Maxillary Occlusal Rim
Maxillary Occlusal Rim
Maxillary Occlusal Rim
• Maxillary arch
1.The anterior wax rim height is 20-22mm
2.The posterior wax height is 16-18mm(from the center of
ridge the height would be 8mm).
3.The width of the anterior rim is app 3-5mm
4.The width of the occlusal rim in the posterior region is
approximately 8-10mm
5.The occlusal rim is properly sealed to the baseplate without
any voids
6.The posteriors of the occlusal rims are cut at a 30 degree
angle to the occlusal plane
• Wax spatula
• Kingsley scraper
• Occlusal plane former
Baseplate wax
Wax ready-made occlusal rim
• It is supplied as a horse shoe shaped rim, adapt it in the
proper position on the record base
• Softened it slightly, sealed it with the record base by the aid
of a wax knife
• Smooth all the surfaces
Hand made occlusal rim
• Uniformly soften a sheet a hard pink baseplate wax.
• Flame the wax in a Bunsen burner flame slowly by passing
the wax quicly through the flame many times.
• When the wax is thouroughly softened, fold the wax is used
• The other way, the wa is simply rolled into a tight cyclinder,
then shaped to arch form
• Form the wax into a horseshoe shape and adapt the wax to
the record base over thecridge crest area
• Begin at the right tuberosity area and continue to the anterior
and opposite tuberosity area.
• Seal it to the record base with wax using a hot spatula
• Use a pancake turner or a heated wax spatula to develop a
flat occlusal plane
• The width and height of the occlusion rim then adjusted
according to the measurements mentioned before.