Sustainable Weed Management in Conservation Agriculture
Sustainable Weed Management in Conservation Agriculture
Sustainable Weed Management in Conservation Agriculture
Crop Protection
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Article history: Sustainable crop production is necessary to ensure global food security and environmental safety.
Received 12 December 2013 Conservation agriculture (CA) is gaining popularity around the globe due to its sustainable approaches
Received in revised form such as permanent soil cover, minimal soil disturbance, planned crop rotations and integrated weed
21 July 2014
management. Weed control is the biggest challenge to CA adoption. Weed ecology and management is
Accepted 23 July 2014
Available online 12 August 2014
different in CA than in conventional agriculture. In CA, weeds expression, seed bank status, distribution,
dispersal mechanisms, diversification, growing patterns and competition trends are complex and differ
from conventional systems. It is due to reduced tillage of the soil and the flora that thrives in CA. Reduced
Conservation agriculture
tillage systems affect the efficacy of herbicides and mechanical weed control measures. So, it is an
Sustainability important task to find out the differences and to fabricate new management options. In this review,
Weed dynamics changing weed dynamics have been framed. A novel aspect of this review is the comprehensive account
Weed management of sustainable weed management strategies in relation to CA. Modified tillage operations, improved
cultural practices, bioherbicides, chemical herbicides, allelopathy, and crop nutrition have been identified
as suitable weed management tools. None of these offers complete control but the integration of these
tools in suitable combinations works efficiently. Weeds dominating CA and their responses to CA
components are highlighted. For example, small seeded and perennial weeds are more abundant in CA.
The role of herbicide resistance in weeds and herbicide tolerant (HT) crops in CA is also highlighted.
Allelopathy and crop nutrition are discussed as modern weed management tools for CA. A detailed ac-
count of weed responses to fertilizer management options is also given. Integrated weed management
compatible to cropping patterns and climatic conditions offers the best results in CA. Future efforts must
be directed towards the optimization and integration of these weed management practices.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0261-2194/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
106 A.A. Bajwa / Crop Protection 65 (2014) 105e113
natural resources and changing climate (Montgomery, 2007). That's environmental and climatic conditions (Labrada and Parker, 1994).
why it is becoming a common approach in rainfed areas for water CA promotes certain types of weeds including annuals, biennials
and soil conservation. About 45 million hectares have been re- and perennials. Certain weeds decrease after consistent practices of
ported under CA (FAO, 2001). CA is a broad spectrum and multi- CA but some others may increase (Chauhan et al., 2006a). CA sys-
dimensional term. CA defined by FAO (2001) as minimal soil tems with low soil disturbance tend to leave more weed seeds on
disturbance (no-till, NT) and permanent soil cover (mulch) com- the surface, whereas high disturbance systems bury weeds
bined with rotations, is a recent agricultural management system (Chauhan et al., 2006b). Usually, small-seeded weed species are
that is gaining popularity in many parts of the world (Hobbs et al., favored more in CA (Sosnoskie et al., 2006). Typically, small-seeded
2008). The trend is spreading quickly in North and South America, weed species thrive in CA compared to conventional tillage because
semi-arid and tropical regions of the world (Lal, 2000). CA is the seed is not buried. The small-seeded species cannot germinate
designed to be an effective solution to agricultural problems in as readily from buried depths as they can from the soil surface.
small land holding farming communities especially in tropical re- Weed emergence is less because of reduced soil manipulation in CA
gions (Fowler and Rockstrom, 2001; Derpsch, 2003; Hobbs, 2007; (Chauhan et al., 2007). There are many annual weeds that germi-
Hobbs et al., 2008; Giller et al., 2009). Most important principles nate well under no till system as they can germinate with less or no
of CA (Minimal soil disturbance and permanent soil cover) are soil cover. Biennials also thrive well under CA (Curran et al., 1996).
achieved by no tillage, zero tillage, minimum tillage/ridge tillage, Perennial species can easily produce large populations under CA if a
reduced tillage, direct seeding and mulch tillage (Reicosky and few plants get a good vegetative stand. They have gradual growth in
Allmaras, 2003). All these practices are collectively called conser- the first year and proliferate in the second year. Reduced tillage
vation tillage. These are used according to farming system, cropping cause changes in weed species, their distribution, densities and
pattern and climatic conditions (Reicosky and Allmaras, 2003; composition. So, different weeds have different response in CA. It
Giller et al., 2009). Zero tillage is a practice of least soil distur- requires special approaches for better weed management which is
bance during single tillage operation to avoid soil degradation. It is surely a point of interest for adopters of CA (Buhler et al., 1994). CA
mainly planting operation but also involve slight manipulation of can produce more if row crops are introduced in rotation along with
soil. It has also been widely accepted by farmers in developed proper herbicide application (Phillips and Young, 1973).
countries (Bolliger et al., 2006; Triplett and Warren, 2008). The
precise and accurate definition of CA is very difficult to quote due to 3. Weed control measures under CA
diverse climatic conditions and variable management practices
around the globe. It varies according to the area and geographical as 3.1. Modified tillage
well as climatic conditions (Carter, 1994; Lyon et al., 2004).
Weed management has been recognized as essential compo- CA has a significant impact over weed populations and, thus, on
nent of CA and, thus, requires special attention. Weeds act differ- weed management. Tillage affects weeds through disturbances like
ently in different habitats. Weeds also provide habitat for insects cutting, burial, uprooting and dislodgement of weeds; moreover, it
and disease-causing pests which can reduce the quality of the crop changes the soil climate and influences weed germination, emer-
and increase the risk of crop failure. Tillage provides different types gence and establishment by promoting or inhibiting their move-
of natural and manipulated habitats to the weeds. Tillage plays an ment (Clements et al., 1996). Weed flora composition differs
important role in weed control and has been used as an effective according to tillage system and, thus, we have to manage them by
tool since ancient times. Tillage practices are still very effective; different approaches. For instance, small-seeded weeds proliferate
different types of modern cultivators and weeders are facilitating well under CA and have to be controlled by special measures
mechanical weed management (Wallace and Bellinder, 1992). CA (Chauhan et al., 2006a; Sosnoskie et al., 2006). Reduction in tillage
also provides a specific set of environmental factors that affect may cause serious problem regarding weed infestations (Buhler
weed populations. Weed infestations in CA is a major concern and a et al., 1994). The shift in weed species distribution and weed den-
key reason for reluctant approach of farmers towards its adoption sities poses a great problem for weed management and can cause a
(Buhler et al., 1994). CA is mainly focused on minimal tillage with reduction in crop yield under CA (Blackshaw et al., 2001). Tillage
specific herbicide applications for better weed control (Lafond systems clearly affect weed density, weed distribution and weed
et al., 2009). Weed management in CA is a relatively complex seed bank reserves (Table 1).
approach involving different tillage practices, agronomic practices, CA may promote the germination and emergence of newly
engineering approaches and modern technologies of crop estab- produced weed seeds that stay on or near the soil surface. More-
lishment (Lafond et al., 2009). over, the extra residues managed on the surface in CA may cause a
CA requires dedicated efforts to control weeds initially; how- hindrance to herbicide efficacy. Perennial, erect or creeping weeds
ever, after maintaining a certain threshold level, it is easier to produce vegetative reproductive parts like rhizomes and tubers
manage weed infestations in these systems. Integrated approaches which are difficult to manage under CA (Shrestha et al., 2003).
must be considered and optimized to have proper weed control in There is a problem of shift in timing of weed seeds germination and
CA. It is necessary to study the ecological, biological and social is- emergence during the course of crop growth which may cause a
sues related to weeds in CA. Moreover, a systematic approach is problem in the selection of time for herbicide application or other
needed to optimize different sets of management options based on management practices (Bullied et al., 2003).
ecological and geographic features of a particular agro-ecosystem. The shift in weed species has been reported previously but is
It will help to determine new lines of action regarding site- inconsistent. Cussans (1976) reported the increase in dicot species
specific weed management and sustainable control. Future en- under no till but Wrucke and Arnold (1985) opposed this pattern by
deavors in this regard must be oriented in such a direction to offer attributing the distribution of broadleaved weeds showing similar
comprehensive solutions keeping a focus on the differences. trend under both conservation tillage and traditional tillage system.
Pollard et al. (1982) studied different weeds and concluded that
2. Weed dynamics in CA there was no proper and consistent trend of different weeds under
reduced tillage. Tillage systems influence the emergence of annual
Weeds are plants with specific characteristics that help them and perennial weeds differentially and the vigor of different weed
infest and invade crops and succeed under a wide range of plants also varies significantly (Table 2).
A.A. Bajwa / Crop Protection 65 (2014) 105e113 107
Table 1
Weed dynamics under different tillage regimes.
Moldboard Asclepias syriaca, Cyperus esculentus, Seteria viridis Abuthilon theophrasti, Most of the weeds are Site: Southwestern Ontario, Canada.
plow Echinocloa crusgalli, Eletrigia repens, Ambrosia artemissifolia, exposed and germinate Soil: Beverley silt loam soil with
Polygonum persicaria, Sinapsis Chenopodium album, under this system, seed 36% sand, 45% silt, and 19% clay.
arvensis, Taraxaxum officinale Plantago major bank less developed, Organic matter content 3.2% and
less weed density and pH 7.3.
diversity overall Residue cover: Mean percent
Chisel plow Amaranthus retroflexus, Cyperus Physalis heterophylla, Abuthilon theophrasti, Germinated and reserved residue cover 5.2% for conventional
esculentus, Cirsium arvense, Senecio vulgaris, Ambrosia artemissifolia, seeds are equal, few tillage, 33.0% for chisel plow, 45.9%
Eletrigia repens, Panicum Chenopodium album, seeds from deeper layers for ridge-till, and 68.6% for no-till.
dichotomiflorum, Potentilla recta, Plantago major, are also exposed Cropping system: Corn-soybean
Seteria viridis Taraxaxum officinale rotation
Ridge till Asclepias syriaca, Cyperus esculentus, Physalis heterophylla, Ambrosia artemissifolia, Relatively more weed
Daucus carota, Eletrigia repens, Plantago major, Cerastium vulgatum, density and highest
Erigeron annus, Medicago lupulina, Seteria viridis, Chenopodium album development of seed
Oxalis strcta, Polygonum persicaria, Senecio vulgaris, bank reserves
Rubus idaeus, Sinapsis arvensis, Solidago canadensis
Taraxaxum officinale
No till Abuthilon theophrasti, Asclepias Echinocloa crusgalli, Chenopodium album, Maximum weeds diversity,
syriaca, Cirsium arvense, Dactylis Fragaria virginiana Plantago major, many new weeds
glomerata, Daucus carota, Seteria viridis introduced, mostly
Eletrigia repens, Medicago lupulina, germinate and very few
Oxalis strcta, Parthenocissus added to seed bank
quiquuefolia, Physalis heterophylla,
Polygonum persicaria, Rubus idaeus,
Seteria glauca, Sonchus oleranceus,
Taraxaxum officinale
Tillage system affects perennial weeds more than annual weeds. accomplish the management of weeds under reduced tillage. It is
Maximum weed density, fresh and dry weight under no till system very effective to combine the chemical approach and row crop
followed by reduced tillage. Weeds can be managed by proper cultivation maintaining high residues in the field. In such systems,
tillage operations at different intensities in any cropping system. heavy tillage implements are also used that pass through a larger
There are few weeds that are really difficult to manage but still can area in the field uprooting the emerged weed seedlings. Similarly
be controlled by manipulating the time of cultivation, inter culture under ridge till systems the cultivator used allows more residues to
practices and weed control practices. CA may promote different stay on the surface. The residues and weed seeds are moved from
weeds, however, it is good approach to manage the weed seed bank ridge to furrows. In this way, the problem of weed crop competition
and to long-term control of noxious weed species. The best pro- is reduced. Mulch tillage is especially designed to retain more than
posal for weed management is the integration of different me- 30% crop residues on surface, suppress different weeds due to
chanical practices and reduced cultivation trips in a certain field shading or covering effect. Moreover, different types of organic
having the problem of weed infestation. compounds released from mulches through leaching cause inhi-
bition of weed seed emergence (Ball, 1992). Another approach is the
3.2. Improved cultural practices application of water in the root zone of crop plants by drip irriga-
tion without providing moisture to weed seeds present on or near
Cultural practices are aimed to ensure better soil and crop the surface. Direct seeding is also an effective approach to have
management (Nazir, 1994). There are different ways to handle better weed control over certain weed species in rice by optimum
weeds by proper cultural management practices. Effective water use of herbicides (Farooq et al., 2011a). Use of cover crops in
management plays a vital role in weed control under CA. The irri- combination with tillage operations favors weed suppression. For
gation scheduling may be done in such a way as to reduce weed instance, rapeseeds and sudangrass as cover crops may control a
pressure in arable crops. Crop rotation is a well-known and proven variety of weeds in conservation systems. Crop competition itself is
weed management strategy. Including crop rotation in CA is a a useful practice to handle weeds. We may set the planting ge-
successful approach to reduce weed pressure. Weeds are normally ometry of different crops in such a way to increase inter specific
set with seasonal emergence and most of them are associated with competition and less amounts of light, water and nutrients will be
specific crops; by changing a crop conventionally coming in prev- available to the weeds present between closely grown rows of crop
alent sequence may reduce the chances of particular weed in- plants.
festations and, thus, may reduce the weed pressure. Planned crop
rotations may cause germination of dormant weeds and then 3.3. Mulching and soil cover
control major weeds efficiently (Table 3).
Weed seeds may dominate if sufficient moisture is available at Any material used to cover the soil to conserve moisture and to
the time of crop sowing but stale bed method of land preparation protect the plant is mulch (Creamer et al., 1995). It covers the soil
may cause inhibition of weeds significantly. If dust mulch is created when there is no vegetation. If mulching is done on fallow land it
by shallow cultivation followed by dry period then crop seed (corn may suppress different weeds by impeding light and air. Different
and vegetables) can be sown in weed free soil. It may improve the types of organic mulches like straw mulch, hay mulch, municipal
crop establishment and suppress weeds without supplemental waste mulch, manure mulch and chip board mulch can control
irrigation. Row crop cultivation is also a good approach to weeds effectively (Makus et al., 1994; Campiglia et al., 2009).
108 A.A. Bajwa / Crop Protection 65 (2014) 105e113
Table 2
Effect of tillage systems on weeds density and biomass.
Chenopodium album Echinochloa colonum Cucumis prophetarum Cynodon dactylon Cyperus rotundus
Thicker and green organic mulches with more biomass gave better 3.5. Chemical weed control
weed control. Cover crops harvested and left in the field on the
surface may provide the best green mulch having a significant It is the most adopted and perhaps the most effective approach
control over certain weeds (Lanini et al., 1989; Creamer et al., 1995). to control weeds all over the world. The chemicals used to kill,
Thick organic mulches cause problems in direct seeded crops but weaken or suppress the weeds are called herbicides. They act to kill
gave good results for transplanted ones (Lanini et al., 1989). How- the weed plants by blocking different physiological functions which
ever, there are special types of row cleaners available for CA that are a must for plant growth. A variety of herbicides are available
clear the rows of residue and improve the herbicide action through depending upon their mode of action, chemical composition,
proper penetration. Weed emergence is greatly affected by physical formulation, selectiveness and efficacy. Most commonly used burn
properties of mulches (Teasdale and Mohler, 2000). Different ce- down herbicides are glyphosate, paraquat, glufosinate, 2,4-D and
reals, vetches, clovers and legumes have been used to obtain such dicamba. The dose and time of application is decided according to
organic green mulches (Abdul-Baki and Teasdale, 1993). So, the use vegetation cover present in the field (Vargas and Wright, 2005). In
of mulching, residues incorporation and cover crops is a pragmatic conventional tillage systems there are no crop residues when pre-
approach for weed control in CA. emergence herbicides are applied but in the case of CA there are
residues on the surface and may cause interference in herbicidal
3.4. Biological weed control activity and reduce their effectiveness (Hartzler and Owen, 1997).
Herbicides are applied when annual weeds are young and most
According to Weed Science Society of America biological control affected by chemicals. Post emergence herbicides are not influ-
of weeds is broadly defined as “the use of an agent, a complex of enced by tillage practices. Herbicide application rates are typically
agents, or biological processes to bring about weed suppression. All the same for both conventional and CA. Although, there might be a
forms of macrobial and microbial organisms are considered as little effect on their effectiveness and contact due to residues still
biological control agents.” ( not decomposed. This would probably only be an issue for very
control/). Weed control through living organisms is an effective early post applications or if residue is left standing in the field.
weed management practice. A large number of predators, patho- Otherwise, the crop should be above the cover crop residue. The
gens and other plant competitors of weeds are exploited to kill or most devastating effect of chemical herbicides is environmental
suppress the weeds. A specific combination of organisms may degradation. Most of the herbicides being used partially or solely in
control weeds very effectively in any crop. Remarkable work has conservation systems have substantial persistence in soil (Table 5)
been done to explore this environmentally-friendly, safe and that cause contamination of underground water as well as degra-
economical approach for weed control; biological weed control is a dation of microorganisms in rhizosphere (Derksen et al., 1996).
successful option for integration with other techniques in a CA However, a CA farmer must wait a bit longer to apply post
(Watson, 1991; Müller-Scha €rer et al., 2000). Charudattan (2001) emergence herbicides as the crop establishment is not uniform
reviewed the importance and effectiveness of many plant patho- sometime due to suppressive effects of cover crops or heavy resi-
gens as bio control agents for noxious weeds. There are several dues of previous crop and weed emergence pattern is also different.
potential bio-agents serving as a source for bioherbicides and thus
facilitating eco-friendly weed control (Table 4). We emphasize its 3.5.1. Herbicide resistance in weeds and herbicide tolerant crops
importance as part of integrated weed management due to its long- Continuous and frequent use of same herbicides induces resis-
term benefits. Bioherbicides have no residual effects in soil or tance in weeds against those herbicides occasionally or perma-
environment and crop plants are also free from their influence. nently depending upon cultural practices and environmental
Specific weeds can easily be controlled by applying specific conditions (Chaudhry, 2008). The resistant biotype is already there,
bioherbicides. In short, it is an effective method of weed control the continued use of a specific herbicide just selects for the resis-
under any agricultural system and suitable for CA. tant biotype (Farooq et al., 2011b). The development of such
Table 3
Effect of crop rotations on seed bank and dry matter of Phalaris minor.
Rotation No. of seeds/m2 Seed loss (%) Seed bank (Seeds/100 g soil) Weed dry Other details
matter (kg/ha)
Before sowing After harvest 0e7.5 cm depth 7.5e15 cm depth
Rice-Wheat (Herbicide) 7.8 1.8 77.0 3.5 1.4 200 Site: Punjab India
Rice-Wheat (Control) 8.0 10.3 22.4* (gain) 0.35 0.15 4550 Soil: Clay loam
Rice-Potato-Sunflower 0.3 0 100 0 0 0
Rice-Potato-Wheat 0.5 0 100 0 0 0
Rice-Barseem 0.3 0 100 0 0 0
Rice-Ghobi sarson 0.8 0.5 37.5 0.25 0 13
Table 4
Potential bioherbicides for weed management.
BioChon Chondrostereum purpureum Wild cherry (Prunus serotina) Forests Charudattan (2001),
BioMal or Mallet WP Colletotrichum gloeoporioides Round-leaved mallow (Malva pusilla) e Singh et al. (2003)
Camperico Xanthomonas campestris Kentucky bluegrass, Korean velvet grass Truf grasses
(Zoysia tenuifolia)
Collego Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Jointvetch (Aeschynomene virginica) Rice and soybean crops
De Vine Phytophthora palmivora Strangler vine (Morrenia odorata) Citrus orchards
Dr. Biosedge Puccinia canaliculata Yellow nutsedge (Cyperus iria) Rice
Hakatak Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Silky needlbush (Hakea sericea)
Stump Out Cylindrobasium leave Trees
Table 6
Alternative herbicides for herbicide resistant weeds in direct seeded rice.
Quinclorac Propanil Echinochloa crusgalli, Echinochloa colona Sri Lanka, Costa Rica Valverde et al. (2001),
Marambe and Amarasinghe (2002),
Imazethapyr Propanil Echinochloa crusgalli, Urochloa platyphylla USA Scherder et al. (2001)
Bispyribac-sodium Thiobencarb, Monilate Echinochloa crusgalli, Echinochloa phyllopogon USA De Witt et al. (2002)
Benzofenap Benzosufuron Australia Pratley et al. (2004)
Bentazon 2,4-D Malaysia Azmi (2003)
Butachlor Sulfonylurea South Korea Kim and Ha (2005)
Table 7
Allelopathy for weed management.
Sorghum Water extracts spray Wheat, Cotton, Chenopodium album, Convolvulus arvensis, Cheema and Khaliq (2000),
Mungbean, Rice Cyperus rotundus, Cyperus iria, Cynodon Cheema et al. (2002),
dactylon, Echinocloa colonum, Wazir et al. (2011)
Fumaria indica, Phalaris minor, Rumex
dentates, Trianthema portulacastrum
Sorghum, sunflower Mixture with water extracts Wheat, Sunflower, Chenopodium album, Coronopus didymus, Cheema et al. (2002),
and Brassica and mixture of water Cotton, Canola, Rice Cyperus rotundus, Cyperus iria, Jabran et al. (2008),
extract þ herbicide (1/2 dose) Dactyloctenum aegyptium, Echinocloa Awan et al. (2009),
crusgalli, Melilotus parviflora, Melitotus Iqbal et al. (2009)
indica, Phalaris minor, Trianthema
Sorghum, sunflower, Soil mixing and mulching Wheat, Cotton, Chenopodium album, Convolvulus arvensis, Cheema and Khaliq (2000),
Brassica and rice Maize Cyperus rotundus, Cynodon dactylon, Khaliq et al. (2010)
Phalaris minor, Trianthema portulacastrum
Sorghum Intercropping Cotton Convolvulus arvensis, Trianthema Iqbal et al. (2007)
Rye Cover crop e Amaranthus spp., Portulaca oleracea Nagabhushana et al. (2001)
develop safe and pragmatic approaches for weed management in and techniques of weed control (Pannell, 1990; Swanton and Weise,
sustainable agriculture. CA resulted in improved fertilizer efficiency 1991; Buhler et al., 2000). Continuous use of herbicides has led to
(10e15%) in the rice-wheat system, mainly a result of better herbicide resistance in weed species. One of the major issues fa-
placement of fertilizer with the seed drill as opposed to broad- voring the adoption of IWM is the weed management by control-
casting with the traditional system (Hobbs et al., 2008). Proper ling biotypes of weeds (Powles and Matthews, 1991; Moss, 1997).
management of crop nutrients assures sustainable weed manage- Recently, integrated weed management has been employed for
ment through provision of suitable inputs for crop functioning. It weed management and reported as a sustainable approach that
promotes a healthy competition in which participation of plants is controls weeds without reducing crop yield (Swanton and Weise,
strong and thus better growth habits are developed. 1991). As declining crop prices, high input cost and environ-
Weeds show a variety of responses to different fertilizers under mental concerns laid great importance in adopting integrated weed
different tillage systems depending upon rate and method of management. In addition, herbicide resistance, persistent weed
application (Evans et al., 2003; Blackshaw and Brandt, 2008; seed banks are further pushing agricultural researchers to investi-
Lindsey et al., 2013). Sensitivity of weeds to fertilization depends gate integrated approach for weed management (Beckie et al.,
on their responding ability in terms of weed growth and nitrogen 2001). IWM involves integration of numerous practices, right
assimilation. Nutrient availability influences weed crop competi- from sowing method to chemical control. It is believed that design
tion (Evans et al., 2003), however, the response varies with weed of cropping systems and practices like crop rotation, cover crops
species type, crop type and nutrient status of soil. Weaver et al. might be effective approaches in managing weed control.
(1992) reported nutrient availability as one of dynamic ap- In CA, problem of weeds can be controlled by both manual
proaches that can influence duration and extent of competition. weeding and/or by the use of herbicide. However, labor is becoming
Moreover, environmental factors influencing the efficacy and effi- expensive and is rarely available at the critical time of weeding. To
ciency of fertilizers affect weed dynamics and distribution. control weeds herbicides are being extensively used in CA, but
Sweeney et al. (2008) studied the effect of N on weed emergence there is not a single herbicide that can apply for several types of
and growth parameters. Results have shown that N influenced the weeds present in agricultural fields. Hence, management of weeds
germination, emergence and competitiveness of different weeds. by using integrated weed management techniques is highly desir-
These parameters may increase or decrease depending on soil type able to enhance sustainability of CA.
and climatic conditions. These may consist of using crop residues as mulching, adjusting
In short, CA provides a different environment for weed germi- crop sowing time, using stale seedbed technique, selecting weed
nation, emergence, growth and competition by altering physical competitive cultivars, high seeding rates, narrow row spacing,
and chemical properties of soil. So, variation in fertilizer doses, proper and judicious use of herbicides, use of preventive measures
application methods and types are needed in accordance with and following recommended crop rotation as shown in Fig. 1
weed responses in such systems. In the future, fertilizer-weed in- (Chauhan and Mahajan, 2012). In conventional tillage systems
teractions in different tillage systems should be focused for scien- weed control depends on herbicide use and tillage practices but
tific experimentation to explore specific weed responses, weed- under the CA, weed management relies on agronomic practices, use
crop competition periods and adaptations to devise new, precise of herbicides and no or limited tillage in minimum till systems
and pragmatic weed management tools for better crop pro- (Davis et al., 2005; Lafond et al., 2009). Usually it is reported there is
ductions, food security and food safety. less labor required for the land preparation but under the CA where
no weedicides are used there is more weed problem and need more
3.8. Integrated weed management labor force for weeding (Baudron et al., 2012). Sustainability of CA
systems retain by integrating different strategies of weed man-
Integrated weed management (IWM) focus on keeping weed agement. By applying integrated management practices herbicide
populations below a certain threshold level by optimizing the use is also remains profitable and environment friendly over a long
control measures in an organized way. Adoption of herbicides at period of time. A substantial number of people are adopting IWM
larger scale has affected the environment significantly. Societies are globally (Fig. 2).
now realizing the concerns over environmental safety and natural In crux, weed management is a multi-dimensional regime and
stability and thus working on plans based upon alternative tools cannot be achieved by focusing on a single approach.
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