HW 4

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ENGG 1120F Assignment 4 Due: 14 April 2023

• This assignment takes 6% of the course total.

• Submit a single .pdf file containing all your answers to the Blackboard before
the due date.
• Answer all questions.
• Type or write your work neatly.

1. Find a basis for W and calculate dim(W ), where W is spanned by the set
8 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 19 { -468
> 1 4 6 8 >> L
< B C B C B C B C= I 3 I

1 C B 1 C B3 C B 2 C
S= B @ , , , .
2A @ 5A @9A @10A> -5 lo
> z g
: >
; I
4 2 O
0 1 1 2

2. Find a basis of the null space, the row space and the column space of the
following matrices, and hence verify the rank-nullity theorem.

a) 1234 8
0 1
1 0 2 5 2
@2 1 0 1 1A
1 2 2 1 0
b) 0 ( L ) 1
1 2 0 1
B3 1 2 4C
@ 5 1 1 4A
2 4 0 2
3. Show that every nonempty subset of a linearly independent set of vectors is
again linearly independent.
4. Given v1-
, v2 , . . . , vk and v. Let

U = span{v1 , v2 , . . . , vk } and
W = span{v1 , v2 , . . . , vk , v}.

Show that either dim(W ) = dim(U ) or dim(W ) = dim(U ) + 1.

5. Suppose u, v 2 Rn with the standard inner product. Show that
1 1
u · v = ku + vk2 ku vk2 .
4 4
6. Use the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to show that for all a, b, ✓ 2 R,

(a cos ✓ + b sin ✓)2  a2 + b2 .

7. Find a single 2 ⇥ 2 matrix that performs a rotation of 60 counterclockwise,

followed by an orthogonal projection on the x-axis, followed by a reflection
about the line y = x.
8. Find the standard matrix for T : R2 ! R2 that projects a vector orthogonally
onto the x-axis and then reflects that vector about the y-axis.
9. Consider an invertible linear transformation L : R2 ! R2 . Show that the
geometric e↵ect of L is the same as appropriate succession of shears, con-
tractions, dilations, and reflections.

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