decline of water table and piezometric surface due to
large scale withdrawal of groundwater for industrial, agricultural and urban water
supply requirement. Further water logging prone areas can also be identified with
historical water level data analysis. This year book contains the data and analysis
of groundwater regime monitoring for the year 2020-21.

The behavior of groundwater levels as analyzed from the existing Groundwater

Monitoring Wells data and the chemical quality of groundwater is discussed in
details in this report along with the thematic maps depicting the groundwater
scenario for different periods of measurements. The depth to water level, water
level fluctuations, water table and water quality maps have been prepared and
presented in this report along with detailed discussion on each map.

The scientific officers of the Regional office have systematically collected field data
from the Groundwater Monitoring Network Wells four times during the viz., May,
August, November and January and the analysis of same has been presented in
this report along with changes in different seasons and long term changes in water
level. The water samples were collected during May 2020 were analysed in the
Regional Chemical Laboratory of West Central Region Ahmedabad to bring out
chemical characteristic of groundwater. As a special drive to monitor presence of
arsenic in groundwater, the concentration of arsenic has been measured and
produced in the report.

I hope the report would be extermly useful to various agencies engaged in

groundwater development and management for fruitful planning in time and space.

(Sanjeev Mehrotra)
Regional Director (I/C)


Executive Summary 1
Introduction 3
Hydrogeology 9
Groundwater Scenario 13
Hydrochemistry 71

List of Annexures
Annexure I Distribution of Groundwater monitoring wells in the Major river basin.
Annexure IIA Water levels of the National Hydrograph Stations in Gujarat state, 2020-21
Annexure IIB Water levels of the National Hydrograph Stations in Gujarat state, 2020-21
Annexure III Groundwater Table of Gujarat state during May 2020 (Phreatic)
Annexure IV Mean Decadal water levels of the National Hydrograph Stations in Gujarat state
(Phreatict) 2010-19
Annexure V Water Quality Data of National Hydrograph Monitoring Stations of Gujarat
state, May 2020

List of Tables
Table 1 District wise Average Annual Rainfall in the Gujarat state
Table 2 District wise distribution of Groundwater monitoring welIs monitored during 2020-21
Table 3 Distribution of hydrogeological formations in Gujarat and their Potential
Table 4 Wellwise categorisation of Depth to water level May 2020
Table 5 Wellwise categorisation of Depth to water level August 2020
Table 6 Wellwise categorisation of Depth to water level November 2020
Table 7 Wellwise categorisation of Depth to water level January 2021
Table 8 Categorisation of changes in water level between May 2020 to August 2020
Table 9 Categorisation of changes in water level between May 2020 to November 2020
Table 10 Categorisation of changes in water level between May 2020 to January 2021
Table 11 Categorisation of changes in water level between May 2019 to May 2020
Table 12 Categorisation of changes in water level between August 2019 to August 2020
Table 13 Categorisation of changes in water level between November 2019 to November 2020
Table 14 Categorisation of changes in water level between January 2020 to January 2021
Table 15 Well wise categorisation of changes in water level during May 2020 to decadal average of
May 2010-19
Table 16 Well wise categorisation of changes in water level during August 2020 to decadal average
of August 2010-19
Table 17 Well wise categorisation of changes in water level during November 2020 to decadal
average of November 2010-19
Table 18 Well wise categorisation of changes in water level during January 2021 to decadal average
of January 2011-20
Table 19 Quality index of National Hydrograph monitoring stations of Gujarat, May 2020

List of Figures
Figure 1 Map showing administrative divisions of Gujarat State
Figure 2 Map showing distribution of IMD normal rainfall
Figure 3 Distribution of rainfall in Gujarat state
Figure 4 Distribution of GWMNS in the districts and major river basins
Figure 5 Major hydrogeological units and distribution of Groundwater Monitoring Network Stations
Figure 6 Distribution of depth to water levels
Figure 7 Depth to water level map of May 2020
Figure 8 Depth to water level map of August 2020
Figure 9 Depth to water level map of November 2020
Figure 10 Depth to water level map of January 2020
Figure 11 Distribution of seasonal fluctuation of water levels
Figure 12 Seasonal fluctuation of water level May 2020 to August 2020
Figure 13 Seasonal fluctuation of water level May 2020 to November 2020
Figure 14 Seasonal fluctuation of water level May 2020 to January 2021
Figure 15 Annual fluctuation of water level
Figure 16 Annual fluctuation of water level May 2019 to May 2020
Figure 17 Annual fluctuation of water level August 2019 to August 2020
Figure 18 Annual fluctuation of water level November 2019 to November 2020
Figure 19 Annual fluctuation of water level January 2020 to January 2021
Figure 20 Decadal average depth of water level during pre-monsoon (2010-19)
Figure 21 Decadal average depth of water level during post-monsoon (2010-19)
Figure 22 Fluctuation of seasonal water level to decadal average
Figure 23 Variation of water level of May 2019 to decadal average of May 2010-19
Figure 24 Variation of water level of August 2019 to decadal average of August 2010-19
Figure 25 Variation of water level of November 2019 to decadal average of November 2010-19
Figure 26 Variation of water level of January 2021 to decadal average of January 2011-20
Figure 27 Groundwater table contours of Gujarat May 2020
Figure 28 Piezometric surface contour map of First confined aquifer May 2020 in m a MSL
Figure 29 Piezometric surface contour map of Second confined aquifer May 2020 in m a MSL
Figure 30 Isocontor map of EC (May 2020)
Figure 31 Isocontor map of Chloride (May 2020)
Figure 32 Map of Nitrate concentration (May 2020)
Figure 33 Map of Flouride concentration (May 2020)
Figure 34 Map of Iron concentration (May 2020)


♦ Central Ground Water Board has set up a network of 1064 Groundwater monitoring
wells including 290 piezometers. Initially the monitoring commenced with the
establishment of 82 observation wells spread uniformly over the entire state, in the
year 1969 and since then number of stations were added regularly so as to get proper
hydrological information of different hydrogeological and geo-morphological units.

♦ The density of groundwater monitoring wells is 157 km2/well in Gujarat.

♦ The average decadal rainfall varies from about 2247 mm in Valsad to about 478 mm
in Kachchh.

♦ Gujarat is one of the frequent drought prone states of India. Several consecutive
droughts have been experienced during last 20 years, 1986-88 was the longest and
the most severe drought period experienced in the past.

♦ The average rainfall for 2020 is 1201 mm, against the decadal average of 897 mm.

♦ Groundwater levels are being monitored four times in a year, and representative
water samples for quality (inorganic constituents) are collected during pre-monsoon
(May) period.

♦ 62% of the wells have depth to water levels in the range of 5 to 20 m bgl (meter
below ground level) during pre-monsoon 2020. The water levels were deeper in
Amreli, Banaskantha, Gandhinagar, Mahesana, Patan and Sabarkantha districts.

♦ Deeper water levels were observed mainly in the over exploited and critical talukas
are in some parts of North Gujarat and Saurashtra area.

♦ The shallow water levels of less than 5 mbgl were observed along the coast, Rann of
Kachchh and in parts of The Dangs, Surat and Bharuch districts.

♦ The long term groundwater scenario in comparison to pre monsoon 2020 indicates
that 26% well shows fall where as in post monsoon it oserved in 33% of wells.

♦ Deep confined aquifers exist in north Gujarat and they are grouped into, first
confined aquifer ranging in depth from 78 to 162 mbgl and second confined aquifer
ranging in depth from 154 to 274 mbgl.

♦ In parts of Mahesana and Gandhinagar districts, depth to piezometric surface during

pre monsoon is more than 40m bmsl in the first confined aquifer and it is more than
120 m bmsl in second confined aquifer noticed in and around Mahesana and Patan

♦ In general groundwater quality is good in hard rock areas occupying eastern hilly part
of the state, central part of Kachchh and Saurashtra plateau. In soft rock and
unconsolidated formations groundwater quality is variable.

♦ The quality of groundwater deteriorates in discharge area. Quality of groundwater is

inferior along the coast, the Rann and in the low-lying saline tract between
Saurashtra and main land Gujarat.

♦ The deterioration in groundwater quality in the coastal areas is mainly due to over
drawals causing seawater ingress which needs to be arrested.

♦ In Mahi Right Bank Canal and Ukai – Kakrapar canal command areas, water logging
has surfaced and needs to be addressed suitably by adopting appropriate conjunctive
use strategies.

♦ Alarming declines in groundwater levels of Central Gujarat plains and in select areas
of Saurashtra and Kachchh warrant immediate attention for taking-up of recharge
schemes to arrest further declines and augment the groundwater resources. The
artificial recharge of groundwater especially in North Gujarat, Kachchh and in major
part of Saurashtra is a necessity.

♦ Pointed attention of the administrators and policy makers is drawn towards adoption
of artificial recharge, public awareness and other appropriate measures for ensuring
adequate groundwater availability and sustainability.

The West Central Region of Central Ground Water Board has jurisdiction over the State
of Gujarat (1,96,024 km2) and Union Territory (UT) of Daman & Diu (112 km2)
covering an area of 1,96,136 km2. The Gujarat State is situated between North latitudes
20° 06’ 00” to 24° 42’ 00” and East longitudes 68° 10’ 00” to 74° 28’ 00” (Fig. 1).
Gujarat has nearly 1600 km long coastline, which is the longest as compared to any other
state in the country. It is extending from Lakhpat in north to Daman in south. The State
has common boundaries with the states of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra
and shares international border with Pakistan in northwest. UT of Daman & Diu has an
area of 106 km2. Diu is an Island just south of Saurashtra coast and Daman is situated
west of Vapi in the south.
There are 18,225 villages and 348 towns in Gujarat including 16 towns with more than
1,00,000 population. The total population is 60,383,628 of which 31,482,282 are males
and 28,901,349 are females (2011 census). Out of the total population, the population of
the Scheduled Caste is 4,074,447 and that of the Scheduled tribe is 8,917,174. The total
population of U.T. of Daman & Diu is 243,247 of which 150,301 are males and 92,976
are females (2011 Census).

Fig. 1: Administrative divisions of Gujarat State

The tribal areas are located all along the interstate boundary, extending from
Banaskantha district in the north to The Dangs district in the south. The tribal belt has a
total geographical area of 29,560 km2 and is shown in Fig. 1.

The diverse physiographic, climatic, topographic and geologic conditions have given rise
to diversified groundwater situations in different parts of the state. Occurrence and
movement of groundwater is controlled by rock formations of varied composition and
structure and range in age from Archean to Recent. Similarly, the landform varies from
the hilly tract to the uplands of Kachchh and Saurashtra, the alluvial plains extend from
Banaskantha in the north to Valsad in the south, the low lying coastal tract surrounding
the Kachchh and Saurashtra uplands and the marshy to saline tracts of the Rann of
Kachchh and little Rann of Kachchh. The topography and rainfall virtually control the
runoff and groundwater recharge.
Droughts are frequent in north Gujarat, Saurashtra and Kachchh regions due to poor and
erratic rainfall. The climate varies from humid in the south through sub-humid in the
central part to semi-arid and arid in the northern and western parts. The state receives
rainfall mainly during southwest monsoon period. The normal rainfall shows an erratic
rainfall pattern during 2020 which shows high rainfall 2325.40 mm in south (Surat
District) to 585.0 mm in Dahod district. The distribution of normal rainfall in the state is
depicted in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2: Distribution of IMD normal rainfall

During 2020 Gujarat received 34% more rainfall than the average rainfall (Annexure I).
About 9% of the area received less rainfall than annual average (2010-2019). Arvalli,
Dahod, Dangs and Valsad districts received rainfall below normal. While remaining
districts has received morethan 44% annual rainfall as compared to decadal average

annual rainfall (2010-2019). Annual rainfall during 2020, Average decadal annual
rainfall and its departure from average decadal annual rainfall in the Gujarat state is
presented in Table 1 and map representing distribution of rainfall district wise in bars is
presented as Fig. 3.

Table 1. District wise Average Annual Rainfall in the Gujarat state

Sl. No. District Rainfall 2020, Average Departure %
mm Rainfall, mm (Year 2020)
(2010 to 2019)
1 Ahmedabad 674.90 644.05 4.79
2 Amreli 1163.18 653.93 77.87
3 Anand 962.63 787.52 22.23
4 Arvalli 831.50 872.54 -4.70
5 Banas kantha 732.21 701.70 4.35
6 Bharuch 1084.22 778.17 39.33
7 Bhavnagar 737.60 609.15 21.09
8 Botad 1002.25 642.40 56.02
9 Chhota udaipur 1059.33 981.18 7.97
10 Dahod 585.00 669.36 -12.60
11 Devbhumi dwarka 2244.50 796.90 181.65
12 Gandhinagar 925.25 863.83 7.11
13 Gir somnath 1536.67 1012.16 51.82
14 Jamnagar 1444.67 723.18 99.76
15 Junagadh 1702.56 1044.57 62.99
16 Kachchh 1162.00 478.53 142.83
17 Kheda 851.50 727.19 17.09
18 Mahesana 818.20 659.75 24.02
19 Mahisagar 688.83 660.13 4.35
20 Morbi 1099.40 629.89 74.54
21 Narmada 1326.80 979.86 35.41
22 Navsari 2099.67 1618.27 29.75
23 Panch mahals 965.57 883.20 9.33
24 Patan 816.56 630.68 29.47
25 Porbandar 1585.00 806.38 96.56
26 Rajkot 1238.91 746.79 65.90
27 Sabarkantha 968.38 906.28 6.85
28 Surat 2325.40 1448.40 60.55
29 Surendra nagar 866.30 607.23 42.66
30 Tapi 1608.00 1149.39 39.90
31 The dangs 1691.33 1882.81 -10.17
32 Vadodara 821.88 758.26 8.39
33 Valsad 2035.83 2247.17 -9.40
State 1201.70 897.00 33.97

Fig. 3: Distribution of rainfall in Gujarat state

Central Ground Water Board, as a part of its national programme, has established a
network of observation wells in the state of Gujarat for periodic monitoring of
groundwater levels and to study its quality variation in time and space. 1251
groundwater monitoring wells including 386 piezometers (Pz) are presently being
monitored in the state of Gujarat. The distributions of monitoring wells in different
districts are given in Table 2.

Large rivers like Narmada, Mahi, Tapi, and Sabarmati flow through the state and form
their own basins. Other minor rivers have been grouped together to form river basins. In
all, eight river basins have been identified by the All India Soil Survey & Land Use
Department as listed below:
1. Sabarmati river basin.
2. Mahi river basin.
3. Narmada river basin.
4. Tapti river basin.
5. Luni and other drainage in the Great Rann of Kachchh
6. Draining in to Gulf of Kachchh
7. Southern Kathiawar
8. Sharavati to Tapti

The sub basins of these major river basins and the distribution of groundwater
monitoring wells in these different river basins are given in Annexure I. Map showing
hydrograph stations monitored during the year and their distribution in different basin
and the district is presented as Fig. 4.

Fig. 4: Distribution of GWMNS in the districts and major river basins

Table 2. District wise distribution of of groundwater monitoring wells monitored during 2020-21
As on rest of the NHS Well As on Monitored during Monitored during Monitored during Monitored during
District field season 2020-21 March 2021 May 2020 August 2020 November 2020 January 2021
DW Pz Total DW Pz Total DW Pz Total DW Pz Total DW Pz Total DW Pz Total
1 Ahmedabad 11 27 38 11 12 23 11 12 23 6 8 14 9 7 16 12 9 21
2 Amreli 48 14 62 42 9 51 10 39 49 10 34 44 8 32 40 12 32 44
3 Anand 15 14 29 15 13 28 12 10 22 10 11 21 13 13 26 14 12 26
4 Arvalli 14 7 21 14 7 21 4 17 21 2 13 15 3 17 20 4 15 19
5 Banaskantha 15 30 45 13 27 40 23 13 36 17 10 27 21 12 33 21 10 31
6 Bharuch 34 6 40 31 6 37 6 29 35 5 28 33 4 30 34 6 31 37
7 Bhavnagar 35 6 41 33 3 36 4 29 33 5 32 37 4 31 35 6 39 45
8 Botad 9 1 10 9 1 10 1 8 9 1 8 9 1 6 7 4 4
9 Chhota Udepur 20 6 26 20 6 26 3 22 25 3 20 23 2 22 24 2 21 23
10 Devbhumi Dwarka 20 1 21 20 1 21 2 23 25 2 23 25 19 19 2 21 23
11 Dohad 24 6 30 16 6 22 6 23 29 6 22 28 6 21 27 6 20 26
12 Gandhinagar 2 24 26 2 27 29 21 2 23 11 1 12 9 1 10 13 1 14
13 Gir Somnath 20 5 25 18 4 22 4 18 22 5 16 21 3 17 20 5 18 23
14 Jamnagar 42 5 47 31 4 35 3 25 28 3 24 27 4 21 25 2 26 28
15 Junagadh 30 5 35 29 4 33 5 35 40 5 37 42 5 36 41 5 38 43
16 Kachchh 52 14 66 44 15 59 16 44 60 16 39 55 15 38 53 16 39 55

17 Kheda 15 11 26 12 10 22 9 11 20 9 11 20 10 10 20 10 10 20
18 Mahesana 16 32 48 15 35 50 30 15 45 23 14 37 27 15 42 26 16 42
19 Mahisagar 10 5 15 10 5 15 5 13 18 5 13 18 5 13 18 5 13 18
20 Morbi 19 1 20 19 1 20 1 8 9 1 12 13 1 17 18 1 18 19
21 Narmada 18 6 24 17 5 22 5 15 20 4 15 19 6 15 21 6 16 22
22 Navsari 20 2 22 22 2 24 1 19 20 1 18 19 1 20 21 1 20 21
23 Panchmahals 32 4 36 12 4 16 3 19 22 2 20 22 3 20 23 3 18 21
24 Patan 10 16 26 9 14 23 12 7 19 10 7 17 8 7 15 10 6 16
25 Porbandar 29 2 31 24 3 27 3 28 31 3 28 31 3 29 32 3 29 32
26 Rajkot 54 5 59 30 5 35 4 27 31 3 19 22 4 24 28 4 28 32
27 Sabarkantha 26 10 36 20 10 30 7 24 31 8 29 37 7 23 30 7 24 31
28 Surat 36 3 39 34 3 37 2 30 32 2 25 27 3 28 31 3 30 33
29 Surendranagar 28 4 32 36 4 40 4 20 24 4 26 30 3 27 30 5 28 33
30 Tapi 15 1 16 15 1 16 1 15 16 9 9 1 17 18 1 16 17
31 The dangs 24 1 25 26 1 27 1 23 24 10 10 1 19 20 1 23 24
32 Vadodara 12 14 26 11 14 25 14 13 27 13 10 23 12 11 23 11 13 24
33 Valsad 19 2 21 19 2 21 1 19 20 1 11 12 2 20 22 2 17 19
Total 774 290 1064 679 264 943 234 655 889 196 603 799 204 638 842 225 661 886
The high relief areas in the eastern and north-eastern parts of the state occupied by the
Deccan Traps and the Archeans respectively have steep topographic gradients resulting in
high run-off, and therefore, provide little scope for groundwater recharge. The groundwater
potential in this terrain is limited. The large alluvial tract extending from Banaskantha
district in the north to Surat and Valsad districts in the south constitutes the largest and most
potential groundwater reservoir in the state. The aquifers are extensive, thick, hydraulically
connected and are moderate to high yielding. To the west of this alluvial tract, especially
around the discharge areas, characteristic artesian free flow conditions are observed. Almost
the entire Saurashtra and Kachchh regions are occupied by a variety of hard and fissured
formations which include basalt and consolidated sedimentary formations with semi-
consolidated sediments along the low-lying coastal areas. The compact and fissured nature of
rocks gives rise to discontinuous aquifers with moderate yield potential. The friable semi-
consolidated sandstone forms an aquifer with moderate yield potential. The coastal and
deltaic areas in the state form a narrow linear strip and are underlain by Tertiary sediments
and Alluvium. Though highly potential aquifers occur in these areas, salinity is a constraint
for groundwater development. Groundwater withdrawal requires to be strictly regulated so
that it does not exceed the annual recharge and also that it does not disturb the hydro-
chemical balance leading to seawater ingress. The quality of groundwater in both hard rock
and alluvial terrain is, by and large suitable except, in the coastal areas, estuarine tract and
the Rann where the degree of mineralisation in groundwater is rather high and salinity is
common. Salinity in groundwater is also noticed in the arid and semi-arid tract. The different
conditions of groundwater occurrence in the state have led to divergent groundwater
situations in the areas occupied by different geological formations (Fig. 5). The formation-
wise hydrogeological characteristics in the state of Gujarat has been broadly summarised in
the Table 3.
Table 3. Distribution of hydrogeological formations in Gujarat and their Potential
Age Rock Formation Distribution Hydrogeological Characteristics

Porous Formation
Quaternary Impure Ahmedabad, Amreli, Unconfined shallow aquifer, leaky
to upper limestones, Banaskantha, Bhavnagar, confined/ confined and deeper
Tertiary limestones, Bharuch, Kachchh, Kheda, aquifer.
sandstones, Jamnagar, Junagadh,
conglomerates, Rajkot, Mahesana, Large to moderate yield
pebble beds, silt Surendranagar and Valsad prospects:10 to 40 lps,
stones, sands, Districts Storativity: 1.6x10e-4 to 7.3x10e-4,
pebbles, gravels Hydraulic Conductivity: 5 to
etc. 20m/day, Transmissivity: 50 to
Mesozoic Sandstones, Kachchh, Surendranagar, Discontinuous aquifers with
Shales, Sabarkantha and Vadodara limited thickness of 50 to 300
Limestones and districts meters.
Grits Limited yield prospects <15 lps,
Hydraulic Conductivity: 2 to
10m/day, Transmissivity: 50 to
Fissured formation
Mesozoic to Basalt with Uplands of saurashtra, Groundwater occurrence
Palaeozoic intertrappean Kachchh Region, scattered restricted to weathered and
clays patches in Panchmahals, fractured zones, limited to 200m,
Sabarkantha and Vadodara moderate yield prospects: 5 to 15
districts, Continuous belt in lps
eastern part of Bharuch,
Surat and Valsad districts
Archaean Granites, Banaskantha, Sabarkantha, Groundwater occurrence
and Pre- Gneiss, Panchmahals, vadodara and restricted to weathered and
Cambrian Marbles, Kheda districts. fractured zones having secondary
Schists, porosity, limited yield prospects
Phyllites and of 2 to 5 lps.

Fig. 5: Hydrogeological units and distribution of Groundwater Monitoring Network Stations.

2.1 Achaean and Proterozoic Formation

Rocks of Archaean and Proterozoic age occupy the north-eastern and eastern parts of the
state and cover extensive areas in parts of Vadodara, Kheda, Panchmahals, Sabarkantha,
Mahesana and Banaskantha districts. These rocks, which include gneiss, schist, phyllite,
quartzite and metamorphosed igneous intrusives, do not form good aquifers due to their poor
porosity and permeability. Dug wells, dug-cum-bore wells and bore wells are feasible only in
favourable sites where sufficient weathered mantle and/or fractures and joints occur. The
wells tapping these aquifers have maximum depth of 30 to 40 mbgl beyond which
groundwater occurrence is not common. The yield of wells in these rocks varies from a few
cubic meters to 100 cubic meters per day at minimal drawdown.

2.2 Mesozoic Formation

Jurassic and Cretaceous formations include Pachchham, Chari, Katrol and Bhuj Series in
Kachchh, Dhrangadhra and Wadhwan sandstones in northeastern part of Saurashtra, Bagh
beds along the Narmada River and Himmatnagar sandstones in Sabarkantha district.
Pachchham and Chari Series are predominantly calcareous while Wadhwan sandstones and
Bagh beds include some limestone. The rest are arenaceous and consist of inter-bedded
sandstone and shale sequences. The most important and productive aquifer among these
formations occurs in the Bhuj Series consisting of predominantly friable, soft, medium to
coarse grained sandstone occurring at depths of few meters to as much as 300 meters. Tube
wells constructed up to 200 mbgl in this formation yield 70 to 170 m3/hour for drawdown of
about 10 m. The salinity distribution in groundwater in Upper Bhuj aquifers is generally
uniform with low concentration of dissolved solids in the upland and non-irrigated areas.
Salinity gradually increases towards area of intensive irrigation and discharge area.
The Dhrangadhra sandstones comprise of about 400 m thick, fine to coarse grained
sandstones inter-bedded occasionally with carbonaceous shale. Tubewells tapping about 100
m of aquifer thickness in this formation within a depth of 212 mbgl yield limited to moderate
discharge of the order 14 to 80 m3/hour. Basic sills of 30 to 50 m thickness are found
intruded in the Lower Dhrangadhra formation in the northern part of Surendranagar and
Rajkot districts at Gala, Sathapur and Chuli villages. Normally, the sills mark the lower limit
of fresh groundwater occurrence. In the northern part of Rajkot district and eastern part of
Jamnagar districts, these sandstones have been encountered at depths of 200 – 250 mbgl
below Traps, in semi- confined conditions.
The Himmatnagar sandstones are exposed in a narrow belt between Eklara and Ranasan
villages in Sabarkantha district. They also occur below the traps near Dhansura (23°24’:
75°15’) at depths of 60 to 100 mbgl. Patches of these sandstones occur under the alluvial
cover near Sanseli (22°42’; 75°25’), Madhwas (23°24’; 73°27’) and Gugalpur (22°15’:
73°28’) and on the northern bank of Goma River. Although these sandstones are generally
fine grained, hard and compact, coarse friable sandstones are observed at places near
Kapadvanj. These sandstones, when saturated to moderate depths, form potential aquifers.
Tubewells tapping these aquifers yield up to 50 m3/hour.

2.3 Deccan Trap

These are essentially basaltic lava flows with a general horizontal to near horizontal
disposition over a very wide area. From groundwater potential point of view, these rocks
constitute moderately promising aquifers. The jointed and fractured basalts hold and transmit
water in moderate quantities. The thickness of traps ranges from 100 to 150 m in Kachchh to
more than 1000 m in Cambay basin.

The yields in dug wells tapping the basalts vary from insignificant quantities to 30m3/day.
Higher yields have been observed at hydrogeologically favourable locations. The yield of the
dug wells can be enhanced considerably by lateral and/or vertical borings. The discharge of
tube wells is reported to decline at places due to presence of unsaturated porous zones at
depth. The quality of groundwater in traps is generally potable.

2.4 Tertiary Formation

These rocks are exposed between Narmada and Tapi rivers in parts of Bharuch and Surat
districts. They also occur in the coastal tracts of Saurashtra and Kachchh.
Gaj beds belonging to Miocene occur all along the Saurashtra coast. These consist of
limestone, clay and grit mostly gypsiferous with thin sand layers. Drilling at Okha (22°28’:
69°16’) and Veraval (20°54’: 70°25’) has shown that locally, the Gaj beds extend beyond
300 m depth and the deeper zones yield meagre quantities of saline groundwater.
The quality of groundwater in Gaj beds along Saurashtra coast is slightly inferior on account
of intercalated clay bands and inherent salinity of Gaj beds, which were deposited under
marine conditions. However, the quality of ground water in the upper Gaj limestone is
better. The chloride content in groundwater ranges from 100 to 200 mg/l between Veraval,
Sil (21° 11’: 70° 03’) and around Porbandar.
Dwarka beds, comprising of gypsiferous and calcareous red colour clays and sandy
limestone are about 150 m thick. Groundwater in the Dwarka beds is of poor quality with
chloride content ranging from 500 to 700 mg/l. Yield of dug wells are of the order of 37
m3/day and tube wells yield about 22 m3/day for a drawdown of about 4 m. In the Kachchh
region, the sandstones of Manchhar series form good aquifers. Tubewells, ranging in depth
from 116 to 169 mbgl, yield between 68 to 136 m3/hour and the chloride content ranges
between 96 and 612 mg/l. However, the Tertiary rocks, in general, do not form promising
aquifers for groundwater development because of the inferior quality of groundwater. In
southern Gujarat (Narmada-Tapti area), the tertiary rocks comprises of sandstone, shale and
limestone intercalated with gravel which locally exceed 100 m in thickness. Groundwater in
these rocks is mostly brackish to saline and yields are in shallow tube wells.

2.5 Quaternary Formation

The Quaternary formations include milliolite limestone, alluvium and aeolian deposits. The
milliolite limestone is of limited thickness and its occurrence is confined to the coastal tract
of Saurashtra. The alluvial and aeolian deposits extend as one continuous plain, from north
to south and also as valley-fills in the hard rock terrain.
Highly cavernous milliolite limestone is locally a very productive aquifer. Dug wells tapping
these limestones are capable of yielding up to 200 m3/day. These are the repositories of
potable groundwater in an otherwise saline coastal belt of Saurashtra. Quaternary sediments
occupy an area of about 86,680 km2. Their thickness in the Cambay Basin is estimated to be
of the order of 500 m. However, towards north in the districts of Mahesana Banaskantha and
Sabarkantha, the thickness reduces to less than 50 m near the hilly tract. In general, the
thickness of the alluvium in north Gujarat ranges from 40 to 500 m. In the southern Gujarat
plains, the alluvium mostly overlies the basalts and the tertiary sediments. Its thickness
ranges from a few meters near the rock outcrops to over 75 m in the lower reaches. The
Quaternary sediments vary in character and composition. In the Cambay basin, these are
predominantly composed of clay, silt and sand with “kankar”. The proportion of gravels,
pebbles and boulders, etc., increases towards the hilly tracts. Such areas, forming the
piedmont terrain, extend for 10 to 20 km from the hills into the plains.
A number of abandoned river channels and valley fills occur in the rocky areas. These are of
great significance for the development of groundwater in an otherwise less promising terrain.
Groundwater in the alluvium occurs under unconfined conditions at shallow depths. In
deeper horizons, it occurs under semi-confined to confined and artesian conditions. Detailed
study in Mahesana, Banaskantha, Rajkot, Surendranagar, Kheda, Sabarkantha, Kachchh and
Ahmedabad districts has revealed that multiple aquifers exist in major part of the alluvial
plains of Gujarat up to a depth of 500 m.
These aquifers have their areas of recharge in the piedmont terrain and the hilly areas
towards the east and northeast. Most of the aquifers coalesce into one phreatic aquifer in the
recharge area but are identified as separate aquifers occurring under artesian conditions in the
central part of the basin and in the discharge areas towards west and southwest. In parts of
Mahesana and Banaskantha districts, the quaternary sediments is up to 600 m thick,
comprising of 10 to 125 m thick younger alluvial deposits (Pleistocene to Recent) and 100 to
475 m thick older alluvial deposits (Pliocene to Pleistocene). The entire alluvial sequence
has been divided into five major aquifers viz., A (up to 125m) or phreatic aquifer and B, C,
D and E (between 125 and 600 m depth) or confined aquifers.
Due to over-exploitation, the water levels in the phreatic aquifer have declined alarmingly
rendering them almost dry. Presently, first and second confined aquifers are the most
exploited. The decline of water level in these aquifers is more than 40 m since 1961at most
of the area. The yield of tube wells tapping users confined aquifer vary from 20 to 40 lps.


Systematic and regular monitoring of groundwater levels brings out the changes taking place
in the groundwater regime. The maps so generated are of immense help for regional
groundwater flow modelling which serves as a groundwater management tool to provide the
necessary advance information to the user agencies to prepare contingency plans in case of
unfavourable groundwater recharge situation. The data also has immense utility in deciding
the legal issues arising out of conflicting interests of groundwater users.
The monitoring of groundwater levels has been carried out at groundwater monitoring wells
four times in a year simultaneously throughout the State during the following periods.
a) May - 20th to 30th (pre-monsoon)
b) August - 20th to 30th (peak monsoon)
c) November - 1st to 10th (post-monsoon)
d) January - 1st to 10th (recession stage)
Water level data of the groundwater monitoring wells collected during the year 2020 - 2021
has been utilized to prepare various maps showing depth to water level and fluctuation of
water level. Depth to water level maps is useful in dealing with problems of water logging
and artificial recharge, where the relative position of water level with reference to the ground
surface is of critical importance. Water level fluctuation maps (rise or fall) are indispensable
for estimation of change in storage in the aquifer.
For the purpose of presentation, Gujarat state has been divided into three regions, namely, (a)
the Kachchh region comprising Kachchh district, (b) the Saurashtra region comprising
Amreli, Bhavnagar, Botad, Devbhumi Dwarka, Gir Somnath, Jamnagar, Junagadh, Morbi,
Porbander Rajkot and Surendranagar districts; and (c) the mainland Gujarat. The mainland
Gujarat has been further subdivided into two regions, namely, North Gujarat comprising ,
Ahmedabad, Anand, Arvalli, Banaskantha, Dahod, Gandhinagar, Kheda, Mahesana,
Mahisagar, Panchmahals, Patan and Sabarkantha districts; South Gujarat comprising
Bharuch, Chhota Udepur, Narmda, Navsari, Surat, Tapi, The Dangs Vadodara and Valsad
districts. The Union Territory of Daman and Diu has been described separately. The water
level data of these open wells and piezometers are presented in the Annexure IIA and IIB.
The data is analysed for each set of measurement, and report prepared which include
following maps to understand the groundwater regime in the state.
1. Depth to water level
2. Seasonal fluctuation - water level fluctuation in comparison to pre- monsoon.
3. Annul fluctuation - water level fluctuation in comparison to same month in the
previous year.
4. Decadal fluctuation - water level fluctuation in the month of measurement with
reference to the decadal average for the same month.

3.1 Depth to Water Level (Unconfined Aquifer)

A graphical analysis was done to understand the water level behaviours of the groundwater
monitoring wells in the different categories of the water levels during every monitoring
period and the same is depicted in Fig. 6 (a, b, c, d).

May 2020 August 2020

36.59% 0-2 0-2
2-5 2-5
22.66% 5 - 10 43.09% 15.15% 5 - 10
10 - 20
6.51% 8.85% 10 - 20
20 - 40
20 - 40
> 40
> 40
0.39% 6.91%
0.00% 4.85%

Fig 6 a Fig 6 b

November 2020 January 2021
39.14% 0-2
27.13% 33.29%
2-5 33.03% 2-5
5 - 10 5 - 10
18.22% 10.66% 15.68% 10 - 20
10 - 20 12.85%
20 - 40
20 - 40
> 40
> 40
0.00% 4.86% 0.00% 5.14%

Fig 6 c Fig 6 d

Fig. 6: Distribution of depth to water level

3.1.1 Depth to Water Level May 2020

During May 2020, in the pursuance of Fig. 7 reveals that 61.6% of the total wells of the state
fall in the water level range of 5 to 20 m bgl. Water levels of 20 to 40 m bgl are observed in
8.9% wells of the Gujarat state. Deeper water level of more than 40 m bgl is observed in
parts of Amreli, Junagadh and Valsad districts (Table 4). The shallowest water levels
recorded are 0.50 m bgl Lilpuri village of Kuchchh district. The deepest water level recorded
is 49.50 m bgl at Morjhar in Amreli district for unconfined aquifer.
In North Gujarat, about 63% of the monitoring stations fall in the water level range of 5 - 20
m bgl. Shallow water levels (lesser than 5 mbgl) are observed in 23.5% of the stations in
Ahmedabad, Dahod, Kheda, Mahisagar, Panchamahal and Patan districts. Deeper water
levels ranges 20 to 40 mbgl are experienced in major parts of Anand, Arvalli, Banaskantha,
Mahesana and Sabarkantha districts; and adjoining area of Ahmedabad, Kheda, Panchmahals
districts. The deepest water level recorded is 39.67 m bgl at Waliampura in Sabarkantha
district where as shallowest water level of 0.55 m bgl has been recorded at Shekhupura in
Kheda district.
In South Gujarat, more than 59% of the stations has recorded water level between 5 - 20
mbgl where as 35% range less than 5 m bgl. Deeper water levels of more than 20 m bgl are
mainly observed in parts of Vadodara, Valsad, Surat and Navsari districts. The deepest water
level of 49.20 m bgl is recorded at Dahli (bhilad) in Valsad district whereas the shallowest
water level of 0.85 m bgl has been recorded at Luhara in Bharuch district.
In Saurashtra region, about 62% of the monitoring stations show water levels 5 - 20 mbgl.
Water levels of 20 to 40 m are found as isolated patches scattered in Amreli, Bhavnagar, Gir
Somnath and Junagadh districts. The shallowest water level, 0.55 m bgl, has been recorded at
Kadegi village in Porbandar district and the deepest water level of 49.50 m bgl recorded at
Morjhar in Amreli district.
In Kachchh region 61% of the monitoring stations, the water level is between 5 - 20 mbgl.
Western part of the area shows water level rages 2 to 5 m bgl. The water levels more than 20
m occur as isolated patches scattered in the central and eastern part of the Kachchh district.
The deepest water level of 37.00 m bgl is recorded at Kotada and the shallowest water level
of 0.62 m bgl has been recorded at Haboi.

Fig.7: Depth to water level map of May 2020

Table 4. Wellwise categorisation of depth to water level May 2020
Sr. No of we ll DTWL, mbgl No. of we lls in diffre nt de pth range
District Name
No. analyse d Min Max 0 to 2 2 to 5 5 to 10 10 to 20 20 to 40 > 40
1 7 4 2 1 0
1 Ahmedabad 15 1.52 20.40
6.7% 46.7% 26.7% 13.3% 6.7% 0.0%
0 3 3 2 4 0
2 Anand 12 2.40 29.29
0.0% 25.0% 25.0% 16.7% 33.3% 0.0%
0 1 10 7 2 0
3 Arvalli 20 3.36 23.10
0.0% 5.0% 50.0% 35.0% 10.0% 0.0%
0 1 4 5 8 0
4 Banaskantha 18 2.80 34.08
0.0% 5.6% 22.2% 27.8% 44.4% 0.0%
2 6 12 9 0 0
5 Dohad 29 1.14 14.20
6.9% 20.7% 41.4% 31.0% 0.0% 0.0%
0 0 0 2 2 0
6 Gandhinagar 4 14.15 26.30
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 0.0%
3 2 5 3 2 0
7 Kheda 15 0.55 36.60
20.0% 13.3% 33.3% 20.0% 13.3% 0.0%
0 8 8 9 1 0
8 Mahesana 26 2.26 29.84
0.0% 30.8% 30.8% 34.6% 3.8% 0.0%
1 4 8 4 1 0
9 Mahisagar 18 1.95 27.65
5.6% 22.2% 44.4% 22.2% 5.6% 0.0%
2 4 9 5 2 0
10 Panchmahals 22 1.21 21.85
9.1% 18.2% 40.9% 22.7% 9.1% 0.0%
1 2 0 5 0 0
11 Patan 8 0.74 17.73
12.5% 25.0% 0.0% 62.5% 0.0% 0.0%
0 3 9 11 7 0
12 Sabarkantha 30 3.49 39.67
0.0% 10.0% 30.0% 36.7% 23.3% 0.0%
10 41 72 64 30 0
North Gujarat 217 0.55 39.67
4.6% 18.9% 33.2% 29.5% 13.8% 0.0%
3 12 14 3 0 0
13 Bharuch 32 0.85 15.22
9.4% 37.5% 43.8% 9.4% 0.0% 0.0%
0 4 14 7 0 0
14 Chhota Udepur 25 3.20 17.20
0.0% 16.0% 56.0% 28.0% 0.0% 0.0%
1 4 9 3 3 0
15 Narmada 20 1.92 29.37
5.0% 20.0% 45.0% 15.0% 15.0% 0.0%
1 6 10 3 0 0
16 Navsari 20 1.40 17.45
5.0% 30.0% 50.0% 15.0% 0.0% 0.0%
2 8 12 10 0 0
17 Surat 32 1.50 17.75
6.3% 25.0% 37.5% 31.3% 0.0% 0.0%
2 4 7 3 0 0
18 Tapi 16 1.20 15.50
12.5% 25.0% 43.8% 18.8% 0.0% 0.0%
11 3 7 3 0 0
19 The dangs 24 1.05 13.40
45.8% 12.5% 29.2% 12.5% 0.0% 0.0%
2 3 6 3 6 0
20 Vadodara 20 1.40 31.40
10.0% 15.0% 30.0% 15.0% 30.0% 0.0%
1 7 8 3 0 1
21 Valsad 20 1.30 49.20
5.0% 35.0% 40.0% 15.0% 0.0% 5.0%
23 51 87 38 9 1
South Gujarat 209 0.85 49.20
11.0% 24.4% 41.6% 18.2% 4.3% 0.5%
0 13 14 9 10 1
22 Amreli 47 2.10 49.50
0.0% 27.7% 29.8% 19.1% 21.3% 2.1%
3 11 6 12 4 0
23 Bhavnagar 36 1.52 24.57
8.3% 30.6% 16.7% 33.3% 11.1% 0.0%
0 1 2 1 0 0
24 Botad 4 4.07 12.00
0.0% 25.0% 50.0% 25.0% 0.0% 0.0%
1 11 9 4 0 0
25 Devbhumi Dwarka 25 0.60 20.00
4.0% 44.0% 36.0% 16.0% 0.0% 0.0%
0 0 14 6 2 0
26 Gir Somnath 22 5.10 28.35
0.0% 0.0% 63.6% 27.3% 9.1% 0.0%
2 9 11 4 1 0
27 Jamnagar 27 0.91 20.23
7.4% 33.3% 40.7% 14.8% 3.7% 0.0%
1 3 16 17 2 1
28 Junagadh 40 1.75 44.20
2.5% 7.5% 40.0% 42.5% 5.0% 2.5%
2 3 2 1 0 0
29 Morbi 8 1.43 11.27
25.0% 37.5% 25.0% 12.5% 0.0% 0.0%
3 9 12 6 1 0
30 Porbandar 31 0.55 21.83
9.7% 29.0% 38.7% 19.4% 3.2% 0.0%
1 6 15 7 0 0
31 Rajkot 29 15.50 17.81
3.4% 20.7% 51.7% 24.1% 0.0% 0.0%
1 9 10 4 0 0
32 Surendranagar 24 1.48 15.80
4.2% 37.5% 41.7% 16.7% 0.0% 0.0%
14 75 111 71 20 2
Saurashtra 293 0.55 49.50
4.8% 25.6% 37.9% 24.2% 6.8% 0.7%
3 7 11 19 9 0
33 Kachchh 49 0.50 37.00
6.1% 14.3% 22.4% 38.8% 18.4% 0.0%
3 7 11 19 9 0
Kachchh 49 0.50 37.00
6.1% 14.3% 22.4% 38.8% 18.4% 0.0%
50 174 281 192 68 3
Gujarat State 768 0.50 49.50
6.5% 22.7% 36.6% 25.0% 8.9% 0.4%

3.1.2 Depth to Water Level August 2020

During August 2020, the depth to water level of unconfined aquifer range from 0.02 to 38.37
m bgl (Fig 8). Details of depth to water level in different range, from 0-2 m, 2 to 5 m, 5 to 10
m, 10 to 20 m, 20 to 40 m and more than 40 m bgl are presented in table 5. The perusal of
the depth to water level reveals that 73% of the monitoring stations fall in the ranges of 0 to
5 mbgl whereas 5 to 20 mbgl water levels are observed in 22% of the stations in Gujarat
state. Water levels of 20 to 40 mbgl are observed in Anand, Amreli, Gandhinagar,
Banaskantha, Sabarkantha, Kachchh, Bhavnagar, Narmada, Porbandar and Vadodara
districts in isolated patches. Deeper water levels more than 40 m bgl are not observed in the
Gujarat State during Agusut 2020. The shallowest water level 0.02 has been recorded at
Kadegi, in Porbandar district. The deepest water level recorded is 38.37 m bgl at
Waliampura in Sabarkantha district.

In North Gujarat, about 94% of the monitoring stations fall within the water level of 20 m
bgl. Shallow water levels (lesser than 5 m bgl) are observed in the eastern part of north
Gujarat region falling in Panchmahals, Dohad, Mahisagar and Sabarkantha districts. Deeper
water levels range from 20 to 40 mbgl in major part of Anand, Banaskantha, Sabarkantha
districts. The deepest water level of 38.37 m bgl is recorded at Waliampura in Sabarkantha
district whereas the shallowest water level 0.04 m bgl has been recorded at Vaso in Kheda

In South Gujarat, 96% of the monitoring stations have recorded water level below 20 m bgl
of which 82% alone has the water level in the range of 0–5 m bgl. Deeper water levels of 20
to 40 m bgl are mainly observed as isolated patch in parts of Narmada and Vadodara district.
The deepest water level of 28.85 m bgl is recorded at Handod in Vadodara district whereas
the shallowest water level of 0.08 m bgl at Navetha in Bharuch district.

In Saurashtra region, about 97% of the monitoring stations show water levels in less than 20
m bgl and water levels of 20 to 40 m are found as isolated patch in Amreli, Bhavnagar, and
Surendranagar districts. The shallowest water level, 0.02 m bgl has been recorded at Kedgi
of Prbandar district and the deepest water level of 30.24 m bgl recorded at Kerala in Amreli

In Kachchh region, in about 86% of the monitoring stations, the water level ranges less than
20 m bgl. In central and east part of the area, isolated patches of water level ranges between
20 to 40 mbgl are found. The deepest water level of 37.00 m bgl is recorded at Kotada and
the shallowest water level of 0.30 m bgl has been recorded at Lilpur.


Fig. 8: Depth to water level map of August 2020

Table 5. Well wise categorisation of depth to water level August 2020
Sr. No of we ll DTWL, mbgl No. of we lls in diffre nt de pth range
District Name
No. analyse d Min Max 0 to 2 2 to 5 5 to 10 10 to 20 20 to 40 > 40
4 2 2 0 0 0
1 Ahmedabad 8 0.52 5.43
50.0% 25.0% 25.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
3 1 3 2 3 0
2 Anand 12 0.33 28.56
25.0% 8.3% 25.0% 16.7% 25.0% 0.0%
6 8 4 1 0 0
3 Arvalli 19 0.30 13.65
31.6% 42.1% 21.1% 5.3% 0.0% 0.0%
0 0 5 3 5 0
4 Banaskantha 13 5.58 33.81
0.0% 0.0% 38.5% 23.1% 38.5% 0.0%
13 12 3 0 0 0
5 Dohad 28 0.05 7.84
46.4% 42.9% 10.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
0 0 1 1 0 0
6 Gandhinagar 2 7.65 13.10
0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0%
7 3 3 1 1 0
7 Kheda 15 0.04 36.15
46.7% 20.0% 20.0% 6.7% 6.7% 0.0%
3 4 9 7 0 0
8 Mahesana 23 0.80 16.26
13.0% 17.4% 39.1% 30.4% 0.0% 0.0%
8 5 4 1 0 0
9 Mahisagar 18 0.20 11.10
44.4% 27.8% 22.2% 5.6% 0.0% 0.0%
9 5 5 3 0 0
10 Panchmahals 22 0.48 16.37
40.9% 22.7% 22.7% 13.6% 0.0% 0.0%
1 1 1 3 0 0
11 Patan 6 1.36 14.78
16.7% 16.7% 16.7% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0%
6 12 8 2 3 0
12 Sabarkantha 31 0.28 38.37
19.4% 38.7% 25.8% 6.5% 9.7% 0.0%
60 53 48 24 12 0
North Gujarat 197 0.04 38.37
30.5% 26.9% 24.4% 12.2% 6.1% 0.0%
10 14 5 0 0 0
13 Bharuch 29 0.08 9.60
34.5% 48.3% 17.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
3 15 5 0 0 0
14 Chhota Udepur 23 0.60 7.22
13.0% 65.2% 21.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
8 4 5 0 2 0
15 Narmada 19 0.15 27.64
42.1% 21.1% 26.3% 0.0% 10.5% 0.0%
10 8 0 0 0 0
16 Navsari 18 0.27 3.85
55.6% 44.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
11 13 3 0 0 0
17 Surat 27 0.45 9.30
40.7% 48.1% 11.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
3 6 0 0 0 0
18 Tapi 9 0.90 3.70
33.3% 66.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
8 2 0 0 0 0
19 The dangs 10 0.50 4.60
80.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
4 3 1 3 5 0
20 Vadodara 16 0.27 28.85
25.0% 18.8% 6.3% 18.8% 31.3% 0.0%
7 4 1 0 0 0
21 Valsad 12 0.10 6.55
58.3% 33.3% 8.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
64 69 20 3 7 0
South Gujarat 163 0.08 28.85
39.3% 42.3% 12.3% 1.8% 4.3% 0.0%
19 13 1 3 6 0
22 Amreli 42 0.08 30.24
45.2% 31.0% 2.4% 7.1% 14.3% 0.0%
18 12 4 3 1 0
23 Bhavnagar 38 0.15 22.50
47.4% 31.6% 10.5% 7.9% 2.6% 0.0%
2 2 0 0 0 0
24 Botad 4 1.10 3.15
50.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
20 3 1 0 0 0
25 Devbhumi Dwarka 24 0.11 5.73
83.3% 12.5% 4.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
9 9 2 0 0 0
26 Gir Somnath 20 0.58 9.88
45.0% 45.0% 10.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
21 2 1 0 0 0
27 Jamnagar 24 0.05 5.27
87.5% 8.3% 4.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
20 9 8 1 0 0
28 Junagadh 38 0.12 12.53
52.6% 23.7% 21.1% 2.6% 0.0% 0.0%
7 1 2 1 0 0
29 Morbi 11 0.40 14.86
63.6% 9.1% 18.2% 9.1% 0.0% 0.0%
19 7 3 0 0 0
30 Porbandar 29 0.02 7.05
65.5% 24.1% 10.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
15 6 0 0 0 0
31 Rajkot 21 3.70 4.17
71.4% 28.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
13 9 2 2 1 0
32 Surendranagar 27 0.02 20.12
48.1% 33.3% 7.4% 7.4% 3.7% 0.0%
163 73 24 10 8 0
Saurashtra 278 0.02 30.24
58.6% 26.3% 8.6% 3.6% 2.9% 0.0%
6 9 11 10 6 0
33 Kachchh 42 0.30 37.00
14.3% 21.4% 26.2% 23.8% 14.3% 0.0%
6 9 11 10 6 0
Kachchh 42 0.30 37.00
14.3% 21.4% 26.2% 23.8% 14.3% 0.0%
293 204 103 47 33 0
Gujarat State 680 0.02 38.37
43.1% 30.0% 15.1% 6.9% 4.9% 0.0%

3.1.3 Depth to Water Level November 2020

The depth to water level of unconfined aquifer ranges from near ground level to 37.40 m bgl
(Waliampura in Sabarkantha district) during November 2020 (Fig 9 and Table 6). The
perusal of the water level reveals that 95% of the total well analysed has water level less
than 20 m bgl, in Gujarat state. Water levels of 20 to 40 m bgl are observed in Anand,
Banaskantha, Sabarkantha, Mahesana, Narmada, Amreli, Kachchh and Junagadh districts.
Water levels of morethan 40 m bgl are not observed in any district of Gujarat State. The
shallowest water level recorded is 0.05 m bgl at Shekhupura in Kheda district.

In North Gujarat, about 92% of the total well analysed falls with in the water level range of
20 mbgl. Shallow water levels (lesser than 5 mbgl) are observed in the area near the Gulf of
Cambay and the area along the little Rann of Kachchh and in eastern part of north Gujarat
region such as in Arvalli, Panchmahals, Mahisagar, Dohad district. Deeper water levels
ranges 20 to 40 mbgl are experienced in parts of Anand, Banaskantha, Sabarkantha, Keda,
Sabarkantha and Mahesana districts. The deepest water level of 37.40 m bgl at Waliampura
in Sabarkantha district whereas shallowest water level of 0.05 m bgl has been recorded at
Shekhupura in Kheda district.

In South Gujarat, more than 96% of the total well has recorded water level within 20 m bgl
and out of which 64% alone has the water level in the range of 5 m bgl. Deeper water levels
of 20–40 m bgl are mainly observed in in parts of Narmada and Vadodara district. The
deepest water level of 29.10 m bgl is recorded at Sunderpura in Narmada district whereas
the shallowest water level of 0.10 m bgl has been recorded at Huda in Valsad disrtict.

In Saurashtra region, about 98% of the total well shows water levels less than 20 mbgl and
water levels of 20 to 40 mbgl are sporadically disbursed as isolated patches in Amreli and
Junagadh district. The shallowest water level recorded is 0.15 m bgl at Dhrol in Jamnagar
district and the deepest water level of 34.30 m bgl recorded at Dharangani in Amreli district.

In Kachchh region, in about 86% of the total well analysed, the water level ranges within 20
m bgl in major part of the district. Central and east part of the area shows water level ranges
10 to 20 m bgl, which cover about 22% of total well in Kachchh region and occur as
isolated patches. The deepest water level of 30.65 m bgl is recorded at Panchasar and the
shallowest water level of 0.19 m bgl has been recorded at Haboi.

Fig. 9: Depth to water level map of November 2020

Table 6. Well wise categorisation of depth to water level November 2020
Sr. No of well DTWL, mbgl No. of wells in diffrent depth range
District Name
No. analysed Min Max 0 to 2 2 to 5 5 to 10 10 to 20 20 to 40 > 40
3 6 1 0 0 0
1 Ahmedabad 10 1.35 5.95
30.0% 60.0% 10.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
2 4 3 2 4 0
2 Anand 15 1.25 31.18
13.3% 26.7% 20.0% 13.3% 26.7% 0.0%
1 7 9 2 0 0
3 Arvalli 19 1.34 13.55
5.3% 36.8% 47.4% 10.5% 0.0% 0.0%
0 0 6 6 5 0
4 Banaskantha 17 5.44 35.45
0.0% 0.0% 35.3% 35.3% 29.4% 0.0%
5 7 14 1 0 0
5 Dohad 27 1.17 10.60
18.5% 25.9% 51.9% 3.7% 0.0% 0.0%
0 0 0 2 0 0
6 Gandhinagar 2 14.47 15.40
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0%
4 4 5 1 1 0
7 Kheda 15 0.05 34.08
26.7% 26.7% 33.3% 6.7% 6.7% 0.0%
1 7 7 8 1 0
8 Mahesana 24 0.69 22.72
4.2% 29.2% 29.2% 33.3% 4.2% 0.0%
1 8 7 2 0 0
9 Mahisagar 18 2.00 11.95
5.6% 44.4% 38.9% 11.1% 0.0% 0.0%
3 8 6 5 1 0
10 Panchmahals 23 0.65 21.30
13.0% 34.8% 26.1% 21.7% 4.3% 0.0%
2 0 1 4 0 0
11 Patan 7 0.67 15.56
28.6% 0.0% 14.3% 57.1% 0.0% 0.0%
1 7 12 5 4 0
12 Sabarkantha 29 1.75 37.40
3.4% 24.1% 41.4% 17.2% 13.8% 0.0%
23 58 71 38 16 0
North Gujarat 206 0.05 37.40
11.2% 28.2% 34.5% 18.4% 7.8% 0.0%
6 13 12 1 0 0
13 Bharuch 32 0.40 10.55
18.8% 40.6% 37.5% 3.1% 0.0% 0.0%
0 16 5 3 0 0
14 Chhota Udepur 24 2.70 12.05
0.0% 66.7% 20.8% 12.5% 0.0% 0.0%
7 7 2 2 3 0
15 Narmada 21 0.85 29.10
33.3% 33.3% 9.5% 9.5% 14.3% 0.0%
1 15 3 2 0 0
16 Navsari 21 0.80 10.55
4.8% 71.4% 14.3% 9.5% 0.0% 0.0%
6 15 8 2 0 0
17 Surat 31 0.99 16.15
19.4% 48.4% 25.8% 6.5% 0.0% 0.0%
3 7 7 1 0 0
18 Tapi 18 0.40 13.25
16.7% 38.9% 38.9% 5.6% 0.0% 0.0%
14 5 1 0 0 0
19 The dangs 20 0.20 7.60
70.0% 25.0% 5.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
3 4 1 3 5 0
20 Vadodara 16 1.20 29.02
18.8% 25.0% 6.3% 18.8% 31.3% 0.0%
4 8 9 1 0 0
21 Valsad 22 0.10 10.90
18.2% 36.4% 40.9% 4.5% 0.0% 0.0%
44 90 48 15 8 0
South Gujarat 205 0.10 29.10
21.5% 43.9% 23.4% 7.3% 3.9% 0.0%
4 17 8 4 6 0
22 Amreli 39 1.08 34.30
10.3% 43.6% 20.5% 10.3% 15.4% 0.0%
10 18 5 4 0 0
23 Bhavnagar 37 0.43 14.09
27.0% 48.6% 13.5% 10.8% 0.0% 0.0%
1 1 1 0 0 0
24 Botad 3 1.40 6.01
33.3% 33.3% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
5 12 2 0 0 0
25 Devbhumi Dwarka 19 1.05 6.80
26.3% 63.2% 10.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
1 9 9 1 0 0
26 Gir Somnath 20 1.07 10.14
5.0% 45.0% 45.0% 5.0% 0.0% 0.0%
10 10 4 1 0 0
27 Jamnagar 25 0.15 10.03
40.0% 40.0% 16.0% 4.0% 0.0% 0.0%
3 14 19 4 1 0
28 Junagadh 41 1.40 23.40
7.3% 34.1% 46.3% 9.8% 2.4% 0.0%
7 4 6 0 0 0
29 Morbi 17 0.75 9.97
41.2% 23.5% 35.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
6 16 8 1 0 0
30 Porbandar 31 0.75 11.39
19.4% 51.6% 25.8% 3.2% 0.0% 0.0%
5 14 7 0 0 0
31 Rajkot 26 13.25 8.35
19.2% 53.8% 26.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
10 16 2 2 0 0
32 Surendranagar 30 0.44 15.90
33.3% 53.3% 6.7% 6.7% 0.0% 0.0%
62 131 71 17 7 0
Saurashtra 288 0.15 34.30
21.5% 45.5% 24.7% 5.9% 2.4% 0.0%
6 11 11 9 5 0
33 Kachchh 42 0.19 30.65
14.3% 26.2% 26.2% 21.4% 11.9% 0.0%
6 11 11 9 5 0
Kachchh 42 0.19 30.65
14.3% 26.2% 26.2% 21.4% 11.9% 0.0%
135 290 201 79 36 0
Gujarat State 741 0.05 37.40
18.2% 39.1% 27.1% 10.7% 4.9% 0.0%

3.1.4 Depth to Water Level January 2021

A perusal of Fig. 10 and Table 7 revels that the depth to water level of unconfined aquifer
ranges from 0.20 m bgl at Luhara in Bharuch district to 39.80 m bgl at Kotada in Kachchh
district during January 2021. Details of depth to water level in different range, i.e. from 0-2
m, 2 to 5 m, 5 to 10 m, 10 to 20 m, 20 to 40 m and more than 40 m bgl is presented in table –
7. The perusal of the depth to water map reveals that about 46% of the total well analysed
falls in the water level range of 0 to 5 m bgl where as water level of 5 to 20 m bgl is
observed in 49% of Gujarat state. Water levels of 20 to 40 mbgl are observed in Anand,
Amreli, Ahmedabad, Anand, Banaskantha, Devbhumi Dwarka, Kheda, Gandhinagar,
Sabarkantha, Narmada and Vadodara in isolated patches. The deepest water level more than
40 mbgl is not recorded in any district of Gujarat State.

In North Gujarat, about 93% of the total well analysed falls with in the water level range of
20 m bgl and out of which alone 68% represent the water level range of 0-10 m bgl. Shallow
water levels (lesser than 5 m bgl) are observed in the area near the Gulf of Cambay and the
area along the little Rann of Kachchh and in eastern part of north Gujarat region such as in
Panchmahals, Dohad, Mahisagar and Sabarkantha district. Deeper water levels ranges 20 to
40 mbgl are experienced in major part of Banaskantha district, the adjoining area of Kheda,
Gandhinagar, Sabarkantha Vadodara and Anand. The deepest water level of 37.57 m bgl at
Waliampura in Sabarkantha district whereas shallowest water level of 0.30 m bgl has been
recorded at Shekhupura in Kheda district.

In South Gujarat, about 88% of the total wells has recorded water level less than 10 m bgl
and out of which 57% alone has the water level in the range of 0-5 m bgl. Deeper water
levels of 20 to 40 m bgl mainly observed in isolated patch in major parts of Narmada and
Vadodara district. The deepest water level of 29.15 m bgl is recorded at Sunderpura in
Narmada district whereas the shallowest water level of 0.20 m bgl bgl has been recorded at
Luhara in Bharuch district.

In Saurashtra region, about 96% of the total well shows water levels less than 20 m bgl and
water levels of 20 to 40 mbgl are sporadically disbursed in isolated patches scattered in all
areas of Saurashtra region. The shallowest water level, 0.40 m bgl, has been recorded at
Modhvana of Surendranagar district. The deepest water level of 33.45 m bgl recorded at
Kerala in Amreli district.

In Kachchh region, more than 84% of the total well analysed, the water level ranges in less
than 20 mbgl in major part of the district. In central part of Kachchh, the water level ranges
20 to 40 m bgl in isolated patches. The deepest water level of 39.80 m bgl is recorded at
Kotada and the shallowest water level of 0.44 m bgl at Haboi.

Fig. 10: Depth to water level map of January 2021

Table 7. Well wise categorisation of depth to water level January 2021
Sr. No of well DTWL, mbgl No. of wells in diffrent depth range
District Name
No. analysed Min Max 0 to 2 2 to 5 5 to 10 10 to 20 20 to 40 > 40
4 7 2 0 1 0
1 Ahmedabad 14 1.04 20.40
28.6% 50.0% 14.3% 0.0% 7.1% 0.0%
2 4 3 3 2 0
2 Anand 14 0.70 29.38
14.3% 28.6% 21.4% 21.4% 14.3% 0.0%
0 2 11 5 0 0
3 Arvalli 18 3.95 18.00
0.0% 11.1% 61.1% 27.8% 0.0% 0.0%
0 0 6 5 4 0
4 Banaskantha 15 6.23 33.83
0.0% 0.0% 40.0% 33.3% 26.7% 0.0%
6 5 12 3 0 0
5 Dohad 26 0.75 13.00
23.1% 19.2% 46.2% 11.5% 0.0% 0.0%
0 0 0 2 1 0
6 Gandhinagar 3 14.51 34.86
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 66.7% 33.3% 0.0%
3 4 5 2 1 0
7 Kheda 15 0.30 34.00
20.0% 26.7% 33.3% 13.3% 6.7% 0.0%
1 6 10 8 1 0
8 Mahesana 26 1.14 22.72
3.8% 23.1% 38.5% 30.8% 3.8% 0.0%
0 7 7 4 0 0
9 Mahisagar 18 2.65 17.95
0.0% 38.9% 38.9% 22.2% 0.0% 0.0%
2 7 7 4 1 0
10 Panchmahals 21 1.10 21.70
9.5% 33.3% 33.3% 19.0% 4.8% 0.0%
3 0 1 3 0 0
11 Patan 7 0.38 16.47
42.9% 0.0% 14.3% 42.9% 0.0% 0.0%
0 6 8 12 4 0
12 Sabarkantha 30 2.45 37.57
0.0% 20.0% 26.7% 40.0% 13.3% 0.0%
21 48 72 51 15 0
North Gujarat 207 0.30 37.57
10.1% 23.2% 34.8% 24.6% 7.2% 0.0%
7 14 13 0 0 0
13 Bharuch 34 0.20 9.60
20.6% 41.2% 38.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
0 9 9 5 0 0
14 Chhota Udepur 23 2.90 13.00
0.0% 39.1% 39.1% 21.7% 0.0% 0.0%
5 7 4 3 3 0
15 Narmada 22 1.10 29.15
22.7% 31.8% 18.2% 13.6% 13.6% 0.0%
1 13 6 1 0 0
16 Navsari 21 1.05 10.93
4.8% 61.9% 28.6% 4.8% 0.0% 0.0%
4 14 12 3 0 0
17 Surat 33 1.17 16.95
12.1% 42.4% 36.4% 9.1% 0.0% 0.0%
2 6 8 1 0 0
18 Tapi 17 0.66 13.75
11.8% 35.3% 47.1% 5.9% 0.0% 0.0%
15 7 1 1 0 0
19 The dangs 24 0.44 11.30
62.5% 29.2% 4.2% 4.2% 0.0% 0.0%
3 3 4 3 5 0
20 Vadodara 18 1.45 26.40
16.7% 16.7% 22.2% 16.7% 27.8% 0.0%
2 9 7 1 0 0
21 Valsad 19 1.07 11.52
10.5% 47.4% 36.8% 5.3% 0.0% 0.0%
39 82 64 18 8 0
South Gujarat 211 0.20 29.15
18.5% 38.9% 30.3% 8.5% 3.8% 0.0%
2 13 13 6 6 0
22 Amreli 40 1.92 33.45
5.0% 32.5% 32.5% 15.0% 15.0% 0.0%
1 17 15 9 1 0
23 Bhavnagar 43 1.10 22.30
2.3% 39.5% 34.9% 20.9% 2.3% 0.0%
0 2 1 1 0 0
24 Botad 4 2.30 11.30
0.0% 50.0% 25.0% 25.0% 0.0% 0.0%
2 10 9 1 1 0
25 Devbhumi Dwarka 23 1.00 21.55
8.7% 43.5% 39.1% 4.3% 4.3% 0.0%
1 6 10 6 0 0
26 Gir Somnath 23 0.68 17.82
4.3% 26.1% 43.5% 26.1% 0.0% 0.0%
5 16 6 1 0 0
27 Jamnagar 28 1.02 11.44
17.9% 57.1% 21.4% 3.6% 0.0% 0.0%
3 8 17 14 1 0
28 Junagadh 43 0.70 25.53
7.0% 18.6% 39.5% 32.6% 2.3% 0.0%
6 7 4 1 0 0
29 Morbi 18 1.41 10.90
33.3% 38.9% 22.2% 5.6% 0.0% 0.0%
2 14 16 0 0 0
30 Porbandar 32 0.90 9.09
6.3% 43.8% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
3 8 16 3 0 0
31 Rajkot 30 13.75 11.95
10.0% 26.7% 53.3% 10.0% 0.0% 0.0%
10 13 7 1 1 0
32 Surendranagar 32 0.40 20.75
31.3% 40.6% 21.9% 3.1% 3.1% 0.0%
35 114 114 43 10 0
Saurashtra 316 0.40 33.45
11.1% 36.1% 36.1% 13.6% 3.2% 0.0%
5 13 9 10 7 0
33 Kachchh 44 0.44 39.80
11.4% 29.5% 20.5% 22.7% 15.9% 0.0%
5 13 9 10 7 0
Kachchh 44 0.44 39.80
11.4% 29.5% 20.5% 22.7% 15.9% 0.0%
100 257 259 122 40 0
Gujarat State 778 0.20 39.80
12.9% 33.0% 33.3% 15.7% 5.1% 0.0%

3.2 Seasonal Water Level Fluctuation
To study the effect of monsoon on the groundwater regime and subsequent utilisation of
groundwater for various needs like agriculture, irrigation, domestic etc., changes in depth to
water levels with respect to May data are studied. The change in groundwater levels in the
region over different periods is presented in Fig. 11(a, b and c) and a summary of each
observation is discussed below.
Figure 11(a)
Fluctuation of water levels May 2020 to Aug 2020
50% 46.93%
Fall Rise
% of total wells

30% 25.83% 23.94%


0.16% 0.31%
0-2 2-4 >4
Water level fluctuation
Figure 11(b)
Fluctuation of water levels May 2020 to Nov 2020
Fall Rise
% of total wells

1.79% 0.90%
0-2 2-4 >4
Water level fluctuation
Figure 11(c)
Fluctuation of water levels May 2020 to Jan 2021
Fall Rise
40% 36.95%
% of total wells

19.61% 20.59%

2.96% 1.55%
0-2 2-4 >4
Water level fluctuation

Fig. 11: Distribution of seasonal fluctuation of water levels

3.2.1 May 2020 to August 2020

A perusal of Fig. 12 and Table 8 reveals that more than 97% of the total wells in Gujarat
state show a rise in water level. Rise in water level are observed in the range of 0 to 2 m in
26% of wells, 2 to 4 m in 24% of well and morethan 4 m in 47% of wells monitored in the
state of Gujarat. Fall in water level is mainly observed in parts of Kachchh region and in
north Gujarat in small isolated patches scattered in the area. Fall is mainly in the range of 0
to 2 m and recorded in 3% of wells in the state. The maximum rise of 35.36 m is recorded at
Gadu in Junagadh district whereas the maximum decline of 7.78 m is recorded at Mathak in
Kachchha district.

About 96% of the total wells observed the rise of water level in North Gujarat and most of
which (41% wells) is in the range more than 4 m of fluctuation of water level. Fall of 0–2 m
range is observed in 4% of wells in Anand, Banaskantha and Mahesana districts in isolated

In South Gujarat region, 96% of total wells show the rise in water level and in the range
more than 4 m in 46% of wells in the region. Rise of water level in 0 to 2 m and 2 to 4 m
experience in about 50% of wells in the region. Fall in water level is observed maximum in
the range of 0 – 2 m in 4% of wells in the South Gujarat area. Only one well in Vadodara
district shows fall of more the 4 m in the South Gujarat region.

About 99% of total well in the Saurashtra region has experienced rise of water level and in
the range of 0 – 2 m experienced in about 23% of wells. Rise of water level more than 4 m is
predominantly found in 54% of of wells in Saurashtra area. Fall of 0-2 as well as 2-4 m is
observed in less than 1% of wells.

In Kachchh region, 93% of the total wells show the rise in water level. Fall of 0-2 m and 2-4
m is observed in 5% and 2% of the wells, respectively.

Fig. 12: Map showing seasonal fluctuation of water level May 2020 to August 2020

Table 8. Categorisation of changes in water level between May to August 2020
No of Fluctuation range, m Fluctuation range, m No. of wells in difrent depth range Total No. of
District Name well Rise Fall Rise Fall wells
analysed Min Max Min Max 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 Rise Fall
5 3 0 0 0 0
1 Ahmedabad 8 0.94 2.79 - - 8 0
62.5% 37.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
6 2 1 2 0 0
2 Anand 11 0.00 19 - 1.2 9 2
54.5% 18.2% 9.1% 18.2% 0.0% 0.0%
3 5 11 0 0 0
3 Arvalli 19 0.72 20.9 - - 19 0
15.8% 26.3% 57.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
2 3 4 4 0 0
4 Banaskantha 13 0.00 7.36 - 1.82 9 4
15.4% 23.1% 30.8% 30.8% 0.0% 0.0%
6 4 17 0 0 0
5 Dohad 27 0.01 11.46 - - 27 0
22.2% 14.8% 63.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
0 0 2 0 0 0
6 Gandhinagar 2 4.42 6.5 - - 2 0
0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
5 5 5 0 0 0
7 Kheda 15 0.45 11.75 - - 15 0
33.3% 33.3% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
9 10 1 2 0 0
8 Mahesana 22 0.75 5.37 0.1 0.60 20 2
40.9% 45.5% 4.5% 9.1% 0.0% 0.0%
5 3 10 0 0 0
9 Mahisagar 18 0.20 26.58 - - 18 0
27.8% 16.7% 55.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
5 8 7 0 0 0
10 Panchmahals 20 0.73 15.8 - - 20 0
25.0% 40.0% 35.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
3 1 2 0 0 0
11 Patan 6 0.46 7.24 - - 6 0
50.0% 16.7% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
3 8 19 0 0 0
12 Sabarkantha 30 0.71 17.36 - - 30 0
10.0% 26.7% 63.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
52 52 79 8 0 0
North Gujarat 191 0.00 26.58 0.10 1.82 183 8
27.2% 27.2% 41.4% 4.2% 0.0% 0.0%
8 9 9 3 0 0
13 Bharuch 29 0.00 10.77 - 0.06 26 3
27.6% 31.0% 31.0% 10.3% 0.0% 0.0%
3 4 15 1 0 0
14 Chhota Udepur 23 0.00 7.93 - - 22 1
13.0% 17.4% 65.2% 4.3% 0.0% 0.0%
7 4 7 0 0 0
15 Narmada 18 0.30 10.20 - - 18 0
38.9% 22.2% 38.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
3 2 11 0 0 0
16 Navsari 16 0.10 10.4 - - 16 0
18.8% 12.5% 68.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
7 6 12 0 0 0
17 Surat 25 0.30 12.6 - - 25 0
28.0% 24.0% 48.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
2 2 4 0 0 0
18 Tapi 8 0.30 6.6 - - 8 0
25.0% 25.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
3 1 5 1 0 0
19 The dangs 10 0.30 12 0.4 0.4 9 1
30.0% 10.0% 50.0% 10.0% 0.0% 0.0%
6 5 3 1 0 1
20 Vadodara 16 0.76 7 1.07 7.74 14 2
37.5% 31.3% 18.8% 6.3% 0.0% 6.3%
3 2 6 0 0 0
21 Valsad 11 0.40 9.8 - - 11 0
27.3% 18.2% 54.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
42 35 72 6 0 1
South Gujarat 156 0.00 12.60 0.40 7.74 149 7
26.9% 22.4% 46.2% 3.8% 0.0% 0.6%
10 12 19 1 0 0
22 Amreli 42 0.80 22.62 0.13 0.13 41 1
23.8% 28.6% 45.2% 2.4% 0.0% 0.0%
12 2 17 0 1 0
23 Bhavnagar 32 0.28 14.94 3.48 3.48 31 1
37.5% 6.3% 53.1% 0.0% 3.1% 0.0%
0 1 3 0 0 0
24 Botad 4 2.97 10.22 - - 4 0
0.0% 25.0% 75.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
5 10 9 0 0 0
25 Devbhumi Dwarka 24 0.49 18.04 - - 24 0
20.8% 41.7% 37.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
2 2 15 0 0 0
26 Gir Somnath 19 0.92 22.55 - - 19 0
10.5% 10.5% 78.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
6 5 13 0 0 0
27 Jamnagar 24 0.24 19.53 - - 24 0
25.0% 20.8% 54.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
2 7 26 0 0 0
28 Junagadh 35 1.01 35.36 - - 35 0
5.7% 20.0% 74.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
0 1 1 1 0 0
29 Morbi 3 3.96 5.02 0.26 0.26 2 1
0.0% 33.3% 33.3% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0%
11 6 12 0 0 0
30 Porbandar 29 0.06 18.23 - - 29 0
37.9% 20.7% 41.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
5 2 13 0 0 0
31 Rajkot 20 0.53 15.19 - - 20 0
25.0% 10.0% 65.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
3 7 5 0 0 0
32 Surendranagar 15 1.28 7.14 - - 15 0
20.0% 46.7% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
56 55 133 2 1 0
Saurashtra 247 0.06 35.36 0.13 3.48 244 3
22.7% 22.3% 53.8% 0.8% 0.4% 0.0%
14 10 14 2 0 1
33 Kachchh 41 0.00 10.95 - 7.78 38 3
34.1% 24.4% 34.1% 4.9% 0.0% 2.4%
14 10 14 2 0 1
Kachchh 41 0.00 10.95 - 7.78 38 3
34.1% 24.4% 34.1% 4.9% 0.0% 2.4%
164 152 298 18 1 2
Gujarat State 635 0.00 35.36 0.10 7.78 614 21
25.8% 23.9% 46.9% 2.8% 0.2% 0.3%

3.2.2 May 2020 to November 2020

The seasonal water level fluctuation shows rise in 87% of the total wells monitored in the
Gujarat state area during the Pre and Post Monsoon of 2020. Fall in water level is observed
mainly in Kachchh, Saurashtra and central part of Gujarat as isolated patches. In the state,
the maximum rise of 25.05 m is recorded at Goraj in Junagadh district whereas the
maximum decline of 12.93 m is observed at Samkhiari in Kachchh district. The seasonal
water level fluctuations are shown in Fig. 13 and placed at Table 9.

In North Gujarat region, 87% of the total well analysed shows rise in water level. Maximum
rise observed 21.90 m at Bavaliya in Mahisagar district. Out of the total well analysed,
maximum rise (39%) is observed in the category of 0-2 m. Few isolated patches of fall
observed in Banaskantha, Mahisagar, Mahesana and Dahod districts.

In South Gujarat, about 85% of the well in the area have recorded the rise and maximum in
range of 0-2 m. The maximum rise observed 12.70 m at Bari Pada in The Dangs district. The
fall is in 15% of total well and maximum categorised in the range of 0-2 m.

Over all 88% of total well analysed shows the rise in water level in the entire Saurashtra. Fall
is mainly in the range of 0–2 m and is found in isolated patches and cover 10% of the total
area of region. The maximum rise observed 25.05 m at at Goraj in Junagadh district.

In Kachchh 93% of the total well analysed recorded rise in water level. The fall is mostly in
the range of 0–2 m recorded in about 5% of the total well. Rise is observed in all parts of the
region and mostly in the range of morethan 4 m.

Fig. 13: Map showing seasonal fluctuation of water level May 2020 to November 2020

Table 9. Categorisation of changes in water level between May 2020 to November 2020
No of Fluctuation range, m Fluctuation range, m No. of wells in difrent depth range Total No. of
District Name well Rise Fall Rise Fall wells
analysed Min Max Min Max 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 Rise Fall
7 1 0 1 0 0
1 Ahmedabad 9 0.40 2.27 0.66 0.66 8 1
77.8% 11.1% 0.0% 11.1% 0.0% 0.0%
6 2 1 1 1 1
2 Anand 12 0.40 7 1.7 7.4 9 3
50.0% 16.7% 8.3% 8.3% 8.3% 8.3%
4 4 8 2 1 0
3 Arvalli 19 0.28 17.8 0.26 2.11 16 3
21.1% 21.1% 42.1% 10.5% 5.3% 0.0%
5 4 5 4 0 0
4 Banaskantha 18 0.00 8.25 - 1.37 14 4
27.8% 22.2% 27.8% 22.2% 0.0% 0.0%
8 11 4 3 0 0
5 Dohad 26 0.63 7.78 0.36 0.69 23 3
30.8% 42.3% 15.4% 11.5% 0.0% 0.0%
0 0 1 1 0 0
6 Gandhinagar 2 5.05 5.05 0.32 0.32 1 1
0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0%
8 2 3 1 0 0
7 Kheda 14 0.50 12.53 0.07 0.07 13 1
57.1% 14.3% 21.4% 7.1% 0.0% 0.0%
10 9 1 1 1 0
8 Mahesana 22 1.05 5.74 1.6 2.73 20 2
45.5% 40.9% 4.5% 4.5% 4.5% 0.0%
5 4 6 3 0 0
9 Mahisagar 18 0.16 21.9 0.05 1.53 15 3
27.8% 22.2% 33.3% 16.7% 0.0% 0.0%
11 3 5 1 1 0
10 Panchmahals 21 0.25 12.83 0.32 3.21 19 2
52.4% 14.3% 23.8% 4.8% 4.8% 0.0%
3 2 1 1 0 0
11 Patan 7 0.06 6.67 0.47 0.47 6 1
42.9% 28.6% 14.3% 14.3% 0.0% 0.0%
7 7 12 1 0 1
12 Sabarkantha 28 0.76 7.55 0.7 4.65 26 2
25.0% 25.0% 42.9% 3.6% 0.0% 3.6%
74 49 47 20 4 2
North Gujarat 196 0.00 21.90 0.05 7.40 170 26
37.8% 25.0% 24.0% 10.2% 2.0% 1.0%
13 8 3 6 2 0
13 Bharuch 32 0.00 8.45 - 3.37 24 8
40.6% 25.0% 9.4% 18.8% 6.3% 0.0%
7 5 11 1 0 0
14 Chhota Udepur 24 0.02 9.08 0.88 0.88 23 1
29.2% 20.8% 45.8% 4.2% 0.0% 0.0%
7 5 6 1 0 0
15 Narmada 19 0.53 10.05 1 1 18 1
36.8% 26.3% 31.6% 5.3% 0.0% 0.0%
5 3 8 2 0 0
16 Navsari 18 0.60 9.5 0.4 1.1 16 2
27.8% 16.7% 44.4% 11.1% 0.0% 0.0%
10 6 7 4 1 0
17 Surat 28 0.40 8.1 0.1 2.4 23 5
35.7% 21.4% 25.0% 14.3% 3.6% 0.0%
6 4 3 3 0 0
18 Tapi 16 0.10 8.7 1 1.9 13 3
37.5% 25.0% 18.8% 18.8% 0.0% 0.0%
9 2 7 2 0 0
19 The dangs 20 0.30 12.7 0.4 0.5 18 2
45.0% 10.0% 35.0% 10.0% 0.0% 0.0%
6 4 0 5 0 1
20 Vadodara 16 0.27 2.88 0.2 8.01 10 6
37.5% 25.0% 0.0% 31.3% 0.0% 6.3%
8 5 4 1 0 0
21 Valsad 18 0.20 10.1 0.1 0.1 17 1
44.4% 27.8% 22.2% 5.6% 0.0% 0.0%
71 42 49 25 3 1
South Gujarat 191 0.00 12.70 0.10 8.01 162 29
37.2% 22.0% 25.7% 13.1% 1.6% 0.5%
12 9 14 3 1 0
22 Amreli 39 0.17 20.13 0.09 3.65 35 4
30.8% 23.1% 35.9% 7.7% 2.6% 0.0%
9 4 17 3 0 0
23 Bhavnagar 33 0.01 12.32 0.02 0.48 30 3
27.3% 12.1% 51.5% 9.1% 0.0% 0.0%
0 1 2 0 0 0
24 Botad 3 2.67 5.99 - - 3 0
0.0% 33.3% 66.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
7 5 4 3 0 0
25 Devbhumi Dwarka 19 0.23 16.84 0.32 1 16 3
36.8% 26.3% 21.1% 15.8% 0.0% 0.0%
6 4 9 0 0 0
26 Gir Somnath 19 0.22 22.35 - - 19 0
31.6% 21.1% 47.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
8 1 8 0 0 2
27 Jamnagar 19 0.15 18.48 4.44 4.44 17 2
42.1% 5.3% 42.1% 0.0% 0.0% 10.5%
5 5 19 6 2 0
28 Junagadh 37 0.01 25.05 0.06 2.49 29 8
13.5% 13.5% 51.4% 16.2% 5.4% 0.0%
1 3 0 1 0 0
29 Morbi 5 1.52 3.88 1.83 1.83 4 1
20.0% 60.0% 0.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0%
6 7 10 5 2 0
30 Porbandar 30 0.02 15.92 0.02 2.68 23 7
20.0% 23.3% 33.3% 16.7% 6.7% 0.0%
4 3 13 1 0 0
31 Rajkot 21 0.12 10.39 0.19 0.19 20 1
19.0% 14.3% 61.9% 4.8% 0.0% 0.0%
11 2 4 1 0 0
32 Surendranagar 18 0.35 8.73 0.73 0.73 17 1
61.1% 11.1% 22.2% 5.6% 0.0% 0.0%
69 44 100 23 5 2
Saurashtra 243 0.01 25.05 0.02 4.44 213 30
28.4% 18.1% 41.2% 9.5% 2.1% 0.8%
13 8 16 2 0 1
33 Kachchh 40 0.23 9.26 0.17 12.93 37 3
32.5% 20.0% 40.0% 5.0% 0.0% 2.5%
13 8 16 2 0 1
Kachchh 40 0.23 9.26 0.17 12.93 37 3
32.5% 20.0% 40.0% 5.0% 0.0% 2.5%
227 143 212 70 12 6
Gujarat State 670 0.00 25.05 0.02 12.93 582 88
33.9% 21.3% 31.6% 10.4% 1.8% 0.9%

3.2.3 May 2020 to January 2021

A perusal of Fig 14 and Table 10 reveals that about 77% of the total well in the Gujarat state
area have recorded the rise in water level between May 2020 and January 2021. Fall in water
level is observed mainly in Aravalli, Banaskantha, Jamnagar, Jungadh, Porbandar,
Devbhumi Dwarka, Gir Somnath, Anand, and Vadodara districts of Gujarat distributed
sporadically all over Gujarat state. In the state, the maximum rise of 20.26 m is at
Govindpura in Gir Somnath district whereas the maximum decline of 11.07 m is observed at
Girgadhada in Gir Somnath district.

In North Gujarat region, water level rises mainly observed in 82% of the total well analysed
and maximum rises (45%) are in the range of 0-2 m. The fall of water level observed in all
districts of the north Gujarat state distributed in central and west central and east central part.

The 80% of the total wells in the area of south Gujarat have recorded rise and maximum
(41%) in the range of 0-2 m of rise in the region. The fall is 20% of total well and maximum
(16%) in the range of 0–2 m.

Over all 70% of total well analysed are shown rise in water level in the entire Saurashtra
region. About 30% of areas have shown rise of water level between 0 to 2 m and 22% shows
more than 4 m and are found in all the districts of Saurashtra region. Fall of water level is
observed in all over the region with fall less than 2 m is observed in 24% of the well in the

In Kachchh, 88% of the total well analysed recorded rise in water level. The fall is mostly in
the range of 0–2 m and is observed in 30% of the total well. The total fall of water level has
been observed in 12% of the total well in the region.

Fig. 14: Map showing seasonal fluctuation of water level May 2020 to January 2021

Table 10. Categorisation of changes in water level between May 2020 to January 2021
No of Fluctuation range, m Fluctuation range, m No. of wells in difrent depth range Total No. of
District Name well Rise Fall Rise Fall wells
analysed Min Max Min Max 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 Rise Fall
10 1 1 1 0 0
1 Ahmedabad 13 0.00 7.93 - - 12 1
76.9% 7.7% 7.7% 7.7% 0.0% 0.0%
7 1 1 1 0 1
2 Anand 11 0.08 17.85 1.2 5.6 9 2
63.6% 9.1% 9.1% 9.1% 0.0% 9.1%
6 2 5 2 1 2
3 Arvalli 18 0.15 14.55 0.33 8.44 13 5
33.3% 11.1% 27.8% 11.1% 5.6% 11.1%
3 4 5 2 1 0
4 Banaskantha 15 0.25 6.33 0.25 2.67 12 3
20.0% 26.7% 33.3% 13.3% 6.7% 0.0%
11 7 3 6 0 0
5 Dohad 27 0.00 8.55 - 1.38 21 6
40.7% 25.9% 11.1% 22.2% 0.0% 0.0%
0 1 0 1 0 0
6 Gandhinagar 2 3.12 3.12 0.36 0.36 1 1
0.0% 50.0% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0%
8 2 2 2 0 0
7 Kheda 14 0.25 10.43 0.07 0.4 12 2
57.1% 14.3% 14.3% 14.3% 0.0% 0.0%
13 5 2 3 0 0
8 Mahesana 23 0.55 4.79 0.02 0.92 20 3
56.5% 21.7% 8.7% 13.0% 0.0% 0.0%
5 3 4 7 0 0
9 Mahisagar 19 0.00 9.7 - 0.8 12 7
26.3% 15.8% 21.1% 36.8% 0.0% 0.0%
10 3 3 1 1 0
10 Panchmahals 18 0.11 8.63 1.95 3.57 16 2
55.6% 16.7% 16.7% 5.6% 5.6% 0.0%
5 1 1 0 0 0
11 Patan 7 0.21 6.54 - - 7 0
71.4% 14.3% 14.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
10 11 6 2 1 0
12 Sabarkantha 30 0.20 11.16 0.61 3.57 27 3
33.3% 36.7% 20.0% 6.7% 3.3% 0.0%
88 41 33 28 4 3
North Gujarat 197 0.00 17.85 0.02 8.44 162 35
44.7% 20.8% 16.8% 14.2% 2.0% 1.5%
14 8 5 6 1 0
13 Bharuch 34 0.00 7.7 - 2.78 27 7
41.2% 23.5% 14.7% 17.6% 2.9% 0.0%
8 9 3 5 1 0
14 Chhota Udepur 26 0.00 8.1 - 3.21 20 6
30.8% 34.6% 11.5% 19.2% 3.8% 0.0%
10 2 6 1 0 0
15 Narmada 19 0.31 6.55 1 1 18 1
52.6% 10.5% 31.6% 5.3% 0.0% 0.0%
7 3 6 3 1 0
16 Navsari 20 0.00 7.04 - 2.3 16 4
35.0% 15.0% 30.0% 15.0% 5.0% 0.0%
11 6 7 4 1 0
17 Surat 29 0.12 7.72 0.35 2.83 24 5
37.9% 20.7% 24.1% 13.8% 3.4% 0.0%
6 2 2 4 1 0
18 Tapi 15 0.40 7.88 0.06 2.4 10 5
40.0% 13.3% 13.3% 26.7% 6.7% 0.0%
11 3 6 3 1 0
19 The dangs 24 0.08 12.52 0.03 3 20 4
45.8% 12.5% 25.0% 12.5% 4.2% 0.0%
9 3 0 3 1 1
20 Vadodara 17 0.00 3.67 - 8.21 12 5
52.9% 17.6% 0.0% 17.6% 5.9% 5.9%
6 3 4 4 0 0
21 Valsad 17 0.03 9.39 0.1 0.25 13 4
35.3% 17.6% 23.5% 23.5% 0.0% 0.0%
82 39 39 33 7 1
South Gujarat 201 0.00 12.52 0.03 8.21 160 41
40.8% 19.4% 19.4% 16.4% 3.5% 0.5%
9 8 7 16 0 0
22 Amreli 40 0.15 15.75 0.09 1.8 24 16
22.5% 20.0% 17.5% 40.0% 0.0% 0.0%
10 5 11 9 1 0
23 Bhavnagar 36 0.00 10.75 - 3.67 26 10
27.8% 13.9% 30.6% 25.0% 2.8% 0.0%
2 1 0 1 0 0
24 Botad 4 0.70 3.48 0.5 0.5 3 1
50.0% 25.0% 0.0% 25.0% 0.0% 0.0%
8 2 4 6 0 2
25 Devbhumi Dwarka 22 0.94 10.05 0.26 6.82 14 8
36.4% 9.1% 18.2% 27.3% 0.0% 9.1%
4 4 6 3 1 2
26 Gir Somnath 20 0.25 20.26 0.26 11.07 14 6
20.0% 20.0% 30.0% 15.0% 5.0% 10.0%
7 8 6 4 0 1
27 Jamnagar 26 0.29 16.18 0.01 4.44 21 5
26.9% 30.8% 23.1% 15.4% 0.0% 3.8%
12 5 14 6 2 1
28 Junagadh 40 0.03 18.67 0.04 4.81 31 9
30.0% 12.5% 35.0% 15.0% 5.0% 2.5%
2 2 0 3 0 0
29 Morbi 7 0.80 3.16 0.03 1.18 4 3
28.6% 28.6% 0.0% 42.9% 0.0% 0.0%
8 2 8 10 3 0
30 Porbandar 31 0.09 13.95 0.15 3.97 18 13
25.8% 6.5% 25.8% 32.3% 9.7% 0.0%
8 6 3 4 1 1
31 Rajkot 23 0.18 9.56 0.07 9.89 17 6
34.8% 26.1% 13.0% 17.4% 4.3% 4.3%
9 5 1 3 1 0
32 Surendranagar 19 0.10 5.65 0.05 2.48 15 4
47.4% 26.3% 5.3% 15.8% 5.3% 0.0%
79 48 60 65 9 7
Saurashtra 268 0.00 20.26 0.01 11.07 187 81
29.5% 17.9% 22.4% 24.3% 3.4% 2.6%
13 11 14 4 1 0
33 Kachchh 43 0.00 12.27 - 2.8 38 5
30.2% 25.6% 32.6% 9.3% 2.3% 0.0%
13 11 14 4 1 0
Kachchh 43 0.00 12.27 - 2.80 38 5
30.2% 25.6% 32.6% 9.3% 2.3% 0.0%
262 139 146 130 21 11
Gujarat State 709 0.00 20.26 0.01 11.07 547 162
37.0% 19.6% 20.6% 18.3% 3.0% 1.6%

3.3 Annual Water Level Fluctuation
Annual Fluctuation in the water levels of the groundwater monitoring wells during different
monitoring periods were analysed graphically and depicted in Fig. 15 (a,b,c and d).

Fig: 15 a
Fluctuation of water levels May 2019 -20
Fall Rise
% of total wells

30% 27%


0-2 2-4 >4
Fluctuation of water levels
Fig: 15b
Fluctuation of water levels Aguust 2019 -20
Fall Rise

40% 37%
% of total wells

20% 16%

3% 1%
0-2 2-4 >4
Fluctuation of water levels
Fig: 15c
Fluctuation of water levels November 2019 -20
50% 45% Fall Rise

% of total wells


10% 7% 7% 6%

0-2 2-4 >4
Fluctuation of water levels

Fig: 15d
Fluctuation of water levels January 2020 -21
Fall Rise
% of total wells



10% 6% 5% 4%

0-2 2-4 >4
Fluctuation of water levels
Fig. 15: Annual fluctuation of water levels

3.3.1 May 2019 to May 2020

A perusal of Fig 16 and Table 11 reveals that 86% of the total monitoring stations of state
show a rise in water level. Rise of 0-2 m is observed in about 40% of total well of the state.
More than 4 m rise is observed in 27% of total well. Fall in water level is observed mainly in
Kachchh, Saurashtra, Central and south part of Gujarat in scattered places. Fall is mainly in
the range of 0-2 m and covers about 10% of total wells of the state. The maximum rise of
29.05 m is recorded in Porbandar district, whereas the maximum decline of 10.44 m bgl is
recorded in Junagadh district.

About 84% of the total wells observed the rise of water level in the North Gujarat and most
of which (47% of wells) is in the range of 0 to 2 m. Rise of more than 4 m is mostly seen in
the central part of region in Patan and Sabarkantha districts as ell as in estern part of the
region in Arvalli, Dahod and Mahisagar dsitricts. Fall of water level mostly observed in 16%
of total well in North Gujarat, in Mahesana, Anand and Banaskantha districts.

South Gujarat region shows fall in water level covers an area by 20% of well in the region.
Rise in water level is observed in 80% of wells. Rise and fall of more than 2 m has observed
at few locations in Bharuch, Surat and Chhota Udepur districts.

About 91% of total well in Saurashtra region has experienced rise where as 9% shows fall. In
0 to 2 m range, 27% of well shows rise where as 7% shows fall. Fall of more than 4 m is
predominantly found in Junagarh district. Surendranagar, Morbi, Rajkot and Gir Somnath
show fall in the range of 2-4 m covers an area about 2% of the wells in Saurashtra region.

In Kachchh region, 88% of total well is experienced rise in water level where as 12% shows
fall. Fall mostly ranges in 0 to 2 m in Kachchh region. Overall Kachchh region shows fall in
few patches in the ranges of 0 to 2 m.

Fig. 16: Annual fluctuation of water level May 2019 to May 2020

Table 11. Categorisation of changes in water level between May 2019 to May 2020
No of Fluctuation range, m Fluctuation range, m No. of wells in difrent depth range Total No. of
District Name well Rise Fall Rise Fall wells
analysed Min Max Min Max 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 Rise Fall
11 1 1 1 0 0
1 Ahmedabad 14 0.00 23.81 - 0.14 13 1
78.6% 7.1% 7.1% 7.1% 0.0% 0.0%
5 1 1 2 0 1
2 Anand 10 0.35 4.82 0.3 6.44 7 3
50.0% 10.0% 10.0% 20.0% 0.0% 10.0%
3 5 8 1 0 0
3 Arvalli 17 0.42 13.94 0.07 0.07 16 1
17.6% 29.4% 47.1% 5.9% 0.0% 0.0%
4 4 2 3 4 1
4 Banaskantha 18 0.00 7.52 - 4.45 10 8
22.2% 22.2% 11.1% 16.7% 22.2% 5.6%
18 4 2 1 1 1
5 Dohad 27 0.06 5.1 0.38 6.33 24 3
66.7% 14.8% 7.4% 3.7% 3.7% 3.7%
2 0 0 0 1 1
6 Gandhinagar 4 0.00 1.46 - 6.95 2 2
50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 25.0% 25.0%
6 2 1 1 1 0
7 Kheda 11 0.07 5.05 0.75 2.2 9 2
54.5% 18.2% 9.1% 9.1% 9.1% 0.0%
12 4 0 5 3 0
8 Mahesana 24 0.09 3.07 0.08 3.31 16 8
50.0% 16.7% 0.0% 20.8% 12.5% 0.0%
5 5 2 2 1 0
9 Mahisagar 15 0.18 5.89 0.1 2.4 12 3
33.3% 33.3% 13.3% 13.3% 6.7% 0.0%
13 4 1 0 0 0
10 Panchmahals 18 0.06 8.46 - - 18 0
72.2% 22.2% 5.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
2 0 4 0 0 0
11 Patan 6 0.01 6.5 - - 6 0
33.3% 0.0% 66.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
10 7 11 0 0 0
12 Sabarkantha 28 0.33 11.71 - - 28 0
35.7% 25.0% 39.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
91 37 33 16 11 4
North Gujarat 192 0.00 23.81 0.07 6.95 161 31
47.4% 19.3% 17.2% 8.3% 5.7% 2.1%
17 5 1 2 0 1
13 Bharuch 26 0.10 4.81 0.1 6.3 23 3
65.4% 19.2% 3.8% 7.7% 0.0% 3.8%
3 6 1 5 2 0
14 Chhota Udepur 17 0.30 6.77 0.09 3.29 10 7
17.6% 35.3% 5.9% 29.4% 11.8% 0.0%
5 5 0 4 0 0
15 Narmada 14 0.35 2.70 0 1 10 4
35.7% 35.7% 0.0% 28.6% 0.0% 0.0%
8 2 1 3 0 0
16 Navsari 14 0.10 4.95 0.4 0.8 11 3
57.1% 14.3% 7.1% 21.4% 0.0% 0.0%
13 0 2 1 2 0
17 Surat 18 0.00 6.8 - 3.9 15 3
72.2% 0.0% 11.1% 5.6% 11.1% 0.0%
5 0 1 2 1 0
18 Tapi 9 0.20 4.6 0.1 2.4 6 3
55.6% 0.0% 11.1% 22.2% 11.1% 0.0%
8 4 5 4 0 0
19 The dangs 21 0.00 10.3 - 1.9 17 4
38.1% 19.0% 23.8% 19.0% 0.0% 0.0%
7 3 6 0 0 0
20 Vadodara 16 0.74 9.73 - - 16 0
43.8% 18.8% 37.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
9 2 1 2 0 0
21 Valsad 14 0.10 4.1 0.9 1.5 12 2
64.3% 14.3% 7.1% 14.3% 0.0% 0.0%
75 27 18 23 5 1
South Gujarat 149 0.00 10.30 0.09 6.30 120 29
50.3% 18.1% 12.1% 15.4% 3.4% 0.7%
9 5 22 2 0 0
22 Amreli 38 0.00 16.1 - 1.07 36 2
23.7% 13.2% 57.9% 5.3% 0.0% 0.0%
3 6 11 3 0 0
23 Bhavnagar 23 0.62 15.1 0.15 0.95 20 3
13.0% 26.1% 47.8% 13.0% 0.0% 0.0%
0 0 3 0 0 0
24 Botad 3 5.15 6.33 - - 3 0
0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
4 7 11 1 0 0
25 Devbhumi Dwarka 23 0.11 14.81 1.13 1.13 22 1
17.4% 30.4% 47.8% 4.3% 0.0% 0.0%
5 3 8 2 0 0
26 Gir Somnath 18 0.23 9.82 0.8 1.81 16 2
27.8% 16.7% 44.4% 11.1% 0.0% 0.0%
6 6 12 1 0 0
27 Jamnagar 25 0.32 18.11 1.55 1.55 24 1
24.0% 24.0% 48.0% 4.0% 0.0% 0.0%
15 6 11 1 2 1
28 Junagadh 36 0.25 15.81 0.76 10.44 32 4
41.7% 16.7% 30.6% 2.8% 5.6% 2.8%
1 3 2 1 0 0
29 Morbi 7 0.46 5.27 1.92 1.92 6 1
14.3% 42.9% 28.6% 14.3% 0.0% 0.0%
8 4 18 0 0 0
30 Porbandar 30 0.25 29.05 - - 30 0
26.7% 13.3% 60.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
8 5 11 0 1 0
31 Rajkot 25 0.25 12.2 2.35 2.35 24 1
32.0% 20.0% 44.0% 0.0% 4.0% 0.0%
7 0 6 5 2 0
32 Surendranagar 20 0.18 22.18 0.02 3.83 13 7
35.0% 0.0% 30.0% 25.0% 10.0% 0.0%
66 45 115 16 5 1
Saurashtra 248 0.00 29.05 0.02 10.44 226 22
26.6% 18.1% 46.4% 6.5% 2.0% 0.4%
17 7 4 4 0 0
33 Kachchh 32 0.00 6.85 - 1.28 28 4
53.1% 21.9% 12.5% 12.5% 0.0% 0.0%
17 7 4 4 0 0
Kachchh 32 0.00 6.85 - 1.28 28 4
53.1% 21.9% 12.5% 12.5% 0.0% 0.0%
249 116 170 59 21 6
Gujarat State 621 0.00 29.05 0.02 10.44 535 86
40.1% 18.7% 27.4% 9.5% 3.4% 1.0%

3.3.2 August 2019 to August 2020

A perusal of Fig 17 and Table 12 reveals that 74% of total monitoring well in the Gujarat
state shows a rise in water level. Rise in water level with in range of 0–2 m is observed in
about 37% of well. Fall in the range of 0–2 m experienced by by 22% of well of the state.
Fall of more than 2 m and 4 m is found in eastern part of the Gujarat State. The maximum
rise of 27.31 m is recorded in Porbandar district whereas the maximum decline of 12.55 m
is recorded in Morbi district.

About 60% of the total well shows rise of water level in the North Gujarat and most of which
(31% of well) is in the range of 0 to 2 m of fluctuation of water level. Rise of more than 4 m
is mostly seen in 16% of well in the region mostly in adjoining area of Sabarkantha,
Banaskanth, Mehsana and Patan districts. Fall of 0 to 4 m range is observed in 40% of well
of the region. Fall of water level observed in the adjoining area of Arvalli, Dahod,
Panchamahal and Mahisagar districts.

In South Gujarat region, 58% of the total well shows rise in water level and out of which,
47% are in the range of 0 to 2 m in the region. Similarly, 42% of total well shows fall in
water level and a maximum of 36% of well are in the range of 0 to 2 m.

About 91% of the total well in the Saurashtra region experienced the rise of water level and
out of which, 37% of well are in the range of 0-2 m. The fall of water level experienced in
9% of wells where 7% range less than 2 m of the total number of wells analysed.

In Kachchh region, 11% of the total well in the area is experienced by a fall in water level
where as 89% shows rise. Water level in range of less than 2 m, about 36% of well shows
rise while 8% shows fall. Fall in water level observed in west central part of the Kachchh.

Fig. 17: Annual fluctuation of water level August 2019 to August 2020

Table 12. Categorisation of changes in water level between August 2019 to August 2020
No of Fluctuation range, m Fluctuation range, m No. of wells in difrent depth range Total No. of
District Name well Rise Fall Rise Fall wells
analysed Min Max Min Max 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 Rise Fall
5 2 0 0 0 0
1 Ahmedabad 7 0.23 3.88 - - 7 0
71.4% 28.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
4 0 1 4 1 1
2 Anand 11 0.06 9.81 0.23 6.48 5 6
36.4% 0.0% 9.1% 36.4% 9.1% 9.1%
6 2 2 8 1 0
3 Arvalli 19 0.05 8.04 0.14 2.13 10 9
31.6% 10.5% 10.5% 42.1% 5.3% 0.0%
5 0 3 2 2 0
4 Banaskantha 12 0.00 9.83 - 3.21 8 4
41.7% 0.0% 25.0% 16.7% 16.7% 0.0%
6 0 0 18 2 0
5 Dohad 26 0.10 1.52 0.12 2.08 6 20
23.1% 0.0% 0.0% 69.2% 7.7% 0.0%
0 0 1 1 0 0
6 Gandhinagar 2 4.05 4.05 0.87 0.87 1 1
0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0%
3 1 3 3 0 0
7 Kheda 10 0.15 6.42 0.02 1.25 7 3
30.0% 10.0% 30.0% 30.0% 0.0% 0.0%
5 9 3 2 0 0
8 Mahesana 19 0.74 5.03 1.22 1.70 17 2
26.3% 47.4% 15.8% 10.5% 0.0% 0.0%
7 4 1 4 1 1
9 Mahisagar 18 0.05 4.24 0.05 4.36 12 6
38.9% 22.2% 5.6% 22.2% 5.6% 5.6%
5 0 0 16 0 0
10 Panchmahals 21 0.28 1.61 0.02 1.96 5 16
23.8% 0.0% 0.0% 76.2% 0.0% 0.0%
2 1 3 0 0 0
11 Patan 6 0.40 12.78 - - 6 0
33.3% 16.7% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
8 6 12 3 2 0
12 Sabarkantha 31 0.46 11.47 0.02 3.05 26 5
25.8% 19.4% 38.7% 9.7% 6.5% 0.0%
56 25 29 61 9 2
North Gujarat 182 0.00 12.78 0.02 6.48 110 72
30.8% 13.7% 15.9% 33.5% 4.9% 1.1%
11 2 1 10 2 1
13 Bharuch 27 0.01 5.28 0.05 4.37 14 13
40.7% 7.4% 3.7% 37.0% 7.4% 3.7%
3 1 1 11 1 2
14 Chhota Udepur 19 0.05 7.48 0.12 5.56 5 14
15.8% 5.3% 5.3% 57.9% 5.3% 10.5%
7 1 0 8 1 1
15 Narmada 18 0.06 2.87 0 5 8 10
38.9% 5.6% 0.0% 44.4% 5.6% 5.6%
9 0 1 6 0 0
16 Navsari 16 0.20 6.46 0.1 0.48 10 6
56.3% 0.0% 6.3% 37.5% 0.0% 0.0%
12 2 1 11 0 0
17 Surat 26 0.00 8.2 - 0.7 15 11
46.2% 7.7% 3.8% 42.3% 0.0% 0.0%
7 0 0 2 0 0
18 Tapi 9 0.10 1.6 0.1 0.4 7 2
77.8% 0.0% 0.0% 22.2% 0.0% 0.0%
5 1 0 3 0 0
19 The dangs 9 0.00 2.8 - 1.3 6 3
55.6% 11.1% 0.0% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0%
6 2 2 2 0 1
20 Vadodara 13 0.05 6.8 0.2 6.98 10 3
46.2% 15.4% 15.4% 15.4% 0.0% 7.7%
10 0 1 1 0 0
21 Valsad 12 0.10 6.7 0.1 0.1 11 1
83.3% 0.0% 8.3% 8.3% 0.0% 0.0%
70 9 7 54 4 5
South Gujarat 149 0.00 8.20 0.05 6.98 86 63
47.0% 6.0% 4.7% 36.2% 2.7% 3.4%
10 14 13 2 0 0
22 Amreli 39 0.23 15.8 0.1 0.33 37 2
25.6% 35.9% 33.3% 5.1% 0.0% 0.0%
20 5 8 3 0 0
23 Bhavnagar 36 0.02 13.81 0.88 1.32 33 3
55.6% 13.9% 22.2% 8.3% 0.0% 0.0%
0 2 2 0 0 0
24 Botad 4 2.18 7.1 - - 4 0
0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
6 5 9 2 0 0
25 Devbhumi Dwarka 22 0.35 18.32 0.64 1.03 20 2
27.3% 22.7% 40.9% 9.1% 0.0% 0.0%
8 2 7 0 0 0
26 Gir Somnath 17 0.06 9.41 - - 17 0
47.1% 11.8% 41.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
7 6 7 3 0 0
27 Jamnagar 23 0.06 12.74 0.09 0.52 20 3
30.4% 26.1% 30.4% 13.0% 0.0% 0.0%
5 8 15 2 2 0
28 Junagadh 32 0.76 19.11 0.16 3.21 28 4
15.6% 25.0% 46.9% 6.3% 6.3% 0.0%
7 0 2 1 0 1
29 Morbi 11 0.11 8.95 0.2 12.55 9 2
63.6% 0.0% 18.2% 9.1% 0.0% 9.1%
5 4 12 5 1 0
30 Porbandar 27 0.29 27.31 0.3 3.47 21 6
18.5% 14.8% 44.4% 18.5% 3.7% 0.0%
6 4 3 1 0 0
31 Rajkot 14 0.01 10.88 0.12 0.12 13 1
42.9% 28.6% 21.4% 7.1% 0.0% 0.0%
17 5 2 0 0 0
32 Surendranagar 24 0.10 7.55 - - 24 0
70.8% 20.8% 8.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
91 55 80 19 3 1
Saurashtra 249 0.01 27.31 0.09 12.55 226 23
36.5% 22.1% 32.1% 7.6% 1.2% 0.4%
13 9 10 3 0 1
33 Kachchh 36 0.00 8.73 - 6.79 32 4
36.1% 25.0% 27.8% 8.3% 0.0% 2.8%
13 9 10 3 0 1
Kachchh 36 0.00 8.73 - 6.79 32 4
36.1% 25.0% 27.8% 8.3% 0.0% 2.8%
230 98 126 137 16 9
Gujarat State 616 0.00 27.31 0.02 12.55 454 162
37.3% 15.9% 20.5% 22.2% 2.6% 1.5%

3.3.3. November 2019 to November 2020

A perusal of Fig 18 and Table 13 reveals that 36% of total monitoring wells show a rise and
64% shows fall in water level of the Gujarat state. Fall in water level within the range of 0 to
2 m is observed in about 45%, 2–4 m in 11% and more than 4 m in 8% of the total well in
the state. Rise in the water level is in the range of less than 2 m and is about 24% of the total
well. The maximum decline of 13.89 m is recorded in Sabarkantha district where as the
maximum rise of 15.14 m is recorded in Amreli district.

About 31% of the total well shows rise of water level in the North Gujarat and most of which
(19%) shows fluctuation in the range of 0 to 2 m of water level. Fall of more than 4 m is
mostly seen in Anand, Arvalli, Sabarkantha and Panchmahals in the north region. Fall of 0–4
m range is observed in 59% of the total well found mainly in the central part of the north
Gujarat region.

In South Gujarat region, 25% of total well analyzed shows rise in water level and in the
range of 0–2 m represents 20% of well in the region. Rise of water level in 0 to 2 m is
observed in central part of south region mainly in Surat, Narmada and Valsad district. Fall in
water level is observed maximum in the range of 0–2 m in 52% of the total well analyzed.

About 54% of total well in Saurashtra region has experienced fall in water level and fall in
the range of more than 4 m represents about 5% of the total well analysed found in Amreli,
Rajkot, Morbi and Junagadh districts. Rise in water level found in 46% of total well in
almost all part of the Saurashtra region.

In Kachchh region, 43% of the total well analysed shows fall in water level and 21% is in the
range of 0–2 m. Rise is observed in 57% of total well in the scattered parts of Kachchh
district. The rise observed in 36% of total well in Kuchchh region in the range of 0-2 m.

Fig. 18: Annual fluctuation of water level Noveber 2019 to November 2020

Table 13. Categorisation of changes in water level between November 2019 to November 2020
No of Fluctuation range, m Fluctuation range, m No. of wells in difrent depth range Total No. of
District Name well Rise Fall Rise Fall wells
analysed Min Max Min Max 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 Rise Fall
5 0 0 5 0 0
1 Ahmedabad 10 0.00 1.75 - 1.54 5 5
50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0%
2 0 2 5 1 3
2 Anand 13 0.21 7 0.4 8 4 9
15.4% 0.0% 15.4% 38.5% 7.7% 23.1%
4 0 0 7 5 3
3 Arvalli 19 0.41 0.98 0.2 10.43 4 15
21.1% 0.0% 0.0% 36.8% 26.3% 15.8%
7 2 1 5 0 0
4 Banaskantha 15 0.08 4.02 0.18 1.46 10 5
46.7% 13.3% 6.7% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0%
1 0 0 21 3 2
5 Dohad 27 0.40 0.4 0.01 6.13 1 26
3.7% 0.0% 0.0% 77.8% 11.1% 7.4%
0 0 0 0 0 1
6 Gandhinagar 1 - - 4.95 4.95 0 1
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
1 0 0 10 0 2
7 Kheda 13 0.07 0.07 0.65 9.43 1 12
7.7% 0.0% 0.0% 76.9% 0.0% 15.4%
7 4 2 7 0 1
8 Mahesana 21 0.63 8.57 0.1 4.52 13 8
33.3% 19.0% 9.5% 33.3% 0.0% 4.8%
2 0 0 10 5 1
9 Mahisagar 18 0.81 1.1 0.1 5.92 2 16
11.1% 0.0% 0.0% 55.6% 27.8% 5.6%
3 1 1 13 2 2
10 Panchmahals 22 0.05 6.19 0.16 11.38 5 17
13.6% 4.5% 4.5% 59.1% 9.1% 9.1%
1 2 1 2 1 0
11 Patan 7 1.51 12 1.14 2.11 4 3
14.3% 28.6% 14.3% 28.6% 14.3% 0.0%
4 3 3 10 1 6
12 Sabarkantha 27 0.00 11.46 - 13.89 10 17
14.8% 11.1% 11.1% 37.0% 3.7% 22.2%
37 12 10 95 18 21
North Gujarat 193 0.00 12.00 0.01 13.89 59 134
19.2% 6.2% 5.2% 49.2% 9.3% 10.9%
8 1 0 13 4 4
13 Bharuch 30 0.10 3.64 0.01 5.3 9 21
26.7% 3.3% 0.0% 43.3% 13.3% 13.3%
3 2 1 10 4 1
14 Chhota Udepur 21 0.01 7.48 0.42 4.27 6 15
14.3% 9.5% 4.8% 47.6% 19.0% 4.8%
4 3 0 11 2 0
15 Narmada 20 0.23 2.68 0 2 7 13
20.0% 15.0% 0.0% 55.0% 10.0% 0.0%
1 0 0 11 7 1
16 Navsari 20 0.01 0.01 0.29 4.3 1 19
5.0% 0.0% 0.0% 55.0% 35.0% 5.0%
5 0 1 17 4 2
17 Surat 29 0.32 4.71 0.19 5.23 6 23
17.2% 0.0% 3.4% 58.6% 13.8% 6.9%
2 1 0 9 6 0
18 Tapi 18 0.18 3 0.35 3.26 3 15
11.1% 5.6% 0.0% 50.0% 33.3% 0.0%
5 0 0 15 0 0
19 The dangs 20 0.15 0.56 0.15 1.67 5 15
25.0% 0.0% 0.0% 75.0% 0.0% 0.0%
6 0 0 4 0 1
20 Vadodara 11 0.20 1.55 0.44 4.1 6 5
54.5% 0.0% 0.0% 36.4% 0.0% 9.1%
3 0 1 8 6 2
21 Valsad 20 0.01 6.67 0.41 5.95 4 16
15.0% 0.0% 5.0% 40.0% 30.0% 10.0%
37 7 3 98 33 11
South Gujarat 189 0.01 7.48 0.01 5.95 47 142
19.6% 3.7% 1.6% 51.9% 17.5% 5.8%
19 2 4 10 3 1
22 Amreli 39 0.00 15.14 - 5.6 25 14
48.7% 5.1% 10.3% 25.6% 7.7% 2.6%
16 3 5 12 0 1
23 Bhavnagar 37 0.00 11.66 - 4.57 24 13
43.2% 8.1% 13.5% 32.4% 0.0% 2.7%
1 1 1 0 0 0
24 Botad 3 1.99 11.71 - - 3 0
33.3% 33.3% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
5 1 4 6 1 1
25 Devbhumi Dwarka 18 0.21 14.09 0.34 4.9 10 8
27.8% 5.6% 22.2% 33.3% 5.6% 5.6%
4 0 1 12 1 2
26 Gir Somnath 20 0.00 5.06 - 5.1 5 15
20.0% 0.0% 5.0% 60.0% 5.0% 10.0%
6 1 0 8 2 0
27 Jamnagar 17 0.29 2.56 0.14 3.64 7 10
35.3% 5.9% 0.0% 47.1% 11.8% 0.0%
8 4 2 14 6 7
28 Junagadh 41 0.02 4.45 0.19 11.89 14 27
19.5% 9.8% 4.9% 34.1% 14.6% 17.1%
3 1 2 7 2 1
29 Morbi 16 0.30 5.65 0.06 5.47 6 10
18.8% 6.3% 12.5% 43.8% 12.5% 6.3%
8 4 4 12 3 0
30 Porbandar 31 0.07 8.93 0.34 3.99 16 15
25.8% 12.9% 12.9% 38.7% 9.7% 0.0%
10 3 1 8 2 1
31 Rajkot 25 0.02 5.8 0.03 5.02 14 11
40.0% 12.0% 4.0% 32.0% 8.0% 4.0%
1 2 1 23 1 1
32 Surendranagar 29 0.50 4.78 0.05 9.2 4 25
3.4% 6.9% 3.4% 79.3% 3.4% 3.4%
81 22 25 112 21 15
Saurashtra 276 0.00 15.14 0.03 11.89 128 148
29.3% 8.0% 9.1% 40.6% 7.6% 5.4%
10 5 1 6 3 3
33 Kachchh 28 0.07 5.99 0.2 13.24 16 12
35.7% 17.9% 3.6% 21.4% 10.7% 10.7%
10 5 1 6 3 3
Kachchh 28 0.07 5.99 0.20 13.24 16 12
35.7% 17.9% 3.6% 21.4% 10.7% 10.7%
165 46 39 311 75 50
Gujarat State 686 0.00 15.14 0.01 13.89 250 436
24.1% 6.7% 5.7% 45.3% 10.9% 7.3%

3.3.4 January 2020 to January 2021

A perusal of Fig 19 and Table 14 reveals that out of total monitoring wells, 53% shows a fall
where as 47% shows rise in water level of the Gujarat state. Fall in water level mainly within
range of 0-2 m is observed in about 42% of the total well in the state. Fall in water level is
mainly observed in Sourashtra, Central, Northern and Southern part of Gujarat state. Rise
mainly observed in the range of 0-2 m covers about 34% of the total well in state. The
maximum rise of 17.85 m is recorded in Anand district whereas the maximum decline of
11.82 m is recorded in Gir Somnath district.

About 64% of the total well shows the fall of water level in the North Gujarat and most of
which (48%) shows fall in the range of 0-2 m. Fall of more than 4 m is mostly seen in the
parts of Anand, Arvalli, Banaskantha, Mahisagar and Sabarkantha districts in 10% of total
well analysed in the region. Rise of 0-4 m range is observed in 3% of the total well observed
in the area of Anand, Dahod, Sabarkantha districts in eastern part of north Gujarat region.

In South Gujarat region, 42% of total well analysed shows fall in water level and 37%
represents in the range of 0-2 m of total well in the region. Fall of water level observed in the
range of 2 to 4 m and more than 4 m in isolated patches distributed sporadically in south
Gujarat region. Rise in water level observed in the range of 0-2 m in 50% of the total well
analysed lying mainly in Navsari, Surat, Vadodara and Narmada districts in the South
Gujarat region.

About 57% of the Saurashtra region has experienced the fall in water level and in the range
of 0-2 m observed in 44% of the total well analysed. Fall of water level in 5% of well
observed more than 4 m is predominantly found in Gir Somnath, Rajkot and Junagadh
district all over the region. The rise in water level also found in 43% of total well distributed
allover the Saurashtra region. About 28% area of the region observed rise of 0-2 m.

In Kachchh region, rise in water level experienced in 77% of total well equally distributed in
the region for monitoring. Fall of water level mainly ranges in 0-2 m is observed in 21% of
total well western part of the district. About 23% area shows fall in the region.

Fig. 19: Annual fluctuation of water level January 2020 to January 2021

Table 14. Categorisation of changes in water level between January 2020 to January 2021
No of Fluctuation range, m Fluctuation range, m No. of wells in difrent depth range Total No. of
District Name well Rise Fall Rise Fall wells
analysed Min Max Min Max 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 Rise Fall
8 0 0 5 0 0
1 Ahmedabad 13 0.00 1.52 - 1.08 8 5
61.5% 0.0% 0.0% 38.5% 0.0% 0.0%
5 0 1 5 1 1
2 Anand 13 0.03 17.85 0.03 6.66 6 7
38.5% 0.0% 7.7% 38.5% 7.7% 7.7%
3 3 0 7 0 4
3 Arvalli 17 0.65 3.42 0.24 9.86 6 11
17.6% 17.6% 0.0% 41.2% 0.0% 23.5%
5 2 0 5 1 1
4 Banaskantha 14 0.25 3.6 0.61 4.33 7 7
35.7% 14.3% 0.0% 35.7% 7.1% 7.1%
6 0 1 15 2 2
5 Dohad 26 0.23 4.63 0.15 5.07 7 19
23.1% 0.0% 3.8% 57.7% 7.7% 7.7%
1 1 0 1 0 0
6 Gandhinagar 3 1.76 3.12 0.51 0.51 2 1
33.3% 33.3% 0.0% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0%
2 2 0 8 2 1
7 Kheda 15 0.03 2.52 0.11 6.48 4 11
13.3% 13.3% 0.0% 53.3% 13.3% 6.7%
10 2 0 9 1 0
8 Mahesana 22 0.20 2.56 0.17 2.31 12 10
45.5% 9.1% 0.0% 40.9% 4.5% 0.0%
1 0 0 12 2 2
9 Mahisagar 17 0.85 0.85 0.04 9.27 1 16
5.9% 0.0% 0.0% 70.6% 11.8% 11.8%
4 0 0 9 0 2
10 Panchmahals 15 0.05 0.99 0.04 5.76 4 11
26.7% 0.0% 0.0% 60.0% 0.0% 13.3%
0 1 1 4 0 0
11 Patan 6 3.13 7.38 0.03 0.69 2 4
0.0% 16.7% 16.7% 66.7% 0.0% 0.0%
6 2 2 12 2 5
12 Sabarkantha 29 0.11 5.99 0.1 9.26 10 19
20.7% 6.9% 6.9% 41.4% 6.9% 17.2%
51 13 5 92 11 18
North Gujarat 190 0.00 17.85 0.03 9.86 69 121
26.8% 6.8% 2.6% 48.4% 5.8% 9.5%
16 1 0 12 1 1
13 Bharuch 31 0.00 3.2 - 5.38 17 14
51.6% 3.2% 0.0% 38.7% 3.2% 3.2%
4 0 1 13 1 0
14 Chhota Udepur 19 0.26 4.25 0.12 2.26 5 14
21.1% 0.0% 5.3% 68.4% 5.3% 0.0%
9 3 0 6 1 0
15 Narmada 19 0.00 2.80 - 3 12 7
47.4% 15.8% 0.0% 31.6% 5.3% 0.0%
15 0 0 2 2 0
16 Navsari 19 0.08 1.89 0.16 3.58 15 4
78.9% 0.0% 0.0% 10.5% 10.5% 0.0%
15 4 0 10 1 0
17 Surat 30 0.00 2.82 - 2.43 19 11
50.0% 13.3% 0.0% 33.3% 3.3% 0.0%
7 0 0 9 1 0
18 Tapi 17 0.04 0.91 0.05 2.62 7 10
41.2% 0.0% 0.0% 52.9% 5.9% 0.0%
11 3 0 8 0 0
19 The dangs 22 0.06 3.99 0.01 0.72 14 8
50.0% 13.6% 0.0% 36.4% 0.0% 0.0%
6 1 0 5 2 1
20 Vadodara 15 0.00 3.65 - 8.09 7 8
40.0% 6.7% 0.0% 33.3% 13.3% 6.7%
12 1 1 5 0 0
21 Valsad 19 0.15 5 0.15 0.78 14 5
63.2% 5.3% 5.3% 26.3% 0.0% 0.0%
95 13 2 70 9 2
South Gujarat 191 0.00 5.00 0.01 8.09 110 81
49.7% 6.8% 1.0% 36.6% 4.7% 1.0%
10 5 4 12 5 3
22 Amreli 39 0.11 8.85 0.07 9 19 20
25.6% 12.8% 10.3% 30.8% 12.8% 7.7%
9 6 4 19 3 1
23 Bhavnagar 42 0.00 13.34 - 6.65 19 23
21.4% 14.3% 9.5% 45.2% 7.1% 2.4%
1 1 1 1 0 0
24 Botad 4 0.50 6.1 1.3 1.3 3 1
25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 0.0% 0.0%
4 2 3 10 2 1
25 Devbhumi Dwarka 22 0.27 16.15 0.09 6.73 9 13
18.2% 9.1% 13.6% 45.5% 9.1% 4.5%
6 1 1 8 2 2
26 Gir Somnath 20 0.25 5.71 0.42 11.82 8 12
30.0% 5.0% 5.0% 40.0% 10.0% 10.0%
4 1 0 19 3 0
27 Jamnagar 27 0.04 2.41 0.02 3.73 5 22
14.8% 3.7% 0.0% 70.4% 11.1% 0.0%
23 6 0 8 2 3
28 Junagadh 42 0.02 3.43 0.07 8.08 29 13
54.8% 14.3% 0.0% 19.0% 4.8% 7.1%
7 0 0 9 0 1
29 Morbi 17 0.03 1.08 0.17 7.45 7 10
41.2% 0.0% 0.0% 52.9% 0.0% 5.9%
11 3 4 11 1 0
30 Porbandar 30 0.01 5.31 0.02 2.52 18 12
36.7% 10.0% 13.3% 36.7% 3.3% 0.0%
5 0 0 14 3 2
31 Rajkot 24 0.29 1.03 0.03 5.55 5 19
20.8% 0.0% 0.0% 58.3% 12.5% 8.3%
4 1 2 20 3 1
32 Surendranagar 31 0.00 8.09 - 5.3 7 24
12.9% 3.2% 6.5% 64.5% 9.7% 3.2%
84 26 19 131 24 14
Saurashtra 298 0.00 16.15 0.02 11.82 129 169
28.2% 8.7% 6.4% 44.0% 8.1% 4.7%
16 10 4 8 1 0
33 Kachchh 39 0.00 9.15 - 3.3 30 9
41.0% 25.6% 10.3% 20.5% 2.6% 0.0%
16 10 4 8 1 0
Kachchh 39 0.00 9.15 - 3.30 30 9
41.0% 25.6% 10.3% 20.5% 2.6% 0.0%
246 62 30 301 45 34
Gujarat State 718 0.00 17.85 0.01 11.82 338 380
34.3% 8.6% 4.2% 41.9% 6.3% 4.7%

3.4 Long Term Groundwater Scenario
Long-term behaviour of water levels was studied by analysing the data for decadal average
water levels and fluctuation of present year water level with respect to decadal average water
levels. Maps showing variation in water level scenario over the decadal average for
premonsoon and postmonsoon from 2011-20, and comparison of May, August, November
2020 against decadal average of 2010-19 and January 2021 against decadal average of 2011-
20 have been prepared to evaluate the long term changes in the groundwater regime.
3.4.1 Decadal Average Depth to Water Level

Maps showing depth to water level scenario over the decade 2011-2020 have been prepared
to evaluate the long term changes in the groundwater regime. Average depth to water level
data is given in Annexure IV and distribution of the same is discussed below. Pre-monsoon Water Levels (2011-2020)

Decadal average water level map for the period May 2011 to May 2020 (Fig. 20) reveals that
the decadal average water level in Gujarat is generally 0.76 to 39.66 m bgl. Isolated pockets
of shallow water levels of less than 2 m are observed in one or two places in the state. Depth
to water level more than 40 m observed only in Vadodara district of South Gujarat region.
The maximum depth of water level observed 39.66 m bgl at Sharkhej in Kheda while
minimum water level is 0.76 m bgl at Lilpur in Kachchh.

The Decadal average water levels in North Gujarat generally range from lessthan 2 to 39.66
m bgl. Water level of 20 to 40 m is observed in isolated pockets in Banaskantha, Mahesana,
Sabarkantha, Kheda and Gandhinagar districts.

In South Gujarat, average water level is less than 2 m bgl to 30.89 m bgl. Deep water levels
of 20 to 40 m are observed in central part of Vadodara district which extending towards
Narmada and Bharuch district and an isolated patch in Narmada district. Water level of less
than 5 m bgl is found along the coast and in parts of Bharuch, The Dangs, Valsad and Surat

In Saurashtra the average water level is vary from less than 2 m to 38.46 m with isolated
pockets of 20–40 m are found as in Amreli, Bhavnagar, Junagadh, Jamnagar and Porbandar
districts of Saurashtra region except Surendranagar district.

In Kachchh district, range of the average water level is found from less than 2 m to 38.00 m.
Deeper water levels of 20–40 m are observed in east part of Kachchh while all other area
varies with in 5 to 20 m bgl.

Fig. 20: Decadal average depth of water level during pre-monsoon (2011-20)

51 Post-monsoon Water Levels (2011-2020)

Decadal average water level map for the period November 2011 to November 2020 (Fig. 21)
and Annexure IV reveals that in major part of Gujarat state, the decadal average water level
is mostly in the range of lessthan 2 m to 37.84 m bgl. Deep water levels of more than 20 m
are observed mainly in Banaskantha, Mahsana and Sabarkantha districts of North Gujarat,
Amreli district in Saurashtra, Vadodara district in South and Kachchh district. Shallow water
levels less than 2 m are observed in south Gujarat, along the little Rann and the parts
connecting to the Gulf of Cambay and in scattered pockets in Saurashtra, Kachchh and North
Gujarat. The deepest water observed 37.84 m bgl at Anwarpura in Sabarkantha and
shallowest is 0.25 m at Pipli in Surendranagar district.

In North Gujarat, the water levels during post monsoon period are generally less than 20 m
bgl. Deeper water levels of more than 20 m bgl are predominant in the district of
Ahmedabad, Mahesana, Kheda, Banaskantha, Gandhinagar and Sabarkantha. Area along the
little Rann and a portion connecting Gulf of Cambay and the little Rann has recorded water
levels of less than 2 mbgl. Shallow water levels of less than 5 m bgl are observed in major
parts of Panchmahaland Mahisagar some parts of Arvalli, Dohad, Kheda and Anand districts.

In South Gujarat, water levels are generally shallower in contrast to North Gujarat areas. The
water levels are generally less than 10 m bgl. Deep water levels of more than 10 m bgl are
observed in central part of Navsari district. Deeper Water level more than 20 m bgl are
observed mostly in Vadodara and Narmada districts. Shallow water levels of less than 5 m
are recorded along the coast, The Dangs and Surat district. Water level less than 2 m is also
recorded in Surat and The Dangs district.

In Saurashtra Region, water levels are in the range of 2 m to 20 mbgl in general. Water
levels of more than 20 m are observed in small isolated pockets in Amreli and Bhavnagar
districts. Shallow water levels of less than 2 m are recorded in isolated pockets along the
coastal parts and the parts connecting Gulf of Cambay with little Rann of the Saurashtra

In Kachchh district, the average water level is generally vary from 2 to 20 m except few
pockets of more than 20 m in the eastern part and central parts. In western parts, along cost
line, water levels less than 10 m bgl is observed.

Fig. 21: Decadal average depth of water level during post-monsoon (2011-20)

3.4.1 Decadal Variations
Long-term behaviour of water levels was studied by analysing fluctuation of present year
water level with respect to decadal average water levels. Variation in water level scenario
over the decade 2010-19 for May, August, November and 2011-20 for January have been
prepared to evaluate the long term changes in the groundwater regime. Fig. 22 (a, b, c & d)
illustrates a comparison of the changes of the water levels during different seasons with their
respective decadal averages.
Fig : 22 a
Fluctuation of Water Level May 2020 to Decadal Average
50% of May (2010-19)
Fall Rise
40% 36%
% of total wells

19% 18%

10% 5%
0-2 2-4 >4
Fluctuation of water levels
Fig : 22 b
Fluctuation of Water Level August 2020 to Decadal Average
50% of August (2010-19)
Fall Rise
40% 38%
% of total wells

22% 23%

0-2 2-4 >4
Fluctuation of water levels
Fig : 22 c
Fluctuation of Water Level November 2020 to Decadal
50% Average of November (2010-19)
38% Fall Rise
% of total wells

30% 25%

20% 16%
10% 6%
0-2 2-4 >4
Fluctuation of water levels
Fig : 22 d

Fluctuation of Water Level January 2021 to Decadal

50% Average of January (2011-20)
Fall Rise

% of total wells
20% 16% 15%

10% 6%
0-2 2-4 >4
Fluctuation of water levels

Fig. 22: Fluctuation of seasonal water level to decadal average Decadal average of May (2010-2019) to May 2020

A comparison of the water level of the May 2020 with the average water level of the May for
last one decade (2010-2019) reveals that there is a the rise of 75% of the wells monitored.
Rise and fall is mostly in the range of 0 to 2 m. Fall of more than 4 m is observed in most of
the districts of Saurashtra region, in Kachchh, Banaskantha, Sabarkantha, Mahesana,
Panchmahal and Anand districts in north Gujarat and Surat district in south Gujarat. The
maximum rise of 18.82 m is recorded at Khamba in Amreli district whereas the maximum
fall of 9.95 m is recorded at Tawali in Tapi district (Fig. 23).

In North Gujarat 68% of wells show the rise and mostly are in range of 0 to 2 m (37% of
wells) in entire North Gujarat. The fall of water level is mostly less than 2 m and in about
24% of the total wells analyzed.

In south Gujarat, the major part has experienced rise (77% of wells analyzed). The fall is
mainly (19% of wells) in the range of 0 to 2 m. About 39% of wells recorded rise of decadal
fluctuation of water level in the range of 0 to 2 m.

In Saurashtra region about 80% of wells observed the rise in water level and out of which
33% wells shows the rise in the range of 0 to 2 m. The fall is observed in 20% of the well
analysed. The fall of water level is less than 2 m in 14% in whole region.

In Kachchh, 59% of the wells have recorded the risel in water level of the district. Fall is
mostly (23% of wells) in the range of 0–2 m, where as rise of 0–2 m is recorded in 33% of

Fig. 23: Variation of water level of May 2020 to decadal average of May 2010-19

Table 15. Well wise categorisation of changes in water level during May 2020 with respect to decadal average of May (2010 to 2019)
No of Fluctuation range, m Fluctuation range, m No. of wells in diffrent depth range Total No. of
District Name well Rise Fall Rise Fall wells
analysed Min Max Min Max 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 Rise Fall
6 3 1 4 0 1
1 Ahmedabad 15 0.28 4.08 0.12 5.23 10 5
40.0% 20.0% 6.7% 26.7% 0.0% 6.7%
4 1 0 3 1 1
2 Anand 10 0.76 3.03 0.03 16.97 5 5
40.0% 10.0% 0.0% 30.0% 10.0% 10.0%
2 4 8 2 0 1
3 Arvalli 17 0.81 11.71 0.40 5.67 14 3
11.8% 23.5% 47.1% 11.8% 0.0% 5.9%
4 1 3 5 3 0
4 Banaskantha 16 0.20 6.46 0.06 3.43 8 8
25.0% 6.3% 18.8% 31.3% 18.8% 0.0%
19 5 2 2 0 1
5 Dohad 29 0.07 8.11 0.90 4.71 26 3
65.5% 17.2% 6.9% 6.9% 0.0% 3.4%
0 0 0 1 2 1
6 Gandhinagar 4 - - 0.87 5.79 0 4
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 25.0% 50.0% 25.0%
9 2 0 3 0 0
7 Kheda 14 0.62 3.71 0.49 1.44 11 3
64.3% 14.3% 0.0% 21.4% 0.0% 0.0%
11 4 0 7 1 1
8 Mahesana 24 0.03 3.44 0.07 7.01 15 9
45.8% 16.7% 0.0% 29.2% 4.2% 4.2%
10 3 0 4 1 0
9 Mahisagar 18 0.27 3.83 0.16 2.79 13 5
55.6% 16.7% 0.0% 22.2% 5.6% 0.0%
7 6 2 3 0 0
10 Panchmahals 18 0.24 9.72 1.19 1.88 15 3
38.9% 33.3% 11.1% 16.7% 0.0% 0.0%
2 3 0 3 0 0
11 Patan 8 1.04 3.57 0.31 1.60 5 3
25.0% 37.5% 0.0% 37.5% 0.0% 0.0%
9 7 7 4 0 1
12 Sabarkantha 28 0.28 6.18 0.06 5.52 23 5
32.1% 25.0% 25.0% 14.3% 0.0% 3.6%
83 39 23 41 8 7
North Gujarat 201 0.03 11.71 0.03 16.97 145 56
41.3% 19.4% 11.4% 20.4% 4.0% 3.5%
17 4 0 6 2 1
13 Bharuch 30 0.22 3.91 0.09 4.26 21 9
56.7% 13.3% 0.0% 20.0% 6.7% 3.3%
12 1 2 8 0 1
14 Chhota Udepur 24 0.00 5.35 0.14 4.23 15 9
50.0% 4.2% 8.3% 33.3% 0.0% 4.2%
8 1 0 8 0 0
15 Narmada 17 0.00 3.03 0.04 1.27 9 8
47.1% 5.9% 0.0% 47.1% 0.0% 0.0%
9 2 0 7 0 0
16 Navsari 18 0.00 2.57 0.13 0.94 11 7
50.0% 11.1% 0.0% 38.9% 0.0% 0.0%
16 2 0 7 2 2
17 Surat 29 0.00 3.52 0.14 8.73 18 11
55.2% 6.9% 0.0% 24.1% 6.9% 6.9%
9 2 0 3 0 1
18 Tapi 15 0.09 3.93 0.06 4.11 11 4
60.0% 13.3% 0.0% 20.0% 0.0% 6.7%
5 7 4 7 0 0
19 The dangs 23 0.27 7.16 0.27 1.98 16 7
21.7% 30.4% 17.4% 30.4% 0.0% 0.0%
10 1 5 3 0 0
20 Vadodara 19 0.22 8.17 0.21 1.58 16 3
52.6% 5.3% 26.3% 15.8% 0.0% 0.0%
9 2 2 4 0 0
21 Valsad 17 0.00 4.36 0.28 1.62 13 4
52.9% 11.8% 11.8% 23.5% 0.0% 0.0%
95 22 13 53 4 5
South Gujarat 192 0.00 8.17 0.04 8.73 130 62
49.5% 11.5% 6.8% 27.6% 2.1% 2.6%
8 6 21 3 4 1
22 Amreli 43 0.04 11.55 0.51 9.95 35 8
18.6% 14.0% 48.8% 7.0% 9.3% 2.3%
6 11 14 2 2 0
23 Bhavnagar 35 0.50 15.60 0.60 3.99 31 4
17.1% 31.4% 40.0% 5.7% 5.7% 0.0%
0 1 2 0 0 0
24 Botad 3 3.28 12.42 - - 3 0
0.0% 33.3% 66.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
6 6 11 2 0 0
25 Devbhumi Dwarka 25 0.00 15.32 0.16 0.36 23 2
24.0% 24.0% 44.0% 8.0% 0.0% 0.0%
5 7 5 1 1 0
26 Gir Somnath 19 0.68 10.07 0.61 2.31 17 2
26.3% 36.8% 26.3% 5.3% 5.3% 0.0%
9 4 11 0 0 0
27 Jamnagar 24 0.40 9.90 - - 24 0
37.5% 16.7% 45.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
14 5 15 2 1 1
28 Junagadh 38 0.26 18.82 1.47 9.19 34 4
36.8% 13.2% 39.5% 5.3% 2.6% 2.6%
4 3 0 1 0 0
29 Morbi 8 0.87 3.27 0.18 0.18 7 1
50.0% 37.5% 0.0% 12.5% 0.0% 0.0%
8 5 16 0 0 0
30 Porbandar 29 0.52 21.76 - - 29 0
27.6% 17.2% 55.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
3 9 13 1 1 0
31 Rajkot 27 0.95 9.87 1.58 2.57 25 2
11.1% 33.3% 48.1% 3.7% 3.7% 0.0%
7 6 3 4 0 1
32 Surendranagar 21 0.22 7.90 0.25 8.40 16 5
33.3% 28.6% 14.3% 19.0% 0.0% 4.8%
70 63 111 16 9 3
Saurashtra 272 0.00 21.76 0.16 9.95 244 28
25.7% 23.2% 40.8% 5.9% 3.3% 1.1%
12 3 2 13 10 2
33 Kachchh 42 0.14 6.29 0.32 5.85 17 25
28.6% 7.1% 4.8% 31.0% 23.8% 4.8%
12 3 2 13 10 2
Kachchh 42 0.14 6.29 0.32 5.85 17 25
28.6% 7.1% 4.8% 31.0% 23.8% 4.8%
260 127 149 123 31 17
Gujarat State 707 0.00 21.76 0.03 16.97 536 171
36.8% 18.0% 21.1% 17.4% 4.4% 2.4%

57 Decadal average of August (2010 to 2019) to August 2020

A comparison of the water level of the August 2020 with the average water level of the
August for last one decade (2010-2019) Fig 24 and Table 16 reveals that there is the rise in
83% of well analysed. Rise is mostly in the range of 0 to 2 m (38% of total wells). The rise
of more than 2 m observed mostly in Saurashtra and north Gujarat region. The maximum
rise of 18.29 m is recorded in Kolikhada of Porbandar district whereas the maximum decline
of 12.06 m is recorded in Sukhpar of Morbi district.

In North Gujarat, 75% of wells have shown rise and mostly in range of 0 to 2 m (43% of
wells) & 2 to 4 m (21% of well). The fall of 25% in water level is located in the adjoining
area of Mahesana, Banskantha, Gandhinagar and Sabarkantha districts of North Gujarat.

South Gujarat has experienced the rise in 74% of wells analysed whereas 26% shows the
fall. In the range of 0 to 2 m, 23% of well shows the fall while 54% of wells shows the rise.
Morethan 2 m of fall in water shows in Valsad, Vadodara, Surat and Bharuch distrcits in
south region.

In Saurashtra region, 95% of total well shows the rise in water level where as 05% shows the
fall. The fall of water level in more than 4 m is not observed in any wells in districts. The
rise in water level is observed in all ditricts of the Saurashtra but fall of morethan 2 m in
water level is observed only in Bhavnagar district.

In Kachchh, 72% of the wells analysed have recorded the rise in water levels in the district.
Fall is mostly (28% of wells) in the range of 0 to 2 m. Rise is observed in 36% wells in the
district ain the range of 0–2 m.

Fig. 24: Variation of water level of August 2020 to decadal average of August 2010-19

Table 16. Well wise categorisation of changes in water level during August 2020 with respect to decadal average of August (2010 to 2019)
No of Fluctuation range, m Fluctuation range, m No. of wells in diffrent depth range Total No. of
District Name well Rise Fall Rise Fall wells
analysed Min Max Min Max 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 Rise Fall
5 2 0 0 0 0
1 Ahmedabad 7 0.34 2.28 - - 7 0
71.4% 28.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
2 1 0 5 1 3
2 Anand 12 0.47 2.62 0.16 4.51 3 9
16.7% 8.3% 0.0% 41.7% 8.3% 25.0%
8 4 4 2 0 0
3 Arvalli 18 0.08 9.22 0.45 0.89 16 2
44.4% 22.2% 22.2% 11.1% 0.0% 0.0%
2 3 0 6 1 1
4 Banaskantha 13 0.37 2.99 0.07 4.46 5 8
15.4% 23.1% 0.0% 46.2% 7.7% 7.7%
18 1 0 6 0 0
5 Dohad 25 0.10 2.65 0.03 0.40 19 6
72.0% 4.0% 0.0% 24.0% 0.0% 0.0%
0 1 0 0 1 0
6 Gandhinagar 2 3.01 3.01 2.14 2.14 1 1
0.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0%
5 1 3 2 0 0
7 Kheda 11 0.11 7.29 0.22 0.29 9 2
45.5% 9.1% 27.3% 18.2% 0.0% 0.0%
10 3 0 2 3 0
8 Mahesana 18 0.16 2.66 0.84 2.98 13 5
55.6% 16.7% 0.0% 11.1% 16.7% 0.0%
6 4 2 5 0 1
9 Mahisagar 18 0.30 4.45 0.10 4.53 12 6
33.3% 22.2% 11.1% 27.8% 0.0% 5.6%
13 2 1 2 0 1
10 Panchmahals 19 0.08 6.16 0.01 5.72 16 3
68.4% 10.5% 5.3% 10.5% 0.0% 5.3%
1 2 2 2 0 0
11 Patan 7 0.27 6.95 0.21 0.23 5 2
14.3% 28.6% 28.6% 28.6% 0.0% 0.0%
4 11 8 4 0 0
12 Sabarkantha 27 0.95 9.06 0.55 1.34 23 4
14.8% 40.7% 29.6% 14.8% 0.0% 0.0%
74 35 20 36 6 6
North Gujarat 177 0.08 9.22 0.01 5.72 129 48
41.8% 19.8% 11.3% 20.3% 3.4% 3.4%
11 9 1 2 1 1
13 Bharuch 25 0.03 4.75 0.14 4.18 21 4
44.0% 36.0% 4.0% 8.0% 4.0% 4.0%
10 2 1 7 1 0
14 Chhota Udepur 21 0.22 6.10 0.02 2.26 13 8
47.6% 9.5% 4.8% 33.3% 4.8% 0.0%
7 2 0 6 1 0
15 Narmada 16 0.11 2.75 0.19 2.39 9 7
43.8% 12.5% 0.0% 37.5% 6.3% 0.0%
5 3 0 5 0 0
16 Navsari 13 0.23 3.32 0.05 1.36 8 5
38.5% 23.1% 0.0% 38.5% 0.0% 0.0%
15 2 2 6 0 0
17 Surat 25 0.11 8.11 0.01 0.49 19 6
60.0% 8.0% 8.0% 24.0% 0.0% 0.0%
7 1 1 0 0 0
18 Tapi 9 0.05 4.89 - - 9 0
77.8% 11.1% 11.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
7 0 0 3 0 0
19 The dangs 10 0.01 1.90 0.08 1.05 7 3
70.0% 0.0% 0.0% 30.0% 0.0% 0.0%
5 2 2 1 0 2
20 Vadodara 12 0.13 5.43 0.13 5.56 9 3
41.7% 16.7% 16.7% 8.3% 0.0% 16.7%
8 0 1 2 1 0
21 Valsad 12 0.19 4.01 0.02 3.41 9 3
66.7% 0.0% 8.3% 16.7% 8.3% 0.0%
75 21 8 32 4 3
South Gujarat 143 0.01 8.11 0.01 5.56 104 39
52.4% 14.7% 5.6% 22.4% 2.8% 2.1%
12 12 16 2 0 0
22 Amreli 42 0.16 10.54 0.46 1.19 40 2
28.6% 28.6% 38.1% 4.8% 0.0% 0.0%
16 6 13 2 1 0
23 Bhavnagar 38 0.02 13.85 0.04 2.97 35 3
42.1% 15.8% 34.2% 5.3% 2.6% 0.0%
0 0 4 0 0 0
24 Botad 4 4.78 12.02 - - 4 0
0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
4 8 11 1 0 0
25 Devbhumi Dwarka 24 0.59 14.61 0.15 0.15 23 1
16.7% 33.3% 45.8% 4.2% 0.0% 0.0%
7 4 8 0 0 0
26 Gir Somnath 19 0.44 7.91 - - 19 0
36.8% 21.1% 42.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
7 6 11 0 0 0
27 Jamnagar 24 0.40 10.39 - - 24 0
29.2% 25.0% 45.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
5 15 17 0 0 0
28 Junagadh 37 0.14 13.73 - - 37 0
13.5% 40.5% 45.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
1 5 2 2 0 1
29 Morbi 11 1.70 8.53 0.05 12.06 8 3
9.1% 45.5% 18.2% 18.2% 0.0% 9.1%
7 5 14 1 0 0
30 Porbandar 27 0.38 18.29 0.00 0.00 26 1
25.9% 18.5% 51.9% 3.7% 0.0% 0.0%
2 9 8 0 0 0
31 Rajkot 19 1.52 9.71 - - 19 0
10.5% 47.4% 42.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
12 7 3 4 0 0
32 Surendranagar 26 0.53 5.65 0.25 0.99 22 4
46.2% 26.9% 11.5% 15.4% 0.0% 0.0%
73 77 107 12 1 1
Saurashtra 271 0.02 18.29 0.00 12.06 257 14
26.9% 28.4% 39.5% 4.4% 0.4% 0.4%
13 6 8 8 2 1
33 Kachchh 38 0.22 6.17 0.06 5.46 27 11
34.2% 15.8% 21.1% 21.1% 5.3% 2.6%
13 6 8 8 2 1
Kachchh 38 0.22 6.17 0.06 5.46 27 11
34.2% 15.8% 21.1% 21.1% 5.3% 2.6%
235 139 143 88 13 11
Gujarat State 629 0.01 18.29 0.00 12.06 517 112
37.4% 22.1% 22.7% 14.0% 2.1% 1.7%

60 Decadal average of November (2010-2019) to November 2020

A comparison of the water level of the November 2020 with the average water level of the
November for last one decade (2010-2019) Fig 25 & Table 17 reveals that there is the rise in
water level in the state (67% of total well analysed). Rise and fall is mostly in the range of 0
to 2 m. The fall of more than 2 m is observed mostly in Kachchh, North and Southern region.
The maximum rise of 16.79 m is recorded at Tatam of Bhavnagar district whereas the
maximum fall of 12.44 m is recorded at Samkhiari of Kachchh district.

In North Gujarat 46% of wells are shown fall and mostly well are in range of 0 to 2 m (34%
of wells) in entire North Gujarat. The Rise of water level found in 54% of the wells of which
40% of wells were found in the range of 0 to 2 m.

In South Gujarat, 51% of total well analysed shows the rise where as 49% shows the fall. In
the range of 0 to 2 m, 43% shows the rise and 39% shows the fall scattered in whole South
Gujarat region.

In Saurashtra region about 14% of wells analysed show fall in water level and out of which
4% wells in morethan 2 m. Rise of water level are experienced in 86% of the well and 35%
are in the 0 to 2 m.

In Kachchh, 28% of the total wells analysed are recorded fall in water level in the district.
Fall is mostly (13% of wells) in the range of 0–2 m. Rise in morethan 4 m is observed in
10% of the wells analysed in distributed all over the Kachchh region.

Fig. 25: Variation of water level of November 2020 to decadal average of November 2010-19

Table 17. Well wise categorisation of changes in water level during November 2020 with respect to decadal average of November (2010 to 2019)
No of Fluctuation range, m Fluctuation range, m No. of wells in diffrent depth range Total No. of
District Name well Rise Fall Rise Fall wells
analysed Min Max Min Max 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 Rise Fall
6 0 0 3 0 0
1 Ahmedabad 9 0.53 1.53 0.10 0.68 6 3
66.7% 0.0% 0.0% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0%
2 1 1 6 0 3
2 Anand 13 0.33 4.48 0.10 7.33 4 9
15.4% 7.7% 7.7% 46.2% 0.0% 23.1%
6 2 3 5 2 0
3 Arvalli 18 0.12 7.95 0.12 3.87 11 7
33.3% 11.1% 16.7% 27.8% 11.1% 0.0%
6 4 0 4 3 0
4 Banaskantha 17 0.10 3.70 0.40 3.75 10 7
35.3% 23.5% 0.0% 23.5% 17.6% 0.0%
13 0 0 13 0 1
5 Dohad 27 0.08 1.26 0.06 5.82 13 14
48.1% 0.0% 0.0% 48.1% 0.0% 3.7%
0 0 0 0 2 0
6 Gandhinagar 2 - - 3.17 3.28 0 2
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
5 1 1 7 0 0
7 Kheda 14 0.08 4.94 0.09 1.88 7 7
35.7% 7.1% 7.1% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0%
7 4 0 3 3 1
8 Mahesana 18 0.24 2.89 0.31 10.58 11 7
38.9% 22.2% 0.0% 16.7% 16.7% 5.6%
7 0 0 7 3 0
9 Mahisagar 17 0.12 1.79 0.07 3.38 7 10
41.2% 0.0% 0.0% 41.2% 17.6% 0.0%
13 0 1 7 0 1
10 Panchmahals 22 0.10 5.03 0.14 5.81 14 8
59.1% 0.0% 4.5% 31.8% 0.0% 4.5%
4 2 0 1 0 0
11 Patan 7 0.19 3.97 1.04 1.04 6 1
57.1% 28.6% 0.0% 14.3% 0.0% 0.0%
5 4 5 9 1 2
12 Sabarkantha 26 0.36 6.42 0.08 6.83 14 12
19.2% 15.4% 19.2% 34.6% 3.8% 7.7%
74 18 11 65 14 8
North Gujarat 190 0.08 7.95 0.06 10.58 103 87
38.9% 9.5% 5.8% 34.2% 7.4% 4.2%
11 3 1 12 4 0
13 Bharuch 31 0.18 4.39 0.01 3.71 15 16
35.5% 9.7% 3.2% 38.7% 12.9% 0.0%
10 1 2 9 1 0
14 Chhota Udepur 23 0.12 7.17 0.06 2.78 13 10
43.5% 4.3% 8.7% 39.1% 4.3% 0.0%
9 2 0 7 0 0
15 Narmada 18 0.13 3.38 0.13 1.52 11 7
50.0% 11.1% 0.0% 38.9% 0.0% 0.0%
8 0 0 8 2 0
16 Navsari 18 0.09 0.78 0.14 2.51 8 10
44.4% 0.0% 0.0% 44.4% 11.1% 0.0%
14 2 0 9 3 0
17 Surat 28 0.08 2.53 0.07 3.82 16 12
50.0% 7.1% 0.0% 32.1% 10.7% 0.0%
7 0 0 8 2 0
18 Tapi 17 0.34 1.52 0.11 2.96 7 10
41.2% 0.0% 0.0% 47.1% 11.8% 0.0%
12 0 0 8 0 0
19 The dangs 20 0.04 0.80 0.04 1.89 12 8
60.0% 0.0% 0.0% 40.0% 0.0% 0.0%
5 2 1 3 2 1
20 Vadodara 14 0.35 4.60 0.01 6.41 8 6
35.7% 14.3% 7.1% 21.4% 14.3% 7.1%
4 1 0 9 3 0
21 Valsad 17 0.08 3.79 0.24 4.00 5 12
23.5% 5.9% 0.0% 52.9% 17.6% 0.0%
80 11 4 73 17 1
South Gujarat 186 0.04 7.17 0.01 6.41 95 91
43.0% 5.9% 2.2% 39.2% 9.1% 0.5%
15 6 11 1 2 1
22 Amreli 36 0.28 9.44 1.12 4.91 32 4
41.7% 16.7% 30.6% 2.8% 5.6% 2.8%
17 2 16 1 1 0
23 Bhavnagar 37 0.10 16.79 0.09 2.83 35 2
45.9% 5.4% 43.2% 2.7% 2.7% 0.0%
0 0 3 0 0 0
24 Botad 3 5.94 9.26 0.00 0.00 3 0
0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
5 2 9 3 0 0
25 Devbhumi Dwarka 19 0.22 13.56 0.07 1.97 16 3
26.3% 10.5% 47.4% 15.8% 0.0% 0.0%
5 5 4 2 2 1
26 Gir Somnath 19 0.05 7.07 0.28 4.35 14 5
26.3% 26.3% 21.1% 10.5% 10.5% 5.3%
5 3 10 0 1 0
27 Jamnagar 19 0.14 7.98 3.05 3.05 18 1
26.3% 15.8% 52.6% 0.0% 5.3% 0.0%
11 9 11 9 0 0
28 Junagadh 40 0.40 9.64 0.15 1.75 31 9
27.5% 22.5% 27.5% 22.5% 0.0% 0.0%
9 3 2 1 1 0
29 Morbi 16 0.57 8.32 0.73 3.83 14 2
56.3% 18.8% 12.5% 6.3% 6.3% 0.0%
6 6 13 5 0 0
30 Porbandar 30 0.16 13.74 0.03 0.94 25 5
20.0% 20.0% 43.3% 16.7% 0.0% 0.0%
5 13 8 0 0 0
31 Rajkot 26 0.48 9.29 - - 26 0
19.2% 50.0% 30.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
19 1 3 5 0 1
32 Surendranagar 29 0.23 7.28 0.05 5.41 23 6
65.5% 3.4% 10.3% 17.2% 0.0% 3.4%
97 50 90 27 7 3
Saurashtra 274 0.05 16.79 0.00 5.41 237 37
35.4% 18.2% 32.8% 9.9% 2.6% 1.1%
13 11 4 5 4 2
33 Kachchh 39 0.23 5.32 0.06 12.44 28 11
33.3% 28.2% 10.3% 12.8% 10.3% 5.1%
13 11 4 5 4 2
Kachchh 39 0.23 5.32 0.06 12.44 28 11
33.3% 28.2% 10.3% 12.8% 10.3% 5.1%
264 90 109 170 42 14
Gujarat State 689 0.04 16.79 0.00 12.44 463 226
38.3% 13.1% 15.8% 24.7% 6.1% 2.0%

63 Decadal average of January(2011-2020) to January 2021

A comparison of the water level of the January 2021 with the average water level of the
January for last one decade (2011-2020) Fig 26 and Table 18 reveals that there is a rise in
water level in the state (76% of total well analysed). Rise and fall is mostly in the range of 0
to 2 m. Fall of more than 4 m is observed mostly in Central and Kachchh region and occur as
isolated patches scattered in North Gujarat region and Surat district in south Gujarat region.
The maximum rise of 16.56 m is recorded at Kolikhada in Porbandar district whereas the
maximum fall of 11.65 m is recorded at Unad of Mahesana district.

In North Gujarat 63% of wells are shown the rise with mostly well are in range of 0 to 2 m
(41% of wells), 37% of total well shows fall with 26% in the range of 0–2 m. In a patch from
Gandhinagar, Mahesana, Banaskantha and Sabarkantha district shows fall in water level and
in isolated patches in Anand, Kheda districts.

In South Gujarat, 73% of total well analysed shows rise whereas 27% shows fall for this
decadal variation. The rise and fall mainly in the range of 0 to 2 m (58% rise and 19% fall).

In Saurashtra region, about 12% of wells observed fall in water level and out of which 7%
wells shows rise in the range of 0 to 2 m. The rise of water level is observed in 87% wells in
the region. The rise of more than 4 m is experienced in 30% of the total well in region
distributed all over the region. Rise of the water level in the the range 0 to 2 m is observed in
32% wells of the region which is distributed sporadically in the Saurashtra region.

In Kachchh, 27% of the total wells analysed are recorded fall in water level in the district.
Fall is mostly (20% of wells) in the range of 0 – 4 m. The fall mainly observed in the in
central and eastern part of Kachchh. The rise of 72% of the total wells analysed is recorded
in Kachchh region.

Fig. 26: Variation of water level of January 2021 to decadal average of Janauary 2011-20

Table 18. Well wise categorisation of changes in water level during January 2021 with respect to decadal average of January (2011 to 2020)
No of Fluctuation range, m Fluctuation range, m No. of wells in diffrent depth range Total No. of
District Name well Rise Fall Rise Fall wells
analysed Min Max Min Max 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 0 to 2 2 to 4 >4 Rise Fall
9 3 0 1 0 1
1 Ahmedabad 14 0.09 2.27 0.10 4.97 12 2
64.3% 21.4% 0.0% 7.1% 0.0% 7.1%
4 1 1 7 0 1
2 Anand 14 0.10 4.22 0.06 5.25 6 8
28.6% 7.1% 7.1% 50.0% 0.0% 7.1%
5 3 3 1 2 1
3 Arvalli 15 - 5.51 0.61 4.16 11 4
33.3% 20.0% 20.0% 6.7% 13.3% 6.7%
4 3 1 4 3 0
4 Banaskantha 15 0.01 4.97 0.25 3.91 8 7
26.7% 20.0% 6.7% 26.7% 20.0% 0.0%
14 1 1 7 2 0
5 Dohad 25 0.12 7.02 0.00 2.95 16 9
56.0% 4.0% 4.0% 28.0% 8.0% 0.0%
0 0 0 1 0 1
6 Gandhinagar 2 - -1.91 1.91 4.16 0 2
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0% 50.0%
6 2 1 5 0 0
7 Kheda 14 0.05 5.83 0.20 1.03 9 5
42.9% 14.3% 7.1% 35.7% 0.0% 0.0%
8 4 0 6 2 1
8 Mahesana 21 0.12 3.07 0.52 11.65 12 9
38.1% 19.0% 0.0% 28.6% 9.5% 4.8%
8 0 0 6 2 1
9 Mahisagar 17 0.27 1.90 0.28 4.00 8 9
47.1% 0.0% 0.0% 35.3% 11.8% 5.9%
7 4 1 3 3 0
10 Panchmahals 18 0.27 4.24 0.09 2.84 12 6
38.9% 22.2% 5.6% 16.7% 16.7% 0.0%
4 2 0 1 0 0
11 Patan 7 0.03 3.90 0.06 0.06 6 1
57.1% 28.6% 0.0% 14.3% 0.0% 0.0%
10 6 4 7 0 2
12 Sabarkantha 29 0.03 8.91 - 10.16 20 9
34.5% 20.7% 13.8% 24.1% 0.0% 6.9%
79 29 12 49 14 8
North Gujarat 191 0.01 8.91 0.00 11.65 120 71
41.4% 15.2% 6.3% 25.7% 7.3% 4.2%
21 4 1 4 3 0
13 Bharuch 33 0.14 4.63 0.23 3.23 26 7
63.6% 12.1% 3.0% 12.1% 9.1% 0.0%
8 1 1 8 4 0
14 Chhota Udepur 22 0.09 5.39 0.08 2.80 10 12
36.4% 4.5% 4.5% 36.4% 18.2% 0.0%
14 3 0 2 0 0
15 Narmada 19 0.30 2.85 0.39 1.73 17 2
73.7% 15.8% 0.0% 10.5% 0.0% 0.0%
13 2 0 1 3 0
16 Navsari 19 0.45 2.51 0.23 2.61 15 4
68.4% 10.5% 0.0% 5.3% 15.8% 0.0%
15 7 1 5 1 1
17 Surat 30 0.18 4.06 0.05 7.38 23 7
50.0% 23.3% 3.3% 16.7% 3.3% 3.3%
9 2 0 4 1 0
18 Tapi 16 0.15 2.17 0.08 2.05 11 5
56.3% 12.5% 0.0% 25.0% 6.3% 0.0%
15 3 0 4 0 0
19 The dangs 22 0.17 3.05 0.11 1.30 18 4
68.2% 13.6% 0.0% 18.2% 0.0% 0.0%
4 2 1 4 3 1
20 Vadodara 15 0.69 4.66 0.03 6.29 7 8
26.7% 13.3% 6.7% 26.7% 20.0% 6.7%
13 1 0 4 0 0
21 Valsad 18 0.04 2.25 0.03 0.96 14 4
72.2% 5.6% 0.0% 22.2% 0.0% 0.0%
112 25 4 36 15 2
South Gujarat 194 0.04 5.39 0.03 7.38 141 53
57.7% 12.9% 2.1% 18.6% 7.7% 1.0%
12 11 8 5 3 0
22 Amreli 39 0.35 15.05 0.08 3.25 31 8
30.8% 28.2% 20.5% 12.8% 7.7% 0.0%
13 12 12 2 1 1
23 Bhavnagar 41 0.10 13.54 0.15 5.21 37 4
31.7% 29.3% 29.3% 4.9% 2.4% 2.4%
0 0 4 0 0 0
24 Botad 4 4.51 7.90 0.00 -4.51 4 0
0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
8 5 7 0 0 1
25 Devbhumi Dwarka 21 0.17 11.78 10.13 10.13 20 1
38.1% 23.8% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0% 4.8%
6 5 4 0 5 1
26 Gir Somnath 21 0.19 7.38 2.06 9.71 15 6
28.6% 23.8% 19.0% 0.0% 23.8% 4.8%
7 5 12 1 0 0
27 Jamnagar 25 0.15 9.30 1.98 1.98 24 1
28.0% 20.0% 48.0% 4.0% 0.0% 0.0%
11 9 15 4 1 0
28 Junagadh 40 0.49 11.72 0.29 2.21 35 5
27.5% 22.5% 37.5% 10.0% 2.5% 0.0%
7 5 2 2 0 1
29 Morbi 17 0.63 7.55 0.62 4.09 14 3
41.2% 29.4% 11.8% 11.8% 0.0% 5.9%
11 3 14 2 0 0
30 Porbandar 30 0.18 16.56 0.06 0.47 28 2
36.7% 10.0% 46.7% 6.7% 0.0% 0.0%
6 14 7 1 1 0
31 Rajkot 29 0.02 8.90 0.06 2.95 27 2
20.7% 48.3% 24.1% 3.4% 3.4% 0.0%
14 7 5 3 2 1
32 Surendranagar 32 - 8.86 0.00 5.26 26 6
43.8% 21.9% 15.6% 9.4% 6.3% 3.1%
95 76 90 20 13 5
Saurashtra 299 0.02 16.56 0.00 10.13 261 38
31.8% 25.4% 30.1% 6.7% 4.3% 1.7%
15 10 4 8 3 0
33 Kachchh 40 0.08 7.43 0.26 2.93 29 11
37.5% 25.0% 10.0% 20.0% 7.5% 0.0%
15 10 4 8 3 0
Kachchh 40 0.08 7.43 0.26 2.93 29 11
37.5% 25.0% 10.0% 20.0% 7.5% 0.0%
301 140 110 113 45 15
Gujarat State 724 0.01 16.56 0.00 11.65 551 173
41.6% 19.3% 15.2% 15.6% 6.2% 2.1%

3.5 Water Table Scenario
A detailed discussion of water table scenario during different monitoring periods is described
9 3.5.1 May 2020 (Water Table in May 2020)
The water table map for pre-monsoon period (Fig. 27) reveals that the water table in
different parts of the state ranges between 12 m bmsl and 594 m amsl (Annexure III). The
water table mostly follows the topography of the area. Water table is highest along the
eastern hilly tract of the eastern side and gradually reduces towards west/south west.
Groundwater flow direction is westward and southwest in north Gujarat and it turns to west
in south Gujarat. Flow directions in Kachchh and Saurashtra are divergent in all directions
from the centre of the regions where the height of the water table is 100 m amsl, thus making
groundwater mound in the central parts of both the Regions. The elevation of the water table
is more than 400 m amsl in the Banaskantha in north, Valsad and The Dangs in south, part of
the main land Gujarat. Water table below mean sea level is observed in coastal Kachchh,
Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Junagadh, Porbandar and Rajkot districts in Saurashtra, Bharuch,
Navsari, Surat, Vadodara and Valsad districts in south Gujarat.
10 3.6 Piezometric Configuration
Northern part of the north Gujarat is underlain by the unconsolidated alluvial deposits of post
Miocene age and semi consolidated Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments. These sedimentary
formations form the most prolific multi-aquifer system comprising several confined aquifers.
Confined aquifers in this area are grouped into, first confined aquifer ranging in depth from
78 to 213 m bgl and second confined aquifer ranging in depth from 154 to 274 m bgl. These
aquifers extend from the foothill of the Aravallis in the northeast to the little Rann of
Kachchh in the west. The aerial extent of this multi-aquifer system is shown in the maps by
dotted line. The data of the depth to water level in confined aquifer is given in Annexure IIB.
3.6.1 First Confined Aquifer – May 2020
In the alluvial area, 21 piezometers tapping the first confined aquifers were monitored and
analysed during May 2020. Based on the water levels measured, an Isopiestic map was
prepared (Fig 28). A perusal of the map shows that in general depth to piezometric surface
declines from east to west. A trough of more than 10 m bmsl is found in Patan and Mahesana
districts. Another trough of morethan 40 m bmsl is found in the adjoining area of
Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar districts. The elevation of piezometric head varies from 75.79
m amsl at Kharaj Dabhi in Gandhinagar district to 188 m bmsl at Palanpur in Banaskantha
3.6.2 Second Confined Aquifer – May 2020
In the alluvial area, 28 piezometers tapping the second confined aquifers were monitored and
analysed during May 2020. Based on the water levels measured, an Isopiestic map was
prepared Fig 29. A perusal of the map shows that, a trough of more than 80 m bmsl is found
in adjoining area of Banaskantha, Patan and Mahesana. The elevation of piezometric head
ranges from 154.32 m amsl at at Jangral in Patan district to 194.60 m bmsl at Khuski in
Sabarkantha district.

Fig. 27: Groundwater table contours of Gujarat May 2020

Fig. 28: Piezometric surface contour map of first confined aquifer May 2020 in m a MSL
Fig. 29: Piezometric surface contour map of second confined aquifer May 2020 in m a MSL


Hydrochemistry is an interdisciplinary science that deals with the chemistry of water in the
natural environment. The classical use of chemical characteristics in hydrochemistry is to
provide information about the regional distribution of water qualities. At the same time,
hydrochemistry has a potential use for tracing the origin and history of water. The
hydrochemistry can also be of immense help in yielding information about the environment
through which water has circulated. Hydrochemistry can be helpful in knowing about
residence time, flow path and aquifer characteristics, as the chemical reactions are time and
space dependent.

The diverse physiographic, climatic, topographic and geologic conditions have given rise to
diversified groundwater situations in different parts of Gujarat State. Physiographically,
Gujarat State is categorized as the Mainland, Saurashtra and Kachchh. The groundwater
quality of Gujarat is variable and complex as its quality is influenced by local geology,
coastal salinity, inherent salinity, and contamination and heavy withdrawal of groundwater.
Gujarat has the longest coastline in the country with several creeks, as a result, during tides
sea water invades inland through these creeks which in turn has impact on groundwater
quality along its coasts. High chemical concentrations mostly occur in coastal regions due to
seawater intrusion brought by upconing or reversal in hydraulic gradient.

4.1 Groundwater Quality Monitoring

A systematic plan for conducting water quality monitoring is called Monitoring Programme,
which includes monitoring network design, preliminary survey, resource estimation,
sampling, analysis, data management & reporting. Monitoring of groundwater quality is an
effort to obtain information on chemical quality through representative sampling in different
hydro geological units. Groundwater is commonly tapped from phreatic aquifers through
dug wells in a major part of the state and through springs and hand pumps in hilly areas.

Central Groundwater Board (WCR), Ahmedabad has monitored a total number of 518 water
samples collected during May 2020, for basic parameters determining pH, EC, TDS, CO 3 ,
HCO 3 , Cl, NO 3 , SO 4 , F, Ca, Mg, TH, Alkalinity, Na, K and SAR, involving use of
instruments such as pH meter, EC meter, flame photometer, UV/Visible Spectrophotometer
and titrimetric methods. Further 601 water samples were collected for heavy metal analysis
from the all locations of NHNS. The samples for heavy metal analysis was collected in 250
ml Polypropylene (Tarson make) sample bottles and treated with hydrochloric acid to make
the final concentration of acid 0.01 N. The Iron analysis was conducted us by Atomic
Absorption spectrophotometer.

4.2 Groundwater quality scenario in the state

From the analytical results it has been observed that majority of water samples collected
from observation wells of CGWB in a major part of the state fall under desirable or
permissible category and hence are suitable for drinking purposes. However, a small
percentage of well waters are found to have concentrations of some constituents beyond the
permissible limits. Such waters are not fit for human consumption and are likely harmful to
health on continuous use. Based on the results it is found that groundwater in the state is
mostly of calcium bicarbonate type when the Electrical conductivity is below 750uS/cm.

There are mixed cation and mixed anions type groundwater in the state when the electrical
conductance is between 750 and 3200 uS/cm and waters with electrical conductance more
than 3200 uS/cm are of sodium chloride type.

A total number of 601 water samples collected and analyzed for different chemical
parameters from National Hydrograph Network Monitoring Station Samples for basic
parameters and for Iron analysis spread over 33 districts of Gujarat. The overall results of
hydro chemical analysis are attached in Annexure V. District wise maximum range
distribution of different pollution parameters observed during analysis is summarized in the
attached Table 19.

Major quality findings are described as under

4.2.1 The Electrical conductivity

Electrical conductivity or total dissolved solids or Salinity is the saltiness or dissolved salt
contents of a water body. Different substances dissolve in water giving it taste and odour. In
fact, human beings have developed senses, which are able to evaluate the potability of water.
Electrical conductivity represents total number of cations and anions present in groundwater,
indicating ionic mobility of different ions, total dissolved solids and saline nature of water.
In general water having EC < 1500 uS/cm, is considered as fresh water, EC 1500 –
15000uS/cm, is considered as Brackish water and > 15000uS/cm is considered as saline
water. In general in most parts of the state the EC value is found to be very high i.e.
3200uS/cm to 15000uS/cm and more. It was observed that out of 539 water samples 106
samples show EC value more than 3200 uS/cm, which indicates the gravity of salinity
problem in the area. The map showing of electrical conductivity in state is represented in Fig

A close observation of the Annexure-V reveals high EC Values > 3200 uS/cm have been
found in 81 numbers of samples out of 601 total numbers of samples analyzed indicating
saline nature of water in most part of the state. Salinity problem in Northwestern parts of the
state to the extent of EC having > 10000 uS/cm, showing brackish water problem.

Table 19. Quality index of National Hydrograph monitoring stations of Gujarat, May 2020
S.No District No of Samples EC in µS/cm Cl in mg/l NO3 in mg/l F in mg/l
Max Min No of Max Min No of Max Min No of Max Min No of
samples samples samples samples
with EC with Cl with with F
>3200 >1000 mg/l NO3 >1.5
uS/cm >45 mg/l mg/l
1 Ahmedabad 12 16640 708 5 5176 35.45 5 220 0.23 2 5 0.32 4
2 Amreli 39 9343 385 4 2567 14.18 2 230 0.39 17 2.5 0.14 3
3 Anand 9 4565 635 2 1035 35 1 91 0.33 3 4.5 0.28 5
4 Aravalli 17 3190 501 0 824 43 0 440 3 10 1.75 0.13 1
5 Banaskantha 12 3494 620 2 709 49.63 0 155 0.24 5 3.5 0.39 5
6 Bharuch 24 5499 450 3 1390 14 1 298 0.73 4 3.2 0.13 2
7 Bhavnagar 32 5062 388 5 1283 28.36 3 365 0.61 11 3.9 0.26 3
8 Chhota Udaipur 14 6995 516 1 2028 28 1 101 1.6 3 4.05 0.45 5
9 Dohad 21 8180 383 1 1740 28 1 822 1.3 8 6.8 0.48 5
10 Daman 2 688 676 0 71 64 0 15 2 0 0.77 0.31 0
11 Diu 3 10250 3468 3 3545 709 2 127 1.1 2 0.64 0.31 0
12 Gandhinagar 1 2460 2460 0 362 361.59 0 107 107 1 1.4 1.4 0
13 Gir Somnath 1 1111 1111 0 85 85 0 8 8 0 0.27 0.27 0
14 Jamnagar 55 8000 478 6 2057 43 4 252 1 26 4.6 0.17 8
15 Junagadh 57 13506 340 9 4106 28.36 7 163 1.6 23 3 0.1 3
16 Kachchh 28 10550 727 11 2982 57 8 175 0 5 6.7 0.19 8
17 Kheda 13 7648 625 3 2070 28.36 2 141 1.4 1 2.5 0.4 1
18 Mahesana 15 4076 452 3 922 21.27 0 170 1.1 3 2 0.24 2
19 Mahisagar 10 1307 346 0 227 28 0 58 0.67 1 1.18 0.41 0
20 Mata no madh 3 1805 470 0 369 43 0 19 1 0 0.8 0.22 0
21 Morvi 8 3827 305 1 1021 35.45 1 131 0.35 4 0.72 0.17 0
22 Narmada 8 1016 473 0 156 14 0 56 0.22 1 0.48 0.29 0
23 Navsari 12 2760 312 0 582 21 0 48 0 1 0.52 0.24 0
24 Panchmahal 19 2432 209 0 412 21 0 157 2.7 5 2 0.3 1
25 Patan 6 15570 440 2 5361 28 2 134 2 2 6.95 0.29 2
26 Porbandar 29 12250 390 7 3546 35 4 170 2 13 3.4 0.09 5
27 Rajkot 26 8752 645 3 2652 42.54 3 168 4.8 13 3.1 0.1 2
28 Sabarkantha 25 4722 512 2 1264 36 1 185 1.6 16 2.33 0.38 9
29 Surat 30 2675 340 0 419 21 0 65 0 2 1.07 0 0
30 Surendranagar 19 9627 464 6 2921 21.27 5 207 0.72 6 3.6 0.22 4
31 The dangs 24 2590 516 0 483 21 0 100 1 2 1.14 0 0
32 Vadodara 13 3522 615 2 681 35 0 159 0.16 3 2.8 0.41 4
33 Valsad 14 1396 230 0 284 21 0 30 3 0 5.81 0.11 1
Total 601 16640 209 81 5361 14 53 822 0 193 6.95 0 83

Fig. 30: Isocontour map of EC (May 2020)

4.2.2 Chloride

Chloride is present in all natural waters being highly soluble and moves freely through soil and
rock. In groundwater Chloride content is mostly below 250 mg/l except in cases where inland
salinity is prevalent and in coastal areas. BIS have recommended a desirable limit of 250mg/l of
chloride in drinking water; this concentration limit can be extended to 1000 mg/l of chloride in
cases where no alternative source of water with desired concentration is available. The map
showing distribution of Chloride in the state is represented in Fig 31.

A close observation of the Annexure-V, High Chloride > 1000mg/L have been found in 53
numbers of samples out of 601 total numbers of samples analyzed indicating saline nature of
water in most part of the state. The maximum chloride value is observed in scattered way in
western parts of the state to the extent of Chloride having >5000 mg/l, showing high salinity.

Figure 31: Isocontor map of Chloride (May 2020)

4.2.3 Nitrate

Nitrate is a naturally occurring compound that is formed in the soil when nitrogen and oxygen
combine. The primary source of all nitrates is atmospheric nitrogen gas. This is converted into
organic nitrogen by some plants by a process called nitrogen fixation. Dissolved nitrogen in the
form of nitrate is the most common contaminant of groundwater. Nitrate in groundwater
generally originates from non point sources such as leaching of chemical fertilizers and animal
manure, groundwater pollution from septic and sewage discharges etc. It is difficult to identify
the natural and man-made sources of nitrogen contamination of groundwater. Some chemical
and microbiological processes such as nitrification and denitrification also influence the nitrate
concentration in groundwater. The map showing distribution of nitrate in the state is
represented in Fig 32.

As per the BIS standard for drinking water the maximum desirable limit of nitrate concentration
in groundwater is 45 mg/l .Though nitrate is considered relatively non-toxic, a high nitrate
concentration in drinking water is an environmental health concern arising from increased risks
of methaemoglobinemia particularly to infants. Adults can tolerate little higher concentration.

Nitrate value have been found in the range of 1 to 500 mg/l where high Nitrate > 45mg/L,
(Annexure V) have been found in 193 number of samples out of 601 total number of samples
analyzed indicating high nitrate pollution due to use of nitrogen containing fertilizer, domestic
and agriculture waste and man made anthropogenic activities. The maximum nitrate value is
observed in scattered way in all parts of the state.

Fig. 32: Map of Nitrate concentration (May 2020)

4.2.4 Fluoride

Fluorine is a fairly common element but it does not occur in the elemental state in nature
because of its high reactivity. Fluorine is the most electronegative and reactive of all elements
that occur naturally within many type of rocks. It exists in the form of fluorides in a number of
minerals of which fluorspar; cryolite, fluorite & fluorapatite are the most common.

Most of the fluoride found in groundwater is naturally occurring from the breakdown of rocks
and soils or weathering and deposition of atmospheric particles. Most of the fluorides are
sparingly soluble and are present in groundwater in small amount. The type of rocks, climatic
conditions, nature of hydro geological strata and time of contact between rock and the
circulating groundwater affect the occurrence of fluoride in natural water. Presence of other
ions particularly bicarbonate and calcium ions also affects the concentration of fluoride in
groundwater. The map showing distribution of Fluoride in the state is represented in Fig 33.

It is well known that small amount of fluoride (>1.0 mg/l) have proven to be beneficial in
reducing tooth decay. Community water supplies commonly are treated with sodium fluoride or
fluorosilicates to maintain fluoride level ranging from 0.8 to 1.2 mg/l to reduce the incidences
of dental carries. However, high concentrations (>1.5mg/l) have resulted in staining of tooth
enamel while higher levels of fluoride (> 5.0 mg/l) further creates the critical problems such as
stiffness of bones. BIS has recommended an upper desirable limit of 1.0 mg/l of fluoride
concentration in drinking water, which can be extended to 1.5 mg/l in case no alternative source
of drinking water is available. Water having fluoride concentration more than 1.5mg/l is not
suitable for drinking purposes.

High Fluoride >1.5mg/l, (Annexure V) which is mainly attributed due to geogenic conditions
ranged from 0 to 8.6 mg/l, have been observed in 83 water samples out of 601 water samples

Fig. 33: Map of Flouride concentration (May 2020)

Annexure - I
Ahmedabad Draining into Gulf of Kutch Rupen 17
Draining into Gulf of Kutch Total 17
Luni and other drainage into Great Rann of Kutch Mostly Great Rann Of Kutch 1
Luni and other drainage into Great Rann of Kutch Total 1
Sabarmati Lb Of Sabarmati Upto Hathmati 22
Rb Of Sabarmati And Upper Part Beyond Hathmati 21
Sabarmati Total 43
Southern Kathiawar Draining Into Gulf Of Khambat 10
Southern Kathiawar Total 10
Ahmedabad Total 71
Amreli Southern Kathiawar Draining Into Gulf Of Khambat 58
Rivers draining into Arabian Sea (Western part) 5
Southern Kathiawar Total 63
Amreli Total 21
Anand Mahi Upto Kadana Dam 21
Mahi Total 18
Sabarmati Lb Of Sabarmati Upto Hathmati 15
Sabarmati Total 15
Anand Total 36
Banaskantha Draining into Gulf of Kutch Rupen 32
Draining into Gulf of Kutch Total 32
Luni and other drainage into Great Rann of Kutch Mainly Luni 8
Mostly Great Rann Of Kutch 32
Luni and other drainage into Great Rann of Kutch Total 40
Sabarmati Lb Of Sabarmati Upto Hathmati 1
Rb Of Sabarmati And Upper Part Beyond Hathmati 1
Sabarmati Total 2
Banaskantha Total 74
Bharuch Mahi Upto Kadana Dam 13
Mahi Total 13
Narmada Confluence With Sea To Navgam Dam 20
Narmada Total 20
Tapti Sea Confluence To Ukai 11
Tapti Total 11
Bharuch Total 44
Bhavnagar Mahi Upto Kadana Dam 1
Mahi Total 1
Southern Kathiawar Draining Into Gulf Of Khambat 54
Rivers draining into Arabian Sea (Western part) 1
Southern Kathiawar Total 54
Bhavnagar Total 55
Dohad Mahi Kadana Dam To Jakham Confluence 16
Upto Kadana Dam 16
Mahi Total 32
Dohad Total 32
Gandhinagar Draining into Gulf of Kutch Rupen 10
Draining into Gulf of Kutch Total 10
Sabarmati Lb Of Sabarmati Upto Hathmati 9
Rb Of Sabarmati And Upper Part Beyond Hathmati 14
Sabarmati Total 23
Gandhinagar Total 33
Jamnagar Draining into Gulf of Kutch North Flowing Drainage Of Jamnagar 42
Draining into Gulf of Kutch Total 42
Southern Kathiawar Rivers draining into Arabian Sea (Western part) 17
Southern Kathiawar Total 17
Jamnagar Total 59
Junagadh Southern Kathiawar Draining Into Gulf Of Khambat 9
Rivers draining into Arabian Sea (Western part) 67
Southern Kathiawar Total 76
Junagadh Total 76
Kachchh Draining into Gulf of Kutch South Flowing Drainage Mostly Bhuj Area 41
Draining into Gulf of Kutch Total 41
Luni and other drainage into Great Rann of Kutch Mostly Great Rann Of Kutch 29
Luni and other drainage into Great Rann of Kutch Total 29
Kachchh Total 70
Kheda Mahi Kadana Dam To Jakham Confluence 1
Upto Kadana Dam 5
Mahi Total 6
Sabarmati Lb Of Sabarmati Upto Hathmati 22
Sabarmati Total 22
Kheda Total 28
Mahesana Draining into Gulf of Kutch Ruper 53
Draining into Gulf of Kutch Total 53
Sabarmati Lb Of Sabarmati Upto Hathmati 2
Rb Of Sabarmati And Upper Part Beyond Hathmati 6
Sabarmati Total 8

Annexure_I 1/2
Mahesana Total 61
Narmada Narmada Confluence With Sea To Navgam Dam 22
Narmada Total 22
Tapti Rb Ukai Dam To Purna Confluence 5
Tapti Total 5
Narmada Total 27
Navsari Sharavati to Tapti Savitri To Tapti 25
Sharavati to Tapti Total 25
Navsari Total 25
Panchmahals Mahi Kadana Dam To Jakham Confluence 3
Upto Kadana Dam 35
Mahi Total 39
Narmada Confluence With Sea To Navgam Dam 3
Narmada Total 3
Sabarmati Lb Of Sabarmati Upto Hathmati 5
Sabarmati Total 5
Sharavati to Tapti Savitri To Tapti 3
Sharavati to Tapti Total 3
Panchmahals Total 50
Patan Draining into Gulf of Kutch Rupen 26
South Flowing Drainage Mostly Bhuj Area 4
Draining into Gulf of Kutch Total 30
Luni and other drainage into Great Rann of Kutch Mainly Luni 2
Mostly Great Rann Of Kutch 3
Luni and other drainage into Great Rann of Kutch Total 5
Sabarmati Lb Of Sabarmati Upto Hathmati 3
Sabarmati Total 3
Patan Total 38
Porbandar Southern Kathiawar Rivers draining into Arabian Sea (Western part) 32
Southern Kathiawar Total 32
Porbandar Total 32
Rajkot Draining into Gulf of Kutch North Flowing Drainage Of Jamnagar 30
Draining into Gulf of Kutch Total 31
Southern Kathiawar Draining Into Gulf Of Khambat 4
Rivers draining into Arabian Sea (Western part) 26
Southern Kathiawar Total 30
Rajkot Total 61
Sabarkantha Sabarmati Lb Of Sabarmati Upto Hathmati 47
Rb Of Sabarmati And Upper Part Beyond Hathmati 13
Sabarmati Total 60
Sabarkantha Total 60
Surat Narmada Confluence With Sea To Navgam Dam 5
Narmada Total 5
Sharavati to Tapti Savitri To Tapti 30
Sharavati to Tapti Total 30
Tapti Lb Ukai Dam To Purna Confluence 4
Sea Confluence To Ukai 36
Tapti Total 40
Surat Total 75
Surendranagar Draining into Gulf of Kutch North Flowing Drainage Of Jamnagar 24
Ruper 14
Draining into Gulf of Kutch Total 38
Sabarmati Rb Of Sabarmati And Upper Part Beyond Hathmati 17
Sabarmati Total 17
Surendranagar Total 55
The dangs Sharavati to Tapti Savitri To Tapti 33
Sharavati to Tapti Total 33
The dangs Total 33
Vadodara Mahi Upto Kadana Dam 30
Mahi Total 30
Narmada Confluence With Sea To Navgam Dam 36
Narmada Total 36
Vadodara Total 66
Valsad Sharavati to Tapti Savitri To Tapti 30
Sharavati to Tapti Total 30
Valsad Total 30
Grand Total 1212

Annexure_I 2/2
Annexure IIA
Water level of the National Hydrograph Stations in Gujarat 2020-21

Sl. District Well Name LAT_Y LONG_X Well Type May Aug Nov Jan
No. 2020 2020 2020 2021
1 Ahmedabad Bagodara_Pz_I 22°38'30" N 72°12'50" E Tube Well 9.55 7.37 9.28
2 Ahmedabad Bagodara_Pz_II 22°38'30" N 72°12'50" E Tube Well 7.00 6.39
3 Ahmedabad Bopal_Pz_I 23°2'19" N 72°27'28" E Tube Well 32.29 25.50 27.55 34.63
4 Ahmedabad Bopal_Pz_III 23°2'19" N 72°27'28" E Tube Well 2.90 1.57 2.20 2.78
5 Ahmedabad Dalod 23°22'0" N 71°58'0" E Dug Well 8.22 5.43 5.95 6.18
6 Ahmedabad Devalia 22°22'40" N 71°59'10" E Dug Well 20.40 20.40
7 Ahmedabad Dhandhuka1 22°22'30" N 71°59'10" E Dug Well 2.95 1.00 1.94 1.85
8 Ahmedabad Endla 23°16'20" N 72°3'30" E Dug Well 2.93 0.52 1.38 2.19
9 Ahmedabad Gamph 22°21'30" N 72°10'0" E Dug Well 1.52 0.00 2.18 1.30
10 Ahmedabad Hansalpur_Pz-I 23°5'20" N 72°1'0" E Tube Well 16.50 22.76
11 Ahmedabad Hansalpur_Pz-II 23°5'20" N 72°1'0" E Tube Well 25.30 26.77
12 Ahmedabad Hansalpur_Pz-III 23°5'20" N 72°1'0" E Tube Well 3.10 3.54
13 Ahmedabad Jholapur_Pz_I 22°59'15" N 72°12'15" E Tube Well 67.55 72.13 66.50 92.51
14 Ahmedabad Kumarkhan 22°54'0" N 72°1'0" E Dug Well 3.74 2.20 2.35 2.00
15 Ahmedabad Kundal 22°54'5" N 72°13'25" E Dug Well 7.28 5.41
16 Ahmedabad Mandal2 23°16'30" N 71°55'0" E Dug Well 10.63 2.70
17 Ahmedabad Pachcham_Pz 22°13'56" N 72°10'44" E Tube Well 1.04
18 Ahmedabad Sanand II 23°0'12" N 72°22'25" E Tube Well 16.08 15.20 16.13
19 Ahmedabad Sola(HC)_Pz_I 23°4'52" N 72°30'49" E Tube Well 68.71
20 Ahmedabad Tagadi1 22°17'45" N 71°56'50" E Dug Well 3.91 1.42 2.07 2.97
21 Ahmedabad Ughraj1 23°22'0" N 72°6'0" E Dug Well 7.52
22 Ahmedabad Upardhal1 22°51'0" N 72°8'45" E Dug Well 11.90
23 Ahmedabad Vagad(Repl)_Pz 22°21'37" N 71°52'5" E Tube Well 4.22 3.28 3.82 3.42
24 Ahmedabad Vastrapur(lake)_Pz_I 23°2'18" N 72°31'47" E Tube Well 89.78
25 Ahmedabad Vatwa Pz-II 22°57'12" N 72°36'58" E Tube Well 44.36
26 Ahmedabad Vatwa Pz-III 22°57'13" N 72°36'59" E Tube Well 27.06 24.82 24.74 25.90
27 Ahmedabad Viramgam2 23°8'30" N 72°2'0" E Dug Well 3.30 0.00 1.35 2.20
28 Amreli Amreli 21°36'30" N 71°13'30" E Dug Well 5.14 1.68 3.58 5.54
29 Amreli Amreli_Pz 21°36'45" N 71°13'30" E Bore Well 5.57 1.97 5.66 6.39
30 Amreli Amritvel_Pz 21°23'50" N 71°21'30" E Tube Well 2.80 1.45 2.00
31 Amreli Ankadia mota 21°38'45" N 71°6'30" E Dug Well 6.19 1.19 3.40 6.00
32 Amreli Babra_Pz 21°50'50" N 71°17'45" E Bore Well 7.15 3.45 7.28
33 Amreli Badhda 21°15'57" N 71°20'20" E Dug Well 7.45 1.87
34 Amreli Bagasara 21°28'45" N 70°57'45" E Dug Well 15.75 3.14 5.50 10.20
35 Amreli Bherai 20°52'5" N 71°21'45" E Dug Well 2.46 0.72 2.20 4.25
36 Amreli Bhuva 21°25'58" N 71°21'50" E Dug Well 4.50 3.20 3.24 4.26
37 Amreli Chalala 21°25'0" N 71°10'0" E Dug Well 26.05 23.01 21.91 23.52
38 Amreli Charkhadia_Pz 21°23'15" N 71°17'30" E Tube Well 26.05 21.08 22.56 23.43
39 Amreli Charkhadia1 21°23'30" N 71°17'45" E Dug Well 21.35 15.80 18.88 20.80
40 Amreli Chavand 21°49'0" N 71°24'45" E Dug Well 6.00 3.15 3.96 6.86
41 Amreli Dharangani 21°20'0" N 71°12'0" E Dug Well 30.65 28.90 34.30 30.50
42 Amreli Dhari_Pz 21°19'35" N 71°1'5" E Bore Well 10.55 4.57 5.43 6.25
43 Amreli Dhrai Balmukand 21°50'3" N 71°13'2" E Dug Well 10.80 1.99 3.97 3.60
44 Amreli Fifad 21°26'10" N 71°32'25" E Dug Well 6.45 4.60 4.32
45 Amreli Gopalpura Vanda Pz 21°22'30" N 71°29'30" E Tube Well 26.77 16.30 17.96 15.81
46 Amreli Goradka 21°13'30" N 71°24'40" E Dug Well 3.43 0.72 2.87 4.70
47 Amreli Govadka 21°32'30" N 71°9'30" E Dug Well 3.10 0.98 1.08 2.82
48 Amreli Haripur_Pz_I 21°36'35" N 71°26'35" E Bore Well 12.50 1.98 3.38 4.54
49 Amreli Hipavadli 21°22'44" N 71°36'53" E Dug Well 10.30
50 Amreli Ingorala 21°14'0" N 71°12'0" E Dug Well 11.90 7.43 9.17 10.07
51 Amreli Jesar_Pz 21°22'17" N 71°40'13" E Tube Well 5.99 4.60 5.82 6.22
52 Amreli Kadiyali 20°54'30" N 71°21'37" E Dug Well 6.12 0.35 2.05 5.36
53 Amreli Kerala 21°23'50" N 71°13'0" E Dug Well 37.30 30.24 31.11 33.45
54 Amreli Khamba 21°9'0" N 71°14'20" E Dug Well 4.37 2.96 3.11 5.45
55 Amreli Khamba_Pz 21°8'30" N 71°15'15" E Bore Well 7.46 4.35 6.53 7.69
56 Amreli Kotadapitha 21°57'30" N 71°12'15" E Dug Well 3.35 0.41 2.89 4.94
57 Amreli Kunkavav 21°39'45" N 70°59'0" E Dug Well 21.12 1.37 10.63 18.15
58 Amreli Lathi 21°43'15" N 71°23'0" E Dug Well 2.23 0.94 2.51 2.32
59 Amreli Liliya_Pz_I 21°32'5" N 71°22'45" E Bore Well 1.89
60 Amreli Lotpur 20°57'45" N 71°26'0" E Dug Well 6.05
61 Amreli Luvariya 21°37'30" N 71°23'45" E Dug Well 4.20 2.17
62 Amreli Mandal 21°6'0" N 71°35'0" E Dug Well 23.50 7.75
63 Amreli Manila Pz 21°26'0" N 71°10'0" E Tube Well 21.80 18.89 22.86 22.51
64 Amreli Morjhar 21°22'34" N 71°7'7" E Dug Well 49.50 26.88 29.37
65 Amreli Nageshri 20°55'30" N 71°21'15" E Dug Well 3.41 1.47 2.23 4.18
66 Amreli Piyava 21°23'0" N 71°28'0" E Dug Well 25.55 20.14 18.85 18.25
67 Amreli Punjapadar 21°31'30" N 71°21'30" E Dug Well 5.24 2.02 1.70 1.92
68 Amreli Salena 21°23'10" N 71°32'0" E Dug Well 16.77
69 Amreli Sanaria 21°33'28" N 71°28'5" E Dug Well 2.10 1.30 2.99
70 Amreli Savarkundla 21°20'10" N 71°19'5" E Bore Well 37.69
71 Amreli Tajpur 21°43'30" N 71°28'0" E Dug Well 15.15 0.08 1.90 3.07
72 Amreli Timbi2 20°53'45" N 71°12'15" E Dug Well 2.44 2.57 2.15 3.52
73 Amreli Trakuda 21°1'0" N 71°16'50" E Dug Well 7.58 1.44 1.10 5.19
74 Amreli Untvad 21°55'0" N 71°13'0" E Dug Well 13.70 1.28 3.35 13.40
75 Amreli Vaghania juna 21°35'0" N 70°58'0" E Dug Well 6.10 1.64 2.10 2.93
76 Amreli Vankiya 21°31'15" N 71°8'10" E Dug Well 4.73 3.72 4.50 6.53
77 Amreli Vankiya1 21°14'0" N 71°15'0" E Dug Well 7.10 4.20 5.04 7.40
78 Amreli Virpur 21°15'15" N 71°9'0" E Dug Well 13.62 3.67 6.17
79 Anand Adas_DW 22°28'43" N 73°1'49" E Dug Well 23.00 22.70 25.60 24.20
80 Anand Anand 22°34'30" N 72°58'20" E Dug Well 29.29 10.29 28.19 11.44
81 Anand Anklav_Pz_I 22°22'35" N 72°59'50" E Tube Well 23.79 20.61 23.44 23.89
82 Anand Anklav_Pz_II 22°22'35" N 72°59'50" E Tube Well 23.95 20.41 23.90 25.65
83 Anand Anklav2 22°23'0" N 73°0'30" E Dug Well 23.78 24.98 31.18 29.38
84 Anand Bandhani 22°32'30" N 72°49'0" E Dug Well 6.18 5.18 5.43 5.77
85 Anand Bhadran 22°21'20" N 72°53'50" E Dug Well 18.10 16.10 19.80 15.25
86 Anand Boriyani 22°37'56" N 73°0'15" E Dug Well 9.80 8.90 6.50 8.00
87 Anand Borsad I 22°24'35" N 72°54'5" E Tube Well 18.36 15.18 17.80 17.55
88 Anand Borsad_Pz_II 22°24'35" N 72°54'5" E Tube Well 15.94 14.29 17.76 15.45
89 Anand Dali 22°16'30" N 72°46'0" E Dug Cum Bore Well 2.42
90 Anand Davalpura_Pz 22°27'30" N 72°48'10" E Tube Well 2.65 0.33 1.25 2.05
91 Anand Dharmaj 22°25'15" N 72°47'40" E Dug Cum Bore Well 6.50
92 Anand Ghora 22°41'30" N 73°3'15" E Dug Well 1.40 4.01 4.66
93 Anand Hariyan_Pz 22°24'15" N 72°40'20" E Tube Well 3.40 3.50
94 Anand Kansari1 22°20'30" N 72°39'0" E Dug Well 11.80 9.94 11.40 11.00
95 Anand Kathana_Pz_I 22°17'40" N 72°47'25" E Tube Well 10.92
96 Anand Laxmipura 22°25'0" N 72°36'30" E Dug Well 1.25
97 Anand Navapura 22°18'45" N 72°57'45" E Dug Well 28.56 28.56 21.56
98 Anand Parvata 22°42'49" N 73°7'36" E Dug Well 6.80 3.85 4.54 5.40
99 Anand Petlad_Pz_I 22°28'30" N 72°48'0" E Tube Well 12.73 9.39 12.70 13.30
100 Anand Petlad_Pz_II 22°28'30" N 72°48'0" E Tube Well 12.10 9.33 12.96 13.36
101 Anand Ras 22°20'45" N 72°50'0" E Dug Well 2.40 1.55 1.77 2.32
102 Anand Sarsa_Pz_I 22°32'40" N 73°4'15" E Tube Well 19.59 16.03 17.00 16.70
103 Anand Tarapur Pz-I 22°29'10" N 72°39'40" E Tube Well 3.15 2.85 3.05
104 Anand Tarapur Pz-II 22°29'10" N 72°39'40" E Tube Well 3.09 2.45 2.85
105 Anand Tol 22°30'39" N 72°34'0" E Dug Well 0.70
106 Anand Walmi_ I 22°30'40" N 72°58'55" E Tube Well 22.19 19.08 21.70 21.40
107 Anand Walmi_ II 22°30'30" N 72°58'56" E Tube Well 22.22 19.46 22.02 21.82
108 Arvalli Alwakampa 23°16'29" N 73°12'30" E Dug Well 7.01 0.47 7.27 9.27
109 Arvalli Bayad_Pz 23°13'0" N 73°13'45" E Tube Well 11.00 9.90 9.75 10.40
110 Arvalli Bhiloda2 23°46'0" N 73°16'20" E Dug Cum 6.25 3.78
Bore Well
111 Arvalli Bibipur1 23°15'10" N 73°12'45" E Dug Well 17.78 13.65 13.27 13.47
112 Arvalli Boral 23°7'30" N 73°12'30" E Dug Well 11.31 3.60 5.60 6.20
113 Arvalli Dhansura1 23°21'0" N 73°12'0" E Dug Well 6.99 0.60 3.35 4.34
114 Arvalli Gadada 23°34'31" N 73°15'11" E Dug Well 6.56 3.25 4.55 6.89
115 Arvalli Hamirpur 23°24'30" N 73°27'30" E Dug Well 11.44 4.90 13.55 18.00
116 Arvalli Karanpur 23°20'0" N 73°18'0" E Dug Well 3.36 0.30 1.34 11.80
117 Arvalli Kuski_Pz 23°38'20" N 73°22'10" E Bore Well 13.30 1.00 6.80 10.35
118 Arvalli Malpur_1 23°20'41" N 73°27'52" E Dug Well 14.89 4.68 8.39 13.57
119 Arvalli Malpur_Pz 23°20'30" N 73°28'5" E Bore Well 9.43 7.20 8.70
120 Arvalli Medasana 23°30'43" N 73°16'28" E Dug Well 7.27 5.43 7.91 7.09
121 Arvalli Meghraj_1 23°29'45" N 73°30'30" E Dug Well 12.12 3.42 6.60 9.52
122 Arvalli Modasa 23°27'45" N 73°18'30" E Dug Well 6.60 5.88 6.32 6.45
123 Arvalli Punasan 23°40'10" N 73°10'25" E Dug Well 5.48 2.00 3.85 5.95
124 Arvalli Sathamba 23°10'30" N 73°20'15" E Dug Well 23.10 2.20 5.68 8.55
125 Arvalli Seenawad 23°29'11" N 73°23'55" E Dug Well 9.12 3.30 4.65
126 Arvalli Shamlaji 23°41'10" N 73°22'0" E Dug Well 7.14 5.00 5.71 5.71
127 Arvalli Takatuka_1 23°51'5" N 73°18'18" E Dug Well 21.45 1.57 3.65 8.42
128 Arvalli Vejpur_Pz 23°47'50" N 73°13'15" E Bore Well 14.77 1.65 3.05 3.95
129 Banaskantha Ambaji_Pz 24°20'10" N 72°50'50" E Bore Well 12.58 5.44 6.61
130 Banaskantha Amirgadh 24°24'20" N 72°38'30" E Dug Well 15.55 9.22 12.37 13.40
131 Banaskantha Balodhar_Pz-I 24°13'50" N 71°54'44" E Tube Well 177.27
132 Banaskantha Bhabhar iii 24°3'35" N 71°35'46" E Tube Well 30.06 29.33 29.80 28.34
133 Banaskantha Bharol1 24°31'45" N 71°32'30" E Dug Well 2.80
134 Banaskantha Biyok_Pz-II 24°16'20" N 71°39'17" E Tube Well 29.50 26.63
135 Banaskantha Danta 24°11'20" N 72°45'55" E Bore Well 11.59 7.99 8.86
136 Banaskantha Dantiwada 24°16'39" N 72°15'41" E Dug Cum
Bore Well 27.72 25.83
137 Banaskantha Dantiwada 24°11'20" N 72°45'38" E Tube Well 34.08 33.81 35.45 33.83
138 Banaskantha Deesa Pzi 24°15'24" N 72°11'15" E Tube Well 92.89 88.25 92.43 95.20
139 Banaskantha Dhanera Pz-I 24°30'22" N 72°1'45" E Tube Well 106.81 111.33 117.80 120.05
140 Banaskantha Fagudara Pz 24°25'49" N 72°14'3" E Bore Well 94.54 71.66 73.58
141 Banaskantha Ganapipli 24°17'50" N 72°56'50" E Dug Well 8.44 5.58 7.80 9.95
142 Banaskantha Gangodra 24°26'10" N 72°21'55" E Dug Well 22.56 16.54 16.50 17.37
143 Banaskantha Iqbalgarh 24°20'45" N 72°32'15" E Dug Well 33.14 30.28 26.85 28.10
144 Banaskantha Jhat 24°29'15" N 72°21'10" E Dug Well 16.01 16.01 16.01
145 Banaskantha Khoda 24°39'30" N 71°46'0" E Dug Well 23.26 24.24 23.82 25.93
146 Banaskantha Lakhani i 24°18'50" N 71°49'5" E Tube Well 112.17 99.69 113.22 118.56
147 Banaskantha Mahi twi 24°2'0" N 72°22'0" E Tube Well 146.96
148 Banaskantha Mahi_Pz 24°1'43" N 72°22'51" E Tube Well 160.94 162.80
149 Banaskantha Meda 24°23'50" N 72°17'5" E Dug Well 9.10 5.80 6.23
150 Banaskantha Mohabbat gadh 24°10'0" N 72°43'40" E Dug Well 23.68 21.37 16.53 17.64
151 Banaskantha Nandotra Brahmanvas 24°20'27" N 72°18'51" E Bore Well
Pz (OW II) 26.01 15.54 18.36
152 Banaskantha Naroli Pzi 24°36'59" N 71°38'19" E Tube Well 7.18 8.96 7.04 7.02
153 Banaskantha Naroli Pzii 24°36'59" N 71°38'19" E Tube Well 6.23 8.30 6.23 6.13
154 Banaskantha Naroli Pziii 24°36'59" N 71°38'19" E Tube Well 7.11 8.93 6.48 6.58
155 Banaskantha Palanpur_Pz 24°10'20" N 72°27'0" E Tube Well 39.48 39.25 38.48
156 Banaskantha Palanpur2 24°11'40" N 72°26'0" E Dug Well 24.57 24.06 22.77 22.09
157 Banaskantha Rah Pz-III 24°29'45" N 71°50'10" E Tube Well 44.73
158 Banaskantha Rah_Pz I 24°29'45" N 71°50'10" E Tube Well 63.70 48.65 57.34 61.18
159 Banaskantha Rah_Pz II 24°29'45" N 71°50'10" E Tube Well 52.91 48.50 52.88 56.70
160 Banaskantha Ratanpur2 24°10'30" N 72°44'45" E Dug Well 21.93 15.75 13.68 15.60
161 Banaskantha Sodapur 24°24'5" N 72°17'45" E Dug Well 16.89 9.53 13.57 16.47
162 Banaskantha Tharad Pzi 24°23'6" N 71°37'10" E Tube Well 9.33 10.31 9.52 9.54
163 Banaskantha Tharad Pzii 24°23'6" N 71°37'10" E Tube Well 10.01 10.37 9.44 9.35
164 Banaskantha Tharad Pziii 24°23'6" N 71°37'10" E Tube Well 9.13 9.68 9.36 9.38
165 Banaskantha Vav ii 24°21'40" N 71°30'40" E Tube Well 32.73 32.72 35.69
166 Banaskantha Vav i 24°21'30" N 71°30'30" E Tube Well 24.96 24.58 26.82
167 Banaskantha Vinchivadi PZ-I 24°35'10" N 71°56'0" E Tube Well 75.54
168 Banaskantha Vinchivadi Pz-II 24°35'10" N 71°56'0" E Tube Well 73.49
169 Bharuch Arethi 21°36'45" N 73°26'7" E Dug Well 14.45 3.68 6.00 6.75
170 Bharuch Bharuch 21°42'0" N 73°0'15" E Dug Well 6.35 2.53 5.09 4.40
171 Bharuch Bharuch I 21°42'30" N 73°0'0" E Tube Well 5.84 5.81 2.80 3.90
172 Bharuch Bharuch Ii 21°42'30" N 73°0'0" E Tube Well 8.71 5.32 15.45
173 Bharuch Bhensli 21°43'30" N 72°45'0" E Dug Well 2.10 0.83 1.00 1.50
174 Bharuch Chhindra 22°7'36" N 72°40'11" E Dug Well 9.68 3.58 8.88 5.58
175 Bharuch Dahegam 22°11'5" N 72°35'50" E Dug Well 7.65 3.60 9.50 6.20
176 Bharuch Hansot 21°35'0" N 72°48'30" E Tube Well 4.11 2.90 3.45
177 Bharuch Ilav 21°27'0" N 72°48'0" E Dug Well 5.99 2.93 2.45 3.85
178 Bharuch Jambusar 22°3'10" N 72°48'20" E Tube Well 8.71 8.76 10.55 8.95
179 Bharuch Jambusar2 22°3'0" N 72°48'0" E Dug Well 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.60
180 Bharuch Jetpur1 21°29'30" N 72°42'30" E Dug Well 1.78 0.30 5.15 1.60
181 Bharuch Jokhla 21°35'45" N 73°10'9" E Dug Well 4.80 2.90
182 Bharuch Juna borbhata 21°40'30" N 72°58'30" E Dug Well 8.50 3.66 5.50 8.50
183 Bharuch Kadodara 21°45'45" N 72°38'20" E Tube Well 9.57 5.83 7.60 7.20
184 Bharuch Kalak1 22°1'7" N 72°45'47" E Dug Well 6.99 4.75 5.27 4.80
185 Bharuch Kaswa 21°41'0" N 72°49'0" E Dug Well 5.55 2.37 3.00 3.45
186 Bharuch Kavi 22°11'37" N 72°38'22" E Dug Well 6.36 5.38 6.45 5.90
187 Bharuch Kondh 21°34'50" N 73°4'5" E Dug Well 4.06 3.67 2.90 3.20
188 Bharuch Luhara 21°40'30" N 72°33'30" E Dug Well 0.85 0.00 0.40 0.20
189 Bharuch Mahegam1 21°41'0" N 72°45'30" E Dug Well 4.85 2.27 3.25 0.45
190 Bharuch Mokhdi 21°32'0" N 73°17'15" E Dug Well 11.84 2.04 3.79 4.74
191 Bharuch Motwan 21°33'20" N 72°53'15" E Dug Well 2.04 1.75 1.82 2.10
192 Bharuch Mungaj 21°41'18" N 73°23'2" E Dug Well 2.75
193 Bharuch Navetha 21°42'28" N 72°49'50" E Dug Well 2.90 0.08 0.85 1.60
194 Bharuch Netrang(Rep)_Pz 21°38'30" N 73°22'0" E Bore Well 9.01 8.07 6.57
195 Bharuch Netrang1 21°38'0" N 73°22'0" E Dug Well 4.30 4.60 6.15
196 Bharuch Nirnavi 21°47'30" N 72°40'5" E Dug Well 8.34 1.12 4.55 5.40
197 Bharuch Panoli 21°32'15" N 72°58'30" E Dug Well 3.35 1.14 4.15 4.51
198 Bharuch Raymal 21°31'15" N 72°49'15" E Dug Well 1.13 1.19 1.10 1.10
199 Bharuch Roja tankaria 21°55'0" N 72°47'30" E Dug Well 8.38 4.59 8.15 6.55
200 Bharuch Sahol 21°28'22" N 72°48'35" E Dug Well 4.72 3.28 2.80 1.90
201 Bharuch Sajod 21°37'0" N 72°55'25" E Dug Well 4.53 0.89 1.14 3.80
202 Bharuch Sarod 22°9'30" N 72°45'30" E Dug Well 15.22 9.23 7.66 7.70
203 Bharuch Sindhav 22°1'37" N 72°38'10" E Dug Well 7.27 3.23 4.13 4.38
204 Bharuch Tankari 21°59'30" N 72°40'30" E Dug Well 4.92 0.88 2.80 2.50
205 Bharuch Utraj 21°35'30" N 72°49'30" E Dug Well 2.42 1.36 5.10 5.20
206 Bhavnagar Ambala 21°42'40" N 71°50'30" E Dug Well 14.58 18.06 9.48 12.80
207 Bhavnagar Ayodhayapuram 21°57'37" N 71°53'11" E Dug Well 7.30 6.60 8.45
208 Bhavnagar Bhavnagar1 21°46'0" N 72°9'0" E Dug Well 3.55 2.80 3.51 4.89
209 Bhavnagar Bhudel 21°41'30" N 72°9'30" E Dug Well 1.01 1.30 3.05
210 Bhavnagar Bhumbhali 21°40'46" N 72°14'39" E Dug Well 2.55 1.90 2.52 2.60
211 Bhavnagar Bhutia 21°44'50" N 71°42'0" E Dug Well 22.30 22.30
212 Bhavnagar Bora 21°11'28" N 71°55'44" E Dug Well 24.57 16.82 12.44 18.40
213 Bhavnagar Chowk Pz 21°25'45" N 71°45'50" E Tube Well 22.50 16.60
214 Bhavnagar Datha 21°13'15" N 71°57'0" E Dug Well 1.71 0.82 2.19 5.38
215 Bhavnagar Dhasa 21°48'0" N 71°30'30" E Dug Well 4.94 0.29 2.21 3.33
216 Bhavnagar Dudhala 21°8'15" N 71°39'30" E Dug Cum Bore Well 5.25
217 Bhavnagar Gadhada1 21°58'5" N 71°34'55" E Bore Well 7.33 2.90 4.91 6.25
218 Bhavnagar Gadhada2 21°58'0" N 71°34'45" E Dug Well 3.73 3.03
219 Bhavnagar Gariyadhar 21°32'35" N 71°33'55" E Dug Well 14.52 1.00 2.20 6.85
220 Bhavnagar Ghogha1 21°41'0" N 72°16'45" E Dug Well 1.52 1.24 1.51 2.12
221 Bhavnagar Jalia 21°48'0" N 71°37'0" E Dug Well 16.25 1.31 3.93 12.90
222 Bhavnagar Kardej 21°45'7" N 72°1'52" E Tube Well 24.26 21.45 24.78 20.95
223 Bhavnagar Khijadiya 21°38'15" N 71°42'0" E Dug Well 9.21 3.51 4.82 5.63
224 Bhavnagar Kundheli 21°22'46" N 71°58'50" E Dug Well 1.27 3.28 11.60
225 Bhavnagar Longadi 21°12'50" N 71°53'0" E Dug Well 2.35 1.56 2.37 3.20
226 Bhavnagar Lonjdhara 22°5'50" N 71°53'50" E Dug Well 21.62 9.29 10.47 10.87
227 Bhavnagar Mahuva1 21°5'45" N 71°46'0" E Dug Cum Bore Well 6.96
228 Bhavnagar Malvav_Pz 21°9'38" N 71°54'30" E Tube Well 21.72 13.24 14.09 18.69
229 Bhavnagar Motivadal 21°11'50" N 71°33'0" E Dug Well 3.72 2.25 2.61 3.27
230 Bhavnagar Ningala 22°1'5" N 71°42'0" E Dug Well 10.45 7.37 10.71 12.10
231 Bhavnagar Palitana1 21°31'30" N 71°49'25" E Bore Well 7.40 2.55 3.94 5.63
232 Bhavnagar Palitana2 21°31'20" N 71°50'20" E Dug Well 7.85 3.00 5.03 7.48
233 Bhavnagar Panchpipla 21°33'0" N 71°43'15" E Dug Well 1.84 0.15 0.70 2.52
234 Bhavnagar Panvi1 22°4'30" N 71°53'30" E Dug Well 3.87 1.89 2.60 3.15
235 Bhavnagar Pasvi 21°17'30" N 71°58'0" E Dug Well 11.82 2.56 3.76 7.89
236 Bhavnagar Piparla 21°38'11" N 71°55'8" E Dug Well 4.40 1.26 1.73 4.40
237 Bhavnagar Porbada 21°48'0" N 71°42'0" E Dug Well 10.93 2.39 3.03 5.23
238 Bhavnagar Sajnasar 21°25'30" N 71°54'45" E Dug Well 2.50 1.47 1.94 3.40
239 Bhavnagar Sandhida 21°41'15" N 71°45'30" E Dug Well 9.60 1.15 0.66 1.10
240 Bhavnagar Satanes 21°26'30" N 71°50'15" E Dug Well 10.57 1.34 0.43 7.37
241 Bhavnagar Shantinagar 21°14'45" N 71°39'0" E Dug Well 11.50 0.00 0.78 4.65
242 Bhavnagar Talaja2 21°22'0" N 72°1'0" E Dug Well 8.73 1.98 1.96 3.58
243 Bhavnagar Tansa 21°30'30" N 72°7'30" E Dug Well 8.10
244 Bhavnagar Tardhera 22°13'45" N 71°36'15" E Dug Cum Bore Well 10.10
245 Bhavnagar Tatam 22°3'30" N 71°38'0" E Dug Well 11.74 0.00 1.47 4.31
246 Bhavnagar Timbi2 21°49'54" N 71°45'58" E Dug Well 13.63 3.63 7.40 8.60
247 Bhavnagar Trapaj 21°25'30" N 72°5'45" E Dug Well 13.46 2.24 4.92 7.70
248 Bhavnagar Umrala 21°50'50" N 71°48'30" E Dug Well 14.02 5.14 5.70 5.60
249 Bhavnagar Vadal 21°28'37" N 71°48'22" E Dug Well 0.76 2.25 5.55
250 Bhavnagar Vallabhipur1 21°53'0" N 71°52'40" E Tube Well 4.80 3.11 3.79 4.45
251 Bhavnagar Vallbhipur 21°53'0" N 71°52'30" E Dug Well 4.05 2.42 3.23 3.90
252 Bhavnagar Vavdi 21°34'5" N 72°11'53" E Dug Well 1.62 2.15
253 Botad Barvala 22°9'0" N 71°53'30" E Dug Well 7.30 3.15 2.95 3.82
254 Botad Kundali 22°16'10" N 71°42'0" E Dug Well 4.07 1.10 1.40 2.30
255 Botad Rajpada 22°18'30" N 71°41'30" E Dug Well 12.00 1.78 6.01 11.30
256 Botad Salangpor 22°9'30" N 71°46'15" E Dug Well 7.00 2.15 7.50
257 Chhota Udepur Alladpur 22°15'0" N 73°43'0" E Dug Well 7.22 7.22 7.20 10.43
258 Chhota Udepur Asala 22°23'0" N 73°56'0" E Dug Well 12.50 4.57 3.42 4.40
259 Chhota Udepur Asar 22°12'13" N 74°0'38" E Dug Well 17.20 11.40 11.90
260 Chhota Udepur Baladgam 22°8'15" N 74°0'30" E Dug Well 13.00 7.15 12.05 13.00
261 Chhota Udepur Bhindol 22°12'0" N 73°54'0" E Dug Well 8.48 4.29 3.70 5.58
262 Chhota Udepur Chavaria 22°11'15" N 73°59'15" E Dug Well 10.90 5.60 10.20 12.30
263 Chhota Udepur Chhota udepur 22°18'30" N 74°1'0" E Dug Well 6.90 4.24 4.23 4.90
264 Chhota Udepur Chisadia 22°24'0" N 74°8'0" E Dug Well 11.88 4.40 4.40 11.88
265 Chhota Udepur Chota udepur 22°18'30" N 74°1'0" E Bore Well 3.20 2.33
266 Chhota Udepur Ferkuva 22°22'0" N 74°12'30" E Dug Well 6.20 1.43 3.00 4.10
267 Chhota Udepur Ghamodi 22°22'0" N 74°4'30" E Dug Well 8.85 2.21 4.35 5.65
268 Chhota Udepur Govindpura 22°12'40" N 73°44'29" E Dug Well 5.66 2.16 3.99 4.70
269 Chhota Udepur Jojh 22°26'30" N 73°57'45" E Dug Well 13.42 6.56 7.50 8.10
270 Chhota Udepur Kaprali 21°58'45" N 73°56'30" E Dug Well 8.64 3.69 4.30 5.60
271 Chhota Udepur Kevadi 22°31'0" N 73°56'30" E Dug Well 6.90 2.65 4.62 5.35
272 Chhota Udepur Kosindra Pz-I 22°8'48" N 73°45'20" E Bore Well 3.88 3.30 2.80 2.90
273 Chhota Udepur Makni 22°13'30" N 73°40'45" E Dug Cum
Bore Well 14.06 9.70
274 Chhota Udepur Moti chikhali 22°0'40" N 74°5'0" E Dug Well 4.03 3.79 3.10 3.20
275 Chhota Udepur Panwad 22°12'0" N 74°2'30" E Dug Well 10.00 2.67 5.72 7.38
276 Chhota Udepur Pavi 22°20'30" N 73°50'0" E Dug Well 3.97 0.60 4.85 4.50
277 Chhota Udepur Pitha 22°15'15" N 73°38'30" E Dug Well 8.24 1.96 4.86 4.92
278 Chhota Udepur Saidivasana 22°3'30" N 74°1'0" E Dug Well 6.70 2.22 2.70 3.45
279 Chhota Udepur Sengpur 22°2'15" N 73°53'15" E Dug Well 9.32 2.97 3.82 6.30
280 Chhota Udepur Vadtalav Pz 22°15'31" N 73°47'2" E Bore Well 9.86 5.60 4.50 6.70
281 Chhota Udepur Vagudan 22°4'0" N 74°8'30" E Dug Well 6.93 4.58 5.60 6.93
282 DAMAN Ambawadi 20°24'10" N 72°50'40" E Dug Well 4.10 1.50 3.10 3.28
283 DAMAN Dabhel 20°24'40" N 72°53'10" E Dug Well 1.70 7.10
284 DAMAN Dalwada 20°26'35" N 72°51'7" E Dug Well 7.55 0.75 3.15 3.27
285 DAMAN Daman 20°25'27" N 72°51'1" E Bore Well 9.45 0.95 2.55 2.65
286 DAMAN Jempore 20°22'40" N 72°49'37" E Dug Well 1.30 1.30 1.36
287 DAMAN Morwad 20°26'7" N 72°49'52" E Dug Well 4.60 4.72
288 DAMAN Warkund 20°24'29" N 72°51'35" E Dug Well 0.90 2.80 2.94
289 Devbhumi Amaliya Chokri 22°14'25" N 69°7'31" E Dug Well
Dwarka 3.39 1.31 2.80 3.65
290 Devbhumi Ambardi 21°54'59" N 69°51'29" E Dug Well
Dwarka 5.59 1.06 2.44
291 Devbhumi Aramda 22°26'0" N 69°2'30" E Dug Well
Dwarka 5.95 0.85 4.80 4.30
292 Devbhumi Bhadthar 22°4'45" N 69°34'45" E Dug Well
Dwarka 9.26 0.86 4.03
293 Devbhumi Bhatia 22°5'30" N 69°18'5" E Dug Well
Dwarka 3.36 0.43 1.16 1.86
294 Devbhumi Bhatiya 22°5'40" N 69°16'0" E Bore Well
Dwarka 2.29 0.00 1.00
295 Devbhumi Bhogat1 21°59'30" N 69°14'45" E Dug Well
Dwarka 5.23 2.06 6.30
296 Devbhumi Dwarka 22°14'45" N 68°57'30" E Dug Well
Dwarka 7.21 5.73 6.80 7.50
297 Devbhumi Juvanpur 22°10'15" N 69°22'0" E Dug Well
Dwarka 7.31 1.82 3.63 5.40
298 Devbhumi Kajuda 22°20'0" N 69°42'30" E Dug Well
Dwarka 3.82 1.17 2.80 2.88
299 Devbhumi Kalyanpur2 22°1'0" N 69°23'30" E Dug Well
Dwarka 12.85 0.52 1.72
300 Devbhumi Khambhaliya 22°12'35" N 69°38'45" E Bore Well
Dwarka 3.93 2.07 4.30
301 Devbhumi Khirsara 21°58'45" N 69°36'0" E Dug Well
Dwarka 0.60 0.11 1.19 7.42
302 Devbhumi Kuvadia 22°12'5" N 69°35'0" E Dug Well
Dwarka 4.05 1.77 3.23 21.55
303 Devbhumi Lambha 1 21°53'56" N 69°19'25" E Dug Well
Dwarka 3.70 1.27 1.05 2.20
304 Devbhumi Modpar 21°51'30" N 69°48'30" E Dug Well
Dwarka 17.40 1.13 2.84 8.62
305 Devbhumi Mojap 22°22'0" N 68°59'0" E Dug Well
Dwarka 7.40 1.06 2.76 5.09
306 Devbhumi Mota kalawad 21°54'30" N 69°49'45" E Dug Well
Dwarka 20.00 1.96 3.16 10.31
307 Devbhumi Pindara1 22°14'50" N 69°15'30" E Dug Well
Dwarka 5.41 3.21 6.41 3.57
308 Devbhumi Raval 21°55'47" N 69°29'31" E Dug Well
Dwarka 4.33 1.26 4.65 5.10
309 Devbhumi Salaya 22°18'20" N 69°36'15" E Dug Well
Dwarka 2.67 1.34 2.44
310 Devbhumi Samrasar1 22°22'30" N 69°6'15" E Dug Well
Dwarka 2.65 1.45 2.20 3.15
311 Devbhumi Vadtara 22°12'30" N 69°30'0" E Dug Well
Dwarka 4.25 0.45 1.63 9.70
312 Devbhumi Varwada 22°17'30" N 68°58'0" E Dug Cum
Dwarka Bore Well 15.65 0.92 5.60
313 Devbhumi Vinjhalpur 22°9'0" N 69°36'0" E Dug Well
Dwarka 5.33 1.53 3.22 3.70
314 DIU Chakarteeth_Pz 20°42'30" N 70°58'8" E Tube Well 5.42 5.85 6.15 5.60
315 DIU Gomtimata 20°42'30" N 70°52'35" E Dug Well 8.05 3.69 3.83 4.50
316 DIU Jalawadi 20°43'18" N 70°55'59" E Dug Well 5.89 1.55 2.52 5.19
317 Dohad Ambakatch 22°40'0" N 74°13'13" E Dug Well 2.55 1.08 1.17 1.31
318 Dohad Bapda 22°40'12" N 73°50'30" E Dug Well 7.14 1.52 7.83 8.52
319 Dohad Dabhava 22°35'0" N 73°54'15" E Dug Well 3.65
320 Dohad Dadhela 22°50'15" N 74°4'0" E Dug Well 6.97 0.05 3.40 4.15
321 Dohad Dahod 22°50'25" N 74°15'45" E Bore Well 1.14 1.13 1.50 1.30
322 Dohad Dahod2 22°49'30" N 74°14'0" E Dug Well 8.40
323 Dohad Devgadh Baria 22°42'0" N 73°54'50" E Dug Well 10.83 5.04 7.58 7.74
324 Dohad Devgadh bariya 22°42'0" N 73°55'0" E Bore Well 13.66 4.74 7.53 9.70
325 Dohad Dhanpur 22°38'0" N 74°6'15" E Dug Well 10.36 7.00 8.20
326 Dohad Dohad_Urban1 22°51'27" N 74°14'58" E Dug Well 5.15 3.25 4.13 5.27
327 Dohad Dohad_Urban2 22°50'41" N 74°16'0" E Dug Well 7.35 3.63 5.45 5.35
328 Dohad Dohad_Urban3 22°50'23" N 74°14'2" E Dug Well 4.70 1.47 4.07 4.77
329 Dohad Fatepura(Karodia) 23°15'15" N 74°1'45" E Bore Well 12.02 5.68 9.27 10.90
330 Dohad Garada 23°9'53" N 74°7'22" E Dug Well 3.00
331 Dohad Garbara 22°40'50" N 74°18'45" E Dug Well 3.63 2.05 1.75 1.71
332 Dohad Jhalod 23°5'35" N 74°8'50" E Bore Well 9.35 4.85 7.24 5.20
333 Dohad Jhalod1 23°5'30" N 74°8'0" E Dug Well 13.10 4.00
334 Dohad Kanjetha 22°34'50" N 74°6'50" E Dug Well 9.30 3.75 5.47 0.75
335 Dohad Khandania 22°42'15" N 73°50'15" E Dug Well 12.93 7.84 10.60 13.00
336 Dohad Limbdi2 23°0'15" N 74°9'30" E Dug Well 2.20 0.75 1.25 1.90
337 Dohad Limkheda 22°49'50" N 73°59'10" E Bore Well 7.67 2.34 5.45 4.71
338 Dohad Mirakhedi 22°56'0" N 74°12'0" E Dug Well 5.88 0.44 2.38 4.91
339 Dohad Panchwada 22°43'45" N 74°18'30" E Dug Well 4.69 1.47 4.01 2.50
340 Dohad Pipero 22°38'50" N 74°5'25" E Bore Well 10.89 4.63 6.18 7.80
341 Dohad Salaya1 22°48'30" N 73°53'30" E Dug Well 14.20 2.74 6.42 9.72
342 Dohad Sarsava 23°13'40" N 73°58'37" E Dug Well 3.95 0.36
343 Dohad Sukhsar 23°9'0" N 74°3'0" E Dug Well 9.55 5.00 6.41 7.55
344 Dohad Thada 22°56'58" N 74°5'20" E Dug Well 10.30 0.10 5.15 10.30
345 Dohad Tokarba 22°36'15" N 74°2'15" E Dug Well 5.85 0.95 3.95 5.13
346 Dohad Varamkheda 22°48'0" N 74°16'30" E Dug Well 1.45 0.48 1.86 0.85
347 Dohad Wadia 22°54'0" N 74°3'0" E Dug Well 7.64 1.46 5.49 6.59
348 Gandhinagar Adalaj_Pz_I 23°10'30" N 72°33'30" E Tube Well 105.58 139.63
349 Gandhinagar Adalaj_Pz_II 23°10'30" N 72°33'30" E Tube Well 89.35 109.82 93.92
350 Gandhinagar Adalaj_Pz_III 23°10'30" N 72°33'30" E Tube Well 26.30
351 Gandhinagar Amrapur Pzi 23°22'25" N 72°42'18" E Tube Well 106.60
352 Gandhinagar Amrapur Pzii 23°22'25" N 72°42'18" E Tube Well 86.80
353 Gandhinagar Charada Pz -II 23°28'54" N 72°39'6" E Tube Well 102.40 111.70 117.53 119.77
354 Gandhinagar Charada_Pz_I 23°28'54" N 72°39'6" E Tube Well 194.08 182.50 194.28 196.74
355 Gandhinagar Dahegam I 23°10'15" N 72°50'30" E Tube Well 74.90 73.26 77.42 80.12
356 Gandhinagar Gandhinagar II 23°14'5" N 72°38'30" E Tube Well 58.70
357 Gandhinagar Kalol(Rep)_Pz_II 23°14'36" N 72°29'6" E Tube Well 124.08 129.54 133.34
358 Gandhinagar Kalol_Pz_IV 23°14'36" N 72°29'6" E Tube Well 59.21 57.20
359 Gandhinagar Kasturinagar(IFFCO) 23°11'25" N 72°33'10" E Tube Well 14.15 7.65 14.47 14.51
360 Gandhinagar Kharoj Dabhi Pz I 23°22'48" N 72°31'12" E Tube Well 142.93 138.75
361 Gandhinagar Kharoj Dabhi Pz II 23°22'48" N 72°31'12" E Tube Well 158.79 146.68
362 Gandhinagar Lakroda Pz 23°25'48" N 72°47'24" E Tube Well 75.10
363 Gandhinagar Lodra 23°27'50" N 72°43'13" E Tube Well 52.40
364 Gandhinagar Mansa 23°25'23" N 72°39'54" E Tube Well 180.36 119.65 121.82 119.54
365 Gandhinagar Nardipur i 23°19'55" N 72°34'0" E Tube Well 96.89 97.15
366 Gandhinagar Padusma Pz I 23°29'39" N 72°37'18" E Tube Well 183.35
367 Gandhinagar Paliya 23°10'45" N 72°50'30" E Dug Cum
Bore Well 17.52 13.10
368 Gandhinagar Pethapur_Pz-I 23°16'2" N 72°40'23" E Tube Well 107.24 111.82
369 Gandhinagar Pethapur_Pz-II 23°16'2" N 72°40'23" E Tube Well 76.76 82.40
370 Gandhinagar Pethapur_Pz-III 23°16'2" N 72°40'23" E Tube Well 34.86
371 Gandhinagar Sardhav Pz -I 23°17'50" N 72°34'26" E Tube Well 122.94 120.60 136.98 121.00
372 Gandhinagar Sardhav Pz-II 23°17'50" N 72°34'26" E Tube Well 132.18 144.30
373 Gandhinagar Serthapara1 23°11'40" N 72°34'0" E Dug Well 20.45 15.40 17.33
374 Gir Somnath Ajotha 20°54'7" N 70°31'5" E Dug Well 20.67 0.00 4.41
375 Gir Somnath Alwani 21°13'50" N 70°38'15" E Dug Well 0.68
376 Gir Somnath Amervel Nes 21°0'32" N 70°43'33" E Dug Well 1.07 2.90
377 Gir Somnath Ankolvadi 21°2'50" N 70°39'30" E Dug Cum
Bore Well 10.31
378 Gir Somnath Ankolvadi 1 21°2'49" N 70°39'53" E Dug Well 19.90 2.15 2.80
379 Gir Somnath Bhim Deval 20°58'39" N 70°36'33" E Dug Well 9.54 2.50 9.20 10.15
380 Gir Somnath Dhokadva 20°57'30" N 71°4'15" E Dug Well 10.80 9.88 10.14 9.68
381 Gir Somnath Gangda_Pz 20°51'30" N 71°10'0" E Tube Well 6.70 0.58 2.02 2.92
382 Gir Somnath Girgadhada 20°55'30" N 70°55'0" E Dug Well 6.75 1.84 3.30 17.82
383 Gir Somnath Govindpura2 20°56'45" N 70°23'45" E Dug Well 28.35 5.80 6.00 8.09
384 Gir Somnath Jambur[madhapar 21°1'45" N 70°36'30" E Dug Well 6.04 2.47 3.11 3.76
385 Gir Somnath Jamvala 20°59'5" N 70°46'10" E Bore Well 5.10 1.25 7.82
386 Gir Somnath Jamvala1 20°59'0" N 70°45'45" E Dug Well 5.77 4.12 5.55 5.52
387 Gir Somnath Jargla Jargali 20°52'51" N 70°59'3" E Dug Well 7.50 0.94 5.80 12.08
388 Gir Somnath Kansari 20°52'12" N 71°3'4" E Dug Well 9.75 1.59 2.34 5.26
389 Gir Somnath Kesariya1 20°47'47" N 70°56'31" E Dug Well 16.65 1.25 2.25 13.38
390 Gir Somnath Kodinar 20°48'0" N 70°41'30" E Tube Well 9.58 1.46 2.78 5.14
391 Gir Somnath Kodinar1 20°48'0" N 70°41'30" E Dug Well 13.48 2.37 5.01 8.18
392 Gir Somnath Moraj 20°59'0" N 70°26'10" E Dug Well 9.85 1.98 8.30 10.11
393 Gir Somnath Prachi_Pz 20°55'19" N 70°36'48" E Tube Well 8.12 3.12 4.80 6.52
394 Gir Somnath Prasli 20°51'3" N 70°40'9" E Dug Well 11.95 0.81 2.20 12.56
395 Gir Somnath Sametar 20°51'15" N 71°7'15" E Dug Well 9.75 3.55 5.48 4.65
396 Gir Somnath Talala_Pz 21°3'50" N 70°32'18" E Bore Well 8.28
397 Gir Somnath Talala1 21°3'5" N 70°31'30" E Dug Well 9.04 2.29 5.26 8.58
398 Gir Somnath Una1 20°49'30" N 71°2'40" E Tube Well 4.90
399 Gir Somnath Una2 20°49'30" N 71°2'30" E Dug Well 6.50 5.18 3.42
400 Jamnagar Amran_Pz 22°49'20" N 70°32'45" E Bore Well 3.31 0.60
401 Jamnagar Amran1 22°49'45" N 70°33'45" E Dug Well 0.91 0.67 0.76 2.55
402 Jamnagar Balwa 21°54'15" N 69°57'30" E Dug Well 12.73 1.90 11.44
403 Jamnagar Bed1 22°26'15" N 69°54'0" E Dug Well 6.63 2.02 5.04 5.49
404 Jamnagar Bedanpur 22°41'0" N 70°19'0" E Dug Well 1.81 0.53 1.02 1.02
405 Jamnagar Changa 22°21'0" N 70°2'30" E Dug Cum
Bore Well 10.46 1.01 4.00 8.25
406 Jamnagar Dhrol1 22°33'45" N 70°25'30" E Bore Well 0.15
407 Jamnagar Dhrol2 22°34'0" N 70°25'0" E Dug Well 3.66 0.00 1.71
408 Jamnagar Drafa 21°57'30" N 70°4'30" E Dug Well 5.59 10.03 2.77
409 Jamnagar Dudhai2 22°47'30" N 70°30'15" E Dug Well 3.06 0.58 1.60 1.05
410 Jamnagar Falla 1 22°32'1" N 70°18'51" E Dug Well 7.66 0.00 2.41
411 Jamnagar Gordhanpur 22°27'0" N 70°0'5" E Dug Well 3.05 1.18 1.50 3.55
412 Jamnagar Haripur2 22°16'15" N 70°20'0" E Dug Cum
Bore Well 17.16 0.32 1.21 5.88
413 Jamnagar Haryana 22°36'30" N 70°15'45" E Dug Well 2.31 4.28
414 Jamnagar Jambuda 22°31'30" N 70°12'15" E Dug Well 7.71 1.08 1.74 3.95
415 Jamnagar Jamjodhpur 21°54'20" N 70°1'50" E Bore Well 4.39 1.24 4.81
416 Jamnagar Jamnagar1 22°28'15" N 70°3'0" E Bore Well 6.32 0.42 0.35 2.79
417 Jamnagar Jamnagar2 22°27'30" N 70°4'45" E Dug Well 5.97 0.96 1.88
418 Jamnagar Kalavad1 22°12'59" N 70°23'20" E Bore Well 2.30
419 Jamnagar Kalawad 22°13'0" N 70°23'0" E Dug Well 3.10 2.34 2.81
420 Jamnagar Kesia 22°41'47" N 70°23'49" E Dug Well 9.10 1.70 3.01 5.85
421 Jamnagar Lalpur 22°11'30" N 69°56'20" E Bore Well 5.96
422 Jamnagar Lalpur1 22°11'30" N 69°57'40" E Dug Well 7.65 5.27 5.10
423 Jamnagar Manapur 22°1'8" N 69°53'2" E Dug Well 5.98
424 Jamnagar Motagop 22°2'15" N 69°52'30" E Dug Well 5.08 0.05 9.52 9.52
425 Jamnagar Moti khavdi 22°23'15" N 69°52'0" E Dug Well 4.02 1.15 2.43 3.20
426 Jamnagar Moti matli 22°19'0" N 70°15'50" E Dug Well 20.23 0.70 1.75 4.05
427 Jamnagar Nikava 22°11'30" N 70°32'0" E Dug Well 2.24 1.92 2.02 2.25
428 Jamnagar Seth vadala 22°2'0" N 70°7'30" E Dug Well 6.98 1.15 4.20 2.85
429 Jamnagar Sumana 22°6'30" N 70°10'0" E Dug Well 7.66 1.10 2.13 4.35
430 Jamnagar Toda 22°3'45" N 70°23'0" E Dug Well 0.01 0.00 0.60 1.49
431 Jamnagar Vad panchasara 22°14'0" N 70°7'0" E Dug Well 15.85 1.39 3.05 4.55
432 Jamnagar Vijarkha 22°25'0" N 70°11'0" E Dug Well 2.41 0.71 2.10 2.10
433 Junagadh Anandpur 21°24'37" N 70°31'5" E Dug Well 12.17 1.75 3.90 5.55
434 Junagadh Arena 21°4'50" N 70°10'35" E Dug Well 10.70 2.09 5.33 6.98
435 Junagadh Bamanwara 21°13'15" N 70°3'20" E Dug Well 9.26 0.85 4.31 6.14
436 Junagadh Bantva 21°29'15" N 70°5'0" E Dug Well 10.50 0.00 5.85 5.67
437 Junagadh Bhatsimroli 21°13'25" N 70°11'0" E Dug Well 1.06 5.92 18.40
438 Junagadh Bilkha 21°26'20" N 70°36'0" E Dug Well 7.38 1.67 4.70 4.15
439 Junagadh Budhecha 21°5'45" N 70°13'0" E Dug Well 6.88 0.76 5.52
440 Junagadh Chokli 21°36'7" N 70°32'30" E Dug Well 16.31 1.18 4.30 6.95
441 Junagadh Chorwad 21°2'30" N 70°13'0" E Dug Well 6.38 0.00 4.68
442 Junagadh Gadu 21°3'15" N 70°16'45" E Tube Well 44.20 8.84 23.40 25.53
443 Junagadh Galodar 21°8'50" N 70°16'30" E Dug Well 7.37 5.07 9.86 12.18
444 Junagadh Goraj1 21°11'0" N 70°9'15" E Dug Well 32.55 1.55 7.50 16.00
445 Junagadh Junagadh 21°30'34" N 70°27'44" E Bore Well 12.10 4.35 6.80 10.25
446 Junagadh Junagadh1 21°31'0" N 70°27'30" E Dug Well 7.10 0.00 1.40 1.92
447 Junagadh Juthal 21°10'0" N 70°16'0" E Dug Well 6.34 4.40 6.33 6.71
448 Junagadh Kalej 21°14'55" N 70°3'30" E Dug Well 6.10 0.37 4.40 3.35
449 Junagadh Kanek 21°1'50" N 70°14'30" E Dug Well 10.01 1.87 3.80 5.76
450 Junagadh Kasia Naka Check 21°16'13" N 70°40'50" E Dug Well
Post 1.75 1.52 0.70
451 Junagadh Kenedipur 21°16'20" N 70°28'47" E Bore Well 3.21 0.51 2.15 1.62
452 Junagadh Kewarda 21°16'0" N 70°12'30" E Dug Well 12.25 3.00 9.49 14.30
453 Junagadh Khambalia1 21°2'40" N 70°11'30" E Dug Well 8.44 6.31 9.13 8.41
454 Junagadh Khokharda 21°25'15" N 70°19'0" E Dug Well 17.40 0.77 2.00 5.80
455 Junagadh Khorada1 21°3'50" N 70°10'25" E Dug Well 7.31 0.40 4.23 2.20
456 Junagadh Khoras ahir 21°22'15" N 70°20'20" E Dug Well 15.75 0.30 4.74 7.75
457 Junagadh Kukaswada 21°3'15" N 70°12'30" E Dug Well 11.34 3.01 5.43 8.32
458 Junagadh Lohej 21°10'0" N 70°4'0" E Dug Well 9.01 6.61 9.30 9.60
459 Junagadh Maktupur1 21°8'35" N 70°5'45" E Dug Well 7.21 4.08 9.50 7.50
460 Junagadh Mandawad 21°21'30" N 70°44'45" E Dug Well 13.02 2.83 5.91 12.51
461 Junagadh Mangrol 21°7'30" N 70°6'30" E Tube Well 16.77 12.53 16.60 16.72
462 Junagadh Mangrol1 21°7'50" N 70°7'10" E Dug Well 9.40 5.63 9.84 9.59
463 Junagadh Manketara 21°9'0" N 70°7'45" E Dug Well 13.14 9.61 13.20 14.43
464 Junagadh Mendarda 21°19'30" N 70°26'25" E Bore Well 9.15
465 Junagadh Mendarda1 21°19'30" N 70°26'0" E Dug Well 15.74 1.69 9.60 14.50
466 Junagadh Patla 21°36'15" N 70°34'9" E Dug Well 9.38 0.55 2.98 4.52
467 Junagadh Prempara 21°18'0" N 70°42'0" E Dug Well 18.20 3.61 5.82 10.50
468 Junagadh Saradiya 21°35'19" N 70°2'15" E Dug Well 7.03 0.00 2.40 10.35
469 Junagadh Sepa 21°7'0" N 70°13'10" E Dug Well 20.30 1.91 18.20 19.78
470 Junagadh Seriakhan 21°8'0" N 70°14'55" E Dug Well 17.33 4.63 15.03 17.03
471 Junagadh Shardagram 21°6'15" N 70°9'10" E Dug Well 7.70 9.50 10.32
472 Junagadh Sil 21°11'8" N 70°2'47" E Dug Well 4.72 0.12 5.94 4.54
473 Junagadh Sil bandar 21°13'25" N 70°3'20" E Dug Well 2.89 1.88 4.85 2.93
474 Junagadh Vadal 21°36'32" N 70°30'8" E Dug Well 1.58 3.70 7.45
475 Junagadh Vanthali ii 21°28'15" N 70°19'40" E Dug Well 7.93 1.15 3.59 3.22
476 Junagadh Visavadar 21°20'20" N 70°44'55" E Bore Well 17.37 5.50 8.73
477 Kachchh Asambia mota_Pz 22°58'5" N 69°27'5" E Tube Well 8.50 5.57 2.17
478 Kachchh Asambia mota1 22°58'5" N 69°26'15" E Dug Well 16.45 5.50 7.35 4.18
479 Kachchh Balasar 23°50'40" N 70°40'10" E Tube Well 8.37 3.00 6.35 7.62
480 Kachchh Bambhdai 22°56'20" N 69°4'58" E Dug Well 4.58 2.62 3.20 3.72
481 Kachchh Bhadreshwar 22°54'0" N 69°54'0" E Dug Well 9.20 2.80 2.65 3.03
482 Kachchh Bhuj (Circuit House) 23°15'0" N 69°40'0" E Dug Well 20.19 18.07 16.42 13.72
483 Kachchh Chandranagar 23°27'0" N 69°24'0" E Dug Well 8.67 7.10 8.40 8.67
484 Kachchh Dayapar1 23°38'0" N 68°52'15" E Dug Well 23.00
485 Kachchh Desalpur 23°12'10" N 69°26'45" E Tube Well 7.55 2.90 5.85 5.25
486 Kachchh Deshalpur rapar 23°44'50" N 70°40'45" E Dug Well 15.22 5.05 8.95 11.92
487 Kachchh Devisar 23°24'10" N 69°19'45" E Dug Well 13.43 12.70 12.85 12.04
488 Kachchh Dholavira 23°53'0" N 70°13'0" E Dug Well 11.63 2.90 5.70 6.97
489 Kachchh Dhori1 23°26'0" N 69°45'15" E Dug Well 12.13
490 Kachchh Dunai 23°3'0" N 69°30'0" E Dug Well 13.01 4.69 7.36 8.01
491 Kachchh Gadhsisa 23°6'22" N 69°20'28" E Tube Well 67.55 64.20 69.05 67.01
492 Kachchh Gagodar 23°25'0" N 70°48'0" E Dug Well 32.30 33.00 26.10 25.78
493 Kachchh Gandhidham2 23°4'32" N 70°9'5" E Dug Well 12.40
494 Kachchh Haboi 23°21'30" N 69°52'0" E Dug Well 0.62 0.00 0.19 0.44
495 Kachchh Kakarwa 23°28'30" N 70°24'15" E Dug Well 17.45 17.45 17.45
496 Kachchh Karagoga 22°56'30" N 69°39'45" E Dug Well 2.58 1.27 0.50 0.47
497 Kachchh Kharai_1 23°27'47" N 68°41'8" E Dug Well 1.42
498 Kachchh Kharoi 23°27'15" N 70°21'0" E Dug Well 7.11 2.35 2.60 4.00
499 Kachchh Khavada 23°50'20" N 69°43'50" E Dug Well 6.34 5.49 4.59 5.54
500 Kachchh Khavda 23°50'40" N 69°43'55" E Tube Well 8.10 7.30 5.90 6.25
501 Kachchh Kotada 23°22'37" N 69°11'57" E Dug Well 37.00 37.00 39.80
502 Kachchh Kotaya 23°2'30" N 69°4'30" E Dug Well 13.60 8.90 10.00 10.30
503 Kachchh Kuda 23°32'4" N 70°26'25" E Dug Well 26.67 16.30 19.85 27.30
504 Kachchh Lakhpat 23°49'23" N 68°46'30" E Dug Well 6.70 5.08 3.30 3.95
505 Kachchh Lilpur 23°30'40" N 70°39'0" E Dug Well 0.50 0.30 0.67 0.98
506 Kachchh Lodai 23°24'0" N 69°53'30" E Dug Cum
Bore Well 16.91 15.20 14.75 15.34
507 Kachchh Luni 22°52'24" N 69°48'42" E Dug Well 8.86 5.90 4.45 4.82
508 Kachchh Madhapar 23°13'55" N 69°41'50" E Tube Well 55.07 45.67 48.57 47.67
509 Kachchh Mandvi 22°50'32" N 69°22'15" E Tube Well 30.85 17.15 19.55 20.85
510 Kachchh Mata no madh 23°32'0" N 68°57'0" E Dug Well 9.04 5.51 7.72 6.59
511 Kachchh Mathak1 22°59'50" N 70°1'30" E Dug Well 3.87 11.65
512 Kachchh Mokha 22°57'0" N 69°48'0" E Dug Cum
Bore Well 17.66
513 Kachchh Mothala 23°12'30" N 69°7'30" E Dug Well 3.08 2.24 1.78 1.94
514 Kachchh Moti cher 23°45'30" N 68°40'30" E Dug Well 3.15 1.74 1.96 2.03
515 Kachchh Mundra 22°49'40" N 69°43'15" E Tube Well 6.60 1.30 2.45 2.90
516 Kachchh Naliya 23°15'21" N 68°50'24" E Tube Well 13.34 11.15 11.35 10.92
517 Kachchh Naliya (Bus S) 23°16'0" N 68°50'0" E Dug Well 10.42 8.04 7.54 8.69
518 Kachchh Nirona 23°27'55" N 69°31'30" E Tube Well 19.02 17.40 20.50 17.35
519 Kachchh Palaswa Pz II 23°28'18" N 70°55'15" E Tube Well 3.30 1.80 2.05 2.67
520 Kachchh Panchasar Pz I 23°32'53" N 70°46'13" E Tube Well 100.28 94.55 10.15 11.62
521 Kachchh Panchasar Pz II 23°32'53" N 70°46'13" E Tube Well 30.10 29.95 30.65 30.68
522 Kachchh Rapar 23°34'30" N 70°38'30" E Tube Well 23.35 22.55 23.00 22.50
523 Kachchh Rapar2 23°34'0" N 70°38'15" E Dug Well 28.46 24.96 27.08 26.02
524 Kachchh Ratanpur Khadir1 23°51'39" N 70°21'47" E Dug Well 17.81 8.00 8.55 9.75
525 Kachchh Ratanpur(maum.) 23°6'30" N 69°17'30" E Dug Well 2.90 0.00 2.25 2.32
526 Kachchh Rawapar 23°31'0" N 69°4'30" E Dug Well 14.70
527 Kachchh Rudramata 23°23'30" N 69°42'30" E Dug Well 11.40 2.86 2.92 3.82
528 Kachchh Samkhiari 23°18'0" N 70°30'30" E Dug Well 3.62 1.45 16.55 3.30
529 Kachchh Sedat 23°10'17" N 69°38'15" E Dug Well 11.43 10.60 11.20 11.00
530 Kachchh Shinaya 23°2'0" N 70°3'15" E Dug Well 5.85 1.22 1.65 1.22
531 Kachchh Sudana Vandh Pz I 23°39'14" N 70°32'20" E Tube Well 5.00 4.60 5.85 5.38
532 Kachchh Sudana Vandh Pz II 23°39'14" N 70°32'20" E Tube Well 4.70 4.51 4.00 3.90
533 Kachchh Sukhpar 23°12'30" N 69°37'0" E Dug Well 15.28 13.10 12.15 11.85
534 Kachchh Suthri 23°2'2" N 68°54'55" E Dug Well 9.45 10.15
535 Kachchh Tera 23°17'0" N 68°56'50" E Dug Well 12.37 11.87 9.62 9.40
536 Kachchh Ugardi 23°27'47" N 69°8'17" E Dug Well 30.46 28.10 23.35 26.40
537 Kachchh Vadala 22°54'58" N 69°51'20" E Dug Well 12.00 3.95 4.25 6.10
538 Kachchh Vinjhan1 23°6'0" N 69°1'30" E Dug Well 8.05 2.05 2.50 3.47
539 Kheda Alina 22°48'30" N 73°3'30" E Dug Well 9.25 8.36 8.38 8.47
540 Kheda Alindra 22°42'3" N 72°58'36" E Dug Well 11.50 6.15 8.73 11.03
541 Kheda Boriyavi 22°38'8" N 72°54'33" E Dug Well 9.76 5.91
542 Kheda Dakor 22°45'45" N 73°10'10" E Dug Well 6.54 4.05 5.17 5.52
543 Kheda Kalesar 22°43'15" N 73°11'30" E Dug Well 2.65 0.50 1.85 2.23
544 Kheda Kapadvanj 23°0'15" N 73°5'30" E Dug Well 11.12 2.82 5.74 8.16
545 Kheda Kheda 22°44'15" N 72°42'15" E Dug Well 6.86 3.82 2.05 2.40
546 Kheda Ladvel 22°54'30" N 73°7'15" E Dug Well 1.80 0.10 1.18 1.44
547 Kheda Mahudha 22°47'0" N 72°56'30" E Dug Well 4.15 1.65 2.95 2.80
548 Kheda Matar I 22°42'35" N 72°40'5" E Tube Well 16.92 15.82 14.82 16.92
549 Kheda Matar II 22°42'35" N 72°40'5" E Tube Well 9.58 3.33 4.71 6.40
550 Kheda Muliyad 22°46'59" N 73°10'36" E Dug Well 1.30 0.30 1.37 1.37
551 Kheda Nadiad Pz-I 22°42'40" N 72°52'0" E Tube Well 20.20 14.82 18.50 18.30
552 Kheda Nes_Pz 22°42'30" N 73°12'10" E Tube Well 10.17 1.14 8.17 8.42
553 Kheda Sarkhej _ I 22°59'10" N 72°52'50" E Tube Well 32.05 32.00 23.90 23.95
554 Kheda Sarkhej _ II 22°59'10" N 72°52'50" E Tube Well 32.95 32.95 29.42 25.45
555 Kheda Sarkhej _ Pz-III 22°59'10" N 72°52'50" E Tube Well 36.60 36.15 34.08 34.00
556 Kheda Shekhupura 22°34'30" N 72°37'30" E Dug Well 0.55 0.10 0.05 0.30
557 Kheda Thasra 22°47'40" N 73°12'40" E Tube Well 2.95 2.92
558 Kheda Vaso 22°39'40" N 72°45'15" E Tube Well 6.35 0.04 4.95 6.75
559 Kheda Vyas vasna 23°6'20" N 73°6'15" E Bore Well 23.85 12.10 11.32 13.42
560 Mahesana Asjol 23°30'30" N 72°11'0" E Dug Well 5.69 2.10 3.32
561 Mahesana Bhalu Moti Pz I 24°2'24" N 72°42'36" E Bore Well 14.45 15.89 16.57
562 Mahesana Bhandupara 23°43'30" N 72°23'0" E Dug Well 9.11 6.76 7.29 7.60
563 Mahesana Budasan 23°17'15" N 72°22'30" E Dug Well 4.93 2.13 2.92 3.60
564 Mahesana Daran_Pz-I 23°12'23" N 72°16'47" E Tube Well 101.40 92.73 104.55 105.03
565 Mahesana Daran_Pz-II 23°12'23" N 72°16'47" E Tube Well 44.81 44.63 44.63 44.67
566 Mahesana Daran_Pz-III 23°12'23" N 72°16'47" E Tube Well 2.58
567 Mahesana Dharpura 23°32'45" N 72°6'45" E Dug Well 7.72 5.96 5.15 5.27
568 Mahesana Dosaj 23°50'30" N 72°27'0" E Dug Well 16.85 11.48 11.11 12.06
569 Mahesana Jaska(Sy_4")Pz_II 23°49'25" N 72°32'5" E Tube Well 16.16 16.26 17.76 16.18
570 Mahesana Jotana Pzi 23°28'26" N 72°17'16" E Tube Well 137.65 124.55 142.90 146.08
571 Mahesana Jotana Pzii 23°28'26" N 72°17'16" E Tube Well 18.18
572 Mahesana Jotana Pziii 23°28'0" N 72°17'50" E Tube Well 17.18 16.42
573 Mahesana Kalyanpur 23°7'37" N 72°11'35" E Tube Well 4.33
574 Mahesana Karalli ( i) 23°48'15" N 72°29'10" E Tube Well 133.89 133.90 142.50 143.12
575 Mahesana Karalli (iii) 23°48'15" N 72°29'10" E Tube Well 11.90 12.50 10.75 11.33
576 Mahesana Karalli II 23°48'15" N 72°29'10" E Tube Well 48.56 46.08 48.32 48.64
577 Mahesana Kheralu (deep) 23°53'52" N 72°36'38" E Tube Well 49.08 46.52 47.66 48.37
578 Mahesana Kheralu(shallow 23°53'52" N 72°36'38" E Tube Well 3.99 2.05 2.15 3.22
579 Mahesana Kheralu1 23°53'15" N 72°36'45" E Dug Well 9.85 7.43 12.58 8.52
580 Mahesana Maguna 23°34'40" N 72°17'20" E Dug Well 7.45 6.17 4.43 5.47
581 Mahesana Mau 23°30'37" N 72°31'9" E Tube Well 9.23 8.20 7.93 8.14
582 Mahesana Mehsana IV 23°35'51" N 72°23'55" E Tube Well 29.43
583 Mahesana Mehsana v 23°35'51" N 72°23'55" E Tube Well 29.84
584 Mahesana Mehsana I 23°35'51" N 72°23'55" E Tube Well 154.13 152.33 154.87
585 Mahesana Mehsana II 23°35'51" N 72°23'55" E Tube Well 154.33 153.02 155.42
586 Mahesana Mehsana III 23°35'51" N 72°23'55" E Tube Well 102.35 101.62 103.88
587 Mahesana Mewad 23°32'0" N 72°23'0" E Tube Well 16.58 14.04 13.81 13.89
588 Mahesana Modhera i 23°43'0" N 72°28'0" E Tube Well 9.26 6.82 6.44 6.94
589 Mahesana Modhera iii 23°43'0" N 72°28'0" E Tube Well 10.21 7.90 6.91 7.62
590 Mahesana Motipura_Pz_I 23°32'2" N 72°36'15" E Tube Well 155.32
591 Mahesana Motipura_Pz_II 23°32'2" N 72°36'15" E Tube Well 53.97 59.50
592 Mahesana Nani Hirvani Pz 23°52'53" N 72°32'49" E Tube Well 78.80 73.53 91.68 92.43
593 Mahesana Padhadya 23°31'21" N 72°32'0" E Tube Well 12.35 11.52 11.21 11.43
594 Mahesana Panchot 23°37'45" N 72°20'30" E Dug Well 4.84 1.55 3.20 4.29
595 Mahesana Rampura1 23°53'30" N 72°31'0" E Dug Well 11.63 8.84 9.21 9.52
596 Mahesana Ramvijaynagar Pz I 23°42'36" N 72°20'24" E Tube Well 147.62 147.78 171.26 172.33
597 Mahesana Ramvijaynagar Pz II 23°42'36" N 72°20'24" E Tube Well 86.38 86.95 86.58 86.87
598 Mahesana Ramvijaynagar Pz III 23°42'36" N 72°20'24" E Tube Well 16.33 14.50 14.91 15.30
599 Mahesana Sihi 23°48'0" N 72°21'0" E Dug Well 12.08 8.76 8.46 7.98
600 Mahesana Suraj 23°23'23" N 72°18'24" E Tube Well 26.62 26.05 25.66 25.34
601 Mahesana Tarabh 23°45'30" N 72°27'30" E Dug Well 9.52 8.51 5.60 6.20
602 Mahesana Thol Pz -IV 23°7'50" N 72°22'34" E Tube Well 113.53 104.61 112.60 117.58
603 Mahesana Timba_1 23°59'14" N 72°45'32" E Dug Well 15.31 12.64 14.26 14.40
604 Mahesana Unad1 23°50'45" N 72°43'0" E Dug Well 22.72 22.72
605 Mahesana Unawa 23°46'0" N 72°21'45" E Dug Well 3.67 2.92 4.59
606 Mahesana Unjha 23°47'52" N 72°23'40" E Dug Well 6.40 2.66 4.35 6.58
607 Mahesana Vidaj 23°14'50" N 72°18'0" E Dug Cum
Bore Well 2.26 0.80 0.69 1.14
608 Mahesana Visnagar iv 23°42'0" N 72°32'0" E Tube Well 4.43 1.89 2.61 3.88
609 Mahisagar Balasinor 22°57'30" N 73°20'10" E Bore Well 4.00 3.00 3.50 3.60
610 Mahisagar Balasinor1 22°57'0" N 73°19'30" E Dug Well 6.71 0.60 3.05 7.30
611 Mahisagar Bar 23°10'5" N 73°24'40" E Dug Well 5.39 0.25 2.54 3.18
612 Mahisagar Bavaliya_Pz 23°18'24" N 73°33'18" E Bore Well 27.65 1.07 5.75 17.95
613 Mahisagar Gadhar 23°9'0" N 73°46'30" E Dug Well 13.30 5.60 5.55 7.60
614 Mahisagar Jokha 23°3'43" N 73°37'13" E Dug Well 7.53 5.35 7.37 6.55
615 Mahisagar Juna vasadra 23°5'0" N 73°21'45" E Dug Well 7.20 0.55 2.42 2.83
616 Mahisagar Kantha 23°10'42" N 73°39'8" E Dug Well 1.95 0.80 2.00 2.65
617 Mahisagar Khanpur 23°22'12" N 73°40'38" E Dug Well 11.30 11.10 11.95 12.10
618 Mahisagar Kothamba 23°1'10" N 73°31'10" E Dug Well 2.81 2.04 4.34 3.40
619 Mahisagar Limbadia peti 23°12'15" N 73°36'0" E Dug Well 3.99 2.20 2.54 4.62
620 Mahisagar Lunawada 23°7'45" N 73°36'30" E Dug Well 9.62 3.96 5.40 7.05
621 Mahisagar Malekpur1 23°13'50" N 73°44'10" E Dug Well 3.35 0.88 2.30 2.65
622 Mahisagar Pandarvada 23°22'30" N 73°38'0" E Dug Well 15.56 1.21 7.61 15.56
623 Mahisagar Santrampur 23°10'15" N 73°54'30" E Bore Well 9.18 4.85 5.24 6.40
624 Mahisagar Santrampur1 23°11'30" N 73°54'30" E Dug Well 8.98 5.57 5.63 8.89
625 Mahisagar Ucharpi Pz 23°7'9" N 73°28'18" E Bore Well 17.47 8.35 11.42 13.10
626 Mahisagar Virpur_Pz 23°11'35" N 73°29'7" E Bore Well 5.40 0.20 4.70 5.66
627 Morbi Amar nagar 22°56'0" N 70°48'30" E Dug Well 1.70 1.41
628 Morbi Bhalgam 22°26'30" N 71°5'0" E Dug Well 0.73 6.57 8.07
629 Morbi Chhatar 22°30'15" N 70°45'15" E Dug Well 4.90 1.98 2.55
630 Morbi Hadmatia 22°41'0" N 70°48'30" E Dug Well 8.14 9.97 9.32
631 Morbi Halvad2 23°1'15" N 71°11'15" E Dug Well 1.82 3.01 3.64
632 Morbi Jetpur Pithad 23°1'19" N 70°55'5" E Dug Well 1.56 5.77 10.90
633 Morbi Juna Devaliya 1 22°58'46" N 71°0'32" E Dug Well 0.40 0.94 1.50
634 Morbi Kalyanpur2 22°39'30" N 70°44'0" E Dug Well 0.80 0.90 2.30
635 Morbi Lajai 22°43'0" N 70°46'45" E Dug Well 4.45 2.35 2.95
636 Morbi Macchukunda 23°0'5" N 70°53'45" E Dug Well 5.55
637 Morbi Malia 23°5'30" N 70°45'45" E Dug Well 3.15 0.00 1.63 2.35
638 Morbi Mathak 22°50'24" N 71°3'28" E Dug Well 9.50
639 Morbi Mathak2 22°50'30" N 71°3'30" E Dug Well 9.70
640 Morbi Modpar1 22°54'0" N 70°40'0" E Dug Well 1.43 1.46
641 Morbi Morbi 22°49'30" N 70°51'30" E Tube Well 2.33 0.88 1.90 2.02
642 Morbi Morvi 22°49'0" N 70°50'30" E Dug Well 1.57 1.83 1.92
643 Morbi Mota dhansura 22°57'30" N 70°37'0" E Dug Well 7.23 2.21 3.35 4.07
644 Morbi Neknam 22°30'15" N 70°41'45" E Dug Well 11.27 7.31
645 Morbi Nichi mandal 22°51'30" N 70°57'0" E Dug Well 1.30 3.47 4.30
646 Morbi Sarvad 23°0'23" N 70°42'25" E Dug Well 0.75 1.52
647 Morbi Sindhavadar 22°33'0" N 70°53'30" E Dug Well 9.91 5.57 5.60
648 Morbi Sukhpar1 23°0'30" N 71°17'0" E Dug Well 14.86 2.00 1.82
649 Narmada Agar(Rep)_Pz 22°1'52" N 73°39'24" E Bore Well 10.46 6.77 8.80 11.05
650 Narmada Almadi 21°36'32" N 73°30'39" E Dug Well 7.35 0.15 1.60 3.65
651 Narmada Amayar 21°32'50" N 73°46'0" E Dug Well 9.25 1.17 2.97 2.70
652 Narmada Baman Phalia_Pz 21°47'54" N 73°22'45" E Bore Well 20.50 12.54 14.20
653 Narmada Chikada 21°31'15" N 73°38'45" E Dug Well 5.45 1.27 2.60 3.60
654 Narmada Chuli 21°33'17" N 73°28'32" E Dug Well 12.23 2.03 2.18 6.63
655 Narmada Garudeshwar 21°53'30" N 73°39'0" E Dug Well 11.40 7.76 10.15 9.65
656 Narmada Hirapura 21°52'5" N 73°36'0" E Dug Well 7.06
657 Narmada Jankh 21°29'32" N 73°35'49" E Dug Well 2.08 1.16 1.10 1.25
658 Narmada Kanbi pitha 21°31'15" N 73°38'45" E Dug Well 2.93 0.56 1.45 2.25
659 Narmada Kewadia_Pz 21°52'58" N 73°42'2" E Bore Well 5.88 5.03 2.30 3.35
660 Narmada Khaidipada 21°30'50" N 73°31'10" E Dug Well 6.00 0.84 1.80 1.10
661 Narmada Khota amba 21°44'0" N 73°28'30" E Dug Well 1.92 1.62 1.39 1.19
662 Narmada Namaria 22°2'40" N 73°37'20" E Dug Well 4.50 1.52 2.22 3.20
663 Narmada Nani singlot 21°40'10" N 73°40'0" E Dug Well 9.80 5.68 7.94 5.50
664 Narmada Rajpipla 21°52'30" N 73°30'0" E Tube Well 29.37 27.64 27.17 27.87
665 Narmada Ralda 21°36'36" N 73°39'9" E Dug Well 2.14 0.85 1.95
666 Narmada Rasela 21°55'30" N 73°29'30" E Dug Well 14.30
667 Narmada Rasulpura_Pz 21°58'0" N 73°37'30" E Tube Well 21.96 20.67 21.40 21.65
668 Narmada Ringani 21°50'30" N 73°28'0" E Dug Well 2.45 2.15 3.37 1.85
669 Narmada Selemba 1 21°36'36" N 73°45'48" E Dug Well 7.20 5.96 4.82 5.40
670 Narmada Sunderpura_Pz 21°50'20" N 73°32'5" E Bore Well 29.10 29.15
671 Narmada Umran 21°29'17" N 73°52'59" E Dug Well 7.65 2.12 1.70 2.95
672 Navsari Abrama 20°51'45" N 72°54'0" E Dug Well 1.40 0.00 0.80 1.05
673 Navsari Chadav 20°49'52" N 73°20'4" E Dug Well 9.70 1.70 4.20 4.60
674 Navsari Chinam 20°59'30" N 72°53'10" E Dug Well 3.83 1.43 3.13 3.20
675 Navsari Dandi 20°53'30" N 72°48'30" E Dug Well 4.80 1.50 2.10 2.25
676 Navsari Doldha 20°48'24" N 73°13'39" E Dug Well 3.80 1.80 4.90 5.12
677 Navsari Duvada 20°49'43" N 73°3'27" E Dug Well 4.90 5.14
678 Navsari Hond 20°44'20" N 73°2'45" E Dug Well 7.80 1.80 3.30 3.42
679 Navsari Kaliyari 20°43'30" N 73°9'0" E Dug Well 9.10 0.90 2.50 2.73
680 Navsari Kantasvel 20°47'50" N 73°17'30" E Dug Well 8.20 2.55 3.55 3.70
681 Navsari Khergam 20°38'0" N 73°5'45" E Dug Well 7.90 4.00 4.16
682 Navsari Khudvel 20°46'19" N 73°11'10" E Dug Well 1.45 10.55
683 Navsari Manav Khadak 20°40'27" N 73°14'0" E Dug Well 2.30 2.20 2.70 2.82
684 Navsari Moti Valzar 20°48'18" N 73°16'0" E Dug Well 7.75 3.45 3.35 3.73
685 Navsari Navsari 1 20°57'29" N 72°56'6" E Dug Well 4.77 0.27 7.07
686 Navsari Onjal 20°50'0" N 72°50'30" E Dug Well 5.25 1.15 3.95 4.02
687 Navsari Panikhadak 20°38'57" N 73°10'1" E Dug Well 13.50 3.10 6.30 6.46
688 Navsari Parjan 21°0'40" N 72°50'21" E Dug Well 3.70
689 Navsari Pipalkhed 20°40'30" N 73°17'0" E Dug Well 17.45 7.95
690 Navsari Rankuva 20°48'45" N 73°9'30" E Dug Well 7.48 3.00 3.71
691 Navsari Rumla 20°41'21" N 73°9'32" E Dug Well 9.40 3.50 7.00 7.76
692 Navsari Sari_khurd 20°47'15" N 72°57'15" E Dug Well 3.15 1.65 2.25 2.36
693 Navsari Ubhrat 21°0'30" N 72°44'45" E Dug Well 2.75 2.85
694 Navsari Unai 20°51'0" N 73°20'30" E Dug Well 9.56 3.10 9.56
695 Navsari Vansda 20°45'52" N 73°21'47" E Bore Well 11.65 3.85 10.45 10.93
696 Panchmahals Chhabanpur 22°49'40" N 73°36'45" E Dug Well 8.53 6.03 8.85 8.09
697 Panchmahals Dhanol 22°45'31" N 73°30'24" E Dug Well 1.21 0.48 0.65 1.10
698 Panchmahals Godhra_UR1 22°47'34" N 73°36'24" E Dug Well 5.08 2.68 3.86 2.73
699 Panchmahals Godhra_UR2 22°46'9" N 73°35'28" E Dug Well 4.05
700 Panchmahals Godhra_UR3 22°46'48" N 73°36'25" E Dug Well 0.78 1.53 5.88
701 Panchmahals Godhra2 22°46'15" N 73°38'0" E Dug Well 8.49 5.94 6.51
702 Panchmahals Jambughoda 22°22'10" N 73°43'30" E Bore Well 6.58 4.53 5.95 6.25
703 Panchmahals Jambughoda1 22°22'22" N 73°43'22" E Dug Well 3.23 2.90 3.00
704 Panchmahals Javan 22°24'5" N 73°41'6" E Dug Well 7.91 1.95
705 Panchmahals Kalol_UR1 22°36'1" N 73°26'36" E Dug Well 12.87 10.95 16.08 16.44
706 Panchmahals Kalol_UR2 22°35'23" N 73°27'5" E Dug Well 17.96 16.37 10.56 11.02
707 Panchmahals Khadki_Vadiya 22°39'44" N 73°30'1" E Dug Well 16.90 14.78 12.60
708 Panchmahals Morwa (Hadaf) Pz-I 22°55'5" N 73°50'40" E Bore Well 11.70 10.26 11.50
709 Panchmahals Natapur 22°51'26" N 73°49'14" E Dug Well 8.49 5.03 6.15 6.90
710 Panchmahals Palla Rajgarh Pz 22°31'22" N 73°42'3" E Bore Well 20.08 4.28 7.25 11.45
711 Panchmahals Pavagadh 22°29'15" N 73°33'20" E Dug Well 8.51 1.88 4.38 5.30
712 Panchmahals Ranipura 22°43'30" N 73°45'30" E Dug Well 6.96 2.21 3.48 2.11
713 Panchmahals Santroad1 22°48'12" N 73°47'35" E Dug Well 12.95 6.75 10.10
714 Panchmahals Shehra 22°57'15" N 73°37'30" E Dug Well 1.97 0.63 1.45 1.59
715 Panchmahals Shivrajpur 22°25'30" N 73°35'30" E Dug Well 9.69 2.35 5.60 7.28
716 Panchmahals Suliyat 23°3'44" N 73°51'3" E Dug Well 21.85 6.60 21.30 21.70
717 Panchmahals Tarkanda 22°32'45" N 73°31'45" E Dug Well 2.75 0.80 2.50 4.70
718 Panchmahals Timbi2 22°30'30" N 73°30'30" E Dug Well 1.32 4.00 7.43
719 Panchmahals Tuwa 22°48'15" N 73°28'15" E Dug Well 3.84 1.60 2.58 3.04
720 Panchmahals Vejalpur 22°41'45" N 73°33'30" E Dug Well 4.12 1.20 2.95 3.54
721 Patan Bhutia vasna i 23°55'0" N 72°6'0" E Tube Well 23.15 21.35 20.80 21.09
722 Patan Biliya(Temple)_Pz_II 23°53'18" N 72°23'55" E Tube Well 46.96 32.90 44.92
723 Patan Dharmoda 23°41'50" N 72°4'10" E Dug Well 3.37 0.00 0.67 0.87
724 Patan Dhinoj1 23°39'45" N 72°16'45" E Dug Well 15.12 8.42 8.45 8.58
725 Patan Jangral Pzi 23°41'41" N 71°41'38" E Tube Well 179.42 176.82 155.58
726 Patan Kakosi Pz-II 24°0'6" N 72°18'21" E Tube Well 34.00 31.55 32.30
727 Patan Kanesara Pz 23°53'24" N 72°20'24" E Tube Well 104.12 102.15 104.30 124.88
728 Patan Kot Pz 23°53'59" N 72°24'34" E Tube Well 96.47 95.71 97.45 101.47
729 Patan Lukhasan 23°57'36" N 72°28'12" E Tube Well 133.15 131.27 134.25 136.52
730 Patan Matarwadi II 23°52'6" N 72°8'50" E Tube Well 102.63 99.11 102.00 102.62
731 Patan Moti chander 23°35'40" N 71°46'50" E Dug Well 2.12 1.36 1.65 1.85
732 Patan Nagwasan 23°56'52" N 72°27'47" E Tube Well 98.20 93.92 96.40 103.30
733 Patan Patan2 23°50'30" N 72°7'25" E Dug Well 17.73 14.78 15.28 16.47
734 Patan Piprala_1 23°39'17" N 71°5'9" E Dug Well 10.76 10.30 10.70 10.55
735 Patan Sander 23°46'0" N 72°15'15" E Dug Cum
Bore Well 11.95 4.71 11.30
736 Patan Sankheshwar 23°31'19" N 71°47'27" E Tube Well 0.74 0.38
737 Patan Shankhari 23°46'45" N 72°9'45" E Dug Well 15.09 13.93 15.56 14.76
738 Patan Sidhpur Naditat Pz I 23°55'29" N 72°23'54" E Tube Well 87.62 84.95 87.60 85.66
739 Patan Vanasan Pz 23°53'51" N 72°15'48" E Tube Well 105.42
740 Porbandar Adityana 21°42'31" N 69°42'39" E Dug Well 11.96 2.62 6.25 5.82
741 Porbandar Adwana2 21°55'0" N 69°36'0" E Dug Well 8.29 0.11 1.86 9.09
742 Porbandar Babda 21°46'12" N 69°35'17" E Dug Well 5.81 1.18 2.50 3.90
743 Porbandar Bakharla 21°45'53" N 69°39'40" E Dug Well 14.26 1.56 3.28 5.91
744 Porbandar Balej 21°22'15" N 69°52'30" E Dug Well 2.64 0.00 5.00 2.48
745 Porbandar Bhavpura 21°48'35" N 69°24'30" E Dug Well 3.85 0.73 1.83 4.21
746 Porbandar Bhod 21°39'32" N 69°49'16" E Dug Well 18.00 7.05 11.39 7.57
747 Porbandar Degam 21°42'37" N 69°36'20" E Dug Well 5.95 7.51
748 Porbandar Hanumangadh1 21°47'35" N 69°48'10" E Dug Well 5.15 1.38 1.57 3.22
749 Porbandar Kadegi 21°27'2" N 69°59'0" E Dug Well 0.55 0.02 0.00 0.90
750 Porbandar Kandorna 21°38'52" N 69°53'0" E Dug Well 15.68 1.59 3.68 6.36
751 Porbandar Khambodar 21°48'30" N 69°36'5" E Dug Well 5.56 2.01 2.70 1.60
752 Porbandar Kolikhada 21°41'59" N 69°36'51" E Dug Well 21.83 3.60 5.91 7.88
753 Porbandar Kuchhadi 21°41'0" N 69°33'0" E Dug Well 2.17 1.20 2.15 2.35
754 Porbandar Kutiyana_Pz 21°37'20" N 69°59'50" E Bore Well 4.40 0.62 3.15 6.82
755 Porbandar Kutiyana1 21°37'50" N 70°1'0" E Dug Well 4.63 1.54 2.53 8.60
756 Porbandar Miyani 21°50'0" N 69°23'20" E Dug Well 6.50 5.86 5.65 7.85
757 Porbandar Mocha 21°20'54" N 69°53'21" E Dug Well 3.32 0.48 6.00 3.23
758 Porbandar Mojiwana 21°53'9" N 69°36'1" E Dug Well 5.78 0.29 0.75 3.53
759 Porbandar Nagka 21°49'17" N 69°38'57" E Bore Well 9.62 0.00 0.84 4.20
760 Porbandar Navibandar 21°26'45" N 69°47'30" E Dug Well 1.58 1.52 3.48 2.37
761 Porbandar Oddar 21°34'0" N 69°40'50" E Dug Well 5.83 4.70 5.55 5.58
762 Porbandar Palkhada1 21°45'30" N 69°29'15" E Dug Well 10.10 1.14 1.93 5.93
763 Porbandar Pata 21°17'50" N 69°56'30" E Dug Well 3.60 2.01 4.70 3.75
764 Porbandar Porbandar 21°38'42" N 69°38'33" E Tube Well 1.92 0.73 2.20 2.76
765 Porbandar Porbandar1 21°38'30" N 69°37'30" E Dug Well 3.88 2.38 3.71 4.19
766 Porbandar Ranavav2 21°41'0" N 69°44'45" E Dug Well 10.95 0.35 4.30 4.10
767 Porbandar Ratadi 21°43'13" N 69°30'43" E Dug Well 6.05 1.30 2.55 5.39
768 Porbandar Ratia 21°26'17" N 69°48'22" E Dug Well 6.55 5.41 7.10 7.10
769 Porbandar Simar 21°56'49" N 69°41'9" E Dug Well 5.76 3.76 5.78 5.12
770 Porbandar Tukda 21°30'58" N 69°43'43" E Dug Well 2.98 1.48 2.53 2.53
771 Porbandar Visavada Mul Dwarka 21°47'8" N 69°26'47" E Dug Well 6.18 1.85 3.32 8.40
772 Rajkot Bhada jodiya 21°39'45" N 70°20'30" E Dug Well 1.44 3.18
773 Rajkot Bhadla 22°11'0" N 71°5'30" E Dug Well 12.70 2.02 8.35 6.00
774 Rajkot Chordi 21°55'0" N 70°44'55" E Dug Well 9.15 0.31 3.60 8.50
775 Rajkot Dadia 22°5'30" N 70°44'0" E Dug Well 10.27 4.77 9.27
776 Rajkot Dhoraji 21°44'45" N 70°17'9" E Dug Well 10.20 0.45 5.12 11.10
777 Rajkot Ganod 21°40'30" N 70°10'45" E Dug Well 6.74 2.40 3.70
778 Rajkot Gogavadar 21°58'0" N 70°52'30" E Dug Well 8.35 2.51 3.32 8.13
779 Rajkot Halenda 22°5'30" N 71°3'0" E Dug Well 1.70 0.27 0.80 1.23
780 Rajkot Jamkandorna 21°53'50" N 70°29'30" E Bore Well 11.20 11.43 12.56
781 Rajkot Jamwali 21°56'0" N 70°46'0" E Dug Well 2.33
782 Rajkot Jasapur 21°53'30" N 70°29'0" E Dug Well 9.80 5.42 7.70
783 Rajkot Jasdan 22°2'40" N 71°12'50" E Bore Well 8.08 2.10 2.74 4.21
784 Rajkot Jasdan2 22°3'30" N 71°13'15" E Dug Well 5.55 1.63 5.95
785 Rajkot Jetpur 21°45'22" N 70°37'10" E Bore Well 4.98 1.26 5.17 5.44
786 Rajkot Jetpur pithad. 21°46'30" N 70°38'0" E Dug Well 6.01
787 Rajkot Kalithad1 22°1'10" N 70°39'37" E Dug Well 3.50 2.02 3.38 7.20
788 Rajkot Kamlapur 22°8'45" N 71°12'0" E Dug Well 10.65 1.88 3.65 6.75
789 Rajkot Kamlapur1 22°9'7" N 71°11'59" E Dug Well 6.05
790 Rajkot Khamta 22°28'30" N 70°33'0" E Dug Well 8.10 0.47 1.43 2.08
791 Rajkot Khirsara1 22°14'30" N 70°38'45" E Dug Well 11.80
792 Rajkot Lalavadar 22°8'0" N 71°18'15" E Dug Well 5.06 1.05 2.23 5.13
793 Rajkot Lodhika 22°8'0" N 70°37'55" E Bore Well 7.66 1.20 3.45 4.36
794 Rajkot Lodhika1 22°8'30" N 70°38'30" E Dug Well 7.57 0.88 4.31
795 Rajkot Mota Dadwa 21°59'54" N 70°59'38" E Dug Well 2.33 4.28
796 Rajkot Motagundala 21°44'5" N 70°30'5" E Dug Well 1.69 2.61 2.97
797 Rajkot Movaiya 22°27'0" N 70°36'30" E Dug Well 2.06 1.41 11.95
798 Rajkot Padadhari1 22°26'50" N 70°36'30" E Dug Well 5.60 1.95 2.85 4.05
799 Rajkot Patanvav 21°38'40" N 70°15'40" E Dug Well 3.28 7.20
800 Rajkot Ranpur1 22°22'0" N 70°55'45" E Dug Well 17.81 2.62 7.42 8.25
801 Rajkot Ribda 22°7'30" N 70°46'0" E Dug Well 8.82 0.93 2.02 6.05
802 Rajkot Sardhar1 22°8'45" N 70°59'20" E Dug Well 2.62 0.84 1.90
803 Rajkot Targhari 22°23'0" N 70°40'0" E Dug Well 5.62 1.37
804 Rajkot Umrali 21°55'10" N 70°36'15" E Dug Well 4.93 11.90
805 Rajkot Upleta1 21°44'55" N 70°16'30" E Dug Well 5.64
806 Rajkot Upleta3 21°40'13" N 70°10'58" E Dug Well 13.12 5.80
807 Rajkot Vinchhia 22°12'30" N 71°22'45" E Dug Well 2.18 1.65 1.91 1.98
808 Rajkot Viranagar 22°1'30" N 71°7'30" E Dug Well 5.20
809 Rajkot Virpur1 21°51'0" N 70°41'45" E Dug Well 9.13 4.17 7.15 8.95
810 Sabarkantha Abhapur 23°57'51" N 73°15'29" E Dug Well 6.30 5.05 7.00 6.10
811 Sabarkantha Anwarpura Pz 23°24'20" N 72°50'44" E Tube Well 36.45 34.40 32.70 32.20
812 Sabarkantha Atarsumba 23°59'10" N 73°12'30" E Dug Well 7.81 1.13 2.60 3.84
813 Sabarkantha Bhadreshwar 23°44'45" N 72°58'45" E Dug Well 24.63 22.40 17.15 18.82
814 Sabarkantha Boriya 23°14'34" N 72°56'27" E Dug Well 7.93 7.22 6.76 6.98
815 Sabarkantha Chandap_DW 23°55'24" N 72°51'12" E Dug Well 16.45 5.77 15.69 14.77
816 Sabarkantha Chandap_Pz 23°55'55" N 72°51'25" E Bore Well 13.87 3.35 9.52 9.60
817 Sabarkantha Choriwad 23°54'0" N 73°7'10" E Dug Well 21.04 15.51 13.71 12.45
818 Sabarkantha Derol Pz-II 23°35'58" N 72°54'9" E Tube Well 46.81 43.90 44.20 45.80
819 Sabarkantha Gadha 23°42'30" N 72°56'30" E Dug Well 16.25 4.26 20.90 19.82
820 Sabarkantha Harsol1 23°22'40" N 73°1'0" E Dug Well 14.04 2.98 6.49 14.65
821 Sabarkantha Himmatnagar_Pz 23°36'30" N 72°58'15" E Tube Well 8.50 6.73 6.05
822 Sabarkantha Idar 23°50'30" N 73°2'15" E Dug Well 9.09 5.65 4.85 6.00
823 Sabarkantha Jhaloti 23°57'0" N 73°20'15" E Dug Well 3.45 6.00
824 Sabarkantha Kesharpura 23°54'55" N 73°8'43" E Dug Well 23.57 9.93 20.55 12.41
825 Sabarkantha Kesharpura_Mayal 23°19'20" N 72°56'56" E Dug Well 3.49 0.28 1.75 2.45
826 Sabarkantha Khedbrahma_Pz 24°2'10" N 73°2'40" E Bore Well 3.85 0.50 2.14 2.60
827 Sabarkantha Khedbramha_1 24°1'45" N 73°3'0" E Dug Well 13.75 2.52 7.50 15.19
828 Sabarkantha Kherwada 23°58'10" N 73°14'1" E Dug Well 5.82 2.37 4.10 3.96
829 Sabarkantha Mathasuliya 23°36'9" N 73°9'16" E Dug Well 6.49 2.38 3.48 4.30
830 Sabarkantha Matoda 24°6'40" N 73°0'30" E Dug Well 14.30 3.62 9.40 11.28
831 Sabarkantha Poshina2 24°22'30" N 73°2'0" E Dug Well 6.10 0.44 2.21 3.50
832 Sabarkantha Revas 23°49'15" N 73°7'0" E Dug Well 15.60 5.62 8.51 12.00
833 Sabarkantha Sabalwad 23°52'27" N 72°57'47" E Dug Well 23.71 6.35 21.25
834 Sabarkantha Silwad 24°0'30" N 73°7'0" E Dug Well 8.41 2.68 4.50 5.85
835 Sabarkantha Umadpura 23°18'13" N 72°57'52" E Dug Well 10.36 1.76 5.20 8.52
836 Sabarkantha Varvada 23°26'31" N 73°3'24" E Dug Well 13.87 7.83 12.75 13.60
837 Sabarkantha Vijaynagar 24°0'30" N 73°21'15" E Dug Well 4.40 0.50
838 Sabarkantha Vijaynagar_Pz 24°0'25" N 73°20'0" E Bore Well 11.23 3.88 6.55 6.25
839 Sabarkantha Virpur (Idar) 23°47'0" N 72°56'0" E Dug Well 3.53 13.70 19.25
840 Sabarkantha Virpur_1(Himmat) 23°39'6" N 72°57'14" E Dug Well 14.67 4.07 8.73 13.65
841 Sabarkantha Wadali 23°56'0" N 73°2'0" E Dug Well 28.32 15.55 24.74
842 Sabarkantha Waliampura Pz 23°21'4" N 72°58'15" E Tube Well 39.67 38.37 37.40 37.57
843 Surat Allu 21°3'45" N 73°11'30" E Dug Well 3.55 2.55 3.75 3.90
844 Surat Anita 21°23'58" N 72°51'21" E Dug Well 5.33
845 Surat Bardoli 21°6'55" N 73°6'0" E Tube Well 6.85 3.45 3.60
846 Surat Bhatkol 21°22'49" N 73°0'15" E Dug Well 2.95 2.45 3.25 3.53
847 Surat Chavada 21°28'29" N 73°35'42" E Dug Well 3.30 0.70 1.50 2.07
848 Surat Dungri 21°24'30" N 73°8'0" E Dug Well 0.45 1.55 1.80
849 Surat Gangadhra 21°7'7" N 73°4'31" E Dug Well 10.85 4.95 5.05 5.47
850 Surat Jhankhavav 21°27'0" N 73°19'45" E Dug Well 7.40 3.00 4.60 5.10
851 Surat Jhankhvav 21°28'0" N 72°57'10" E Bore Well 9.65 4.15 3.15 3.30
852 Surat Juna umarpada 21°27'30" N 73°29'30" E Dug Well 4.90 1.50 5.10 5.58
853 Surat Juna Umarpada2 21°26'57" N 73°29'12" E Dug Well 3.80 4.85
854 Surat Kadod 1 21°13'17" N 73°13'8" E Dug Well 15.25 13.83
855 Surat Kasal 21°19'20" N 73°7'37" E Dug Well 8.40 2.30 3.40 3.59
856 Surat Kathor 21°17'30" N 72°55'45" E Dug Well 15.50 2.90 7.40 7.78
857 Surat Katradevi 21°24'53" N 73°25'40" E Dug Well 6.20 1.10 3.10 3.48
858 Surat Mahuva2 21°1'15" N 73°8'45" E Dug Well 17.75 6.05 16.15 16.95
859 Surat Malda 21°22'0" N 73°21'0" E Dug Well 10.60 2.60 4.90 5.19
860 Surat Mandvi2 21°15'15" N 73°17'45" E Dug Well 12.70 9.30 11.20 11.48
861 Surat Mota 21°10'13" N 73°4'7" E Dug Well 2.90 1.70 1.70 1.88
862 Surat Moti Sarkui 21°16'45" N 73°20'59" E Dug Well 5.55 2.15 7.95 8.38
863 Surat Navi pardi 21°19'20" N 72°58'15" E Dug Well 2.78 2.48 2.18 2.48
864 Surat Nogama 21°17'27" N 73°12'52" E Dug Well 1.54 1.14 1.64 2.02
865 Surat Olpad2 21°20'30" N 72°45'30" E Dug Well 1.50 1.10 1.26
866 Surat Palsana 21°4'40" N 72°59'30" E Dug Well 2.59 1.59 0.99 1.17
867 Surat Paneshwar 21°27'15" N 73°11'54" E Dug Well 11.90 8.00 8.42
868 Surat Puna 20°55'25" N 73°14'0" E Bore Well 6.60 6.90 7.48
869 Surat Puna1 20°55'45" N 73°13'45" E Dug Well 10.20 2.40 6.50 6.88
870 Surat Sachin town 21°5'30" N 72°52'30" E Dug Well 10.64
871 Surat Sarbhon 21°3'30" N 73°5'30" E Dug Well 2.50 1.70 2.10 2.38
872 Surat Sayan 21°18'20" N 72°54'39" E Dug Well 7.80 1.80
873 Surat Sultanabad 21°5'30" N 72°43'30" E Dug Well 5.41 2.91 4.61 4.83
874 Surat Tadkeshwar 21°22'51" N 73°4'35" E Dug Well 8.80 4.20 4.50
875 Surat Ten-bardoli 21°7'0" N 73°6'0" E Dug Well 6.10 1.60 2.80 3.23
876 Surat Ushker 21°20'26" N 73°5'52" E Dug Well 5.60 3.00 4.50 5.03
877 Surat Vaheval 20°50'14" N 73°17'16" E Dug Well 12.80 1.55 7.35 7.83
878 Surat Wadoli 21°25'30" N 72°49'45" E Dug Well 5.15
879 Surendranagar Adriyana 23°25'30" N 71°42'30" E Dug Well 0.57
880 Surendranagar Anindra 22°48'37" N 71°42'21" E Dug Well 2.98 0.03 2.63 1.18
881 Surendranagar Bajana 23°7'0" N 71°47'0" E Dug Well 1.48 0.00 2.21 1.83
882 Surendranagar Bamanbor 22°25'0" N 71°2'30" E Dug Well 10.28 3.26 5.43 7.00
883 Surendranagar Chotila1 22°25'30" N 71°10'54" E Bore Well 7.76 1.79 5.64
884 Surendranagar Dasada 23°19'12" N 71°49'27" E Tube Well 4.62 2.00 2.95 3.47
885 Surendranagar Dasada1 23°19'15" N 71°49'45" E Dug Well 1.68 2.97
886 Surendranagar Dedadra 22°46'30" N 71°44'0" E Dug Well 2.42 1.40 0.97
887 Surendranagar Dhama 23°23'7" N 71°40'46" E Dug Well 6.10 4.30 4.85 5.19
888 Surendranagar Dhandhalpur 1 22°22'53" N 71°21'3" E Dug Well 2.19
889 Surendranagar Dhrangadhra 2 22°59'33" N 71°29'53" E Dug Well 8.22
890 Surendranagar Gamda 22°53'54" N 71°33'25" E Dug Well 2.86 2.16
891 Surendranagar Ghansyam Gadh 23°6'24" N 71°29'3" E Dug Well 1.02
892 Surendranagar Jhinjhuwada 23°21'0" N 71°39'30" E Dug Well 6.02 2.95 3.50 8.50
893 Surendranagar Kharaghoda 23°11'15" N 71°45'0" E Dug Well 2.15 1.00 1.85
894 Surendranagar Kherwa 23°0'15" N 71°44'45" E Dug Well 2.09 0.44 2.14
895 Surendranagar Kukavati 23°7'22" N 71°28'47" E Dug Well 1.50 3.22 3.90
896 Surendranagar Lakhtar 22°51'30" N 71°47'0" E Dug Well 5.34 3.10 3.77 5.81
897 Surendranagar Latuda 22°48'47" N 71°36'29" E Dug Well 0.02
898 Surendranagar Limbdi1 22°34'0" N 71°48'45" E Dug Well 1.11
899 Surendranagar Limbdi-Pz 22°34'20" N 71°48'30" E Tube Well 2.51 0.20 1.32 1.81
900 Surendranagar Modhvana 22°52'53" N 71°44'8" E Dug Well 0.00 0.80 0.40
901 Surendranagar Moti Moladi 22°25'15" N 71°6'37" E Dug Well 8.12 0.98 3.10 5.35
902 Surendranagar Muli 22°39'0" N 71°28'0" E Dug Well 5.28 1.21 2.50 3.47
903 Surendranagar Nava Raisngpur 22°44'31" N 71°15'42" E Dug Well 11.20 15.90 20.75
904 Surendranagar Olak 22°55'7" N 71°51'48" E Dug Well 2.05 2.40 2.30
905 Surendranagar Pipli 23°3'36" N 71°44'3" E Dug Well 0.00 0.75 0.85
906 Surendranagar Rajsitapur 22°50'30" N 71°35'30" E Dug Well 0.40 2.29 2.72
907 Surendranagar Ratanpur1 22°51'30" N 71°16'15" E Dug Well 6.08 6.95 7.72
908 Surendranagar Sara 22°48'0" N 71°11'50" E Dug Well 11.46
909 Surendranagar Sarla 22°44'0" N 71°22'0" E Dug Well 10.33 9.05 1.60 4.68
910 Surendranagar Sayala 22°32'0" N 71°29'0" E Bore Well 6.97 1.72 4.63
911 Surendranagar Shiyani 22°40'0" N 71°49'45" E Dug Well 3.92 2.30 2.70 2.70
912 Surendranagar Soldi 22°59'38" N 71°24'56" E Dug Well 20.12
913 Surendranagar Sudamda 22°27'15" N 71°29'6" E Dug Well 3.50 2.18 3.40
914 Surendranagar Surendranagar 22°43'25" N 71°40'15" E Tube Well 1.30 1.28
915 Surendranagar Surendranagar2 22°43'0" N 71°36'30" E Dug Well 6.83 1.80
916 Surendranagar Tarnetar 22°38'30" N 71°13'0" E Dug Well 15.80 13.25 14.35 13.15
917 Surendranagar Tavi 1 22°43'13" N 71°51'6" E Dug Well 0.00
918 Surendranagar Than 22°34'45" N 71°11'59" E Dug Well 7.95
919 Surendranagar Vanala 22°26'0" N 71°55'15" E Dug Well 0.50 2.48 0.83
920 Surendranagar Visawadi 23°20'30" N 71°44'0" E Dug Well 4.55 2.35 2.78 3.05
921 Surendranagar Vitthalgarh 22°59'15" N 71°58'30" E Dug Well 2.91
922 Tapi Bedchit 20°57'0" N 73°21'5" E Dug Well 8.90 2.70 4.80
923 Tapi Bhurvel (ukai) 21°13'30" N 73°34'45" E Dug Well 5.00 3.20 3.44
924 Tapi Chapawadi 21°9'5" N 73°23'37" E Dug Well 7.70 2.50 2.90 3.09
925 Tapi Gandhinagar 21°9'51" N 73°41'44" E Dug Well 1.71 2.01 2.13
926 Tapi Jesingpura[sg] 21°10'15" N 73°33'15" E Dug Well 7.40 1.90 6.90 7.00
927 Tapi Karanjvel 21°0'46" N 73°27'29" E Dug Well 7.50 6.80 7.08
928 Tapi Kelkui 21°2'31" N 73°19'24" E Dug Well 1.20 0.90 2.70 2.78
929 Tapi Khedwada (Ashram 21°16'52" N 73°27'55" E Dug Well
Falia) 7.10 3.30 5.80 6.65
930 Tapi Kherwa 21°25'8" N 73°57'35" E Dug Well 0.40 0.66
931 Tapi Motichher 21°12'45" N 73°21'44" E Dug Well 2.00 1.60 2.18
932 Tapi Nizar 21°28'50" N 74°12'0" E Bore Well 11.35 13.25 13.75
933 Tapi Nizar1 21°28'38" N 74°11'26" E Dug Well 15.50 6.80 7.62
934 Tapi Paniwara 21°32'22" N 74°4'10" E Dug Well 7.45 4.25 5.85
935 Tapi Tawali 21°22'34" N 73°54'6" E Dug Well 8.46 6.00 6.53
936 Tapi Uchchhal 21°10'19" N 73°46'9" E Dug Well 10.30 3.70 6.50 6.73
937 Tapi Vadade-Khurd 21°15'6" N 73°49'1" E Dug Well 3.20 0.60 0.85
938 Tapi Valod 21°3'0" N 73°16'0" E Dug Well 4.50 2.10 5.50 5.82
939 Tapi Vyara1 21°6'30" N 73°23'45" E Dug Well 3.90 3.00 3.80 3.96
940 The dangs Aherdi 20°41'30" N 73°37'0" E Dug Well 1.65 1.35 1.68
941 The dangs Ahwa_Pz 20°45'32" N 73°41'10" E Bore Well 1.50 2.00 2.38
942 The dangs Ahwa1 20°45'30" N 73°41'0" E Dug Well 1.80 1.18
943 The dangs Bari Pada 20°38'24" N 73°41'29" E Dug Well 13.40 1.40 0.70 0.88
944 The dangs Bhenskatri 20°46'5" N 73°32'30" E Dug Well 8.30 11.30
945 The dangs Bori Gaotha 1 20°48'39" N 73°30'11" E Dug Well 9.50 1.50 4.40 4.62
946 The dangs Chikhli 20°39'30" N 73°41'15" E Dug Well 1.90 1.00 0.68
947 The dangs Chinchnogaotha 20°48'30" N 73°33'10" E Dug Well 7.31 4.11 4.64
948 The dangs Chinchpada 20°38'15" N 73°46'30" E Dug Well 1.90 1.20 1.52
949 The dangs Dhumkal 20°38'45" N 73°47'30" E Dug Well 1.60 1.30 0.72
950 The dangs Ghubita 20°48'0" N 73°44'15" E Dug Well 1.50 0.50 0.66
951 The dangs Jakana 20°38'0" N 73°44'45" E Dug Well 1.05 1.45 1.45 1.66
952 The dangs Jamalpada 20°43'54" N 73°31'14" E Dug Well 8.00 2.30 4.50 4.79
953 The dangs Kalibel 20°55'15" N 73°34'50" E Dug Well 1.90 0.60 0.80
954 The dangs Mahal 20°55'0" N 73°40'45" E Dug Well 3.90 3.40 3.82
955 The dangs Malegaon 20°36'0" N 73°44'45" E Dug Well 1.10 0.50 0.20 0.44
956 The dangs Nadak khadi 20°48'15" N 73°36'45" E Dug Well 7.05 0.95 1.15
957 The dangs Nana pada 20°42'0" N 73°35'0" E Dug Well 9.68 1.08 1.98 2.34
958 The dangs Sakarpatal 20°43'10" N 73°33'25" E Dug Well 3.00 0.60 1.60 1.80
959 The dangs Sodmal 20°52'0" N 73°37'0" E Dug Well 11.83 1.20 1.81
960 The dangs Subir 20°55'20" N 73°34'50" E Dug Well 1.60 1.00 1.17
961 The dangs Umberpada 20°41'0" N 73°43'30" E Dug Well 2.85 1.25 1.63
962 The dangs Vaghai 20°45'50" N 73°30'16" E Dug Well 12.00 4.60 7.60 7.99
963 The dangs Vazat Amba 20°52'42" N 73°31'6" E Dug Well 7.50 3.40 3.58
964 Vadodara Amreshwar 22°13'40" N 73°29'0" E Dug Well 3.30 0.65 1.95 1.45
965 Vadodara Chella Karamsiya Pz 22°23'48" N 73°25'56" E Tube Well 2.10 0.27 1.20 1.65
966 Vadodara Chhaliyar 22°40'0" N 73°19'0" E Dug Well 23.28 24.35 24.35 25.45
967 Vadodara Chitral PZ_II 22°10'55" N 72°56'45" E Tube Well 23.68 22.51 21.95 21.20
968 Vadodara Chitral Pz-I 22°10'55" N 72°56'45" E Tube Well 44.35 43.28 22.42 24.12
969 Vadodara Ghayaj ii 22°14'0" N 73°3'15" E Tube Well 21.07 20.26 22.20 22.40
970 Vadodara Handod1 22°4'25" N 73°2'45" E Tube Well 29.05
971 Vadodara Handod2 22°4'25" N 73°2'45" E Tube Well 31.40 28.85 29.02
972 Vadodara Juna samalya 22°30'15" N 73°17'0" E Dug Well 12.30 5.30 13.40 12.40
973 Vadodara Karamasiya 22°25'15" N 73°25'10" E Dug Well 13.20 13.20
974 Vadodara Masor 22°8'30" N 72°54'30" E Dug Well 13.12 10.23 12.85 9.45
975 Vadodara Patiyapura 22°16'30" N 73°26'30" E Dug Well 7.80 2.35 4.92 5.20
976 Vadodara Raypura i 22°16'55" N 73°5'25" E Tube Well 26.55 23.40 34.10
977 Vadodara Saidal 22°17'0" N 73°30'10" E Dug Well 1.40 0.36
978 Vadodara Sankarda 22°26'20" N 73°7'20" E Tube Well 26.93 22.39 26.10 26.10
979 Vadodara Sankarda1 22°26'20" N 73°7'20" E Tube Well 26.98 21.48
980 Vadodara Sankheda 22°32'20" N 73°10'30" E Tube Well 26.40
981 Vadodara Segwa chouki ii 22°0'30" N 73°23'0" E Tube Well 38.00 34.67 37.60 37.80
982 Vadodara Segwa chowki I 22°0'30" N 73°23'0" E Tube Well 37.15 33.19 35.70 35.60
983 Vadodara Sinor 21°54'45" N 73°20'30" E Dug Well 22.20 19.30 22.40 22.10
984 Vadodara Tundav 22°29'0" N 73°12'10" E Dug Well 5.30 3.83 4.05 4.60
985 Vadodara Vadodara I 22°18'17" N 73°16'18" E Tube Well 12.05 8.28 5.17 6.10
986 Vadodara Vadodara Ii 22°18'17" N 73°16'18" E Tube Well 4.29 12.03 12.30 12.50
987 Vadodara Vadodara_Kevada 22°17'36" N 73°11'54" E Dug Well
Bag 5.54 3.20 4.10
988 Vadodara Vadodara_ONGC 22°16'9" N 73°12'46" E Dug Well 6.70 7.70 5.40
989 Vadodara Vadodara_Sama 22°20'33" N 73°12'2" E Dug Well 3.70
990 Vadodara Vadshala Pzi 22°9'47" N 73°10'10" E Tube Well 23.45 19.30 12.20
991 Vadodara Vega 22°9'34" N 73°24'45" E Dug Well 6.59 2.73 4.00 5.45
992 Vadodara Vejpur2 22°44'50" N 73°21'20" E Dug Well 1.93 1.17 1.45 1.90
993 Vadodara Waghodia Pz 22°21'50" N 73°22'37" E Tube Well 6.80
994 Valsad Awadha 20°31'0" N 73°17'15" E Dug Well 3.15 0.85 1.07
995 Valsad Chavshala 20°19'42" N 73°19'33" E Dug Well 1.30 0.10 0.90 1.10
996 Valsad Dahli (bhilad) 20°15'30" N 72°53'0" E Dug Well 49.20 2.69 2.91
997 Valsad Dharampur 3 20°31'51" N 73°9'45" E Dug Well 14.10 4.30 9.60 9.80
998 Valsad Dharampur1 20°32'11" N 73°10'14" E Bore Well 9.20 2.20 4.50 4.90
999 Valsad Dungri 20°41'19" N 72°56'58" E Dug Well 9.30 6.00 6.13
1000 Valsad Fali 20°18'47" N 73°22'34" E Dug Well 9.50 0.10 2.20 2.70
1001 Valsad Huda 20°17'27" N 73°24'32" E Dug Well 0.10
1002 Valsad Kanadu 20°19'30" N 72°50'30" E Dug Well 7.80 1.10 5.50 5.95
1003 Valsad Kaparda 20°20'30" N 73°13'0" E Dug Well 2.45 1.85 2.55 2.70
1004 Valsad Karwad 20°21'45" N 72°58'30" E Dug Well 4.90 0.50 3.20 5.00
1005 Valsad Lakadmal 20°28'0" N 73°9'30" E Dug Well 3.80 1.70
1006 Valsad Mandwa 20°22'0" N 73°10'30" E Dug Well 6.55
1007 Valsad Mandwa 1 20°21'57" N 73°10'48" E Dug Well 10.60 8.40
1008 Valsad Motaponda 20°21'30" N 73°2'0" E Dug Well 10.00
1009 Valsad Muli1 20°38'0" N 73°1'30" E Dug Well 3.30 1.80 2.43
1010 Valsad Nanaponda 20°24'50" N 73°7'15" E Dug Well 9.30 2.50 7.40 7.80
1011 Valsad Tithal 20°36'0" N 72°54'0" E Dug Well 6.30 6.10 6.45
1012 Valsad Tumb 20°13'0" N 72°50'30" E Dug Well 4.80 1.10 3.30 3.48
1013 Valsad Udwada 20°27'49" N 72°55'5" E Dug Well 5.85 2.55 3.03
1014 Valsad Umargaon 20°11'30" N 72°45'0" E Dug Well 4.00 3.60 3.70 3.97
1015 Valsad Valsad1 20°36'20" N 72°55'40" E Bore Well 10.90 11.52
1016 Valsad Vapi Balitha 20°22'49" N 72°54'16" E Dug Well 9.00 8.10 9.22
1017 Valsad Wankal 20°33'35" N 73°5'25" E Dug Well 16.40 6.30 7.01
Annexure IIB
Water levels of the national hydrograph stations in Gujarat 2020-21 (confined)

Sl. District Site Name Aquifer Type LAT_Y LONG_X Elevation, May WT
No. m 2020, Elevation,
m bgl m MSL
1 Ahmedabad Bopal_Pz_I Confined I 23.03860 72.45780 44.10 32.29 11.81
2 Ahmedabad CHANDISAR OW Confined I 22.79890 72.48030 28.50 28.85 -0.35
3 Ahmedabad Jholapur_Pz_I Confined I 22.99040 72.20540 26.10 67.55 -41.45
4 Ahmedabad Moti Kumad OW II Confined I 23.13300 72.12670 29.10 91.07 -61.97
5 Ahmedabad Ukhlod OWI Confined I 23.22200 72.03960 29.70 62.78 -33.08
6 Ahmedabad Vatwa Pz-III Confined I 22.95360 72.61630 45.30 27.06 18.24
7 Anand Sarsa_Pz_I Confined I 22.54440 73.07080 52.00 19.59 32.41
8 Anand Tarapur Pz-I Confined I 22.48610 72.66110 25.10 3.15 21.95
9 Banaskantha Bhabhar iii Confined I 24.05970 71.59610 37.00 30.06 6.94
10 Banaskantha Deesa Pzi Confined I 24.25670 72.18750 143.00 92.89 50.11
11 Banaskantha Fagudara Pz Confined I 24.43030 72.23410 181.30 94.54 86.76
12 Banaskantha Naroli Pzi Confined I 24.61640 71.63860 50.30 7.18 43.12
13 Banaskantha Naroli Pzii Confined I 24.61640 71.63860 50.30 6.23 44.07
14 Banaskantha Palanpur_Pz Confined I 24.17220 72.45000 226.30 39.48 186.82
15 Banaskantha Tharad Pzii Confined I 24.38500 71.61940 46.30 10.01 36.29
16 Gandhinagar Adalaj_Pz_I Confined I 23.17500 72.55830 64.00 105.58 -41.58
17 Gandhinagar Amrapur Pzii Confined I 23.37360 72.70500 94.00 86.80 7.20
18 Gandhinagar Charada Pz -II Confined I 23.48170 72.65160 110.00 102.40 7.60
19 Gandhinagar Dahegam I Confined I 23.17080 72.84160 75.00 74.90 0.10
20 Gandhinagar Gandhinagar II Confined I 23.23470 72.64170 78.70 58.70 20.00
21 Gandhinagar Kharoj Dabhi Pz I Confined I 23.38000 72.52000 83.00 142.93 -59.93
22 Gandhinagar Kharoj Dabhi Pz II Confined I 23.38000 72.52000 83.00 158.79 -75.79
23 Gandhinagar Nardipur i Confined I 23.33190 72.56670 83.00 96.89 -13.89
24 Gandhinagar Padusma Pz I Confined I 23.49420 72.62160 111.00 183.35 -72.35
25 Kheda Matar II Confined I 22.70970 72.66800 26.60 9.58 17.02
26 Kheda Nadiad Pz-I Confined I 22.71110 72.86660 36.00 20.20 15.80
27 Mahesana Dharampur OW I Confined I 23.21780 72.21360 43.90 49.10 -5.20
28 Mahesana Karalli ( i) Confined I 23.80420 72.48610 132.30 133.89 -1.59
29 Mahesana Laxmanpura (OW I) Confined I 23.17780 72.31170 50.10 108.33 -58.23
30 Mahesana Manipur OW I Confined I 23.21580 72.31450 53.40 109.18 -55.78
31 Mahesana Mehsana III Confined I 23.59750 72.39860 90.00 102.35 -12.35
32 Mahesana Modhera i Confined I 23.71670 72.46660 117.00 9.26 107.74
33 Mahesana Nani Hirvani Pz Confined I 23.88140 72.54690 157.80 78.80 79.00
34 Mahesana Ramvijaynagar Pz I Confined I 23.71000 72.34000 88.00 147.62 -59.62
35 Patan Bhutia vasna i Confined I 23.91670 72.10000 74.00 23.15 50.85
36 Patan Biliya(Temple)_Pz_II Confined I 23.88830 72.39860 132.30 46.96 85.34
37 Patan Kakosi Pz-II Confined I 24.00170 72.30580 135.00 34.00 101.00
38 Patan Kanesara Pz Confined I 23.89000 72.34000 120.00 104.12 15.88
39 Patan Kot Pz Confined I 23.89970 72.40940 140.10 96.47 43.63
40 Patan Nagwasan Confined I 23.94780 72.46300 155.20 98.20 57.00
41 Patan Sidhpur Naditat Pz I Confined I 23.92470 72.39830 140.70 87.62 53.08
42 Vadodara Raypura i Confined I 22.28190 73.09030 31.30 26.55 4.75
43 Vadodara Sankarda Confined I 22.43890 73.12220 39.90 26.93 12.97
44 Vadodara Segwa chouki ii Confined I 22.00830 73.38330 42.00 38.00 4.00
45 Vadodara Segwa chowki I Confined I 22.00830 73.38330 42.00 37.15 4.85
46 Vadodara Vadodara I Confined I 22.30470 73.27160 36.30 12.05 24.25
47 Vadodara Vadshala Pzi Confined I 22.16310 73.16940 25.20 23.45 1.75
48 Ahmedabad Bagodara_Pz_I Confined II 22.64167 72.21389 11.70 9.55 2.15
49 Ahmedabad Hansalpur_Pz-I Confined II 23.08889 72.01667 23.70 16.50 7.20
50 Ahmedabad Sola(HC)_Pz_I Confined II 23.08111 72.51361 49.80 68.71 -18.91
51 Ahmedabad Vastrapur(lake)_Pz_I Confined II 23.03833 72.52972 45.70 89.78 -44.08
52 Ahmedabad Vatwa Pz-II Confined II 22.95333 72.61611 46.00 44.36 1.64
53 Anand Anklav_Pz_I Confined II 22.37639 72.99722 36.20 23.79 12.41
54 Anand Anklav_Pz_II Confined II 22.37639 72.99722 36.20 23.95 12.25
55 Anand Borsad I Confined II 22.40972 72.90139 34.30 18.36 15.94
56 Anand Borsad_Pz_II Confined II 22.40972 72.90139 34.30 15.94 18.36
57 Anand Petlad_Pz_I Confined II 22.47500 72.80000 33.00 12.73 20.27
58 Anand Petlad_Pz_II Confined II 22.47500 72.80000 33.00 12.10 20.90
59 Anand Walmi_ I Confined II 22.51111 72.98194 47.20 22.19 25.01
60 Anand Walmi_ II Confined II 22.50833 72.98222 49.30 22.22 27.08
61 Banaskantha Balodhar_Pz-I Confined II 24.23056 71.91222 94.40 177.27 -82.87
62 Banaskantha Biyok_Pz-II Confined II 24.27222 71.65472 48.60 29.50 19.10
63 Banaskantha Dhanera Pz-I Confined II 24.50611 72.02917 136.30 106.81 29.49
64 Banaskantha Lakhani i Confined II 24.31389 71.81806 81.80 112.17 -30.37
65 Banaskantha Mahi_Pz Confined II 24.02861 72.38083 159.00 160.94 -1.94
66 Banaskantha Nandotra Brahmanvas Confined II 24.34083 72.31417 161.00 26.01 134.99
Pz (OW II)
67 Banaskantha Rah Pz-III Confined II 24.49583 71.83611 89.00 44.73 44.27
68 Banaskantha Rah_Pz I Confined II 24.49583 71.83611 89.00 63.70 25.30
69 Banaskantha Rah_Pz II Confined II 24.49583 71.83611 89.00 52.91 36.09
70 Banaskantha Tharad Pzi Confined II 24.38500 71.61944 46.30 9.33 36.97
71 Banaskantha Vinchivadi Pz-II Confined II 24.58611 71.93333 103.00 73.49 29.51
72 Bharuch Bharuch I Confined II 21.70833 73.00000 21.00 5.84 15.16
73 Bharuch Bharuch Ii Confined II 21.70833 73.00000 21.00 8.71 12.29
74 Bharuch Kadodara Confined II 21.76250 72.63889 6.70 9.57 -2.87
75 Gandhinagar Adalaj_Pz_II Confined II 23.17500 72.55833 64.00 89.35 -25.35
76 Gandhinagar Amrapur Pzi Confined II 23.37361 72.70500 94.00 106.60 -12.60
77 Gandhinagar Charada_Pz_I Confined II 23.48167 72.65167 110.00 194.08 -84.08
78 Gandhinagar Kalol_Pz_IV Confined II 23.24333 72.48500 70.00 59.21 10.79
79 Gandhinagar Lakroda Pz Confined II 23.43000 72.79000 105.00 75.10 29.90
80 Gandhinagar Mansa Confined II 23.42306 72.66500 103.70 180.36 -76.66
81 Gandhinagar Pethapur_Pz-I Confined II 23.26722 72.67306 81.20 107.24 -26.04
82 Gandhinagar Pethapur_Pz-II Confined II 23.26722 72.67306 81.20 76.76 4.44
83 Gandhinagar Sardhav Pz -I Confined II 23.29722 72.57389 81.10 122.94 -41.84
84 Kheda Matar I Confined II 22.70972 72.66806 26.60 16.92 9.68
85 Kheda Sarkhej _ I Confined II 22.98611 72.88056 54.20 32.05 22.15
86 Kheda Sarkhej _ II Confined II 22.98611 72.88056 54.20 32.95 21.25
87 Mahesana Daran_Pz-I Confined II 23.20639 72.27972 49.30 101.40 -52.10
88 Mahesana Daran_Pz-II Confined II 23.20639 72.27972 49.30 44.81 4.49
89 Mahesana Jotana Pzi Confined II 23.47389 72.28778 73.80 137.65 -63.85
90 Mahesana Jotana Pziii Confined II 23.46667 72.29722 72.30 17.18 55.12
91 Mahesana Karalli II Confined II 23.80417 72.48611 132.30 48.56 83.74
92 Mahesana Kheralu (deep) Confined II 23.89778 72.61056 176.20 49.08 127.12
93 Mahesana Kherwa OW I Confined II 23.54635 72.44467 94.80 92.36 2.44
94 Mahesana Kherwa OW II Confined II 23.54635 72.44467 94.80 77.53 17.27
95 Mahesana Mehsana I Confined II 23.59750 72.39861 90.00 154.13 -64.13
96 Mahesana Mehsana II Confined II 23.59750 72.39861 90.00 154.33 -64.33
97 Mahesana Mewad Confined II 23.53333 72.38333 85.00 16.58 68.42
98 Mahesana Motipura_Pz_I Confined II 23.53389 72.60417 111.00 155.32 -44.32
99 Mahesana Motipura_Pz_II Confined II 23.53389 72.60417 111.00 53.97 57.03
100 Mahesana Ramvijaynagar Pz II Confined II 23.71000 72.34000 88.00 86.38 1.62
101 Mahesana Suraj Confined II 23.38972 72.30667 68.00 26.62 41.38
102 Mahesana Thol Pz -IV Confined II 23.13056 72.37611 57.20 113.53 -56.33
103 Patan Jangral Pzi Confined II 23.69472 71.69389 25.10 179.42 -154.32
104 Patan Jangral Pzii Confined II 23.69472 71.69389 25.10 95.10 -70.00
105 Patan Lukhasan Confined II 23.96000 72.47000 151.00 133.15 17.85
106 Patan Matarwadi II Confined II 23.86833 72.14722 86.00 102.63 -16.63
107 Patan Vanasan Pz Confined II 23.89750 72.26333 105.00 105.42 -0.42
108 Sabarkantha Kuski_Pz Confined II 23.63889 73.36944 207.90 13.30 194.60
109 Vadodara Chitral Pz-I Confined II 22.18194 72.94583 23.00 44.35 -21.35
Annexure III
Groundwater Table of Gujarat state during May 2020

District Site Name LAT_Y LONG_X Elevation, May 2020, WT May,

m m m
Ahmedabad Bagodara_Pz_II 22.64170 72.21390 11.70 7.00 4.70
Ahmedabad Barvala 22.15000 71.89170 28.00 7.30 20.70
Ahmedabad Bopal_Pz_III 23.03860 72.45780 44.10 2.90 41.20
Ahmedabad Dalod 23.36670 71.96660 31.00 8.22 22.78
Ahmedabad Devalia 22.37780 71.98610 24.40 20.40 4.00
Ahmedabad Dhandhuka1 22.37500 71.98610 22.70 2.95 19.75
Ahmedabad Endla 23.27220 72.05830 34.30 2.93 31.37
Ahmedabad Gamph 22.35830 72.16660 16.00 1.52 14.48
Ahmedabad Kumarkhan 22.90000 72.01670 17.00 3.74 13.26
Ahmedabad Kundal 22.90140 72.22360 22.00 7.28 14.72
Ahmedabad Kundali 22.26940 71.70000 80.30 4.07 76.23
Ahmedabad Mandal2 23.27500 71.91660 25.00 10.63 14.37
Ahmedabad Rajpada 22.30830 71.69170 81.00 12.00 69.00
Ahmedabad Salangpor 22.15830 71.77080 59.00 7.00 52.00
Ahmedabad Tagadi1 22.29580 71.94720 23.00 3.91 19.09
Ahmedabad Ughraj1 23.36670 72.10000 45.00 7.52 37.48
Ahmedabad Upardhal1 22.85000 72.14580 20.00 11.90 8.10
Ahmedabad Vagad(Repl)_Pz 22.36030 71.86800 40.20 4.22 35.98
Ahmedabad Viramgam2 23.14170 72.03330 29.00 3.30 25.70
Amreli Amreli 21.60830 71.22500 127.00 5.14 121.86
Amreli Amreli_Pz 21.61250 71.22500 128.00 5.57 122.43
Amreli Amritvel_Pz 21.39720 71.35830 99.30 2.80 96.50
Amreli Ankadia mota 21.64580 71.10830 153.00 6.19 146.81
Amreli Badhda 21.26580 71.33890 175.70 7.45 168.25
Amreli Bagasara 21.47920 70.96250 152.00 15.75 136.25
Amreli Bherai 20.86800 71.36250 8.30 2.46 5.84
Amreli Bhuva 21.43280 71.36380 86.20 4.50 81.70
Amreli Chalala 21.41670 71.16660 135.00 26.05 108.95
Amreli Charkhadia_Pz 21.38750 71.29160 112.00 26.05 85.95
Amreli Charkhadia1 21.39170 71.29580 112.00 21.35 90.65
Amreli Chavand 21.81670 71.41250 116.00 6.00 110.00
Amreli Dharangani 21.33330 71.20000 167.00 30.65 136.35
Amreli Dhari_Pz 21.32640 71.01800 211.00 10.55 200.45
Amreli Dhrai Balmukand 21.83420 71.21720 191.30 10.80 180.50
Amreli Fifad 21.43610 71.54020 66.70 6.45 60.25
Amreli Gopalpura Vanda Pz 21.37500 71.49160 98.00 26.77 71.23
Amreli Goradka 21.22500 71.41110 134.30 3.43 130.87
Amreli Govadka 21.54170 71.15830 113.00 3.10 109.90
Amreli Hipavadli 21.37890 71.61470 93.10 10.30 82.80
Amreli Ingorala 21.23330 71.20000 267.00 11.90 255.10
Amreli Jesar_Pz 21.37140 71.67020 95.80 5.99 89.81
Amreli Kadiyali 20.90830 71.36020 8.30 6.12 2.18
Amreli Kerala 21.39720 71.21660 127.30 37.30 90.00
Amreli Khamba 21.15000 71.23880 219.70 4.37 215.33
Amreli Khamba_Pz 21.14170 71.25420 202.00 7.46 194.54
Amreli Kotadapitha 21.95830 71.20420 202.00 3.35 198.65
Amreli Kunkavav 21.66250 70.98330 173.00 21.12 151.88
Amreli Lathi 21.72080 71.38330 121.00 2.23 118.77
Amreli Lotpur 20.96250 71.43330 17.00 6.05 10.95
Amreli Luvariya 21.62500 71.39580 100.00 4.20 95.80
Amreli Mandal 21.10000 71.58330 46.00 23.50 22.50
Amreli Manila Pz 21.43330 71.16660 129.00 21.80 107.20
Amreli Morjhar 21.37610 71.11860 171.00 49.50 121.50
Amreli Nageshri 20.92500 71.35410 11.00 3.41 7.59
Amreli Piyava 21.38330 71.46660 98.00 25.55 72.45
Amreli Punjapadar 21.52500 71.35830 91.00 5.24 85.76
Amreli Salena 21.38610 71.53330 92.70 16.77 75.93
Amreli Sanaria 21.55780 71.46800 85.70 2.10 83.60
Amreli Tajpur 21.72500 71.46660 114.00 15.15 98.85
Amreli Timbi2 20.89580 71.20420 35.00 2.44 32.56
Amreli Trakuda 21.01670 71.28050 81.30 7.58 73.72
Amreli Untvad 21.91670 71.21660 192.00 13.70 178.30
Amreli Vaghania juna 21.58330 70.96660 152.00 6.10 145.90
Amreli Vankiya 21.52080 71.13610 120.30 4.73 115.57
Amreli Vankiya1 21.23330 71.25000 233.00 7.10 225.90
Amreli Virpur 21.25420 71.15000 242.00 13.62 228.38
Anand Adas_DW 22.47860 73.03030 41.40 23.00 18.40
Anand Anand 22.57500 72.97220 42.30 29.29 13.01
Anand Anklav2 22.38330 73.00830 37.00 23.78 13.22
Anand Bandhani 22.54170 72.81670 34.00 6.18 27.82
Anand Bhadran 22.35550 72.89720 28.10 18.10 10.00
Anand Boriyani 22.63220 73.00420 43.30 9.80 33.50
Anand Davalpura_Pz 22.45830 72.80270 28.30 2.65 25.65
Anand Kansari1 22.34170 72.65000 14.00 11.80 2.20
Anand Navapura 22.31250 72.96250 31.00 28.56 2.44
Anand Parvata 22.71360 73.12660 51.30 6.80 44.50
Anand Ras 22.34580 72.83330 24.00 2.40 21.60
Anand Tarapur Pz-II 22.48610 72.66110 25.10 3.09 22.01
Banaskantha Ambaji_Pz 24.33610 72.84720 454.30 12.58 441.72
Banaskantha Amirgadh 24.40550 72.64170 227.30 15.55 211.75
Banaskantha Bharol1 24.52920 71.54160 34.00 2.80 31.20
Banaskantha Danta 24.18890 72.76530 279.60 11.59 268.01
Banaskantha Dantiwada 24.18890 72.76050 271.80 34.08 237.72
Banaskantha Dantiwada 24.27750 72.26140 158.70 27.72 130.98
Banaskantha Ganapipli 24.29720 72.94720 259.20 8.44 250.76
Banaskantha Gangodra 24.43610 72.36520 196.60 22.56 174.04
Banaskantha Iqbalgarh 24.34580 72.53750 210.00 33.14 176.86
Banaskantha Jhat 24.48750 72.35270 193.70 16.01 177.69
Banaskantha Meda 24.39720 72.28470 173.80 9.10 164.70
Banaskantha Mohabbat gadh 24.16670 72.72770 252.30 23.68 228.62
Banaskantha Naroli Pziii 24.61640 71.63860 50.30 7.11 43.19
Banaskantha Palanpur2 24.19440 72.43330 217.00 24.57 192.43
Banaskantha Ratanpur2 24.17500 72.74580 262.00 21.93 240.07
Banaskantha Sodapur 24.40140 72.29580 173.30 16.89 156.41
Banaskantha Tharad Pziii 24.38500 71.61940 46.30 9.13 37.17
Bharuch Arethi 21.61250 73.43520 158.30 14.45 143.85
Bharuch Bharuch 21.70000 73.00420 6.00 6.35 -0.35
Bharuch Bhensli 21.72500 72.75000 8.00 2.10 5.90
Bharuch Chhindra 22.12670 72.66970 11.70 9.68 2.02
Bharuch Dahegam 22.18470 72.59720 11.60 7.65 3.95
Bharuch Hansot 21.58330 72.80830 14.00 4.11 9.89
Bharuch Ilav 21.45000 72.80000 13.00 5.99 7.01
Bharuch Jambusar 22.05280 72.80550 14.10 8.71 5.39
Bharuch Jambusar2 22.05000 72.80000 12.00 9.60 2.40
Bharuch Jetpur1 21.49170 72.70830 8.00 1.78 6.22
Bharuch Juna borbhata 21.67500 72.97500 4.00 8.50 -4.50
Bharuch Kalak1 22.01860 72.76300 8.60 6.99 1.61
Bharuch Kaswa 21.68330 72.81670 11.00 5.55 5.45
Bharuch Kavi 22.19360 72.63940 15.90 6.36 9.54
Bharuch Kondh 21.58060 73.06810 35.10 4.06 31.04
Bharuch Luhara 21.67500 72.55830 10.00 0.85 9.15
Bharuch Mahegam1 21.68330 72.75830 6.00 4.85 1.15
Bharuch Mokhdi 21.53330 73.28750 78.00 11.84 66.16
Bharuch Motwan 21.55550 72.88750 12.30 2.04 10.26
Bharuch Navetha 21.70780 72.83050 9.40 2.90 6.50
Bharuch Netrang(Rep)_Pz 21.64170 73.36660 126.00 9.01 116.99
Bharuch Netrang1 21.63330 73.36660 128.00 4.30 123.70
Bharuch Nirnavi 21.79170 72.66800 8.70 8.34 0.36
Bharuch Panoli 21.53750 72.97500 26.00 3.35 22.65
Bharuch Raymal 21.52080 72.82080 13.00 1.13 11.87
Bharuch Roja tankaria 21.91670 72.79160 7.00 8.38 -1.38
Bharuch Sahol 21.47280 72.80970 12.20 4.72 7.48
Bharuch Sajod 21.61670 72.92360 10.00 4.53 5.47
Bharuch Sarod 22.15830 72.75830 19.00 15.22 3.78
Bharuch Sindhav 22.02690 72.63610 6.00 7.27 -1.27
Bharuch Tankari 21.99170 72.67500 6.00 4.92 1.08
Bharuch Utraj 21.59170 72.82500 6.00 2.42 3.58
Bhavnagar Ambala 21.71110 71.84160 55.00 14.58 40.42
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar1 21.76670 72.15000 25.00 3.55 21.45
Bhavnagar Bhumbhali 21.67940 72.24410 7.70 2.55 5.15
Bhavnagar Bhutia 21.74720 71.70000 59.00 22.30 36.70
Bhavnagar Bora 21.19110 71.92880 18.70 24.57 -5.87
Bhavnagar Datha 21.22080 71.95000 31.00 1.71 29.29
Bhavnagar Dhasa 21.80000 71.50830 90.00 4.94 85.06
Bhavnagar Gadhada2 21.96670 71.57920 83.00 3.73 79.27
Bhavnagar Gariyadhar 21.54300 71.56520 97.60 14.52 83.08
Bhavnagar Ghogha1 21.68330 72.27910 12.00 1.52 10.48
Bhavnagar Jalia 21.80000 71.61660 70.00 16.25 53.75
Bhavnagar Khijadiya 21.63750 71.70000 95.00 9.21 85.79
Bhavnagar Longadi 21.21390 71.88330 38.30 2.35 35.95
Bhavnagar Lonjdhara 22.09720 71.89720 23.10 21.62 1.48
Bhavnagar Malvav_Pz 21.16060 71.90830 33.70 21.72 11.98
Bhavnagar Motivadal 21.19720 71.55000 114.70 3.72 110.98
Bhavnagar Ningala 22.01810 71.70000 56.30 10.45 45.85
Bhavnagar Palitana1 21.52500 71.82360 67.70 7.40 60.30
Bhavnagar Palitana2 21.52220 71.83890 58.20 7.85 50.35
Bhavnagar Panchpipla 21.55000 71.72080 82.00 1.84 80.16
Bhavnagar Panvi1 22.07500 71.89170 16.00 3.87 12.13
Bhavnagar Pasvi 21.29170 71.96660 51.00 11.82 39.18
Bhavnagar Piparla 21.63640 71.91890 93.70 4.40 89.30
Bhavnagar Porbada 21.80000 71.70000 45.00 10.93 34.07
Bhavnagar Sajnasar 21.42500 71.91250 66.00 2.50 63.50
Bhavnagar Sandhida 21.68750 71.75830 84.00 9.60 74.40
Bhavnagar Satanes 21.44170 71.83750 85.00 10.57 74.43
Bhavnagar Shantinagar 21.24580 71.65000 123.00 11.50 111.50
Bhavnagar Talaja2 21.36670 72.01670 21.00 8.73 12.27
Bhavnagar Tansa 21.50830 72.12500 84.00 8.10 75.90
Bhavnagar Tatam 22.05830 71.63330 79.00 11.74 67.26
Bhavnagar Timbi2 21.83170 71.76610 29.30 13.63 15.67
Bhavnagar Trapaj 21.42500 72.09580 54.00 13.46 40.54
Bhavnagar Umrala 21.84720 71.80830 23.30 14.02 9.28
Bhavnagar Vallabhipur1 21.88330 71.87770 16.00 4.80 11.20
Bhavnagar Vallbhipur 21.88330 71.87500 16.00 4.05 11.95
DAMAN Ambawadi 20.40280 72.84440 14.10 4.10 10.00
DAMAN Dalwada 20.44310 72.85190 22.40 7.55 14.85
DAMAN Daman 20.42420 72.85020 17.00 9.45 7.55
DIU Chakarteeth_Pz 20.70830 70.96890 7.30 5.42 1.88
DIU Gomtimata 20.70830 70.87630 0.00 8.05 -8.05
DIU Jalawadi 20.72170 70.93300 12.30 5.89 6.41
Dohad Ambakatch 22.66670 74.22030 390.70 2.55 388.15
Dohad Bapda 22.67000 73.84160 191.00 7.14 183.86
Dohad Dadhela 22.83750 74.06670 262.00 6.97 255.03
Dohad Dahod 22.84030 74.26250 305.00 1.14 303.86
Dohad Dahod2 22.82500 74.23330 310.00 8.40 301.60
Dohad Devgadh Baria 22.70000 73.91390 200.70 10.83 189.87
Dohad Devgadh bariya 22.70000 73.91660 207.00 13.66 193.34
Dohad Dhanpur 22.63330 74.10410 258.00 10.36 247.64
Dohad Dohad_Urban1 22.85750 74.24940 319.70 5.15 314.55
Dohad Dohad_Urban2 22.84470 74.26670 302.00 7.35 294.65
Dohad Dohad_Urban3 22.83970 74.23390 321.00 4.70 316.30
Dohad Fatepura(Karodia) 23.25420 74.02910 188.00 12.02 175.98
Dohad Garbara 22.68050 74.31250 353.70 3.63 350.07
Dohad Jhalod 23.09300 74.14720 269.70 9.35 260.35
Dohad Jhalod1 23.09170 74.13330 273.00 13.10 259.90
Dohad Kanjetha 22.58060 74.11380 253.20 9.30 243.90
Dohad Khandania 22.70420 73.83750 220.00 12.93 207.07
Dohad Limbdi2 23.00420 74.15830 277.00 2.20 274.80
Dohad Limkheda 22.83060 73.98610 205.00 7.67 197.33
Dohad Mirakhedi 22.93330 74.20000 323.00 5.88 317.12
Dohad Panchwada 22.72920 74.30830 327.00 4.69 322.31
Dohad Pipero 22.64720 74.09030 244.10 10.89 233.21
Dohad Salaya1 22.80830 73.89170 200.00 14.20 185.80
Dohad Sarsava 23.22780 73.97690 177.70 3.95 173.75
Dohad Sukhsar 23.15000 74.05000 196.00 9.55 186.45
Dohad Thada 22.94940 74.08890 309.40 10.30 299.10
Dohad Tokarba 22.60420 74.03750 232.00 5.85 226.15
Dohad Varamkheda 22.80000 74.27500 298.00 1.45 296.55
Dohad Wadia 22.90000 74.05000 229.00 7.64 221.36
Gandhinagar Adalaj_Pz_III 23.17500 72.55830 64.00 26.30 37.70
Gandhinagar Kasturinagar (IFFCO) 23.19030 72.55270 74.00 14.15 59.85
Gandhinagar Lodra 23.46390 72.72030 110.90 52.40 58.50
Gandhinagar Paliya 23.17920 72.84160 78.00 17.52 60.48
Gandhinagar Serthapara1 23.19440 72.56670 66.70 20.45 46.25
Jamnagar Amaliya Chokri 22.24030 69.12520 42.00 3.39 38.61
Jamnagar Ambardi 21.91640 69.85800 82.30 5.59 76.71
Jamnagar Amran_Pz 22.82220 70.54580 13.00 3.31 9.69
Jamnagar Amran1 22.82920 70.56250 12.00 0.91 11.09
Jamnagar Aramda 22.43330 69.04160 7.00 5.95 1.05
Jamnagar Balwa 21.90420 69.95830 116.00 12.73 103.27
Jamnagar Bed1 22.43750 69.90000 16.00 6.63 9.37
Jamnagar Bedanpur 22.68330 70.31670 13.00 1.81 11.19
Jamnagar Bhadthar 22.07920 69.57920 48.00 9.26 38.74
Jamnagar Bhatia 22.09170 69.30130 36.30 3.36 32.94
Jamnagar Bhatiya 22.09440 69.26670 20.30 2.29 18.01
Jamnagar Bhogat1 21.99170 69.24580 9.00 5.23 3.77
Jamnagar Changa 22.35000 70.04160 41.00 10.46 30.54
Jamnagar Dhrol2 22.56670 70.41660 32.00 3.66 28.34
Jamnagar Drafa 21.95830 70.07500 102.00 5.59 96.41
Jamnagar Dudhai2 22.79170 70.50420 14.00 3.06 10.94
Jamnagar Dwarka 22.24580 68.95830 12.00 7.21 4.79
Jamnagar Falla 1 22.53360 70.31410 31.70 7.66 24.04
Jamnagar Gordhanpur 22.45000 70.00130 13.70 3.05 10.65
Jamnagar Haripur2 22.27080 70.33330 86.00 17.16 68.84
Jamnagar Jambuda 22.52500 70.20420 8.00 7.71 0.29
Jamnagar Jamjodhpur 21.90550 70.03050 101.00 4.39 96.61
Jamnagar Jamnagar1 22.47080 70.05000 22.00 6.32 15.68
Jamnagar Jamnagar2 22.45830 70.07920 16.00 5.97 10.03
Jamnagar Juvanpur 22.17080 69.36660 44.00 7.31 36.69
Jamnagar Kajuda 22.33330 69.70830 22.00 3.82 18.18
Jamnagar Kalawad 22.21670 70.38330 88.00 3.10 84.90
Jamnagar Kalyanpur2 22.01670 69.39170 38.00 12.85 25.15
Jamnagar Kesia 22.69640 70.39690 17.10 9.10 8.00
Jamnagar Khambhaliya 22.20970 69.64580 38.30 3.93 34.37
Jamnagar Khirsara 21.97920 69.60000 38.00 0.60 37.40
Jamnagar Kuvadia 22.20140 69.58330 44.00 4.05 39.95
Jamnagar Lalpur1 22.19170 69.96110 74.70 7.65 67.05
Jamnagar Lambha 1 21.89890 69.32360 17.60 3.70 13.90
Jamnagar Modpar 21.85830 69.80830 87.00 17.40 69.60
Jamnagar Mojap 22.36670 68.98330 10.00 7.40 2.60
Jamnagar Mota kalawad 21.90830 69.82920 69.00 20.00 49.00
Jamnagar Motagop 22.03750 69.87500 101.00 5.08 95.92
Jamnagar Moti khavdi 22.38750 69.86660 23.00 4.02 18.98
Jamnagar Moti matli 22.31670 70.26390 75.30 20.23 55.07
Jamnagar Nikava 22.19170 70.53330 126.00 2.24 123.76
Jamnagar Pindara1 22.24720 69.25830 15.00 5.41 9.59
Jamnagar Raval 21.92970 69.49190 7.40 4.33 3.07
Jamnagar Salaya 22.30550 69.60410 7.70 2.67 5.03
Jamnagar Samrasar1 22.37500 69.10410 9.00 2.65 6.35
Jamnagar Seth vadala 22.03330 70.12500 149.00 6.98 142.02
Jamnagar Sumana 22.10830 70.16660 164.00 7.66 156.34
Jamnagar Vad panchasara 22.23330 70.11660 96.00 15.85 80.15
Jamnagar Vadtara 22.20830 69.50000 43.00 4.25 38.75
Jamnagar Varwada 22.29170 68.96660 14.00 15.65 -1.65
Jamnagar Vijarkha 22.41670 70.18330 29.00 2.41 26.59
Jamnagar Vinjhalpur 22.15000 69.60000 61.00 5.33 55.67
Junagadh Ajotha 20.90190 70.51800 29.20 20.67 8.53
Junagadh Anandpur 21.41030 70.51800 70.20 12.17 58.03
Junagadh Ankolvadi 21.04720 70.65830 138.30 10.31 127.99
Junagadh Ankolvadi 1 21.04690 70.66470 142.40 19.90 122.50
Junagadh Arena 21.08060 70.17630 11.60 10.70 0.90
Junagadh Bamanwara 21.22080 70.05550 12.30 9.26 3.04
Junagadh Bantva 21.48750 70.08330 22.00 10.50 11.50
Junagadh Bhim Deval 20.97750 70.60910 80.00 9.54 70.46
Junagadh Bilkha 21.43890 70.60000 95.30 7.38 87.92
Junagadh Budhecha 21.09580 70.21660 24.00 6.88 17.12
Junagadh Chokli 21.60190 70.54160 98.70 16.31 82.39
Junagadh Chorwad 21.04170 70.21660 18.00 6.38 11.62
Junagadh Dhokadva 20.95830 71.07080 75.00 10.80 64.20
Junagadh Gadu 21.05420 70.27910 31.00 44.20 -13.20
Junagadh Galodar 21.14720 70.27500 54.00 7.37 46.63
Junagadh Gangda_Pz 20.85830 71.16660 22.00 6.70 15.30
Junagadh Girgadhada 20.92500 70.91660 84.00 6.75 77.25
Junagadh Goraj1 21.18330 70.15410 37.00 32.55 4.45
Junagadh Govindpura2 20.94580 70.39580 27.00 28.35 -1.35
Junagadh Jambur[madhapar 21.02920 70.60830 113.00 6.04 106.96
Junagadh Jamvala 20.98470 70.76940 103.30 5.10 98.20
Junagadh Jamvala1 20.98330 70.76250 97.00 5.77 91.23
Junagadh Jargla Jargali 20.88080 70.98410 55.00 7.50 47.50
Junagadh Junagadh 21.50940 70.46220 100.30 12.10 88.20
Junagadh Junagadh1 21.51670 70.45830 90.00 7.10 82.90
Junagadh Juthal 21.16670 70.26670 62.00 6.34 55.66
Junagadh Kalej 21.24860 70.05830 13.30 6.10 7.20
Junagadh Kanek 21.03050 70.24160 13.30 10.01 3.29
Junagadh Kansari 20.87000 71.05110 44.30 9.75 34.55
Junagadh Kasia Naka Check Post 21.27030 70.68050 169.20 1.75 167.45
Junagadh Kenedipur 21.27220 70.47970 120.80 3.21 117.59
Junagadh Kesariya1 20.79640 70.94190 28.40 16.65 11.75
Junagadh Kewarda 21.26670 70.20830 52.00 12.25 39.75
Junagadh Khambalia1 21.04440 70.19170 11.00 8.44 2.56
Junagadh Khokharda 21.42080 70.31670 37.00 17.40 19.60
Junagadh Khorada1 21.06390 70.17360 11.30 7.31 3.99
Junagadh Khoras ahir 21.37080 70.33890 47.00 15.75 31.25
Junagadh Kodinar 20.80000 70.69170 15.00 9.58 5.42
Junagadh Kodinar1 20.80000 70.69170 15.00 13.48 1.52
Junagadh Kukaswada 21.05420 70.20830 14.00 11.34 2.66
Junagadh Lohej 21.16670 70.06670 15.00 9.01 5.99
Junagadh Maktupur1 21.14310 70.09580 15.70 7.21 8.49
Junagadh Mandawad 21.35830 70.74580 131.00 13.02 117.98
Junagadh Mangrol 21.12500 70.10830 14.00 16.77 -2.77
Junagadh Mangrol1 21.13060 70.11940 18.60 9.40 9.20
Junagadh Manketara 21.15000 70.12920 26.00 13.14 12.86
Junagadh Mendarda1 21.32500 70.43330 86.00 15.74 70.26
Junagadh Moraj 20.98330 70.43610 55.70 9.85 45.85
Junagadh Patla 21.60420 70.56920 106.00 9.38 96.62
Junagadh Prachi_Pz 20.92190 70.61330 54.00 8.12 45.88
Junagadh Prasli 20.85080 70.66910 23.00 11.95 11.05
Junagadh Prempara 21.30000 70.70000 146.00 18.20 127.80
Junagadh Sametar 20.85420 71.12080 31.00 9.75 21.25
Junagadh Saradiya 21.58860 70.03750 15.70 7.03 8.67
Junagadh Sepa 21.11670 70.21940 40.30 20.30 20.00
Junagadh Seriakhan 21.13330 70.24860 47.70 17.33 30.37
Junagadh Sil 21.18550 70.04640 11.10 4.72 6.38
Junagadh Sil bandar 21.22360 70.05550 13.20 2.89 10.31
Junagadh Talala1 21.05140 70.52500 87.30 9.04 78.26
Junagadh Una2 20.82500 71.04160 31.00 6.50 24.50
Junagadh Vanthali ii 21.47080 70.32780 32.70 7.93 24.77
Junagadh Visavadar 21.33890 70.74860 135.00 17.37 117.63
Kachchh Asambia mota_Pz 22.96800 69.45140 67.80 8.50 59.30
Kachchh Asambia mota1 22.96800 69.43750 61.00 16.45 44.55
Kachchh Bambhdai 22.93890 69.08280 7.70 4.58 3.12
Kachchh Bhadreshwar 22.90000 69.90000 10.00 9.20 0.80
Kachchh Bhuj (Circuit House) 23.25000 69.66660 105.00 20.19 84.81
Kachchh Chandranagar 23.45000 69.40000 61.00 8.67 52.33
Kachchh Dayapar1 23.63330 68.87080 103.00 23.00 80.00
Kachchh Deshalpur rapar 23.74720 70.67910 13.70 15.22 -1.52
Kachchh Devisar 23.40280 69.32920 82.70 13.43 69.27
Kachchh Dholavira 23.88330 70.21660 24.00 11.63 12.37
Kachchh Dhori1 23.43330 69.75420 15.00 12.13 2.87
Kachchh Dunai 23.05000 69.50000 108.00 13.01 94.99
Kachchh Gagodar 23.41670 70.80000 43.00 32.30 10.70
Kachchh Gandhidham2 23.07550 70.15140 12.30 12.40 -0.10
Kachchh Haboi 23.35830 69.86660 112.00 0.62 111.38
Kachchh Karagoga 22.94170 69.66250 51.00 2.58 48.42
Kachchh Kharai_1 23.46300 68.68550 53.30 1.42 51.88
Kachchh Kharoi 23.45420 70.35000 39.00 7.11 31.89
Kachchh Khavada 23.83890 69.73050 16.80 6.34 10.46
Kachchh Kotada 23.37690 69.19920 116.70 37.00 79.70
Kachchh Kotaya 23.04170 69.07500 35.00 13.60 21.40
Kachchh Kuda 23.53440 70.44020 58.90 26.67 32.23
Kachchh Lakhpat 23.82300 68.77500 14.30 6.70 7.60
Kachchh Lilpur 23.51110 70.65000 123.30 0.50 122.80
Kachchh Lodai 23.40000 69.89170 27.00 16.91 10.09
Kachchh Luni 22.87330 69.81160 13.00 8.86 4.14
Kachchh Mata no madh 23.53330 68.95000 91.00 9.04 81.96
Kachchh Mathak1 22.99720 70.02500 28.30 3.87 24.43
Kachchh Mokha 22.95000 69.80000 41.00 17.66 23.34
Kachchh Mothala 23.20830 69.12500 83.00 3.08 79.92
Kachchh Moti cher 23.75830 68.67500 16.00 3.15 12.85
Kachchh Mundra 22.82780 69.72080 7.00 6.60 0.40
Kachchh Naliya 23.25580 68.84000 24.00 13.34 10.66
Kachchh Naliya (Bus S) 23.26670 68.83330 21.00 10.42 10.58
Kachchh Panchasar Pz II 23.54800 70.77030 87.70 30.10 57.60
Kachchh Rapar 23.57500 70.64170 54.00 23.35 30.65
Kachchh Rapar2 23.56670 70.63750 63.00 28.46 34.54
Kachchh Ratanpur Khadir1 23.86080 70.36300 37.00 17.81 19.19
Kachchh Ratanpur(maum.) 23.10830 69.29160 140.00 2.90 137.10
Kachchh Rawapar 23.51670 69.07500 71.00 14.70 56.30
Kachchh Rudramata 23.39170 69.70830 41.00 11.40 29.60
Kachchh Samkhiari 23.30000 70.50830 42.00 3.62 38.38
Kachchh Sedat 23.17140 69.63750 221.00 11.43 209.57
Kachchh Shinaya 23.03330 70.05410 40.00 5.85 34.15
Kachchh Sukhpar 23.20830 69.61660 120.00 15.28 104.72
Kachchh Tera 23.28330 68.94720 46.30 12.37 33.93
Kachchh Ugardi 23.46300 69.13800 89.10 30.46 58.64
Kachchh Vadala 22.91610 69.85550 19.20 12.00 7.20
Kachchh Vinjhan1 23.10000 69.02500 47.00 8.05 38.95
Kheda Alina 22.80830 73.05830 49.00 9.25 39.75
Kheda Alindra 22.70080 72.97660 44.00 11.50 32.50
Kheda Balasinor 22.95830 73.33610 92.00 4.00 88.00
Kheda Balasinor1 22.95000 73.32500 92.00 6.71 85.29
Kheda Bar 23.16800 73.41110 147.30 5.39 141.91
Kheda Boriyavi 22.63550 72.90910 39.30 9.76 29.54
Kheda Dakor 22.76250 73.16940 60.30 6.54 53.76
Kheda Juna vasadra 23.08330 73.36250 103.00 7.20 95.80
Kheda Kalesar 22.72080 73.19170 59.00 2.65 56.35
Kheda Kapadvanj 23.00420 73.09160 73.00 11.12 61.88
Kheda Kheda 22.73750 72.70420 25.00 6.86 18.14
Kheda Ladvel 22.90830 73.12080 69.00 1.80 67.20
Kheda Mahudha 22.78330 72.94170 40.00 4.15 35.85
Kheda Muliyad 22.78310 73.17660 58.70 1.30 57.40
Kheda Nes_Pz 22.70830 73.20280 61.70 10.17 51.53
Kheda Sarkhej _ Pz-III 22.98610 72.88060 54.20 36.60 17.60
Kheda Shekhupura 22.57500 72.62500 24.00 0.55 23.45
Kheda Vaso 22.66110 72.75420 32.00 6.35 25.65
Kheda Virpur_Pz 23.19310 73.48520 103.60 5.40 98.20
Kheda Vyas vasna 23.10550 73.10410 86.00 23.85 62.15
Mahesana Asjol 23.50830 72.18330 56.00 5.69 50.31
Mahesana Bhandupara 23.72500 72.38330 101.00 9.11 91.89
Mahesana Budasan 23.28750 72.37500 62.00 4.93 57.07
Mahesana Daran_Pz-III 23.20640 72.27970 49.30 2.58 46.72
Mahesana Dharpura 23.54580 72.11250 51.00 7.72 43.28
Mahesana Dosaj 23.84170 72.45000 131.00 16.85 114.15
Mahesana Jaska(Sy_4")Pz_II 23.82360 72.53470 145.40 16.16 129.24
Mahesana Kalyanpur 23.12690 72.19310 34.30 4.33 29.97
Mahesana Karalli (iii) 23.80420 72.48610 132.30 11.90 120.40
Mahesana Kheralu(shallow 23.89780 72.61050 176.20 3.99 172.21
Mahesana Kheralu1 23.88750 72.61250 174.00 9.85 164.15
Mahesana Maguna 23.57780 72.28890 72.60 7.45 65.15
Mahesana Mau 23.51030 72.51920 100.70 9.23 91.47
Mahesana Mehsana v 23.59750 72.39860 90.00 29.84 60.16
Mahesana Modhera iii 23.71670 72.46660 117.00 10.21 106.79
Mahesana Padhadya 23.52250 72.53330 106.00 12.35 93.65
Mahesana Panchot 23.62920 72.34160 82.00 4.84 77.16
Mahesana Rampura1 23.89170 72.51670 160.00 11.63 148.37
Mahesana Ramvijaynagar Pz III 23.71000 72.34000 88.00 16.33 71.67
Mahesana Sihi 23.80000 72.35000 111.00 12.08 98.92
Mahesana Tarabh 23.75830 72.45830 122.00 9.52 112.48
Mahesana Timba_1 23.98720 72.75890 242.20 15.31 226.89
Mahesana Unawa 23.76670 72.36250 110.00 3.67 106.33
Mahesana Unjha 23.79780 72.39440 116.30 6.40 109.90
Mahesana Vidaj 23.24720 72.30000 56.70 2.26 54.44
Mahesana Visnagar iv 23.70000 72.53330 125.00 4.43 120.57
Narmada Agar(Rep)_Pz 22.03110 73.65660 60.00 10.46 49.54
Narmada Almadi 21.60890 73.51080 168.70 7.35 161.35
Narmada Amayar 21.54720 73.76670 193.30 9.25 184.05
Narmada Baman Phalia_Pz 21.79830 73.37920 90.00 20.50 69.50
Narmada Chikada 21.52080 73.64580 239.00 5.45 233.55
Narmada Chuli 21.55470 73.47550 199.70 12.23 187.47
Narmada Garudeshwar 21.89170 73.65000 42.00 11.40 30.60
Narmada Hirapura 21.86800 73.60000 65.00 7.06 57.94
Narmada Jankh 21.49220 73.59690 206.80 2.08 204.72
Narmada Kanbi pitha 21.52080 73.64580 239.00 2.93 236.07
Narmada Kewadia_Pz 21.88280 73.70050 60.90 5.88 55.02
Narmada Khaidipada 21.51390 73.51940 220.00 6.00 214.00
Narmada Khota amba 21.73330 73.47500 155.00 1.92 153.08
Narmada Namaria 22.04440 73.62220 62.10 4.50 57.60
Narmada Nani singlot 21.66940 73.66660 242.30 9.80 232.50
Narmada Rajpipla 21.87500 73.50000 37.00 29.37 7.63
Narmada Rasulpura_Pz 21.96670 73.62500 52.00 21.96 30.04
Narmada Ringani 21.84170 73.46660 73.00 2.45 70.55
Narmada Selemba 1 21.61000 73.76330 383.00 7.20 375.80
Narmada Umran 21.48810 73.88300 111.60 7.65 103.95
Navsari Abrama 20.86250 72.90000 4.00 1.40 2.60
Navsari Chadav 20.83110 73.33440 73.70 9.70 64.00
Navsari Chinam 20.99170 72.88610 7.70 3.83 3.87
Navsari Dandi 20.89170 72.80830 4.00 4.80 -0.80
Navsari Doldha 20.80670 73.22750 49.00 3.80 45.20
Navsari Hond 20.73890 73.04580 20.70 7.80 12.90
Navsari Kaliyari 20.72500 73.15000 47.00 9.10 37.90
Navsari Kantasvel 20.79720 73.29160 69.00 8.20 60.80
Navsari Khergam 20.63330 73.09580 41.00 7.90 33.10
Navsari Manav Khadak 20.67420 73.23330 81.00 2.30 78.70
Navsari Moti Valzar 20.80500 73.26670 72.00 7.75 64.25
Navsari Navsari 1 20.95810 72.93500 7.00 4.77 2.23
Navsari Onjal 20.83330 72.84160 11.00 5.25 5.75
Navsari Panikhadak 20.64920 73.16690 62.30 13.50 48.80
Navsari Pipalkhed 20.67500 73.28330 134.00 17.45 116.55
Navsari Rankuva 20.81250 73.15830 38.00 7.48 30.52
Navsari Rumla 20.68920 73.15890 47.70 9.40 38.30
Navsari Sari_khurd 20.78750 72.95420 5.00 3.15 1.85
Navsari Unai 20.85000 73.34160 80.00 9.56 70.44
Navsari Vansda 20.76440 73.36300 108.90 11.65 97.25
Panchmahals Bavaliya_Pz 23.30670 73.55500 166.00 27.65 138.35
Panchmahals Chhabanpur 22.82780 73.61250 128.30 8.53 119.77
Panchmahals Dhanol 22.75860 73.50670 103.30 1.21 102.09
Panchmahals Gadhar 23.15000 73.77500 149.00 13.30 135.70
Panchmahals Godhra_UR1 22.79280 73.60660 126.70 5.08 121.62
Panchmahals Godhra2 22.77080 73.63330 128.00 8.49 119.51
Panchmahals Jambughoda 22.36940 73.72500 107.00 6.58 100.42
Panchmahals Jambughoda1 22.37280 73.72270 104.30 3.23 101.07
Panchmahals Javan 22.40140 73.68500 269.70 7.91 261.79
Panchmahals Jokha 23.06190 73.62020 96.10 7.53 88.57
Panchmahals Kalol_UR1 22.60030 73.44330 82.00 12.87 69.13
Panchmahals Kalol_UR2 22.58970 73.45140 84.70 17.96 66.74
Panchmahals Kantha 23.17830 73.65220 109.00 1.95 107.05
Panchmahals Khadki_Vadiya 22.66220 73.50020 94.60 16.90 77.70
Panchmahals Khanpur 23.37000 73.67720 178.70 11.30 167.40
Panchmahals Kothamba 23.01940 73.51940 92.10 2.81 89.29
Panchmahals Limbadia peti 23.20420 73.60000 91.00 3.99 87.01
Panchmahals Lunawada 23.12920 73.60830 103.00 9.62 93.38
Panchmahals Malekpur1 23.23050 73.73610 110.00 3.35 106.65
Panchmahals Morwa (Hadaf) Pz-I 22.91800 73.84440 147.60 11.70 135.90
Panchmahals Natapur 22.85720 73.82050 153.90 8.49 145.41
Panchmahals Palla Rajgarh Pz 22.52280 73.70080 191.70 20.08 171.62
Panchmahals Pandarvada 23.37500 73.63330 158.00 15.56 142.44
Panchmahals Pavagadh 22.48750 73.55550 127.00 8.51 118.49
Panchmahals Ranipura 22.72500 73.75830 174.00 6.96 167.04
Panchmahals Santrampur 23.17080 73.90830 136.00 9.18 126.82
Panchmahals Santrampur1 23.19170 73.90830 144.00 8.98 135.02
Panchmahals Santroad1 22.80330 73.79300 153.00 12.95 140.05
Panchmahals Shehra 22.95420 73.62500 126.00 1.97 124.03
Panchmahals Shivrajpur 22.42500 73.59160 100.00 9.69 90.31
Panchmahals Suliyat 23.06220 73.85080 148.30 21.85 126.45
Panchmahals Tarkanda 22.54580 73.52910 103.00 2.75 100.25
Panchmahals Tuwa 22.80420 73.47080 82.00 3.84 78.16
Panchmahals Ucharpi Pz 23.11920 73.47160 104.00 17.47 86.53
Panchmahals Vejalpur 22.69580 73.55830 105.00 4.12 100.88
Patan Dharmoda 23.69720 72.06940 60.20 3.37 56.83
Patan Dhinoj1 23.66250 72.27910 80.00 15.12 64.88
Patan Moti chander 23.59440 71.78050 27.30 2.12 25.18
Patan Patan2 23.84170 72.12360 80.70 17.73 62.97
Patan Piprala_1 23.65470 71.08580 22.70 10.76 11.94
Patan Sander 23.76670 72.25420 89.00 11.95 77.05
Patan Sankheshwar 23.52190 71.79080 25.70 0.74 24.96
Patan Shankhari 23.77920 72.16250 80.00 15.09 64.91
Porbandar Adityana 21.70860 69.71080 23.30 11.96 11.34
Porbandar Adwana2 21.91670 69.60000 20.00 8.29 11.71
Porbandar Babda 21.77000 69.58800 15.30 5.81 9.49
Porbandar Bakharla 21.76470 69.66110 46.80 14.26 32.54
Porbandar Balej 21.37080 69.87500 6.00 2.64 3.36
Porbandar Bhavpura 21.80970 69.40830 10.00 3.85 6.15
Porbandar Bhod 21.65890 69.82110 21.90 18.00 3.90
Porbandar Hanumangadh1 21.79300 69.80270 72.70 5.15 67.55
Porbandar Kadegi 21.45050 69.98330 10.00 0.55 9.45
Porbandar Kandorna 21.64780 69.88330 22.00 15.68 6.32
Porbandar Khambodar 21.80830 69.60140 22.00 5.56 16.44
Porbandar Kolikhada 21.69970 69.61410 19.00 21.83 -2.83
Porbandar Kuchhadi 21.68330 69.55000 0.00 2.17 -2.17
Porbandar Kutiyana_Pz 21.62220 69.99720 10.70 4.40 6.30
Porbandar Kutiyana1 21.63060 70.01670 21.00 4.63 16.37
Porbandar Miyani 21.83330 69.38890 10.00 6.50 3.50
Porbandar Mocha 21.34830 69.88920 16.00 3.32 12.68
Porbandar Mojiwana 21.88580 69.60020 21.00 5.78 15.22
Porbandar Nagka 21.82140 69.64910 48.30 9.62 38.68
Porbandar Navibandar 21.44580 69.79160 9.00 1.58 7.42
Porbandar Oddar 21.56670 69.68050 9.30 5.83 3.47
Porbandar Palkhada1 21.75830 69.48750 13.00 10.10 2.90
Porbandar Pata 21.29720 69.94170 5.30 3.60 1.70
Porbandar Porbandar 21.64500 69.64250 7.00 1.92 5.08
Porbandar Porbandar1 21.64170 69.62500 8.00 3.88 4.12
Porbandar Ranavav2 21.68330 69.74580 30.00 10.95 19.05
Porbandar Ratadi 21.72030 69.51190 6.10 6.05 0.05
Porbandar Ratia 21.43800 69.80610 6.60 6.55 0.05
Porbandar Simar 21.94690 69.68580 54.70 5.76 48.94
Porbandar Tukda 21.51610 69.72860 6.90 2.98 3.92
Porbandar Visavada Mul Dwarka 21.78560 69.44640 16.70 6.18 10.52
Rajkot Bhadla 22.18330 71.09160 230.00 12.70 217.30
Rajkot Chhatar 22.50420 70.75420 97.00 4.90 92.10
Rajkot Chordi 21.91670 70.74860 127.30 9.15 118.15
Rajkot Dadia 22.09170 70.73330 153.00 10.27 142.73
Rajkot Dhoraji 21.74580 70.28580 44.00 10.20 33.80
Rajkot Ganod 21.67500 70.17910 31.00 6.74 24.26
Rajkot Gogavadar 21.96670 70.87500 155.00 8.35 146.65
Rajkot Hadmatia 22.68330 70.80830 80.00 8.14 71.86
Rajkot Halenda 22.09170 71.05000 212.00 1.70 210.30
Rajkot Jamwali 21.93330 70.76670 131.00 2.33 128.67
Rajkot Jasapur 21.89170 70.48330 99.00 9.80 89.20
Rajkot Jasdan 22.04440 71.21390 200.60 8.08 192.52
Rajkot Jasdan2 22.05830 71.22080 205.00 5.55 199.45
Rajkot Jetpur 21.75610 70.61940 89.60 4.98 84.62
Rajkot Kalithad1 22.01940 70.66020 126.80 3.50 123.30
Rajkot Kamlapur 22.14580 71.20000 243.00 10.65 232.35
Rajkot Kamlapur1 22.15190 71.19970 245.00 6.05 238.95
Rajkot Khamta 22.47500 70.55000 73.00 8.10 64.90
Rajkot Khirsara1 22.24170 70.64580 125.00 11.80 113.20
Rajkot Lajai 22.71670 70.77910 62.00 4.45 57.55
Rajkot Lalavadar 22.13330 71.30410 255.00 5.06 249.94
Rajkot Lodhika1 22.14170 70.64170 159.00 7.57 151.43
Rajkot Malia 23.09170 70.76250 6.00 3.15 2.85
Rajkot Modpar1 22.90000 70.66660 24.00 1.43 22.57
Rajkot Morvi 22.81670 70.84160 47.00 1.57 45.43
Rajkot Mota dhansura 22.95830 70.61660 9.00 7.23 1.77
Rajkot Movaiya 22.45000 70.60830 70.00 2.06 67.94
Rajkot Neknam 22.50420 70.69580 86.00 11.27 74.73
Rajkot Padadhari1 22.44720 70.60830 70.00 5.60 64.40
Rajkot Ranpur1 22.36670 70.92910 164.00 17.81 146.19
Rajkot Ribda 22.12500 70.76670 173.00 8.82 164.18
Rajkot Sardhar1 22.14580 70.98880 213.70 2.62 211.08
Rajkot Targhari 22.38330 70.66660 84.00 5.62 78.38
Rajkot Upleta3 21.67030 70.18270 34.80 13.12 21.68
Rajkot Vinchhia 22.20830 71.37920 171.00 2.18 168.82
Rajkot Viranagar 22.02500 71.12500 181.00 5.20 175.80
Rajkot Virpur1 21.85000 70.69580 114.00 9.13 104.87
Sabarkantha Abhapur 23.96420 73.25800 491.70 6.30 485.40
Sabarkantha Alwakampa 23.27470 73.20830 104.00 7.01 96.99
Sabarkantha Anwarpura Pz 23.40550 72.84550 113.10 36.45 76.65
Sabarkantha Atarsumba 23.98610 73.20830 275.30 7.81 267.49
Sabarkantha Bayad_Pz 23.21670 73.22910 104.00 11.00 93.00
Sabarkantha Bhadreshwar 23.74580 72.97910 167.00 24.63 142.37
Sabarkantha Bhiloda2 23.76670 73.27220 205.00 6.25 198.75
Sabarkantha Bibipur1 23.25280 73.21250 103.70 17.78 85.92
Sabarkantha Boral 23.12500 73.20830 104.00 11.31 92.69
Sabarkantha Boriya 23.24280 72.94080 80.70 7.93 72.77
Sabarkantha Chandap_DW 23.92330 72.85330 176.00 16.45 159.55
Sabarkantha Chandap_Pz 23.93190 72.85690 163.70 13.87 149.83
Sabarkantha Choriwad 23.90000 73.11940 218.70 21.04 197.66
Sabarkantha Derol Pz-II 23.59940 72.90250 142.70 46.81 95.89
Sabarkantha Dhansura1 23.35000 73.20000 131.00 6.99 124.01
Sabarkantha Gadada 23.57530 73.25310 170.30 6.56 163.74
Sabarkantha Gadha 23.70830 72.94170 166.00 16.25 149.75
Sabarkantha Hamirpur 23.40830 73.45830 148.00 11.44 136.56
Sabarkantha Harsol1 23.37780 73.01670 116.70 14.04 102.66
Sabarkantha Himmatnagar_Pz 23.60830 72.97080 137.00 8.50 128.50
Sabarkantha Idar 23.84170 73.03750 200.00 9.09 190.91
Sabarkantha Karanpur 23.33330 73.30000 134.00 3.36 130.64
Sabarkantha Kesharpura 23.91530 73.14530 248.40 23.57 224.83
Sabarkantha Kesharpura_Mayal 23.32220 72.94890 104.10 3.49 100.61
Sabarkantha Khedbrahma_Pz 24.03610 73.04440 200.00 3.85 196.15
Sabarkantha Khedbramha_1 24.02920 73.05000 213.00 13.75 199.25
Sabarkantha Kherwada 23.96940 73.23360 280.20 5.82 274.38
Sabarkantha Malpur_1 23.34470 73.46440 181.90 14.89 167.01
Sabarkantha Malpur_Pz 23.34170 73.46800 150.00 9.43 140.57
Sabarkantha Mathasuliya 23.60250 73.15440 191.70 6.49 185.21
Sabarkantha Matoda 24.11110 73.00830 208.00 14.30 193.70
Sabarkantha Medasana 23.51190 73.27440 155.80 7.27 148.53
Sabarkantha Meghraj_1 23.49580 73.50830 164.00 12.12 151.88
Sabarkantha Modasa 23.46250 73.30830 147.00 6.60 140.40
Sabarkantha Poshina2 24.37500 73.03330 286.00 6.10 279.90
Sabarkantha Punasan 23.66940 73.17360 239.10 5.48 233.62
Sabarkantha Revas 23.82080 73.11660 199.00 15.60 183.40
Sabarkantha Sabalwad 23.87420 72.96300 243.30 23.71 219.59
Sabarkantha Sathamba 23.17500 73.33750 148.00 23.10 124.90
Sabarkantha Seenawad 23.48640 73.39860 163.10 9.12 153.98
Sabarkantha Shamlaji 23.68610 73.36660 218.30 7.14 211.16
Sabarkantha Silwad 24.00830 73.11660 224.00 8.41 215.59
Sabarkantha Takatuka_1 23.85140 73.30500 264.70 21.45 243.25
Sabarkantha Umadpura 23.30360 72.96440 98.40 10.36 88.04
Sabarkantha Varvada 23.44190 73.05660 119.30 13.87 105.43
Sabarkantha Vejpur_Pz 23.79720 73.22080 216.00 14.77 201.23
Sabarkantha Vijaynagar 24.00830 73.35410 356.00 4.40 351.60
Sabarkantha Vijaynagar_Pz 24.00690 73.33330 350.70 11.23 339.47
Sabarkantha Virpur_1(Himmat) 23.65170 72.95390 149.70 14.67 135.03
Sabarkantha Wadali 23.93330 73.03330 217.00 28.32 188.68
Sabarkantha Waliampura Pz 23.35110 72.97080 109.00 39.67 69.33
Surat Allu 21.06250 73.19170 42.00 3.55 38.45
Surat Bardoli 21.11530 73.10000 34.30 6.85 27.45
Surat Bedchit 20.95000 73.35140 73.70 8.90 64.80
Surat Bhatkol 21.38030 73.00420 27.00 2.95 24.05
Surat Bhurvel (ukai) 21.22500 73.57920 85.00 5.00 80.00
Surat Chapawadi 21.15140 73.39360 85.10 7.70 77.40
Surat Chavada 21.47470 73.59500 222.70 3.30 219.40
Surat Gangadhra 21.11860 73.07530 28.10 10.85 17.25
Surat Jesingpura[sg] 21.17080 73.55410 215.00 7.40 207.60
Surat Jhankhavav 21.45000 73.32920 116.00 7.40 108.60
Surat Jhankhvav 21.46670 72.95280 30.70 9.65 21.05
Surat Juna umarpada 21.45830 73.49160 236.00 4.90 231.10
Surat Kadod 1 21.22140 73.21890 22.10 15.25 6.85
Surat Karanjvel 21.01280 73.45800 111.70 7.50 104.20
Surat Kasal 21.32220 73.12690 38.20 8.40 29.80
Surat Kathor 21.29170 72.92910 21.00 15.50 5.50
Surat Katradevi 21.41470 73.42770 141.10 6.20 134.90
Surat Kelkui 21.04190 73.32330 63.00 1.20 61.80
Khedwada (Ashram
Surat Falia) 21.28110 73.46530 57.10 7.10 50.00
Surat Mahuva2 21.02080 73.14580 32.00 17.75 14.25
Surat Malda 21.36670 73.35000 88.00 10.60 77.40
Surat Mandvi2 21.25420 73.29580 41.00 12.70 28.30
Surat Mota 21.17030 73.06860 26.80 2.90 23.90
Surat Moti Sarkui 21.27920 73.34970 43.30 5.55 37.75
Surat Motichher 21.21250 73.36220 57.30 2.00 55.30
Surat Navi pardi 21.32220 72.97080 23.30 2.78 20.52
Surat Nizar 21.48050 74.20000 119.00 11.35 107.65
Surat Nizar1 21.47720 74.19060 119.90 15.50 104.40
Surat Nogama 21.29080 73.21440 51.30 1.54 49.76
Surat Olpad2 21.34170 72.75830 9.00 1.50 7.50
Surat Palsana 21.07780 72.99160 16.70 2.59 14.11
Surat Paneshwar 21.45420 73.19830 56.00 11.90 44.10
Surat Paniwara 21.53940 74.06940 117.40 7.45 109.95
Surat Puna1 20.92920 73.22910 53.00 10.20 42.80
Surat Sachin town 21.09170 72.87500 11.00 10.64 0.36
Surat Sarbhon 21.05830 73.09160 27.00 2.50 24.50
Surat Sayan 21.30550 72.91080 17.30 7.80 9.50
Surat Sultanabad 21.09170 72.72500 2.00 5.41 -3.41
Surat Tadkeshwar 21.38080 73.07640 42.00 8.80 33.20
Surat Tawali 21.37610 73.90160 132.00 8.46 123.54
Surat Ten-bardoli 21.11670 73.10000 34.00 6.10 27.90
Surat Uchchhal 21.17190 73.76920 119.70 10.30 109.40
Surat Ushker 21.34050 73.09770 34.10 5.60 28.50
Surat Vadade-Khurd 21.25170 73.81690 111.70 3.20 108.50
Surat Vaheval 20.83720 73.28770 68.00 12.80 55.20
Surat Valod 21.05000 73.26670 54.00 4.50 49.50
Surat Vyara1 21.10830 73.39580 81.00 3.90 77.10
Surat Wadoli 21.42500 72.82920 10.00 5.15 4.85
Surendranagar Anindra 22.81030 71.70580 58.30 2.98 55.32
Surendranagar Bajana 23.11670 71.78330 10.00 1.48 8.52
Surendranagar Bamanbor 22.41670 71.04160 194.00 10.28 183.72
Surendranagar Chotila1 22.42500 71.18160 197.00 7.76 189.24
Surendranagar Dasada 23.32000 71.82420 27.00 4.62 22.38
Surendranagar Dedadra 22.77500 71.73330 51.00 2.42 48.58
Surendranagar Dhama 23.38530 71.67940 19.30 6.10 13.20
Surendranagar Dhandhalpur 1 22.38140 71.35080 186.30 2.19 184.11
Surendranagar Dhrangadhra 2 22.99250 71.49800 50.30 8.22 42.08
Surendranagar Jhinjhuwada 23.35000 71.65830 18.00 6.02 11.98
Surendranagar Kherwa 23.00420 71.74580 39.00 2.09 36.91
Surendranagar Lakhtar 22.85830 71.78330 42.00 5.34 36.66
Surendranagar Limbdi-Pz 22.57220 71.80830 48.00 2.51 45.49
Surendranagar Moti Moladi 22.42080 71.11020 194.70 8.12 186.58
Surendranagar Muli 22.65000 71.46660 110.00 5.28 104.72
Surendranagar Sara 22.80000 71.19720 85.00 11.46 73.54
Surendranagar Sarla 22.73330 71.36660 118.00 10.33 107.67
Surendranagar Sayala 22.53330 71.48330 122.00 6.97 115.03
Surendranagar Shiyani 22.66670 71.82920 36.00 3.92 32.08
Surendranagar Sudamda 22.45420 71.48500 114.00 3.50 110.50
Surendranagar Surendranagar2 22.71670 71.60830 75.00 6.83 68.17
Surendranagar Tarnetar 22.64170 71.21660 126.00 15.80 110.20
Surendranagar Than 22.57920 71.19970 139.70 7.95 131.75
Surendranagar Visawadi 23.34170 71.73330 29.00 4.55 24.45
The dangs Aherdi 20.69170 73.61660 355.00 1.65 353.35
The dangs Ahwa_Pz 20.75890 73.68610 470.70 1.50 469.20
The dangs Ahwa1 20.75830 73.68330 464.00 1.80 462.20
The dangs Bari Pada 20.64000 73.69130 440.70 13.40 427.30
The dangs Bhenskatri 20.76810 73.54160 352.30 8.30 344.00
The dangs Bori Gaotha 1 20.81080 73.50310 124.70 9.50 115.20
The dangs Chikhli 20.65830 73.68750 397.00 1.90 395.10
The dangs Chinchnogaotha 20.80830 73.55270 172.00 7.31 164.69
The dangs Chinchpada 20.63750 73.77500 596.00 1.90 594.10
The dangs Dhumkal 20.64580 73.79160 484.00 1.60 482.40
The dangs Ghubita 20.80000 73.73750 462.00 1.50 460.50
The dangs Jakana 20.63330 73.74580 458.00 1.05 456.95
The dangs Jamalpada 20.73170 73.52050 271.30 8.00 263.30
The dangs Kalibel 20.92080 73.58050 173.00 1.90 171.10
The dangs Mahal 20.91670 73.67910 212.00 3.90 208.10
The dangs Malegaon 20.60000 73.74580 553.00 1.10 551.90
The dangs Nadak khadi 20.80420 73.61250 207.00 7.05 199.95
The dangs Nana pada 20.70000 73.58330 236.00 9.68 226.32
The dangs Sakarpatal 20.71940 73.55690 232.30 3.00 229.30
The dangs Sodmal 20.86670 73.61660 342.00 11.83 330.17
The dangs Subir 20.92220 73.58050 170.80 1.60 169.20
The dangs Umberpada 20.68330 73.72500 361.00 2.85 358.15
The dangs Vaghai 20.76390 73.50440 158.00 12.00 146.00
The dangs Vazat Amba 20.87830 73.51830 217.00 7.50 209.50
Vadodara Alladpur 22.25000 73.71660 83.00 7.22 75.78
Vadodara Amreshwar 22.22780 73.48330 51.00 3.30 47.70
Vadodara Asala 22.38330 73.93330 136.00 12.50 123.50
Vadodara Asar 22.20360 74.01050 175.80 17.20 158.60
Vadodara Baladgam 22.13750 74.00830 160.00 13.00 147.00
Vadodara Bhindol 22.20000 73.90000 109.00 8.48 100.52
Vadodara Chavaria 22.18750 73.98750 151.00 10.90 140.10
Vadodara Chella Karamsiya Pz 22.39670 73.43220 70.70 2.10 68.60
Vadodara Chhaliyar 22.66670 73.31670 50.00 23.28 26.72
Vadodara Chhota udepur 22.30830 74.01670 151.00 6.90 144.10
Vadodara Chisadia 22.40000 74.13330 204.00 11.88 192.12
Vadodara Chitral PZ_II 22.18190 72.94580 23.00 23.68 -0.68
Vadodara Chota udepur 22.30830 74.01670 151.00 3.20 147.80
Vadodara Ferkuva 22.36670 74.20830 241.00 6.20 234.80
Vadodara Ghamodi 22.36670 74.07500 174.00 8.85 165.15
Vadodara Ghayaj ii 22.23330 73.05410 29.00 21.07 7.93
Vadodara Govindpura 22.21110 73.74130 78.80 5.66 73.14
Vadodara Handod2 22.07360 73.04580 26.70 31.40 -4.70
Vadodara Jojh 22.44170 73.96250 164.00 13.42 150.58
Vadodara Juna samalya 22.50420 73.28330 55.00 12.30 42.70
Vadodara Kaprali 21.97920 73.94170 229.00 8.64 220.36
Vadodara Karamasiya 22.42080 73.41940 75.00 13.20 61.80
Vadodara Kevadi 22.51670 73.94170 198.00 6.90 191.10
Vadodara Kosindra Pz-I 22.14670 73.75560 83.30 3.88 79.42
Vadodara Makni 22.22500 73.67910 73.00 14.06 58.94
Vadodara Masor 22.14170 72.90830 21.00 13.12 7.88
Vadodara Moti chikhali 22.01110 74.08330 296.70 4.03 292.67
Vadodara Panwad 22.20000 74.04160 174.00 10.00 164.00
Vadodara Patiyapura 22.27500 73.44170 60.00 7.80 52.20
Vadodara Pavi 22.34170 73.83330 102.00 3.97 98.03
Vadodara Pitha 22.25420 73.64170 71.00 8.24 62.76
Vadodara Saidal 22.28330 73.50270 65.70 1.40 64.30
Vadodara Saidivasana 22.05830 74.01670 218.00 6.70 211.30
Vadodara Sankarda1 22.43890 73.12220 39.90 26.98 12.92
Vadodara Sengpur 22.03750 73.88750 162.00 9.32 152.68
Vadodara Sinor 21.91250 73.34160 40.00 22.20 17.80
Vadodara Tundav 22.48330 73.20280 44.70 5.30 39.40
Vadodara Vadodara Ii 22.30470 73.27160 36.30 4.29 32.01
Vadodara Vadodara_Kevada Bag 22.29330 73.19830 35.00 5.54 29.46
Vadodara Vadodara_ONGC 22.26920 73.21280 37.30 6.70 30.60
Vadodara Vadtalav Pz 22.25860 73.78390 97.00 9.86 87.14
Vadodara Vagudan 22.06670 74.14170 263.00 6.93 256.07
Vadodara Vega 22.15940 73.41250 46.00 6.59 39.41
Vadodara Vejpur2 22.74720 73.35550 70.80 1.93 68.87
Vadodara Waghodia Pz 22.36390 73.37690 66.30 6.80 59.50
Valsad Awadha 20.51670 73.28750 157.00 3.15 153.85
Valsad Chavshala 20.32830 73.32580 242.00 1.30 240.70
Valsad Dahli (bhilad) 20.25830 72.88330 42.00 49.20 -7.20
Valsad Dharampur 3 20.53080 73.16250 70.00 14.10 55.90
Valsad Dharampur1 20.53640 73.17050 78.60 9.20 69.40
Valsad Dungri 20.68860 72.94940 15.90 9.30 6.60
Valsad Fali 20.31300 73.37610 500.60 9.50 491.10
Valsad Kanadu 20.32500 72.84160 43.00 7.80 35.20
Valsad Kaparda 20.34170 73.21660 337.00 2.45 334.55
Valsad Karwad 20.36250 72.97500 25.00 4.90 20.10
Valsad Lakadmal 20.46670 73.15830 69.00 3.80 65.20
Valsad Mandwa 1 20.36580 73.18000 176.00 10.60 165.40
Valsad Muli1 20.63330 73.02500 32.00 3.30 28.70
Valsad Nanaponda 20.41390 73.12080 63.30 9.30 54.00
Valsad Tithal 20.60000 72.90000 6.00 6.30 -0.30
Valsad Tumb 20.21670 72.84160 20.00 4.80 15.20
Valsad Udwada 20.46360 72.91800 20.00 5.85 14.15
Valsad Umargaon 20.19170 72.75000 10.00 4.00 6.00
Valsad Vapi Balitha 20.38030 72.90440 25.90 9.00 16.90
Valsad Wankal 20.55970 73.09030 50.00 16.40 33.60
Annexure IV
Mean decadal water level of the National Hydrograph Stations in Gujarat state (phreatic)
Sl. Pre- Post-
District Site Name LAT_Y LONG_X
No. Monsoon Monsoon
1 Ahmedabad Bagodara_Pz_II 22.64167 72.21389 6.90 5.75
2 Ahmedabad Dalod 23.36667 71.96667 6.81 5.78
3 Ahmedabad Devalia 22.37778 71.98611 20.31 18.89
4 Ahmedabad Dhandhuka1 22.37500 71.98611 4.08 2.96
5 Ahmedabad Endla 23.27222 72.05833 3.27 2.00
6 Ahmedabad Gamph 22.35833 72.16667 2.84 1.61
7 Ahmedabad Ghuma 23.03333 72.44583 5.05 3.11
8 Ahmedabad Ghuma_Pz_II 23.03389 72.44972 5.11 3.49
9 Ahmedabad Hansalpur_Pz-III 23.08889 72.01667 4.00 2.99
10 Ahmedabad Kumarkhan 22.90000 72.01667 7.44 3.38
11 Ahmedabad Kundal 22.90139 72.22361 9.85 7.11
12 Ahmedabad Mandal2 23.27500 71.91667 5.90 3.94
13 Ahmedabad Pachcham_Pz 22.23222 72.17889 2.74 1.26
14 Ahmedabad Tagadi1 22.29583 71.94722 6.07 2.73
15 Ahmedabad Ughraj1 23.36667 72.10000 8.35 6.56
16 Ahmedabad Upardhal1 22.85000 72.14583 11.21 9.43
17 Ahmedabad Vagad(Repl)_Pz 22.36028 71.86806 7.11 5.12
18 Ahmedabad Viramgam2 23.14167 72.03333 3.50 1.88
19 Ahmedabad Visalpur_Pz-II 22.91861 72.48778 8.76 5.74
20 Amreli Amreli 21.60833 71.22500 11.57 5.91
21 Amreli Amreli_Pz 21.61250 71.22500 12.70 7.53
22 Amreli Amritvel_Pz 21.39722 71.35833 3.31 3.07
23 Amreli Ankadia mota 21.64583 71.10833 10.20 6.59
24 Amreli Badhda 21.26583 71.33889 9.86 7.54
25 Amreli Bagasara 21.47917 70.96250 17.65 13.42
26 Amreli Bhavardi1 21.10833 71.25833 5.81 0.87
27 Amreli Bherai 20.86806 71.36250 3.12 2.46
28 Amreli Bhuva 21.43278 71.36389 4.52 3.81
29 Amreli Chalala 21.41667 71.16667 29.03 26.42
30 Amreli Charkhadia_Pz 21.38750 71.29167 22.80 20.74
31 Amreli Charkhadia1 21.39167 71.29583 18.37 17.88
32 Amreli Chavand 21.81667 71.41250 9.55 5.12
33 Amreli Dharangani 21.33333 71.20000 31.27 32.22
34 Amreli Dhari_Pz 21.32639 71.01806 20.37 9.45
35 Amreli Dhrai Balmukand 21.83417 71.21722 19.50 9.68
36 Amreli Fifad 21.43611 71.54028 5.99 5.06
37 Amreli Gopalpura Vanda Pz 21.37500 71.49167 27.51 25.78
38 Amreli Goradka 21.22500 71.41111 9.90 3.95
39 Amreli Govadka 21.54167 71.15833 6.67 2.59
40 Amreli Hipavadli 21.37889 71.61472 9.51 8.49
41 Amreli Ingorala 21.23333 71.20000 15.54 9.85
42 Amreli Jafrabad 20.86667 71.36250 2.36 1.74
43 Amreli Jira 21.23750 71.09167 9.37 4.57
44 Amreli Kadiyali 20.90833 71.36028 6.15 2.65
45 Amreli Kerala 21.39722 71.21667 38.46 33.57
46 Amreli Khamba 21.15000 71.23889 9.46 4.17
47 Amreli Khamba_Pz 21.14167 71.25417 12.38 8.13
48 Amreli Kunkavav 21.66250 70.98333 18.14 20.36
49 Amreli Lathi 21.72083 71.38333 7.92 3.72
50 Amreli Lotpur 20.96250 71.43333 5.34 5.14
51 Amreli Luvariya 21.62500 71.39583 10.09 4.74
52 Amreli Mandal 21.10000 71.58333 28.53 24.31
53 Amreli Manila Pz 21.43333 71.16667 19.89 18.65
54 Amreli Nageshri 20.92500 71.35417 5.14 2.83
55 Amreli Piyava 21.38333 71.46667 28.78 25.72
56 Amreli Punjapadar 21.52500 71.35833 10.18 5.36
57 Amreli Tajpur 21.72500 71.46667 21.38 7.57
58 Amreli Timbi2 20.89583 71.20417 6.93 5.26
59 Amreli Trakuda 21.01667 71.28056 10.72 5.17
60 Amreli Untvad 21.91667 71.21667 14.67 10.25
61 Amreli Vaghania juna 21.58333 70.96667 9.94 4.67
62 Amreli Vankiya 21.52083 71.13611 10.40 6.18
63 Amreli Vankiya1 21.23333 71.25000 16.34 6.44
64 Amreli Victor 21.01250 71.54167 1.26 0.79
65 Amreli Virpur 21.25417 71.15000 18.16 9.87
66 Anand Anand 22.57500 72.97222 14.68 10.89
67 Anand Anklav2 22.38333 73.00833 25.96 24.95
68 Anand Bandhani 22.54167 72.81667 5.89 4.46
69 Anand Bhadran 22.35556 72.89722 17.83 15.60
70 Anand Boriyani 22.63222 73.00417 8.23 4.97
71 Anand Dali 22.27500 72.76667 4.63 2.72
72 Anand Davalpura_Pz 22.45833 72.80278 3.66 1.49
73 Anand Dharmaj 22.42083 72.79444 12.63 10.68
74 Anand Ghora 22.69167 73.05417 6.42 3.97
75 Anand Kansari1 22.34167 72.65000 13.01 9.74
76 Anand Laxmipura 22.41667 72.60833 3.26 1.36
77 Anand Navapura 22.31250 72.96250 26.22 25.14
78 Anand Ras 22.34583 72.83333 2.37 1.68
79 Anand Tarapur Pz-II 22.48611 72.66111 3.77 2.39
80 Arvalli Alwakampa 23.27472 73.20833 13.76 7.38
81 Arvalli Bayad_Pz 23.21667 73.22917 10.72 9.54
82 Arvalli Bhiloda_Pz 23.76667 73.25000 9.02 3.24
83 Arvalli Boral 23.12500 73.20833 17.50 9.70
84 Arvalli Dhansura1 23.35000 73.20000 9.79 4.17
85 Arvalli Gadada 23.57528 73.25306 10.84 5.67
86 Arvalli Hamirpur 23.40833 73.45833 15.98 9.64
87 Arvalli Karanpur 23.33333 73.30000 11.82 8.34
88 Arvalli Malpur_1 23.34472 73.46444 16.68 7.82
89 Arvalli Malpur_Pz 23.34167 73.46806 13.68 7.63
90 Arvalli Medasana 23.51194 73.27444 9.07 6.46
91 Arvalli Meghraj_1 23.49583 73.50833 9.72 4.33
92 Arvalli Modasa 23.46250 73.30833 7.11 6.06
93 Arvalli Punasan 23.66944 73.17361 6.99 4.78
94 Arvalli Sathamba 23.17500 73.33750 18.47 6.21
95 Arvalli Seenawad 23.48639 73.39861 11.20 4.54
96 Arvalli Shamlaji 23.68611 73.36667 12.31 8.71
97 Arvalli Takatuka_1 23.85139 73.30500 31.21 10.43
98 Arvalli Vejpur_Pz 23.79722 73.22083 16.85 4.89
99 Banaskantha Ambaji_Pz 24.33611 72.84722 11.66 6.59
100 Banaskantha Amirgadh 24.40556 72.64167 13.26 10.58
101 Banaskantha Bharol1 24.52917 71.54167 2.94 2.62
102 Banaskantha Danta 24.18889 72.76528 10.54 7.95
103 Banaskantha Dantiwada 24.18889 72.76056 36.18 34.03
104 Banaskantha Dantiwada 24.27750 72.26139 28.72 25.95
105 Banaskantha Ganapipli 24.29722 72.94722 12.20 8.79
106 Banaskantha Gangodra 24.43611 72.36528 22.50 14.83
107 Banaskantha Iqbalgarh 24.34583 72.53750 29.68 26.21
108 Banaskantha Jhat 24.48750 72.35278 15.87 13.38
109 Banaskantha Khoda 24.65833 71.76667 21.83 20.58
110 Banaskantha Kidotar 24.39444 72.62778 19.81 17.12
111 Banaskantha Meda 24.39722 72.28472 10.35 7.40
112 Banaskantha Mohabbat gadh 24.16667 72.72778 23.13 17.73
113 Banaskantha Naroli Pziii 24.61639 71.63861 9.41 8.20
114 Banaskantha Palanpur2 24.19444 72.43333 30.05 25.92
115 Banaskantha Ratanpur2 24.17500 72.74583 18.73 14.30
116 Banaskantha Sodapur 24.40139 72.29583 15.05 12.30
117 Banaskantha Tharad Pziii 24.38500 71.61944 13.12 11.57
118 Bharuch Arethi 21.61250 73.43528 11.05 6.03
119 Bharuch Bharuch 21.70000 73.00417 6.11 3.81
120 Bharuch Bhensli 21.72500 72.75000 3.06 1.93
121 Bharuch Chhindra 22.12667 72.66972 9.60 8.79
122 Bharuch Dahegam 22.18472 72.59722 7.63 8.19
123 Bharuch Hansot 21.58333 72.80833 4.72 3.09
124 Bharuch Ilav 21.45000 72.80000 7.77 6.10
125 Bharuch Jambusar 22.05278 72.80556 7.23 6.70
126 Bharuch Jetpur1 21.49167 72.70833 3.52 2.36
127 Bharuch Jokhla 21.59583 73.16917 3.01 1.71
128 Bharuch Juna borbhata 21.67500 72.97500 6.94 5.19
129 Bharuch Kalak1 22.01861 72.76306 8.03 5.45
130 Bharuch Kaswa 21.68333 72.81667 7.18 4.23
131 Bharuch Kavachiya 21.52917 73.35417 6.57 3.80
132 Bharuch Kavi 22.19361 72.63944 7.22 6.18
133 Bharuch Kondh 21.58056 73.06806 4.74 2.98
134 Bharuch Luhara 21.67500 72.55833 3.21 1.83
135 Bharuch Mahegam1 21.68333 72.75833 5.24 2.88
136 Bharuch Modoliya 21.63333 73.29583 8.87 7.85
137 Bharuch Mokhdi 21.53333 73.28750 9.94 5.14
138 Bharuch Motwan 21.55556 72.88750 2.51 2.14
139 Bharuch Mulad 21.68333 73.01944 7.32 5.00
140 Bharuch Navetha 21.70778 72.83056 6.32 4.73
141 Bharuch Netrang(Rep)_Pz 21.64167 73.36667 9.51 6.11
142 Bharuch Netrang1 21.63333 73.36667 7.05 3.32
143 Bharuch Nirnavi 21.79167 72.66806 9.73 5.83
144 Bharuch Panoli 21.53750 72.97500 2.79 2.18
145 Bharuch Raymal 21.52083 72.82083 1.78 1.50
146 Bharuch Roja tankaria 21.91667 72.79167 8.90 7.82
147 Bharuch Sahol 21.47278 72.80972 4.37 2.27
148 Bharuch Sajod 21.61667 72.92361 4.72 3.45
149 Bharuch Sarod 22.15833 72.75833 11.79 9.35
150 Bharuch Simodra 21.74167 73.20833 6.72 3.97
151 Bharuch Sindhav 22.02694 72.63611 7.96 6.45
152 Bharuch Tankari 21.99167 72.67500 5.22 3.08
153 Bharuch Utraj 21.59167 72.82500 5.26 4.27
154 Bhavnagar Ambala 21.71111 71.84167 21.08 15.47
155 Bhavnagar Ayodhayapuram 21.96028 71.88639 9.57 7.49
156 Bhavnagar Bhavnagar1 21.76667 72.15000 7.06 4.99
157 Bhavnagar Bhudel 21.69167 72.15833 4.52 2.50
158 Bhavnagar Bhumbhali 21.67944 72.24417 3.02 2.44
159 Bhavnagar Bhutia 21.74722 71.70000 19.43 14.83
160 Bhavnagar Bora 21.19111 71.92889 26.95 24.25
161 Bhavnagar Chowk Pz 21.42917 71.76389 24.94 23.42
162 Bhavnagar Datha 21.22083 71.95000 5.39 3.93
163 Bhavnagar Dhasa 21.80000 71.50833 5.83 2.57
164 Bhavnagar Dudhala 21.13750 71.65833 13.84 7.58
165 Bhavnagar Gadhada2 21.96667 71.57917 4.58 4.04
166 Bhavnagar Gariyadhar 21.54306 71.56528 20.66 11.14
167 Bhavnagar Ghogha1 21.68333 72.27917 3.88 1.58
168 Bhavnagar Jalia 21.80000 71.61667 17.97 13.37
169 Bhavnagar Khijadiya 21.63750 71.70000 12.10 9.19
170 Bhavnagar Kundheli 21.37944 71.98056 20.30 11.35
171 Bhavnagar Longadi 21.21389 71.88333 4.81 3.13
172 Bhavnagar Lonjdhara 22.09722 71.89722 25.84 18.25
173 Bhavnagar Mahuva1 21.09583 71.76667 19.75 18.25
174 Bhavnagar Malvav_Pz 21.16056 71.90833 28.79 22.61
175 Bhavnagar Motivadal 21.19722 71.55000 6.54 3.07
176 Bhavnagar Ningala 22.01806 71.70000 13.17 8.27
177 Bhavnagar Palitana1 21.52500 71.82361 9.28 5.80
178 Bhavnagar Palitana2 21.52222 71.83889 11.90 5.90
179 Bhavnagar Paliyad2 22.25556 71.56389 21.11 7.13
180 Bhavnagar Panchpipla 21.55000 71.72083 6.17 1.91
181 Bhavnagar Panvi1 22.07500 71.89167 10.01 4.14
182 Bhavnagar Pasvi 21.29167 71.96667 15.41 7.86
183 Bhavnagar Porbada 21.80000 71.70000 12.59 7.85
184 Bhavnagar Sajnasar 21.42500 71.91250 9.25 2.44
185 Bhavnagar Sandhida 21.68750 71.75833 6.29 2.38
186 Bhavnagar Satanes 21.44167 71.83750 14.77 4.49
187 Bhavnagar Shantinagar 21.24583 71.65000 11.88 5.13
188 Bhavnagar Talaja2 21.36667 72.01667 11.83 6.00
189 Bhavnagar Tansa 21.50833 72.12500 13.78 8.21
190 Bhavnagar Tardhera 22.22917 71.60417 21.95 19.34
191 Bhavnagar Tatam 22.05833 71.63333 25.59 16.90
192 Bhavnagar Timbi2 21.83167 71.76611 13.09 10.27
193 Bhavnagar Trapaj 21.42500 72.09583 15.51 8.95
194 Bhavnagar Umrala 21.84722 71.80833 13.33 8.64
195 Bhavnagar Vadal 21.47694 71.80611 11.76 3.36
196 Bhavnagar Vallabhipur1 21.88333 71.87778 5.63 4.53
197 Bhavnagar Vallbhipur 21.88333 71.87500 5.41 3.88
198 Bhavnagar Vavdi 21.56806 72.19806 11.59 2.44
199 Botad Barvala 22.15000 71.89167 10.38 8.69
200 Botad Kundali 22.26944 71.70000 14.94 7.10
201 Botad Rajpada 22.30833 71.69167 18.97 14.45
202 Botad Salangpor 22.15833 71.77083 19.05 10.32
203 Chhota Udepur Alladpur 22.25000 73.71667 8.38 8.13
204 Chhota Udepur Asala 22.38333 73.93333 11.78 5.68
205 Chhota Udepur Baladgam 22.13750 74.00833 12.76 9.75
206 Chhota Udepur Bhindol 22.20000 73.90000 9.37 4.79
207 Chhota Udepur Bodeli 22.27083 73.71667 3.99 1.93
208 Chhota Udepur Chavaria 22.18750 73.98750 11.80 11.37
209 Chhota Udepur Chhota udepur 22.30833 74.01667 7.35 3.56
210 Chhota Udepur Chisadia 22.40000 74.13333 11.88 10.32
211 Chhota Udepur Devat (thadgam) 22.10000 73.98333 10.27 6.71
212 Chhota Udepur Ferkuva 22.36667 74.20833 7.74 3.52
213 Chhota Udepur Ghamodi 22.36667 74.07500 8.71 5.03
214 Chhota Udepur Govindpura 22.21111 73.74139 6.79 4.02
215 Chhota Udepur Jojh 22.44167 73.96250 12.82 8.41
216 Chhota Udepur Kaprali 21.97917 73.94167 8.20 3.01
217 Chhota Udepur Kevadi 22.51667 73.94167 6.96 4.30
218 Chhota Udepur Kosindra Pz-I 22.14667 73.75556 3.15 2.90
219 Chhota Udepur Makni 22.22500 73.67917 10.32 8.83
220 Chhota Udepur Moti chikhali 22.01111 74.08333 4.34 3.01
221 Chhota Udepur Panwad 22.20000 74.04167 12.55 5.57
222 Chhota Udepur Pavi 22.34167 73.83333 4.74 3.98
223 Chhota Udepur Pitha 22.25417 73.64167 8.55 5.29
224 Chhota Udepur Saidivasana 22.05833 74.01667 6.49 3.07
225 Chhota Udepur Sengpur 22.03750 73.88750 10.30 5.54
226 Chhota Udepur Tokri 22.14722 74.02778 14.40 6.27
227 Chhota Udepur Vadtalav Pz 22.25861 73.78389 12.59 8.56
228 Chhota Udepur Vagudan 22.06667 74.14167 6.79 5.43
229 Chhota Udepur Waghach 22.07083 73.85000 9.95 6.76
230 Dwarka Amaliya Chokri 22.24028 69.12528 4.16 3.27
231 Dwarka Ambardi 21.91639 69.85806 10.03 7.43
232 Dwarka Aramda 22.43333 69.04167 5.87 4.87
233 Dwarka Bhadthar 22.07917 69.57917 14.27 8.22
234 Dwarka Bhanvad 21.92778 69.79583 14.55 8.51
235 Dwarka Bhatia 22.09167 69.30139 14.08 6.37
236 Dwarka Bhatiya 22.09444 69.26667 4.67 2.49
237 Dwarka Bhogat1 21.99167 69.24583 9.13 5.28
238 Dwarka Dwarka 22.24583 68.95833 7.98 7.74
239 Dwarka Juvanpur 22.17083 69.36667 20.91 11.96
240 Dwarka Kajuda 22.33333 69.70833 6.42 4.10
241 Dwarka Kalyanpur2 22.01667 69.39167 21.76 12.42
242 Dwarka Khambhaliya 22.20972 69.64583 10.01 4.40
243 Dwarka Khirsara 21.97917 69.60000 11.96 4.72
244 Dwarka Kuvadia 22.20139 69.58333 13.44 8.03
245 Dwarka Lambha 1 21.89889 69.32361 10.38 4.54
246 Dwarka Modpar 21.85833 69.80833 17.40 9.82
247 Dwarka Mojap 22.36667 68.98333 8.48 7.12
248 Dwarka Mota kalawad 21.90833 69.82917 22.44 16.23
249 Dwarka Pindara1 22.24722 69.25833 7.05 4.68
250 Dwarka Raval 21.92972 69.49194 7.70 3.77
251 Dwarka Salaya 22.30556 69.60417 3.05 2.72
252 Dwarka Samrasar1 22.37500 69.10417 5.31 3.70
253 Dwarka Vadtara 22.20833 69.50000 11.45 8.04
254 Dwarka Varwada 22.29167 68.96667 14.95 9.05
255 Dwarka Vinjhalpur 22.15000 69.60000 8.34 5.40
256 Dohad Ambakatch 22.66667 74.22028 3.34 1.61
257 Dohad Bapda 22.67000 73.84167 7.89 2.98
258 Dohad Dabhava 22.58333 73.90417 5.61 3.90
259 Dohad Dadhela 22.83750 74.06667 7.70 3.28
260 Dohad Dahod 22.84028 74.26250 3.07 1.79
261 Dohad Dahod2 22.82500 74.23333 8.67 5.59
262 Dohad Devgadh Baria 22.70000 73.91389 11.58 7.44
263 Dohad Devgadh bariya 22.70000 73.91667 13.66 7.23
264 Dohad Dhanpur 22.63333 74.10417 12.90 7.09
265 Dohad Dohad_Urban1 22.85750 74.24944 5.22 4.20
266 Dohad Dohad_Urban2 22.84472 74.26667 8.48 5.26
267 Dohad Dohad_Urban3 22.83972 74.23389 6.82 3.20
268 Dohad Fatepura(Karodia) 23.25417 74.02917 12.72 8.30
269 Dohad Garbara 22.68056 74.31250 7.05 2.62
270 Dohad Jhalod 23.09306 74.14722 9.29 6.26
271 Dohad Jhalod1 23.09167 74.13333 8.69 4.96
272 Dohad Kanjetha 22.58056 74.11389 10.19 5.84
273 Dohad Khandania 22.70417 73.83750 13.01 10.53
274 Dohad Limbdi2 23.00417 74.15833 4.24 2.20
275 Dohad Limkheda 22.83056 73.98611 8.41 5.16
276 Dohad Mirakhedi 22.93333 74.20000 6.62 2.93
277 Dohad Panchwada 22.72917 74.30833 5.87 4.06
278 Dohad Pipero 22.64722 74.09028 11.77 6.07
279 Dohad Salaya1 22.80833 73.89167 13.40 5.48
280 Dohad Sarsava 23.22778 73.97694 10.71 4.28
281 Dohad Sukhsar 23.15000 74.05000 9.96 6.79
282 Dohad Thada 22.94944 74.08889 9.55 6.12
283 Dohad Tokarba 22.60417 74.03750 5.94 3.27
284 Dohad Varamkheda 22.80000 74.27500 2.26 1.66
285 Dohad Wadia 22.90000 74.05000 7.92 4.31
286 Gandhinagar Adalaj_Pz_III 23.17500 72.55833 23.69 23.87
287 Gandhinagar Kasturinagar(IFFCO) 23.19028 72.55278 13.47 11.62
288 Gandhinagar Paliya 23.17917 72.84167 14.09 11.67
289 Gandhinagar Serthapara1 23.19444 72.56667 15.25 12.62
290 Gir Somnath Ajotha 20.90194 70.51806 21.21 6.83
291 Gir Somnath Alwani 21.23056 70.63750 3.53 2.64
292 Gir Somnath Amervel Nes 21.00889 70.72583 5.10 1.85
293 Gir Somnath Bhim Deval 20.97750 70.60917 12.44 5.58
294 Gir Somnath Dhokadva 20.95833 71.07083 13.38 10.20
295 Gir Somnath Gangda_Pz 20.85833 71.16667 8.57 4.41
296 Gir Somnath Girgadhada 20.92500 70.91667 8.40 6.92
297 Gir Somnath Govindpura2 20.94583 70.39583 29.97 10.72
298 Gir Somnath Jambur[madhapar 21.02917 70.60833 8.11 3.67
299 Gir Somnath Jamvala1 20.98333 70.76250 6.37 5.10
300 Gir Somnath Jargla Jargali 20.88083 70.98417 13.14 3.42
301 Gir Somnath Kansari 20.87000 71.05111 13.58 8.40
302 Gir Somnath Kesariya1 20.79639 70.94194 14.67 6.81
303 Gir Somnath Kodinar 20.80000 70.69167 12.20 7.00
304 Gir Somnath Kodinar1 20.80000 70.69167 14.38 8.77
305 Gir Somnath Moraj 20.98333 70.43611 10.67 5.79
306 Gir Somnath Prachi_Pz 20.92194 70.61333 16.56 6.84
307 Gir Somnath Prasli 20.85083 70.66917 16.35 4.21
308 Gir Somnath Sametar 20.85417 71.12083 16.31 9.04
309 Gir Somnath Talala_Pz 21.06389 70.53833 11.36 6.20
310 Gir Somnath Talala1 21.05139 70.52500 11.31 6.71
311 Gir Somnath Una2 20.82500 71.04167 6.01 4.04
312 Jamnagar Amran_Pz 22.82222 70.54583 4.50 2.02
313 Jamnagar Amran1 22.82917 70.56250 4.70 2.53
314 Jamnagar Balwa 21.90417 69.95833 20.53 14.14
315 Jamnagar Bed1 22.43750 69.90000 8.74 5.56
316 Jamnagar Bedanpur 22.68333 70.31667 5.90 4.06
317 Jamnagar Changa 22.35000 70.04167 15.31 10.04
318 Jamnagar Dhrol2 22.56667 70.41667 5.55 2.80
319 Jamnagar Dudhai2 22.79167 70.50417 3.90 1.83
320 Jamnagar Gordhanpur 22.45000 70.00139 12.11 7.05
321 Jamnagar Haripur2 22.27083 70.33333 18.71 6.74
322 Jamnagar Haryana 22.60833 70.26250 8.86 5.77
323 Jamnagar Jambuda 22.52500 70.20417 8.18 4.09
324 Jamnagar Jamjodhpur 21.90556 70.03056 6.86 4.95
325 Jamnagar Jamnagar1 22.47083 70.05000 12.66 4.69
326 Jamnagar Jamnagar2 22.45833 70.07917 7.76 4.61
327 Jamnagar Kalawad 22.21667 70.38333 4.00 2.97
328 Jamnagar Lalpur1 22.19167 69.96111 12.47 8.10
329 Jamnagar Motagop 22.03750 69.87500 8.57 6.81
330 Jamnagar Moti khavdi 22.38750 69.86667 9.33 7.26
331 Jamnagar Moti matli 22.31667 70.26389 21.07 8.28
332 Jamnagar Nikava 22.19167 70.53333 4.18 2.56
333 Jamnagar Seth vadala 22.03333 70.12500 10.87 5.04
334 Jamnagar Sumana 22.10833 70.16667 12.24 8.97
335 Jamnagar Toda 22.06250 70.38333 11.99 4.80
336 Jamnagar Vad panchasara 22.23333 70.11667 16.81 8.71
337 Jamnagar Vijarkha 22.41667 70.18333 11.85 6.88
338 Junagadh Anandpur 21.41028 70.51806 18.16 7.37
339 Junagadh Antroli 21.23611 70.00694 6.95 4.97
340 Junagadh Arena 21.08056 70.17639 12.15 6.55
341 Junagadh Bamanwara 21.22083 70.05556 10.74 6.14
342 Junagadh Bantva 21.48750 70.08333 18.61 11.64
343 Junagadh Bhatsimroli 21.22361 70.18333 21.94 10.87
344 Junagadh Bilkha 21.43889 70.60000 13.14 8.26
345 Junagadh Budhecha 21.09583 70.21667 7.81 4.71
346 Junagadh Chokli 21.60194 70.54167 21.51 8.58
347 Junagadh Chorwad 21.04167 70.21667 7.21 4.37
348 Junagadh Gadu 21.05417 70.27917 35.69 22.53
349 Junagadh Galodar 21.14722 70.27500 20.48 8.84
350 Junagadh Goraj1 21.18333 70.15417 33.24 10.58
351 Junagadh Junagadh 21.50944 70.46222 12.85 9.67
352 Junagadh Junagadh1 21.51667 70.45833 11.04 5.90
353 Junagadh Juthal 21.16667 70.26667 8.62 8.63
354 Junagadh Kalej 21.24861 70.05833 13.67 10.17
355 Junagadh Kanek 21.03056 70.24167 14.36 7.00
356 Junagadh Kasia Naka Check Post 21.27028 70.68056 4.84 2.12
357 Junagadh Kewarda 21.26667 70.20833 15.31 9.53
358 Junagadh Khambalia1 21.04444 70.19167 9.00 8.39
359 Junagadh Khokharda 21.42083 70.31667 22.54 11.28
360 Junagadh Khorada1 21.06389 70.17361 9.03 6.15
361 Junagadh Khoras ahir 21.37083 70.33889 13.79 8.94
362 Junagadh Kukaswada 21.05417 70.20833 9.96 7.05
363 Junagadh Lohej 21.16667 70.06667 9.80 9.30
364 Junagadh Maktupur1 21.14306 70.09583 9.40 9.04
365 Junagadh Mandawad 21.35833 70.74583 14.04 8.51
366 Junagadh Mangrol 21.12500 70.10833 17.44 16.56
367 Junagadh Mangrol1 21.13056 70.11944 12.93 11.69
368 Junagadh Manketara 21.15000 70.12917 30.32 19.16
369 Junagadh Mendarda 21.32500 70.44028 17.96 11.98
370 Junagadh Mendarda1 21.32500 70.43333 16.86 10.94
371 Junagadh Patla 21.60417 70.56917 9.76 3.70
372 Junagadh Prempara 21.30000 70.70000 19.49 10.12
373 Junagadh Saradiya 21.58861 70.03750 13.41 3.12
374 Junagadh Sepa 21.11667 70.21944 27.57 20.89
375 Junagadh Seriakhan 21.13333 70.24861 19.94 13.93
376 Junagadh Shardagram 21.10417 70.15278 11.97 9.73
377 Junagadh Sil 21.18556 70.04639 6.95 5.33
378 Junagadh Sil bandar 21.22361 70.05556 8.02 5.52
379 Junagadh Vadal 21.60889 70.50222 15.47 9.98
380 Junagadh Vanthali ii 21.47083 70.32778 13.52 6.54
381 Junagadh Visavadar 21.33889 70.74861 15.85 10.07
382 Kachchh Asambia mota_Pz 22.96806 69.45139 7.90 6.70
383 Kachchh Asambia mota1 22.96806 69.43750 13.34 10.90
384 Kachchh Bambhdai 22.93889 69.08278 5.73 4.76
385 Kachchh Bhadreshwar 22.90000 69.90000 8.19 6.65
386 Kachchh Bhuj (Circuit House) 23.25000 69.66667 15.29 14.57
387 Kachchh Chandranagar 23.45000 69.40000 7.61 6.55
388 Kachchh Dayapar 23.63056 68.90000 18.55 21.66
389 Kachchh Deshalpur rapar 23.74722 70.67917 13.06 11.19
390 Kachchh Devisar 23.40278 69.32917 12.42 11.07
391 Kachchh Dholavira 23.88333 70.21667 10.71 8.84
392 Kachchh Dhori1 23.43333 69.75417 14.93 12.89
393 Kachchh Dunai 23.05000 69.50000 11.07 9.07
394 Kachchh Gagodar 23.41667 70.80000 29.72 26.66
395 Kachchh Haboi 23.35833 69.86667 0.98 0.56
396 Kachchh Kakarwa 23.47500 70.40417 16.68 15.89
397 Kachchh Karagoga 22.94167 69.66250 2.62 2.24
398 Kachchh Kharoi 23.45417 70.35000 6.83 5.47
399 Kachchh Khavada 23.83889 69.73056 6.43 4.95
400 Kachchh Kotada 23.37694 69.19917 38.00 35.58
401 Kachchh Kotadi 23.04167 69.19167 8.44 8.07
402 Kachchh Kotaya 23.04167 69.07500 10.62 9.13
403 Kachchh Kothara 23.16194 68.91194 5.42 4.87
404 Kachchh Kuda 23.53444 70.44028 26.25 23.39
405 Kachchh Kumbhariya 23.34111 70.72361 7.64 6.94
406 Kachchh Lakhpat 23.82306 68.77500 8.83 5.76
407 Kachchh Lilpur 23.51111 70.65000 0.76 0.61
408 Kachchh Lodai 23.40000 69.89167 15.20 14.51
409 Kachchh Luni 22.87333 69.81167 9.38 7.35
410 Kachchh Mandvi (Shitla Mata) 22.83333 69.33333 7.54 5.53
411 Kachchh Mata no madh 23.53333 68.95000 11.35 10.08
412 Kachchh Mathak1 22.99722 70.02500 8.86 9.31
413 Kachchh Mothala 23.20833 69.12500 4.00 3.29
414 Kachchh Moti cher 23.75833 68.67500 3.99 3.41
415 Kachchh Mundra 22.82778 69.72083 5.99 4.90
416 Kachchh Naliya 23.25583 68.84000 10.59 9.22
417 Kachchh Naliya (Bus S) 23.26667 68.83333 10.70 8.47
418 Kachchh Rapar2 23.56667 70.63750 27.09 22.94
419 Kachchh Ratanpur Khadir1 23.86083 70.36306 17.17 13.21
420 Kachchh Rawapar 23.51667 69.07500 14.61 14.11
421 Kachchh Rudramata 23.39167 69.70833 9.39 5.71
422 Kachchh Samkhiari 23.30000 70.50833 7.39 5.41
423 Kachchh Sedat 23.17139 69.63750 12.39 11.69
424 Kachchh Shinaya 23.03333 70.05417 3.30 1.90
425 Kachchh Shivlakha 23.37500 70.62361 16.61 8.32
426 Kachchh Sukhpar 23.20833 69.61667 14.07 13.06
427 Kachchh Tera 23.28333 68.94722 11.85 11.27
428 Kachchh Ugardi 23.46306 69.13806 28.24 27.20
429 Kachchh Vinjhan1 23.10000 69.02500 9.09 6.54
430 Kheda Alina 22.80833 73.05833 10.96 8.85
431 Kheda Dakor 22.76250 73.16944 7.32 5.31
432 Kheda Kalesar 22.72083 73.19167 3.91 1.98
433 Kheda Kapadvanj 23.00417 73.09167 13.15 7.63
434 Kheda Ladvel 22.90833 73.12083 2.53 1.13
435 Kheda Mahudha 22.78333 72.94167 5.03 2.89
436 Kheda Muliyad 22.78306 73.17667 2.63 1.10
437 Kheda Nadiad2 22.68333 72.88333 9.73 7.31
438 Kheda Nes_Pz 22.70833 73.20278 9.40 6.57
439 Kheda Sarkhej _ Pz-III 22.98611 72.88056 39.66 34.37
440 Kheda Shekhupura 22.57500 72.62500 1.18 1.07
441 Kheda Thasra 22.79444 73.21111 5.39 2.46
442 Kheda Vaso 22.66111 72.75417 7.07 4.37
443 Kheda Vyas vasna 23.10556 73.10417 24.98 15.40
444 Mahesana Asjol 23.50833 72.18333 7.37 4.11
445 Mahesana Bhandupara 23.72500 72.38333 9.54 8.26
446 Mahesana Budasan 23.28750 72.37500 5.53 2.77
447 Mahesana Daran_Pz-III 23.20639 72.27972 2.83 2.20
448 Mahesana Dharpura 23.54583 72.11250 8.06 6.61
449 Mahesana Dosaj 23.84167 72.45000 10.29 8.05
450 Mahesana Jaska(Sy_4")Pz_II 23.82361 72.53472 15.21 15.71
451 Mahesana Kalyanpur 23.12694 72.19306 5.20 4.53
452 Mahesana Karalli (iii) 23.80417 72.48611 11.32 10.95
453 Mahesana Kheralu(shallow 23.89778 72.61056 6.51 4.35
454 Mahesana Kheralu1 23.88750 72.61250 12.77 9.21
455 Mahesana Maguna 23.57778 72.28889 9.07 6.16
456 Mahesana Mau 23.51028 72.51917 9.25 7.60
457 Mahesana Mehsana v 23.59750 72.39861 29.71 30.17
458 Mahesana Modhera iii 23.71667 72.46667 9.66 8.29
459 Mahesana Padhadya 23.52250 72.53333 11.85 11.27
460 Mahesana Panchot 23.62917 72.34167 6.21 4.01
461 Mahesana Rampura1 23.89167 72.51667 9.13 7.71
462 Mahesana Sihi 23.80000 72.35000 12.92 10.48
463 Mahesana Tarabh 23.75833 72.45833 9.02 6.63
464 Mahesana Timba_1 23.98722 72.75889 15.89 11.70
465 Mahesana Unad1 23.84583 72.71667 13.69 13.84
466 Mahesana Unawa 23.76667 72.36250 4.52 3.70
467 Mahesana Unjha 23.79778 72.39444 5.75 4.96
468 Mahesana Vidaj 23.24722 72.30000 4.11 2.48
469 Mahesana Visnagar iv 23.70000 72.53333 3.16 2.31
470 Mahisagar Balasinor 22.95833 73.33611 4.26 2.75
471 Mahisagar Balasinor1 22.95000 73.32500 7.68 3.67
472 Mahisagar Bar 23.16806 73.41111 6.06 2.73
473 Mahisagar Bavaliya 23.32500 73.56944 8.83 4.41
474 Mahisagar Bavaliya_Pz 23.30667 73.55500 25.21 4.39
475 Mahisagar Gadhar 23.15000 73.77500 11.99 3.66
476 Mahisagar Jokha 23.06194 73.62028 8.20 5.42
477 Mahisagar Juna vasadra 23.08333 73.36250 5.53 2.91
478 Mahisagar Kantha 23.17833 73.65222 5.10 2.75
479 Mahisagar Khanpur 23.37000 73.67722 10.76 9.96
480 Mahisagar Kothamba 23.01944 73.51944 4.41 2.94
481 Mahisagar Limbadia peti 23.20417 73.60000 5.54 2.55
482 Mahisagar Lunawada 23.12917 73.60833 9.95 6.73
483 Mahisagar Malekpur1 23.23056 73.73611 3.74 1.92
484 Mahisagar Pandarvada 23.37500 73.63333 15.40 4.46
485 Mahisagar Santrampur 23.17083 73.90833 9.52 5.16
486 Mahisagar Santrampur1 23.19167 73.90833 9.82 5.03
487 Mahisagar Ucharpi Pz 23.11917 73.47167 17.73 10.49
488 Mahisagar Virpur_Pz 23.19306 73.48528 8.69 4.44
489 Morbi Amar nagar 22.93333 70.80833 3.46 2.94
490 Morbi Bhalgam 22.44167 71.08333 15.42 8.04
491 Morbi Chhatar 22.50417 70.75417 6.17 4.14
492 Morbi Hadmatia 22.68333 70.80833 8.87 6.31
493 Morbi Halvad2 23.02083 71.18750 12.73 10.57
494 Morbi Juna Devaliya 1 22.97944 71.00889 3.49 2.15
495 Morbi Kalyanpur2 22.65833 70.73333 7.85 4.21
496 Morbi Lajai 22.71667 70.77917 6.36 3.66
497 Morbi Macchukunda 23.00139 70.89583 5.98 5.12
498 Morbi Malia 23.09167 70.76250 3.33 2.45
499 Morbi Modpar1 22.90000 70.66667 3.00 2.12
500 Morbi Morvi 22.81667 70.84167 3.36 2.17
501 Morbi Mota dhansura 22.95833 70.61667 8.88 5.97
502 Morbi Neknam 22.50417 70.69583 13.98 10.97
503 Morbi Nichi mandal 22.85833 70.95000 5.92 4.28
504 Morbi Sarvad 23.00639 70.70694 2.76 1.30
505 Morbi Sindhavadar 22.55000 70.89167 11.74 9.73
506 Morbi Sukhpar1 23.00833 71.28333 6.03 3.05
507 Morbi Wankaner-1 22.62083 70.92917 6.66 4.97
508 Narmada Agar(Rep)_Pz 22.03111 73.65667 9.86 7.49
509 Narmada Almadi 21.60889 73.51083 7.35 1.71
510 Narmada Amayar 21.54722 73.76667 8.77 4.26
511 Narmada Baman Phalia_Pz 21.79833 73.37917 19.65 15.57
512 Narmada Chikada 21.52083 73.64583 5.45 3.27
513 Narmada Chuli 21.55472 73.47556 12.23 4.96
514 Narmada Garudeshwar 21.89167 73.65000 11.69 9.78
515 Narmada Hirapura 21.86806 73.60000 5.92 4.11
516 Narmada Jankh 21.49222 73.59694 3.29 1.51
517 Narmada Kanbi pitha 21.52083 73.64583 3.62 1.93
518 Narmada Kewadia_Pz 21.88278 73.70056 5.82 3.15
519 Narmada Khaidipada 21.51389 73.51944 5.48 0.68
520 Narmada Khota amba 21.73333 73.47500 2.02 1.29
521 Narmada Namaria 22.04444 73.62222 4.48 2.97
522 Narmada Nani singlot 21.66944 73.66667 9.76 7.05
523 Narmada Rajpipla 21.87500 73.50000 29.15 28.36
524 Narmada Ralda 21.61000 73.65250 4.78 1.98
525 Narmada Rasela 21.92500 73.49167 14.67 16.35
526 Narmada Rasulpura_Pz 21.96667 73.62500 24.85 22.16
527 Narmada Ringani 21.84167 73.46667 2.08 2.02
528 Narmada Sunderpura_Pz 21.83889 73.53472 31.70 28.14
529 Narmada Umran 21.48806 73.88306 8.06 4.19
530 Navsari Abrama 20.86250 72.90000 3.26 1.04
531 Navsari Anklas 20.61944 73.26667 10.32 7.89
532 Navsari Chadav 20.83111 73.33444 10.97 4.88
533 Navsari Chinam 20.99167 72.88611 3.25 2.08
534 Navsari Dandi 20.89167 72.80833 3.85 2.29
535 Navsari Duvada 20.82861 73.05750 5.24 4.41
536 Navsari Hond 20.73889 73.04583 8.72 3.79
537 Navsari Kaliyari 20.72500 73.15000 11.28 2.54
538 Navsari Kantasvel 20.79722 73.29167 8.20 3.93
539 Navsari Khergam 20.63333 73.09583 8.06 2.98
540 Navsari Manav Khadak 20.67417 73.23333 3.82 2.82
541 Navsari Moti Valzar 20.80500 73.26667 7.64 3.45
542 Navsari Navsari 20.95000 72.93333 28.60 20.75
543 Navsari Navsari 1 20.95806 72.93500 5.42 2.26
544 Navsari Onjal 20.83333 72.84167 6.19 3.50
545 Navsari Panikhadak 20.64917 73.16694 12.78 5.89
546 Navsari Pipalkhed 20.67500 73.28333 16.53 5.69
547 Navsari Rankuva 20.81250 73.15833 7.48 2.17
548 Navsari Sari_khurd 20.78750 72.95417 3.87 1.99
549 Navsari Ubhrat 21.00833 72.74583 4.61 2.56
550 Navsari Unai 20.85000 73.34167 9.32 5.91
551 Navsari Vansda 20.76444 73.36306 11.36 8.22
552 Panchmahals Chhabanpur 22.82778 73.61250 10.14 7.30
553 Panchmahals Dhanol 22.75861 73.50667 4.70 1.54
554 Panchmahals Godhra 22.78333 73.60972 3.75 1.95
555 Panchmahals Godhra_UR1 22.79278 73.60667 7.13 4.04
556 Panchmahals Godhra_UR3 22.78000 73.60694 6.76 2.18
557 Panchmahals Godhra2 22.77083 73.63333 7.45 5.31
558 Panchmahals Jambughoda 22.36944 73.72500 6.98 5.80
559 Panchmahals Javan 22.40139 73.68500 8.60 5.47
560 Panchmahals Kalol_UR1 22.60028 73.44333 14.90 14.57
561 Panchmahals Kalol_UR2 22.58972 73.45139 18.27 11.49
562 Panchmahals Khadki_Vadiya 22.66222 73.50028 15.65 11.02
563 Panchmahals Morwa (Hadaf) Pz-I 22.91806 73.84444 13.09 10.34
564 Panchmahals Natapur 22.85722 73.82056 8.70 6.57
565 Panchmahals Palla Rajgarh Pz 22.52278 73.70083 24.17 11.66
566 Panchmahals Pavagadh 22.48750 73.55556 9.90 5.29
567 Panchmahals Ranipura 22.72500 73.75833 8.77 4.46
568 Panchmahals Santroad 22.80000 73.81250 13.33 8.58
569 Panchmahals Santroad1 22.80333 73.79306 15.03 8.61
570 Panchmahals Shehra 22.95417 73.62500 3.50 1.26
571 Panchmahals Shivrajpur 22.42500 73.59167 11.81 6.05
572 Panchmahals Suliyat 23.06222 73.85083 20.18 16.14
573 Panchmahals Tarkanda 22.54583 73.52917 11.41 3.70
574 Panchmahals Timbi2 22.50833 73.50833 6.99 4.71
575 Panchmahals Tuwa 22.80417 73.47083 4.78 3.29
576 Panchmahals Vejalpur 22.69583 73.55833 6.38 3.97
577 Patan Dharmoda 23.69722 72.06944 5.17 3.86
578 Patan Dhinoj1 23.66250 72.27917 13.19 11.72
579 Patan Moti chander 23.59444 71.78056 3.06 1.97
580 Patan Patan2 23.84167 72.12361 17.45 16.88
581 Patan Piprala_1 23.65472 71.08583 10.37 9.81
582 Patan Radhanpur2 23.82500 71.61389 1.93 0.54
583 Patan Sander 23.76667 72.25417 14.39 11.49
584 Patan Sankheshwar 23.52194 71.79083 2.35 1.20
585 Patan Shankhari 23.77917 72.16250 17.81 16.53
586 Porbandar Adityana 21.70861 69.71083 22.47 12.39
587 Porbandar Adwana2 21.91667 69.60000 13.61 8.07
588 Porbandar Babda 21.77000 69.58806 13.82 5.19
589 Porbandar Bakharla 21.76472 69.66111 21.99 10.52
590 Porbandar Bhavpura 21.80972 69.40833 9.37 6.72
591 Porbandar Bhod 21.65889 69.82111 24.54 16.66
592 Porbandar Degam 21.71028 69.60556 18.45 13.08
593 Porbandar Hanumangadh1 21.79306 69.80278 25.84 14.80
594 Porbandar Kadegi 21.45056 69.98333 2.63 0.55
595 Porbandar Kandorna 21.64778 69.88333 20.16 11.99
596 Porbandar Khambodar 21.80833 69.60139 11.00 5.31
597 Porbandar Kolikhada 21.69972 69.61417 28.65 17.51
598 Porbandar Kuchhadi 21.68333 69.55000 3.04 2.35
599 Porbandar Kutiyana_Pz 21.62222 69.99722 13.31 5.57
600 Porbandar Kutiyana1 21.63056 70.01667 12.80 5.34
601 Porbandar Miyani 21.83333 69.38889 7.44 6.16
602 Porbandar Mocha 21.34833 69.88917 5.10 5.53
603 Porbandar Mojiwana 21.88583 69.60028 13.82 5.59
604 Porbandar Navibandar 21.44583 69.79167 5.11 3.77
605 Porbandar Oddar 21.56667 69.68056 6.55 6.02
606 Porbandar Palkhada1 21.75833 69.48750 12.88 7.24
607 Porbandar Pata 21.29722 69.94167 5.31 4.33
608 Porbandar Porbandar 21.64500 69.64250 5.67 2.68
609 Porbandar Porbandar1 21.64167 69.62500 4.37 3.51
610 Porbandar Ranavav2 21.68333 69.74583 18.26 9.36
611 Porbandar Ratadi 21.72028 69.51194 7.11 4.94
612 Porbandar Ratia 21.43806 69.80611 7.09 6.30
613 Porbandar Simar 21.94694 69.68583 14.27 7.75
614 Porbandar Tukda 21.51611 69.72861 3.72 2.50
615 Porbandar Visavada Mul Dwarka 21.78556 69.44639 9.08 7.16
616 Rajkot Bhada jodiya 21.66250 70.34167 22.45 10.20
617 Rajkot Bhadla 22.18333 71.09167 18.04 11.91
618 Rajkot Chordi 21.91667 70.74861 10.11 7.09
619 Rajkot Dadia 22.09167 70.73333 12.42 7.64
620 Rajkot Dhoraji 21.74583 70.28583 17.86 10.87
621 Rajkot Ganod 21.67500 70.17917 5.39 3.46
622 Rajkot Gogavadar 21.96667 70.87500 10.37 5.82
623 Rajkot Halenda 22.09167 71.05000 8.27 2.97
624 Rajkot Jamwali 21.93333 70.76667 7.04 3.18
625 Rajkot Jasapur 21.89167 70.48333 12.91 8.82
626 Rajkot Jasdan 22.04444 71.21389 8.94 5.63
627 Rajkot Jasdan2 22.05833 71.22083 10.81 5.68
628 Rajkot Jetpur 21.75611 70.61944 12.46 5.88
629 Rajkot Jetpur pithad. 21.77500 70.63333 14.46 8.47
630 Rajkot Kalithad1 22.01944 70.66028 7.82 5.20
631 Rajkot Kamlapur 22.14583 71.20000 12.42 12.24
632 Rajkot Kamlapur1 22.15194 71.19972 11.34 7.33
633 Rajkot Khamta 22.47500 70.55000 13.57 7.55
634 Rajkot Lalavadar 22.13333 71.30417 11.11 5.54
635 Rajkot Lodhika1 22.14167 70.64167 9.61 5.88
636 Rajkot Mota Dadwa 21.99833 70.99389 12.85 5.61
637 Rajkot Motagundala 21.73472 70.50139 10.70 6.09
638 Rajkot Movaiya 22.45000 70.60833 10.26 7.80
639 Rajkot Padadhari1 22.44722 70.60833 7.54 5.22
640 Rajkot Patanvav 21.64444 70.26111 17.03 7.64
641 Rajkot Pedhla 21.75139 70.59167 22.16 13.84
642 Rajkot Rajkot 22.30556 70.80833 5.55 3.57
643 Rajkot Rajkot1 22.30000 70.80000 7.62 4.66
644 Rajkot Ranpur1 22.36667 70.92917 15.13 10.87
645 Rajkot Ribda 22.12500 70.76667 11.09 6.52
646 Rajkot Targhari 22.38333 70.66667 7.67 5.57
647 Rajkot Umrali 21.91944 70.60417 9.60 5.60
648 Rajkot Upleta1 21.74861 70.27500 7.88 6.65
649 Rajkot Upleta3 21.67028 70.18278 12.65 11.59
650 Rajkot Vinchhia 22.20833 71.37917 5.25 2.94
651 Rajkot Viranagar 22.02500 71.12500 10.31 6.68
652 Rajkot Virpur1 21.85000 70.69583 10.40 8.34
653 Sabarkantha Anwarpura Pz 23.40556 72.84556 38.98 37.84
654 Sabarkantha Atarsumba 23.98611 73.20833 10.06 5.85
655 Sabarkantha Bhadreshwar 23.74583 72.97917 26.63 22.48
656 Sabarkantha Boriya 23.24278 72.94083 7.66 6.54
657 Sabarkantha Chandap_DW 23.92333 72.85333 16.75 13.38
658 Sabarkantha Chandap_Pz 23.93194 72.85694 14.10 8.84
659 Sabarkantha Choriwad 23.90000 73.11944 25.07 18.72
660 Sabarkantha Gadha 23.70833 72.94167 18.56 15.42
661 Sabarkantha Harsol1 23.37778 73.01667 16.11 10.67
662 Sabarkantha Himmatnagar_Pz 23.60833 72.97083 9.21 7.43
663 Sabarkantha Idar 23.84167 73.03750 9.05 5.21
664 Sabarkantha Jhaloti 23.95000 73.33750 11.39 5.16
665 Sabarkantha Kesharpura 23.91528 73.14528 23.80 14.70
666 Sabarkantha Kesharpura_Mayal 23.32222 72.94889 4.42 3.20
667 Sabarkantha Khedbrahma_Pz 24.03611 73.04444 4.61 1.90
668 Sabarkantha Khedbramha_1 24.02917 73.05000 18.90 8.82
669 Sabarkantha Kherwada 23.96944 73.23361 10.71 3.84
670 Sabarkantha Mathasuliya 23.60250 73.15444 11.43 6.25
671 Sabarkantha Matoda 24.11111 73.00833 17.27 10.31
672 Sabarkantha Panvath/porvad 23.89722 73.33194 9.96 6.10
673 Sabarkantha Poshina2 24.37500 73.03333 7.10 3.09
674 Sabarkantha Ratanpur 24.20833 72.99861 15.21 11.41
675 Sabarkantha Revas 23.82083 73.11667 19.93 11.83
676 Sabarkantha Sabalwad 23.87417 72.96306 19.11 9.86
677 Sabarkantha Silwad 24.00833 73.11667 12.10 6.89
678 Sabarkantha Umadpura 23.30361 72.96444 12.77 8.52
679 Sabarkantha Varvada 23.44194 73.05667 14.87 11.36
680 Sabarkantha Vijaynagar 24.00833 73.35417 8.31 2.42
681 Sabarkantha Vijaynagar_Pz 24.00694 73.33333 12.05 4.85
682 Sabarkantha Wadali 23.93333 73.03333 29.26 17.03
683 Sabarkantha Waliampura Pz 23.35111 72.97083 38.23 37.18
684 Surat Allu 21.06250 73.19167 3.93 2.67
685 Surat Bardoli 21.11528 73.10000 6.93 3.70
686 Surat Bhatkol 21.38028 73.00417 3.96 3.08
687 Surat Chavada 21.47472 73.59500 3.89 1.80
688 Surat Digas 21.24833 73.02556 11.53 4.90
689 Surat Dungri 21.40833 73.13333 10.74 3.05
690 Surat Gangadhra 21.11861 73.07528 10.06 7.09
691 Surat Jhankhavav 21.45000 73.32917 7.40 4.37
692 Surat Jhankhvav 21.46667 72.95278 9.34 3.94
693 Surat Juna umarpada 21.45833 73.49167 5.60 3.18
694 Surat Kadod 1 21.22139 73.21889 7.61 6.51
695 Surat Kasal 21.32222 73.12694 7.86 3.68
696 Surat Kathor 21.29167 72.92917 13.79 9.79
697 Surat Kosamba 21.46667 72.95278 20.06 18.27
698 Surat Mahuva2 21.02083 73.14583 17.75 15.79
699 Surat Malda 21.36667 73.35000 7.98 3.59
700 Surat Mandvi2 21.25417 73.29583 13.75 10.97
701 Surat Mota 21.17028 73.06861 3.20 2.06
702 Surat Moti Sarkui 21.27917 73.34972 8.63 4.60
703 Surat Navi pardi 21.32222 72.97083 3.37 3.15
704 Surat Nogama 21.29083 73.21444 3.01 1.73
705 Surat Olpad2 21.34167 72.75833 2.34 1.73
706 Surat Palsana 21.07778 72.99167 2.76 1.38
707 Surat Paneshwar 21.45417 73.19833 14.16 7.64
708 Surat Puna 20.92361 73.23333 12.78 7.69
709 Surat Puna1 20.92917 73.22917 10.12 5.75
710 Surat Sachin town 21.09167 72.87500 4.58 2.06
711 Surat Sarbhon 21.05833 73.09167 3.61 2.53
712 Surat Sayan 21.30556 72.91083 7.48 5.05
713 Surat Sultanabad 21.09167 72.72500 5.88 4.57
714 Surat Ten-bardoli 21.11667 73.10000 7.18 3.18
715 Surat Ushker 21.34056 73.09778 5.44 4.52
716 Surat Vaheval 20.83722 73.28778 11.56 4.54
717 Surat Wadoli 21.42500 72.82917 2.20 1.19
718 Surendranagar Adriyana 23.42500 71.70833 3.09 3.06
719 Surendranagar Anindra 22.81028 71.70583 6.20 2.33
720 Surendranagar Bajana 23.11667 71.78333 2.28 2.22
721 Surendranagar Bamanbor 22.41667 71.04167 9.86 6.92
722 Surendranagar Chotila1 22.42500 71.18167 10.22 6.02
723 Surendranagar Dasada 23.32000 71.82417 4.92 3.72
724 Surendranagar Dasada1 23.32083 71.82917 2.80 3.25
725 Surendranagar Dedadra 22.77500 71.73333 4.16 3.02
726 Surendranagar Dhama 23.38528 71.67944 7.65 5.60
727 Surendranagar Dhandhalpur 1 22.38139 71.35083 8.16 3.06
728 Surendranagar Jhinjhuwada 23.35000 71.65833 7.24 5.48
729 Surendranagar Kharaghoda 23.18750 71.75000 1.68 1.84
730 Surendranagar Kherwa 23.00417 71.74583 3.02 1.34
731 Surendranagar Lakhtar 22.85833 71.78333 4.91 3.71
732 Surendranagar Latuda 22.81306 71.60806 4.77 3.28
733 Surendranagar Limbdi1 22.56667 71.81250 3.14 1.99
734 Surendranagar Limbdi-Pz 22.57222 71.80833 2.67 1.72
735 Surendranagar Moti Moladi 22.42083 71.11028 11.21 6.67
736 Surendranagar Muli 22.65000 71.46667 9.20 6.18
737 Surendranagar Olak 22.91861 71.86333 7.20 3.31
738 Surendranagar Pipli 23.06000 71.73417 0.94 0.25
739 Surendranagar Rajsitapur 22.84167 71.59167 7.25 3.32
740 Surendranagar Ratanpur1 22.85833 71.27083 7.92 6.77
741 Surendranagar Sara 22.80000 71.19722 4.04 2.89
742 Surendranagar Sarla 22.73333 71.36667 13.04 8.50
743 Surendranagar Sayala 22.53333 71.48333 14.08 6.49
744 Surendranagar Shiyani 22.66667 71.82917 4.27 2.88
745 Surendranagar Sudamda 22.45417 71.48500 5.30 2.57
746 Surendranagar Surendranagar 22.72361 71.67083 3.36 1.88
747 Surendranagar Surendranagar2 22.71667 71.60833 5.26 4.42
748 Surendranagar Tarnetar 22.64167 71.21667 17.63 15.35
749 Surendranagar Vanala 22.43333 71.92083 3.74 2.95
750 Surendranagar Visawadi 23.34167 71.73333 4.50 3.33
751 Surendranagar Vitthalgarh 22.98750 71.97500 9.03 5.74
752 Tapi Bedchit 20.95000 73.35139 9.99 5.02
753 Tapi Bhurvel (ukai) 21.22500 73.57917 5.18 2.57
754 Tapi Chapawadi 21.15139 73.39361 6.94 2.80
755 Tapi Gandhinagar 21.16417 73.69556 6.42 2.57
756 Tapi Jesingpura[sg] 21.17083 73.55417 7.85 6.14
757 Tapi Karanjvel 21.01278 73.45806 8.48 4.74
758 Tapi Kelkui 21.04194 73.32333 2.40 2.07
Khedwada (Ashram
759 Tapi Falia) 21.28111 73.46528 7.42 5.32
760 Tapi Kherwa 21.41889 73.95972 5.75 1.11
761 Tapi Motichher 21.21250 73.36222 4.00 2.31
762 Tapi Nizar 21.48056 74.20000 14.85 13.33
763 Tapi Nizar1 21.47722 74.19056 11.87 8.03
764 Tapi Tawali 21.37611 73.90167 7.77 4.94
765 Tapi Tokarwa 1 21.31000 73.85111 8.10 4.03
766 Tapi Uchchhal 21.17194 73.76917 11.63 7.48
767 Tapi Vadade-Khurd 21.25167 73.81694 3.20 0.90
768 Tapi Valod 21.05000 73.26667 4.83 2.85
769 Tapi Vyara1 21.10833 73.39583 4.20 3.47
770 The dangs Aherdi 20.69167 73.61667 4.22 1.63
771 The dangs Ahwa_Pz 20.75889 73.68611 3.42 2.45
772 The dangs Ahwa1 20.75833 73.68333 3.75 1.17
773 The dangs Bari Pada 20.64000 73.69139 11.77 0.59
774 The dangs Bori Gaotha 1 20.81083 73.50306 9.27 4.36
775 The dangs Chikhli 20.65833 73.68750 8.70 0.92
776 The dangs Chinchnogaotha 20.80833 73.55278 7.58 2.48
777 The dangs Chinchpada 20.63750 73.77500 5.60 1.20
778 The dangs Dhumkal 20.64583 73.79167 3.92 1.21
779 The dangs Gadad 20.63750 73.77500 5.05 2.24
780 The dangs Ghubita 20.80000 73.73750 2.56 0.67
781 The dangs Jakana 20.63333 73.74583 5.61 1.22
782 The dangs Jamalpada 20.73167 73.52056 7.15 4.25
783 The dangs Kalibel 20.92083 73.58056 3.25 0.91
784 The dangs Mahal 20.91667 73.67917 5.51 3.09
785 The dangs Malegaon 20.60000 73.74583 4.03 0.68
786 The dangs Nadak khadi 20.80417 73.61250 6.09 1.55
787 The dangs Nana pada 20.70000 73.58333 7.96 2.23
788 The dangs Sakarpatal 20.71944 73.55694 5.62 1.44
789 The dangs Sodmal 20.86667 73.61667 11.19 1.96
790 The dangs Subir 20.92222 73.58056 6.07 1.17
791 The dangs Umberpada 20.68333 73.72500 5.41 1.44
792 The dangs Vaghai 20.76389 73.50444 12.61 8.20
793 The dangs Vazat Amba 20.87833 73.51833 6.83 3.44
794 Vadodara Amreshwar 22.22778 73.48333 4.03 2.17
795 Vadodara Chella Karamsiya Pz 22.39667 73.43222 3.81 1.99
796 Vadodara Chhaliyar 22.66667 73.31667 22.44 22.04
797 Vadodara Chitral PZ_II 22.18194 72.94583 25.17 24.05
798 Vadodara Ghayaj ii 22.23333 73.05417 24.45 22.46
799 Vadodara Juna samalya 22.50417 73.28333 12.46 11.00
800 Vadodara Karamasiya 22.42083 73.41944 12.51 8.24
801 Vadodara Masor 22.14167 72.90833 13.41 12.09
802 Vadodara Patiyapura 22.27500 73.44167 8.85 5.48
803 Vadodara Saidal 22.28333 73.50278 2.92 1.77
804 Vadodara Sinor 21.91250 73.34167 23.63 22.52
805 Vadodara Tundav 22.48333 73.20278 12.49 8.40
806 Vadodara Vadodara Ii 22.30472 73.27167 6.45 6.61
807 Vadodara Vadodara_Kevada Bag 22.29333 73.19833 9.06 7.19
808 Vadodara Vadodara_ONGC 22.26917 73.21278 12.32 10.19
809 Vadodara Vega 22.15944 73.41250 6.46 4.05
810 Vadodara Vejpur2 22.74722 73.35556 2.46 1.76
811 Vadodara Waghodia Pz 22.36389 73.37694 7.28 4.70
812 Valsad Awadha 20.51667 73.28750 3.75 4.68
813 Valsad Chavshala 20.32833 73.32583 4.80 1.31
814 Valsad Dahli (bhilad) 20.25833 72.88333 9.08 2.42
815 Valsad Dharampur 3 20.53083 73.16250 13.01 8.47
816 Valsad Dharampur1 20.53639 73.17056 10.49 4.62
817 Valsad Dungri 20.68861 72.94944 9.88 5.00
818 Valsad Fali 20.31306 73.37611 11.42 1.21
819 Valsad Kanadu 20.32500 72.84167 6.46 3.34
820 Valsad Kaparda 20.34167 73.21667 6.04 2.09
821 Valsad Karwad 20.36250 72.97500 4.65 3.08
822 Valsad Lakadmal 20.46667 73.15833 7.55 3.67
823 Valsad Muli1 20.63333 73.02500 3.42 1.92
824 Valsad Nanaponda 20.41389 73.12083 10.04 5.39
825 Valsad Tithal 20.60000 72.90000 7.81 5.69
826 Valsad Tumb 20.21667 72.84167 4.31 2.83
827 Valsad Udwada 20.46361 72.91806 6.48 1.96
828 Valsad Umargaon 20.19167 72.75000 3.97 3.43
829 Valsad Valsad1 20.60556 72.92778 21.63 8.85
830 Valsad Vapi Balitha 20.38028 72.90444 9.81 4.67
Annexure V
Water quality data of National Hydrograph Stations of Gujarat State May 2020

Sl. District Site pH EC TDS CO 3 HCO 3 Cl NO 3 SO 4 F Alk Ca Mg TH Na K SAR

No µs/cm
at mg/l
1 Ahmedabad Dalod 8.20 16640 11149 0 1257 5176 26 822 1.0 1030.82 152 260 1451 3535 45 40
2 Ahmedabad Endla 7.35 715 479 0 354 50 0.23 18 0.46 290 56 34 280 47 11.0 1.2
3 Ahmedabad Viramgam 8.08 2810 1883 0 329 596 4.9 230 0.32 270 16 19 120 541 4.4 21.5
4 Ahmedabad Kumar Khan 7.34 6118 4099 0 1403 1120 21 397 3.5 1150.92 148 61 620 1100 63 19.2
5 Ahmedabad Kundal 7.7 1243 833 0 354 184 2.2 64 0.73 290 44 24 210 178 1.70 5.3
6 Ahmedabad Bavla 7.48 4998 3349 0 342 1092 11 580 0.52 280 152 41 550 863 2.7 16.00
7 Ahmedabad Dhandhuka1 8.20 7328 4910 0 1135 1546 220 494 5.0 931 72 122 681 1384 44 23.08
8 Ahmedabad Tagadi1 8.10 2960 1983 0 427 269 43 798 0.8 350 132 54 550 437 24 8.10
9 Ahmedabad Barvala 8.19 7338 4916.46 0 1293 1198 33 1002 3.8 1060.85 32 73 380 1550 0.27 34.571
10 Ahmedabad Lonjdhara 8.18 1264 847 0 500 142 49 30 2.4 410 20 29 170 225 0.51 7.50
11 Ahmedabad Rajpada 8.08 708 474 0 293 57 37 30 0.73 240 40.08 34 240 70 0.31 1.96
12 Ahmedabad Kundali 8.19 735 492 0 403 35 11 17 0.37 330 44 49 310 45 0.26 1.11
13 Amreli Punjapadar 7.08 436 292 0 183 35 0.39 38 0.51 150 24 4.9 80 68 4.2 3.31
14 Amreli Sanaliya 8.15 1916 1284 0 281 241 20 450 0.88 230 56 49 340 323 1.8 7.62
15 Amreli Luvariya 1 8.19 996 667 0 573 28 20 19 2.5 470 28 7.3 100 198 4.9 8.61
16 Amreli Lathi 8.18 1055 707 0 390 149 12 41 0.50 320 36 32 220 157 0.23 4.60
17 Amreli Tajpur 7.85 444 297 0 220 28 5.5 19 0.40 180 40 15 160 37 1.94 1.27
18 Amreli Chavand 8.09 607 407 0 305 35 5.2 23 0.40 250 40 27 210 58 0.90 1.74
19 Amreli Untvad 7.99 1215 814 0 244 156 174 57 0.42 200 128 46 510 63 0.38 1.21
20 Amreli Kotadapitha 8.09 385 258 0 183 28 4.8 16 0.40 150 24 19 140 30 1.94 1.10
21 Amreli DhraiValmukund 8.19 465 312 0 256 14 6.9 10 0.36 210 32 17 150 49 0.29 1.74
22 Amreli Bhildi 8.07 620 415 0 317 35 14 18 0.55 260 40 19 180 71 0.21 2.30
23 Amreli AnkodiaMota 7.76 1278 856 0 366 170 94 85 0.33 300 72 56 410 136 1.2 2.92
24 Amreli Kunkavav 7.82 1306 875 0 305 199 68 101 0.22 250 60 54 370 143 0.71 3.23
25 Amreli Vaghania juna 8.02 1296 868 0 598 106 35 41 1.1 490 28 39 230 220 8.05 6.31
26 Amreli Bagasara 7.81 3589 2405 0 403 780 230 260 0.46 330 132 187 1101 357 0.39 4.68
27 Amreli Amreli 7.40 1280 858 0 317 199 50 96 0.14 260 100 39 410 112 1.3 2.40
28 Amreli Govadka 7.58 507 340 0 195 50 18 26 0.29 160 32 19 160 50 9.5 1.72
29 Amreli Vankiya 7.86 725 486 0 342 57 13 28 0.69 280 16 12 90 136 0.67 6.23
30 Amreli Chalala 8.20 580 389 0 220 71 8.8 32 0.22 180 36 27 200 52 0.99 1.60
31 Amreli Morjhar 7.83 833 558 0 293 121 22 30 0.18 240 60 44 330 61 0.30 1.46
32 Amreli Kerala 8.09 1369 917 0 500 206 23 36 0.41 410 28 12 120 286 0.68 11.4
33 Amreli Charkhadia1 7.57 1152 772 0 622 50 17 35 2.25 510 16 2.4 50 262 2.9 16.1
34 Amreli Bhuva 8.13 9343 6260 0 805 2552 221 560 0.84 661 40 151 721 2008 81 32.5
35 Amreli Dharangani 7.99 1687 1130 0 293 347 135 64 0.29 240 96 61 490 188 0.86 3.69
36 Amreli Ingorala 8.19 676 453 0 342 35 16 30 0.31 280 60 29 270 47 0.52 1.24
37 Amreli Virpur 7.30 1098 736 0 488 57 90 51 0.25 400 104 46 450 65 3.5 1.33
38 Amreli Timbi2 8.20 2073 1389 0 451 390 85 112 0.83 370 48 66 390 341 19 7.51
39 Amreli Kadiyali 8.38 2680 1796 24 342 674 8.9 27 1.00 320 132 29 450 363 12 7.44
40 Amreli Jafrabad 8.15 3374 2261 0 549 645 150 177 0.61 450 40 54 320 528 210 12.83
41 Amreli Lotpur 8.20 8755 5866 0 256 2567 114 477 0.27 210 64 179.968 901 1698 6.1 24.61
42 Amreli Bherai 8.43 3112 2085 36 683 581 46 154 0.86 620 32 90 450 515 13 10.56
43 Amreli Nageshri 7.73 1390 931 0 476 156 49 107 0.27 390 72 46 370 164 7.5 3.71
44 Amreli Trakuda 7.46 452 303 0 171 50 0.76 26 0.27 140 36 15 150 44 1.5 1.56
45 Amreli Khamba 8.20 698 468 0 366 35 24 22 0.26 300 48 29 240 68 0.41 1.91
46 Amreli Vankiya1 8.19 1408 943 0 464 142 136 85 0.28 380 92 58 470 136 1.9 2.73
47 Amreli Badhda 8.18 1275 854 0 244 177 124 100 0.21 200 52 73 430 101 0.79 2.12
48 Amreli Goradka 7.7 1324 887 0 183 234 135 97 0.23 150 104 66 530 86 0.64 1.62
49 Amreli Mandal 7.92 1976 1324 0 329 376 123 101 0.59 270 68 71 460 268 3.9 5.43
50 Amreli Piyava 8.22 1260 844 0 659 78 33 20 0.39 540 28 36 220 220 0.37 6.45
51 Amreli Hipabadli 9.14 2657 1780 78 1198 113 26 54 2.25 1112 8.0 17 90 580 7.26 26.6
52 Anand Parvata 8.33 1148 769.16 36 476 71 6.9 76 0.93 450 40 78 420 96 1.9 2.04
53 Anand Adas 8.06 1216 814.72 0 512 92 91 39 0.52 420 36 102 510 75 1.2 1.44
54 Anand Anklav 8.19 1476 988.92 0 683 121 37 53 0.73 560 36 124 600 97 2 1.72
55 Anand Bhadran 7.93 635 425.45 0 342 35 0.33 20 0.28 281 64 27 270 32 1.3 0.85
56 Anand Ras 8.09 1442 966.14 0 659 149 16 25 4.5 541 28 22 160 284 8.5 9.76
57 Anand Dali 8.18 3721 2493.07 0 805 808 12 154 3.4 660 80 85 550 605 21 11.22
58 Anand Kansari 8.19 4565 3058.55 0 744 1035 46 262 1.6 610 88 90 590 784 10 14.03
59 Anand Dharmaj 9.23 2488 1666.96 180 573 262 79 154 2.2 770 12 44 210 498 0.13 14.94
60 Anand Bandhani 8.52 1834 1228.78 36 903 106 28 38 2.3 801 8.0 27 130 408 0.56 15.56
61 Aravalli Punasan 7.9 810 542.7 0 256 64 36 90 1.75 209.97 72 17 250 77 0.49 2.12
62 Aravalli Shamlaji 8 501 335.67 0 220 50 3 15 0.51 180 36 4.9 110 70 0.85 2.9
63 Aravalli Bhiloda 7.74 1173 785.91 0 305 156 37 140 0.85 250 84 45 395 105 2.85 2.3
64 Aravalli Takatuka 7.7 3100 2077 0 244 724 108 145 1.01 200 176 73 740 381 1.52 6.09
65 Aravalli Gadada 7.6 1758 1177.86 0 317 227 140 207 0.98 260 112 78 600 116 0.76 2.06
66 Aravalli Madasana 7.69 1034 692.78 0 183 170 60 127 0.73 150 84 29 330 106 2.1 2.54
67 Aravalli Modasa2 7.62 963 645.21 0 232 128 55 56 0.13 190 112 2.5 290 82 2.6 2.09
68 Aravalli Seenawad 7.44 1427 956.09 0 305 227 109 100 0.46 250 144 34 500 97 11.5 1.89
69 Aravalli Megraj_1 7.53 810 542.7 0 268 99 8.7 76 0.40 220 48 17 190 109 1.9 3.44
70 Aravalli Hamirpur 7.49 1509 1011.03 0 293 256 85 132 0.63 240 144 29 480 125 0.99 2.48
71 Aravalli Malpur_1 7.59 807 540.69 0 280 64 106 11 0.72 230 76 39 350 26 0.42 0.6
72 Aravalli Sathamba 7.94 918 615.06 0 366 43 18 90 0.74 300 56 46 330 58 1.6 1.39
73 Aravalli Boral 7.69 3142 2105.14 0 268 824 125 77 0.49 220 304 15 820 398 1.1 6.04
74 Aravalli Bibipur1 7.5 3190 2137.3 0 256 568 440 240 0.31 210 272 170 1380 95 3.5 1.11
75 Aravalli Alwa Kampa 7.87 1146 767.82 0 378 99 36 122 0.57 310 52 53 350 92 0.5 2.14
76 Aravalli Karanpur 7.84 682 456.94 0 122 99 38 90 0.72 100 56 19 220 60 0.4 1.76
77 Aravalli Dhansura 7.8 1350 904.5 0 366 156 74 85 0.47 300 168 24 520 69 0.55 1.32
78 Banaskantha Amirgadh 7.02 3275 2194 0 586 709 125 116 0.78 480 140 151 971 330 3.1 4.6
79 Banaskantha Bharol1 7.14 825 553 0 378 78 5.3 17 0.64 310 76 27 300 40 52 1.0
80 Banaskantha Dantiwada 7.04 620 415 0 281 50 30 17 0.42 230 80 17 270 33 1.1 0.9
81 Banaskantha Ganapipli 7.08 918 615 0 390 78 33 39 2.1 320 76 34 330 81 2.0 1.9
82 Banaskantha Gangodra 7.12 3494 2341 0 671 709 0.96 144 3.5 550 204 85 861 335 19 5.0
83 Banaskantha Iqbalgarh 7.38 810 543 0 329 57 54 23 0.58 270 76 34 330 45 1.0 1.1
84 Banaskantha Jhat 7.68 2000 1340 0 476 355 0.24 137 1.6 390 28 27 180 375 4.2 12.2
85 Banaskantha Khoda 7.66 1575 1055 0 573 177 22 107 1.9 470 20 19 130 320 13 12.2
86 Banaskantha Mohabbat gadh 7.17 1488 997 0 305 262 73 68 1.3 250 156 22 480 110 3.60 2.2
87 Banaskantha Palanpur2 7.48 1579 1058 0 427 248 103 67 0.80 350 76 46 380 210 0.70 4.7
88 Banaskantha Ratanpur2 7.08 1480 992 0 268 233.97 155 93 0.39 220 188 22 560 95 2.5 1.7
89 Banaskantha Sodapur 7.45 915 613 0 403 78 19 38 2.2 330 32 19 160 158 2.8 5.4
90 Bharuch Kalak1 7.01 835 559.45 0 354 64 15 24 1.5 290.348 80 12 250 60 36 1.65
91 Bharuch Tankari 7.93 4492 3009.64 0 879 908 13 227 0.66 720.95 96 158 891 544 113 7.93
92 Bharuch Sindhav 8 567 379.89 0 268 35 1.4 18 0.34 220 32 15 140 66 14 2.43
93 Bharuch Chhindra 7.84 850 569.5 0 378 64 21 31 0.42 310 64 27 270 59 55 1.56
94 Bharuch Dahegam 7.76 1644 1101.48 0 512 213 61 85 0.19 420 96 63 500 133 49 2.59
95 Bharuch Kavi 8.2 2962 1984.54 0 854 312 121 157 0.39 700 40 44 280 190 510 4.94
96 Bharuch Sarod 8.02 735 492.45 0 293 85 7.2 17 0.45 240 48 34 260 55 16 1.48
97 Bharuch Roja Tankaria 7.59 1739 1165.13 0 476 326 5.8 34 0.36 390 132 49 530 131 46 2.47
98 Bharuch Nirnavi 7.57 595 398.65 0 329 28 7.7 8.5 0.62 270 48 12 170 66 12 2.2
99 Bharuch Luhala 8.14 2526 1692.42 0 732 255 115 164 0.5 600 40 54 320 255 315 6.2
100 Bharuch Bhensali 7.91 1006 674.02 0 305 142 5.2 72 0.54 250 48 27 230 119 17 3.41
101 Bharuch Mahegam 7.79 1579 1057.93 0 476 269 0.73 74 0.28 390 116 68 570 92 36 1.68
102 Bharuch Kaswa 7.93 450 301.5 0 207 35 4.7 13 0.45 170 44 12 160 37 3.4 1.27
103 Bharuch Navetha 7.81 695 465.65 0 305 92 2.5 2.1 0.32 250 64 27 270 34 23 0.9
104 Bharuch Bharuch 7.75 2416 1618.72 0 635 347 1.2 129 0.31 521 144 85 711 206 5.3 3.36
105 Bharuch Sajod 8.58 2035 1363.45 72 683 191 11 58 3.2 680 16 36 190 400 2.8 12.6
106 Bharuch Utraj 7.88 475 318.25 0 207 28 2.8 17 0.45 170 48 10 160 35 0.69 1.2
107 Bharuch Jetpur 7.68 1750 1172.5 0 451 347 11 67 0.86 370 96 32 370 240 36 5.42
108 Bharuch Sahol 7.62 5499 3684.33 0 281 1390 298 360 0.68 230 521 117 1781 390 3.1 4.02
109 Bharuch Raymal 7.92 3069 2056.23 0 281 752 5.7 69 0.61 230 76 100 600 340 14 6.03
110 Bharuch Motwan 7.98 3445 2308.15 0 464 794 3.3 287 0.72 381 124 71 600 602 12 10.69
111 Bharuch Panoli 7.9 2502 1676.34 0 537 447 29 229 1.6 440 40 39 260 495 0.75 13.35
112 Bharuch Kondh 7.78 847 567.49 0 305 71 20 58 0.99 250 48 19 200 97 6.3 2.98
113 Bharuch Mungaj 7.48 528 353.76 0 305 14 1.5 14 0.13 250 56 27 250 19 0.3 0.52
114 Bhavnagar Panvi1 8.22 1798 1205 0 940 106 2.9 52 3.9 771 16 15 100 408 4.6 17.74
115 Bhavnagar Aayodhyapuram 8.02 1351 905 0 561 156 33 37 1.9 460 28 10 110 278 7.6 11.52
116 Bhavnagar Vallabhipur 8.20 4290 2874 0 451 1021 12 380 0.79 370 84 58 450 767 9.3 15.72
117 Bhavnagar Timbi 7.23 388 260 0 183 28 0.61 21 0.45 150 32 10 120 40 1.7 1.59
118 Bhavnagar Jalia 7.38 2464 1651 0 427 553 27 170 0.40 350 216 112 1001 148 3.8 2.03
119 Bhavnagar Motivadal 8.20 1273 853 0 476 170 28 81 0.29 390 92 68 510 110 9.2 2.12
120 Bhavnagar Dudhala 8.19 1873 1255 0 415 362 71 99 0.50 340 44 63.232 370 287 6.7 6.49
121 Bhavnagar Mahuva 8.22 4600 3082 0 830 1014 68 190 0.87 681 24 36.48 210 1007 1.9 30.21
122 Bhavnagar Bora 8.56 1566 1049 72 647 78 55 54 2.0 651 16 7.296 70 364 1.7 18.92
123 Bhavnagar Datha 8.08 1228 823 0 366 213 7.3 51 1.3 300 28 14.592 130 238 6.7 9.08
124 Bhavnagar Longadi 8.05 668 448 0 293 64 4.5 31 0.57 240 36 14.592 150 85 27 3.02
125 Bhavnagar Pasvi 7.75 805 539 0 342 64 31 46 0.3 280 60 43.776 330 50 5.9 1.20
126 Bhavnagar Kundheli 7.85 1203 806 0 244 241 32 83 0.34 200 80 48.64 400 105 0.90 2.28
127 Bhavnagar Talaja2 8.06 1240 831 0 415 142 94 61 0.51 340 92 63 490 89 0.56 1.75
128 Bhavnagar Trapaj 7.02 1518 1017 0 317 163 185 160 0.31 260 176 56 671 57 0.47 0.96
129 Bhavnagar Vavdi 7.43 1010 677 0 342 78 70 110 0.36 280 52 66 400 65 0.99 1.41
130 Bhavnagar Bhumbhali 8.09 4605 3085 0 696 858 7.7 637 0.63 570 80 88 560 820 17 15.0658
131 Bhavnagar Ghogha 8.36 3279 2197 72 488 546 181 194 0.28 520 96 41 410 500 53 10.7362
132 Bhavnagar Bhavnagar1 7.82 1268 850 0 403 184 38 74 0.38 330 60 24 250 208 0.77 5.7196
133 Bhavnagar Ambala 8.03 411 275 0 195 28 1.9 16 0.45 160 28 15 130 40 1.8 1.53
134 Bhavnagar Piperla 7.66 888 595 0 317 92 34 52 0.26 260 84 34 350 48 0.77 1.12
135 Bhavnagar Palitana2 7.21 950 637 0 366 113 10 51 0.26 300 92 34 370 57 6.22 1.29
136 Bhavnagar Sajnasar 7.77 895 600 0 378 78 27 49 0.42 310 76 34 330 65 3.1 1.56
137 Bhavnagar Vadal 7.84 1055 707 0 305 142 100 52 0.32 250 72 56 410 80 0.48 1.72
138 Bhavnagar Ningala 8.09 598 401 0 256 57 8.4 32 0.45 210 16 12 90 105 0.67 4.81
139 Bhavnagar Dhasa 8.19 861 577 0 305 92 39 48 0.33 250 68 24 270 94 0.32 2.49
140 Bhavnagar Gariyadhar 8.15 1523 1020 0 207 319 94 142 0.45 170 60 68 430 190 0.46 3.99
141 Bhavnagar Panchpipla 8.14 1156 775 0 366 170 26 73 0.55 300 40 49 300 157 0.2 3.94
142 Bhavnagar Khijadiya 8.18 2267 1519 0 512 432 23 108 1.28 420 40 44 280 390 0.16 10.13
143 Bhavnagar Gadhada2 8.11 814 545 0 366 78 10 32 0.31 300 80 22 290 69 7.97 1.76
144 Bhavnagar Tatam 8.08 5062 3392 0 317 1283 365 288 0.48 260 289 316 2022 322 1.52 3.11
145 Bhavnagar Tardhera 8.23 1812 1214 0 244 319 234 99 0.42 200 116 90 661 114 1.04 1.93
146 Govindpur 7.96 6995 4686.65 0 500 2028 20 488 1.9 410 148.296 297 1591 1000 5.8 10.9
147 Alhadpura 8.02 1049 702.83 0 427 113 32 41 1.1 350 44.088 51 320 110 2.8 2.67
148 Pitha 7.96 865 579.55 0 293 113 47 18 0.90 240 52.104 54 350 57 1.9 1.32
149 Kaprali 7.78 632 423.44 0 281 28 54 22 0.67 230 68 24 270 36 1.5 0.95
150 Sengpur 7.72 541 362.47 0 268 28 22 14 0.57 220 60 22 240 27 0.3 0.76
151 Motichikli 7.78 648 434.16 0 317 28 19 28 3.6 260 64 22 250 50 0.41 1.37
152 Bhindol 8.2 1750 1172.5 0 976 92 3.9 26 4.0 801 28 68 350 285 0.77 6.62
153 Chavaria 7.86 1449 970.83 0 439 199 101 55 4.05 360 64 61 410 178 2.6 3.8
154 Panvad 8.02 1498 1003.66 0 549 177 20 100 1.8 450 36 34 230 272 4.4 7.8
155 Chhota Udaipur 7.53 828 554.76 0 207 85 40 59 1 170 60 21.888 240 74 0.71 2.08
156 Ferkuva 7.57 642 430.14 0 244 71 37 23 0.45 200 88 19.456 300 17 3.4 0.43
157 Ghhamodi 7.72 516 345.72 0 232 50 1.6 13 1.1 190 48 9.728 160 50 0.86 1.72
158 Kevadi 7.54 518 347.06 0 220 43 9.3 21 0.93 180 60 9.728 190 39 0.22 1.23
159 Pavi 8 2007 1344.69 0 525 376 12 132 0.95 431 128 38.912 480 258 10 5.12
160 Dahod Salaya 7.92 890 596.3 0 366 78 7.4 38 0.6 300 84 12 260 88 2.1 2.37
161 Dohad Wadia 8.1 2323 1556.41 0 219 483 65 185 1.7 180 208 68 800 160 10 2.46
162 Dohad Limbdi 7.83 779 521.93 0 329 78 1.3 15 0.79 270 68 7.3 200 89 5.18 2.74
163 Dohad Sukhsar 7.69 844 565.48 0 317 50 55 35 0.97 260 80 4.9 220 89 1.9 2.61
164 Dohad Sarsava 7.74 383 256.61 0 183 29 8.0 5 0.48 150 52 0 130 31 7.77 1.18
165 Dohad Bapda 7.96 1172 785.24 0 366 135 20 72 0.91 300 44 17 180 184 2.67 5.96
166 Dohad Devgadh bariya 8.2 918 615.06 0 220 142 16 67 0.96 180 40 27 210 119 3.3 3.57
167 Dohad Khandania 7.88 699 468.33 0 317 28 24 20 1.0 260 60 15 210 57 1.5 1.71
168 Dohad Tokarba 8.04 981 657.27 0 378 107 4.0 37 1.0 310 84 10 250 112 2.57 3.08
169 Dohad Kanjetha 8.09 753 504.51 0 378 43 9.4 2 0.97 310 68 10 210 77 3 2.31
170 Dohad Dhanpur 7.98 1700 1139 0 512 227 30 98 1.3 420 184 34 600 117 11.6 2.08
171 Dohad Amba Katch 8.19 1075 720.25 0 390 85 70 38 1.2 320 80 24 300 108 9 2.71
172 Dohad Garbara 7.9 8180 5480.6 0 463 1740 822 396 6.8 380 120 389 1900 1079 28.5 10.76
173 Dohad Panchwada 8.15 907 607.69 0 390 64 24 24 1.76 320 16 75 350 48 3.69 1.12
174 Dohad Varamkheda 8.11 580 388.6 0 220 50 30 11 1 180 28 41 240 24 1.54 0.67
175 Dohad Dahod Urban-3 7.88 1641 1099.47 0 317 220 137 97 0.74 260 48 80 450 179 3.39 3.67
176 Dohad Dahod Urban-2 7.97 2311 1548.37 0 317 390 155 175 3.45 260 52 136 690 250 4.94 4.14
177 Dohad Dahod Urban-1 8.06 633 424.11 0 171 57 56 31 1.16 140 40 36 250 25 0.38 0.69
178 Dohad Mirakhedi 8.11 863 578.21 0 256 85 32 50 0.88 210 56 54 360 26 0.85 0.6
179 Dohad Dahod2 7.97 1771 1186.57 0 342 291 76 43 2.3 281 28 90 440 160 2.27 3.32
180 Dohad Dadhela 8.16 712 477.04 0 232 64 30 38 1.26 190 36 41 260 43 4.36 1.16
181 Daman Warkund 8.08 676 452.92 0 293 71 2.0 22 0.77 240 36 34 230 65 0.5 1.87
182 Daman Dalwada 8.14 688 460.96 0 293 64 15 34 0.31 240 48 36 270 50 3.8 1.33
183 Dangs-Ahwa Mehskatri 7.73 516 345.72 0 281 21 3.0 18 0.2 230 68 15 230 23 0.34 0.66
184 Dangs-Ahwa Kalibel 8.09 695 465.65 0 305 50 3.0 69 0.52 250 64 32 290 45 0.55 1.14
185 Dangs-Ahwa Sodmal 8.25 714 478.38 0 366 36 11 27 0.94 300 40 46 290 48 0.22 1.23
186 Dangs-Ahwa Bardipada 8.21 2590 1735.3 0 598 483 15 170 0.86 490 56 56 370 459 2.07 10
187 Dangs-Ahwa Mahal 8.24 1028 688.76 0 390 107 2.0 65 1.14 320 36 39 250 125 2.37 3.44
188 Dangs-Ahwa Subir 8.14 1045 700.15 0 549 64 3.0 43 0.51 450 72 49 380 85 2.64 1.9
189 Dangs-Ahwa Ghubita 7.73 925 619.75 0 268 149 1.0 30 0 220 76 24 290 67 7.1 1.7
190 Dangs-Ahwa Ahwa1 8.13 1130 757.1 0 451 128 18 60 0 370 40 61 350 101 20 2.34
191 Dangs-Ahwa Umberpada 8.34 1028 688.76 48 427 57 16 33 0.35 430 40 63 360 97 0.64 2.21
192 Dangs-Ahwa Chichpada 7.8 1629 1091.43 0 659 199 36 45 1.12 541 104 63 520 175 7.5 3.34
193 Dangs-Ahwa Dhumkhal 7.81 872 584.24 0 403 64 17 33 0.47 331 76 41 360 50 0.5 1.15
194 Dangs-Ahwa Jakana 8.1 940 629.8 0 403 107 12 45 0.31 331 112 41 450 31 0.85 0.64
195 Dangs-Ahwa Malegaon 8.27 746 499.82 0 159 135 2 35 0.23 130 48 22 210 70 0.64 2.1
196 Dangs-Ahwa Baripada 7.12 1080 723.6 0 317 121 100 84 0.5 260 68 56 400 85 1.15 1.84
197 Dangs-Ahwa Chikhli 8.1 542 363.14 0 232 43 19 31 0.22 190 64 19 240 28 0.45 0.78
198 Dangs-Ahwa Aherdi 8.01 685 458.95 0 317 43 9.0 33 0.39 260 60 34 290 38 1.92 1.02
199 Dangs-Ahwa Nana pada 7.95 706 473.02 0 244 92 24 43 0.27 200 64 36 310 36 0.25 0.89
200 Dangs-Ahwa Sakarpatal 7.91 655 438.85 0 281 43 43 36 0.34 230 48 29 240 62 2.07 1.77
201 Dangs-Ahwa Jamalpada 8.15 929 622.43 0 329 142 1.0 43 0.85 270 48 46 310 93 1.36 2.3
202 Dangs-Ahwa Waghai 7.85 1550 1038.5 0 171 376 18 140 0.30 140 136 54 560 115 0.92 2.11
203 Dangs-Ahwa Chinchnogaotha 7.82 1063 712.21 0 476 92 32 30 0.57 390 72 51 390 87 8.33 1.91
204 Dangs-Ahwa Nadak khadi 8.27 1084 726.28 0 305 135 60 60 0.8 250 40 66 370 97 0.34 2.19
205 Dangs-Ahwa Bori Goatha 1 8.17 628 420.76 0 354 28 4.0 13 0.14 290 44 41 280 24 0.83 0.63
206 Dangs-Ahwa Vanzat Amba 7.43 655 438.85 0 232 78 15 35 0.43 190 56 27 250 50 2.5 1.37
207 Diu Jalawadi 7.88 10250 6868 0 281 3545 1.1 118 0.31 230 569.136 357.504 2892 1082 52 8.75
208 Diu Moiwachawadi 7.98 4940 3310 0 378 1205 127 322 0.62 310 196.392 172.672 1201 538 64 6.75
209 Diu Gomtimata 8.19 3468 2324 0 610 709 104 189 0.64 500 68 116.736 651 508 39 8.66
210 Gandhinagar Paliya 7.41 2460 1648 0 598 362 107 109 1.4 490 88 117 701 250 3.5 4.1
211 Gir Somnath Ankolwadi 7.2 1111 744.37 0 488 85 8.0 30 0.27 400 68 49 370 85 0.88 1.92
212 Jamnagar Amaliya Chokdi 7.04 3021 2024.07 0 366 780 13 112 2.3 300 140 122 850 299 7.19 4.46
213 Jamnagar Ambardi 7.43 1920 1286.4 0 464 298 86 84 1.3 381 80 77 515 204 2.16 3.91
214 Jamnagar Amran1 6.64 478 320.26 0 134 78 3.0 13 0.62 110 24 22 150 41 4.79 1.46
215 Jamnagar Aramda or Arambhada 7.47 2350 1574.5 0 549 426 5.0 110 4.3 450 48 46 310 370 31.17 9.14
216 Jamnagar Balwa 7.26 1425 954.75 0 342 191 114 75 0.25 281 136 54 560 68 0.36 1.25
217 Jamnagar Bangour Choukdi 7.27 755 505.85 0 183 78 84 45 0.27 150 72 27 290 40 0.56 1.02
218 Jamnagar Bed1 7.67 1560 1045.2 0 403 301 5 14 0.97 331 180 58 690 37 1.92 0.61
219 Jamnagar Bedanpur 7.72 8000 5360 0 488 2057 72 572 0.6 400 32 272 1200 1290 2.32 16.19
220 Jamnagar Bhadthar 7.61 880 589.6 0 268 113 15 48 0.68 220 48 41 290 68 1.45 1.74
221 Jamnagar Bhatia 7.62 2550 1708.5 0 342 468 14 309 2.2 281 140 71 640 278 28.17 4.78
222 Jamnagar Bhogat1 7.34 2025 1356.75 0 220 454 82 121 2.2 180 116 46 480 240 5.67 4.76
223 Jamnagar Changa 7.13 1746 1169.82 0 305 340 64 88 0.17 250 144 68 640 105 0.6 1.8
224 Jamnagar Dhrol2 7.36 2110 1413.7 0 488 369 63 86 0.32 400 76 83 530 242 1.56 4.57
225 Jamnagar Drafa 7.56 1425 954.75 0 329 248 87 24 0.69 270 80 85 550 75 0.37 1.39
226 Jamnagar Dudhai2(Jam Dudhai) 7.51 950 636.5 0 329 71 3.0 99 0.8 270 44 28 225 113 1.44 3.28
227 Jamnagar Dwarka 7.36 2533 1697.11 0 439 574 24 78 0.48 360 80 111 655 264 29.52 4.48
228 Jamnagar Gordhanpur 7.49 1950 1306.5 0 207 560 4.0 20 0.36 170 108 56 500 220 2.66 4.28
229 Jamnagar Falla 7.75 1325 887.75 0 329 227 2.0 66 1.7 270 20 56 280 175 0.13 4.55
230 Jamnagar Humbusar) 7.87 1892 1267.64 0 500 369 2.0 8 0.87 410 40 5 120 360 30.98 14.29
231 Jamnagar Hanzarapur) 7.07 530 355.1 0 134 67 1.0 53 0.37 110 48 22 210 18 8.5 0.54
232 Jamnagar Haripur2 7.22 1120 750.4 0 305 206 10 13 0.53 250 92 36 380 83 0.37 1.85
233 Jamnagar Hadiyana 7.51 818 548.06 0 195 50 5 167 0.45 160 36 56 320 40 2.39 0.97
234 Jamnagar Jambuda 7.11 2565 1718.55 0 232 702 56 48 0.29 190 168 128 945 151 5.25 2.14
235 Jamnagar Jamnagar2 7.36 940 629.8 0 354 92 3 48 0.43 290 44 36 260 96 0.65 2.59
236 Jamnagar Juvanpur 7.23 1555 1041.85 0 354 248 58 81 0.36 290 60 88 510 125 1.97 2.41
237 Jamnagar Khajuda 6.98 4630 3102.1 0 305 1312 57 157 0.21 250 400 165 1680 290 3.19 3.08
238 Jamnagar Kalawad 7.13 625 418.75 0 183 78 4.0 47 0.4 150 40 26 205 48 2.91 1.46
239 Jamnagar Kalyanpur 7.54 1880 1259.6 0 378 340 65 89 3.3 310 52 73 430 235 1.44 4.93
240 Jamnagar Kalyanpur2 7.4 1491 998.97 0 244 291 83 68 0.3 200 44 107 550 89 0.75 1.65
241 Jamnagar Kesia 7.43 5555 3721.85 0 214 1702 28 175 0.2 176 60 304 1400 650 0.87 7.55
242 Jamnagar Khirsara 7.32 1250 837.5 0 171 269 46 60 0.4 140 76 9 225 183 0.42 5.3
243 Jamnagar Kuvadia 7.29 700 469 0 281 43 33 28 0.49 230 62 22 245 47 0.12 1.31
244 Jamnagar Lalpur1 7.52 1170 783.9 0 220 220 35 64 0.38 180 76 27 300 128 1.56 3.21
245 Jamnagar Lambha 1 7.32 1850 1239.5 0 159 468 1.0 130 0.44 130 68 51 380 251 3.2 5.6
246 Jamnagar Mewasha 7.09 788 527.96 0 122 191 3.0 18 0.39 100 36 27 200 88 2.49 2.71
247 Jamnagar Modpar 7.22 925 619.75 0 244 142 33 38 0.88 200 60 19 230 105 3.02 3.01
248 Jamnagar Mojap 7.12 6211 4161.37 0 610 1482 252 312 0.86 500 344 195 1660 660 9.71 7.04
249 Jamnagar Mota Kalawad 7.48 3010 2016.7 0 305 780 74 102 0.23 250 334 113 1300 90 1.21 1.09
250 Jamnagar Motagop 7.23 1055 706.85 0 342 99 67 55 0.28 281 70 61 425 46 0.12 0.97
251 Jamnagar Moti Khavdi 7.09 1920 1286.4 0 500 234 65 160 0.24 410 44 126 630 152 0.27 2.63
252 Jamnagar Moti Matli 7.53 1830 1226.1 0 293 362 83 93 0.56 240 48 24 220 321 0.64 9.41
253 Jamnagar Nikava 7.41 1160 777.2 0 305 135 100 59 0.38 250 72 56 410 78 0.17 1.67
254 Jamnagar Pindara1 7.47 1020 683.4 0 207 170 2.0 93 0.9 170 60 32 280 101 6.75 2.62
255 Jamnagar Raval 7.53 3644 2441.48 0 427 922 44 113 0.18 350 140 231 1300 232 0.85 2.8
256 Jamnagar Salaya 7.56 1050 703.5 0 305 124 61 55 0.39 250 80 27 310 93 11.75 2.3
257 Jamnagar Samrasar1 7.43 1995 1336.65 0 549 291 27 107 4.6 450 76 63 450 231 33.34 4.73
258 Jamnagar Seth Vadala 7.23 1555 1041.85 0 415 177 112 91 0.32 340 124 46 500 127 0.31 2.47
259 Jamnagar Sumana 7.69 1300 871 0 311 184 68 79 0.84 255 68 54 390 117 0.64 2.58
260 Jamnagar Toda 7.56 750 502.5 0 256 67 24 50 0.63 210 52 22 220 73 2.32 2.14
261 Jamnagar Vad Panchasara 7.28 1957 1311.19 0 256 355 175 113 0.36 210 164 41 580 177 0.23 3.2
262 Jamnagar Vadtara 7.39 1250 837.5 0 256 220 50 61 0.35 210 100 24 350 123 2.82 2.86
263 Jamnagar Vamansa 7.55 2905 1946.35 0 494 610 16 164 2.9 405 60 63 410 471 4.81 10.11
264 Jamnagar Varwada or Varvala 6.98 3950 2646.5 0 549 805 48 323 0.49 450 300 219 1650 131 15.5 1.4
265 Jamnagar Vijarkhi 7.46 912 611.04 0 305 113 7.0 36 0.68 250 80 19 280 82 0.47 2.13
266 Jamnagar Vinjhalpur 7.49 1070 716.9 0 354 113 36 50 0.45 290 96 32 370 73 1.03 1.65
267 Junagadh Anandpur 8.62 1920 1286.4 0 159 504 64 65 0.57 130 100 105 680 125 1.41 2.08
268 Junagadh Arena 6.94 5558 3723.86 0 610 1425 60 210 0.11 500 72 175 900 830 39.13 12.03
269 Junagadh Bamanwara 7.44 340 227.8 0 98 46 5.0 18 0.19 80 24 17 130 17 1.43 0.65
270 Junagadh Bantva 8.04 1200 804 0 476 113 12 40 3.0 390 20 15 110 226 0.29 9.37
271 Junagadh Bhat_Simroli 7.23 1820 1219.4 0 482 312 11 68 0.55 395 112 44 460 205 6.71 4.16
272 Junagadh Bilkha 7.45 1560 1045.2 0 311 234 79 110 0.47 255 80 27 310 195 6.24 4.82
273 Junagadh Budhecha 6.97 2200 1474 0 427 418 54 108 0.6 350 100 95 640 210 1.14 3.61
274 Junagadh Chokhli 7.14 1685 1128.95 0 500 149 163 84 0.48 410 84 83 550 137 0.27 2.54
275 Junagadh Chorwad 7.04 4890 3276.3 0 702 1206 77 92 0.13 576 220 224 1470 443 1.69 5.02
276 Junagadh Galodar 7.77 780 522.6 0 232 99 6.0 50 0.29 190 44 46 300 40 1.4 1
277 Junagadh Goraj1 7.83 1150 770.5 0 366 121 57 49 1.5 300 56 56 370 90 1.69 2.03
278 Junagadh Junagadh1 6.98 1207 808.69 0 329 156 48 60 0.28 270 50 34 265 149 1.98 3.98
279 Junagadh Juthal 7.48 820 549.4 0 207 135 5.0 44 0.37 170 60 36 300 48 1.6 1.2
280 Junagadh Kalej 7.5 2150 1440.5 0 403 383 30 169 1.51 331 80 22 290 356 2.46 9.09
281 Junagadh Kanedipur 7.13 880 589.6 0 378 64 8.0 29 0.38 310 104 7 290 66 0.24 1.69
282 Junagadh Kanek 6.66 6701 4489.67 0 610 1830 23 255 0.15 500 688 56 1950 625 22.29 6.15
283 Junagadh Kewarda 7.52 1060 710.2 0 342 128 41 45 0.33 281 68 63 430 44 1.76 0.92
284 Junagadh Khambalia1 7.61 4830 3236.1 0 732 1241 20 50 0.18 600 242 105 1035 635 10.16 8.58
285 Junagadh Khokharda 7.74 3525 2361.75 0 488 702 145 250 0.37 400 180 73 750 465 1.01 7.38
286 Junagadh Khorada1 7.74 7880 5279.6 0 244 2482 14 216 0.22 200 680 109 2150 815 0.39 7.64
287 Junagadh Khorasa_ Ahir 7.51 1215 814.05 0 171 234 77 72 0.49 140 124 17 380 105 0.37 2.34
288 Junagadh Kukaswada 7.66 723 484.41 0 128 106 40 78 0.58 105 80 5 220 65 1.32 1.91
289 Junagadh Lohej 7.24 1256 841.52 0 268 213 73 45 0.36 220 144 12 410 88 20.19 1.89
290 Junagadh Maktupur1 7.11 3505 2348.35 0 549 745 155 115 0.28 450 180 90 820 248 300 3.77
291 Junagadh Mangrol 7.51 2575 1725.25 0 366 596 44 98 0.27 300 120 56 530 325 36.57 6.14
292 Junagadh Manketara 7.43 1922 1287.74 0 232 479 64 45 0.50 190 120 117 780 81 5.67 1.26
293 Junagadh Mendarda1 7.44 2750 1842.5 0 354 645 134 62 0.44 290 56 168 830 248 0.83 3.74
294 Junagadh Patla 7.56 660 442.2 0 226 71 12 31 0.41 185 96 5 260 31 0.29 0.84
295 Junagadh Saradiya 7.76 2120 1420.4 0 610 241 54 163 0.33 500 128 75 630 196 0.48 3.4
296 Junagadh Sepa 7.21 1065 713.55 0 329 113 65 49 0.47 270 62 13 210 146 0.77 4.38
297 Junagadh Seriakhan 7.24 1250 837.5 0 305 177 64 67 0.50 250 100 44 430 82 14.48 1.72
298 Junagadh Shardagram 7.36 9450 6331.5 0 305 3021 21 204 0.21 250 280 474 2650 975 8.95 8.23
299 Junagadh Sil 7.59 700 469 0 232 78 22 29 0.22 190 84 15 270 36 1.08 0.95
300 Junagadh Sil_ Bandar 7.61 13506 9049.02 0 793 4106 5.0 213 0.19 650 224 314 1850 2192 70.34 22.16
301 Junagadh Vadal 7.76 1540 1031.8 0 317 262 75 76 0.32 260 60 95 540 96 1.94 1.8
302 Junagadh Vanthali II 7.78 2000 1340 0 659 245 40 75 0.63 541 40 90 470 242 0.46 4.85
303 Junagadh Jetalvad 8.15 769 515 0 183 99 76 53 0.10 150 28 58 310 51 0.39 1.26
304 Junagadh Mandawad 8.22 760 509 0 220 135 3.1 44 0.17 180 36 49 290 57 1.9 1.46
305 Junagadh Prempara 8.20 952 638 0 207 121 92 98 0.28 170 60 56 380 55 0.54 1.23
306 Junagadh KasiaNaka Checkpost 7.90 696 466 0 342 50 2.2 33 0.19 280 52 39 290 44 0.16 1.12
307 Junagadh Ajotha 7.72 1563 1047 0 220 376 41 80 0.39 180 100 61 500 138 1.6 2.68
308 Junagadh Govindpura2 7.37 667 447 0 281 71 20 19 0.53 230 76 22 280 38 1.5 0.99
309 Junagadh Moraj 7.76 1068 716 0 159 262 15 37 0.93 130 76 15 250 130 0.32 3.57
310 Junagadh Talala1 7.68 758 508 0 329 78 14 26 0.26 270 56 32 270 67 1.0 1.77
311 Junagadh Jambur(madhapar) 7.74 748 501 0 329 78 6.7 24 0.23 270 60 36 300 50 0.88 1.26
312 Junagadh AmverVelnes 7.99 615 412 0 281 43 7.5 41 0.28 230 68 22 260 35 1.1 0.94
313 Junagadh Jamvala1 7.83 478 320 0 220 43 5.9 17 0.34 180 44 19 190 34 0.35 1.07
314 Junagadh Bhimdeval 7.72 1030 690 0 329 135 44 60 0.59 270 80 34 340 90 2.6 2.12
315 Junagadh Prasli 7.75 979 656 0 256 142 42 51 1.2 210 68 19 250 91 35 2.50
316 Junagadh Kodinar1 7.82 2188 1466 0 305 581 44 87 0.8 250 104 100 671 230 0.93 3.86
317 Junagadh Kesariyaji 7.84 1083 726 0 256 177 50 52 0.77 210 84 24 310 108 3.8 2.67
318 Junagadh Una2 8.13 2965 1987 0 708 525 41 195 2.2 580 72 97 580 469 2.8 8.47
319 Junagadh Kansari 7.67 1468 984 0 415 199 132 71 0.77 340 104 44 440 152 1.9 3.15
320 Junagadh Jargla Jargli 8.07 570 382 0 268 50 2.5 21 0.34 220 76 12 240 32 0.42 0.90
321 Junagadh Girgadhada 7.84 832 557 0 342 71 47 33 0.28 280 72 41 350 51 0.66 1.19
322 Junagadh Dhokadva 8.21 721 483 0 354 50 3.5 23 0.22 290 44 49 310 40 2.0 0.99
323 Junagadh Sametar 8.18 396 265 0 195 28 1.6 15 0.26 160 36 19 170 22 1.6 0.73
324 Kachchh Rapar 7.9 3832 2567.44 0 305 710 44 731 1.07 250 244 114 1080 363 46 4.8
325 Kachchh Lilpar 7.75 8480 5681.6 0 342 1882 60 1635 1.68 281 480 292 2400 1000 50 8.87
326 Kachchh Desalpar 7.15 3560 2385.2 0 268 767 43 359 0.84 220 152 102 800 368 42 5.66
327 Kachchh Ratanpur (Khadir) 7.7 4410 2954.7 0 403 1172 1.0 228 1.01 331 116 109 740 608 18 9.72
328 Kachchh Kuda 7.38 1626 1089.42 0 671 178 18 40 2.33 550 128 39 480 140 32 2.78
329 Kachchh Kharoi 7.45 2300 1541 0 305 497 1.0 166 0.35 250 168 109 870 152 6.9 2.23
330 Kachchh Sedat 7.92 782 523.94 0 268 107 0 42 0.19 220 60 44 330 48 3.6 1.15
331 Kachchh Sukhpar 7.58 10550 7068.5 0 281 2982 175 2400 1.63 230 580 304 2700 1778 9.0 15
332 Kachchh Bhuj 7.46 1302 872.34 0 281 234 22 171 0.68 230 132 34 470 125 14 2.51
333 Kachchh Haboi 7.5 1641 1099.47 0 317 256 15 210 1.46 260 96 75 550 150 16 2.78
334 Kachchh Lodai 7.45 4680 3135.6 0 390 873 4.0 867 0.92 320 200 146 1100 541 33 7.09
335 Kachchh Khavda 7.87 2632 1763.44 0 329 511 2.0 235 0.55 270 116 71 580 318 21 5.74
336 Kachchh Devisar 7.62 5480 3671.6 0 281 1456 16 351 2.85 230 344 156 1500 447 88 5.02
337 Kachchh Ugardi 7.87 7730 5179.1 0 390 2095 42 846 0.65 320 228 195 1370 1184 7.4 13.9
338 Kachchh Kharai 7.95 2420 1621.4 0 281 497 4.0 247 0.34 230 120 24 400 327 23 7.11
339 Kachchh Naliya 8.68 1271 851.57 60 464 142 12 55 1.09 481 16 10 80 300 2.8 14.6
340 Kachchh Tera 8.38 2748 1841.16 120 451 469 49 255 6.7 570 44 36 260 586 6.2 15.8
341 Kachchh Mothara 8.2 1925 1289.75 0 317 447 1.0 187 0.8 260 48 41 290 396 2.0 10.1
342 Kachchh Vinjan 7.83 727 487.09 0 378 57 1.0 57 0.71 310 52 51 340 51 5.9 1.2
343 Kachchh Kotaya 8.25 1593 1067.31 0 464 277 20 107 4.05 381 40 36 250 325 1.3 8.94
344 Kachchh Bhabhdai 7.89 6625 4438.75 0 439 1803 5.0 500 0.99 360 216 141 1120 1130 9.4 14.7
345 Kachchh Ratanpur (maum) 8.08 1518 1017.06 0 427 213 55 143 1.18 350 60 58 390 225 3.4 4.95
346 Kachchh Dunai 7.96 1297 868.99 0 488 149 11 83 0.96 400 100 51 460 119 2.1 2.42
347 Kachchh Kharoghoyha 8.66 3075 2060.25 60 281 540 11 380 5.45 331 24 24 160 659 1.3 22.7
348 Kachchh Luni 7.98 2700 1809 0 586 547 18 86 0.89 481 84 54 430 422 13 8.85
349 Kachchh Bhadreshwar 8.08 2345 1571.15 0 305 525 15 111 0.35 250 148 83 710 206 9.3 3.35
350 Kachchh Shinaya 7.96 7375 4941.25 0 464 2016 2.0 508 1.16 381 232 109 1030 1380 7.0 18.7
351 Kachchh Samkhiali 7.8 5550 3718.5 0 488 1448 100 250 3.8 400 160 195 1200 827 16 10.4
352 Kheda Kapadvanj 7.18 1794 1202 0 805 142 37 30 2.5 661 44 22 200 336 14 10.3
353 Kheda Ladvel 7.45 1975 1323 0 439 411 2.0 33 0.58 360 96 54 460 215 13 4.4
354 Kheda Balasinor 1 7.12 953 639 0 342 113 14 34 0.52 280 104 24 360 55 0.60 1.3
355 Kheda Bar 7.38 677 454 0 305 50 2.4 21 0.73 250 32 29 200 55 23 1.7
356 Kheda Mahudha 7.73 2580 1729 0 683 411 18 123 0.75 560 60 90 520 341 34 6.5
357 Kheda Alina 7.48 3129 2096 0 525 510 141 225 0.90 430 112 114 751 359 7.0 5.7
358 Kheda Muliyad 7.32 6780 4543 0 305 1773 24 440 0.56 250 297 119 1231 855 7.6 10.6
359 Kheda Dakor 7.54 1505 1008 0 561 177 5.1 36 1.2 460 44 54 330 182 8.30 4.4
360 Kheda Kalesar 7.83 1198 803 0 647 64 9.3 41 1.5 530 28 54 290 178 0.68 4.5
361 Kheda Kheda 7.31 7648 5124 0 390 2070.28 1.9 639 0.58 320 417 187 1811 911 5.0 9.3
362 Kheda Shekhupura 8.98 3728 2498 36 1025 518 1.4 258 0.40 901 24 56 290 550 355 14.0
363 Kheda Boriyavi 7.76 1132 758 0 525 99 23 24 0.58 430 36 41 260 145 17 3.9
364 Kheda Alindra 7.48 625 419 0 348 28 1.4 17 0.67 285 32 39 240 45 3.0 1.3
365 Mahesana Asjol 6.98 452 303 0 256 21 4.9 3.8 0.26 210 56 15 200 16 7.1 0.5
366 Mahesana Bhandupara 7.36 1588 1064 0 500 233.97 8.4 126 0.59 410 52 51 340 227 12 5.4
367 Mahesana Budasan 7.24 2398 1607 0 451 503 7.9 144 0.24 370 124 83 651 232 17 4.0
368 Mahesana Dharpura 7.58 3160 2117 0 1208 326 1.1 193 2.0 991 52 54 350 610 41 14.2
369 Mahesana Dosaj 7.25 4070 2727 0 598 922 78 313 0.61 490 80 100 610 579 162 10.2
370 Mahesana Kheralu1 7.23 1610 1079 0 500 262 13 89 1.6 410 56 61 390 210 1.6 4.6
371 Mahesana Maguna 7.52 3686 2470 0 952 709 7.6 245 0.73 781 44 219 1011 413 27 5.7
372 Mahesana Panchot 7.73 1925 1290 0 512 319 9.8 177 0.49 420 64 56 390 245 77 5.4
373 Mahesana Rampura1 7.03 810 543 0 414.868 57 8.8 15 0.51 340 56 41 310.248 63 1.7 1.6
374 Mahesana Sihi 7.20 773 518 0 329.454 71 16 27 0.51 270 40 39 260.208 56 37 1.5
375 Mahesana Tarabh 7.25 1036 694 0 463.676 113 7.0 27 0.29 380 64 51 370.296 84 11 1.9
376 Mahesana Timba_1 7.02 785 526 0 378.262 64 3.8 17 0.77 310 92 22 320.256 39 3.9 0.9
377 Mahesana Unawa 7.15 4076 2731 0 866.342 709 170 373 0.61 711 80 156 840.672 545 102 8.2
378 Mahesana Unjha 7.25 3080 2064 0 658.908 461 137 277 1.1 540 56 100 550.44 459 80 8.5
379 Mahesana Vidaj 7.37 1989 1333 0 561.292 284 24 78 0.58 460 56 36 290.232 211 160 5.4
380 Mahisagar Limbadia peti 7.51 902 604.34 0 451 32 11 32 0.99 370 52 46 320 64 1.4 1.56
381 Mahisagar Pandarvada 7.61 700 469 0 317 64 0.67 5.0 0.59 260 48 27 230 58 0.66 1.66
382 Mahisagar Khanpur 7.55 970 649.9 0 232 85 40 102 0.41 190 72 24 280 86 0.91 2.23
383 Mahisagar Malekpur1 7.76 730 489.1 0 232 71 12 88 0.69 190 60 2.5 160 100 2.8 3.44
384 Mahisagar Godhar 7.5 1153 772.51 0 366 107 27 101 0.76 300 88 54 440 63 3.1 1.31
385 Mahisagar Kantha 7.18 346 231.82 0 134 28 3.5 21 0.51 110 24 15 120 17 16 0.67
386 Mahisagar Lunawada 7.29 1223 819.41 0 244 227 58 103 1.18 200 80 22 290 149 14.5 3.8
387 Mahisagar Jokha 7.68 1025 686.75 0 427 57 13 110 1.17 350 80 22 290 119 9.5 3.04
388 Mahisagar Kothamba 7.79 1307 875.69 0 415 149 21 75 0.84 340 76 29 310 154 2.79 3.8
389 Mahisagar Santrampur1 7.8 952 637.84 0 342 114 11 36 0.66 281 92 2.5 240 110 2.54 3.09
390 Mata no madh Mata no madh 7.63 1640 1098.8 0 268 312 19 204 0.8 220 124 29 430 225 10 4.72
391 Mata no madh Lakhpat 7.98 1805 1209.35 0 281 369 1.0 254 0.43 230 116 78 610 199 6.8 3.5
392 Mata no madh Moti cher 8.1 470 314.9 0 244 43 3.0 19 0.22 200 52 22 220 18 13 0.53
393 Morvi Morvi 7.95 305 204 0 49 64 0.35 13 0.17 40 16 9.728 80 31 1.3 1.5
394 Morvi Chhatar 7.69 1622 1087 0 281 312 59 128 0.72 230 120 58.368 540 127 0.85 2.38
395 Morvi Maliya 7.70 531 356 0 256 35 3.1 16 0.40 210 48 17.024 190 33 7.1 1.04
396 Morvi Lajai 7.36 3827 2564 0 207 1020.96 131 213 0.53 170 253 160.512 1291 261 3.3 3.16
397 Morvi Modpar 7.64 2730 1829 0 232 681 2.5 149 0.35 190 72 39 340 422 7.4 10
398 Morvi Hadmatiya 7.59 2528 1694 0 244 567 97 186 0.41 200 216 61 791 220 1.9 3.4
399 Morvi Neknam 7.75 1338 896 0 354 170 84 109 0.45 290 96 49 440 110 0.92 2.3
400 Morvi Mota Dhansura 7.72 2391 1602 0 329 553 2.9 166 0.48 270 136 51 550 283 12 5.2
401 Narmada Jankh 7.71 620 415.4 0 293 35 15 22 0.45 240 76.152 19 270 21 0.1 0.56
402 Narmada Umran 7.75 473 316.91 0 195 43 0.22 25 0.31 160 52.104 19 210 16 0.1 0.48
403 Narmada Salemba 7.43 985 659.95 0 220 156 45 61 0.43 180 88.176 15 280 94 0.46 2.44
404 Narmada Kanbipitha 7.79 515 345.05 0 232 35 10 23 0.36 190 44.088 32 240 20 0.13 0.56
405 Narmada Khota Amba 7.89 598 400.66 0 329 21 12 20 0.32 270 80.16 22 290 15 1.1 0.38
406 Narmada Ringani 7.95 574 384.58 0 342 14 1.2 7.7 0.29 281 56.112 32 270 21 0.11 0.56
407 Narmada Hirapura 7.73 820 549.4 0 317 78 56 36 0.48 260 80.16 39 360 43 0.28 0.99
408 Narmada Garudeshwar 7.69 1016 680.72 0 500 71 13 39 0.39 410 100 46 440 54 4.2 1.12
409 Navsari Parujan 7.67 508 340.36 0 256 28 12 12 0.27 210 68 17 240 17 0.14 0.48
410 Navsari Chinam 7.8 550 368.5 0 171 64 48 23 0.25 140 64 22 250 16 1.25 0.45
411 Navsari Navsari 1 7.7 312 209.04 0 134 21 17 17 0.29 110 36 15 150 10 0.23 0.35
412 Navsari Dandi 7.83 798 534.66 0 305 71 37 29 0.29 250 92 29 350 24 0.78 0.56
413 Navsari Onjal 7.78 383 256.61 0 195 21 10 11 0.27 160 48 15 180 15 0.41 0.49
414 Navsari Sari khurd 7.8 417 279.39 0 134 36 30 27 0.31 110 48 17 190 14 0.53 0.44
415 Navsari Chandav 8.1 2760 1849.2 0 512 582 3.0 158 0.52 420 120 66 570 400 8.35 7.28
416 Navsari Moti Valzar 8.23 818 548.06 0 427 50 7.0 13 0.4 350 88 19 300 62 14 1.56
417 Navsari Doldha 8.08 821 550.07 0 268 92 42 56 0.28 220 100 27 360 45 0.47 1.03
418 Navsari Kaliyari 8.06 355 237.85 0 159 28 6.0 16 0.28 130 32 15 140 24 0.66 0.88
419 Navsari Rumla 8.07 432 289.44 0 183 36 0.0 30 0.44 150 40 22 190 21 0.44 0.66
420 Navsari Manav Khadak 8.36 480 321.6 0 171 71 0.0 22 0.24 140 44 17 180 36 0.24 1.18
421 Panchmahals Shehra 8.25 1255 840.85 0 549 107 7.0 34 0.41 450 72 19 260 72 166 1.94
422 Panchmahals Chhabanpur 7.68 790 529.3 0 329 64 37 31 0.64 270 80 19 280 70 1.67 1.82
423 Panchmahals Tuwa 7.8 872 584.24 0 366 99 14 25 0.51 300 88 15 280 80 21.8 2.08
424 Panchmahals Dhanol 7.89 585 391.95 0 244 21 2.7 33 0.43 200 16 22 130 61 10.41 2.33
425 Panchmahals Vejalpur 7.8 1724 1155.08 0 488 246 47 81 0.38 400 92 97 630 127 8.26 2.2
426 Panchmahals Santroad_1 7.91 942 631.14 0 390 78 14 34 0.61 320 48 44 300 81 2.74 2.03
427 Panchmahals Suliyat 7.26 1056 707.52 0 305 121 46 51 1.1 250 120 32 430 40 21.4 0.84
428 Panchmahals Natapur 7.71 931 623.77 0 305 92 41 41 1.2 250 85 16 280 80 2 2.08
429 Panchmahals Godhra2 8.1 980 656.6 0 329 78 75 60 1.2 270 80 15 260 105 0.9 2.83
430 Panchmahals Godhra UR_1 7.8 1273 852.91 0 415 163 19 55 0.93 340 52 44 310 148 1 3.65
431 Panchmahals Ranipura 7.98 2432 1629.44 0 500 412 157 106 1.1 410 136 112 800 200 3.98 3.07
432 Panchmahals Khadki Vadiya 8.21 1242 832.14 0 587 71 3.1 58 2 481 20 78 370 123 1.42 2.78
433 Panchmahals Kalol UR_1 8.23 209 140.03 0 85 21 5.3 9 0.3 70 32 4.9 100 5 3.13 0.22
434 Panchmahals Kalol UR_2 8.04 1883 1261.61 0 537 298 84 52 0.3 440 20 148 660 155 0.6 2.62
435 Panchmahals Tarkanda 7.88 827 554.09 0 195 107 17 53 0.48 160 60 29 270 50 2.8 1.32
436 Panchmahals Pavagadh 8.15 900 603 0 293 107 39 21 0.35 240 48 68 400 25 0.29 0.54
437 Panchmahals Shivrajpur 7.8 1317 882.39 0 256 270 12 40 0.4 210 80 68 480 80 0.39 1.59
438 Panchmahals Javan 8.02 372 249.24 0 159 36 5.2 15 0.43 130 40 15 160 14 12.04 0.48
439 Panchmahals Jambugoda 7.86 1049 702.83 0 281 136 32 32 0.76 230 44 56 340 73 1.25 1.72
440 Patan Dhinoj 7.71 1585 1061.95 0 488 256 6.0 100 0.29 400 92 27 340 200 35 4.72
441 Patan Sander 7.54 440 294.8 0 232 36 2.0 8.0 0.34 190 44 24 210 19 3.6 0.58
442 Patan Patan 7.5 2100 1407 0 1086 121 58 90 3.2 891 80 54 420 300 37 6.36
443 Patan Sankhari 7.83 460 308.2 0 232 28 3.0 11 0.58 190 32 17 150 36 10 1.29
444 Patan Motichander 7.32 15570 10431.9 0 183 5361 9.0 583 0.30 150 300 637 3370 2280 45 17
445 Patan Piprala 8.15 7336 4915.12 0 769 1882 134 494 6.95 631 68 165 850 1364 1.6 20.3
446 Porbandar Adityana 7.15 1072 718.24 0 268 156 64 41 0.57 220 52 57 365 72 2.58 1.64
447 Porbandar Adwana2 7.29 1503 1007.01 0 476 163 90 60 0.37 390 48 97 520 100 1.91 1.91
448 Porbandar Babda 7.67 1760 1179.2 0 512 262 18 75 0.88 420 40 78 420 202 2.59 4.29
449 Porbandar Bakharla 7.38 2416 1618.72 0 476 433 82 139 1.9 390 24 122 560 276 41.57 5.07
450 Porbandar Balej 7.23 962 644.54 0 207 199 2.0 28 0.33 170 24 24 160 133 28.57 4.57
451 Porbandar Bhavpura 7.17 4177 2798.59 0 183 1241 104 93 0.16 150 360 97 1300 350 7.56 4.22
452 Porbandar Bhod 7.12 1310 877.7 0 342 199 54 52 0.52 281 88 17 290 164 2.79 4.19
453 Porbandar Degam 7.95 2135 1430.45 0 207 532 22 123 2 170 52 49 330 276 2.69 6.61
454 Porbandar Hanumangadh1 7.23 3412 2286.04 0 488 780 39 147 1.2 400 100 207 1100 251 4.25 3.29
455 Porbandar Kadegi 7.42 12250 8207.5 0 427 3546 3.0 754 0.43 350 38 840 3550 1173 27.14 8.56
456 Porbandar Kandorna_Rana 7.21 3580 2398.6 0 976 574 50 124 1.8 801 40 195 900 405 2.28 5.87
457 Porbandar Khambodar 7.61 1660 1112.2 0 439 269 18 65 1.4 360 44 51 320 228 10.25 5.54
458 Porbandar Kolikhada village-2 7.78 1772 1187.24 0 732 35 47 192 3.4 600 24 32 190 330 0.98 10.41
459 Porbandar Kuchhadi 7.43 4221 2828.07 0 976 752 27 177 1.1 801 100 97 650 603 105.78 10.28
460 Porbandar Kutiyana1 7.23 390 261.3 0 183 35 4.0 20 0.88 150 36 15 150 33 4.12 1.17
461 Porbandar Miyani 7.22 2074 1389.58 0 488 277 170 86 0.16 400 52 12 180 361 46.27 11.7
462 Porbandar Mocha 7.18 6800 4556 0 366 2199 14 28 0.09 300 220 298 1775 751 30.66 7.75
463 Porbandar Mojiwana 7.41 1340 897.8 0 403 177 21 65 0.73 331 24 41 230 201 1.58 5.76
464 Porbandar Navibandar 7.12 810 542.7 0 195 121 39 44 0.42 160 40 27 210 80 7.16 2.4
465 Porbandar Oddar(Gosa) 7.52 8810 5902.7 0 366 2624 30 440 0.63 300 100 420 1975 1125 42 11.01
466 Porbandar Palkhada1 7.36 2950 1976.5 0 354 660 117 178 0.5 290 44 133 655 363 40.89 6.17
467 Porbandar Pata(पाता) 7.63 1010 676.7 0 305 135 9.0 55 0.48 250 40 39 260 110 3.46 2.97
468 Porbandar Porbandar1 7.16 1410 944.7 0 451 227 4.0 103 0.93 370 40 34 240 230 26.43 6.45
469 Porbandar Ranavav2 7.15 1160 777.2 0 305 191 71 37 0.56 250 20 86 405 95 1.65 2.05
470 Porbandar Ratadi 7.87 2810 1882.7 0 451 574 25 194 1.3 370 32 51 290 524 6.06 13.38
471 Porbandar Ratia 7.15 2801 1876.67 0 329 652 101 121 0.35 270 24 119 550 293 160 5.43
472 Porbandar Simar 7.38 460 308.2 0 49 50 104 33 0.42 40 24 24 160 30 2.26 1.03
473 Porbandar Tukda(Gosa) 7.61 1302 872.34 0 268 184 116 76 0.31 220 44 27 220 170 49.43 4.98
474 Porbandar Visavada 7.46 1730 1159.1 0 232 362 16 141 1.91 190 56 64 405 197 16.58 4.26
475 Rajkot Goghavadar 7.04 1171 785 0 220 184 82 115 0.82 180 92.184 54 450 89 2.64 1.8
476 Rajkot kamlapur 1 7.02 2705 1812 0 73 716 135 176 0.54 60 240.48 36 751 295 2.4 4.7
477 Rajkot Kalithad 1 7.38 1212 812 0 146 277 31 77 0.59 120 104.208 29 380 98 0.56 2.2
478 Rajkot Lalavadar 7.50 656 440 0 317 43 16 21 0.67 260 60.12 27 260 43 0.75 1.2
479 Rajkot Bhadla 7.02 2040 1367 0 171 482 96 127 0.45 140 124.248 95 701 170 2.2 2.8
480 Rajkot Movaiya 7.19 8752 5864 0 256 2652 168 615 0.74 210 573 467 3353 690 0.72 5.2
481 Rajkot Motadadva 7.40 1515 1015 0 195 355 60 120 0.50 160 120 83 641 85 3.4 1.5
482 Rajkot Upleta 7.83 2630 1762 0 720 468 36 60 3.1 590 28 27 180 565 0.88 18.3
483 Rajkot Virnagar 7.99 2167 1452 0 427 489 34 95 0.62 350 52 122 631 265 0.36 4.6
484 Rajkot Dhorajee 7.63 645 432 0 146 121 5.8 37 0.35 120 40 29 220 52 3.20 1.5
485 Rajkot Jamvadi 7.43 729 488 0 183 135 4.8 40 0.50 150 48 29 240 62 3.6 1.7
486 Rajkot Ganod 7.68 6006 4024 0 464 1432 27 694 2.9 380 128 122 821 1125 1.9 17.1
487 Rajkot Targhari 7.78 657 440 0 220 99 4.8 33 0.81 180 36 29 210 66 1.3 2.0
488 Rajkot Chordi 7.47 1199 803 0 244 206 102 51 0.75 200 112 41 450 70 0.37 1.4
489 Rajkot kamlapur 7.00 2702 1810 0 73 716 125 172 0.59 60 253 29 751 292 2.3 4.6
490 Rajkot Khirsara 7.14 1450 972 0 415 241 6.4 80 0.10 340 100 68 530 93 3.9 1.8
491 Rajkot Dadiya 7.56 850 570 0 134 106 102 83 0.40 110 52 41 300 56 0.83 1.4
492 Rajkot Vinchchiya 7.38 1778 1191 0 342 291 128 123 0.66 280 136 58 580 150 2.2 2.7
493 Rajkot Halenda 7.49 1767 1184 0 342 333 48 121 0.46 280 64 114 631 122 4.8 2.1
494 Rajkot Khamta 7.87 2246 1505 0 329 383 93 228 0.53 270 100 63 510 259 6.1 5.0
495 Rajkot Sardhar 2 7.72 1735 1162 0 610 184 37 84 0.38 500 64 46 350.28 185 74 4.3
496 Rajkot Jasapar 7.69 1054 706 0 73 170 82 117 0.33 60 68.136 39 330.264 72 0.8 1.7
497 Rajkot Ranpur 7.46 2019 1353 0 159 539 24 121 0.30 130 204.408 68 790.632 95 0.43 1.4
498 Rajkot Jasdan 2 7.64 867 581 0 281 99 23 46 0.34 230 76 32 320.256 47 0.56 1.1
499 Rajkot Paddhari 7.49 5749 3852 0 464 1347 119 586 0.82 380 220 139 1120.9 793 1.4 10.3
500 Rajkot Ribda 7.41 2327 1559 0 244 674 10 76 0.37 200 224 68 840.672 148 15 2.2
501 Sabarkantha Boriya 7.6 2784 1865.28 0 403 483 148 282 0.67 331 152 122 880 266 1.2 3.9
502 Sabarkantha Umedpura 7.9 1544 1034.48 0 488 199 72 97 1.6 400 64 78 480 166 0.7 3.29
503 Sabarkantha Harsol1 7.8 1456 975.52 0 488 156 73 119 2.1 400 60 41 320 199 0.96 4.84
504 Sabarkantha varvada 7.8 2334 1563.78 0 732 412 15 47 1.5 600 120 112 760 206 12.9 3.25
505 Sabarkantha Kesarpura(Mayal) 7.92 1657 1110.19 0 366 199 146 193 2 300 60 51 360 235 0.44 5.39
506 Sabarkantha Virpur_1(Himmat) 7.8 593 397.31 0 244 36 33 15 0.81 200 12 51 240 27 0.39 0.76
507 Sabarkantha Gadha1 7.87 2875 1926.25 0 476 511 147 190 1.8 390 148 27 480 452 2.3 8.97
508 Sabarkantha Bhadreshwar(Daramli) 7.74 2470 1654.9 0 634 355 44 179 1.9 520 72 68 460 364 1.57 7.38
509 Sabarkantha Virpur2 7.86 1910 1279.7 0 354 341 64 180 2.2 290 68 29 290 338 3.59 8.63
510 Sabarkantha Sabalwad 7.64 1186 794.62 0 342 121 76 128 2.3 281 108 24 370 117 1.14 2.64
511 Sabarkantha Chandap_DW 7.76 1754 1175.18 0 329 376 50 125 1.0 270 148 39 530 180 5.17 3.4
512 Sabarkantha Vadali 7.73 1155 773.85 0 244 156 95 86 1.4 200 112 17 350 102 3.45 2.37
513 Sabarkantha Silwad 7.6 4722 3163.74 0 561 1264 91 135 1.2 460 208 180 1260 516 13.98 6.32
514 Sabarkantha Khedbramha_1 7.65 3750 2512.5 0 256 966 135 126 1.2 210 384 73 1260 292 2.36 3.58
515 Sabarkantha Matoda 7.5 3071 2057.57 0 390 738 68 159 0.64 320 240 54 820 317 24.3 4.81
516 Sabarkantha Hingatiya 7.69 2306 1545.02 0 464 398 43 139 2.28 381 112 88 640 251 7.65 4.31
517 Sabarkantha Poshina2 7.71 1320 884.4 0 488 128 42 110 1.29 400 108 44 450 113 3.5 2.32
518 Sabarkantha Idar 8.1 1565 1048.55 0 549 199 35 99 2.33 450 84 44 390 209 4.76 4.6
519 Sabarkantha Mathasuliya 7.7 1842 1234.14 0 293 284 185 186 0.7 240 152 17 450 203 0.83 4.16
520 Sabarkantha kherwada 7.79 690 462.3 0 195 92 1.6 45 0.6 160 68 7.3 200 57 1.66 1.75
521 Sabarkantha Atarsumba_2 7.75 984 659.28 0 244 142 43 89 0.52 200 100 12 300 90 2.28 2.26
522 Sabarkantha Abhapur 7.22 512 343.04 0 268 36 3.4 3 0.38 220 64 12 210 24 9.1 0.72
523 Sabarkantha Kesharpura 7.44 1337 895.79 0 305 213 123 68 0.63 250 84 75 520 67 1.6 1.28
524 Sabarkantha Choriwad 7.45 2004 1342.68 0 293 426 165 127 0.60 240 280 34 840 77 2.1 1.16
525 Sabarkantha Revas 7.58 1820 1219.4 0 342 284 185 140 0.91 281 168 73 720 87 0.97 1.41
526 Surat Bhatkol 7.04 764 511.88 0 366 57 2.0 37 0.22 300 68 36 320 44 2.5 1.06
527 Surat Kathor 8.07 972 651.24 0 427 85 19 33 0.26 350 72 49 380 61 22 1.36
528 Surat Mota 7.87 1050 703.5 0 464 92 1.0 61 0.88 381 80 41 370 98 0.95 2.21
529 Surat Ten-bardoli 7.86 550 368.5 0 281 36 2.0 8 0.29 230 76 19 270 15 0.21 0.42
530 Surat Jiav 7.93 442 296.14 0 134 36 65 19 0.18 110 48 19 200 11 0.43 0.35
531 Surat Sultanabad 7.7 900 603 0 293 92 44 43 0.14 240 92 22 320 58 13 1.41
532 Surat Gaviyar 7.79 478 320.26 0 183 36 35 12 0.26 150 60 15 210 16 0.3 0.48
533 Surat Kodad 7.79 608 407.36 0 171 57 49 38 0.31 140 72 22 270 16 0.79 0.43
534 Surat Kasal 7.93 660 442.2 0 268 57 29 37 0.21 220 76 29 310 19 0 0.47
535 Surat Nogama 8.22 625 418.75 0 317 43 7.0 19 0.16 260 52 2 140 88 0.74 3.25
536 Surat Ushker 8.07 538 360.46 0 293 28 1.0 5 0.22 240 56 29 260 16 0.74 0.44
537 Surat Dungri 7.85 340 227.8 0 134 28 16 15 0.24 110 48 10 160 11 0.63 0.41
538 Surat Paneshwar 8 455 304.85 0 232 21 2.0 33 0.38 190 40 7 130 54 0.98 2.05
539 Surat Katradevi 7.86 390 261.3 0 195 21 8.0 18 0.31 160 52 12 180 12 0.28 0.4
540 Surat Juna umarpada 7.95 646 432.82 0 317 43 9.0 24 0.39 260 68 34 310 18 0.17 0.45
541 Surat Chavada2 7.86 365 244.55 0 134 21 39 33 0.35 110 40 19 180 10 0.13 0.33
542 Surat Sarkui 8.04 430 288.1 0 244 21 2.0 13 0.34 200 52 17 200 18 0.22 0.55
543 Surat Khervada 7.9 450 301.5 0 195 36 20 28 0.27 160 52 19 210 16 1.51 0.49
544 Surat Mandvi2 8 515 345.05 0 220 43 27 15 0.27 180 60 22 240 13 0.17 0.36
545 Surat Moti Chher 8.04 470 314.9 0 232 28 7.0 13 0.28 190 52 24 230 13 0 0.37
546 Surat Jesingpura [sg] 7.98 652 436.84 0 281 64 8.0 29 0.28 230 80 29 320 16 0 0.38
547 Surat Uchchhal1 7.97 838 561.46 0 342 57 11 55 0.57 281 108 19 350 38 0.94 0.88
548 Surat Nizar1 8.05 865 579.55 0 329 107 17 42 0.36 270 84 49 410 25 0.25 0.54
549 Surat Sarbhon 8.03 815 546.05 0 342 78 18 29 0.36 281 92 32 360 27 0.13 0.62
550 Surat Allu 7.65 855 572.85 0 390 71 0 16 0 320 48 17 190 107 15 3.38
551 Surat Valod 8.16 2675 1792.25 0 634 419 24 156 0.13 520 48 46 310 400 17 9.88
552 Surat Kelkui 8.03 1173 785.91 0 586 85 8.0 58 0.1 481 72 36 330 104 65 2.48
553 Surat Bedchit 8.36 995 666.65 48 354 99 3.0 20 0.23 370 104 19 340 84 5.75 1.97
554 Surat Vaheval 8.25 1435 961.45 0 708 92 10 72 1.07 581 28 44 250 245 2.13 6.74
555 Surat Vyara1 7.66 989 662.63 0 378 107 10 45 0.57 310 104 34 400 51 1.5 1.11
556 Surendranagar Dhandhalpur 1 7.79 865 580 0 305 78 9.2 26 0.46 250 44 32 240 72 4.90 2.0
557 Surendranagar Kherva 7.63 1473 987 0 171 297.78 0.72 169 0.70 140 68 27 280 220 6 5.7
558 Surendranagar Moti Moladi 7.56 9627 6450 0 232 2921 170 550 0.73 190 673 666 4424 342 3.4 2.2
559 Surendranagar Muli 7.95 5506 3689.02 0 561 1489 55 9.8 3.6 460 152 109 831 775 2.8 11.7
560 Surendranagar Bajana 7.91 854 572.18 0 281 77.99 2.4 69 0.54 230 64 10 200 89 4.7 2.7
561 Surendranagar Thangadh 7.38 5537 3710 0 281 1305 80 600 0.22 230 385 85 1311 612 1.4 7.4
562 Surendranagar Surendranagar 7.99 1518 1017.06 0 342 199 14 249 0.80 280 40 54 320 222 0.12 5.4
563 Surendranagar Anindra 7.42 464 311 0 171 21 3.1 39 0.77 140 48 7.3 150 30 5.9 1.1
564 Surendranagar Sara 7.44 2346 1572 0 244 539 17 200 1.1 200 100 39 410 327 3.1 7.0
565 Surendranagar Jhinjhuvada 7.52 900 603 0 427 64 1.6 33 0.74 350 52 32 260 85 20 2.3
566 Surendranagar Sudamba 7.86 3022 2025 0 390 546 207 255 0.76 320 261 85 1001 211 3.3 2.9
567 Surendranagar Baman Bor 7.5 1458 977 0 366.06 177 85 138 0.73 300 152 44 560.448 79 1.6 1.5
568 Surendranagar Lakhtar 7.63 830 556 0 353.858 71 2.7 39 2.1 290 64 15 220.176 89 9.4 2.6
569 Surendranagar Tarnetar 7.54 4522 3030 0 292.848 1170 12 378 0.84 240 156 83 730.584 674 4.6 10.8
570 Surendranagar Dhangadhara 7.58 2304 1544 0 280.646 383 5.9 410 0.57 230 208 66 790.632 168 7.4 2.6
571 Surendranagar Shiyani 7.81 1920 1286 0 244.04 383 1.0 255 0.36 200 96 29 360.288 276 6.4 6.3
572 Surendranagar Visawadi 7.24 4205 2817 0 219.636 1262 13 163 0.31 180 393 158 1631.3 195 28 2.1
573 Surendranagar Sarla 7.49 2095 1404 0 512.484 369 32 54 1.8 420 148 61 620.496 170 55 3.0
574 Surendranagar Dhama 8.05 3350 2245 0 488.08 510 135 430 2.4 400 96 85 590.472 408 182 7.3
575 Vadodara ONGC 8.59 3301 2211.67 72 683 596 1.7 140 1.5 680 20.04 77.824 370 587 1.5 13.27
576 Vadodara Kevda Bag 7.6 700 469 0 329 50 7.1 26 0.79 270 32.064 19.456 160 92 9.8 3.16
577 Vadodara Masor 7.89 1290 864.3 0 781 35 2.4 12 2.8 641 12.024 12.16 80 290 1.4 14.1
578 Vadodra Rasulpura 7.64 975 653.25 0 390 113 23 39 0.41 320 56.112 68.096 420 50 0.82 1.06
579 Vadodra Saidal 7.65 3063 2052.21 0 403 652 159 158 0.85 331 80.16 182.4 951 264 3.0 3.72
580 Vadodra Amreshwar 7.86 615 412.05 0 293 57 0.16 11 0.51 240 60.12 12.16 200 64 0.89 1.97
581 Vadodra Patiyapura 7.93 1530 1025.1 0 476 213 71 97 0.63 390 56.112 114.304 610 109 0.72 1.92
582 Vadodra Sinor 8.2 1079 722.93 0 500 64 45 40 0.75 410 40.08 85.12 450 67 0.73 1.37
583 Vadodra Vega 8.18 1522 1019.74 0 573 177 8.6 104 0.45 470 104.208 38.912 420 170 31 3.61
584 Vadodra Tundav 7.89 1929 1292.43 0 439 305 63 178 1.7 360 68.136 38.912 330 296 26 7.08
585 Vadodra Juna Somaliya 8.08 1235 827.45 0 366 220 12 32 0.79 300 40.08 41.344 270 166 0.65 4.39
586 Vadodra Chhaliyar 8.35 1236 828.12 36 586 64 33 19 2.0 541 20.04 17.024 120 254 0.41 10.08
587 Vadodra Vejpur 8.66 3522 2359.74 96 744 681 2.1 173 2.3 770 24.048 55.936 290 760 6.4 19.4
588 Valsad Dharampur 3 7.83 497 332.99 0 195 43 25 23 0.28 160 48 19 200 34 0.28 1.08
589 Valsad Awadha 8.15 1396 935.32 0 366 284 15 82 0.22 300 60 95 540 105 0.22 1.96
590 Valsad Lakadmal 7.23 714 478.38 0 305 71 4.0 31 5.81 250 20 56 280 50 5.81 1.31
591 Valsad Mandwa 7.89 560 375.2 0 256 57 6.0 16 0.42 210 88 5 240 33 0.42 0.92
592 Valsad Kaparda 8.25 447 299.49 0 195 36 6.0 19 0.66 160 44 22 200 20 1.98 0.61
593 Valsad Chavshala 7.95 566 379.22 0 220 64 6.0 31 0.43 180 52 19 210 40 0.33 1.2
594 Valsad Fali 8.2 432 289.44 0 134 50 25 28 0.26 110 44 17 180 21 5.21 0.67
595 Valsad Karwad 8.07 237 158.79 0 73 21 25 21 0.30 60 32 2 90 17 0.8 0.78
596 Valsad Balitha (Vapi) 8.02 230 154.1 0 73 21 25 17 0.11 60 20 12 100 8.0 4.47 0.37
597 Valsad Bhilad 6.99 356 238.52 0 171 28 3.0 15 0.15 140 40 15 160 16 1.36 0.55
598 Valsad Tumb 7.97 668 447.56 0 281 71 4.0 4.0 0.22 230 56 24 240 45 8.1 1.26
599 Valsad Umargaon 8.03 641 429.47 0 281 57 12 50 0.34 230 56 22 230 59 0.54 1.68
600 Valsad Kanadu 7.63 943 631.81 0 366 114 24 58 0.28 300 80 49 400 57 0.24 1.25
601 Valsad Udwada 8.07 820 549.4 0 220 128 30 75 0.44 180 64 44 340 54 0.49 1.27

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