Baby Et Al 1995
Baby Et Al 1995
Baby Et Al 1995
Petroleum system of the Northern and Central Bolivian Sub Andean Zone
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P. Baby R. Limachi
Grenoble, Fyance E. Mendez
Santa Cvuz, Bolivia
I. Moretti
Rueil Malmaison, France J. Oller
Santa Cruz, Bolivia
B. Guillier
Quito, Ecuadol M. Specht
Paris-LaDefeme, France
coupled study of the kinematics of thrusting and hydrocarbon maturation has been carried out in the
An orthern and central sub-Andean belt of Bolivia to define the petroleum potential of the area. In
addition to the classic Devonian source rock (Tomachi-Tequeje formations to the north and Iquiri-Limoncito
formations in the central area), two other source rock intervals are recognized: the Retama Formation (Upper
Devonian-Lower Carboniferous) and the Copacabana Formation (Upper Carboniferous-Lower Permian).
These are the most prospective units in northern Bolivia and are of marine origin. The structural style varies
from north to south due to variations in the sedimentary column involved in the thrusts. The erogenic front
was guided by the northern boundary of a Paleozoic sedimentary wedge. In the Boomerang area, this
boundary is oriented obliquely to the regional shortening and controlled the development of a prominent
transfer zone. To the north, the thrusts are wider and the amount of shortening increases. The western part of
the northern sub-Andean zone is characterized by a very thick Tertiary piggyback basin fill.
Two phases of hydrocarbon maturation are recognized. The first began in Early Carboniferous and affected
mostly Devonian strata. Formation of structural traps during this period occurred rarely. The entire basin was
then deeply eroded in Permian-Jurassic time, causing any hydrocarbons that may have formed to be lost. The
second phase of maturation was contemporaneous with Andean deformation and with the resulting burial
under the Tertiary cover in the foreland basin and in piggyback basins on thrust structures. The hydrocarbon
expelled during this period may fill the Andean anticlines. The known source rocks are not proven to be gas
prone, but current discoveries indicate a high gas to oil ratio that may be due to secondary cracking in the
source rock. Because the initial potential of the source rocks is low, expulsion of heavy compounds is expected
to be weak.
U n estudio combinado de la cinematica de 10s corrimientos y de la maduracion de 10s hidrocarburos
sido realizado en el sub-Andino norte y centre de Bolivia a fin de definir el potential petrohfero de la
zona. Ademas de las clasicas rotas madres devdnicas (formaciones Tomachi-Tequeje en el norte y formaciones
Iquiri-Limoncito en el centre), dos otras han sido definidas: la Formation Retama (Devonico sup. a
Carbonifero inf.) y la Formation Copacabana (Carbonifero superior a P&rnico inferior) que presentan el mejor
-~ ‘potential en el sub-Andino norte. Son de origen marino. El estilo estructural cambia de Norte a Sur, debido a
rJ:Tf las variaciones de espesor y de litologia en la columna sedimentaria implicada en 10s corrimientos. El frente
0- orogenico fue guiado por el borde norte de una cuiia sedimentaria paleozoica. En la zona de1 Boomerang, este
.a-0-J borde esta orientado oblicuamente en relation con la direction regional de acortamiento y control6 el desar-
c-0 rollo de una prominente zona de transferencia. Hacia el norte, 10s corrimientos son mas anchos y el acor-
- ‘Baby, P., I. Moretti, B. Guillier, R. Lima&i, E. Mendez, J. Oller, and M. Specht, 1995, 445
Petroleum system of the northern and central Bolivian sub-Andean zone, in A. J.
--.g~-$.gfa p$.& . ‘-j-(-J&/
Tankard, R. Sukrez S., and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG Fends DQc~ii 5
r Memoir 62, p. 445458.
446 Baby et al.
tamiento aumenta. La parte oriental del sub-Andino norte se caracteriza por un espeso relleno sedimentario
terciario contemporáneo de la deformación andina.
Dos fases de maduración de hidrocarburos han sido reconocidas. La primera empieza al principio del
Carbonifero donde la columna sedimentaria paleozoica es espesa; afecta principalmente al Devónico. Las
trampas estructurales de este período son muy raras. Entre el Pérmico y el Jurásico, la cuenca ha sido profunda-
mente erosionada, y los hidrocarburos generados probablementehan desaparecido. La segunda fase de madu-
ración es contemporánea de la deformación andina. Se debe a la fuerte subsidencia y sedimentación terciaria en
la cuenca de ante-país y en las cuencas transportadas por los corrimientos. Los hidrocarburos expulsados
durante este segundo período pueden haber rellenado anticlinales andinos. No se ha mostrado que las rocas
madres conocidas son propensas a generación de gas, pero los hidrocarburos descubiertos indican una alta
proporción gas-petroleo. Se interpreta como el resultado de un crácking secundario en la roca madre. EI bajo
potencial inicial de las rocas madres hace que la expulsión de los componentes pesados debe ser reducida.
As in many compressional areas, the petroleum
potential of the sub-Andean zone of Bolivia depends on -loo
the relative timing between structuring and maturation.
All the known source rocks are Paleozoic in age.
Therefore, a study of the petroleum system requires a
study of the geology, the kinematics of thrust emplace-
ment, and the kinetics of the various source rock matura-
tions. The results of these studies are presented. Differ-
ences in the sedimentary columns and structural styles
from north to south are emphasized, and the potential -15'
source rocks are defined and their maturation docu-
mented. In some cases, we address the maximum
mount of burial before the Andean deformation; there is
considerable uncertainty because of the amount of
The sub-Andean zone of Bolivia is a complex foreland
fold and thrust belt (Roeder, 1988; Sheffels, 1988, 1990;
Baby et al., 1989,1992,1993) that forms the eastern edge
of the central Andes mountains (Figure 1).It is bounded
along the edge of the Cordillera Oriental by the Main
Frontal thrust (CFP),whereas the orogenic front extends
Figure l-Simplified tectonic map of Bolivia showing the
below the Beni and Chaco plains to the east. Deformation location of the sub-Andean zone, a complex fold and thrust
started in the late Oligocene and is continuing today belt, and the studied cross sections. In its central part, the
(Sempere et al., 1990). The material involved in sub- Bolivian sub-Andean zone forms a bend (Santa Cruz bend)
Andean thrusting in Bolivia consists of an Ordo- characterized by the prominent Boomerang-Chapare
vician-cretaceous series and an upper Oligocene-Recent transfer zone. In the northernand central part, the propaga-
continental foredeep fill. The preorogenic sedimentary tion of the orogenic front was guided by the northern
series show lateral variations in facies and thickness that boundary of the Paleozoic sedimentarywedge. SC, Santa
play an important role in controlling the structural Cruz; CFP, Main Frontal thrust; BCTZ, Boomerang-Chapare
geometry (Baby et al., in press). In its central part transfer zone.
(16"-17" S lat), this fold and thrust belt forms a bend
(Santa Cruz bend) characterized by a prominent transfer southern sub-Andean zone (18"-22" S lat), which is
zone. From north to south, the structural geometry oriented north-south. This southern sub-Andean zone is
displays variations in the amount and direction of short- not discussed in this paper.
ening (Figures 1,2).
Three structural zones are recognized (1)the northern Northern Sub-Andean Zone
sub-Andean zone (13"-17" S lat), which is oriented
northwest-southeast; (2) the central sub-Andean zone The Paleozoic succession (Figure 3) is nearly complete
(17"-18" S lat), which changes from a northwest- for the Ordovician-Permian and is unconformably
southeast to a north-south orientation; and (3) the overlain by a Mesozoic sandstone cover up to 800 m
Petroleunz System of the Northem and Central Bolivian Sub-Andean Zone 447
O km
- 10
A Late Paleogene-Neogene
Jurasic - Cretaceous
Upper Garb.-Lower Perm.
Cambrian - Precambrian
sw NE
5 5
O O km
-5 -5
sw NE
Figure 2-Cross sections constructed and balancedfrom field studies and subsurface data. The structural geometry shows
importantvariations from north to south. The preorogenic sedimentary succession shows lateral variations of facies and
thickness that are important in controlling the structural geometry. C.F.P., main frontal thrust. See Figure 1 for locations.
thick. Toward the northeast, the thickness of the Ordovi- of the northem sub-Andean zone is characterized by a
cian decreases, the Silurian series disappears, and the very thick (6500-7000 m) Tertiary piggyback basin fill
Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian successions (Alto Beni syncline).The main décollement level is at the
progressively wedge out. At the top of the preorogenic base of the Paleozoic column (Ordovician shales). The
stratigraphic column, the continental foreland deposits other décollement levels are shallower and are located in
are up to 5000 m thick. Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian shales. The
The thrusts are wide, with their wavelengtlw always foredeep basement slopes at 4". The maximum amount
being more than 10 km (Figure 2A, B). The western part of shortening is 135km.
448 Babyetal.
Due to facies variations, a large number of formation
names have been introduced into the literature. Never-
theless, the stratigraphic column has been recently
rearranged and published by YPFB-ORSTOM (Sempere,
1990; Oller, 1992).We use this stratigraphicframework to
date the source rock formations.
To describe the various source rocks fully, the
Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB)
database has been used and augmented with new data
collected by sampling outcrops and wells. The classic
source rock of the Bolivian sub-Andean zone is the
Devonian and probably the Silurian, but two other
Paleozoic formations are believed to have some
potential. Locally, an Upper Cretaceous source rock
(Flora Formation) with limited potential is known in the
northern sub-Andean zone.
The Silurian source rock, of Wenlockian-Prodolian
age (430410 Ma), reflects siliciclastic deposition on a
marine platform. The Upper Silurian is known in the
southern sub-Andean zone and foreland, in the central
part, and in a small part of the northern sub-Andean
zone, as shown in Figure 5A. Its thickness increases from
north to south, where it is up to 1500 m thick. The few
samples available to us do not permit a detailed evalua-
tion or even a confirmation of the original petroleum
Figure SGeneralized stratigraphic column for the potential of this interval. Nevertheless, marine type II
northern sub-Andean zone of Bolivia. Two main erosional source rock characteristics are used for the modeling
unconformitiesare present in the Triassic (about 205 Ma)
and upper Oligocene (27 Ma) sections. The latter resulted
procedure to quantify the maturity of a hypothetical
from the beginning of Andean deformation.The Middle Silurian source rock.
Triassic erosion probably occurred during an episode of
extension related to the initiationof Gondwana fragmenta- Devonian
tion. Two prominent nondepositionalunconformitiesare
present in the Cretaceous (144-68 Ma) and Paleocene The Devonian succession is Lochkovian-Famenian in
(53-27 Ma) sections. age (410-360 Ma). Its depositional setting was essentially
the same as during the Late Silurian (marine platform
deposition). Its thickness increases toward the south,
Central Sub-Andean Zone where it is 1500 m thick south of the Boomerang. Its
regional distribution is shown in Figure 5B. The basin
The preorogenic stratigraphiccolumn is characterized extends northward into Peru and southward into
by a Paleozoic sedimentary wedge (Figure 4). It is a Argentina and Paraguay. The Devonian has been eroded
continuous succession, ranging from Ordovician to to the northeast; the age of erosion is discussed later.
Carboniferous in age and thinning northward onto the Source rocks include the Tomachi and Tequeje forma-
Precambrian-Cambrian Brazilian shield. It is uncon- tions in the north and the Iquiri and Limoncito forma-
formablyoverlain by 500 m of Mesozoic rocks and more tions in the central part of the basin.
than 1600 m of upper OligoceneRecent deposits. We have not found immature Devonian samples and,
The orogenic front (Figures 1,2C) is characterized by consequently, have not determined the kinetic parame
the Boomerang-Chapare transfer zone, which is inter- ters. Since the depositional environments of the Tomachi
preted as an oblique ramp. The propagation of the and Iquiri formations are the same as the Retama
orogenic front was guided by the northern boundary of Formation of Carboniferousage, the type Retama section
the Paleozoic sedimentary wedge, which is oriented described below is used to model the Upper Devonian
obliquely to the regional shortening diredion (Babyet al., source rocks. The Tequeje and Limoncito formations
Petroleum Systenz ofthe Northern and Central Bolivian Sub-Andean Zone 449
1000 m
Figure Wedimentary wedge of the Boomerang area, in the central sub-Andean zone. The two main erosional unconformi-
ties (Triassic and upper Oligocene)and the two prominent nondepositionalunconformities(Cretaceous and Paleocene)are
also present in this region. See Figure 1 for location.
(Middle-Lower Devonian) correspond to more distal This T, value is relatively high, and the maturity level
deposits, therefore classic marine type II kerogen charac- of this sample is not certain. Nevertheless, Rock-Eva1
teristics have been chosen for the modeling. pyrolysis of old source rocks, such as Devonian source
rocks in Algeria, commonly show high Tmaxvalues on
Retama Formation immature samples (C. Ducreux, 1993, personal commu-
nication). Optical data show a vitrinite reflectance value
The shaly beds of the lower Retama Formation of of 0.5%, which confirms the immaturity of this sample.
Carboniferous age, also called Toregua Formation, show On this basis, we use the computed kinetic parameters
reasonably good potential. Deposition started in the late for the modeling.
Famenian (360 Ma) and may have continued to the
Visean (327 Ma). The Toregua Formation, corresponding Copacabana Formation
to siliciclastic deposits of a marine platform, is an alterna-
tion of shaly and sandy beds which form the potential The Copacabana Formation of Permian age is a
reservoirs. This formation is present in the Madre de marine platform succession formed by an alternation of
Dios basin and in the northern sub-Andean belt (Figure shallow water (50-m) limestone, shale, and sandstone.
5C). It is about 500 m thick. Deposition began in the Stephanian (307 Ma) and
Retama source rock potential has been proven in the continued to the Early Permian (270 Ma). It is present in
Pando-X1 well (Madre de Dios basin). The total organic the Madre de Dios basin, in the northern sub-Andean
carbon (TOC) content exceeds 2 wt. % over a 100-m belt, and to a lesser extent in the central zone (Figure5D).
interval, with a hydrogen index (HI) of more than 600 Where it has not been eroded, it is up to 800 m thick.
mg HC/g. All of the shaly beds have some potential Rock-Eval pyrolysis confirms the petroleum potential
(TOC > 1wt. %). of this formation. Recorded TOC values vary from 1to 9
Kinetic parameters have been determjned on a sample wt. %, and the maximum HI is about 440 mg HC/g.
from the Pando-X1 well (HI = 660 mg HC/g and T, = Unfortunately, we have insufficient data to define the
445°C) using OPTIUN software (Espitalié et al., 1985). true thickness of the active source rock interval.
450 Baby et al.
Petroleum System of the Northem and Central Bolivian Sub-Andean Zone 451
sw ANT.
Figure 6-Oil and gas windows in the Lliquimuni balanced cross section. (A) Present day and (B) pre-Andeamdeformation.
deposited sediment is assumed to be constant during the and default marine type II characteristics for the Lower-
sedimentation process, in contrast to the overthrust Middle Devonian and Silurian. The maturation of this
sediments, which were already heated. There are two kerogen is slower than a classic type II kerogen (e.g.,
ways to overcome this problem. One can either impose a Toarcian of the Paris basin in GENEX), resulting in an
steady-state solution or artificially increase the surface estimated oil window 800 m deeper than the default
temperature to simulate a temperature closer to that of value for a gradient of about 25"C/km.
the overthrust sediments. With GENEX software, the expelled quantities are
When a steady-state solution is imposed, the relax- calculated as a function of the saturation in the source
ation time is zero. The error resulting from active rock. An expulsion threshold is defined by the user
thrusting is mainly a function of the thrust tluckness and (Forbes et al., 1991).When the saturation is less than this
the rate of thrusting. The relationship of this error to the value, there is no expulsion. An arbitrary value of 15%
rate of thrusting has been calculated (Endignoux and has been used in this study.
Wolf, 19901, showing that the error is negligible for
normal rates of horizontal displacement. In this study,
the uncertainties about the timing of thrust emplacement
are so large (a few million years) that it would be inap- RESULTS
propriate to use a more sophisticatedapproach.
Because thermal data are scare, an average heat flow Northern Sub-Andean Zone: Lliquimuni
of 55 mW/m2 has been used for the modeling. No rifting Cross Section
phase has been included. Neither do we have enough
data to describe heat flow variations through time. A Geometry
constant value for the basal heat flow is thus used. There The northem part of the sub-Andeanzone is underex-
are also uncertainties regarding the amount of Triassic plored, with only four wells having been drilled. One of
erosion as well as the burial history. These constraints, these (LQM-X1) is included on the balanced cross section
especially for Silurian and Early Devonian maturation, (Figure 6) and another is located on the Boya trend, 50
limit us to a qualitative interpretation. km south of the section. The 235-Ma erosional event
Maturation has been calculated using kinetic para- appears to have stripped up to 800 m of section. Late
meters derived from the Pando well (type Retama) for Oligocene erosion (27 Ma) was more limited; 100 m of
the Toregua Formation and the Upper Devonian section erosion is inferred for the missing section.
0.m. Copacabana
o - 1 i , ¡ , I 1 1
1 y
5 ;
I - .-
4 y
i l i l I l I l
Figure 7-Maturity in the Pelado structure, based on Rock-Eva1pyrolysisand the subsidence history of a fictitious well,
Pelado-2 (see Figure 6 for location). (A) Subsidence history and hydrocarbonwindows. (B) Calculated and measured
hydrogen index. (C) Calculated and measuredTmaxvalues. (D) Transformationratio of the various source rocks.
Subsidence and deposition of the deep Tertiary geometry of the thrust structures shows a later phase of
piggyback basin of the Alto Beni syncline (Figure 2A) deformation. We attribute this out-of-sequence propaga-
was controlled by Andean deformation. Seismic data tion phase to a 2.5-Ma event, which corresponds approxi-
show two unconformities within this basin fill. On the mately to the age of deposition of the conglomeratic
eastern and western flanks of the Lliquimuni anticline, Tutumo Formation. Farther east, deformation was
the sedimentary cover is up to 6000 m thick (Figure 6). younger, from 6 Ma to the present.
The unconformities within the Miocene have not been
dated, but they are known to be related to the thrusting Petroleum System
phases of the Lliquimuni and Pelado structures. For The Silurian stratigraphy in our cross section is
modeling purposes, we have used the ages of the known only west of the CFP (Figure 2A) and was not
Tertiary formations and intra-Miocene unconformitiesof modeled. The other three source rocks (Devonian
the southern sub-Andean zone (Marshall and Sempere, Tomachi and Tequeje formations, Toregua Formation,
1991; Gubbels et al., 1993), which we have correlated to and Copacabana Formation) are present to the west (see
the northern sub-Andean area. Ages of 11 and 6 Ma are Figure 5); eastward the Permian and Carboniferous
inferred for the Miocene unconformities (Figure 3). The sections are missing.
Peetrolmm System of the Northern aiid Centual Bolivian Sub-Andean Zone 453
Figure &Maturity in the foreland of the Lliquimuni cross section, based on the subsidence history of a fictitious well, Eva-
Eva 1 (see Figure 6 for location). (A) Subsidence history and hydrocarbonwindows. (B) Transformation ratio of the various
source rocks.
Calibration was undertaken on the Pelado structure Devonian source rock matured during this period. The
for which geochemical data (Tma and HI) are available second phase of hydrocarbon generation was initiated by
(Figure 7). The maturation index, especially for the Andean thrusting during the late Oligocene and affected
Paleozoic source rocks, remains low along the western all the source rocks. Burial maturation is attributed to
anticlines. On the Pelado structure, Rock-Eval pyrolysis thick accumulations in the Alto Beni piggyback basin
has shown that the Copacabana Formation is immature and in the sub-Andean foreland basin during the
(Figures 7B, C), suggesting that it never was buried Neogene.
under Tertiary sediments. Farther east, seismic data Up to 4500 m of Neogene sediments were deposited
record a Tertiary section that is uniform in thickness as prior to deformation in the eastern region. The rate of
well as facies. These data suggest that the Pelado sedimentation during the Neogene was very high. The
structure developed as an early thrust that formed the thermal transient effects resulted in deep oil windows
orogenic front and carried the Alto Beni piggyback basin. (about 5.4 km depth) and late maturation.
Subsequently, the orogenic front migrated toward the
east where the Miocene cover o c m s in new structures Northern Sub-Andean Zone:
such as the Sierra Chine, Fatima, and Eva-Eva (Figure 6). Isiboro Cross Section
Figure 7A shows that in the Pelado structure, the two
Devonian source rocks matured during the Permian. Geometry
Triassic erosion was not substantial and maturation
persisted to the present. The Copacabana and Toregua The only petroleum play in this section is the Isiboro
frontal anticline. Other structures were deeply eroded
formations are still immature. In the piggyback basin
due to the large amount of shortening (58%)that
westward of the structure, these two source rocks
o c m e d in this area. Two wells have been drilled in the
matured during Andean deformation due to the thick
Isiboro anticline, and one (SSA-X1) is included in the
balanced cross section (Figure 9). Compared to the major
For comparison, Figure 8 shows the maturity in a ficti-
Triassic erosion, the late Oligocene unconformity was
tiom well (Eva Eva-1) located on the foreland where only
the Lower and Middle Devonian source rocks are relatively insigruficant. The amount of Triassic erosion
increased from southwest to northeast, where up to 700
present. The maturity appears to have occurred in the
Neogene and is attributed to foreland infilling. The oil m of section were removed.
window was reached during Charqui deposition (6 Ma). Petroleum System
The transformation ratio of the Tequeje Formation is now
about 70% (Figure 8B). The Copacabana, Retama, and Devonian Tomachi
The complete balanced cross section with the present and Tequeje source rocks are believed to have the same
oil windows is shown in Figure 6. There were two characteristics as their northern counterparts. The
phases of hydrocarbon generation. The first preceded Silurian with marine affinities is included as a potential
Andean deformation and began during the Carbonif- source rock interval (see Figure 5). Eastward, the
erous and affected the thick Devonian sections. Only the Permian and Carboniferous intervals are missing.
b '.
454 Baby et al.
Figure M i l and gas window in the lsoboro balanced cross section. (A) Present day and (B) predndean deformation.
Figure 10 shows a comparison between the maturity the Upper Cretaceous section was thinned to about 300
along the edge of the external part of the preorogenic m. Triassic erosion was substantial and removed at least
basin (well IS. 1) and along its internal part where the 2 km of Paleozoic deposits.
Devonian section is thick (well IS. 3).
Two phases of hydrocarbon generation occurred. Petroleum System
Figure 9 shows the source rocks that were matured The Copacabana and Toregua formations are missing
before and during Andean deformation. Maturation of (Figure 5). We used two source rocks in our model: the
the Silurian and Devonian sections started during the Devonian (Limoncito and Iquiri formations) and the
Devonian in the internal part where the Paleozoic is very Silurian. Rock-Eva1 data from the Santa Rosa X2 well
thick (up to 4000 m). Toward the east, burial resulted record a Tm of about 440°C in the Limoncito Formation,
from foreland deposition that was contemporaneous which correspondsto the beginning of the oil window for
with Andean deformation. As in the Lliquimuni cross this type of organic matter (Retama kinetic parameters).
section, the oil window is relatively deep (up to 5 km) The subsidenceand maturity measured and calculated on
due to the large amount of sedimentation. the San Juan X2 well are shown %Figure 12.
Figure 11 sullunarizesthese maturation results on the
Central Sub-Andean Zone: Boomerang balanced cross section, showing present-day and pre-
Cross Section Andean oil windows. Even before Andean deformation,
the Silurian and Lower-Middle Devonian source rocks
Geometry were mature. Maturation started at the beginning of the
This cross section spans the principal hydrocarbon Carboniferous and expulsion was completed by the end
province of Bolivia. It is well constrained by subsurface of the Carboniferous. No structural traps are known for
seismic data and by the Santa Rosa X2 and San Juan X2 this period, thus limiting exploration opportunities to
wells (Figure 11). The Boomerang zone is formed by the stratigraphic plays. These source rocks are now in the gas
deformed border of the Paleozoic sedimentary wedge. window. During the Andean deformation, only the
Well data permit quantificationof late Oligocene erosion; Upper Devonian section entered the oil window.
1 "; K ¿
HC Windows
lo? I
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I l I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I l Il7
450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 O
Time (Ma)
HC Windows
Series Formations
450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
Time (Ma)
Figure 10-Maturity in the lsoboro cross section, comparing (A) fictitious well IS. 1 in the foreland with a thin Paleozoic
section to (B) fictitious well IS. 3 in the hinterlandwith a thick Paleozoic section. See Figure 9 for locations of wells.
456 Baby et al.
sw BOOM.3
BooM.1 NE
BOOM. 1 i * - Gaswindow
- 10 k m
I-- 15
Figure 11-Oil and gas windows in the Boomerang balanced cross section. (A) Present day and (B) pre-Andeandeformation.
FINAL GAS TO OIL RATIO development of a prominent transfer zone. To the north,
the thrusts are wider and the amount of shortening
The present proven reserves show that the sub- increases. The western part of the northem sub-Andean
Andean zone, and especially the Boomerang area, are zone is characterizedby a thick Tertiary piggyback basin
mainly gas prone. AU the major fields (Carasco, Katari, fill.
Palometa, Santa Rosa, Sirari, Vivora, and Yapacani) Geochemical analysis documents four source rocks in
produce gas and condensate. Nevertheless, the source the Paleozoic sedimentary wedge: the Retama Formation
rocks are of marine origin and not gas prone. We (Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous), the Copaca-
attribute this to the very low initial potential of the source bana Formation (Upper Carboniferous-Lower Permian),
rock. Any oil generated has not yet been expelled but the Devonian deposits (410-360 Ma), and probably the
rather remains in the source rock where burial and matu- Silurian section (430410 Ma). Specific kinetic parameters
ration continue. Lighter compounds are formed and for the Retama Formation show a later maturation
migrate into the Andean structures. compared to other marine type II source rocks.
Our modeling emphasizestwo phases of hydrocarbon
generation. The first occurred from the Devonian to
CONCLUSIONS Carboniferous due to deepening of the Paleozoic basin.
Hydrocarbons expelled before the Triassic are believed
In the northern and central sub-Andean zone of to have filled stratigraphic traps. Because of the absence
Bolivia, the propagation of the orogenic front was guided of structures and widespread erosion, most of these
by the northern boundary of the Paleozoic sedimentary hydrocarbons have probably been lost. The second phase
wedge. In the Boomerang area, this boundary is oriented of maturation is attributed to burial by Tertiary deposi-
obliquely to the regional shortening and it controlled the tion in the foreland and piggyback basins.
~~ ~~~~ ~
Petroleum System of the Northern and Central Bolivian Sub-Andean Zone 457
4 o
HC Windows
Series Formations
O0 -
.. . . . ..... .
$;2$;" Oil Window
Oil & Gas Zone
Gas Window
Acknowledgments This study resulted from a research Sempere, T., G. Hérail, J.Oller, and M. G. Bonhomme, 1990,
convention between YPFB, ORSTOM, and G P . We thank C. Late Oligocene-early Miocene major tectonic crisis and
Dzicreux ( B E K I P ) for the Rock-Eva1 analyses and kinetic related basins in Bolivia: Geology, v. 18, p. 946-949.
parameters and J.L. Pittion (Total)for the geochemical reszilts Sheffels, B., 1988, Structural constraints on crustal shortening
interpretation. GENEX is an IFP commercial product in the Bolivian Andes: Ph.D. dissertation, Massachusetts
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