ME6403 PIT Full
ME6403 PIT Full
ME6403 PIT Full
Materials Science – Investigating relationships that exist between the structure and
properties of materials.
Materials Engineering – On the basis of these structure-property correlations, designing or
engineering the structure of a material to produce a pre-determined set of properties.
Structure of a material usually relates to the arrangement of its internal components.
Subatomic - Structure involves electrons within the individual atoms and interactions with
their nuclei.
Atomic level- structure encompasses the organization of atoms or molecules relative to one
Microscopic – Which contains large groups of atoms that are normally agglomerated
Macroscopic – Viewable with the naked eye.
Metals usually form homogenous liquid solutions in the liquid state
Even after their transformation to a solid crystalline state, the metal retain their
homogeneity and their solubility, a solid solution is said to have formed.
Cu atoms are solvent atoms and Zn atoms are solute.
They form individual crystal structure of their own and form
substitutional solid solution
According to Hume- Rothery rule, a solid solution may form
Similar atomic radii (15% or less difference)
Same crystal structure
Similar electronegativities
Similar valency
There is a direct substitution of one type of atom for another so that solute atoms enter
the crystal to take positions of solvent atoms
It forms when solute and solvent atoms possess equal or approximately equal diameters.
For eg: atomic diameter of cu = 2.551 Å and that of nickel is 2.487 Å and the two form
substitutional solid solution
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The solute atoms do not occupy any specific position but are distributed at random in the
lattice structure of the solvent in the substitutional solid solution. This condition is called
When this type of solution crystallizes, the core contains more atoms of higher melting
point compared to outer fringes having more atoms of lower melting points
Ordered substitutional solid solution:-
The alloy in the disordered condition when cooled slowly undergoes re arrangement of
It produces uniform distribution of solute and solvent atoms. They move to definte
orderly positions in the lattice.
Interstitial Solid solutions:-
It forms when solute atoms are very small as compared to solvent atoms and they are
unable to substitute due to large diameter differences. They fit into interstices or spaces in
the lattice
Atomic size factor is not the only reason. Small interstitial solute atoms dissolve much
more readily in transition metals (Fe, Ni,Mn,Mo,Cr,W,etc.,) than in other metals
What kinds of phases exist
Based on state → Gas, Liquid, Solid
Based on atomic order → Amorphous, Quasi-crystalline, Crystalline
Based on band structure → Insulating, Semi-conducting, Semi-metallic, Metallic
Based on Property → Para-electric, Ferromagnetic, Superconducting
Based on stability → Stable, Metastable, Unstable
Also sometimes- Based on size/geometry of an entity → Nanocrystalline, mesoporous,
Phase transformation
Phase transformation is the change of one phase into another. For example
Water → Ice and α-Fe (BCC) → γ-Fe (FCC)
The single crystalline part of polycrystalline metal separated by similar entities by a grain
The component of either a liquid or solid solution that is present to a lesser or minor
extent; the component that is dissolved in the solvent.
The component of either a liquid or solid solution that is present to a greater or major
extent; the component that dissolves the solute.
System has two meanings. First, ‘‘system’’ may refer to a specific body of material or
object. Or, it may relate to the series of possible alloys consisting of the same components, but
without regard to alloy composition.
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Solubility Limit
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For many alloy systems and at some specific temperature, there is a maximum
concentration of solute atoms that may dissolve in the solvent to form a solid solution; this is
called a Solubility Limit.
(Phases + defects + residual stress) & their distributions
Structures requiring magnifications in the region of 100 to 1000 times. (or) The
distribution of phases and defects in a material.
Phase diagram
Map that gives relationship between phases in equilibrium in a system as a function of T, P and
composition. Map demarcating regions of stability of various phases
The phase rule connects the Degrees of Freedom, the number of components in a system and
the number of phases present in a system via a simple equation.
To understand the phase rule one must understand the variables in the system along with the
degrees of freedom.
We start with a general definition of the phrase “degrees of freedom”.
Degrees of Freedom: The degree of freedom, F, are those externally controllable conditions of
temperature, pressure, and composition, which are independently variable and which must be
specified in order to completely define the equilibrium state of the system
The degrees of freedom cannot be less than zero so that we have an upper limit to the number of
phases that can exist in equilibrium for a given system.
Variables in a phase diagram C
– No. of components
P – No. of phases
F – No. of degrees of freedom
Variables in the system = Composition variables + Thermodynamic variables Composition of a
phase specified by (C – 1) variables (If the composition is expressed in
%ages then the total is 100% → there is one equation connecting the composition
variables and we need to specify only (C - 1) composition variables)
No. of variables required to specify the composition of all phases: P(C – 1) (as there are P phases
and each phase needs the specification of (C – 1) variables)
Thermodynamic variables = P + T (usually considered) = 2 (at constant pressure (e.g.
atmospheric pressure) the thermodynamic variable becomes 1)
Total no. of variables in the system = P (C – 1) + 2
F < no. of variables → F < P (C – 1) + 2For a system in equilibrium the chemical potential of
each species is same in all the phases
If α, β, γ… are phases, then: μA (α) = μA (β) = μA (γ)…..
Suppose there are 2 phases (α and β phases) and 3 components (A, B, C) in each phase then :
μA(α) = μA(β), μB(α) = μB(β), μC(α) = μC(β) → i.e. there are three equations. For each
component there are (P – 1) equations and for C components the total number of equations is
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C(P – 1). In the above example the number of equations is 3(2 – 1) = 3 equations.
F = (Total number of variables) – (number of relations between variables)
Along the 2 phase co-existence (at B & C) lines the degree of freedom (F) is 1 → i.e. we can
chose either T or P and the other will be automatically fixed
The 3 phase co-existence points (at A) are invariant points with F=0. (Invariant point
implies they are fixed for a given system).
The single phase region at point D, T and P can both be varied while still being in the single
phase region with F = 2.
The above figure represents the phase
diagram for pure iron. The triple point
temperature and pressure are 490ºC and
110 kbars, respectively. α, γ and ε refer to
ferrite, austenite and ε-iron, respectively.
δ is simply the higher temperature
designation of α.
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Along the 2 phase co-existence (at B & C) lines the degree of freedom (F) is 1 → i.e. we can
chose either T or P and the other will be automatically fixed
The 3 phase co-existence points (at A) are invariant points with F=0. (Invariant point
implies they are fixed for a given system).
The single phase region at point D, T and P can both be varied while still being in the single
phase region with F = 2.
The above figure represents the phase
diagram for pure iron. The triple point
temperature and pressure are 490ºC and
110 kbars, respectively. α, γ and ε refer to
ferrite, austenite and ε-iron, respectively.
δ is simply the higher temperature
designation of α.
Binary Phase Diagram
Binary implies that there are two components.
Pressure changes often have little effect on the equilibrium of solid phases (unless of
course we apply ‘huge’ pressures).
Hence, binary phase diagrams are usually drawn at 1 atmosphere pressure. The Gibbs
phase rule is reduced to:
Variables are reduced to : F = C – P + 1 (1 is for T).
T & Composition (these are the usual variables in materials phase diagrams)
In the next page we consider the possible binary phase diagrams. These have been
classified based on:
Complete solubility in both liquid & solid states
Complete solubility in both liquid state, but limited solubility in the solid state
Limited solubility in both liquid & solid states
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Complete solubility in both liquid state, but limited solubility in the solid state
Limited solubility in both liquid & solid states
The Liquid + Solid state is NOT a semi-solid state → it is a solid of fixed composition
and structure, in equilibrium with a liquid of fixed composition.
In some systems (e.g. Au-Ni system) there might be phase separation in the solid state
(i.e.,the complete solid solubility criterion may not be followed) → these will be
considered as a variation of the isomorphous system (with complete solubility in the
solid and the liquid state.
Cooling curves: Isomorphous system
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Isomorphous Phase
This very simple case is one complete liquid and solid solubility, an isomorphous system. The
example is the Cu-Ni alloy of Fig. 3.1.
The complete solubility occurs because both Cu and Ni have the same crystal structure
(FCC), near the same radii, electronegativity and valence.The liquidus line separates the liquid
phase from solid or solid + liquid phases. That is, the solution is liquid above the liquidus line.
The solidus line is that below which the solution is completely solid (does not contain a liquid
The vertical line will divide the horizontal line into two parts whose lengths are inversely
proportional to the amount of the phases present. This is also known as Lever rule.
The point where the vertical line intersects the horizontal line may be considered as the
fulcrum of a lever system.
The relative lengths of the lever arms multiplied by the amounts of the phases present must
Tie line and Lever rule
We draw a horizontal line (called the Tie Line)at the temperature of interest (say T0). Let Tie
line is XY.
Solid (crystal) of composition C 1 coexists with liquid of composition C 2
Note that tie lines can be drawn only in the two phase coexistence regions (fields).
Though they may be extended to mark the temperature.
To find the fractions of solid and liquid we use the lever rule.
The portion of the horizontal line in the two phase region is akin to ‘lever’ with the
fulcrum at the nominal composition (C0)
The opposite arms of the lever are proportional to the fraction of the solid and liquid phase
present (this is lever rule).
From :
Liquidus Line: the temperature above which the substance is stable in a liquid state.
There may be a gap between the solidus and Liquidus within the gap, the substance
consists of a mixture of crystals and liquid
The Possible phases are:
α- Ferrite(B.C.C)
γ- Austenite(F.C.C)
δ- Ferrite(B.C.C)
Liquid Fe-C
Fe3C (or) Cementite
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In a eutectic reaction liquid phase is directly converted in to solid phase having two
different structures when cooling.
The eutectic temperature and composition determine a point on the phase diagram called
the eutectic point.
In a eutectic reaction the solid phase having two different structures converted into single
liquid phase while heating.
The two different structures such as Austenite and Cementite at 4.3% carbo
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In a eutectoid reaction the single solid phase having one structures converted into two
different structure solid phase while cooling.
In a eutectoid reaction two different structure solid phases is directly converted in to
single structure solid phase while when cooling.
The eutectoid temperature and composition determine a point on the phase diagram
called the eutectoid point.
That is Austenite is a single structure and two different structures such as Ferrite and
Cementite .
This reaction occurs in a 0.8% of carbon at 723°C.
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In the pertectic reaction a solid and liquid phases combine to from another solid phase
while cooling and reversible while heating.
It is reversible reaction of eutectoidreaction.
This reaction occurs in a 0.18% of carbon at 1495°C.
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A sample of a 0.8% eitecotid steel is heated to above 700°C and maintained for
sufficient period of time.
It converted in to homogeneous austenite. This process is called as
To the right of the eutectoid reaction between 0.8% to 2.11% of cabon hyper
eutectoid takes places.
Hence three stages a, b,c are marked depend upon curves are draw.
HYPOEUTECTIC(2.0% to 4.3%C) show in yy’,
Stage 2: holding at that temperature for a sufficient period of time to allow necessary
changes to occur.
Stage 3: cooling the metal or alloy at a required rate to obtain the desired properties.
The Process of Slow Cooling Is Knows As Annealing.
Then allow it to cool slowly to room temperature In Side the Furnace It Self..
Cooling is usually done in the furnace itself by decreasing the temperature 10°C to 30°C
per hour.
Types Of Annealing:-
full annealing
process annealing
recrystallisation annealing
Full Annealing:-
The Material Is Heated Above 723°C To 910°C.
Then allow it to cool slowly to room temperature In Side the Furnace It Self..
Cooling is usually done in the furnace itself by decreasing the temperature 10°C to 30°C
per hour.
Process annealing:-
Then allow it to cool slowly to room temperature In Side the Furnace It Self.
The method is very cheaper more rapidly used.
Recrystallisation annealing:-
Then allow it to cool slowly to room temperature In Side the Furnace It Self.
Hence Distorted Grains Of Cold Worked Metals Are Replaced By New
Normalizing is similar to full annealing but cooling is done by still air rather then
Purpose of Normalizing:-
Material Is Heated Above 40°C - 50°C Above Its Upper Critical Temperature. .
The Normalizing process consisting of ferrite and pearlite for hypoeucetoid steels.
and pearlite and cementite for hyper eutectoid steel.
The Process of fast or instant Cooling Is Knows as Annealing.
Cooling is done by contact the material with quenching medium.
Stages of Quenching:-
Stages 1: vapour-jacket stages.
The work piece of hot metal is first inserted into tank having quench medium.
The vaporizes and forms a gaseous layer separating the metal and liquid
In this stage all heat transfer occurs through conduction across the solid and liquid
In this stage is the slowest cooling rate is obtained.
The tempering is done to reduce hardness of steel and improve ductility and toughness.
In this process the heating is done for the metals which are already hardened steel.
The hardened metal is heated to a temperature between 250°C To 650°C.
Martempering is a heat treatment for steel involving austenitisation followed by step quenching,
at a rate fast enough to avoid the formation of ferrite, pearlite or bainite to a temperature slightly
above the martensite start (Ms) point. A schematic of above the process is shown in Fig.4 7.
The advantage of martempering lies in the reduced thermal gradient between surface and center
as the part is quenched to the isothermal temperature and then is air cooled to room temperature.
Residual stresses developed during martempering are lower than those developed during
conventional quenching because the greatest thermal variations occur while the steel is in the
relatively plastic austenitic condition and because final transformation and thermal changes
occur throughout the part at approximately the same time. Martempering also reduces or
eliminate susceptibility to cracking.
Austempering process is similar to the Martempering process except that the sample after the
homogenization of temperature from surface and temperature, instead of quenching,
held at that temperature above Ms for sufficient time (in the bainite transformation range) to
produce banitic microstructure.A schematic of this process is shown in Fig. An advantage of this
process over Martempering is that the tempering can be avoided. Other advantages include,
Higher ductility, Resistance to shock, Uniform hardness, Tougher and more wear restiance,
Higher impact and Fatigue Strengths.
Numerous industrial applications require a hard wear resistant surface called the case,
and a relatively soft, tough inside called the core. Example: Gears
They are two different categories. They are thermo chemical and thermo mechanical
treatments. Thermo chemical treatment is related to change in chemical composition and
In Thermo mechanical treatment, there is no change of chemical composition of the steel
and are essentially shallow- hardening methods.
The organic gas serves as the source of carbon and the ammonia gas serves of
The work piece is heated to 850°C at 2 to 10 hours. This is followed by quenching and
then tempering is employed at 180°C.
Case Depth Is About 0.5mm.
Typical uses:-
First The Work piece are heat treated to produce the required properties in the core.
The steel part are heated and maintained at about 500°C for between 40 to and 100 hrs.
Nitrogen And Carbon Is Used To Obtain Hard Surface
The Steel Components Are Heated Above A Temperature Of 950°C
During this treatment both carbon and nitrogen diffuse into the surface of the steel.
The standard test piece is heated to above upper critical temperature until it become
completely austenitic.
Here it is quenched at one end only by standard jet of water at 25°C.
Thus Different Rates Of Cooling Are Obtained Along The Length Of The Test-Piece.
Hence Now Rockwell C Hardness Reading Are Taken Every 1.5mm (1/16 Inch) Along
The Length From The Quenched End.
Hence hardened is more on quenched end and lower on the other end.
Materials are made up of elements. Materials are anything that have weight and occupy some
space. An every increasing variety of materials is available, each having its own characteristics
application, advantages and limitations.
It is primarily an alloy of iron and carbon. The carbon content in cast iron varies from 1.5
to 4 per cent. Small amounts of silicon, manganese, sulphur and phosphorus are also
present in it. Carbon in cast iron is present either in free state like graphite or in combined
state as cementite. Cast iron contains so much carbon or its equivalent that it is not
malleable. One characteristic (except white cast iron) is that much of carbon content is
present in free form as graphite. Largely the properties of cast iron are determined by
this fact.
Melting point of cast iron is much lower than that of steel. Most of the castings
produced in a cast iron foundry are of grey cast iron. These are cheap and widely used.
The characteristics of cast iron which make it a valuable material for engineering
The main limitation of this metal is brittleness and low tensile strength and thus
cannot be used in those components subjected to shocks
It is the iron which is most commonly used in foundry work. If this iron is machined or
broken, its fractured section shows the greyish colour, hence the name “grey” cast iron.
The grey colour is due to the fact that carbon is present in the form of free graphite. A
very good characteristic of grey cast iron is that the free graphite in its structure acts as a
lubricant. This is suitable for those components/products where sliding action is desired.
The other properties are good machinability, high compressive strength, low tensile
strength and no ductility.
In view of its low cost, it is preferred in all fields where ductility and high strength
are not required. The grey cast iron castings are widely utilized in machine tool bodies,
automobile cylinder blocks and flywheels, etc.
It is so called due to the whitish colour shown by its fracture. White cast iron contains
carbon exclusively in the form of iron carbide Fe3C (cementite). From engineering point
of view, white cast iron has limited applications. This is because of poor machinability
and possessing, in general, relatively poor mechanical properties. It is used for inferior
castings and places where hard coating is required as in outer surface of car wheels.
Only crushing rolls are made of white cast iron. But it is used as raw material for production
of malleable cast ir
Malleable cast iron is produced from white cast iron. The white cast iron is brittle and
hard. It is, therefore, unsuitable for articles which are thin, light and subjected to shock
and vibrations or for small castings used in various machine components. The malleable
cast iron is produced from white cast iron by suitable heat treatment, i.e., annealing.
This process separates the combined carbon of the white cast iron into noddles of
free graphite.
The malleable cast iron is ductile and may be bent without rupture or breaking the
section. Its tensile strength is usually higher than that of grey cast iron and has excellent
machining qualities. Malleable cast iron components are mainly utilized in place of forged
steel or parts where intricate shape of these parts creates forging problem. This material
is principally employed in rail, road automotive and pipe fittings etc.
It is also known as “spheroidal graphite iron” or Ductile iron or High strength “Cast
iron”. This nodular cast iron is obtained by adding magnesium to the molten cast iron.
The magnesium converts the graphite of cast iron from f l ake to spheroidal or nodular
form. In this manner, th e mechanical properties are considerably improved. The strength
increases, yield point improves and brittleness is reduced. Such castings can even replace
steel components.
Outstanding characteristics of nodular cast iron are high fluidity which allows the
castings of intricate shape. This cast iron is widely used in castings where density as well
as pressure tightness is a highly desirable quality. The applications include hydraulic
cylinders, valves, pipes and pipe fittings,
Chilled Cast Iron
Quick cooling is generally known as chilling and the iron so produced is “chilled iron”.
The outer surface of all castings always gets chilled to a limited depth about (1 to 2 mm)
during pouring and solidification of molten metal after coming in contact with cool sand
of mould. Sometimes the casting is chilled intentionally and some becomes chilled
accidentally to a small depth.
Chills are employed on any faces of castings which are required to be hard to
withstand wear and friction. Chilled castings are used in producing stamping dies and
crushing rolls railway, wheels cam followers, and so on.
The only material known to engineers which possesses a combination of various properties such as:
wide range of strength and hardness, high ductility and formability, high corrosion resistance,
good creep resistance, good thermal conductivity, good machinability, high hot & cold
workability and excellent surface finish is stainless steel. Alloy steels have been developed for a
specific purpose. We shall study them as follows: They are known as stainless since they do not
corrode or rust easily in most of environment and media. Stainless steels can be further divided
into the following three
It is that steel when properly heat treated and finished, resists oxidation and corrosive
attacks from corrosive media. Ferritic stainless steels contain 12–18% chromium, 0.15 to 0.2%
carbon besides iron and usual amounts of manganese and silicon. The steels are stainless and
relatively cheap. They are magnetic in nature. Structure of these steels consist of ferrite phase
which cannot be hardened by he treatment. These steels are actually iron-chromium alloys and
cannot be hardened by heat treatment. Such type of steel is utilized in manufacture of dairy
equipment food processing plants, etc.
Tool steels are specially alloyed steels designed for high strength, impact toughness and
wear resistance at room and elevated temperatures. They are normally used in forming and
machining of metals. So the requirements in a tool steel are that it should be capable of becoming
very hard and further that it should be able to retain its hardness at high temperatures normally
developed during cutting of materials. This property is known as “red hardness”. Further, tool
steel should not be brittle for smooth working.
It is the name given to the most common tool steel. As the name implies, it can cut steel
at high cutting speeds. These steels are high in alloy content, have excellent hardenability,
maintain their hardness at elevated temperatures around 650°C, are quite resistant to wear and
contain relatively large amounts of tungsten or molybdenum, together with chromium, cobalt or
vanadium. They are used to produce cutting tools to be operated for various machining
operations such as turning, drilling, milling, etc. A typical composition of H.S.S. is tungsten
18%, chromium 4% and vanadium 1%, carbon 0.75 to
This steel contains 6% tungsten, 6% molybdenum, 4% chromium and 2% vanadium and have
excellent toughness and cutting ability. The molybdenum high speed steel are better and cheaper
than other types of steel. It is particularly utilized in drilling and tapping operations.
Non-ferrous metals are those which do not contain significant quantity of iron or iron as
base metal. These metals possess low strength at high temperatures, generally suffer
from hot shortness and have more shrinkage than ferrous metals. They are utilized in
industry due to following advantages:
The various non-metals used in industry are: copper, aluminium, tin, lead, zinc, and
nickel, etc., and their alloys.
The crude form of copper extracted from its ores through series of processes
contains 68% purity known as Blister copper. By electrolytic refining process, highly pure
(99.9%) copper which is remelted and casted into suitable shapes. Copper is a corrosion
resistant metal of an attractive reddish brown colour.
(1) High Thermal Conductivity: Used in heat exchangers, heating vessels and appliances, etc.
(2) High Electrical Conductivity: Used as electrical conductor in various shapes and
forms for various applications.
(3) Good Corrosion Resistance: Used for providing coating on steel prior to nickel and
chromium plating
(4) High Ductility: Can be easily cold worked, folded and spun. Requires annealing After
cold w o r k i ng as it loses its ductility.
Aluminium is white metal which is produced by electrical processes from clayey mineral
known as bauxite. However, this aluminium ore bauxite is available in India in plenty
and we have a thriving aluminium industry.
The chief ores of zinc are blende (ZnS) and calamine (ZnCO3). Zinc is a fairly heavy, bluish-
white metal principally utilized in view of its low cost, corrosion resistance and alloying
characteristics. Melting point of zinc is 420°C and it boils at 940°C.
Properties and Uses
(1) High corrosion resistance: Widely used as protective coating on iron and steel.
Coating may be DporwovnliodaeddedbFyrodmip:
(2) High fluidity and low melting point: Most suitable metal for pressure die casting
generally in the form of alloy.
(3) When rolled into sheets, zinc is utilized for roof covering and for providing a damp
proof non-corrosive lining to containers.
(4) The galvanized wires, nails, etc. are produced by galvanizing technique and zinc
is also used in manufacture of brasses.
About at least 85% of all nickel production is obtained from sulphide ores.
Pure nickel is tough, silver coloured metal, harder than copper having some but less
ductility but of about same strength.
It is plated on steel to provide a corrosion resistance surface or layer.
Widely used as an alloying element with steel. Higher proportions are
advantageously added in the production of steel such as monel or in conel.
It possesses good resistance to both acids and alkalis regarding corrosion so
widely utilized in food processing equipment.
It occurs in conjunction with iron pyrite, free sulphur and carbonaceous matter.
It is silvery white in colour. Its specific gravity is 5.67. Its melting point is 1710°C.
When heated to a suitable temperature it can be hammered into any shape or drawn into
It is used in manufacture of alloy steels.
Vanadium forms non-ferrous alloys of copper and aluminium from which
excellentcastings can be produced.
It is silvery white, hard, highly crystalline and so brittle that it may be readily
Its specific gravity is 6.63 and melting point is 630°C.
It is generally used as an alloying element with most of heavy metals.
Lead, tin and copper are the metals which are most commonly alloyed with
Copper alloys are among the best conductors of heat and electricity and they have good
corrosion resistance. The common types of copper alloys are brasses and bronzes.
The various alloys of copper are discussed as follows:
All brasses are basically alloys of copper and zinc. Commercially there are two main
varieties of brasses:
(1) Alfa brass: Contains upto 36% Zn and rest copper for cold working.
(2) Alfa-Betabrass: Contains 36 to 45% Zn and remainder is copper for hot working.
The tensile strength DanodwndlouacdtieldityFroomf :bwrawsws
.EbaosthyEningcinreeearsinegw.nieth increase in content of Zn upto 30% zinc. With
Gun metal:
further increase in zinc content beyond 30%, the tensile strength continues to increase upto
45% of Zn, but ductility of brasses drops significantly. β- phase is less ductile than α-
phase but it is harder and stronger.
Thus, there are various types of brasses depending upon proportion of copper and
zinc. Fundamentally brass is a binary alloy of copper with as much as 50% zinc. Various
classes of brasses such as cartridge brass, Muntzmetal leaded brass, Admirality brass,
naval brass and nickel brass depending upon the proportion of copper and zinc plus
third alloying metal are available for various uses. Suitable type of brasses can
undergo the processes of casting, hot forging, cold forging, cold rolling into sheets,
drawing into wires and extrusion for obtaining requisite special cross-section bars.
The melting point of brass varies according to its composition but most of the brasses in
the common range liquefy between temperatures of 840°C to 960°C. By adding small
quantities of other elements, the properties of brass may be greatly affected. For
example, addition of 1 to 2% zinc improves the machinability of brass. Brass has a
greater strength than that of copper but has a lower thermal and electrical
conductivity. Brasses possess very good corrosion resistance and can be easily
soldered. Brasses are used in hydraulic fittings, pump linings, utensils, bearings and
bushes, etc.
The alloy of copper and tin are usually termed bronzes. The useful range of
composition is 75 to 95% copper and remainder tin. In general, it possesses superior
mechanical properties and corrosion resistance to brass. The alloy can be easily cold
rolled into wire, rods and sheets. With increase in tin content, the strength of this alloy
and its corrosion resistance increases. It is then known as hot working bronze. Bronze is
generally utilized in hydraulic fittings, bearings, bushes, utensils, sheets, rods and many
other stamped and drawn products.
When bronze contains phosphorus, it is known as phosphor bronze. Phosphorus present
in such alloy increases the strength, ductility and soundness of castings. Various
compositions of this alloy are available for different applications. The composition
of the alloy varies according to whether it is to be forged, wrought or cast. A
common type of phosphor bronze has the following composition as per Indian
standards. Copper = 93.6%, tin = 9%, and phosphorus = 0.1 to 0.3%. The alloy
possesses good wearing qualities and high elasticity. The alloy is resistant to salt water
corrosion. Cast phosphor bronze is utilized for production of bearings and gears.
Bearings of bronze contain 10% tin and small addition of lead. This is also used in
making gears, nuts, for machine lead screws, springs, pump parts, linings and many
other such applications.
Gun metal
Gun metal contains 2% zinc, 10% tin and 88% copper. It is a very famous composition.
Sometimes very small amount of lead is also added to improve cast ability and
machinability. The presence of zinc improve its fluidity. This bronze is used for bearing
bushes, glands, pump valves and boiler fittings, etc.
Silicon bronze:
Manganese Bronze:
It is an alloy of copper, zinc and manganese. It contains 55 to 60% copper, 40% zinc,
with 3.5% manganese. This alloy is highly resistant to corrosion. It is stronger and
harder than phosphor bronze. It has poor response to cold working but can be easily
hot worked. It is generally utilized for producing bushes, plungers, feed pumps and
rods, etc. Worm gears are frequently made of manganese bronze.
Muntz Metal:
The composition of this alloy is 60 percent copper and 40 per cent zinc. Sometimes a
small quantity of lead is also added. This alloy is stronger, harder and more ductile
than normal brass. While hot working between 700°C to 750, it responds excellently
for process but does not respond to cold working. This alloy is utilized for a wide
variety of small components of machines, bolts, rods, tubes, electrical equipment as
well as ordinance works. It is widely employed in producing such articles which are
required to resist wear.
Alloys of Aluminium
Aluminium may be alloyed with one or more alloying elements such as copper,
manganese, magnesium, silicon and nickel. The addition of small quantities of alloying
elements converts the soft and weak aluminium into hard and strong metal, while it
retains its light weight. The main alloys of aluminium are: Duralumin, Y-alloy,
Magnalium and Hindalium which are discussed as follows:
Alloys of Nickel
German silver:
The composition of this alloy is 60% Cu, 30% Ni and 10% zinc. It displays silvery
appearance and is very ductile and malleable. It is utilized for electrical contacts, casting
of high quality valves, taps and costume jewellery. It is also used in producing
electrical wires.
Monel metal:
It contains 68% Ni, 30% Cu, 1% iron and remainder small additions of Mn and other
elements. It is corrosion resistant and possesses good mechanical properties and
maintains them at elevated temperatures.
It is an alloy of nickel and chromium which is utilized as heat resistant electrical wire in
electrical applicances such as furnaces, geysers and electric iron, etc.
These alloys principally contain, Ni, Cr, Fe, Mo, Ti and very small proportions of carbon.
These are used as high temperature alloys. Inconel does not respond to heat treatment.
Polymers such as polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC etc which does not have excellent
mechanical and thermal properties are used in high volume in non-structural applications are
termed commodity polymers. Polymers which possess properties such as
i) Excellent mechanical properties over temperatures from below -40°C (-40°F) to above
148°C (300°F), ii) Self-extinguishing, non-dripping characteristics, iii) Excellent
durability, dimensional stability and low water absorption, iv) Resistance to aqueous
chemical environments and v) Excellent impact strength, are classified as engineering
polymers/plastics . Ex., polyphenylene oxide, PEEK, polyethylene terephthalate,
polyphenylene sulphide, Teflon, Kevlar, polyimide, polyeterimide, ABS etc.
4.1 Polypropylene
o o
Polypropylene(thermoplastic, melting temperature: 174
; glass transition temperature: - C
) is a versatile commodity polymer. It serves double 17
both as a plastic and as a fiber. As a plastic it's used to make things like dishwasher-safe food
containers. It can do this because it doesn't melt
o o o
below 160 C, or 320 . Polyethylene, a more common plastic, will anneal at around 100 ,
means that polyethylene dishes will warp in the dishwasher. As a fiber, polypropylene is used
to make indoor-outdoor carpeting, used around swimming pools and miniature golf courses. It
works well for outdoor carpet because it is easy to make colored polypropylene, and because
polypropylene doesn't absorb water, like nylon does.
It is slightly more susceptible than polyethylene to strong oxidizing agents. It offers the best
stress- crack resistance of the polyolefins. Products made of polypropylene are brittle at 0°C
and may crack or break if dropped from benchtop height. Polypropylene can be made from the
monomer propylene by Ziegler-Natta polymerization and by metallocene catalysis
In Isotactic polypropylene all the methyl groups are on the same side of the chain, like this:
Atactic means that the methyl groups are placed randomly on both sides of the chain like this:
4.2 Polyethylene
Polyethylene is probably the polymer seen mostly in daily life. Polyethylene is the most
popular plastic in the world. This is the polymer that makes grocery bags, shampoo bottles,
children's toys, and even bullet proof vests. For such a versatile material, it has a very simple
structure, the simplest of all commercial polymers. A molecule of polyethylene is nothing more
than a long chain of carbon atoms, with two hydrogen atoms attached to each carbon atom.
Sometimes it's a little more complicated. That is some of the carbons, instead of having
hydrogens attached to them, will have long chains of polyethylene attached to them. This is
called branched, or low-density polyethylene, or LDPE. When there is no branching, it is called
linear polyethylene, or HDPE. Linear polyethylene is much stronger the branched polyethylene,
but branched polyethylene is cheaper and easier to make. Linear polyethylene is normally
produced with molecular weights in the range of 200,000 to 500,000, but it can be made even
higher. Polyethylene with molecular weights of three to six million is referred to as ultra-high
molecular weight polyethylene, or UHMWPE. UHMWPE can be used to make fibers which
are so strong they replaced Kevlar for use in bullet proof vests. Large sheets of it can be used
instead of ice for skating rinks. Branched polyethylene is often made by free radical vinyl
polymerization. Linear polyethylene is made by a more complicated procedure called Ziegler-
Natta polymerization. UHMWPE is made using metallocene catalysis polymerization. But
Ziegler-Natta polymerization can be used to make LDPE, too. By copolymerizing ethylene
monomer with a alkyl-branched comonomer such as one gets a copolymer which has short
hydrocarbon branches. Copolymers like this are called linear low- density p olyeth yle ne, or
LLDPE. LLDPE is often used to make things like plastic films.
Linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) combines the toughness of low-density polyethylene
with the rigidity of high-density polyethylene.
Cross-linked high-density polyethylene (XLPE) is a form of high-density polyethylene wherein
the individual molecular chains are bonded to each other (using heat, plus chemicals or
radiation) to form a three-dimensional polymer of extremely high molecular weight. This
structure provides superior stress-crack resistance and somewhat improves the toughness,
stiffness and chemical resistance of HDPE. XLPE is a superior material for moulding very
large storage tanks.
4.3 Polystyrene
Polystyrene is normally a solid thermoplastic, but can be melted at higher temperature for molding
or extrusion, then resolidified. It is an amorphous and its glass transition temperature is 100o .
Polystyrene is an aromatic polymer. Polystyrene is also used as a building material, with electrical appliances (lig
especially when high strength, durability, and heat resistance are not essential. A thin
layer of transparent polystyrene is often used as an infra-red spectroscopy standard.
The outside housing of the computer is probably made of polystyrene. Model cars and airplanes are made from p
(Styrofoam is one brand of polystyrene foam). Clear plastic drinking cups are made of polystyrene. So are a lo
Expanded polystyrene is very easily cut with a hot -wire foam cutter, which is easily made by a
heated and taut length wire, usually nichrome due to its thermal conductance. Hot wire foam cutters work by
Polystyrene's most common use, however, is as expanded polystyrene, which is a mixture of about 5% polyst
packing material for cushioning inside boxes, as non-weight bearing architectural structures (such as pillars)
and model building, particularly architectural models. Foamed between two sheets of paper, it
a more-uniform substitute for corrugated cardboard tradenamedF o a m c ore. Expanded
polystyrene used to contain CFCs but other, more environmentally-safe blowing agents are now
used. Because it is an aromatic hydrocarbon, polystyrene is flammable and burns with an orange-
yellow flame giving off soot, as opposed to non-aromatic hydrocarbon polymers such as
polyethylene, which burn with a light yellow flame (often with a blue tinge) and no soot.
Production methods include sheet stamping (PS) and injection molding (both PS and HIPS).
Toughening of Polystyrene
Pure polystyrene is brittle, but hard enough that a fairly high-performance product can be made by
giving it some of the properties of a stretchier material, such as polybutadiene rubber. The two
materials cannot normally be mixed due to the amplified effect of intermolecular forces on
polymer solubility (see plastic recycling), but if polybutadiene is added during polymerization it
can become chemically bonded to the polystyrene, forming a graft copolymer which helps to
incorporate normal polybutadiene into the final mix, resulting in high-impact polystyrene or HIPS,
often called "high- impact plastic" in advertisements. Common applications include use in toys and
- -[-CH2-CH(Cl)-]n--
PMMA is used for instance in the rear lights of cars. The spectator protection in ice hockey
stadiums is made of PMMA as are the very largest windows and fish tanks in the world. The
material is used to produce laserdiscs, and sometimes also for DVDs, but the more expensive
polycarbonate (also used for CDs) has better properties when exposed to moisture. PMMA has
a good degree of compatibilty with human tissue, and can be used for replacement intraocular
lenses in the eye when the original lens has been removed in the treatment of cataracts. Hard
contact lenses are frequently made of this material; soft contact lenses are often made of a
related polymer, in which acrylate monomers are used that contain one or more hydroxyl
groups to make them hydrophilic.
It is a rigid, transparent material and better at transmitting light than inorganic glass. PMMA is
more transparent than glass. When glass windows are made too thick, they become difficult to
see through. But PMMA windows can be made as much as 13 inches (33 cm) thick, and they're
still perfectly transparent. This makes PMMA ideal in the construction of large aquariums
where windows must be thick in order to withstand the pressure of millions of gallons of water.
The material is often used in place of glass. These optical qualities are the basis for its principal
applications: from building to furniture, road signs, the car industry, navy, electrical appliances,
laboratory equipment. Unlike glass, PMMA does not filter UV light. Some manufacturers coat
their PMMA with UV films to add this property. Up to wavelengths of 2800 nm, PMMA
allows most IR (infrared) light to pass. Longer wavelengths of IR energy, up to 25,000 nm are
essentially blocked. Special formulations of colored PMMA exist to allow specific IR
wavelengths to pass while blocking visible light (for remote control or heat sensor
applications, for example). PMMA can be joined using cyanoacrylate cement (so-called
"Superglue"), or by using liquid dichloromethane to dissolve the plastic at the join which then
fuses and sets, forming an almost invisible weld. PMMA can also be easily polished, by which
method cut edges (which turn opaque) can be returned to transparency.
In orthopedics, PMMA bone cement is used to affix implants and to remodel lost bone. It is
supplied as a powder and a liquid; when mixed, they yield a dough which then hardens.
Dentures are often made of PMMA. In cosmetic surgery, tiny PMMA microspheres suspended
in some biological fluid are injected under the skin to permanently reduce wrinkles or scars.
Polycarbonate is unusually tough, due to the nature of its chemical bonding. It is also
transparent and almost self extinguishing, with a relatively high continuous use temperature of
around 115°C. Chemical resistance is not outstanding and it needs the addition of light
stabilizers for any UV resistance. Glass fibers enhance the stiffness but reduce toughness, as
might be anticipated. Polycarbonate is a versatile blending material, with blends of PC/PET and
PC/ABS available commercially. Applications of polycarbonate include: glazing panels, light
fittings, safety helmets and medical components.
Glass Filled
Parts can be easily machined from standard metal working tools. No special tools are needed,
and finished parts can be polished to a high gloss. Water or water-soluble cutting oils should be
used when machining polycarbonate, since some standard cutting oils will attack the material.
Polycarbonate can be machined on standard metalworking or woodworking equipment. Its
unique properties permit it to be machined without chipping, splitting or breaking.
Polycarbonate slab (Zelux) has been stressed relieved using Liquo-Temp annealing process. In
some instances where extensive machining is required, a secondary annealing of semi-finished
parts is highly recommended. Secondary annealing can be accomplished by heating parts at
250"F in a desiccated air circulating oven for one hour per one inch of thickness. After heating,
the oven should be turned off and allowed to cool to room temperature spontaneously.
Coffee filters, shaver housings, chocolate moulds, blenders, table wares, kitchen mixer bowls,
grinder bowls, housings for ball point and fountain pens, rim heater grills, motor bracket and
housing, camera, binocular casings and parts, flash lights, lenses and casings, water tank for
steam iron, fruit juicer parts, high impact vacuum sweeper housings, mixers and power tools,
bobbins for textile industries, baby feeding bottles and cutlery.
Wind screen wiper brackets, car interior moulded trims, instrument glazing, indicator lamps,
wind shield for two wheelers, door handles, head lamp support, traffic light housings and signal
lenses, battery cases, helmets, wheel cover, body panels, components for sewing machine,
chassis, levers,
valves, control cams, directional signs, ventilation and radiator grills, housing for automobile
and aerial motors etc.
Electrical & electronics
Wiring devices, insulator panels, plug and socket terminal blocks, coil formers, starter
enclosures, electric meter covers, breaker boxes, gears, fuses, telephone housing for mining
operations, dials, sight windows, housing for computers, calculators, magnetic disk packs etc.
Food contact articles
Mineral water bottles, microwave oven wares, food storage containers etc
Blood bottles, dispensers for inhalers, sterilisable lab wares and containers, tissue culture
dishes, surgical disposables, diagnostic cardio-vascular and intravenous devices, housing for
blood cleaning filters
Other uses
High temperature and pressure windows , face shields , industrial equipment and housing
components, instrument components, electrical insulators and connectors, aircraft & missile
components, portholes in pressure chambers, jet pump impellers and diffusers, card guides,
assembly line cogs, sporting goods, slide rule components vacuum metallised reflectors,
housing for street lamps, lenses and safety glasses, sun glasses, face protective waresaudio
compact discs, film and slide cassettes,(the astronauts stepped onto the moon in polycarbonate
helmets), windows, bank screens, police shields etc.
Typical physical properties
Specific gravity : 1.2, Tensile strength MPa : 62, Tensile modulus MPa :
2379, Flexural modulus MPa : 2344, Elongation at break (%): 110, Impact strength izod,
notched, J/m :
123, Hardness : M70, Deflection temperature under load (1.82 MPa): 132 C, Coefficient of
expansion( 0 -6
mm/mm/ C) 122 X , Water absorption 24 hrs (%) : 0.15, Refractive index: 1.58-
10 6
1.59, Dielectric strength (KV/mm): 15 Dielectric constant (10 Hz): 2.97, Power factor: 0.0021,
Volume resistivity( Ohm.m): 2.1 x16 o
10 , Melting C): 220-230, Glass transition temperature
o point,(
( C): 140, Mould shrinkage( %): 0.4 - 0.7.
4.7 ABS Plastics
Based on the property requirement ABS can be categorized into different grades such as
General purpose , Fire retardant, Improved heat resistant, Enhanced chemical resistant, static
dissipation grade, Extrusion grade, Fire retardant- extrusion etc. ABS is more hygroscopic
polystyrene and absorbs moisture upto 0.3%. It can be processed at 250-260 C. It has low
resistance compared to polystyrene. I t is an amorphous material and show low moulding
shrinkage. ABS resins are hard, rigid, and tough, even at low temperatures. They consist of
particles of a rubberlike toughener suspended in a continuous phase of styrene-acrylonitrile
(SAN) copolymer. Various grades of these amorphous, medium-priced thermoplastics are
available offering different levels of impact strength, heat resistance, flame retardance, and
platability. Most natural ABS resins are translucent to opaque, and they can be pigmented to
almost any color. Grades are available for injection molding, extrusion, blow molding, foam
molding, and thermoforming. Molding and extrusion grades provide surface finishes ranging
from satin to high gloss. Some ABS grades are designed specifically for electroplating. Their
molecular structure is such that the plating process is rapid, easily controlled, and economical.
Compounding of some ABS grades with other resins produces special properties. For
example, ABS is alloyed with polycarbonate to provide a better balance of heat resistance and
impact properties at an intermediate cost. Deflection temperature is improved by the
polycarbonate; molding ease, by the ABS. Other ABS resins are used to modify rigid PVC for
use in pipe, sheeting, and molded parts. Reinforced grades containing glass fibers, to 40%, are
also available.
Properties: ABS plastics offer a good balance of tensile strength, impact and abrasion
resistance, dimensional stability, surface hardness, rigidity, heat resistance, low-temperature
properties, chemical resistance, and electrical characteristics. These materials yield plastically
at high stresses,
so ultimate elongation is seldom significant in design; a part usually can be bent beyond its
elastic limit without breaking, although it does stress-whiten. While not generally considered
flexible, ABS parts have enough spring to accommodate snap-fit assembly requirements.
Impact properties of ABS are exceptionally good at room temperature and, with special grades,
at temperatures as low as -40°F. Because of its plastic yield at high strain rates, impact failure
of ABS is ductile rather than brittle. A long-term tensile design stress of 1,000 to 1,500 psi (at
73°F) is recommended for most grades.
General-purpose ABS grades may be adequate for some outdoor applications, but prolonged
exposure to sunlight causes color change and reduces surface gloss, impact strength, and
ductility. Less affected are tensile strength, flexural strength, hardness, and elastic modulus.
Pigmenting the resins black, laminating with opaque acrylic sheet, and applying certain coating
systems provide weathering resistance. For maximum color and gloss retention, a compatible
coating of opaque, weather-resistant polyurethane can be used on molded parts. For weather
able sheet applications, ABS resins can be coextruded with a compatible weather-resistant
polymer on the outside surface.
ABS resins are stable in warm environments and can be decorated with durable coatings that
require baking at temperatures to 160°F for 30 to 60 min. Heat-resistant grades can be used for
short periods at temperatures to 230°F in light load applications. Low moisture absorption
contributes to the dimensional stability of molded ABS parts.. Molded ABS parts are almost
completely unaffected by water, salts, most inorganic acids, food acids, and alkalies, but much
depends on time, temperature, and especially stress level. FDA acceptance depends to some
extent on the pigmentation system used. The resins are soluble in esters and ketones, and they
soften or swell in some chlorinated hydrocarbons, aromatics, and aldehydes.
PEEK™'S continuous service UV rating is 482°F (250°C) for unfilled and 500°F (260°C) for
glass filled grades. PEEK™ also offers high temperature mechanical properties making it
suitable for
some application up to 600°F (315 C).
PEEK™ has a high "Oxygen Index" and meets UL 94 -VO requirements, and demonstrates
extremely low smoke emission. It contains no flame-retardant additives or halogens.
PEEK™ has good resistance to aqueous reagents and long-term performance in superheated
water at 500°F. (260°C.). Its resistance to attack is good over a wide pH range from 60%
sulfuric acid to 40% sodium hydroxide at elevated temperatures. Attack can occur with some
concentrated acids.
Two of the highest performance areas of PEEK are in oil exploration and chemical processing
Oil Exploration
Geologists use data logging equipment to analyze the nature and structure of rock in an attempt
to locate oil bearing strata. This may involve sample removal or the use of a probe (acoustic,
radiation, electrical) to evaluate the rock. Although all downhole materials must have good
wear resistance and mechanical strength, the specific geometries involved and the function of
the probe exclude most conventional materials. Therefore, an easily processable material which
can withstand temperatures in excess of 392°F (200°C), pressures up to 580 psi, and has
excellent resistance to chemically aggressive environments, electricity and radiation is required.
Natural PEEK™ polymer and GL30 PEEK™ polymer composite grades are chosen by the oil
industry as they are the only materials able to perform well in such a demanding environment.
The GL30 PEEK™ polymer is specially formulated to contain an optimum amount of short
glass fiber reinforcement. The mechanical properties of the material are greatly enhanced with
little reduction in processability.
Chemical Processing Industry
PEEK polymer composites are becoming increasingly used in the chemical processing industry
due to a combination of excellent mechanical properties, processability, a high continuous
operating temperature (500°F (260°C), UL746B) and outstanding chemical resistance.
Conventional processing methods (injection molding, compression molding) are often used to
form compressor plates, seals and pump components used in gas and fluid transport systems.
The excellent fatigue resistance and general mechanical properties have been shown to
outperform fluoropolymers, while the chemical resistance is vastly superior to metal
components for such applications. The ability to form thin films on complex 3-dimensional
objects means that PEEK™ polymer is often used to coat metallic parts which operate in
chemically aggressive environments. The formation of these thin films is achieved by either
electrostatic or plasma spray coating techniques. The chemical processing industry strives for
purity of product. The contamination introduced by materials used to handle the substances
during production is a selection criteria. PEEK™ polymer is inherently pure, and therefore can
be used in long service applications with extremely low levels of contamination introduced to
the chemical streams being processed.
PEEK Polymer for the Automotive Industry
The automotive industry constantly strives to increase the performance level and
minimize the weight of in-engine components. Therefore, thermoplastic materials are often
used to replace parts of the engine which are traditionally constructed from metals. PEEK™
polymer, a polyaryletherketone resin, is the leading high performance thermoplastic for
applications. It combines outstanding tribological performance with excellent mechanical
properties over a wide temperature range.
Most automotive applications are required to operate at temperatures in excess of 248°F
(120°C). Therefore, a high continuous operating temperature (500°F (260°C), UL746B) and
excellent mechanical properties at this temperature make PEEK™ polymer the natural choice
Tribological performance may be defined as the friction and wear of interacting surfaces
in relative motion. Therefore, the tribology of dry and lubricated contacts is critical for the
operation of internal combustion engines. PEEK™ polymer has excellent friction and wear
properties which are optimized in the specially formulated tribological grades, namely,
450FC30 and 150FC30 PEEK™ polymer.
For unreinforced PEEK, the HDT is 160"C (320"F). The addition of 30% glass or carbon
fiber reinforcement results in a dramatic increase to 315"C (599"F).
Exceptional chemical resistance.
PEEK is insoluble in all common solvents and, being crystalline, is extremely resistant to
attack by a very wide range of organic and inorganic chemicals. A superior dielectric with low
loss even at high temperatures and frequencies.
Excellent hydrolysis resistance.
PEEK has an excellent resistance to hydrolysis in boiling water and superheated steam
(sterilizationin/ autoclavabiiity) at temperatures in excess of 250"C (482"F).
Good radiation resistance.
Absorbing more than 1000 M rads of irradation with no significant reduction in mechanical
properties, PEEK exhibits exceptional resistance to high doses of gamma radiation.
PEEK and reinforced PEEK have excellent wear and abrasion resistance characteristics with low
coefficient of friction and high limiting PV properties.
Low smoke and toxic gas emissions.
Levels of smoke and toxic gas released during combustion are among the lowest of any
thermoplastic material.
PEEK's exceptional property profile enables it to be utilized in many of the most critical areas in
general industry, such as, automotive, marine, oilwell, electronics, medical, aero-space etc
4.9 Polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE)
PTFE is an outstanding insulator over a wide range of temperature and frequency. Its
volume resistively exceeds 10 20 ohm meter. Any current measured is a polarization current
rather than a conduction current. It has a low dielectric constant (2.1 at 60 Hz). A melt viscosity
of 10 10-1011 poises has been measured at about 350oC. A slow rate of decomposition has
been detected at the melting point and this increases with increase in temperature. There are no
solvent for PTFE and it is attacked by molten alkali metal at room temperature and in some
cases by fluorine. Treatment with solution of sodium metal in liquid ammonia will sufficiently
alter the surface of PTFE so that it can be cemented to other materials using epoxy adhesives.
Although it has good weathering resistance, it is degraded by high energy radiation. The
polymer is not wetted by water and does not absorb measurably. The permeability to gases is
very low and water vapour transmission is only half that of low density polyethylene.
It has a high bulk density and exceptional chemical properties.. It can temporarily
withstand temperatures of 260oC and still have the same chemical properties. Teflon also
retains its chemical properties in cryogenic temperatures of -240oC . It is a chemical inert
material, making it relatively safe to use and handle.
The carbon backbone of the linear polymer is completely sheathed by the electron cloud of
fluorine atoms, much like a wire core is protected by insulation coating. This ensheathment,
and the angles at which the carbon-fluorine bonds are disposed, causes the centers of
electronegativity and electropositivity to be perfectly balanced across the polymer chain cross
section. As a result, no net charge difference prevails. This nonpolarity of the polymer is partly
responsible for its lack of chemical reactivity.
The bond forces between two adjacent polymer chains are significantly lower than the forces
within one chain. High C-F and C-C bond strengths are among the strongest in single bond
organic chemistry. The polymer must absorb considerable energy to disrupt these bonds.
The high degree of crystallinity in these semicrystalline polymers results in high melting
points(327°C), mechanical properties, and an integral barrier to migrating, small, nonpolar
molecules. Under certain conditions, these molecules penetrate the plastics. The melting point
of Teflon PTFE is one of the highest in organic polymer chemistry.
There is no known solvent for Teflon fluorocarbon resins under ordinary conditions.
The low coefficient of friction of Teflon results from low interfacial forces between its surface
and another material and the comparatively low force to deform.
Low dielectric constant and dissipation factor: Teflon provides low, if not the lowest, values
for these parameters. These low values arise from the polymer's nonpolarity as well as the tight
electron hold in the ultrapolymer bonds.
Low water absorptivity
For Teflon to absorb water, the surface must remain wet for a long enough time for water to
become physico-chemically associated with the polymer chains, and then it must become
included in the polymer bulk structure. Water is a very high energy material and Teflon has a
very low surface energy. Therefore, these events are energetically incompatible and only occur
under special circumstances and to a small extent.
Excellent weatherability
Weather includes light of various wavelengths (IR, visible, UV), water (liquid or gas), other
gases, and normal temperatures and pressure. The physical and chemical makeup of Teflon
makes it inert to these influences.
Flame resistant
Teflon will burn when exposed to flame, but will not continue to burn when the flame is
Polyamides are a group of thermoplastic polymers containing amide groups in the main chain.
They are popularly known as nylons. They may be aliphatic ( nylon 66, nylon6 etc) or
aromatic( Kevlar, nomex etc). Commercially important polyamides are PA-66, PA-6, PA-11,
PA-12, PA-610, PA-612 etc. Polyamides have good strength and toughness with excellent
fatigue resistance. However, they are prone to absorb moisture, ranging from 8 - 10% for PA6
and PA66 to 2 - 3% for PA11 and PA12 at saturation. Mechanical properties are affected by
moisture, with toughness improving with the absorption of moisture whereas modulus is
reduced. Polyamides are resistant to hydrocarbons, esters and glycols, but swell and dissolve in
alcohols. They are also attacked by acids but generally stable to alkalis. PA6 and PA66 are
mainly used in textiles, but they also find application where toughness is a requirement, for
example, zip fastener teeth, gears, wheels and fan blades. PA11 is more flexible than PA66 and
is typically used for petrol and hydraulic hose as well as powder coatings for metals. Strength
and rigidity of these materials can be dramatically enhanced by the addition of glass or carbon
fibre reinforcement; the level of saturation water absorption is also reduced. However, the
designer needs to be aware of the anisotropic properties that can result in mouldings due to the
flow and alignment of the reinforcing phase that occurs during moulding.
Polyamides are fairly readily attacked by strong acids, but are much more resistant to alkaline
hydrolysis. Hydrolysis is faster at higher temperatures. Hydrolysis by water alone is so slow as
to be completely unimportant. Kevlar is rather more resistant to hydrolysis than nylon .
Hard and tough thermoplastic, good abrasion resistance, low coefficient of friction, high tensile
strength, good dimensional stability, low tendency to warp, smooth appearance of surface,
average to high surface gloss, resistant to lubricants, engine fuels, grease etc, good resistance to
coolants, refrigerants, paint solvent cleaners, resistant to aqueous solution of many inorganic
Nylon fibres are used in textiles, fishing line and carpets. Nylon films is used for food
packaging, offering toughness and low gas permeability, and coupled with its temperature
resistance, for boil- in-the-bag food packaging. Moulding and extrusion compounds find many
applications as replacements for metal parts, for instance in car engine components. Intake
manifolds in nylon are tough, corrosion resistant, lighter and cheaper than aluminium (once
tooling costs are covered) and offer better air flow due to a smooth internal bore instead of a
rough cast one. Its self-lubricating properties make it useful for gears and bearings.
Electrical insulation, corrosion resistance and toughness make nylon a good choice for high
load parts in electrical applications as insulators, switch housings and the ubiquitous cable ties.
Another major application is for power tool housings. Glass reinforced polyamides are the
material of choice for applications such as power tool housings. Transparent amorphous
polyamides are available and find application in sterilisable medical components and sight
Polyethylene terephthalate(PET)
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) are the most common
thermoplastic polyesters. They are similar to PA6 and PA66 in many respects but with much
lower water absorption. However, they are prone to hydrolysis, and prolonged contact with
water at temperatures as low as 50°C has a detrimental effect on properties. Polyethylene
terephthalate (PET) is often called just ―polyester‖. Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) also
a (thermoplastic) polyester, the most common resin system used in glass reinforced plastic
( GRP) is also a polyester system.
General Properties
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a hard, stiff, strong, dimensionally stable material that
absorbs very little water. It has good gas barrier properties and good chemical resistance except
to alkalis (which hydrolyse it). Its crystallinity varies from amorphous to fairly high crystalline.
It can be highly transparent and colourless but thicker sections are usually opaque and off-
It is widely known in the form of biaxially oriented and thermally stabilised films usually
referred to by their main brand names Mylar, Melinex or Hostaphan. Strictly speaking, these
names should be used only for this type of film whose properties are different from, and in
several respects superior to, those of ―ordinary‖ polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film(Mylar)
The ―Mylar®-type‖ films are used for capacitators, graphics, film base and recording tapes
etc. PET is also used for fibres for a very wide range of textile and industrial uses (Dacron®,
Trevira®, Terylene®). Other applications include bottles and electrical components.
o o
Its melting and glass transition temperature are 265 and 74 respectively.
PET is used in the manufacture of biaxially oriented film and bottles, the latter suitable
for carbonated drinks. The purpose of the orientation is to enhance rigidity, strength and
toughness and also to improve barrier properties, which allows thinner bottles to be made.
PBT displays a good combination of stiffness and toughness and can withstand continuous
service at 120°C. The most important grades are those reinforced with glass. Applications for
PBT include electrical connectors, pump components, and gears, as well as under bonnet and
exterior parts for cars.
4.10 Thermoplastic Polyimides (PI, PAI,
PEI) Polyimide( Vespel-Dupont)(PI)
Polymeric compounds containing multiple imides, ie, NH groups derived from ammonia (NH3)
by replacement of two hydrogen atoms by metals or equivalents of acid groups.
Polyimides (PI) are noted for their high temperature performance, retaining their mechanical
properties to 250°C. They exhibit low flammability and smoke emission characteristics and
offer the lowest minimum service temperature of thermoplastics. They are relatively expensive
and can be difficult to process. Thermoplastic polyimide requires high temperatures and
pressures and is usually processed by autoclave or compression moulding. They are susceptible
to attack by halogenated solvents
Polyimides are a very interesting group of incredibly strong and astoundingly heat and
chemical resistant polymers. Their strength and heat and chemical resistance are so great that
these materials often replace glass and metals, such as steel, in many demanding industrial
applications. Polyimides are even used in many everyday applications. They are used for the
struts and chassis in some cars as well as some parts under-the-hood because they can
withstand the intense heat and corrosive lubricants, fuels, and coolants cars require. They are
also used in the construction of many appliances as well as microwave cookware and food
packaging because of their thermal stability, resistance to oils, greases, and fats and their
transparency to microwave radiation. They can also be used in circuit boards, insulation, fibers
for protective clothing, composites, and adhesives. These polymers have excellent resistant to
oxidative degradation, chemicals, strong bases and high energy radiation. It possesses good
flame and abrasion resistances. But unfortunately these polymers cannot
be moulded by conventional thermoplastic techniques. They are used as wire enamels,
insulating varnishes, as coatings for glass cloth etc. Polyimide foams have been used for sound
deadening of jet engines. They are used in space craft construction, rockets and weapons
These polymers consists predominantly of ring structures and hence possesses high softening
point. They are used in the manufacture of seals, gaskets, piston rings and as a binder in the
diamond grinding wheels. Glass and carbon fibre reinforced polyimides are used in aircraft
industry. It is also used in soldering and welding equipments. Kapton is a polyimide film made
from pyromelltic anhydride and aromatic ether amine. Polyesterimides and
polybismaleinimides are modified polyimides.
4.11 Polyamide- imide ( PAI)
Polyetherimides are thermally stable at high temperatures and exhibit good optical properties
making them useful in high temperature processing applications, in the fabrication of
optoelectronics devices, and in optical applications. Polyetherimides (PEI) are amorphous, high
performance thermoplastics with a continuous use temperature of around 170° C. PEI resins
can also be melt processed using typical equipment for high volume production.
The strength, creep and impact properties of PEIs make them ideal for under bonnet
components. They are also used in high temperature switchgear and electrical connectors. A
number of medical equipment components are manufactured using PEIs, taking advantage of
their excellent resistance to repeated sterilisation using steam, autoclave, gamma radiation or
ethylene oxide. Microwave cookware is another application. They exhibit very high tensile
strength without
reinforcement, high glasso o o
transition(215 C), C) and softening ( C) temperatures.
deflection(200 219
PEI are competitive with PAI, polysulphones, polycarbonates, polyphenylene sulphides etc. It
is used in microwave equipment, printed circuit boards, wire insulation etc.
Thermal properties
PPO has a higher heat deformation resistance than many general purpose thermoplastics at a
lower price than the more expensive 'engineering thermoplastics'. One of the main reasons for
using the PPO blends is the outstanding dimensional stability at elevated temperatures and the
broad temperature use range.
Fire behavior
Electrical properties
Moisture absorption is low over a wide range of humidity levels and therefore dielectric
properties are excellent over a wide range of moisture and temperature conditions.
PPO blends can be machined without difficulty using standard machine conditions for
polymers. The products are difficult to cut and machining needs to be slow (feeds and speeds).
Surface treatment
PPO blends can be painted with good coatability. A primer and a polyurethane type of
paint is recommended.
PPO can be solvent welded using commercially available solvents and solvent solutions
containing 1 to 7% PPO resin.
PPO blends can be bonded using a wide range of commercially available adhesives including
epoxy adhesives. Mechanical: Machine housings, pump housings and impellers
Injection moulding
o o
Typical melt temperatures of 250 to
300 C
are needed with a die head temperature of around 250 C for injection moulding of PPO.
The injection pressure should be 1000 to 1200 bar and the follow-up pressure should be 50 -
70% of the injection pressure. The back pressure should be set at 30 - 50 bar.
The mould temperature should be in the region of 80 to 105 C. Injection speed is generally high
moulds with a long flow path should have adequate mould venting. Mould shrinkage is low
(0.005 -
0.01 m/m).
PPO is relatively easy to extrude and can be processed on single or twin screw extruders and on
vented or unvented extruders.
It is a thermosetting resin prepared by heating urea and formaldehyde in the presence of mild
alkalies, such as pyridine or ammonia. The urea and formaldehyde undergo a condensation
reaction in which they combine to form a water-soluble polymer. This polymer is used to
formulate adhesives and coating agents or is mixed.
Physical properties
Relative Vapour Density (air = 1): (at 20°C)1.07( Foe formaldehyde), Specific Gravity (20°C):
1.2– 1.4, % Volatile by Volume: 25–50 (water), Solubility in Water (g/L @ 25°C) 50, Water
dilutability (mls): 100 minimum, pH (25°C): 7.8–8.2, Viscosity @ 25°C (cps): 150–250, Solids
content (%): 64–66. Values may be slightly different depending upon the specific grade of
resin. Urea formaldehyde resin is a colourless to milky viscous liquid, with faint formaldehyde
odour. It is soluble in water and alcohol. The free formaldehyde content of UF resins is less
than 5 per cent and usually less than 0.5 per cent depending on grade.
End uses
It is most commonly used for commercially produced interior and exterior particle boards. UF
polymers have proven to be very good adhesives for wooden materials. Due to their high
reactivity and cost efficiency, they are the most popular binders for interior products. Adhesives
based on formaldehyde are used as binders in the production of reconstituted wood panels such
as particleboard, plywood, medium density fibreboard, laminated veneer lumber, finger joints
and laminated beams. UF resins and other related formaldehyde resins are also used in resin
impregnated decorative paper laminates, glass fibre insulation binders, foundry cores, pulp and
papers processing aids, paper sizing, textile treatments, paints and enamels, and miscellaneous
joinery applications.
Ceramic materials are inorganic, nonmetallic materials. Most ceramics are compounds between
metallic and nonmetallic elements for which the interatomic bonds are either totally ionic or
predominantly ionic but having some covalent character. The term ceramic comes from the
Greek word keramikos, which means burnt stuff, indicating that desirable properties of these
materials are normally achieved through a high-temperature heat treatment process called
Ceramic materials are important in today's society. Consider the ceramic engine and what
advantages it offers in terms of fuel economy, efficiency, weight savings and performance.
Below are three gif's showing a montage of a prototype ceramic engine and some of the
internal automotive components made from ceramics.
Alumina is the most cost effective and widely used material in the family of engineering
ceramics. The raw materials from which this high performance technical grade ceramic is made
are readily available and reasonably priced, resulting in good value for the cost in fabricated
alumina shapes. With an excellent combination of properties and an attractive price, it is no
surprise that fine grain technical grade alumina has a very wide range of applications.
Key Properties
Hard, wear-resistant
Excellent dielectric properties from DC to GHz
frequencies Resists strong acid and alkali attack at
elevated temperatures Good thermal conductivity
Excellent size and shape
capability High strength
and stiffness
Available in purity ranges from 94%, an easily metallizable composition, to 99.5%
for the most demanding high temperature applications.
General Information
Aluminum oxide, commonly referred to as alumina, possesses strong ionic interatomic bonding
giving rise to it‘s desirable material characteristics. It can exist in several crystalline phases
which all revert to the most stable hexagonal alpha phase at elevated temperatures. This is the
phase of particular interest for structural applications and the material available from
Alpha phase alumina is the strongest and stiffest of the oxide ceramics. Its high hardness,
excellent dielectric properties, refractoriness and good thermal properties make it the material
of choice for a wide range of applications.
High purity alumina is usable in both oxidizing and reducing atmospheres to 1925°C. Weight
loss in
–7 –6 2
vacuum ranges from 10 to 10 .sec over a temperature range of 1700° to 2000°C. It
attack by all gases except wet fluorine and is resistant to all common reagents except
hydrofluoric acid and phosphoric acid. Elevated temperature attack occurs in the presence of
alkali metal vapors particularly at lower purity levels.
The composition of the ceramic body can be changed to enhance particular desirable material
characteristics. An example would be additions of chrome oxide or manganese oxide to
improve hardness and change color. Other additions can be made to improve the ease and
consistency of metal films fired to the ceramic for subsequent brazed and soldered assembly.
Key Properties
The major properties of sintered silicon carbide of interest to the engineer or designer, are as
High hardness (second only to diamond)
Low density 40% the density of steel – approximately the
same as aluminium Low porosity
Good wear resistance in sliding and abrasive environments
Excellent corrosion resistance in most chemical environments
Low thermal expansion and high thermal conductivity leading to excellent thermal
shock resistance.
Sintered Silicon Carbide has demonstrated an excellent performance record as ceramic
material in composite armour protection systems. The properties of sintered silicon carbide,
such as its high hardness, compressive strength and elastic modulus, provide superior ballistic
capability when confronted with high-velocity projectiles. The low specific density of the
material makes it suitable in applications where weight requirements are critical.
Mechanical Seals
Pumps must operate in an infinite variety of demanding environments. Sintered Silicon
Carbide offers a high performance seal face material that has proven successful in such diverse
pumping applications as chemical processing, refining, mining and pulp and paper processing.
The material provides superior corrosion and abrasion resistance; shock resistance; and low
sliding friction against a wide range of mating materials.
For state-of-the-art magnetically driven pumps, sintered silicon carbide is particularly suited for
thrust and journal bearing components. Excellent corrosion resistance provides optimum
performance in many chemical environments. High thermal conductivity minimizes the
likelihood of failure due to thermal shock, and its specific strength makes it safe to use at high
rotational speeds. Bearing components are usually produced as tight tolerance precision ground
Semiconductor Production
The benefit of using silicon carbide for semiconductor components includes; the thermal
expansion match to silicon, the resistance to wear and chemical corrosion which leads to
reduced maintenance and component recycling. The material is well suited as a structural
material for low mass silicon wafer handling components and rigid, dimensionally stable
platforms due to its lightness in weight and high elastic modulus. Typical applications include
vacuum chucks, chemical mechanical polishing blocks, wafer carriers, and thermocouple
protection tubes.
Fused silica is a noncrystalline (glass) form of silicon dioxide (quartz, sand). Typical of glasses,
it lacks long range order in its atomic structure. It‘s highly cross linked three dimensional
structure gives rise to it‘s high use temperature and low thermal expansion coefficient.
.Key Properties
Near zero thermal expansion
Exceptionally good thermal shock
resistance Very good chemical
Can be lapped and polished to fine
finishes Low dielectric constant
Low dielectric loss
Good UV transparency
Typical Uses
High temperature lamp envelopes
Temperature insensitive optical component
supports Lenses, mirrors in highly variable
temperature regimes Microwave and millimeter
wave components Aeronautical radar windows
Silicon Nitride, Si3 N4
Silicon nitride is a man made compound synthesized through several different chemical
reaction methods. Parts are pressed and sintered by well developed methods to produce a
ceramic with a unique set of outstanding properties. The material is dark gray to black in color
and can be polished to a very smooth reflective surface, giving parts with a striking
appearance. High performance silicon nitride materials were developed for automotive engine
wear parts, such as valves and cam followers and proven effective. The cost of the ceramic
parts never dropped enough to make the ceramics feasible in engines and turbochargers. The
very high quality bodies developed for these demanding high reliability applications are
available today and can be used in many severe mechanical, thermal and wear applications.
.Key Properties
High strength over a wide temperature
range High fracture toughness
High hardness
Outstanding wear resistance, both impingement and frictional
modes Good thermal shock resistance
Good chemical resistance
Typical Uses
Rotating bearing balls and
rollers Cutting tools
Engine moving parts — valves, turbocharger
rotors Engine wear parts — cam followers,
tappet shims Turbine blades, vanes, buckets
Metal tube forming rolls and dies
Precision shafts and axles in high wear
environments Weld positioners
General Information
The material is an electrical insulator and is not wet by nonferrous alloys. Silicon nitride is a
rather expensive material, but it‘s performance to cost benefit ratio is excellent in the
applications where it can outperform the normally utilized materials with long life and very
reliable low maintenance operation.
Sialon, a fine grain nonporous technical grade engineering material, is a silicon nitride ceramic
with a small percentage of aluminum oxide added.
Sialon is outstanding in nonferrous metal contact. It is highly thermal shock resistant, strong,
and is not wet or corroded by aluminum, brass, bronze, and other common industrial metals.
Key Properties
Excellent thermal shock resistance
Not wetted or corroded by nonferrous
metals High strength
Good fracture toughness
Good high temperature
strength Low thermal
Typical Uses
Thermocouple protection tubes for nonferrous metal melting
Immersion heater and burner tubes
Degassing and injector tubes in nonferrous
metals Metal feed tubes in aluminum die
casting Welding and brazing fixtures and
Key Properties
SiAlONs exploit the following
properties: low density,
high strength
Tools Wear
Metal Forming Tools
Man's evolution has been tied to his progress in materials. Yesterday it was the Stone, Bronze
and Iron Ages. Today it is the Age of Composites. However, even in these earlier ages man
experimented with and learned to use composite materials.
A composite material is a multiphase material, which is composed of at least two basic
elements working together to produce material properties that are different to the properties of
those elements on their own. In practice, most composites consist of a bulk material (the
‗matrix‘), and a reinforcement of some kind, added primarily to increase the strength and
stiffness of the matrix. This reinforcement is usually in fibre form. Composites maintain an
interface between components and act in concert to provide improved specific or synergistic
characteristics not obtainable by any of the original components acting alone.
The definition will allow the inclusion of natural materials such as wood which consists of
cellulose fibers bonded together with lignin and other carbohydrate constituents, as well as the
silk fiber spun by a spider which is as strong as steel on a weight basis consisting of a gel core
encased in a solid protein structure as composite materials.
Composites include:
Today, the most common man-made composites can be divided into three main groups:
1. Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC’s) – These are the most common and will be discussed
here. Also known as FRP - Fibre Reinforced Polymers (or Plastics) – these materials use a
polymer-based resin as the matrix, and a variety of fibres such as glass, carbon and aramid as
the reinforcement.
2. Metal Matrix Composites (MMC’s) - Increasingly found in the automotive industry, these
materials use a metal such as aluminium as the matrix, and reinforce it with fibres such as
silicon carbide.
The ratio of the fibre to resin derives largely from the manufacturing process used to combine
resin with fibre. However, it is also influenced by the type of resin system used, and the form in
which the fibres are incorporated. In general, since the mechanical properties of fibres are much
higher than those of resins, the higher the fibre volume fraction (FVF) the higher will be the
mechanical properties of the resultant composite. In practice there are limits to this, since the
fibres need to be fully coated in resin to be effective, and there will be an optimum packing of
the generally circular cross-section fibres. In addition, the manufacturing process used to
combine fibre with resin leads to varying amounts of imperfections and air inclusions.
Typically, with a common hand lay-up process as widely used in the boat-building industry, a
limit for FVF is approximately 30-40%. With the higher quality, more sophisticated and precise
processes used in the aerospace industry, FVF‘s approaching 70% can be successfully obtained.
Loads on composites
There are four main direct loads that any material in a structure has to withstand: tension,
compression, shear and flexure.
Figure 4.2 shows a tensile load applied to a composite. The response of a composite to tensile
loads is very dependent on the tensile stiffness and strength properties of the reinforcement
fibres, since these are far higher than the resin system on its own.
Figure 4.3 shows a composite under a compressive load. Here, the adhesive and stiffness
properties of the resin system are crucial, as it is the role of the resin to maintain the fibres as
straight columns and to prevent them from buckling
Figure 4.4 shows a composite experiencing a shear load. This load is trying to slide adjacent
layers of fibres over each other. Under shear loads the resin plays the major role, transferring
the stresses across the composite. For the composite to perform well under shear loads the resin
element must not only exhibit good mechanical properties but must also have high adhesion to
the reinforcement fibre. The interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of a composite is often used to
indicate this property in a multiplayer composite (‗laminate‘).
Flexural loads are really a combination of tensile, compression and shear loads. When loaded
as shown (Figure 4.5), the upper face is put into compression, the lower face into tension and
the central portion of the laminate experiences shear
They are candidate materials where shock or impact properties are important. For
example, particle-reinforced metal matrix composites have shown great potential
for many automotive applications. Typically, these materials are aluminum matrix
reinforced with SiC or TiC particles.
They are assumed to be independent and have their own statistical distributions.
Response variables are those that characterize such composite behavior as the
composite moduli, thermal properties, and strengths.
Deformation by Slip:
If a single crystal of a metal is stressed in tension beyond its elastic limit, it elongates slightly, a
step appears on the surface indicating relative displacement of one part of the crystal with
respect to the rest, and the elongation stops. Increasing the load will cause another step. It is as
if neighboring thin sections of the crystal had slipped past one another like a sliding cards on a
deck. Each successive elongation requires a higher stress and results in the appearance of
another step, which is actually the intersection of a slip plane with the surface of the crystal.
Progressive increase of the load eventually causes the material to fracture.
Slip occurs in directions in which the atoms are most closely packed, since this requires the
least amount of energy.
Figure 5.1 The effect of slip on the lattice structure.
Figure 1 shows that when the plastic deformation is due to slip, the atoms move a whole
interatomic space (moving from one corner to another corner of the unit cell). This means
that overall lattice structure remains the same. Slip is observed as thin lines under the
microscopes and these lines can be removed by polishing.
Deformation by Twinning:
When mechanical deformation is created by twinning, the lattice structure changes.
The atoms move only a fraction of an interatomic space and this leads to a
rearrangement of the lattice structure. Twinning is observed as wide bands under
the microscope. These wide bands cannot be removed by polishing.
The Brinell hardness test method consists of indenting the test material with a 10 mm
diameter hardened steel or carbide ball subjected to a load of 3000 kg. For softer
materials the load can be reduced to 1500 kg or 500 kg to avoid excessive indentation.
The full load is normally applied for 10 to 15 seconds in the case of iron and steel and for
at least 30 seconds in the case of other metals. The diameter of the indentation left in the
test material is measured with a low powered microscope. The Brinell harness number is
calculated by dividing the load applied by the surface area of the indentation.
The diameter of the impression is the average of two readings at right angles and the use
of a Brinell hardness number table can simplify the determination of the Brinell hardness.
A well structured Brinell hardness number reveals the test conditions, and looks like this,
"75 HB 10/500/30" which means that a Brinell Hardness of 75 was obtained using a
10mm diameter hardened steel with a 500 kilogram load applied for a period of 30
seconds. On tests of extremely hard metals a tungsten carbide ball is substituted for the
steel ball. Compared to the other hardness test methods, the Brinell ball makes the
deepest and widest indentation, so the test averages the hardness over a wider amount of
material, which will more accurately account for multiple grain structures and any
irregularities in the uniformity of the material. This method is the best for achieving the
bulk or macro-hardness of a material, particularly those materials with heterogeneous
The Vickers hardness test was developed in 1924 by Smith and Sandland at Vickers Ltd
as an alternative to the Brinell method to measure the hardness of materials.[1] The
Vickers test is often easier to use than other hardness tests since
the required calculations are independent of the size of the indenter, and the indenter can
be used for all materials irrespective of hardness. The basic principle, as with all
common measures of hardness, is to observe the questioned material's ability to resist
plastic deformation from a standard source. The Vickers test can be used for all metals
and has one of the widest scales among hardness tests. The unit of hardness given by the
test is known as the Vickers Pyramid Number (HV) or Diamond Pyramid Hardness
(DPH). The hardness number can be converted into units of pascals, but should not be
confused with a pressure, which also has units of pascals. The hardness number is
determined by the load over the surface area of the indentation and not the area normal to
the force, and is therefore not a pressure.
The hardness number is not really a true property of the material and is an empirical
value that should be seen in conjunction with the experimental methods and hardness
scale used. When doing the hardness tests the distance between indentations must be
more than 2.5 indentation diameters apart to avoid interaction between the work-
hardened regions.
If HV is expressed in SI units the yield strength of the material can be approximated as:
It was decided that the indenter shape should be capable of producing geometrically
similar impressions, irrespective of size; the impression should have well-defined points
of measurement; and the indenter should have high resistance to self-deformation. A
diamond in the form of a square-based pyramid satisfied these conditions. It had been
established that the ideal size of a Brinell impression was 3/8 of the ball diameter. As two
tangents to the circle at the ends of a chord 3d/8 long intersect at 136°, it was decided to
use this as the included angle of the indenter. The angle was varied experimentally and it
was found that the hardness value obtained on a homogeneous piece of material
remained constant, irrespective of load. Accordingly, loads of various magnitudes are
applied to a flat surface, depending on the hardness of the material to be measured. The
HV number is then determined by the ratio F/A where F is the force applied to the
diamond in kilograms-force and A is the surface area of the
resulting indentation in square millimetres. A can be determined by the formula
where d is the average length of the diagonal left by the indenter. Hence,[3]
Material Value
316L stainless steel 140HV30
347L stainless steel 180HV30
Carbon steel 55–120HV5
Iron 30–80HV5
It is typically used in engineering and metallurgy. Its commercial popularity arises from
its speed, reliability, robustness, resolution and small area of indentation.
In order to get a reliable reading the thickness of the test-piece should be at least 10 times
the depth of the indentation. Also, readings should be taken from a flat perpendicular
surface, because round surfaces give lower readings. A correction factor can be used if
the hardness must be measured on a round surface.
Stanley P. Rockwell invented the Rockwell hardness test. He was a metallurgist for a
large ball bearing company and he wanted a fast non-destructive way to determine if the
heat treatment process they were doing on the bearing races was successful. The only
hardness tests he had available at time were Vickers, Brinell
and Scleroscope. The Vickers test was too time consuming, Brinell indents were too big
for his parts and the Scleroscope was difficult to use, especially on his small parts.
To satisfy his needs he invented the Rockwell test method. This simple sequence of test
force application proved to be a major advance in the world of hardness testing. It
enabled the user to perform an accurate hardness test on a variety of sized parts in just a
few seconds.
The minor load is 10 kgf, the major load is 60, 100, or 150 kgf.
Superficial Rockwell:
The minor load is 3 kgf and major loads are 15, 30, or 45 kgf.
In both tests, the indenter may be either a diamond cone or steel ball, depending upon the
characteristics of the material being tested.
Rockwell Scales
There are 30 different scales. The majority of applications are covered by the Rockwell C
and B scales for testing steel, brass, and other metals. However, the increasing use of
materials other than steel and brass as well as thin materials
necessitates a basic knowledge of the factors that must be considered in choosing the
correct scale to ensure an accurate Rockwell test. The choice is not only between the
regular hardness test and superficial hardness test, with three different major loads for
each, but also between the diamond indenter and the 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 and 1/2 in. diameter
steel ball indenters.
If no specification exists or there is doubt about the suitability of the specified scale, an
analysis should be made of the following factors that control scale selection:
Scale limitations
Principal of the Rockwell Test
The major load is applied for a specified time period (dwell time) beyond zero
The major load is released leaving the minor load applied
The resulting Rockwell number represents the difference in depth from the zero reference
position as a result of the application of the major load.
specimen does not fracture within test period, creep recovery may be measured. To
determine stress relaxation of material, specimen is deformed a given amount and
decrease in stress over prolonged period of exposure at constant temperature is recorded
Creep is the tendency of a solid material to slowly move or deform permanently under
constant stresses. Creep tests measure the strain response due to a constant stress as
shown in Figure 3. The classical creep curve represents the evolution of strain as a
function of time in a material subjected to uniaxial stress at a constant temperature. The
creep test, for instance, is performed by applying a constant force/stress and analyzing
the strain response of the system. In general, as shown in Figure 3b this curve usually
shows three phases or periods of behavior
A primary creep stage, also known as transient creep, is the starting stage during which
hardening of the material leads to a decrease in the rate of flow which is
The secondary creep stage, also known as the steady state, is where the strain rate is
constant. .
A tertiary creep phase in which there is an increase in the strain rate up to the
fracture strain.
. [edit]
Relaxation test
Figure 4. a) Applied strain in a relaxation test and b) induced stress as functions of time
over a short period for a viscoplastic material.
As shown in Figure 4, the relaxation test is defined as the stress response due to a
constant strain for a period of time. In viscoplastic materials, relaxation tests demonstrate
the stress relaxation in uniaxial loading at a constant strain. In fact, these tests
characterize the viscosity and can be used to determine the relation which exists between
the stress and the rate of viscoplastic strain. The decompositon of strain rate is
Therefore the relaxation curve can be used to determine rate of viscoplastic strain and
hence the viscosity of the dashpot in a one-dimensional viscoplastic material model. The
residual value that is reached when the stress has plateaued at the end of a relaxation test
corresponds to the upper limit of elasticity. For some materials such as rock salt such an
upper limit of elasticity occurs at a very small value of stress and relaxation tests can be
continued for more than a year without any observable plateau in the stress.
It is important to note that relaxation tests are extremely difficult to perform because
Tensile testing, also known as tension testing, is a fundamental materials science test in
which a sample is subjected to uniaxial tension until failure. The results from the test are
commonly used to select a material for an application, for quality control, and to predict
how a material will react under other types of forces. Properties that are directly
measured via a tensile test are ultimate tensile strength, maximum elongation and
reduction in area. From these measurements the following properties can also be
determined: Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, yield strength, and strain-hardening
Tensile specimen
Tensile specimens made from an aluminum alloy. The left two specimens have a round
cross-section and threaded shoulders. The right two are flat specimen designed to be used
with serrated grips.
The shoulders of the test specimen can be manufactured in various ways to mate to
various grips in the testing machine (see the image below). Each system has advantages
and disadvantages; for example, shoulders designed for serrated grips are easy and cheap
to manufacture, but the alignment of the specimen is dependent on the skill of the
technician. On the other hand, a pinned grip assures good alignment. Threaded shoulders
and grips also assure good alignment, but the technician must know to thread each
shoulder into the grip at least one diameter's length, otherwise the threads can strip before
the specimen fractures.
In large castings and forgings it is common to add extra material, which is designed to be
removed from the casting so that test specimens can be made from it. These specimen
not be exact representation of the whole workpiece because the grain structure may be
different throughout. In smaller workpieces or when critical parts of the casting must be
tested, a workpiece may be sacrificed to make the test specimens. For workpieces that
are machined from bar stock, the test specimen can be made from the same piece as the
bar stock.
The repeatability of a testing machine can be found by using special test specimens
meticulously made to be as similar as possible.
The following tables give the test specimen dimensions and tolerances per standard
A universal testing machine
The most common testing machine used in tensile testing is the universal testing
machine. This type of machine has two crossheads; one is adjusted for the length of the
specimen and the other is driven to apply tension to the test specimen. There are two
types: hydraulic powered and electromagnetically powered machines.
The machine must have the proper capabilities for the test specimen being tested. There
are three main parameters: force capacity, speed, and precision and accuracy. Force
capacity refers to the fact that the machine must be able to generate enough force to
fracture the specimen. The machine must be able to apply the force quickly or slowly
enough to properly mimic the actual application. Finally, the machine must be able to
accurately and precisely measure the gage length and forces applied; for instance, a large
machine that is designed to measure long elongations may not work with a brittle
material that experiences short elongations prior to fracturing.
Alignment of the test specimen in the testing machine is critical, because if the specimen
is misaligned, either at an angle or offset to one side, the machine will exert a bending
force on the specimen. This is especially bad for brittle materials, because it will
dramatically skew the results. This situation can be minimized by using spherical seats or
U-joints between the grips and the test machine. A misalignment is indicated when
running the test if the initial portion of the stress-strain curve is curved and not linear.
The strain measurements are most commonly measured with an extensometer, but strain
gauges are also frequently used on small test specimen or when Poisson's ratio is being
measured. Newer test machines have digital time, force, and elongation measurement
systems consisting of electronic sensors connected to a data collection device (often a
computer) and software to manipulate and output the data. However, analog machines
continue to meet and exceed ASTM, NIST, and ASM metal tensile testing accuracy
requirements, continuing to be used today.[citation needed]
The test process involves placing the test specimen in the testing machine and applying
tension to it until it fractures. During the application of tension, the elongation of the
gage section is recorded against the applied force. The data is manipulated so that it is
not specific to the geometry of the test sample. The elongation measurement is used to
calculate the engineering strain, ε, using the following equation:[4]
where ΔL is the change in gage length, L0 is the initial gage length, and L is the final
length. The force measurement is used to calculate the engineering stress, σ, using the
following equation:
where F is the force and A is the cross-section of the gage section. The machine
does these calculations as the force is increase so that the data points can be graphed into
a stress-strain curve.
Standards Metals
The box compression test (bct) measures the compressive strength of boxes made of
corrugated fiberboard as well as wooden boxes and crates. It provides a plot of
deformation vs compressive force. Containers other than boxes can also be subjected to
compression testing: drum, pail, etc.
A common method of conducting the test, as described in several published standard test
methods, is to compress a box at a constant rate of 1/2 inch (12.5 mm) per minute
between two rigid platens. The platens can be fixed so that they remain parallel or one
can be pivoted or "floating". The test can be conducted on empty or filled boxes, with or
without a box closure. Conditioning to standard temperature and humidity is important.
The dynamic loads have some relationship with expected field loads.: often factors of 4
or 5 are used to estimate the allowable working load on boxes.
A test can also be conducted with platens that are not mechanically driven but are free to
move with a fixed mass (or fixed force) loaded upon them. The results of static load
testing can be:
moisture content of the corrugated board (based on relative humidity) Orientation of the
box during the test
Corrugated fiberboard can be evaluated by many material test methods including an Edge
Crush Test (ECT). There have been efforts to estimate the peak compression strength of
a box (usually empty, regular singelwall slotted containers, top-to-bottom) based on
various board properties. Some have involved finite element analysis. One of the
commonly referenced empirical estimations was puplished by McKee in 1963. This used
the board ECT, the MD and CD flexural stiffness, the box perimeter, and the box depth.
Simplifications have used a formula involving the board ECT, the board thickness, and
the box perimeter. Most estimations do not relate well to other box orientations, box
styles, or to filled boxes. Physical testing of filled and closed boxes remains necessary.
Relevant Standards
ASTM Standard D4577 Test Method for Compression Resistance of a Container Under
Constant Load
ASTM Standard D7030 Test Method for Short Term Creep Performance of Corrrugated
Fiberboard Containers Under Constant Load Using a Compression Test Machine
German Standard DIN 55440-1 Packaging Test; compression test; test with a constant