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Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 6(14), pp.

3041-3044, 18 July, 2011

Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/SRE
DOI: 10.5897/SRE11.535
ISSN 1992-2248 ©2011 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Ovicidal activity of different plant extracts on two-

spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) (Acari:
Dürdane Yanar*, Đzzet Kadıoğlu and Ayhan Gökçe
Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Tokat, Turkey.
Accepted July 3, 2011

Methanol extracts of nine plant species were evaluated for their ovicidal activity against the two-spotted
spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch in a bioassay under laboratory conditions. These plants and plant
parts used in the study were Xanthium strumarium L. (fruits and leaves), Anthemis vulgaris L. (flowers
and leaves), Humulus lupulus L. (flower buds), Chenopodium album L. (flowers and leaves), Melia
azedarach L. (fruits), Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn (flower buds and leaves), Solanum nigrum L.
(flowers, leaves and fruits), Styrax officinalis L. (seed coats, seeds) and Lolium perenne L. (flowers and
leaves). The greatest mortality was caused by E. camaldulensis leaf extract (63.26%), followed by X.
strumarium fruit (59.64%), X. strumarium leaf (57.45%), S. nigrum fruit (51.57%), A. vulgaris flower
(46.80%) and S. officinalis seed extract (44.25%). Lolium perenne extract (flowers, leaves) caused the
least mortality (24.40%). Azadirachtin at 10 g/l concentration was used as a chemical standard and
caused 10.09% mortality. Our results show that some of these plant extracts have a potential for
ovicidal activity on two-spotted spider mite eggs and are worth further investigation.

Key words: Tetranychus urticae, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, plant extract, ovicidal activity.


Two-spotted spider mite (TSSM), Tetranychus urticae concerns have resulted in a renewed interest in search
(Acari: Tetranychidae), is widely distributed globally and a for alternative control measures. Spider mites have very
common pest of many plant species in greenhouses, high reproduction capacity and lay numerous eggs, so
nurseries, orchards and field crops. Two-spotted spider that reducing the number of viable eggs is important to
mites feed by puncturing cells and draining the contents, keep the mite population below economical injury level.
producing a characteristic yellow speckling of the leaf Recent years, ovicidal synthetic and plant based
surface. They also produce silk webbing which is clearly pesticides have been preferred in spider mite
visible at high infestation levels (Jeppson et al., 1975). management. In many studies, ovicidal activities of plant
When the population exceeds economic threshold the extracts or active compounds isolated from extracts were
use of an acaricide is a necessity to control the TSSM. reported. Azadirachtin, one of the most active
Plant-based insecticides can be ecologically friendly and constituents in neem oil, is a good example of this, it acts
safe alternative in managing pests and they can be as a feeding deterrent and limits the growth of insects
incorporated in Integrated pest management programs and mites. Neem extract is also potent repellent,
(IPM). There is an increasing interest for natural antifeedant, growth regulator and oviposition deterrent
pesticides which derived from plants and microorganisms affecting more than 200 species of pests (Ascher, 1993).
due to they are assumed being safer than the synthetic In the course of screening for novel naturally occurring
pesticides (Isman, 2006; Isman et al., 2007). These insecticides from plants, the activity of the fruit extract of
the Argentinian Melia azedarach L. (Meliaceae) and its
recently described limonoid meliartenin were investigated
by Carpinella et al. (2003). The fruit extract antifeedant
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] activity was tested on a variety of herbivore and granivorous
3042 Sci. Res. Essays

insects through choice tests. officinalis L. obtained from Muğla and M. azedarach L. obtained
16 of 17 species belonging to three orders consume from Adana provinces. Each plant material was dried under shade
and powdered by using electric grinder and kept in a dark condition
significantly less food when treated with the extract
at room temperature in the 3 L glass jars until used. The extraction
(Carpinella et al., 2003). Mansour et al. (2004) evaluated procedure used in the study was described by Gökçe et al. (2005).
twenty nine plant extracts and Capparis spinosa L., Plant extracts were prepared from a representative sample of 100 g
Cyperus rotundus L., Eucalyptus camaldulensis , Lupinus of each powdered plant material were taken into a 2 L capacity
pilosus L., Punica granatum L., Rhus coriaria L. and erlenmeyer flask and 300 ml of methanol was added to it and
Tamarix aphylla (L.) H. Karst. extracts caused a shaken for 24 h in a horizontal shaker at 120 rpm at room
temperature. The plant suspension was sieved through four layers
significant reduction in the mean number of eggs laid. of cheese cloths to separate plant parts from the supension and it
compared with the control. Yang et al. (2007) tested was transferred into a 250 ml evaporating flask and evaporated
twenty plant extracts acaricidal activity against under vacuum using a rotary vacuum evaporator (RV 05 Basic 1B,
Panonychus citri (Mc Gregor). Acaricidal effect of leaf IKA Group) at 32°C. The resulting residue was dissolved in 10%
and seed extracts of Datura stramonium L. were (w/w) acetone/water to yield 10% (w/w) extract solutions. The
evaluated againts T. urticae. Leaf extracts of D. extract solutions were kept in a refrigerator at 4°C until used in the
bioassay. Azadirachtin (Neemazal T/S) was used as chemical
stramonium was found much more effective than seed standart (3 ml/1 L dose). Water containing 10% aceton was used as
extracts in acute toxicity tests (Kumral et al., 2009). control.
Chiasson et al. (2004) evaluated the acaricidal effect of
UDA-245 (based on essential oil extract from
Chenopodium ambrosioides var. ambrosioides) and its’ Ovicidal activity
effects on egg hatch of the two-spotted spider mite (T.
For the assessment of ovicidal properties of the extracts, 10 adult
urticae) and the European red mite (Panonychus ulmi females of two- spotted spider mite were introduced on detached
Koch). They reported that abamectin , insecticidal soap bean leaf for oviposition and kept overnight in the petri dish. The
and neem oil reduced egg hatch of the two-spotted spider leaves were padded with water soaked cotton. After 24 h the
mite and the European red mite more significantly than introduced mites were removed with the help of camel’s hair brush.
UDA-245. Sarmah et. al. (2009) were tested four The eggs laid on bean leaves were counted under microscope as
pre-treatment count. Bean leaves containing 20 eggs were sprayed
aqueous plant extracts of Acorus calamus L. , Xanthium with 0.5 ml of 10% each plant extract by using glass atomizer.
strumarium L., Polygonum hydropiper L. and There were five replication for each treatment, for the last trial we
Clerodendron infortunatum (Gaertn) for acaricidal and had four replication. Trials were repeated three times. The control
ovicidal activity under both laboratory and field conditions eggs were also segregated as the aforementioned manner and
at 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0% (w/v) concentrations against tea treated with distilled water containing 10% aceton. The viability of
red spider mite, Oligonychus coffeae (Nietner). eggs was determined for both experimental and control batches of
eggs for a period of 10 days after oviposition. Those eggs that did
The objective of this study was to determine the not hatch after this period were regarded as non-viable.
ovicidal effects of different plants and plant parts extracts
on eggs of T. urticae to examine the possibility of use
these extracts in the control of this pest. Statistical analysis

Data were corrected for mortality in the control using Abbott’s

formula (Abbott, 1925) and then normalized using arcsine
transformation (Zar, 1999). Transformed data were analysed using
analysis of variance (ANOVA). SPSS 10.00 program used for
Maintenance of the two-spotted spider mite T. urticae
analysis. Treatment means were compared by Tukey HSD test at p
= 0.05. Means (±SEM) of untransformed data are reported.
The local strain of T. urticae used in this study originated from
infested leaves of Pinto bean (Phaseoulus vulgaris L.) which had
not been sprayed with pesticides. The mite stocks were grown
under controlled conditions in a controlled climate room at 25°C, RESULTS
60±5% r.h., with 16 h light (L): 8 h dark (D). Rearing was done on
two or three week old pinto bean. Bean plants were grown in 25 x Ovicidal activity
32 x 8 cm-high pots filled with peatmoss and vermiculite (2:1) and
maintained in a growth chamber under controlled conditions (26°C, Ovicidal effects of all plant exracts were significantly
60±5% r.h. and 16:8 h (L:D) at Gaziosmanpasa University
higher than the control except perennial ryegrass L.
Agriculture Research Station, Tokat. Mites were transferred from
aging plants to younger one by placing old leaves infected with perenne (flower, leaf) extract at 10% concentration (Table
mites near 7 to 10-day-old healthy seedlings. Individual female 2). The greatest egg mortality was observed in river red
mites were collected and transferred for bioassay tests using a fine gum E. camaldulensis leaf extract (63.26%), this was
camel’s hair brush. followed by common cockleburr X. strumarium fruits
(59.64%), X. strumarium leaves (57.45%), black
nightshade S. nigrum fruits (51.57%), wild chamomile A.
Preparation of plants and of crude extracts
vulgaris flowers (46.80%) and storax S. officinalis seed
The plant species and their part used in the study are presented in (44.25%), E. camaldulensis flower buds (43.46%),
Table 1. The plants were collected from Tokat, except Styrax common hop H. lupulus flower buds (43.15%) and S.
Yanar et al. 3043

Table 1. Plants used in ovicidal activity bioassay on Tetranychus urticae.

Family name Scientific name Common name Tissue used

Asteraceae Xanthium strumarium L. Common cockleburr Fruits
Asteraceae Xanthium strumarium L. Common cockleburr Leaves
Asteraceae Anthemis vulgaris L. Wild chamomile Flowers
Asteraceae Anthemis vulgaris L. Wild chamomile Leaves
Canabinaceae Humulus lupulus L. Common hop Flower buds
Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium album L. White goosefoot Flowers, leaves
Meliaceae Melia azedarach L. Bakain, chinaberyy Fruits
Myrtaceae Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn River red gum Flower buds
Myrtaceae Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn River red gum Leaves
Solanaceae Solanum nigrum L. Black nightshade Flowers, leaves
Solanaceae Solanum nigrum L. Black nightshade Fruits
Styracaceae Styrax officinalis L. Storax, snowbell Seeds coats
Styracaceae Styrax officinalis L. Storax, snowbell Seed
Poaceae Lolium perenne L. Perennial ryegrass Flowers, leaves

Table 2. Ovicidial effect of methanol extracts from different plant parts against Tetranychus urticae eggs.

Treatment Ovicidial effect (%) mean ± SEM

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (leaves) 63.26±1.77 a
Xanthium strumarium (fruits) 59.64±1.83 a
Xanthium strumarium (Leaves) 57.45±0.67 a
Solanum nigrum (fruits) 51.57±1.84 ab
Anthemis vulgaris (flowers) 46.80±1.07 ab
Styrax officinalis (seed) 44.25±2.35 ab
Eucalyptus camaldulensis (flower buds) 43.46±1.26 ab
Humulus lupulus (flower buds) 43.15±1.47 ab
Solanum nigrum (flowers, leaves) 42.24±1.14 ab
Chenopodium album (flowers, leaves) 36.62±0.88 ab
Melia azedarach (fruits) 36.07±0.92 ab
Styrax officinalis (seeds coats) 35.39±0.78 ab
Anthemis vulgaris (leaves) 25.38±1.13 ab
Lolium perenne (flowers, leaves) 24.40±0.77 abc
Azadirachtin 10 g/l 10.09±0.51 bc
Control 0.00±0.00 c

nigrum (flowers and leaves) (42.24%). The least mortality 43.46% mortality respectively on eggs of two-spotted
was recorded with L. perenne (flowers, leaves) 24.40% spider mite at 10% extract concentration. Similarly Tunç
mortality. Positive control Azadirachtin 10 g/l (3 ml/l) et al. (2000) reported that essential oil of E.
caused 10.09% mortality. Our results show that several camaldulensis caused 45 and 12% mortality respectively
plant extracts have a potential to use in control of two- on eggs of E. kuehniella and T. confusum at 196.9 µl/l air
spotted spider mite and are worth to further investigation. dose. In our findings, X. strumarium fruit and leaf extract
caused 59.64 and 57.45% mortality respectively. Sarmah
et al. (2009) reported 87.09% egg mortality at 10.0%
DISCUSSION (w/v) concentration of aqueous plant extracts of X.
strumarium. Ethanolic extracts of D. stramonium leaves
For the past decades the acaricidal and insecticidal and seeds exhibited acaricidal, oviposition deterrent
properties of the plant extracts have been widely tested activities against two-spotted spider mite, T. urticae
against phytophagous pests for the past two decades. (Kumral et al., 2009). Leaf extract of E. camaldulensis
The results of present study showed that leaf and flower exhibited the greatest eggs mortality with 63.26% at 10%
bud extracts of E. camaldulensis exhibited 63.26 and extract concentration. It was followed by X. strumarium
3044 Sci. Res. Essays

fruit and leaf extracts with 59.64 and 57.45% eggs These results are very promising and encourage to
mortality respectively. The mortality rates of T. urticae further studies for isolation and characterization of the
eggs treated with E. camaldulensis (leaf), S. nigrum ovicidal compounds and their further evaluation for crop
(fruit), A. vulgaris (flowers), X. strumarium (fruit),and protection strategies.
Styraxs officinalis (seed) extracts were higher than that of
other plant part extracts. These differences may be
related to the difference in the chemical content of each ACKNOWLEDGMENT
plant species (Isman et al., 2007; Tayoub et al., 2006).
Additionally, we also observed difference between This work was supported by a grant from the Scientific
different parts of the same plant species and this Research Council of Gaziosmanpasa University.
difference could be attributed the chemical contents of
the leaf, flower, seed and seed coats extracts of these
plants. For example, Kumral et al. (2009) reported that REFERENCES
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