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Effective communication is critical to providing quality health care and can be affected by a number of modifiable orga-
nizational factors. The authors performed a prospective multisite validation study of an organizational communication
climate assessment tool in 13 geographically and ethnically diverse health care organizations. Communication climate
was measured across 9 discrete domains. Patient and staff surveys with matched items in each domain were developed
using a national consensus process, which then underwent psychometric field testing and assessment of domain coher-
ence. The authors found meaningful within-site and between-site performance score variability in all domains. In mul-
tivariable models, most communication domains were significant predictors of patient-reported quality of care and
trust. The authors conclude that these assessment tools provide a valid empirical assessment of organizational com-
munication climate in 9 domains. Assessment results may be useful to track organizational performance, to benchmark,
and to inform tailored quality improvement interventions.
communication, organizational culture, performance assessment, survey
Effective communication is the foundation for quality health facets of health care quality, the organizational climate can
care.1-13 Communication between health care practitioners, make good performance at the individual level either easier
patients, and other members of care teams affects patient or much harder to attain.
satisfaction,6,8,9adherence to treatment recommenda- The Ethical Force program is a multistakeholder col-
tions,7,9,10 and patient safety.11-13 According to the Joint laborative that aims to develop valid and reliable measures
Commission, miscommunication is the leading cause of
sentinel events (serious medical errors).12 In addition, health
and health care disparities are created when miscommunica- Institute for Ethics, American Medical Association, Chicago, IL
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC
tion disproportionately affects certain patient popula- 3
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN
tions.4,5,14-16 As a result, understanding and improving
communication may be a key to addressing disparities,4 Dr Osborn, Ms Griffin, and Mr McCoy disclosed no conflicts of
interest. The following authors declared the following potential
which is an important national health policy goal.17 conflicts of interest. Dr Wynia is an employee of the American Medical
Because much of the communication in health care takes Association, which holds copyright on all products of the Ethical
place in dyadic patient–clinician relationships, health care Force program. Ms Johnson is an independent consultant who has
communication is often studied at the level of these interac- been trained and is authorized to use the organizational assessment
tions.18-20 For example, research using tape recordings of toolkit in her consulting work. Any conflicts of interest were resolved
during the peer-review process. The authors disclosed receipt of the
patient–physician interactions has been invaluable to following financial support for the research and/or authorship of this
explore determinants of effective interpersonal communica- article: This work was funded in part by the California Endowment,
tion and to improve clinical training programs.20,21 Yet it Grants 20043158 and 20062217; the Commonwealth Fund; and the
has been noted among those seeking to improve commu- Connecticut Health Foundation.
nication that communication is strongly affected by the
Corresponding Author:
organizational climate in which interactions take place.22 Matthew K. Wynia, MD, MPH, the Institute for Ethics,
In short, organizations create the milieu in which interper- American Medical Association, 515 N State St, Chicago, IL 60654
sonal communications succeed or fail and, as with many Email: [email protected]
Table 1. Hospitals and Clinics Involved in Field Tests of the expert advisory panel on patient-centered communication
Communication Climate Assessment Tools (member list available at: was
convened to review the existing literature and propose a
Children’s Hospital & Research Center, Oakland, CA
Windham Hospital, Willimantic, CT set of domains for organizational assessment as well as
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS specific organizational performance expectations within
University of Chicago Hospitals, Chicago, IL each domain. Each proposed domain and every individual
Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, OH performance expectation within each domain was subject
Sierra Kings District Hospital, Reedley, CA to a vote by the 21-member Ethical Force Oversight Body,
Golden Valley Health Center, Merced, CA comprising leaders from hospital, health plan, clinician,
Community Health Center, several cities across CT
and patient groups (membership list at www.EthicalForce.
Geisinger Medical Group, Mount Pocono, PA
George Washington University Hospital, Washington, DC org). Using a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = not at all; 10 = com-
Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN pletely), members voted on whether each proposed domain
Open Door Family Medical Center, Ossining, NY and performance expectation was (1) important, (2) mea-
Louisville Oncology, Louisville, KY surable, and (3) feasible to accomplish. The mean score
Family HealthCare, Visalia, CA for adopting a domain or performance expectation was 7,
and no member could vote <3 on any item; in essence,
every member held a veto. This strict consensus process
of the ethical environment in health care organizations.23,24 ensures the content validity of the domains and perfor-
The “ethical environment” of a health care organization mance expectations. The assessment domains are listed in
comprises all ethics-related facets of the organization, includ- Table 2, and details on the adopted performance expecta-
ing the presence or absence of specific organizational values, tions in each domain are available online.27
infrastructure, and other resources that make ethical practices Next, adopted performance expectations were used to
more or less likely. The program selects specific aspects of develop the set of communication climate assessment tools
the ethical environment (eg, privacy,25 insurance coverage including the coordinated surveys for patients, clinicians,
decisions,26 patient-centered communication27,28) and uses nonclinical staff, and leaders. A 360° evaluation approach
a consensus process to develop performance expectations in ensures that all views are represented in an effort to produce
those areas for health care organizations. It then aims to the most accurate and complete assessment of an orga-
create valid and useful tools to measure, monitor, and nization.32 This report presents research on validation tests
improve an organization’s ethical env ironment. This work for the patient and staff surveys only; the leadership survey
is related to efforts to measure and improve organizational closely mirrors the staff survey but is completed by only
culture. The available instruments that measure organiza- a few senior executives in each organization, making
tional culture in health care have been sparse29 and limited reliable statistical analysis impossible.
in their scope, ease of use, and measurement properties.30 The communication climate assessment tools were field
The Ethical Force program has developed a set of orga- tested in 14 diverse organizations nationwide (Table 1). Sites
nizational communication climate assessment tools,31 were selected by the expert advisory panel in a competitive
including a coordinated set of patient surveys, clinical and process, which aimed to represent all regions of the country
nonclinical staff surveys, leadership surveys, a team- and a broad array of patient populations. Following a call
oriented self-assessment workbook, and several optional for nominations, more than 50 hospitals and clinics applied
focus group protocols. In this article, we describe the devel- to serve as field test sites; 16 were selected (8 hospitals and
opment and field testing of the patient and staff surveys in 8 clinics, comprising 2 clinics and 2 hospitals from each of
14 health care organizations, including the creation of a the 4 major geographic regions of the country). Of these,
scoring system comprising 9 discrete domains of organi- 14 ultimately contributed data to the field test process
zational performance, focusing on demonstrating the reli- because 2 of the sites initially selected experienced leader-
ability of the measurement domains and their content and ship turnover or were sold and declined to participate. Table
construct validity. 3 shows the demographic characteristics of patients and staff
at the field test sites. Site-specific assessment results are not
presented in this report because anonymity was promised
Methods for the purposes of testing the instruments.
Toolkit materials were developed using a multistakeholder The initial round of field tests was for psychometric
consensus process and refined through 2 rounds of field testing and to refine and simplify the tools. The first-round
testing at 14 widely varying health care organizations, patient surveys also included standard items about quality
including 7 hospitals and 7 clinics nationwide (Table 1). and trust in health care, which were used to assess the con-
The Ethical Force consensus process has been described struct validity of the toolkit domains. Following the first
in detail previously.25-27,31 For this project, a 13-member round of field tests, 9 of the original 13 organizations agreed
Table 2. Communication Domains and Internal Consistency Reliability of Items Measuring Each Domain
Table 3. Characteristics of Survey Respondents Across All Sites During Phase I and Phase II of the Field Tests
Patient Survey Respondents n = 5928 n = 1763 Staff Survey Respondents n = 1229 n = 651
to perform reassessments using the refined tools to assess graphical displays by sites were constructed to compare
variability in performance within and between organizations domain score variability within and between sites. All analy-
and to help test our system for reporting and benchmarking ses were 2-sided, and statistical significance was deter-
performance in each domain. mined at the α = .05 level. All analyses were performed
using SAS v9.1.3 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC) or Stata
v10 (StataCorp LP, College Station, TX).
Survey Distribution Methods
Field tests took place between November 2007 and August
2008. Surveys were available on paper or online. Patient Calculating Domain Scores
surveys were also available via automated voice response To calculate domain scores, all relevant survey item
systems in round 1 (very few patients replied using the responses were first standardized to a 0-to-1 scale, with
system, so it was retired for round 2) and in 5 languages 1 being the most desired response. For each domain, the
(English, Spanish, Chinese, Polish, and Vietnamese). mean of all included items was calculated for each survey
All sites used convenience samples for patient and staff to obtain patient and staff survey domain means (this
data collection. For patient surveys, sites either distributed accounts for varying numbers of items in each domain as
surveys directly to patients in outpatient clinics or prior to well as the varying numbers of surveys collected at differ-
discharge from the hospital, or they mailed the surveys to ent sites). Finally, the means of the patient survey and the
patients’ homes following an office visit or inpatient admis- staff survey domain means were calculated (so that staff
sion. For staff surveys, sites either asked their staff to and patient scores carry equal weight in the overall domain
complete the surveys during staff meetings, distributed score) and multiplied by 100. The domain scores are thus
them personally, mailed surveys through interoffice mail reported on standardized scales of 0 to 100 for each
or to staff members’ homes, or sent an e-mail with a Web organization, with 100 being the best possible score.
link instructing staff to complete the survey online. At most
sites, it was not possible to determine a precise survey
response rate because patients or staff could decline to pick Patient-Reported Quality and Trust Measures
up the survey or could pick up more than 1 survey, but the To assess patients’ perceptions of quality and trust, we
response rates generally ranged from 20% to 50%. A few adapted several items from the previously validated Health
sites obtained nearly 100% response rates on staff surveys Care System Distrust Scale.33 In particular, we asked if
by distributing the surveys at staff meetings and stipulating patients believed that they received high-quality care
that they be returned before leaving. All staff and patient (competence/quality), that the system would hide mistakes
surveys were anonymous, which precluded any attempts (honesty, reverse-coded), and that the system would keep
to follow up with nonrespondents. their medical records private (confidentiality).
The nationwide field test protocol was reviewed and
approved by the Western Institutional Review Board,
Data Analysis Olympia, WA. Several field test sites that incorporated
In round 1, reliability was assessed by testing the internal additional substudies, such as staff focus groups, also under-
consistency reliability of the domains, measured using went additional local institutional review board review,
Cronbach α. Standardized coefficients were used along depending on the specifics of their local protocols.
with listwise deletion to optimize domain reliability.33
Specifically, items were systematically removed and αs
recalculated to determine when removing an item improved Results
internal consistency. Finally, to assess the construct validity In round 1, the 13 participating organizations collected
of the 9 domains, we examined correlations between surveys from 5929 patients (35% limited English proficient)
domain scores and 3 standard measures of patient-reported and 1229 clinical and nonclinical staff. Round 2 included
quality of care and trust in health care systems. Patient 9 sites that collected data from 1763 patients (29% limited
reports of quality of care and trust can be correlated with English proficient) and 651 staff. Table 3 details the samples
a number of independent demographic factors that are in each round of field tests. Across both rounds of surveys,
unrelated to communication climate, including patient age, patient survey respondents were mostly female (72%) and
education, sex, race, ethnicity, and language (English vs white (40%) or Hispanic/Latino (39%); 67% of patients
non-English).8-10 Because we wished to examine the effect reported English to be their preferred language when talking
of communication climate per se on patient-reported qual- with their doctor, whereas 21% reported Spanish as their
ity and trust, we adjusted for these demographic factors preferred language. Staff survey respondents held hetero-
using multivariable logistic regression models. In round 2, geneous job responsibilities: 13% were physicians, 25%
Composite Domain Score
70 Evaluate Performance
Health Literacy
60 Sociocultural Context
Engage Individuals
Develop Workforce
Engage Communities
Collect Information
40 Understand Organizations Commitment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Figure 1. Variability across final domain scores at the 9 sites that participated in round 2
were from nursing, 10% were from reception/front desk, in domain scores are shown in Table 4 and demonstrate
and 52% were from other categories. that scores on most of the domains are significant predictors
of patient-reported quality and trust, after adjusting for
patient age, education, sex, race, ethnicity, and language
Internal Consistency of Domains (English vs non-English). For example, a 5-point increase
Table 2 shows the number of survey items in each domain in score on the community engagement domain corresponds
as well as the final internal consistency reliability analyses to a 54% increase in the odds that patients at that organiza-
for each domain by survey, demonstrating acceptable tion will report receiving high-quality care. Similarly, a
instrument reliability in all domains for both patient and 5-point increase in score on the health literacy domain cor-
staff surveys (surveys with 0-1 item in a domain cannot responds to a 28% increase in the odds that patients will
be scored for domain reliability). The range of Cronbach trust the organization to protect their confidential records
α for patient survey domains was .59 to .90. The range of and a 27% decrease in the odds that patients will think the
Cronbach α for staff data was .69 to .96. organization would hide an error in their care.
Table 4. Multivariatea Relationship Between Organizational Performance in Each Communication Domain and Patient-Reported
Measures of General Quality and Trust
Although most health care organizations survey patients sample size for patients and staff, the small number of
and staff on satisfaction, and the Consumer Assessment of sites (13 in round 1 and 9 in round 2) precludes any
Healthcare Providers and Systems surveys include several meaningful analyses according to organizational type,
items related to patient-centered communication, we are as does the fact that these sites did not comprise a ran-
not aware of any prior efforts to develop a comprehensive dom sample. Although this small group of sites is ade-
360° assessment system for organizational communication quate for survey validation, we hope that future studies
climate. With this toolkit, the Ethical Force Program gives will include larger numbers of organizations, which
hospitals, clinics, and other health care organizations the might allow detection of performance variation accord-
ability to assess organizational communication climate and ing to region, site demographics, and specific policy
diagnose specific performance domains as high-value tar- environmental factors, among others.
gets for quality improvement.
Limitations Effective communication is critical to quality care and is
The primary limitation of this research is that it is too sensitive to numerous organizational factors. We have
early to measure whether quality assessment in the 9 developed and validated a set of assessment tools for mea-
domains related to communication climate can lead to suring the communication climate of health care organiza-
changes in organizational performance and resultant tions. These tools can provide organizations with detailed
patient health outcomes. Providing standardized feed- feedback across 9 discrete domains of communication
back on quality has been offered as a mechanism to performance, which might be useful to track performance
prompt quality improvement, 34,35 and one might hope over time, to benchmark, and to target quality improvement
that organizations will respond to detailed quality data interventions.
with tailored quality improvement interventions. For
instance, an organization scoring well on the language Acknowledgments
services domain but less well on the health literacy The authors wish to extend special thanks to our program officer
domain might choose particular interventions focused at the California Endowment, Ignatius Bau, for his support of this
on literacy to target this discrepancy.36 However, even work. In addition, many researchers have been involved in the
public reporting of quality data has not always sparked work of the Ethical Force program over the last 6 years. Special
effective quality improvement.37 In addition, patient thanks for their work on this project are due to Jennifer Matiasek,
reports of quality of care do not always correspond to Jeff Jarosch, Ololade Olakanmi, Joanne Schwartzberg, and Cyn-
quality of care using process or outcomes measures,38 thia Hedges-Greising. Finally, we thank the Oversight Body of
they can be important nonetheless and may though they the Ethical Force program and the Expert Advisory Panel on
can be important nonetheless and may correspond to Patient-Centered Communication (named at www.EthicalForce
other important outcomes.39 Finally, despite the large .org) for their unstinting support.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests 11. Divi C, Koss RG, Schmaltz SP, Loeb JM. Language profi-
ciency and adverse events in US hospitals: a pilot study. Int
The authors declared a potential conflict of interest (e.g. a finan- J Qual Health Care. 2007;19:60-67.
cial relationship with the commercial organizations or products 12. The Joint Commission. Improving America’s Hospitals:
discussed in this article) as follows: Dr Osborn, Ms Griffin, and The Joint Commission’s Annual Report on Quality and
Mr McCoy disclosed no conflicts of interest. The following Safety, 2007. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: The Joint Commis-
authors declared the following potential conflicts of interest. Dr sion; 2007.
Wynia is an employee of the American Medical Association, 13. Scalise D. Clinical communication and patient safety. Hosp
which holds copyright on all products of the Ethical Force pro- Health Netw. 2006;80:49-54.
gram. Ms Johnson is an independent consultant who has been 14. Gregg J. The role of culture and cross-cultural miscommu-
trained and is authorized to use the organizational assessment nication in the perpetuation of disparities. J Gen Intern Med.
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resolved during the peer-review process. 15. Cene CW, Roter D, Carson KA, Miller ER III, Cooper LA.
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Funding patient-physician communication. J Gen Intern Med.
The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support 2009;24:1057-1064.
for the research and/or authorship of this article: This work was 16. Weech-Maldonado R, Fongwa MN, Gutierrez P, Hays RD.
funded in part by the California Endowment, Grants 20043158 Language and regional differences in evaluations of Medicare
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