Simple Radical
Simple Radical
Simple Radical
1. Introduction
A field extension L/K is called simple radical if L = K(α) where√αn = a √ for some n ≥ 1
and a ∈ K .√ Examples of simple radical extensions of Q are Q( 2), Q( 3 2), and more
generally Q( n√2). A root of T n − a will
√ be denoted n a, so a simple radical extension of K
looks like K( n a), but the notation n a in general fields is ambiguous: different nth roots
of a can generate different extensions of K, and they could even be nonisomorphic (e.g.,
have different degrees over K) if T n − a is reducible in K[T ].
Example 1.1. In C the three roots of T 3 − 8 are 2, 2ω, and 2ω 2 , where ω is a nontrivial
cube root of unity; note ω 2 = 1/ω and ω is a root of (T 3 − 1)/(T − 1) = T 2 + T + 1.
While Q(2) =√Q, the extension Q(2ω) = Q(ω) = Q(2/ω) has degree 2 over √Q, so when
the notation 3 8 denotes any √ of the roots
√ of T 3 − 8 over Q √
then the field Q( 3 8) has two
different meanings and R( 8) is R if 8 = 2 and it is C if 3 8 is 2ω or 2ω 2 .
3 3
√ √ √ √
Example 1.2. In the field Q( 5) the number 2 + 5 is a cube: 2 + 5 = ( 1+2 5 )3 . The
√ √
polynomial T 3 − (2 + 5) factors over Q( 5) as
√ ! √ √ !
√ 1+ 5 2 1+ 5 3+ 5
T − (2 + 5) = T − T + T+
2 2 2
and the second factor is irreducible over Q( 5) since it is irreducible over the larger field R
√ p3
√ √
(it is a quadratic with negative discriminant −3(3 + 5)/2). If 2 + 5 means (1 + 5)/2
√ √ √ p
then Q( 2 + 5) = Q((1 + 5)/2) =p Q( 5), and if 2 + 5 is a root of the quadratic
√ 3
√ √
factor of T 3 − (2 + 5) above then Q( 2 + 5) is a quadratic extension of Q( 5).
We will focus here on the degree [K( n a) : K] and irreducibility relations
√ for T n − a
among different values of n, and intermediate fields between K and K( a).
2. Basic properties of T n − a and n a
Theorem 2.1. The degree [K( n a) : K] is at most √ n, and it equals n if and only if T n − a
is irreducible over
√ K, in which case the field K( n a) up to isomorphism is independent of
the choice of a.
√ √
Proof. Since n a is a root of T√n − a, which is in K[T ], the minimal polynomial of n a over
K is at most
√ n, and thus [K( n a) : K] ≤ n. √
If [K( n a) : K] = n then the minimal polynomial of n a over √ K has degree n, so it must
be T n − a since that polynomial has degree n in K[T ] with n a as a root. As a minimal
polynomial in K[T ] for some number, T n − a is irreducible over K.
Conversely, assume T n − a is irreducible over K. Then n a has minimal polynomial
T n − a over K (the minimal polynomial of a number over√K is the unique monic irreducible
polynomial in K[T ] with that number as a root), √ so [K( n a) : K] = deg(T n − a) = n.
When T − a√is irreducible over K, the field K( a) is isomorphic to K[T ]/(T n − a)√using
n n
3. Prime exponents
In degree greater than 3, lack of roots ordinarily does not imply irreducibility. Consider
(T 2 −2)(T 2 −3) in Q[T ]. The polynomial T p −a, where the exponent is prime, is a surprising
counterexample: for these polynomials lack of a root is equivalent to irreducibility.
Theorem 3.1. For an arbitrary field K and prime number p, and a ∈ K × , T p − a is
irreducible in K[T ] if and only if it has no root in K. Equivalently, T p − a is reducible in
K[T ] if and only if it has a root in K.
Proof. Clearly if T p − a is irreducible in K[T ] then it has no root in K (since its degree is
greater than 1).
In order to prove that T p − a not having a root in K implies it is irreducible we will prove
the contrapositive: if T p − a is reducible in K[T ] then it has a root in K.
Write T p − a = g(T )h(T ) in K[T ] where m = deg g satisfies 1 ≤ m ≤ p − 1. Since T p − a
is monic the leading coefficients of g and h multiply to 1, so by rescaling (which doesn’t
change degrees) we may assume g is monic and thus h is √ monic.
Let L be a splitting field of T p − a over K and α = p a be one root of T p − a in L. Its
other roots in L are ζα where ζ p = 1 (Theorem 2.3), so in L[T ]
T p − a = (T − ζ1 α)(T − ζ2 α) · · · (T − ζp α)
where ζip = 1. (Possibly ζi = ζj when i 6= j; whether or not this happens doesn’t matter.)
By unique factorization in L[T ], every monic factor of T p − a in L[T ] is a product of some
number of (T − ζi α)’s. Therefore
(3.1) g(T ) = (T − ζi1 α)(T − ζi2 α) · · · (T − ζim α)
for some pth roots of unity ζi1 , . . . , ζim .
Now let’s look at the constant terms in (3.1). Set c = g(0), so
c = (−1)m (ζi1 · · · ζim )αm .
There was an important calculation in this proof that we will use repeatedly below: if
√ √ √ √ n/d
d | n then K( n a) contains K( d a), where
a := n
a . This is a root of T d − a, so the
notation is reasonable, but
√ note that d a is not an arbitrary dth root of a: it depends on
the choice made first of a.
By Theorem 4.1 and Remark 3.2, for odd primes p irreducibility of T p − a is equivalent
to irreducibility of T p − a for any single r ≥ 1, and for the prime 2 irreducibility of T 4 − a
is equivalent to irreducibility of T 2 − a for any single r ≥ 2.
Theorem 4.2. For relatively prime positive integers m and n, T mn − a is irreducible over
K if and only if T m −a and T n −a are each √irreducible over K. Equivalently, if√m and n are
relatively√prime positive integers then [K( mn a) : K] = mn if and only if [K( m a) : K] = m
and [K( n a) : K] = n.
Proof. That irreducibility of T mn − a over K implies irreducibility of T m − a and T n − a
over K follows from Theorem 4.1.
To prove irreducibility of T m − a and T n − a over K implies irreducibility of T mn − a
over K we will work with roots of these polynomials. It is convenient √ to select mth, nth,
and mnth roots√of a in√a multiplicatively
√ compatible
√ m way:
√ fix a root mn
a of T mn −√a over
n m
K and define a := mn n
a and a := mn
a . Then a is a root of T − a and n a is a
K( mn a)
≤n ≤m
√ √
K( m a) K( n a)
m n
The bottom field degree values come from T m n
√−a and T −a beingn irreducible
√ over
√ K, and
the top√field degree
√ upper bounds come√ from mn
a being a root of T − m
a ∈ K( m
a)[T ] and
T − a ∈ K( a)[T ]. Let d = [K( a) : K], so by reading the field diagram along either
n n mn
the left or right we have d ≤ mn . Also d is divisible by m and by n since field degrees are
multiplicative in towers, so from relative primality of m and n we get m | d, n | d =⇒ mn | d,
so mn ≤ d . Thus d = mn, so T mn − a is the minimal polynomial of mn a over K and thus
is irreducible over K.
Corollary 4.3. For an integer N > 1 with prime factorization pe11 · · · pekk , T N − a is irre-
ducible over K if and only if each T pi − a is irreducible over K.
Proof. Use Theorem 4.2 with the factorization N = pe11 (pe22 · · · pekk ) to see irreducibility of
e1 e2 ek
T N − a over K is equivalent to irreducibility of T p1 − a and T p2 ···pk − a over K, and
then by induction on the number of different prime powers in the degree, irreducibility of
e2 ek ei
T p2 ···pk − a over K is equivalent to irreducibility of T pi − a over K for i = 2, . . . , k.
Example 4.4. Irreducibility of T 90 − a over K is equivalent to irreducibility of T 2 − a,
T 9 − a, and T 5 − a over K.
K( d a)
√ √
It’s natural to ask if every field between K and K( n a) is K( d a) for some d dividing n.
The simplest setting to study this is when T n −√ a is irreducible over K
√ (and thus also T d − a
d d
is irreducible over K, by Theorem
√ 4.1), so [K( a) : K] = d. Is K( a) the only extension
of K of degree d inside K( n a)? This is not always true.
√ √
Example 5.1. Let K = Q and consider the field Q( 4 −1). Set α = 4 −1, so α4 + 1 = 0.
The polynomial T 4 + 1 is irreducible
√ over Q because it becomes Eisenstein at 2 when√ T is
replaced with T + 1. Since [Q( 4 −1) :√Q] = 4, any field strictly between Q and Q( 4 −1) is
quadratic over Q. One of these is Q( −1), but it is not the only one.
Q( 4 −1)
√ √ √
Q( 2) Q( −1) Q( −2)
Let f (T ) be the minimal polynomial of √n
a over L, so f (T ) | (T n − a) and deg f = n/d.
We can write any other root of f (T ) as ζ n a for some nth root of unity Q ζ. (Theorem √
2.3). In a splitting field of T n − a over K, the factorization of f (T ) is i∈I (T − ζi n a)
for some nth roots of unity ζi (I is just an index set). The constant term of f (T ) is in
Q √ n/d Q √ n/d √ Q √
L, so ( i∈I ζi ) n a ∈ L. Therefore ( i∈I ζi ) n a ∈ K( n a), so ζ i ∈ K( n
a). The
√ Q i∈I
only nth roots of unity in K( a) are, by hypothesis, in K, so i∈I ζi ∈ K ⊂ L. Therefore
√n n/d √
a = d a is in L, so we’re done.
n √
Example 5.3. If K = Q, a > 0, and T − a is irreducible over Q then Q( a) is isomorphic
to a subfield√of R (using the real positive nth root of a), which implies the only roots of
unity in Q( n a) are ±1 and those both lie Q. For example, the only fields between Q and
√ √ √ √ n/d
Q( n 2) are Q( d 2) where d | n and d 2 = n 2 .
Example 5.4. Let F be a field and K = F (u), the rational functions over F in one
√ The polynomial T n − u is irreducible over F (u) since it is Eisenstein at u.
We let u denote one root of T n − u, so K(√ n
u) = F (
u) has degree n over
√ √ F (u). All
roots of unity in F ( n u) – not just nth roots of unity – are √ in F , because F ( n u) is itself
a rational function field in one indeterminate over F (since n u is transcendental over F )
and all elements of a rational function field in one indeterminate over F that are not in F
are transcendental over F and √ thus can’t√ be a root of unity. Therefore by Theorem 5.2, the
fields between F (u) and F ( n u) are F ( d u) for d | n.
Example 5.5. An example where the hypothesis that all nth roots of unity in K( n a) are
in K is false, yet the conclusion
√ of Theorem 5.2 is true, is K = Q(i), a = 2, and n√= 8: it
can be√ shown that [Q(i, 2) : Q(i)] = 8 and the only fields between
√ Q(i) and Q(i, 8 2) are
Q(i, 2) for d = 1, 2, 4, 8 while 1+i
d 8
√ is an 8th root of unity in Q( 2, i) that is not in Q(i).
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