SECTION 413-01 Instrument Cluster
SECTION 413-01 Instrument Cluster
SECTION 413-01 Instrument Cluster
Instrument Cluster
Vehicles with low series instrument cluster
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
15 14 13 12
1 Tachometer 1 2 3 4
Instrument Cluster
General Equipment
Ford approved diagnostic tool Self-Diagnostic Mode
NOTE: The OK button is located on the steering
Inspection and Verification wheel right-hand side switch.
1. To enter the instrument cluster Self-Diagnostic
1. Verify the customer concern.
Mode. Simultaneously press and hold the OK
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of mechanical button and turn the ignition switch from position
or electrical damage. 0, to position II.
Visual Inspection Chart 2. Entry to the Self-Diagnostic Mode is confirmed
when 'TEST' is displayed in the information and
Mechanical Electrical
message center display. The set button must
– Engine oil filter – Fuse(s) be released within three seconds of 'TEST'
– Engine oil level – Wiring harness being displayed or the instrument cluster will
exit the Self-Diagnostic Mode.
– Engine coolant – Electrical
temperature (ECT) connector(s) 3. To navigate through or skip any of the
sensor instrument cluster Self-Diagnostic Mode tests,
– Instrument cluster
press the OK button. If the OK button is pressed
– Engine coolant level – Light emitting for more than 3 seconds between tests, the
– Thermostat diode(s) (LED)(s) instrument cluster will exit the Self-Diagnostic
– Collapsed or Mode.
damaged fuel tank 4. The Self-Diagnostic Mode is deactivated when
– Door adjustment the ignition switch is turned to the OFF position
or low battery voltage is detected.
3. If an obvious cause for an observed or reported 5. If input data to the instrument cluster is missing
concern is found, correct the cause (if possible) or invalid, the information and message center
before proceeding to the next step. will display '----'
4. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the 6. If the Self-Diagnostic Mode cannot be accessed,
symptom and enter the instrument cluster use the Ford approved diagnostic tool to
Self-Diagnostic Mode. diagnose the instrument cluster.
NOTE: Additional tests are available after the
following Self-Diagnostic Mode tests, but are not
applicable for this diagnostic.
Self-Diagnostic Mode
Test Odometer Display Gauge/Indicator/ Description
Display Tested
1. Self-Diagnostic • TEST Instrument cluster Establishes Self-
entry • no display Diagnostic Mode.
7. NVM EEPROM • NVM EEPROM LVL Instrument cluster Displays the NVM
level • XXXX / FAIL EEPROM level.
12. Vehicle speed • ROAD SPEED Speedometer Displays the speed signal
km/h • XXX.X KM/H input in kilometres per
13. Speedometer • SPEEDO Speedometer Displays the speedometer
gauge output • XXXX output.
15. Odometer count • ODO ROLL COUNT Odometer Displays the odometer
• XXX rolling count
17. Fuel volume • FUEL A/D INPUT Fuel sender system Displays the fuel volume
• XXX signal input. Range 0 to
18. Fuel gauge • FUEL GAUGE Fuel gauge Displays the fuel gauge
output • XXXX output.
18. Fuel flow rolling • FUEL FLOW Fuel gauge Displays the fuel flow
count • XXXX rolling count
19. Fuel level • FUEL PERCENT Fuel gauge Displays the fuel average
percentage • XXXX percentage level: Range
of display 00 to 64 (64
being 100% full). FF will
be displayed for invalid
20. Engine coolant • ENGINE TEMP ECT Displays the engine
temperature (ECT) • XXX C coolant temperature as a
decimal: Range -60 to
+195. +196 would
indicate invalid data.
21. Temperature • TEMP GAUGE Temperature gauge Displays the temperature
gauge output • XXXX gauge output.
7. The above self-test function is to act as a guide to the Ford approved diagnostic tool to continue
to establish if the concern is instrument cluster diagnostics.
related. Before any other action is taken REFER
Instrument Cluster
General Equipment General Equipment
Flat-bladed screwdriver Ford diagnostic equipment
Round-ended steel rule
1. 3.
E91151 E91152
3 2
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
NOTE: The central car configuration data must be
manually uploaded after the installation of a new
instrument cluster
2. Select Toolbox/Module
Programming/Programmable Parameters/Car
Configuration Parameters from the menu.
General Equipment: Ford diagnostic equipment
3. Following the on screen instructions.