AGRI CROPS NC III Basic Competecies

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(18 hours)

Unit of Module Title Learning Outcomes Nominal

Competency Duration
1. Lead workplace 1.1. Communicate information about
communications workplace processes
Building Effective 1.2. Lead workplace discussions 2 hours
Communication Skills 1.3. dentify and communicate issues
arising in the workplace
2. Lead small teams Leading and 2.1. Provide team leadership
Collaborating in Small 2.2. Assign responsibilities
2.3. Set performance expectations for 2 hours
team members
2.4. Supervise team performance
3. Apply critical 3.1. Examine specific workplace
thinking and challenges
Critical Thinking and 3.2. Analyze the causes of specific 2 hours
Problem Solving workplace challenges
techniques in the
Techniques 3.3. Formulate resolutions to specific
workplace workplace challenges
3.4. Implement action plans and
communicate results
4. Work in a diverse 4.1. Develop an individual’s cultural
environment Working in a Diverse awareness and sensitivity
4. 2. Work effectively in an environment 1 hours
that acknowledges and values
cultural diversity
4.3. Identify common issues in a
multicultural and diverse
5. Propose methods 5.1. Assess work procedures, processes
of applying Learning and and systems in terms of innovative 2 hours
learning and Innovation in the practices
Organization 5.2. Generate practical action plans for
innovation in the
improving work procedures,
organization processes
5.3. Evaluate the effectiveness of
the proposed action plans
6. Use information 6.1. Use technical information 1 hour
systematically Utilizing Information 6.2. Apply information technology (IT)
Systematically 6.3. Edit, format and check
7. Evaluate 7.1. Interpret Occupational Safety and 3 hours
occupational Health practices.
safety and health Occupational Safety 7.2. Set OSH work targets
work practices and Health Work 7.3. Evaluate effectiveness of
Practices Occupational Safety and Health
work instructions
8. Evaluate 8.1. Interpret environmental practices, 2 hours
environmental Environmental Work policies and procedures
work practices Practices 8.2. Establish targets to evaluate
environmental practices
8.3. Evaluate effectiveness of
environmental practices
9. Facilitate 9.1. Develop and maintain micro- 3 hours
entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial Skills small-medium enterprise
skills for micro- for MSMEs (MSMEs) skills in the organization
9.2. Establish and maintain client-base/
enterprises 9.3. Apply budgeting and financial
(MSME) management skills

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