MIL Reviewer For Final Exam

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MIL REVIEWER ● Media provides us with much of what

we learn about the world beyond our

immediate experience.
● Media are means by which a society
learns about itself and builds a sense
of community.
● Media functions as a watchdog of the
government in all its forms.
Promoting transparency in public life
and public scrutiny of those with
power through exposing corruption,
maladministration, and corporate
Forms of Media
● Print Media - refers to paper
● Media are essential facilitators of
publications, it is considered the
democratic processes and one of the
oldest form of media as it is closely
guarantors of free and fair elections.
tied to the emergence of the printing
● Media are a vehicle for cultural
press. expression and cultural cohesion
○ However, alternative press,
within and between nations.
xerox journalism and campus ● Media functions as an advocate and
publications paved the way
social actor in its own right while
for activism and aided in the respecting pluralistic values.
people power revolution.
● Broadcast Media - Broadcast Media
initially used the airwaves to reach
What is Communication?
their audience. This media used
Communication is the process where
direct satellite broadcasting, which one person is expressing his or her idea &
helps them reach audiences
the other one is listening to the idea being
worldwide. expressed by the one who is talking.
● New Media - New Media is
composed of media that use digital
technologies. Producers of print
History of Media and Communication
media and broadcast media have ● Inscribing (Caveman)
increasingly relied on new media as a
○ Writers need to be able to
combine words and images,
and to paint images with their
words. which is called
Functions of Media inscribing.
● Media act as channels of information
○ Images on a cave wall and
and knowledge, through which images in our minds both help
citizens communicate with each other
us see what is happening.
and make informed decisions.
● Media facilitates informed debates
● Smoke Signals
between diverse social actors.
○ It is a form of visual ○ Television: (TV) is a
communication used over a telecommunication medium
long distance. for transmitting & receiving
○ In general smoke signals are moving images that can be
used to transmit news, signal monochrome (black-
danger, or to gather people to andwhite) or colored with or
a common area. without accompanying sound.
● Pigeon ● Telephone
○ Messenger pigeon is a variety ○ On March 7, 1876, Alexander
of domestic pigeon derived Graham Bell, scientist,
from the wild rock dove, inventor and innovator,
selectively bred for its ability received the first patent for an
to find its way home over “apparatus for transmitting
extremely long distances. vocal or other sounds
● Pony Express telegraphically,” a device he
○ The Pony Express was a mail called the telephone.
service delivering messages, ● New Media
newspapers, and mail using ○ People advanced the use of
relays of horse-mounted microelectronics in the
riders invention of personal
● Semaphore computers, mobile devices
○ The Semaphore flag signaling and wearable technology.
system is an alphabet
signaling system based on
the waving of a pair of hand- Quick History of the Internet
held flags in a particular ● It was during the Cold War, October
pattern. 4, 1957, that the Soviets launched
● Telegraph the first man made satellite into
○ Telegraphy "at a distance" space called Sputnik.
and "to write" is the long-
distance transmission of
textual or symbolic (as
opposed to verbal or audio)
messages without the
physical exchange of an
object bearing the message.
● Radio
○ Radio is a way to send
electromagnetic signals over
a long distance, to deliver
information from one place to
● Television ● As it was the world's first ever artificial
object to float into space, this was
alarming for Americans. The Soviets population. A journalist, staff writer,
were not only ahead in science and or content producer may use some
technology, but they were a threat. entertaining hooks in order to catch
● Americans feared that the Soviets attention or to be easily understood.
would spy on their enemies, win the It is derived from or a discussion of
Cold War, and that nuclear attacks on other people’s work.
American soil were possible. ● Opinion - A viewpoint, judgment, or
● After the Sputnik wake up call, the statement that is not conclusive.
space race began. Opinions on a specific matter will vary
● It was not long after that in 1958 the from person to person and will not be
US Administration funded various thoroughly resolved.
agencies, one of them being ARPA.
● ARPA stands for Advanced Providers of Information
Research Project Agency. It was a ● Academic Institutions - These are
Defense Department research schools, colleges and universities
project in Computer Science, a way that confer academic degrees. They
for scientists and researchers to are dedicated to education and
share information, findings, research. Students and faculty
knowledge, and communicate. It also members of academic institutions
allowed and helped the field of continually seek knowledge for
Computer Science to develop and themselves and for their community
evolve. ● Government Agencies - An
● Without ARPA the Internet would not organization under government
exist. It was because of this institution which is responsible for the
that the very first version of the administration of a specific function.
Internet was created – ARPANET. Government agencies gather and
disseminate information not for profit
but to build a well-informed citizenry.
Types of Information ● Private Sector - It includes business,
● Scholarly - Scholarly information is organizations, and other players in
drawn from the research of field the economy that are not owned or
experts. Scholarly sources must be operated by the government. They
peer-reviewed before they can be provide goods and services for profit.
published. References and citations ● Private Individuals - Considered
are indicated so that everything can private individuals are those who do
be verified. not present another person,
● Professional/Trade - This corporation, or group. A private
information includes current news individual must be motivated to tell
and trends about a specific industry the truth, to help, and to do the right
presented to experts and enthusiasts thing when giving information.
by someone with knowledge in the
● Entertainment/Popular - This Codes and Conventions
information meant for the general
Codes - Codes are systems of signs, which ● Selection - It refers to the process of
create meaning. selecting content for a media
Conventions - Conventions are the ● Anchorage - It refers to the words
generally accepted ways of doing something. used to give images a certain
● Technical Codes - techniques and ● Ideology - It refers to the set of
methods like camera angle shot type, opinions or beliefs expressed through
and lighting. a media material.
○ Camera works
○ Audio
○ Lighting Importance of Media and Information in a
○ Editing Democratic Country
● Symbolic Codes - used to convey a
symbolic rather than a literal Democracy - Democracy comes from the
meaning. One example is the way a Greek word demokratía which means "rule of
character’s emotions are implied in a the people." In a democracy, the people
scene. become the source of power and legitimacy
○ Setting for government leaders (best demonstrated
○ Mise en Scene by the process of election).
○ Acting
○ Color Bill of Rights - Article III, Section 4
● Written Codes - headlines, captions, “No law shall be passed abridging the
titles, and writing styles. freedom of speech, of expression, or of the
○ Headlines press, or the right of the people peaceably
○ Captions to assemble and petition the government for
○ Title redress of grievances.”
○ Font Styles
● Audio Codes - These include codes Four Important Rights Embodied in
related to sound. Background music, Article III, Section 4
sound effects and voice over are ● Freedom of Expression – the right
under this category. of an individual to speak or utter
whatever he wants without prior
Media Representation restraint.
● Construction - It refers to the way a ● Right to a Free Press - the right of
media material is put together. an individual to write, publish, and
● Mediation - It refers to the process articulate whatever he/she pleases
that a media material undergoes without restraint.
before reaching an audience. ● Freedom of Assembly - the right of
● Stereotypes - It refers to the people to come together and
oversimplified representation of a collectively express, promote, pursue
person or thing. and defend their ideas.
● Right to Petition - the right of people
to make a complaint to, or seek the
assistance of one’s government ● Authority is Constructed and
without fear of punishment or Contextual - This means that the
reprisals. information literate individual is able
to evaluate the Legitimacy and
Bill of Rights - Article III, Section 7 Credibility behind a piece of
"The right of the people to information on information.
matters of public concern shall be ● Information Creation as a Process
recognized. Access to official records, and - This concept emphasized that all
to documents and papers pertaining to the information undergoes a process
official acts, transactions, or decisions, as of researching, creating, revising and
well as to government research data used disseminating.
as basis for policy development, shall be ● Information has Value - This means
afforded the citizen, subject to such that the information literate realizes
limitations as may be provided by law.” that even though information can be
accessed for free, it has many forms
Basic Journalistic Principles & Practices of value.
● Fair and Balance Reporting - This ● Research as Inquiry - This means
includes attribution and data that the information literate respects
triangulation, neutrality does not and applies the research process by
mean that a journalist is prohibited continually asking new, more difficult
from having a personal opinion; questions.
rather, it means that the methods ● Scholarship as Conversation -
used in reporting a new story must be They must be open to different and
objective. different cultural perspectives, in
● Editorial Independence - This is order for a meaningful conversation
defined as the concept that editors to happen. This is how new insights
should have full authority over the and discoveries are formed and
content of the publication. Editorial tested in a continuous cycle.
independence is a long standing ● Search as Strategic Exploration -
ideal that media organizations, This refers to the ability of the
practitioners and owners strive for. information literate to devise various
● Plurality and Diversity - Media must multi-step processes in acquiring
serve all people regardless of age, information.
gender, ethnicity, language, or
culture. Part of the responsibilities of
the media is to encourage members
of the different ethnic, racial,
religious, and social groups to
participate in nation building. The Big 6 Model

The Six Vital Concepts in Information

Digital Resources
● Multimedia Resources - Use
more than one medium.
● Interactive Resources - The user is
able to manipulate the device.
● Emerging Technology - Latest
● Task Definition Advancements in technology.
○ Identify the Information that
you need. The Three Competencies of Digital
● Information Seeking Strategies ● To Use - It refers to one’s
○ List down all the possible competency in operating software,
sources for your topic. digital devices and navigating the
○ Narrow your list down by internet. This is the basic
selecting the best sources for competency most young people may
your topic. already have.
● To Understand - It refers to survival
● Location and Access skills in a digital environment. It also
○ Locating the sources and serves as the foundation to becoming
gathering the information that an intelligent and responsible
you need from them. contributor.
○ Start by focusing on ● To Create - It refers to the social
keywords, keyword phrases, utility of digital literacy. If you can
and synonyms that are understand information. You must
specific to your topic. know to use technology to share
● Use of Information
○ Narrow down the Information Digital Citizenship
that you have gathered. ● Think before you post
○ Filter out all the information ● Don’t be a bully or put up with bullies
that you do not need, and ● Protect your Reputation
gather the relevant, useful, or ● Keep your password private
essential ones. ● Don’t post personal information
● Use common sense
● Synthesis
○ How you want to present the
information you gathered.
○ Identify your target audience. Categories of TV Programs
● Evaluation ● News - reports about current events.
○ Evaluate all the steps you ● Recreation - outdoor activities or
undertook and focus on those travel.
which you can improve. ● Variety - programs contain different
kinds of entertaining performances.
● Analysis - panel discussions or talks
on specific topics.
● Sports - cover sports events and
● Games Shows - feature contestants
who participate in games of skill and
● Documentary - non-fiction narratives
that can educate.
● Drama and Comedy - fictional
narratives that fall under drama and
● General Entertainment - programs
that often feature celebrities.
● Religion - tackle religious teachings.
● Music and Dance - programs that air
pre – recorded music or dance
● Reality - programs that document
unscripted, actual events that feature
ordinary people.
● Educational - shows that provide
instruction for students or young
● Music Video Programs - shows that
air music videos.
● Public Service Announcements -
programs used to educate people
about issues of public concern.

Radio Production
● Producer - manages the whole
● Presenter - functions as the program
● Researcher - in charge of the
research required in making a
program credible and up to date as
● Broadcasting Assistant - assists
the producer and the presenter.
● Sound Operator - responsible for
the sound quality.

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