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The Report of the 2017-2018 Professional Affairs Standing Committee:
The Development of the Preceptor Self-Assessment Tool for Entrustable
Professional Activities for New Graduates
Susan S. Vos, Chair,a Meagan M. Brown,b Elizabeth A. Cardello,b Matthew R. Dintzner,d
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George E. MacKinnon, III,e Eric M. Maroyka,f Peter Mbi,g Sharon K. Park,h Krystalyn K. Weaver,i
Jacqueline M. Zeeman,j Lynette R. Bradley-Baker,k Cecilia M. Plazak
The University of Iowa College of Pharmacy, Iowa City, IA
The University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, Jackson, MS
American Pharmacists Association, Washington, DC
Western New England University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Springfield, MA
Medical College of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, Milwaukee, WI
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Bethesda, MD
University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, Baltimore, MD
Notre Dame of Maryland University School of Pharmacy, Baltimore, MD
National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations, Richmond, VA
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Eshelman School of Pharmacy, Chapel Hill, NC
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Arlington, VA
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. The 2017-2018 AACP Professional Affairs Committee addressed the
charges of (1) developing a self-reflection/self-assessment tool for pharmacy faculty and preceptors to
allow them to assess their capability and confidence with Center for the Advancement of Pharmacy
Education (CAPE) Educational Outcomes, the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process (PPCP), and the
Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) for New Pharmacy Graduates and (2) creation of a plan for
AACP to utilize in the development of preceptor continuing education and training programs. This report
describes the framework, rationale and process for the development of the Preceptor Self-Assessment
Tool for Entrustable Professional Activities for New Pharmacy Graduates (PSAE Tool), the pre-test for
the PSAE tool, and the online pilot test and its results for the PSAE Tool. The committee provides
recommendations for AACP in the continued development and distribution of the PSAE Tool to the
schools of pharmacy. Considerations for AACP and the schools of pharmacy to consider in the continuing
professional development (CPD) for all preceptors are also discussed. The committee provides a policy
statement, adopted by the AACP House of Delegates, regarding the commitment of AACP regarding the
CPD for all preceptors. The committee also provides several recommendations to AACP and suggestions
to schools of pharmacy and other stakeholder groups pertaining to the committee charges.
KEY TERMS: Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs), Experiential Education, Preceptor, Preceptor Development.
education, and to establish and improve working relation- for developing a self-assessment tool for pharmacy fac-
ships with all other organizations in the field of health ulty and preceptors to allow them to self-assess their
affairs. The Committee is also encouraged to address re- capability and confidence with the Center for the Ad-
lated agenda items relevant to its Bylaws charge and to vancement of Pharmaceutical Education (CAPE) Out-
identify issues for consideration by subsequent commit- comes, the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process (PPCP)
tees, task forces, commissions, or other groups. by the Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners, and
President Steven Scott called for the 2017-18 AACP Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) for New
Pharmacy Graduates.1-4 The 2017 AACP Academic Af-
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and a half, with the other 2017-18 standing committees, rations that define the “Practice Readiness” of phar-
on October 16-17, 2017 in Alexandria, Virginia, to dis- macy school graduates and influence internal and
cuss the various facets related to the charges as well as to external stakeholders. (Source: Professional Affairs
finalize the process and strategies for addressing the Committee, 2015);
charges. Following the process development and delega- d All pharmacy faculty have the responsibility to practice
tion of assignments related to the committee charges, as scholarly teachers. Scholarly teaching is achieved
the PAC continued its work via electronic communica- when faculty use an evidence-based approach to de-
tions as well as through personal exchanges via tele- liver their discipline-specific content knowledge as well
phone and email. as their pedagogical knowledge of teaching and moti-
vation. (Source: Academic Affairs Committee, 2012);
BACKGROUND s The PAC acknowledges that preceptors are
The PAC reviewed numerous documents and re- members of pharmacy faculty and therefore
ports in developing the strategy to address the committee recognizes the role that preceptors have as
charges. These various resources cultivated the strategy scholarly teachers;
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82 (7) Article 7162.
d AACP affirms that preceptor development is essen- at their institutions, future work should support the devel-
tial to enhance the quality of experiential education opment of resources and tools to aid in the teaching and
and believes that preceptors should possess com- assessment of EPAs across the academy.
petencies that include, but are not limited to, The PSAE Tool was created by the PAC to allow
leadership/management skills, embodiment of the preceptors and faculty to self-assess their confidence in
development of a practice philosophy focused on performing EPA tasks. The goals of the PSAE Tool are to
improving patient outcomes, role modeling as (1) allow preceptors and faculty to self-assess their con-
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a practitioner, commitment to excellence in schol- fidence in performing the EPA tasks; (2) educate precep-
arly teaching, effective communication skills, and tors and faculty about EPAs; and (3) provide information
encouragement of self-directed learning. (Source: to AACP and schools of pharmacy about the educational
Professional Affairs Committee, 2012); and needs of preceptors and faculty related to EPAs for con-
d AACP should support the concept of Continuous tinuing professional development. A longitudinal scenario
Professional Development. (Source: Continuing following a patient through various healthcare settings
Professional Development Section, 2003). where pharmacists practice was developed to aid in mea-
This report has the following purposes: (1) to describe the suring respondent’s self-efficacy. Demographic informa-
development of a self-assessment tool for pharmacy fac- tion regarding the patient (eg, gender, age, socioeconomic
ulty and preceptors to enable them to self-assess their status) was not provided in order to make the scenario more
confidence in performing the Entrustable Professional inclusive and representative of all patients in all practice
Activities (EPAs) for New Pharmacy Graduates, and (2) settings. Participants were instructed to respond based on
to describe a plan for AACP to utilize in the development their confidence in performing the task, not necessarily the
of preceptor continuing education and training programs. healthcare settings provided in the longitudinal case sce-
nario. A six-point scale was used to assess respondents’
Addressing Preceptor Self-Assessment with the self-efficacy: (1) very unconfident, (2) unconfident, (3)
Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) for New somewhat unconfident, (4) somewhat confident, (5) confi-
Pharmacy Graduates dent, and (6) very confident. The EPA domain statements,
In response to its first charge, the PAC utilized the rather than the EPA example supporting tasks, were utilized
self-efficacy framework to develop a self-assessment tool to assess the respondent’s confidence in performing the
for measuring a faculty or preceptor’s confidence in per- EPA tasks because the example supporting tasks do not
forming the CAPE Educational Outcomes, PPCP, and provide an all-inclusive list of specific activities and/or tasks
EPAs.1-3 Self-efficacy is defined as an individual’s belief associated with each EPA domain. The longitudinal case
in his/her ability to succeed in performing a specific ac- scenario was intentionally developed to assess each EPA
tivity or task, and most accurately measured through domain, with some EPA domains being measured multiple
a case-based assessment.6 Considering that the EPA state- times. A summary of the EPAs included in the PSAE Tool is
ments are written as specific tasks that pharmacy gradu- provided in Table 1.
ates should be able to perform, self-efficacy provided an
appropriate framework to measure faculty and precep- Pre-Test of the Preceptor Self-Assessment Tool for
tor’s confidence in performing EPA tasks. Further, Entrustable Professional Activities for New
previous committee work has provided a cross-walk Pharmacy Graduates (PSAE Tool)
summary of CAPE, PPCP, and EPAs such that all EPA Each member of the PAC pretested the PSAE Tool
tasks are mapped to CAPE and PCPP.5 Thus, the Precep- by asking pharmacists within their respective institutions/
tor Self-Assessment Tool for Entrustable Professional organizations and practice sites to complete the tool,
Activities for New Pharmacy Graduates (PSAE Tool) answer questions regarding the tool, and provide feed-
was developed to assist pharmacy faculty and preceptors back about the tool. The pre-test participants were phar-
with measuring their confidence in performing the EPAs. macist preceptors and/or faculty clinicians who precept
The PSAE Tool serves as a first in the series of tools and students in Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences
resources that should be developed for faculty and pre- (IPPEs) and/or Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences
ceptors. The PSAE Tool focuses specifically on the pre- (APPEs). Each pharmacist participant was provided with
ceptor and/or faculty member’s confidence in performing the pre-test instructions, a copy of the PSAE Tool to com-
the EPA tasks, not in their ability to teach or assess a stu- plete their assessment of their confidence in performing
dent’s performance of the EPA tasks. Although some the EPAs, and the opportunity to provide any feedback to
institutions within the academy may have already started improve the PSAE Tool. A total of 25 pharmacists pre-
professional development programs related to the EPAs tested the PSAE Tool and their collective feedback was
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82 (7) Article 7162.
Table 1. Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) for New Pharmacy Graduates Domain Information in the Preceptor Self-
Assessment Tool for Entrustable Professional Activities for New Pharmacy Graduates PSAE Tool)
Number of Times
the EPA Domain
Statement Appears
EPA Domain EPA Domain Statement in the PSAE Tool
Patient Care Collect information to identify a patient’s medication-related problems and 3
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Information Educate patients and professional colleagues regarding the appropriate use 3
Master of medications.
Use evidence-based information to advance patient care. 2
Total Information Master Domain 5
Practice Manager Oversee the pharmacy operations for an assigned work shift. 2
Fulfill a medication order. 2
Total Practice Manager Domain 4
incorporated for the pilot test of the PSAE Tool and in the EPAs, (2) providing more details for the patient case, (3) not
final version of the PSAE Tool (Appendix 1). Positive addressing enough of the operational aspects of pharmacy
feedback regarding the PSAE Tool included (1) the ease practice settings, (4) some respondents not being familiar
of completing the tool, (2) the level of complexity being with the EPAs enough to ensure validation of the domain
suitable for any pharmacist who precepts student pharma- statements, (5) not including the frequency of each activity in
cists, (3) using a patient case with a continuity of care the PSAE Tool, and (6) lack of understanding of the mean-
through various care settings, and (4) the amount of ings and/or definitions of terms used in the PSAE Tool.
time taken to complete the assessment (which averaged Overall, the pharmacists indicated that the PSAE
12 minutes). Areas of the PSAE Tool identified as challeng- Tool would assist pharmacy faculty and preceptors in
ing, and thus prompted considerations for improvement, in- (1) becoming familiar with the EPAs, (2) recognizing
cluded (1) providing more simplistic information regarding the gaps in their knowledge or skills in the EPAs, and
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82 (7) Article 7162.
(3) guiding them to include the EPAs in their teaching. Table 2. Pharmacy Settings at Which Preceptors Self-
The pharmacist respondents also suggested sharing in identified as Being to Some Degree Unconfident in
the future the following information resulting from the Performing One or More EPA Activity
PSAE Tool: (1) the pharmacist’s individual score or level Pharmacy Setting N (%)a
compared with that of the entire cohort who took the Non-Government Hospital/Health System 13 (38)
assessment, and (2) the regional or sectional scores for Pharmacy (inpatient)
the respective schools of pharmacy so that any preceptor Large Chain Community Retail Pharmacy 4 (12)
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and/or faculty development areas can be identified and Government Hospital/Health System 4 (12)
supplemented in the future. Pharmacy (inpatient)
Other 4 (12)
Pilot Test of the Preceptor Self-Assessment Tool Ambulatory Care 3 (9)
for Entrustable Professional Activities for New Academic Institution 3 (9)
Small Chain Community Retail Pharmacy 2 (6)
Pharmacy Graduates (PSAE Tool)
Supermarket Pharmacy 2 (6)
Each academic faculty member of the PAC was Clinic-based Pharmacy 2 (6)
asked to approach their experiential education department Independent Community Retail Pharmacy 1 (3)
to consider participating in the online pilot test of the Specialty Pharmacy 1 (3)
PSAE Tool in which preceptors would be invited to com- a
Several respondents identified more than one site/setting
plete the PSAE Tool. In order to have representation from
all geographic regions of the US and from diverse insti-
tutions (eg, public and private), AACP staff contacted confident”) in performing one or more of the EPA tasks.
additional experiential education departments to invite In order to filter these, we recoded the response data as
them to participate in the pilot test. A total of 12 schools follows: very unconfident 5 4; unconfident 5 3; some-
of pharmacy (listed in the acknowledgement section of what unconfident 5 2; somewhat confident 5 1; confident
the paper) participated in the pilot study. Pilot schools or very confident 5 0. Response data for each respondent
were provided with background information regarding were then summed and sorted from highest (very uncon-
the PAC charges, directions for the schools regarding fident) to lowest (somewhat confident), and those with
the PSAE Tool, a template that could be utilized to invite a sum of 0 were deleted. The remaining 34 respondents
10-15 of their preceptors to participate in the online pilot were sorted and filtered to determine trends (Tables 2 and 3).
test, and the PSAE tool. The online pilot test was open for Thirty-eight percent (n513) of preceptors in our pilot
2 weeks in February 2018 and a reminder was sent to the study who self-identified as being to some degree uncon-
participating pilot schools one week into the online pilot fident in performing one or more EPA activity were from
testing period. The participating schools were asked how non-government hospital/health system (inpatient) phar-
many of their preceptors were invited to participate in the macies (Table 2). Of those 13 preceptors, 7 indicated hav-
pilot test. A total of 478 preceptors (as 1 school sent the ing been in practice and serving as a preceptor for 5-to-less
invitation to all of their preceptors) were invited to par- than 10 years. The EPA tasks for which our 34 least con-
ticipate in the online pilot test. fident respondents were least confident are shown in Table
Response data from the Pilot Testing of the PSAE 3, along with demographic trends associated with each.
were downloaded to MicrosoftÒ Excel (Version 15.13 for Due to the small number of respondents in the var-
Mac) for analysis. There were initially 104 responses, 12 ious groupings, inferences as to educational needs re-
of which were deleted because they were incomplete, quires further assessment. From Table 3, it appears
bringing the total number of valid responses to 92 (assum- from the Pilot Test that the PSAE is capable of identi-
ing that 478 preceptors received the invitation to partici- fying educational needs of preceptors and faculty related
pate in the online pilot test, the response rate was 19%). As to EPAs for continuing professional development. In
one of the major goals of the PSAE tool is to provide this number of respondents, professional develop-
information to AACP and schools of pharmacy about ment opportunities were identified for preceptors at non-
the educational needs of preceptors and faculty related government hospital/health systems (inpatient) settings,
to EPAs for continuing professional development, we in particular around the following areas: ensuring that
were primarily interested in the instrument’s ability to patients have been immunized against vaccine-preventable
identify those needs. Accordingly, we focused our anal- diseases; creating a written plan for continuous professional
ysis of the response data on respondents who self-assessed development; implementing a care plan in collaboration
as being to some degree unconfident (“very unconfident,” with the patient, caregivers, and other health professionals;
“unconfident,” “somewhat unconfident,” or “somewhat identifying patients at risk for prevalent diseases in
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82 (7) Article 7162.
Table 3. EPA Activities (Tasks) with Which the Pilot Group Preceptors Self-identified as Being to Some Degree Unconfident in
Characteristics of the Pilot Group Preceptors
Task Least Confident in Performing the Task
Ensure that patients have been immunized against Non-Government Hospital/Health System (inpatient)
vaccine-preventable diseases 151 years in practice
151 years precepting
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Create a written plan for continuous professional Non-Government Hospital/Health System (inpatient)
development 5 to , 10 years in practice
5 to , 10 years precepting
Oversee the pharmacy operations for an assigned Government Hospital/Health System (outpatient)
work shift 151 years in practice
151 years precepting
Implement a care plan in collaboration with the Non-Government Hospital/Health System (inpatient)
patient, caregivers, and other health professionals
Identify patients at risk for prevalent diseases in a Non-Government Hospital/Health System (inpatient)
Follow-up and monitor a care plan Large Chain Community Retail Pharmacy
5 to 151 years in practice
5 to 151 years precepting
a population; and analyzing information to determine the professional development resources and programs
effects of medication therapy, identifying medication- for preceptors and faculty;
related problems, and prioritizing health-related needs. d Another pilot test of the PSAE Tool with preceptors
Additional professional development opportunities might and faculty from a larger number of schools of
be created for preceptors at large chain community retail pharmacy to ensure that the tool is clearly under-
pharmacies around the tasks of following-up and moni- stood by preceptors;
toring a care plan, and for preceptors at government hos- d Determination of how the PSAE Tool could be pro-
pital/health system (outpatient) pharmacies around the vided to schools of pharmacy electronically to uti-
tasks of overseeing the pharmacy operations for an assigned lize with their faculty and preceptors;
work shift, and fulfilling a medication order. d Determination of how individual and aggregate re-
The PAC recognizes that additional testing and en- spondent data will be provided back to the schools
hancement of the PSAE Tool is necessary prior to its of pharmacy in order to be aware of the type(s) of
utilization as a resource for schools of pharmacy. There CPD resources and programs that should be created
are several aspects regarding the PSAE Tool that should to develop and enhance the knowledge and skills
be investigated: needed for the EPAs ; and
d Feedback from the Experiential Education Section d Determination of how preceptors and faculty who
regarding the need and potential utilization of the take the PSAE Tool will be provided their individual
PSAE Tool for the development of their precep- baseline data and development area(s), if applicable,
tors and faculty and to generate future continuing for the EPAs.
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82 (7) Article 7162.
The PAC encourages AACP to take the work to date re- of individuals in various practice settings with varied ex-
garding the PSAE Tool and develop it so that this resource periences and learning styles. Therefore, when develop-
is available for all schools of pharmacy and their faculty ing a plan for CPD for preceptors, one must consider
and preceptors. a collection of activities utilizing a preceptor’s own self-
assessment, goals for development, and thoughtful evalu-
Recommendations ation and documentation. Schools of pharmacy are tasked
Recommendation 1: AACP should develop an opera- to ensure that preceptors are prepared and oriented to their
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tional plan for how to provide the piloted Preceptor Self- individual program’s mission, learning expectations, and
Assessment Tool for Entrustable Professional Activities for evaluation techniques prior to precepting students. Addi-
New Pharmacy Graduates (PSAE Tool) to schools of phar- tionally, schools of pharmacy are expected to foster the
macy faculty and preceptors electronically, to include: professional development of their preceptors.12 To this end,
d Aggregate information to be sent directly to the many schools are creating unique and innovative plans for
schools of pharmacy for their pharmacy faculty training and developing preceptors and/or contracting
and preceptors in order to create CPD initiatives with continuing education providers to provide additional
and programs; and content delivery on teaching and learning topics. In the
d Individual feedback to be sent to the faculty member 2016 AACP Preceptor Survey, over half (58.7%) of re-
or preceptor on each of the domain area(s) and po- spondents reported serving as a preceptor for more than
tential resources that they should consider reviewing one school of pharmacy.14 Thus, the variance of preceptor-
for their continuing professional development. training requirements from multiple PharmD programs
Recommendation 2: AACP should partner with other phar- may create additional barriers to serving as a preceptor
macy associations and organizations in sharing the Precep- and therefore limit their ability to teach students in their
tor Self-Assessment Tool for Entrustable Professional clinical setting.
Activities for New Pharmacy Graduates (PSAE Tool) to In 2007, Boyle and colleagues identified important
determine baseline faculty and preceptor confidence with goals in creating an academy of preceptors including (1)
performing EPAs for New Pharmacy Graduates. recognition of preceptors’ excellence, (2) development of
educational skills of preceptors, and (3) facilitation of
Suggestions networking opportunities for preceptors.15 These 3 goals
Suggestion 1: Schools of pharmacy that work to- aligned with the committee’s discussion surrounding the
gether in experiential education consortia or in other continuing professional development of preceptors. To
venues should work together to educate and create greater support these efforts, the PAC discussed and reviewed
awareness of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) perceived gap areas and needs for pharmacy preceptor
for New Pharmacy Graduates, the Pharmacists’ Patient development and CPD and developed proposed avenues
Care Process (PPCP), and Center for the Advancement of that AACP could utilize to assist in the CPD of preceptors.
Pharmaceutical Education (CAPE) Educational Out-
comes for all of their pharmacy faculty and preceptors. Preceptor Recognition
Suggestion 2: Schools of pharmacy should share the Formal appreciation or acclaim for clinical teaching
Preceptor Self-Assessment Tool for Entrustable Profes- as well as acknowledgement of one’s existence as a pre-
sional Activities for New Pharmacy Graduates (PSAE ceptor are important considerations when developing
Tool) with their pharmacy faculty, preceptors, and their a plan for recognition of preceptors. At the local level,
experiential education sites to utilize for their current and many schools of pharmacy provide annual recognition
potential preceptors. awards to preceptors.
Suggestion 3: Schools of pharmacy should consider Based upon recommendations from the 2012 PAC
the Preceptor Self-Assessment Tool for Entrustable Pro- committee, AACP created the Master Preceptor recog-
fessional Activities for New Pharmacy Graduates (PSAE nition program with the first cohort of preceptors recog-
Tool) as a potential element for continuing professional nized in 2014. The goal of this program was to recognize
development (CPD) for pharmacy faculty and preceptors. preceptors who were not full-time employees of schools
of pharmacy, yet excelled in the role of a clinical preceptor/
A Plan for AACP for Preceptor Continuing educator. To date, 29 preceptors from a variety of settings
Professional Development (CPD) have been recognized as Master Preceptors, which has
Preceptors contribute to approximately 30% of typically included one preceptor being selected from each
today’s instruction in the PharmD curricula in the AACP/NABP district annually. Moreover, in 2018, rather
United States. These preceptors represent a diverse group than selecting only one recipient from each AACP/NABP
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82 (7) Article 7162.
district, recognition as a Master Preceptor will be given to opportunities; however it may not lend itself to cultivating
nominated preceptors achieving a high evaluation score deep, meaningful relationships between preceptors. Face-
based on the applicant’s demonstration of and contribu- to-face interactions can provide a meaningful way to create
tions to experiential education, pharmacy practice, ser- these valuable preceptor networks. The committee dis-
vice, and awards/recognitions. The 2017 PAC committee cussed the lack of opportunities for many preceptors
discussed methods of connecting this recognition to AACP to come together in a face-to-face setting to learn to
events, membership, and committees.10 become better teachers. Consequently, a few ideas
Downloaded from http://www.ajpe.org by guest on July 12, 2023. © 2018 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
fessions have preceptors that are an integral part of health professional activities for new pharmacy graduates. Am J Pharm
profession education. Educ. 2017; 81: article S2.
Recommendation 12: AACP should develop a tool to 4. Haines ST, Gleason BL, Kantorovich A, et al. Report of the 2015-
assess faculty and preceptors’ ability to teach and to as- 2016 Academic Affairs Standing Committee. Am J Pharm Educ.
2016; 80: article S20.
sess Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) for New
5. Pittenger AL, Copeland DA, Lacroix MM, et al. Report of the
Pharmacy Graduates. 2016-17 academic affairs standing committee: entrustable
professional activities implementation roadmap. Am J Pharm Educ.
Suggestions 2017; 5: Article S4.
Suggestion 4: Schools of pharmacy should support 6. Bandura A., Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social
preceptors selected as their “Preceptor of the Year” in Cognitive Theory. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 1996:
participating in AACP meetings/events. 390-409.
Suggestion 5: Schools of pharmacy should sup- 7. Plaza CM, Draugalis JR, Retterer J, et al. Curricular evaluation
port free/discounted AACP membership for preceptor(s) using self-efficacy measurements. Am J Pharm Educ 2002; 66: 51-54.
8. Harris BJ, Butler M, Cardello E, et al. Report of the 2011-2012
for 1 year for those recognized as “Preceptor of the
AACP professional affairs committee: addressing the teaching
Year.” excellence of volunteer pharmacy preceptors. Am J Pharm Educ.
2012:76; Article S4.
CALL TO ACTION 9. Worrall CL, Aistrope DS, Cardello EA, et al. Report of the 2015-
Much has been accomplished in the area of preceptor 2016 professional affairs committee: priming the preceptor pipeline:
development; however, additional advances can be made collaboration, resources and recognition. Am J Pharm Educ. 2016:80;
to ensure quality experiential education. In response to the Article S19.
10. Whalen K, Aistrope DS, Ausili J, et al. Report of the 2016-2017
charge from President Steven Scott, the committee de-
professional affairs committee: formally embracing and engaging
sires favorable consideration of the utilization of the Pre- preceptors in the academy: the time has come. Am J Pharm Educ.
ceptor Self-Assessment Tool for EPAs across schools of 2017:81; Article S16.
pharmacy so that preceptors and faculty can learn about 11. Taylor CT, Adams AJ, Albert EL, et al. Report of the 2014-2015
EPAs and programs can identify areas for increased learn- professional affairs standing committee: producing practice-ready
ing related to EPAs. In addition, the committee recom- pharmacy graduates in an era of value-based health Care. Am J
mends future AACP standing committees or task forces Pharm Educ. 2015:79; Article S12.
consider the development of a tool to assess self-efficacy 12. Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education. Accreditation
standards and guidelines for the professional program in pharmacy
of the teaching and assessment of student pharmacist per-
leading to the doctor of pharmacy degree (“Standards 2016”). https://
formance of the EPAs. www.acpe-accredit.org/pdf/Standards2016FINAL.pdf. Accessed
AACP can be the leader in promoting preceptor de- April 9, 2018.
velopment related to contemporary, forward-thinking ed- 13. AACP Cumulative Policies 1980-2019. https://www.aacp.org/sites/
ucational practices (eg, EPAs, CAPE outcomes) as well as default/files/2018-02/Cumulative%20Policy%201980-2017%20FINAL
current issues facing students (eg, student stress). Track- %2020180124%20%28002%29.pdf. Accessed April 9, 2018.
ing and documenting preceptor development related to 14. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Office of
the topics of teaching and learning can and should be Institutional Research & Effectivenesswebsite https://www.aacp.org/
further developed. Furthermore, it is critical for AACP
20Summary%20Report_for%20web.pdf. Updated September 2016.
to seek out opportunities for networking and recognition Accessed April 9, 2018.
of preceptors with the ultimate goal of enhancing the 15. Boyle CJ, Morgan JA, Layson-Wolf C, et al. Developing and
education of student pharmacists while optimizing patient Implementing an Academy of Preceptors. Am J Pharm Educ.
care. 2009:73; Article 34.
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82 (7) Article 7162.
Appendix 1. Preceptor Self-Assessment Tool for Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) for New Pharmacy Graduates
(PSAE Tool)
used to develop resources to assist in the education needs of preceptors for continuous professional development (CPD).
d Preceptors should be aware and understand that EPAs are discrete activities and tasks.
d EPAs are mapped to the Center for Advancement of Pharmacy Education (CAPE) 2013 Educational Outcomes and to the
of patient care and patient care services. The PPCP has been incorporated into both the CAPE 2013 Educational
Outcomes and the EPAs for New Pharmacy Graduates.
d The longitudinal scenario presented in this self-assessment tool follows a patient through various healthcare settings where
pharmacists practice.
d You should respond based upon your confidence in performing the EPA task, not necessarily the healthcare setting
Preceptor Demographics:
d Practice Setting that best describes where the majority of your preceptor-to-student interactions occur:
□ Independent Community Retail Pharmacy (fewer than 4 stores under the same ownership)
□ Small Chain Community Retail Pharmacy (4 to 10 stores under the same ownership)
□ Large Chain Community Retail Pharmacy (more than 10 stores under the same ownership)
□ Mass Merchandiser (eg, Big Box store)
□ Supermarket Pharmacy
□ Clinic-Based Pharmacy (a licensed pharmacy located in or near a medical clinic)
□ Mail Service Pharmacy
□ Specialty Pharmacy
□ Government Hospital/Health System (_____ inpatient _____ outpatient)
□ Non-government Hospital/Health System (_____ inpatient _____ outpatient)
□ Home Health/ Infusion
□ Nursing Home/Long Term Care
□ Ambulatory Care (eg, medical clinic, office-based practice, not a licensed pharmacy)
□ Pharmacy Benefit Administration (eg, PBM, managed care)
□ Academic Institution
□ Other Practice Setting (____ For-Profit _____ Non-Profit) describe: _________________________________
d Years in Practice:
□ Less than 5 years
□ 5 years to less than 10 years
□ 10 years to less than 15 years
□ 15 or more years
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82 (7) Article 7162.
d Years as a Preceptor:
□ Less than 5 years
□ 5 years to less than 10 years
□ 10 years to less than 15 years
□ 15 or more years
Please respond based upon your level of confidence in performing the EPA task, not necessarily the healthcare setting or your
expertise in the healthcare setting.
Act 1: Your next patient, SB, who has been seen in a primary care setting, has uncontrolled diabetes taking multiple
prescription and over-the-counter medications. JB is SB’s main caregiver and lives with SB.
Please indicate below the level of confidence you have in performing each task:
Very Somewhat Somewhat Very
EPA Domain Statement (Task) Unconfident Unconfident Unconfident Confident Confident Confident
Collect information to identify a 1 2 3 4 5 6
patient’s medication-related problems
and health-related needs.
Identify patients at risk for prevalent 1 2 3 4 5 6
diseases in a population.
Educate patients and professional 1 2 3 4 5 6
colleagues regarding the appropriate
use of medications.
Oversee the pharmacy operations for 1 2 3 4 5 6
an assigned work shift.
Please respond based upon your level of confidence in performing the EPA task, not necessarily the healthcare setting or your
expertise in the healthcare setting.
Act 2: SB arrives via ambulance to the Emergency Department (ED) after falling in the front yard at home. As a reminder,
SB has uncontrolled diabetes and is taking multiple prescription and over-the-counter medications. JB is SB’s main
caregiver and lives with SB.
Please indicate below the level of confidence you have in performing each task:
Very Somewhat Somewhat Very
EPA Domain Statement (Task) Unconfident Unconfident Unconfident Confident Confident Confident
Collect information to identify a patient’s 1 2 3 4 5 6
medication-related problems and
health-related needs.
Analyze information to determine the 1 2 3 4 5 6
effects of medication therapy, identify
medication-related problems, and
prioritize health-related needs.*
Collaborate as a member of an 1 2 3 4 5 6
interprofessional team.
Minimize adverse drug events and 1 2 3 4 5 6
medication errors.
Maximize the appropriate use of 1 2 3 4 5 6
medications in a population.
Ensure that patients have been immunized 1 2 3 4 5 6
against vaccine-preventable diseases.
*Please mark your level of confidence in performing all three tasks in this EPA domain statement (task)
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82 (7) Article 7162.
Please respond based upon your level of confidence in performing the EPA task, not necessarily the healthcare setting or your
expertise in the healthcare setting.
Act 3: SB is admitted to the health-system to receive care for a fractured fibula and lacerations, which includes surgery and
physical therapy as well as medication therapy for infection prevention, diabetes, and pain management. The caregiver, JB, visits
SB every day.
Please indicate below the level of confidence you have in performing each task:
Very Somewhat Somewhat Very
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EPA Domain Statement (Task) Unconfident Unconfident Unconfident Confident Confident Confident
Analyze information to determine the 1 2 3 4 5 6
effects of medication therapy, identify
medication-related problems, and
prioritize health-related needs.*
Establish patient-centered goals and 1 2 3 4 5 6
create a care plan for a patient in
collaboration with the patient,
caregiver(s), and other health
professionals that is evidence-based
and cost-effective.
Follow-up and monitor a care plan. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Collaborate as a member of an 1 2 3 4 5 6
interprofessional team.
Identify patients at risk for prevalent 1 2 3 4 5 6
diseases in a population.
Minimize adverse drug events and 1 2 3 4 5 6
medication errors.
Maximize the appropriate use of 1 2 3 4 5 6
medications in a population.
Ensure that patients have been immunized 1 2 3 4 5 6
against vaccine-preventable disease.
Use evidence-based information to 1 2 3 4 5 6
advance patient care.
Fulfill a medication order. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Create a written plan for continuous 1 2 3 4 5 6
professional development.
*Please mark your level of confidence in performing all three tasks in this EPA domain statement (task)
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82 (7) Article 7162.
Please respond based upon your level of confidence in performing the EPA task, not necessarily the healthcare setting or your
expertise in the healthcare setting.
Please respond based upon your level of confidence in performing the EPA task, not necessarily the healthcare setting or your
expertise in the healthcare setting.
Act 5: The patient, SB, is admitted to the rehabilitation facility. SB’s caregiver, JB, visits the patient every day.
Please indicate below the level of confidence you have in performing each task:
Very Somewhat Somewhat Very
EPA Domain Statement (Task) Unconfident Unconfident Unconfident Confident Confident Confident
Implement a care plan in collaboration 1 2 3 4 5 6
with the patient, caregivers, and
other health professionals.
Follow-up and monitor a care plan. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Collaborate as a member of an 1 2 3 4 5 6
interprofessional team.
Maximize the appropriate use of 1 2 3 4 5 6
medications in a population.
Educate patients and professional 1 2 3 4 5 6
colleagues regarding appropriate
use of medications.
Oversee the pharmacy operations for 1 2 3 4 5 6
an assigned work shift.
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82 (7) Article 7162.
Please respond based upon your level of confidence in performing the EPA task, not necessarily the healthcare setting or your
expertise in the healthcare setting.
Act 6: One month later, SB is discharged from the rehabilitation facility to their home. SB will continue the previous home
medication regimen with the addition of one new prescription. JB, SB’s caregiver, visits the community pharmacy to pick-
up the new medication.
Please indicate below the level of confidence you have in performing each task:
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