Toolkit Preverbal-First Words
Toolkit Preverbal-First Words
Toolkit Preverbal-First Words
Language Activity #1
What to say
Talk During Feeding ♦ have a conversation
• Example:
Are you hungry?
Babies spend much of Yes, you’re a hungry baby.
their time eating and
♦ talk about your baby’s
sleeping. Feeding eating and movement
time is a great time to • Example
Look at you eat.
talk to your baby You are really eating fast.
♦ hold your baby in a usual
feeding position
Language Activity #2
Language Activity #3
Helping Vocalizations
Become Words ♦ read every day with your child
Language Activity #4
Communicative • begin eating a snack in front of your
Temptations • wait to see if your child indicates he or
she wants some
• if your child holds out his or her hand,
Setting up activities then give your child small portion
• Comment: “Oh, you want some
that require your child _____.”
• if the child holds out his or her
to talk or gesture will hand for more food, say, “More?”
or “Cookie?” and wait for your
increase his or her child to vocalize.
• repeat or restate “More” or “Cookie”
communication following your child’s vocalization
• give the child another small bite
• avoid making your child cry or fuss
Other Activities
What is communicative
1. place a toy in a container with a tightly
fitting lid; hand it to your child
2. blow bubbles, then put the lid on, wait
temptation 3. start a game of peek-a-boo, then stop
4. hand your child blocks, one-at-a-time, to
♦ any activity in which your put in a box; then stop and wait.
child wants or needs
What to do?
♦ show your child something, then
put the object out of reach or
out of view
Language Activity #5
Language Activity #6
Language Activity #7
Writing Materials
♦ pick writing utensils that are
large and easy to hold
• large crayons
• non-toxic markers
• brushes, fingers, toes
What to say
Learning New Words ♦ Ask open-ended questions
• What do you see?
• What should we do?
As children explore
their world, inside and ♦ Model short sentences
• Go up.
out, they need new • Big jump
words to talk about all
♦ Offer choices
they see, touch, taste, • Up or down?
• One or two?
smell, and hear. • Eat or drink?
♦ reading
♦ writing/drawing
♦ problem-solving activities
- stacking rings
- building blocks
Language Activity #8
Before dressing
• Example: Put your arm in. Where’s
that foot?
Language Activity #9
Toy selection
♦ pick toys that are easy to
hold onto
Writing materials
♦ pick large crayons or pencils
Early Cooking
Experiences ♦ help your child gather items
Say: We need a bowl.
Children learn many We need milk
Where’s the cereal?
things from cooking,
such as following direc- ♦ help your child scoop, stir, pour,
tions, sequencing, math Say: One scoop
words (add), fine motor Pour in.
Mix up.
actions, etc.
♦ help your child clean up
Say: All done
Time to clean up.
Dishes in the sink..
What to do and say
♦ eat what you make
Say: Yum, tastes good.
♦ make simple, no-cooking
recipes using plastic utensils
• instant pudding
• cereal mix