Module 2 Physical Metallurgy

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Module-2- Physical Metallurgy

Alloy Systems
The addition of impurity atoms to a metal result in the formation of a solid solution depending
on the kinds of impurity, their concentrations, and the temperature of the alloy. The mixing of
the elements in the solid is on the atomic scale.

With regard to alloys, Solvent is the element or compound that is present in the greatest
amount; on occasion, solvent atoms are also called host atoms.

Solute is used to denote an element or compound present in a minor concentration.

A solution formed in the solid state when, as the solute atoms are added to the host material
under the condition that the crystal structure is maintained and no new structures are formed
is called a solid solution.
A solid solution is compositionally homogeneous; the impurity atoms are randomly and
uniformly dispersed within the solid
Classification of Solid solutions
1. Interstitial and
2. Substitutional

Interstitial solid solution: For interstitial solid solutions, impurity atoms fill the tetrahedral and
octahedral; voids or interstices among the host atoms. Typically, the maximum allowable concentration
of interstitial impurity atoms is low (less than 10%). For example, carbon is an interstitial solute in FCC
iron and occupies the octahedral voids in the FCC structure.

Substitutional solid solution: When the solute and the solvent atoms are of comparable sizes, the
solute substitutes for the solvent atom on a regular atomic site. For example, a 70% Cu-30% Zn alloy
(alpha brass) has an FCC structure, with copper and zinc atoms occupying randomly the atomic sites
of the FCC crystal.

Figure: schematic representations of substitutional and interstitial impurity atoms

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Hume- Rothery Rules

Rules for the formation of substitutional solid solution:
1. Atomic size factor: Appreciable quantities of a solute may be accommodated in this
type of solid solution only when the difference in atomic radii between the two atom
types is less than about ±15%. Otherwise the solute atoms create substantial lattice
distortions and a new phase forms.
2. Crystal structure: For appreciable solid solubility, the crystal structures for metals of
both atom types must be the same.
3. Electro-negativity factor: The more electropositive one element and the more
electronegative the other, the greater the likelihood that they will form an intermetallic
compound instead of a substitutional solid solution.
4. Valences: Other factors being equal, a metal has more of a tendency to dissolve
anothermetal of higher valency than to dissolve one of a lower valency

An example of a substitutional solid solution is found for copper and nickel. These two
elements are completely soluble in one another at all proportions. With regard to the
aforementioned rules that govern degree of solubility, the atomic radii for copper and nickel
are 0.128 and 0.125 nm, respectively; both have the FCC crystal structure; and their
electro-negativities are 1.9 and 1.8. Finally, the most common valences are +1 for copper
(although it sometimes can be +2) and +2 for nickel
Phase Diagrams/ equilibrium diagrams:

Phase diagrams are maps that give the relationships between phases in equilibrium in a
system as a function of temperature, pressure and composition
Components are pure metals and/or compounds of which an alloy is composed.
System, which has two meanings: - System may refer to a specific body of material under
consideration (e.g., a ladle of molten steel), or it may relate to the series of possible alloys
consisting of the same components but without regard to alloy composition (e.g., the
iron–carbon system).
A phase can be defined as a physically distinct and chemically homogeneous and
mechanically separable region of a system that has a particular chemical composition and
Ex: Water in liquid or vapour state is single phase.

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Gibbs Phase Rule

Gibbs phase rule is a thermodynamic law that represents a criterion for the number of
phases that coexist within a system at equilibrium. It is expressed by the simple equation:

Eq (1)


P is the number of phases present

F is termed the number of degrees of freedom, or the number of externally controlled
variables (e.g., temperature, pressure, composition) that must be specified to define the
state of the system completely or

F is the number of these variables that can be changed independently without altering the
number of phases that coexist at equilibrium.

C, the number of components in the system

N is the number of noncompositional variables (e.g., temperature and pressure)
As most phase diagrams are constructed at is constant (1 atm), the parameter N is 1—
temperature is the only noncompositional variable. Therefore, Eq (1) becomes:
P + F = C + 1 Eq (2)

In the case the number of components, C=2, then Eq (2) takes the form:

P + F = 2 + 1 = 3 or F = 3 – P Eq (3)
One can completely describe the characteristics of any alloy that exists within a phase
fields or at the phase boundaries by knowing the number of phases that exist under
equilibrium .
For a Single phase region, F=2 as P=1; This means that to completely describe the
characteristics of any alloy that exists within the single phase region, we must specify two
parameters—composition and temperature, which locate, respectively, the horizontal and
vertical positions of the alloy on the phase diagram.

For a Two phase region, F=1 as P=2; Thus, it is necessary to specify either temperature
or the composition of one of the phases to completely define the system. One may choose
temperature or the composition.
Note: that only the nature of the phases is important in this treatment and not the relative
phase amounts
For a Three phase region, F=0 as P=3; This means that the compositions of all three
phases—as well as the temperature—are fixed

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Solubility limit
For many alloy systems and at some specific temperature, there is a maximum
concentration of solute atoms that may dissolve in the solvent to form a solid solution; this
is called a solubility limit. The addition of solute in excess of this solubility limit results
in the formation of another solid solution or compound that has a distinctly different

Phase Equilibria
Equilibrium is a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced. A system is at
equilibrium if its free energy is at a minimum under some specified combination of
temperature, pressure, and composition. In a macroscopic sense, this means that the
characteristics of the system do not change with time but persist indefinitely—that is, the
system is stable. A change in temperature, pressure, and/or composition for a system in
equilibrium results in an increase in the free energy and in a possible spontaneous change
to another state by which the free energy is lowered.
Metastable: in solid systems, that a state of equilibrium is never
completely achieved because the rate of approach to equilibrium is extremely slow; such
a system is said to be in a nonequilibrium or metastable state. A metastable state or
microstructure may persist indefinitely, experiencing only extremely slight and almost
imperceptible changes as time progresses

Binary isomorphous systems

The simplest binary phase diagram is obtained for a system exhibiting
complete liquid solubility as well as solid solubility. The two components
dissolve in each other in all proportions both in the liquid and the solid states.
Clearly, the two components must have the same crystal structure besides
satisfying the other Hume Rothery’s conditions for extensive solid solubility. Ex: Cu–Ni,
Ag–Au, Ge–Si and Al2O3–Cr2O3
Figure shows the phase diagram of Al2O3–Cr2O3. Pure Al2O3 and pure
Cr2O3 form the left and the right end of the composition axis. They are arranged
in alphabetical order from left to right. The composition is read as per cent of
Cr2O3 starting from 0% at left and going to 100% at the right end. Alternatively,
the composition can be read as per cent of Al2O3 from right to left. Temperature
is shown along the y-axis. There are only two phases on the phase diagram, the liquid and
the solid phases. The single-phase regions are separated by a two-phase region (L + S),
where both liquid and solid co-exist. In all binary phase diagrams, a two-phase
region separates single-phase regions, as given by the “1-2-1” rule. As we move
from a single-phase region (1), we cross into a two-phase region (2), and then again into a
single-phase region (1). The phase boundary between the liquid and the two-phase region
is called the liquidus. The boundary between the solid and the two-phase region is called
the solidus.

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Figure: The Al2O3–Cr2O3 phase diagram. Microstructural changes in an overall

composition c0 are sketched on the right
Invariant binary reactions
An invariant reaction for a binary alloy is one occurring when three phases are in
equilibrium. Application of the Gibbs phase rule to this system under constant pressure
conditions indicates that it has no degrees of freedom and, therefore, the composition of the
phases and the temperature of the reaction are all fixed.

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Lever Rule
It is possible to determine the amount or quantity of each phase at a given temperature using
the lever rule or inverse lever rule. The lever rule can be explained by considering a simple
balance as shown in figure.

Simple balance to demonstrate lever rule

Comparing the simple balance with the phase diagram in figure 5.9, the horizontal constant
temperature tie line (OMP) represents the lever, the total composition of the alloy (60% Cu and
40% Ni) represents the fulcrum, and the compositions of the two phases represents the weights
(w I & w2) at the ends of the lever. If the lever is to be balanced, or be in equilibrium without
moving up or down on either side.
Weight (wl) x distance (xl) = weight (w2) x distance (x2) -------------------
In metallurgy, the relative amounts of the two phases present are determined in a similar way
to that of the weights needed to balance the lever, i.e., the amount of a given phase multiplied
by its lever arm is = to the amount of the other phase multiplied by its (i.e., other) lever arm.
Applying lever rule to the copper - nickel alloy system shown in figure

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we have

Amount of liquid phase at M = 69.04 %

Note that, in the above equations the right side of the tie line gives the proportion of the phase
on the left i,e., liquid phase, and left side of the tie line gives the proportion of the phase to the
right i.e., solid phase.
Important phase- diagrams

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Iron-Carbon Diagram:

Fe and Fe3C (iron carbide) are the components in the Fe–Fe3C phase diagram. It
is also possible to have a phase diagram with Fe and C (graphite) as the
components. Graphite is more stable than Fe3C. So, the Fe–Fe3C diagram can be
considered to be a metastable phase diagram. Most steels contain only iron
carbide and not graphite.

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The composition is plotted on the x-axis as weight per cent of carbon. Pure iron melts at
1535°C. A peritectic invariant reaction occurs at 1493°C with the peritectic composition at
0.18% carbon:

δ+L γ
The product phase γ is called austenite. A eutectic reaction occurs at 1150°C with the eutectic
composition at 4.3% carbon:


L γ+Fe3C
A eutectoid reaction occurs at 725°C with the eutectoid composition at 0.8% carbon:

γ α+Fe3C
Here, austenite (γ) decomposes into two phases—ferrite (α) and cementite (Fe3C).

Figure: The iron–iron carbide phase diagram

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Fe–C alloys containing 0–1.4% carbon are called steels. Consider the microstructures of slowly
cooled steels of different carbon content. When the carbon content is negligible, the structure
of steel is essentially polycrystalline α (ferrite), which is the interstitial solid solution of carbon
in BCC iron.

When the steel has the eutectoid composition of 0.8% carbon, the
microstructure consists of alternate layers of thin, parallel plates of (ferrite)
and Fe3C (cementite). This eutectoidal mixture is called pearlite. Pearlite is a
microconstituent, and not a single phase. It is so named as it has an iridescent
appearance under the microscope, resembling the mother of pearl as shown in Figure below.

Microstructure of eutectoid steel showing pearlite, magnified 1000

Beyond 0.8%, high carbon steels contain proeutectoid cementite in addition to pearlite.
Fe–C alloys with more than 2% carbon are called cast irons. Consider, for example, the cooling
of a cast iron with 3% carbon.. On crossing the liquidus into the (L + γ) region, proeutectic
(austenite) crystallizes first. On passing through the eutectic temperature, liquid of eutectic
composition decomposes to a mixture of austenite and cementite. On further cooling through
the eutectoid temperature, the austenite decomposes to pearlite, yielding white cast iron. The
microstructure of white cast iron consists of cementite and pearlite, see Fig. below. Due to the
presence of the large fraction of cementite, white cast iron is very hard and brittle.

Microstructure of white cast iron, magnified 650 times. White regions

are cementite and dark regions are unresolved pearlite

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The migration of atoms from their original lattice sites in a crystal structure to other sites is
known as Diffusion.
Diffusion involves the movement of atoms, ions or molecules from one position to
another position & occurs mainly due to another position & occurs mainly due to thermal
agitation or the presence of concentration gradients. Diffusion in gaseous state is more than the
liquid & solids.


It states that, the flux of atoms J moving across a unit surface area in unit time is proportional
to the concentration gradient dc.

Under steady state flow, J = -D 𝒅𝒄


Where, J = No of atoms/unit area of diffusion per unit time (atoms/m2.sec)

C = Volume concentration of atoms (atom/m3)

X = Distance between the planes in the direction of flow of atoms (m)

D = diffusion co-efficient or diffusivity (m2/sec)
-ve sign indicates that flux moves from higher to lower concentration.

The geometry of Fick’s Ist law is illustrated below.

J = flux of atoms across plane

with unit area
J = -D = -D [C2-C1/X2-X1]
= Concentration gradient


This law relates to the rate of change in concentration with time. This non-steady state condition
is represented by a second order differential equation.
It states that, dc/dt = D [d2c/dx2]

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Where 𝑑𝑐 = Concentration gradient


D = diffusion coefficient
𝑑𝑡 = 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑠 𝑎𝑡 𝑎 𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑖𝑠 dc/d x. i.e., rate of compositional change
Fick’s IInd law is also stated as, “the rate of compositional change is equal to the diffusivity
times the rate of change of the concentration gradient”.
In general, steady state diffusion in which conditions do not change with time is not
commonly encountered in engineering materials. In most cases non-steady state diffusion in
which the concentration of solute atoms at any point in the material changes with time takes
place. Ex: If carbon is being diffused into the surface of a steel camshaft to harden its surface,
the concentration of the carbon under the surface at any point will change with time as the
diffusion process progress. It is for these cases of non-steady state diffusion in where diffusivity
is independent of time. Fick’s IInd law of diffusion is applied.

Diffusivity or the coefficient of diffusion (D) is defined as the amount of substance
diffusing in unit time across unit area through a unit concentration gradient & its unit is m2/sec.
The co-efficient of diffusion of various materials vary with crystal structure & temperature.
Role of imperfections in diffusion
Atoms can also diffuse along boundaries, interfaces, and surfaces in the material. Atoms diffuse
easily by grain boundary diffusion because the atom packing is disordered and less dense in
the grain boundaries. Because atoms can more easily squeeze their way through the grain
boundary, the activation energy is low. Surface diffusion is easier still because there is even
less constraint on the diffusing atoms at the surface. Diffusion of atoms along grain
boundaries. This is faster than volume diffusion because the atoms are less closely packed in
grain boundaries. Diffusion of small atoms from one interstitial position to another in the
crystal structure. Diffusion of atoms when an atom leaves a regular lattice position to fill a
vacancy in the crystal. This process creates a new vacancy, and the process continues. In
Volume diffusion, Diffusion of atoms through the interior of grains.

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