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The Cretaceous Play of Tano Basin, Ghana: March 2016

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The Cretaceous Play of Tano Basin, Ghana

Article · March 2016

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Joel Tetteh
University of Kansas


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International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 6, No. 1; February 2016

The Cretaceous Play of Tano Basin, Ghana

Joel Teye Tetteh

Department of Chemical Engineering
College of Engineering
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
United States

The cretaceous play of Tano basin which is located southeastern part of Ghana begun its tectonic activities in the
last Jurassic era where there was a continental rifting between African plate and the South American plate. This
lead to the creation of the West African Transform Margin. Tano Basin which is part of this margin and bounded
on both sides by Romanche and St Paul fault became a depositional focus during the Cretaceous era with mostly
fluvial and lacustrine clastic sediments. Three major play exist in the Tano basin which include: Albian Play,
Cenomanian Play and the Turonian play with the Turonian play being the most productive. Source rocks in the
basin are mainly of kerogen type II and type III. The field thus, produces oil, gas or oil condensate. Structural and
Stratigraphic traps are both existent in the basin some types of traps being pinch out trap, salt domes, anticlines
and faults. Porosity and permeability values in the basin is quiet high ranging from 17-23% of porosity and
permeability values of up 3000mD. In all, the good overburden, the anoxic conditions in the basin, the deposition
of the marine shale, the high porosity and permeability and the good trapping mechanism in the Tano Basin has
rendered it very productive and a big player in hydrocarbon production in Africa.
Keywords: Tano Basin, Petroleum Systems, Petroleum Geoscience.
1. Introduction
Discoveries in the Tano basin pioneered a change in hydrocarbon production in West Africa where companies had
more courage to venture in this high risk area in search of one of the world’s most valuable commodity, crude oil.
Now most of the countries along the Gulf of Guinea stretch are producers of hydrocarbons. Most of these
hydrocarbons are produced from the deep Ivorian basin of which Tano basin is considered to be its eastern
Tano basin is located in the southern eastern part of Ghana. A larger portion of the Tano basin is located offshore
with just a little land extension. The portion of the basin which has proven to be of high hydrocarbon potential is
located about 60km offshore Ghana with water depth ranging from 1200km to 1500km. D. Atta-Peters of
University of Ghana has performed lots of research on both source rock evaluation and basin stratigraphy on Tano
basin and his work was a great for this paper. Other information sources include the US Geological Survey
(USGS) work on the Gulf of Guinea and HIS report on the Ivorian Basin.
1.2. Historical Background
Ghana is home to four sedimentary basins namely: Voltarian basin, Tano basin, Accra-Keta Basin, and Saltpond
Basin. All these basins have seen some exploration works go on with the Saltpond basin being the first to discover
accumulations of crude oil but in small qualities. Production from that basin begun with about 2000bbls/day to
current level of just 500bbls/day. The Tano Basin and the Accra-Keta basins have been areas of interest for
hydrocarbon exploration in the past decade with the Tano basin proving to be more productive.
There are currently three (3) fields located within the Tano basin which include:
 Jubilee Field: discovered in 2007 and produces oil and gas
 Sankofa & Gye Nyame Complex: discovered in 2008 and produces oil and gas
 Tweneboa, Enyenra & Ntomme (TEN): discovered in 2009 and produces gas and condensate oil.
ISSN 2221-0997 (Print), 2221-1004 (Online) © Center for Promoting Ideas, USA www.ijastnet.com

Of all the fields, Jubilee field is the only currently producing field with the other fields current under development
phases. It is also estimated that Tano basin holds about 5 billion barrels of oil with the jubilee field current
producing 105,000bbl/day.
2.0. Basin Tectonics
The Tano basin is located in the West African Transform margins. Tano basin is a cretaceous wrench modified
pull-apart basin which resides in between the Romanche and St Paul transform faults. The West African
Transform Margin was formed from the Atlantic rift system which started in late Jurassic era. It was created due
to paleo-continent separation of South American and African. There was a further propagation of the rifting
African continent eastward direction away from the south of the Atlantic. This formed a continuous anoxic
environment in the West African Transform Margin between the late Albian to Turonian times. This anoxic
condition, which is good for preservation of source rock, together with the active rifting resulted in deposition and
preservation of organic matter which formed the source rock.
The tectonic activities which led to the formation of the wrench type pull apart basin of Tano all begun early
Aptian time. At this time, the north and south Atlantic had just started opening. Lakes were an important
environment for deposition of organic matter during this time period and together with enough burial, generated
hydrocarbons. By early Albian time period, both South America and Africa had fully detached with the last point
of contact being around western Cote d’Ivoire. During this time, Tano basin became a depositional focus which
resulted in the basin experiencing lots of deposition from fluvial and lacustrine environments with thick clastic
sequence from African continent. This provided adequate thickness which is required for the maturity of the
cretaceous source rocks mainly in the central and western parts of the basin. There was a significant uplift and
erosion which occurred during middle Albian times which influenced the topography of the Tano basin and was
very instrumental in the creation of the very productive Jubilee field.
Sandstones which were stratigraphically trapped during the Albian and Cenomanian times formed the main
reservoir rock for most of the fields discovered with marine shale forming the seal. The trapping mechanism is
both structural and stratigraphic. It is also predicted that the source rock was in close proximity to the reservoir
rock and indicating minimal hydrocarbon migration with the basin.
3.0. Stratigraphy
Deposition of rocks in the Tano basin begun during Aptian ages of the early cretaceous era. This corresponds to
the period of continental rifting between the South American plate and the African plate which result in the
creation of Tano basin within the Atlantic Ocean. This made the Tano Basin an area of focus for the deposition of
clastic sediment from the African continent. There are three main play system within the Tano basin. These
include the Albian play, the Cenomanian Play and the Turonian play. The Turonian play has proven to be the
most productive of the field with huge discoveries such as the Jubilee field and the TEN field. The Cenomanian
play also do have some substantial discoveries which include the Sankofo field.
A palynostratigraphical study was carried out by Atta-Peters, 2013 and Amoo Michael, 2014 to determine the
stratigraphy of the Tano basin using data from a well north onshore of the Tano basin. In their work, the
stratigraphy of the Tano basin starts with the deposition of Sandstone during early Aptian age with a mix of shale.
this formed the basement rock for the basin at around depth of about 7000 to 9000ft. This was also followed by
the deposition of another shale called the B-shale series during the early Albian age. The B-shale is considered as
the most important system in the Tano basin since it was also found in most of the wells drilled across the Tano
basin. It is also believed that it served as the main source rock in the basin. Sandstone was deposited after the
Shale-B which serves a reservoir rock. Due to the showing of oil in this sandstone rock, it is assumed that there
was a very short migration period for the generated oil from the source rock into the reservoir rock. The
deposition of the sandstone was followed by breakup in sedimentation. There was an uplift and erosion event
during the upper Albian age which signified a major unconformity in the basin.
The Cenomanian shale was deposited and this was followed by sandstone mixed with some huge deposits of
limestone all happening within the Cenomanian age. The Turonian to Upper Santonian section is composed of
medium brownish-grey shales and claystone, often non-fossiliferous, with occasional dolomite or limestone. It is
generally thick, about 920 feet (280 meters). Most of the plays offshore Tano which have commercial
accumulations of hydrocarbons have been discovered to lie in this time zone.

International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 6, No. 1; February 2016

There was a further deposition of a shale rich zone mixed with occasional stringers of limestone and dolomite
during the Campanian ages with a sedimentation rate of 127ft/million yrs. The Maastrichtian section is made up
of a relatively thin deposition layer of claystone with occasional sandstone and dolomite. The Middle and Lower
Eocene stratigraphic section consists of finely laminated dark grey/brown claystone with thin beds of fossiliferous
dolomite and fine sandstone. Large portions of the Paleocene, Upper Eocene and Oligocene section are either only
present as a thin bed or completely absent and attributed to extensive uplift and erosion associated with the Alpine
As the result of the burial during the Upper Cretaceous and further subsidence and burial during the Tertiary,
hydrocarbons were generated in the axial part of the basin, charging the traps already in place.
4.0. Petroleum Systems
4.1. Source Rock
There are three source rock plays in the Tano basin: Upper Albian source rock, Cenomanian Source rock and
Turonian Source Rocks with all made up of shales. which were deposited due to the creation of the pull-apart
basin. The source rocks are very often interbedded with the reservoir rocks, which they charged and with which
they are intimately connected.
Atta-Peters, 2014, carried out a research to evaluate the source rock hydrocarbon potential of the Tano basin by
the use of some geochemical analysis which includes: Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Rock-Eval. This research
took samples from three different wells all located within the Tano basin [D. Atta-Peters, P. Garrey].
From the research, the kerogen types which are available in Tano basin are the type II and type III with few well
samples show indications of type I and type IV. This proves that the basin has the potential to yield both gas and
oil if thermally matured with adequate burial depth. In terms of thermal maturity, the data showed that most of the
source rock samples proved to be in the range of immature to marginally mature source rock. The Tmax data also
indicate that samples taking from a well south of the basin proved to be in the oil window with the samples from
the two other well just below the oil window. [Figure 9].
The Total Organic Carbon potential of the source rock samples ranged from 1-4, indicative of good to very good
TOC values. This fact is supported by the fact that most of the samples were of Type II and type III kerogen. Few
samples showed an excellent TOC potential. With such good TOC values, the potential for the source to yield
hydrocarbons is evident to see. This supports the discovery of oil and gas fields in the basin, [figure 8].
In summary, the source rock samples showed a good potential for generation of oil when buried in the oil
window. From sedimentology of the field, most of the source rock has already enter the oil window which proves
large generation of oil in the basin.
4.2. Reservoir
There are 3 main reservoir plays within the Tano basin. These plays are:
 Albian Reservoir play: Lower Albian to Upper Albian Age with Sandstone lithology.
 Cenomanian Series: Cenomanian age with Sandstone lithology.
 Turonian Series: Turonian Age with sandstone lithology.
There has been only one discovery in the Albian sandstone reservoir which encountered oil and gas with net
thickness of 25m deep water Tano. This sandstone has porosity between 17% to 22%, permeability as high as
2000mD and has a maximum oil pay of 58m. The Cenomanian sandstone reservoirs have also not been so
production in the accumulation of hydrocarbons in the Tano basin with only one discover from this play.
The Turonian series is the most successful and important of all the three plays in terms of accumulation of
hydrocarbons in commercial quantities. Giant discoveries in this play include the Jubilee Field and the Tweneboa,
Enyenra and Nttome (TEN) field. Porosity values in this play ranges from 17-23% with permeability of 100-
3000mD. The oil saturation in the play also ranges from 60-90% and has a net to gross ratio in the range of 30-
80%. The API of the oil in this play is 32-38o.
4.3. Seal and Trap
The seal play in the basin includes the Albian shale series, Cenomanian Shale series, Turonian Shale series and
the Turonian Shale series. Marine shale forms most of the seals in the basin with the trapping system being both
stratigraphic and structural traps.
ISSN 2221-0997 (Print), 2221-1004 (Online) © Center for Promoting Ideas, USA www.ijastnet.com

Most of the seals are in close proximity to the reservoir rock and hence a very short migration of the crude oil is
expected. The proof quality seals can be experience in the wells showing fairly high pressures. Unconformity
surfaces and local fault patterns also contribute to seal integrity. Down-to-the basin faults can act as barrier to
hydrocarbon leakage where a reservoir is juxtaposed against relatively non-permeable rocks. The Albian play
have mainly structural traps with Dome, Fault block, and Anticline forming the traps. The Cenomanian play has
both structural and stratigraphic traps formed with Draping structure, Clastic depos lens, pinch out, faults and
anticline being some of the trap types. The Turonian play also has both structural and stratigraphic traps as the
trapping mechanism. Some of types of traps in this play include Clastic depos lens, pinch out, normal faults and
5.0. Summary
The evolution of the Tano basin mainly occurred in the cretaceous era. It all start during the late Jurassic era but
sedimentation and formation of the basin was in the cretaceous era. The basin is one of the most productive alone
the West African Transform Margin and has been producing since December 2010. The basin type is that of a
wrench pull a part basin with faults, anticlines and pinch out as the main type of traps. The shale type is mainly of
marine shale with the predominant reservoir type being sandstone reservoir. Porosity is medium to high in the
field with permeability been very high across the basin. The field is currently producing 105Mbbl/day and is
expected to increase to about 250MBbl/day after all fields have been brought on stream.


D. Atta-Peters, P. Garrey. 2014, Source Rock Evaluation and Hydrocarbon Potential in the Tano Basin, South
Western Ghana, West Africa: International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Engineering. Vol. 2, No. 5, pp.
66-77. doi: 10.11648/j.ogce.20140205.11.
Information Handling Services (IHS) Report, Mar. 2011, Basin Monitor: Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, Republic of
Liberia, and Republic of Ghana, Annex 14
Robin Sutherland, 2008, presentation on Exploration history and regional geology, Capital Markets
D. Atta-Peters, C. I. Agama1, D. K. Asiedu, E. Apesegah, 2013, Palynology, palynofacies and palaeo
environments of sedimentary organic matter from Bonyere – 1 Well, Tano basin, western Ghana:
International Letters of Natural Sciences, Vol. 5 (2013) pp 27-45.
D. Atta-Peters, C. A. Achaegakwo, D. Kwayisi, P. Garrey., 2015, Palynofacies and Source Rock Potential of the
ST-7H Well, Offshore Tano Basin,Western Region, Ghana. Earth Sciences. Vol. 4, No. 1, 2015, pp. 1-20.
doi: 10.11648/j.earth.20150401.11
Ian Bryan, Nora Herbst, Paul Dailly, John R. Dribus, Roberto Fainstein, Nick Harvey, Angus McCoss, Bernard
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Brownfield, M.E, and Charpentier, R.R., 2006, Geology and Total petroleum systems of the Gulf of Guinea
Province of West Africa: U.S Geological Survey Bulletin 2207-C, 32 p.
Amoo Michael, 2014, Palynostratigraphical and Paleo environmental Studies of Bonyere-1 Well; Onshore Tano
Basin, Western Ghana: A Report Submitted to The Department of Earth Science University of Ghana in
Partial Fulfillment for The Award of a Bachelor of Science Degree in Earth Science.
Gerald Wemazenu Adda, 2013, The Petroleum Geology and Prospectivity of the Neo-Proterozoic, Paleozoic and
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Lars H. Rüpke, Daniel W. Schmid, Ebbe H. Hartz, and Bjørn Martinsen., 2010, Basin modelling of a transform
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International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 6, No. 1; February 2016


Figure 1: Showing the location of Tano Basin within the St. Paul and Romanche transform fault zones.
(USGG report, 2006 ).

Figure 2: Plate tectonic evolution of the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Redrawn from (Mascle et al. 1988 as cited
by Lars H. Rüpke et al, 2010.).

ISSN 2221-0997 (Print), 2221-1004 (Online) © Center for Promoting Ideas, USA www.ijastnet.com

Figure 3: Palynostratigraphical study showing the lithology and stratigraphy sequence of the well (Amoo
Michael, 2014)

International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 6, No. 1; February 2016

Figure 4: Summarized Stratigraphy of the Tano Basin (GNPC, 2004 as referenced by Amoo Micheal)

ISSN 2221-0997 (Print), 2221-1004 (Online) © Center for Promoting Ideas, USA www.ijastnet.com

Figure 5: Play types in Cape Three Point, Offshore Tano Basin

Ghana. (IHS Report, 2011)

International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 6, No. 1; February 2016

T stt-str: Turonian Stratigraphic and Structural play

T(P): Turonian proximity Stratigraphic and Structural play

Figure 6: Cenomanian-Turonian – Albian Play History Time Chart for Tano Basin. (IHS Report, 2011)

Figure 7: Modified Van Krevelen diagram for Tano Basin [D. Atta-Peters, 2014]

ISSN 2221-0997 (Print), 2221-1004 (Online) © Center for Promoting Ideas, USA www.ijastnet.com

Figure 8: Plot of HI versus TOC indicating hydrocarbon potentiality and generating potential

Figure 9: Plot of Tmax versus Vitrinite Reflectance (Ro) showing the maturity level (Atta-Peters, 2014)


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