Vanco 2
Vanco 2
Vanco 2
Supplementary material is
available with the full text of this
T he first consensus guideline for ther-
apeutic monitoring of vancomycin
in adult patients was published in 2009.
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infec-
tions. It should be noted, however, that
when the recommendations were orig-
article at AJHP online.
A committee representing 3 organiza- inally published, there were important
Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2020; XX:XX-XX tions (the American Society for Health- issues not addressed and gaps in know-
Michael J. Rybak, PharmD, MPH, PhD, FCCP,
System Pharmacists [ASHP], Infectious ledge that could not be covered ade-
FIDP, FIDSA, Anti-Infective Research Laboratory, Diseases Society of America [IDSA], quately because of insufficient data.
Department of Pharmacy Practice, Eugene
Applebaum College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, and Society for Infectious Diseases In fact, adequate data were not avail-
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, School of
Medicine, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, and Pharmacists [SIDP]) searched and re- able to make recommendations in the
Detroit Receiving Hospital, Detroit, MI viewed all relevant peer-reviewed data original guideline for specific dosing
Jennifer Le, PharmD, MAS, FIDSA, FCCP,
FCSHP, BCPS-AQ ID, Skaggs School of Pharmacy on vancomycin as it related to in vitro and monitoring for pediatric patients
and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of and in vivo pharmacokinetic and phar- outside of the neonatal age group; spe-
California San Diego, La Jolla, CA
Thomas P. Lodise, PharmD, PhD, Albany College macodynamic (PK/PD) characteristics, cific recommendations for vancomycin
of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Albany, NY, and including information on clinical effi- dosage adjustment and monitoring
Albany Medical Center Hospital, Albany, NY
Donald P. Levine, MD, FACP, FIDSA, School of cacy, toxicity, and vancomycin resistance in the morbidly obese patient popu-
Medicine, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, and in relation to serum drug concentration lation and patients with renal failure,
Detroit Receiving Hospital, Detroit, MI
John S. Bradley, MD, JSB, FIDSA, FAAP, and monitoring. The data were summar- including specific dialysis dosage ad-
FPIDS, Department of Pediatrics, Division of ized, and specific dosing and monitoring justments; recommendations for the
Infectious Diseases, University of California at San
Diego, La Jolla, CA, and Rady Children’s Hospital recommendations were made. The pri- use of prolonged or continuous in-
San Diego, San Diego, CA
Catherine Liu, MD, FIDSA, Division of Allergy and
mary recommendations consisted of fusion (CI) vancomycin therapy; and
Infectious Diseases, University of Washington, Seattle, eliminating routine monitoring of serum safety data on the use of dosages that
WA, and Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA peak concentrations, emphasizing a ratio exceed 3 g per day. In addition, there
Bruce A. Mueller, PharmD, FCCP, FASN, FNKF, of area under the curve over 24 hours were minimal to no data on the safety
University of Michigan College of Pharmacy, Ann
Arbor, MI to minimum inhibitory concentration and efficacy of targeted trough concen-
Manjunath P. Pai, PharmD, FCCP, University of (AUC/MIC) of ≥400 as the primary PK/ trations of 15 to 20 mg/L.
Michigan College of Pharmacy, Ann Arbor, MI
Annie Wong-Beringer, PharmD, FCCP, FIDSA,
PD predictor of vancomycin activity, and This consensus revision evaluates
University of Southern California School of promoting serum trough concentrations the current scientific data and contro-
Pharmacy, Los Angeles, CA
John C. Rotschafer, PharmD, FCCP, University
of 15 to 20 mg/L as a surrogate marker versies associated with vancomycin
of Minnesota College of Pharmacy, Minneapolis, MN for the optimal vancomycin AUC/MIC dosing and serum concentration moni-
Keith A. Rodvold, PharmD, FCCP, FIDSA,
University of Illinois College of Pharmacy, Chicago, IL
if the MIC was ≤1 mg/L in patients with toring for serious MRSA infections (in-
Holly D. Maples, PharmD, University of Arkansas normal renal function. The guideline also cluding but not limited to bacteremia,
for Medical Sciences College of Pharmacy &
Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Little Rock, AR
recommended, albeit with limited data sepsis, infective endocarditis, pneu-
Benjamin M. Lomaestro, PharmD, Albany support, that actual body weight be used monia, osteomyelitis, and meningitis)
Medical Center Hospital, Albany, NY
to determine the vancomycin dosage and and provides new recommendations
Address correspondence to Dr. Rybak loading doses for severe infections in pa- based on recent available evidence.
([email protected]).
tients who were seriously ill.1 Due to a lack of data to guide appro-
Keywords: nephrotoxicity,
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, Since those recommendations were priate targets, the development of this
target attainment, vancomycin, vancomycin generated, a number of publications guideline excluded evaluation of van-
consensus guideline
have evaluated the impact of the 2009 comycin for methicillin-susceptible
© American Society of Health-System guidelines on clinical efficacy and tox- S. aureus (MSSA) strains, coagulase-
Pharmacists 2020. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please e-mail: journals. icity in patients receiving vancomycin negative staphylococci, and other
[email protected]. for the treatment of methicillin-resistant pathogens; thus, the extrapolation of
DOI 10.1093/ajhp/zxaa036
these CL formulas provide imprecise (bioMérieux USA, Hazelwood, MO) data for a MIC of 2 mg/L are limited, sug-
estimates of the AUC.24-26 This finding method, to arrive at an AUC/MICEtest gesting the need for more studies to ascer-
is not surprising, as there is consid- value.12,14,15 The MICEtest value tends to tain the optimal AUC/MIC target for this
erable interpatient variability in van- be 1.5- to 2-fold higher than the MICBMD MIC value or consideration for the use of
comycin exposure profiles in clinical value; therefore, it is likely that the alternative antibiotics. The currently avail-
practice, and it is not possible to gen- AUC threshold needed for response able data also highlight the critical need
erate valid estimates of exposure vari- from these 3 studies,12,14,15 if calculated for large-scale, multicenter, randomized,
function after AKI,31 and even mild AKI increased along the day 2 AUC con- (i.v.) contrast dye, and vasopressors
can significantly decrease long-term tinuum in a stepwise manner and that has been shown to increase the risk of
survival rates, increase morbidity, pro- patients with day 2 AUC values of ≥793 nephrotoxicity. Recently, piperacillin/
long hospitalizations, and escalate mg·h/L were at the greatest risk for AKI.23 tazobactam and flucloxacillin have
healthcare costs.22,32 Given the understanding about po- been reported to increase the risk
With any drug, an understanding of tential toxic concentrations, there are for AKI in patients receiving vanco-
its toxicodynamic profile is required for also data to suggest that AUC-guided mycin.39-44 It is unclear if the threshold
due to MRSA has been well integrated First, the range of vancomycin MIC based on the way the drug behaved
into practice, the clinical benefits values among contemporary MRSA in a population of prior patients
of maintaining higher vancomycin isolates is narrow, and the BMD MIC90 (the Bayesian prior) and the revised
trough values have not been well docu- in most institutions is 1 mg/L or less.58-62 probability distribution of a specific
mented.38,51-55 From a PK/PD perspec- Second, measurement of MIC values is patient’s PK parameter values using
tive, it is not surprising that there are imprecise, with dilution of ±1 log2 and exact dosing and drug concentration
limited clinical data to support the variation of 10% to 20% considered ac- data (the Bayesian conditional poste-
sampled vancomycin PK data from proportional changes in observed the dosing interval (ie, 12 vs 24 hours)
3 studies comprising 47 adults with AUC24.6,71-73 The major limitation of this than steady-state conditions. Given
varying renal function, Neely and col- approach is that it is not adaptive like the importance of early, appropriate
leagues24 demonstrated that Bayesian the Bayesian approach, as it can only therapy,74 targeted AUC exposures
software programs, embedded with a provide a snapshot of the AUC for the should be achieved early during the
PK model based on richly sampled van- sampling period. As such, this AUC cal- course of therapy, preferably within
comycin data as the Bayesian prior, can culation will not be correct if a physio- the first 24 to 48 hours. If monitoring
b. The preferred approach to monitor MICBMD of 1 mg/L unless it is known variability in MIC results between the
AUC involves the use of Bayesian to be greater or less than 1 mg/L susceptibility testing methods.
software programs, embedded with by BMD). Independent of MRSA The challenge is that, according
a PK model based on richly sampled infection, vancomycin monitoring to the Clinical Laboratory Standards
vancomycin data as the Bayesian is also recommended for all pa- Institute (CLSI), acceptable variability
prior, to optimize the delivery of tients at high risk for nephrotoxicity for MIC measurement methods is within
vancomycin based on the collection (eg, critically ill patients receiving ±1 doubling dilution (essential agree-
overcalled MIC values of 1 mg/L by the lack of precision and variability vancomycin CI (n = 61) and II (n = 58)
74.1%, and BD Phoenix and Vitek 2 in MIC results depending on method in 119 patients. Most patients had
undercalled MIC values of 2 mg/L by used (B-II). pneumonia or bacteremia, mostly due
76% and 20%, respectively. to MRSA. Mean serum steady-state and
The high variability of MIC results trough concentrations attained were
among the 4 systems compared to Continuous Infusion vs 24 mg/L and 15 mg/L, respectively,
BMD clearly poses a challenge to the Intermittent Infusion for both the CI and II groups. AUC24
group relative to the II group (20 [SD, 3.8] 1-mg/L increase in serum concentra- of 80 patients, a trend towards less fre-
mg/L vs 14.8 [SD, 4.4] mg/L, P < 0.001), tion was associated with an 11% increase quent occurrence of nephrotoxicity was
which would be expected when com- in the risk of nephrotoxicity, with lower observed in the CI group vs the II group
paring steady-state and trough concen- odds in those receiving II. However, lo- (10% vs 25%, P = 0.139), and when neph-
trations, AUC24 was not reported, thereby gistic regression analysis indicated the rotoxicity did occur it had a later onset
precluding comparison of drug exposure contrary in that II was associated with in the CI group (P = 0.036).88 Patients
between the CI and II groups. an 8-fold higher odds of nephrotoxicity were matched by age, comorbid condi-
in ICU patients early during the course 25 mg/L throughout the entire dosing events. An infusion rate of 10 mg/min
of infection. In 2 comparative studies, interval) by a factor of 24. Attaining or less is associated with fewer infusion-
target steady-state concentrations of 20 the desired drug exposure may be related events. Loading doses of 25 to
to 25 mg/L were achieved more rapidly more readily accomplished given the 35 mg/kg will require infusion times of
with use of CI vs II: in a mean time of ease of sampling time and dosage at least 2 to 3 hours.99 After administra-
36 (SD, 31) hours vs 51 (SD, 39) hours adjustment by changing the rate of tion of the loading dose, the initiation of
(P = 0.03) in one study and 16 (SD, infusion, which is a highly desirable the maintenance dose should occur at
also be performed in obese patients tendency estimates approaching 75 L approaches to estimating vancomycin
(B-II). are observed in obese adults.112,120,121 CL, such as that defined by Rodvold
The nonlinear relationship between and colleagues,125 can be used to esti-
vancomycin Vd and body weight can be mate the total daily maintenance dose.
Dosing in Obesity resolved with piecewise functions of al- The population model–estimated van-
The original vancomycin dosing ternate weight descriptors, allometric comycin CL multiplied by the target
strategies predate our current defin- scaling, use of lower mg/kg doses with AUC estimates the initial daily main-
estimate of vancomycin clearance these patients. These considerations and published a wide variety of vanco-
and the target AUC in obese patients. include the amount of time between mycin dosing protocols in an attempt to
Empiric maintenance doses for most vancomycin dose administration and compensate for the increase in vanco-
obese patients usually do not exceed the scheduled time of the next dialysis mycin dialytic CL caused by increases
4,500 mg/day, depending on their session,104 whether the dose is given in dialyzer permeability.
renal function (B-II). Early and fre- during dialysis or after hemodialysis An added complication of appro-
quent monitoring of AUC exposure is has ended, and the dialyzer’s per- priate vancomycin dosing in patients
are often hemodynamically unstable recognizing that these hybrid dialysis to 10 mg/kg every 12 hours (B-II).
and lack sufficient vascular access for therapies efficiently remove vanco- Maintenance dose and dosing in-
robust blood flow through the dialysis mycin (B-III). Initial doses should not terval should be based on serum con-
vascular access. All these hybrid dial- be delayed to wait for a dialysis treat- centration monitoring, which should
ysis therapies clear vancomycin to a ment to end. Maintenance doses of be conducted within the first 24
different extent than standard intermit- 15 mg/kg should be given after hybrid hours to ensure AUC/MIC targets are
tent hemodialysis.148,149 The timing of hemodialysis ends or during the final met.154 In fluid overloaded patients,
covariates. In a population-based PK and outcomes data to support the of 1 mg/L or less, p resumably as a re-
study by Colin and colleagues155 that higher end of the AUC target range in sult of greater vancomycin CL than is
evaluated vancomycin PK throughout pediatrics, it is prudent to aim for an seen in adults.1,161-164 For children in-
the entire age continuum from infancy AUC/MIC of 400 in pediatrics to limit fected by MRSA pathogens with a MIC
to geriatric years using pooled data from the development of exposure-related of >1 mg/L, it is unlikely that the target
14 studies, age, weight, and kidney func- AKI. Furthermore, in pediatrics, an exposure can be reliably achieved with
tion were important factors in estimating AUC/MIC target of 400 is more readily previously investigated dosages of van-
90% of children for MRSA pathogens every 8 hours) in renally impaired chil- greater than 15 to 20 mg/L and AKI in
with a MIC of 1 mg/L. However, their dren achieved AUC exposure similar to pediatric patients. In addition, they
finding may not be extrapolatable to the that achieved with a dosage of 60 mg/kg/ showed that children who received con-
entire pediatric population given the day in children with normal renal func- current nephrotoxic drugs (particularly
variable ages and renal function. In a tion. Notably, they showed that in 87% furosemide) and stayed in the pediatric
second study, these investigators dem- of children with initial renal impairment, ICU were also more likely to experi-
onstrated that a dosage of 60 mg/kg/day vancomycin CL improved (with a lag in ence AKI. Four studies published later
vancomycin may transiently occur in in the various pediatric age groups, and concentrations to achieve the AUC/MIC
specific situations in children, in which the differences in tissue site-of-infection target. Early monitoring of observed
case the dose of vancomycin may need drug exposure (eg, common occurrence concentrations is recommended when
to be higher than is usually prescribed of multifocal complicated osteomyelitis doses exceed 2,000 to 3,000 mg/day (A-
to achieve an AUC of 400 mg·h/L, in children requiring therapeutic bone III). Furthermore, close monitoring of
highlighting the need for therapeutic concentrations, with rare occurrence observed concentrations and renal func-
monitoring. of MRSA endocarditis) suggest that fur- tion is prudent in patients with poor or
important for those with acute renal studies by Heble et al181 and Miller the use of a 20-mg/kg loading dose
insufficiency, but subsequent adjust- et al182 documented higher vancomycin based on total body weight in obese
ment (particularly within the first trough concentrations in overweight children increased achievement of an
5 days of therapy) may be necessary and obese children, as compared to AUC/MIC of ≥400, especially within the
for those experiencing recovery of normal-weight children, with dosing first 12 hours of therapy. In addition, 1
renal function. Sustained or subse- based on total body weight. No increase of every 5 obese children had an AUC
quent decreases in dosage may be in AKI was noted in the overweight of ≥ 800 mg·h/L, indicating that routine
the rapid maturation of renal function PK analysis was conducted to create not be evaluated rigorously in this study
over the first weeks of life. a model for vancomycin CL that was due to the small sample size. Overall,
Mehrotra et al190 compared 4 models based on weight, postmenstrual age, the clinical utility of CI in neonates re-
for predicting vancomycin serum con- and SCr (measured by a modified ki- quires further evaluation, as the most
centrations, based on their population netic Jaffé reaction). Monte Carlo common pathogen causing late-onset
PK model, using a standard weight- simulations with Bayesian estimation sepsis requiring vancomycin therapy is
based dose, a postmenstrual age–based demonstrated that trough concentra- Staphylococcus epidermidis, with limited
the course of therapy, preferably within the first 24 to 48 hours (A-II). As such, the use of Bayesian-derived AUC monitoring may be prudent in these cases since it does not re-
quire steady-state serum vancomycin concentrations to allow for early assessment of AUC target attainment.
3. Trough-only monitoring, with a target of 15 to 20 mg/L, is no longer recommended, based on efficacy and nephrotoxicity data in patients with serious infections due to MRSA
(A-II). There is insufficient evidence to provide recommendations on whether trough-only or AUC-guided vancomycin monitoring should be used among patients with noninva-
sive MRSA or other infections.
4. Vancomycin monitoring is recommended for patients receiving vancomycin for serious MRSA infections to achieve a sustained targeted AUC (assuming a MICBMD of 1 mg/L
unless it is known to be greater or less than 1 mg/L by BMD). Independent of MRSA infection, vancomycin monitoring is also recommended for all patients at high risk for
nephrotoxicity (eg, critically ill patients receiving concurrent nephrotoxins), patients with unstable (ie, deteriorating or significantly improving) renal function, and those receiving
prolonged courses of therapy (more than 3 to 5 days). We suggest the frequency of monitoring be based on clinical judgment; frequent or daily monitoring may be prudent for
hemodynamically unstable patients (eg, those with end-stage renal disease), with once-weekly monitoring for hemodynamically stable patients (B-II).
5. Based on current national vancomycin susceptibility surveillance data, under most circumstances for empiric dosing, the vancomycin MIC should be assumed to be 1 mg/L.
When the MICBMD is greater than 1 mg/L, the probability of achieving an AUC/MIC target of ≥400 is low with conventional dosing; higher doses may risk unnecessary tox-
icity, and the decision to change therapy should be based on clinical judgment. In addition, when the MICBMD is less than 1 mg/L, we do not recommend decreasing the dose
to achieve the AUC/MIC target. It is important to note the limitations in automated susceptibility testing methods, including the lack of precision and variability in MIC results
depending on the method used (B-II).
6. The pharmacokinetics of continuous infusion suggest that such regimens may be a reasonable alternative to conventional intermittent infusion dosing when the AUC target
cannot be achieved (B-II).
7. Incompatibility of vancomycin with other drugs commonly coadministered in the ICU requires the use of independent lines or multiple catheters when vancomycin is being con-
10. Continuous Infusion: Based on current available data, a loading dose of 15 to 20 mg/kg, followed by daily maintenance CI of 30 to 40 mg/kg (up to 60 mg/kg), to achieve a
target steady-state concentration of 20 to 25 mg/L may be considered for critically ill patients (B-II). AUC24 can be simply calculated when multiplying the steady-state concen-
tration (ie, desired therapeutic range of 20 to 25 mg/L throughout the entire dosing interval) by a factor of 24 (B-II). Attaining the desired drug exposure may be more readily
accomplished, given the ease of sampling time and dosage adjustment, by changing the rate of infusion, which is a highly desirable feature in critically ill patients (B-II).
11. The risk of developing nephrotoxicity with CI appears to be similar or lower compared to intermittent dosing when targeting a steady-state concentration of 15 to 25 mg/L and
a trough concentration of 10 to 20 mg/L, respectively (B-II). Definitive studies are needed to compare drug exposure based on measured AUC24 and factors that predispose to
development of nephrotoxicity, such as receipt of concomitant nephrotoxins, diuretics, and/or vasopressor therapy in patients receiving continuous vs intermittent infusion of
12. In order to achieve rapid attainment of targeted concentrations in critically ill patients with suspected or documented serious MRSA infections, a loading dose of 20 to 35 mg/
kg can be considered for intermittent administration of vancomycin (B-II). Loading doses should be based on actual body weight and not exceed 3,000 mg. More intensive
and early therapeutic monitoring should also be performed in obese patients (B-II).
13. Adult Obesity: A vancomycin loading dose of 20 to 25 mg/kg using actual body weight, with a maximum of 3,000 mg, may be considered in obese adult patients with serious
infections (B-II). Empiric maintenance doses for most obese patients usually do not exceed 4,500 mg/day, depending on their renal function (B-II). Early and frequent moni-
toring of AUC exposure is recommended for dose adjustment, especially when empiric doses exceed 4,000 mg/day (A-II).
14. Intermittent Hemodialysis: Since efficacy data are unavailable for an AUC of <400 mg · h/L, monitoring based on predialysis serum concentrations and extrapolating these
values to estimate AUC is most practical. Maintaining predialysis concentrations between 15 and 20 mg/L is likely to achieve the AUC of 400 to 600 mg · h/L in the previous
24 hours (C-III). Predialysis serum concentration monitoring should be performed not less than weekly and should drive subsequent dosing rather than a strict weight-based
recommendation, although these recommended doses provide a useful starting point until serum concentrations have been determined (B-II).
15. Hybrid Dialysis Therapies (eg, Slow-Low Efficiency Dialysis [SLED]): Loading doses of 20 to 25 mg/kg actual body weight should be used, recognizing that these hybrid dialysis
therapies efficiently remove vancomycin (B-III). Initial doses should not be delayed to wait for a dialysis treatment to end. Maintenance doses of 15 mg/kg should be given
after hybrid hemodialysis ends or during the final 60 to 90 minutes of dialysis, as is done with standard hemodialysis (B-III). Concentration monitoring should guide further
maintenance doses.
Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT): Loading doses of 20 to 25 mg/kg by actual body weight should be used in patients receiving CRRT at conventional, KDIGO-
recommended effluent rates of 20 to 25 mL/kg/h (B-II). Initial maintenance dosing for CRRT with effluent rates of 20 to 25 mL/kg/h should be 7.5 to 10 mg/kg every 12 hours (B-
II). Maintenance dose and dosing interval should be based on serum concentration monitoring, which should be conducted within the first 24 hours to ensure AUC/MIC targets
are met. In fluid overloaded patients, doses may be reduced as patients become euvolemic and drug Vd decreases. The use of CI vancomycin in patients receiving CRRT ap-
pears to be growing, and this method could be used in place of intermittent vancomycin dosing, especially when high CRRT ultrafiltrate/dialysate flow rates are employed (B-II).
17. Based on an AUC target of 400 mg · h/L (but potentially up to 600 mg · hr/L assuming a MIC of ≤1 mg/L) from adult data, the initial recommended vancomycin dosage for chil-
dren with normal renal function and suspected serious MRSA infections is 60 to 80 mg/kg/day, divided every 6 to 8 hours, for children ages 3 months and older (A-II).
18. The maximum empiric daily dose is usually 3,600 mg/day in children with adequate renal function (C-III). Most children generally should not require more than 3,000 mg/day,
and doses should be adjusted based on observed concentrations to achieve the AUC/MIC target. Early monitoring of observed concentrations is recommended when doses
exceed 2,000 to 3,000 mg/day (A-III). Furthermore, close monitoring of observed concentrations and renal function is prudent in patients with poor or augmented renal clear-
ance as resolution of their renal function may occur within the first 5 days of therapy.
19. AUC-guided therapeutic monitoring for vancomycin, preferably with Bayesian estimation, is suggested for all pediatric age groups, based on developmental changes of vanco-
mycin CL documented from the newborn to the adolescent. Based on current available data, the suggestion for AUC-guided monitoring in pediatrics aligns with the approach
for adults, including the application of Bayesian estimation for 1 trough concentration, or first-order PK equations with 2 concentrations (B-II). The Bayesian AUC-guided
dosing strategy may be an optimal approach to individualize vancomycin therapy in pediatrics since it can incorporate varying ages, weights, and renal function. Both serum
concentrations of vancomycin and renal function should be monitored since vancomycin CL and creatinine CL are not always well correlated in pediatrics. Furthermore, ag-
gressive dosing to maintain target AUC exposure and decrease the risk of potential AKI in treatment of MRSA infection necessitates drug monitoring.
20. Therapeutic monitoring may begin within 24 to 48 hours of vancomycin therapy for serious MRSA infections in children, as in adults (B-III). Any delay in therapeutic monitoring
should be based on severity of infection and clinical judgment. Dosing adjustment should be made for those with renal insufficiency, or those with obesity, or for those re-
ceiving concurrent nephrotoxic drug therapy. Following the initial dose, dosing adjustment is important for those with acute renal insufficiency, but subsequent adjustment (par-
ticularly within the first 5 days of therapy) may be necessary for those experiencing recovery of renal function. Sustained or subsequent decreases in dosage may be needed,
particularly for those with chronic renal insufficiency and those receiving concurrent nephrotoxic drug therapy (B-III).
21. Vancomycin exposure may be optimally maintained below the thresholds for AUC of 800 mg · h/L and for trough concentrations of 15 mg/L to minimize AKI (B-II). The safety
of vancomycin above 80 mg/kg/day has not been prospectively evaluated. Avoiding vancomycin dosages of ≥100 mg/kg/day is suggested since they are likely to surpass
these thresholds (B-III).
Abbreviations (not defined in body of table): AUC, area under the curve; BMD, broth micodilution; CL, clearance; ICU, intensive care unit; KDIGO, Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes; MIC,
minimum inhibitory concentration; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; SCr, serum creatinine; Vd, volume of distribution.
should also apply for neonates (see Disclosures was a speaker at the American Society for
recommendation 18, A-III). Dr. Wong-Beringer received a grant from Microbiology and European Society for
Merck & Co. and consulted for Rempex Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Pharmaceuticals, INSMED, Merck & Co., ASM/ESCMID conference; served on the 2015–
Conclusion Nabriva Therapeutics, GlaxoSmithKline, 2019 Program Committee and was 2016–2018
Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Achaogen, Inc., Program Co-Chairperson for the American
To optimize vancomycin use for the
Bayer HealthCare, and SIGA Technologies. Microbiology Society; and was a member
treatment of serious infections caused of the 2017–2019 Antimicrobial Resistance
Dr. Bradley served on a planning committee
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Method to
Population, Design, Method to Determine AUC/MIC
Authors(Year Published) Infection Type(s) Determine AUC24 MIC Breakpoint/ Target Outcome(s) Measured Reference
Moise-Broder et al (2004) Adults; retrospective; S. aureus Dose24h/clearance BMD ≥350BMD Bacterial eradication 10
lower respiratory infections
(n = 107)
Kullar et al (2011) Adults; retrospective; Dose24h/clearance BMD/Etest ≥421BMD Composite failure (based on 30-day 11
MRSA bacteremia mortality and persistent signs &
(n = 320) symptoms of infection, >7 days of
Holmes et al (2013) Adults; retrospective; MRSA bac- Dose24h/clearance BMD/Etest >373BMD/271.5Etest 30-day all-cause mortality 13
(n = 182)
Jung et al (2014) Adults; retrospective; Dose24h/clearance BMD/Etest <430BMD/ 398.5Etest 30-day all-cause mortality 15
MRSA bacteremia
(n = 76)
Brown et al (2012) Adults; retrospective; Bayesian Etest ≥211 Attributable mortality 12
MRSA bacteremia (n = 50)
Gawronoski et al (2013) Adults; retrospective; Bayesian Etest >292 Time to bacterial clearance 14
MRSA bacteremia & osteomyelitis
(n = 59)
Lodise et al (2014) Adults; retrospective; MRSA bac- Bayesian BMD/Etest 521BMD/303Etest Composite failure (based on 30-day 16
Method to
Population, Design, Method to Determine AUC/MIC
Authors(Year Published) Infection Type(s) Determine AUC24 MIC Breakpoint/ Target Outcome(s) Measured Reference
of study population
ratio of <420
Abbreviations: AUC, area under the curve; BMD, broth microdilution; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; NA, not applicable; SSSI, skin and skin structure infection; UTI, urinary tract infection.