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Unit of Competency:


Module Title:



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Cover Page . . . . . . . . . . 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . 2
SELF- ASSESSMENT CHECK . . . . . . . 8
TRAINING NEEDS . . . . . . . . . 15
LIST OF COMPETENCIES . . . . . . . . 19
MODULE CONTENT . . . . . . . . 20
LEARNING OUTCOME NO. 2 Update Continuously Relevant
Industry Knowledge . . . . . . . . . 22
LEARNING EXPERIENCE . . . . . . . . 24
INFORMATION SHEET 4.2-1 Key Source of Information
on the industry . . . . . . . . . 26
SELF-CHECK 4.2-1 . . . . . . . . . 32
INFORMATION SHEET 4.2-2 Industry Working Conditions . . . 38
SELF-CHECK 4.2-2 . . . . . . . . . 40
INFORMATION SHEET 4.2-3 Legislation that Affects the Industry. . . 47
SELF-CHECK 4.2-3 . . . . . . . . . 49
INFORMATION SHEET 4.2-4 Industrial Relation Issues and
Major Organizations . . . . . . . . 64
SELF-CHECK 4.2-4 . . . . . . . . . 66
INFORMATION SHEET 4.2-5 Work Ethics Required in the Industry . 69
SELF-CHECK 4.2-5 . . . . . . . . 80
INFORMATION SHEET 4.2-6 Quality Assurance . . . . 82

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SELF-CHECK 4.2-6 . . . . . . . . . 88
EVIDENCE PLAN . . . . . . . . 94
ITEM ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . 96

QUESTIONING TOOLS . . . . . . . 102


REFERENCES . . . . . . . . 106

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Name: _____________________________________ Date: __________________

Please answer the following instrument according to the

characteristics described below. Encircle the letter of your choice that best
describes you as a learner. Blank spaces are provided for some data that
need your response.

Characteristics of Learners
Language, literacy Average grade in: Average grade in
and numeracy English Math:
(LL & N) a. 95 and above a. 95 and above
b. 90 to 94 b. 90 to 94
c. 85 to 89 c. 85 to 89
d. 80 to 84 d. 80 to 84
e. 75 to 79 e. 75 to 79
Cultural and Ethnicity/Culture:
language background a. Ifugao
b. Igorot
c. Ibanag
d. Gadding
e. Muslim
f. Ibaloy
Others (please specify) _______________

Education and Highest Educational Attainment

general knowledge a. High School Level
b. High School Graduate
c. College Level
d. College Graduate
e. With Units in Master‘s Degree
f. Masteral Graduate
g. With units in Doctoral Level
h. Doctoral Graduate

Sex a. Male
b. Female
Age Your age: ______________

Physical ability 1. Disabilities (if any) _____________________

2. Existing Health Conditions (Existing illness
if any)
a. None
b. Asthma
c. Heart disease
d. Anemia
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e. Hypertension
f. Diabetes
g. Others (please specify) _______________

Previous experience Horticultural/Agricultural Certificates

with the topic a. Farm Technician
b. Research Assistant
c. Farmer
d. Government Employee
Number of years as a competency trainer ___

Previous learning List down training programs and training


Training level Qualification and NC level


Characteristics of learners
Special Courses Other courses related to Horticulture
a. Agricultural Graduate
b. Degree in Agricultural Engineering
c. Degree in Animal Science
d. Degree in crop science
e. Degree in Horticulture
f. Degree in Agronomy
g. Degree in forestry
h. Degree in Aqua Fisheries
i. Others (please specify) ________________

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Learning Styles a. Visual - The visual learner takes mental
pictures of information given, so in order for
this kind of learner to retain information,
oral or written, presentations of new
information must contain diagrams and
drawings, preferably in color. The visual
learner can't concentrate with a lot of activity
around him and will focus better and learn
faster in a quiet study environment.

b. Kinesthetic - described as the students in the

classroom, who have problems sitting still
and who often bounce their legs while
tapping their fingers on the desks. They are
often referred to as hyperactive students
with concentration issues.

c. Auditory- a learner who has the ability to

remember speeches and lectures in detail
but has a hard time with written text. Having
to read long texts is pointless and will not be
retained by the auditory learner unless it is
read aloud.

d. Activist - Learns by having a go

e. Reflector - Learns most from activities where

they can watch, listen and then review what
has happened.

f. Theorist - Learns most when ideas are linked

to existing theories and concepts.

g. Pragmatist - Learns most from learning

activities that are directly relevant to their

Other needs a. Financially challenged

b. Working student
c. Solo parent
d. Others (please specify) ______________

Printed Name and Signature

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Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________________

INSTRUCTIONS: This Self-Check Instrument will give the trainer necessary

data or information which is essential in planning training
sessions. Please check the appropriate box of your answer
to the questions below.

1. Participate in workplace communication
 Obtain and convey workplace information X
 Complete relevant work-related documents X
 Participate in workplace meeting and discussion X
2. Work in a team environment
 Describe and identify team role and responsibility X
 Describe work as a team member X
3. Practice career professionalism
 Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals. X
 Sets and meet work priorities. X
 Maintain professional growth and development.
4. Practice occupational health and safety procedures
 Identify hazards and risks. X
 Evaluate hazards and risks. X
 Control hazards and risks. X
 Maintain occupational health and safety awareness. X

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1. Apply safety measures in farm operations
 Identify work tasks in line with farm operations X
 Apply appropriate safety measures while working in X
 Safe keep/dispose tools, materials and outfit X
2. Use farm tools and equipment
 Identify appropriate farm tools according to X
 Checked farm tools and equipments and defedtive X
tools are rep[orted in accordance with farm
 Safely used appropriate tools and equipment X
according to job requyirements and manufacturers
3. Perform estimation and basic calculation
 Perfom estimation X
 Perform basic workplace calculations X
4. Develop and update industry knowledge
 Seek information on the industry X
 Update continously relevant industry knowledge X

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Evidences/Proof of Current Competencies

Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________________

Evidence of Current Competencies acquired related to Job/Occupation

Current competencies Proof/Evidence Means of validating

1. Participate in workplace
A relevant Submit valid authenticated
communication certificate of certificate of work experience.
 Obtain and Acquire and An 80% satisfactory ratings
convey workplace express workplace on:
information information  Written test
 Practical/performanc
e test
 Interview

 Complete Completed An 80% satisfactory ratings

relevant work- relevant on:
related documents related  Written test
documents to work  Practical/performanc
e test
 Interview

 Participate in Shows An 80% satisfactory ratings

workplace participation in on:
meeting and meeting and  Written test
discussion discussions  Practical/performanc
e test
 Interview

2. Work in a team A relevant Submitted valid authenticated

environment certificate of certificate of work experience.
 Describe and Identify work role An 80% satisfactory ratings
identify team role and responsibility on:
and in a team  Written test
responsibility environment  Practical/performanc
e test
 Interview

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 Describe work as Demonstrate work An 80% satisfactory ratings
a team member responsibility as a on:
team member  Written test
 Practical/performanc
e test
 Interview

3. Practice career A relevant Submitted valid authenticated

professionalism certificate of certificate of work experience.
 Integrate Incorporate An 80% satisfactory ratings
personal personal on:
objectives with objectives with  Written test
organizational organizational  Practical/performanc
goals. goals e test
 Interview

 Sets and meet Determine work An 80% satisfactory ratings

work priorities. priorities on:
 Written test
 Practical/performanc
e test
 Interview

 Maintain Demonstrate An 80% satisfactory ratings

professional professional on:
growth and growth and  Written test
development development  Practical/performanc
e test
 Interview

 Practice Demonstrate An 80% satisfactory ratings

occupational occupational on:
health and safety health and safety  Written test
procedures procedures  Practical/performanc
e test
 Interview

4. Practice A relevant Submitted valid authenticated

occupational health certificate of certificate of work experience.
and safety experience.

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 Identify hazards Classify hazards An 80% satisfactory ratings
and risks. and risks on:
 Written test
 Practical/performanc
e test
 Interview

 Evaluate hazards Assess hazards An 80% satisfactory ratings

and risks. and risks on:
 Written test
 Practical/performanc
e test
 Interview

 Control hazards Demonstrate An 80% satisfactory ratings

and risks. control of hazards on:
and risks  Written test
 Practical/performanc
e test
 Interview

 Maintain Sustain An 80% satisfactory ratings

occupational occupational on:
health and safety health and safety  Written test
awareness. awareness  Practical/performanc
e test
 Interview

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Identifying Training Gaps

Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________________

Summary of Current Competencies Versus Required Competencies

Required Units of
Current Training Gaps/
Competencies Requirements
Outcomes based on CBC
1. Participate in workplace communication
1.1 Obtain and
1.1 Obtain and convey
1.2 Complete
1.2 Complete relevant
relevant work-
1.3 Participate in
1.3 Participate in
workplace meeting
meeting and
and discussion

2. Work in a team environment

2.1 Describe and identify 2.1 Describe and

team role and identify team role
responsibility and responsibility

2.2 Describe work as a 2.2 Describe work as

team member a team member

3. Practice career professionalism

3.1 Integrate personal
3.1 Integrate personal
objectives with
objectives with
organizational goals

3.2 Sets and meet work 3.2 Sets and meet

priorities work priorities

3.3 Maintain professional 3.3 Maintain

growth and professional
development growth and

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4. Practice occupational health and safety procedures

4.1 Identify hazards and 4.1 Identify hazards

risks. and risks.

4.2 Evaluate hazards and 4.2 Evaluate hazards

risks. and risks.

4.3 Control hazards and 4.3 Control hazards

risks. and risks.
4.4 Maintain
4.4 Maintain
nal health
health and
and safety
1. Apply safety measures in farm operations
1.1 Determine areas of 1.1 Determine areas of
concern for safety concern for safety
measures measures

1.2 Apply appropriate 1.2 Apply appropriate

safety measures while safety measures
working in farm while working in

1.3 Safe keep/dispose 1.3 Safe keep/dispose

tools, materials and tools, materials
outfit and outfit
2.2-1 Select and use farm 2.2-1 Select and use
tools farm tools
2.2-2 Select and
2.2-2 Select and operate
operate farm
farm equipment
2.2-3 Perform
2.2-3 Perform preventive

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Training Needs

Name: __________________________ Date: _______________

Training Needs Module Title/Module of

(Learning Outcomes)



Seek Information on the Industry Developing and Updating

Industry Knowledge

Update Continuously Relevant Industry


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The unit of competency, Develop and Update Industry Knowledge is

one of the competencies of ORGANIC AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION NC II, a
course which comprises the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a
TVET trainer to possess. The module, Developing and Updating Industry
Knowledge, contains training materials and activities related to identifying
learner‘s requirements, preparing session plan, preparing basic instructional
materials and organizing learning and teaching activities for you to
complete. In this module, you are required to go through a series of learning
activities in order to complete each learning outcome. In each learning
outcome are Information Sheets, Self-Checks, Task Sheets and Job Sheets.
Follow and perform the activities on your own. If you have questions, do not
hesitate to ask for assistance from your facilitator.

Remember to:

 Read information sheets and complete the self-check. Suggested

references are included to supplement the materials provided in this

 Perform the Task Sheets and Job Sheets until you are confident that
your outputs conform to the Performance Criteria Checklist that follows
the sheets.

 Submit outputs of the Task Sheets and Job Sheets to your facilitator for
evaluation and recording in the Accomplishment Chart. Outputs shall
serve as your portfolio during the Institutional Competency Evaluation.
When you feel confident that you have had sufficient practice, ask your
trainer to evaluate you. The results of your assessment will be recorded
in your Progress Chart and Accomplishment Chart. You must pass the
Institutional Competency Evaluation for this competency before moving
to another competency. A Certificate of Achievement will be awarded to
you after passing the evaluation.

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References/Further Reading
Performance Criteria Checklist

Performance Criteria Checklist

Operation/Task/Job Sheet

Self-Check Answer Key


Information Sheet

Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome Summary

Module Content
Module Content
List of Competencies
Module Content

Module Content

Front Page

Module Content

In our efforts to standardize CBLM, the above

parts are recommended for use in Competency
Based Training (CBT) in Technical Education
and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
Technology Institutions. The next sections will
show you the components and features of each

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List of Competencies

No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code

Applying safety
Apply safety measures AGR321201
1. measures in farm
in farm operations

Use farm tools and Using farm tools and AGR321202

equipment equipment

Perform estimation and Performing estimation AGR321203

calculations and calculations

Developing and
Develop and update TRS311201
4. updating industry
industry knowledge

Performing record AGR321205

5. Perform record keeping

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This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required

to seek information and update continuously industry knowledge.



At the end of this module you MUST be able to:

LO1. Seek information on the industry

LO2. Update continuously relevant industry knowledge


1. Sources of information on the industry are correctly identified and


2. Information to assist effective work performance is obtained in line

with job requirements.

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3. Specific information on sector of work is accessed and updated.

4. Industry information is correctly applied to day-to-day work activities.

5. Informal and/or formal research is used to update general knowledge

of the industry.

6. Updated knowledge is shared with customers and colleagues as

appropriate and incorporated into day-to-day working activities.

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1. Informal and/or formal research is used to update general knowledge

of the industry.

2. Updated knowledge is shared with customers and colleagues as

appropriate and incorporated into day-to-day working activities.


 Key Sources of Information on the Industry

 Industry Working Conditions
 Legislation that Affects the Industry
 Industrial Relation Issues and Major Organizations
 Work Ethics Required in the Industry
 Quality Assurance


The students/trainees must be provided with the following:

 Internet
 Personal computer
 Reference book
 Industry journals

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 Self-paced/modular
 Demonstration
 Small group discussion
 Distance education


 Written/Oral examination
 Practical demonstration

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Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome 2



Learning Activities Special Instructions

Read information sheet 4.2-1 on Enumerate the key sources of
key sources of information on the information used in the industry
Answer self-check 4.2.1 on key Try to answer the Self-check
sources of information on the without looking at the answer key

Compare answer to answer key Double check your answer using

4.2.1 answer key 4-2-1

Read information sheet 4.2-2 on Be familiar with the industry

industry working conditions working conditions in terms of a job
which influence the satisfaction of
Answer self-check 4.2-2 on Try to answer the self-check
industry working conditions without looking at the answer key

Compare answer to answer key Double check your answer using

4.2-2 answer key 4.2-2

Read information sheet 4.2-3 on Remember the different legislations

legislation that affects the industry that affects the industry and
management system

Answer self-check 4.2-3 on Try to answer the self-check

legislation that affects the industry without looking at the answer key

Compare answer to answer key Double check your answer using

4.2-3 answer key 4.2-3

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Read information sheet 4.2-4 on Familiarized the different industrial
industrial relation issues and legislation issues being practiced in
major organizations the organizations
Answer self-check 4.2-4 on Try to answer the self-check
industrial relation issues and without looking at the answer key
major organizations

Compare answer to answer key Double check your answer using

4.2-4 answer key 4.2-4

Read information sheet 4.2-5 on Always remember the different work

work ethics required in the ethics required in the industry
Answer self-check 4.2-5 on Try to answer the self-check
industry association without looking at the answer key

Compare answer to answer key Double check your answer using

4.2-5 answer key 4.2-5

Read information sheet 4.2-6 on Identify the duties and

quality assurance responsibilities of the quality
assurance manager
Answer self-check 4.2-6 on quality Try to answer the self-check
assurance without looking at the answer key

Compare answer to answer key Double check your answer using

4.2-6 answer key 4.2-6

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Information Sheet 4.2-1

Learning Objectives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. Identify where to find the correct information

2. Understand the difference between information finding tools
and information sources.
3. Recognize and use different information sources.

Sources of Information

 Primary information

A primary source of information is one that provides data from

an original source document. This may be as simple as an invoice
sent to a business or a cheque received. It may be more complex,
such as a set of sales figures for a range of goods for a tinned food
manufacturer for one week, or it may be a set of sales figures over
several weeks and several locations. There are many examples of
primary sources in many walks of life, but generally a primary source
is defined as being where a piece of information appears for the first

Primary sources are original materials on which other research is

based, including:

 Original written works – poems, diaries, court records,

interviews, surveys, and original research/fieldwork
 Research published in scholarly/academic journals

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 Secondary information

A secondary source of information is one that provides

information from a source other than the original. Secondary sources
are processed primary sources, second-hand versions. Examples of
secondary sources could be an accounts book detailing invoices
received, a bank statement that shows details of cheques paid in and
out. Where statistical information is gathered, such as in surveys or
polls, the survey data or polling data is the primary source and the
conclusions reached from the survey or the results of the poll are
secondary sources.

Secondary sources are those that describe or analyze primary

sources, including:

 Reference materials – dictionaries, encyclopedias, textbooks

 Textbooks and articles that interpret, review, or synthesize original

 Tertiary Information

Tertiary information are those used to organize and locate

secondary and primary sources.

 Indexes – provide citations that fully identify a work within

information such as author, titles of a book, article, and/or
journal, publisher and publication date, volume and issue number
and page numbers.
 Abstracts – summarize the primary or secondary sources
 Database – are online indexes that usually include abstracts for
each primary or secondary resource, and may also include a
digital copy of the resource.

Internal information

All organizations generate a substantial amount of information

relating to their operation. This internal information is vital to the
successful management of the organization. The information may be
available from a number of sources within the organization, for example:

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 Marketing and sales information on performance, revenues,
markets share, distribution channels, etc.
 Production and operational information on assets, quality,
standards, etc.
 Financial information on profits, costs, margins, cash flows,
investments, etc.
 Internal documentation such as order forms, invoices, credit
notes, procedural manuals.

External information

An external source of information is concerned with what is

happening beyond the boundaries of the organization. This covers any
documentation relating to a subject area produced as a summary or
detailed report by an agency external to an organization. Such
information may be obtainable from government agencies or private
information providers. Examples might include:

 census figures
 telephone directories
 judgments on court cases
 computer users‘ yearbook
 legislation, for example
 Gallup polls the Data Protection Act
 national opinion polls
 trade journals
 Ordnance Survey maps
 professional publications
 financial services agencies such
 industry standards as Dunn and Bradstreet
 the Internet

Types of Information

In business, there are countless types of information including:

 Customer and employee information

 Emails, mail and faxes
 Charts and graphs
 Monthly financial reports
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 Signs directing customers to a particular location
 Procedures
 Pictures and diagrams
 Industry specific
 Demographic information about customer preferences and trends

Manager Information

There are three basic types of information that managers need:

1. Strategic Information

This information can help senior managers make long-range 'big

picture' decisions. For example:
o Will we open a new branch?
o Will we offer a new line of products?
o Will we change the structure of our operations?

2. Tactical Information

This information can help middle managers make decisions that

may include:
o Will we use a new marketing tool?
o Do we need to set different productivity goals?
o Will we change working hours to be more flexible?

3. Operational Information

This information is used by Team Leaders and teams to make

decisions including:
o Do we put more people on the evening shift?
o What can we do to improve performance on the floor?
o Should we restructure our system of monitoring calls?

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Sources of Call Center Information

Within Customer Contact Centers, you can obtain information from:

 Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) reports

 Other system reports
 Call monitoring checklists
 Customers
 Email
 Human Resources department
 Budgets
 Marketing department
 Company intranet
 Staff memos
 Company newsletters
 Attending meetings
 Your manager
 Your team
 Colleagues

The Importance of Information Sources at the Workplace

Information about regulatory issues, industry trends and your

competition is crucial to the development of your small business. Begin
by identifying your business‘s information needs. Then, seek out good
information sources. By using them properly, you can prevent legal
problems and identify new opportunities for your small business.

 Information Issues

Your small business can miss opportunities and even find in

regulatory trouble if you don‘t monitor information about your
industry. Missing opportunities and running afoul of regulators
can cost you time and money that you cannot afford to lose. Yet,
the challenge for a small business owner is that you don‘t have the
funds to hire a corporate librarian or competitive intelligence
specialist to seek out and maintain this information. It‘s important
to develop cost-effective ways to keep abreast of legal and industry
changes that have a significant impact on your business.

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 Information Needs

Before searching for information sources, identify the

information that you need. During your workday, keep a record of
the types of information you use to perform your job and the
topics of any Internet searches that you perform. Survey your
employees about their information needs, and ask them how they
find their information. You will likely identify several areas in
which your business relies on your ability to develop accurate
sources of information.

 Information Sources

There are numerous online and print information sources

that are very accessible to businesses of any size. Government
agencies often sponsor websites that contain a great deal of
information for non-legal professionals. These sites are usually
very reliable and up-to-date. Industry and trade organizations may
also sponsor websites and print publications that contain industry
news and comprehensive information about regulatory changes.

Proprietary database companies sell online access to

multiple information sources, including legislative and regulatory
information as well as industry guides that contain information
about companies and their leadership. Database companies offer
subscription packages that include access to data sources that are
important to your business and industry.

 Maintaining Information

A good way to ensure that information remains up-to-date

and accessible is to develop a shared spreadsheet for the different
information categories pertinent to your business. Assign
responsibility for maintaining these spreadsheets to one or more
employees, or take on the responsibility yourself. To address the
problem of making business decisions and assumptions based on
outdated information, specify the date when information is entered
and updated in each cell or section of the spreadsheet. Other good
policies for maintaining information spreadsheets include
identifying information sources in the form of comments on
spreadsheet cells and assigning someone to review all the
spreadsheet‘s information on an annual basis.

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SELF – CHECK 4.2-1


Identify the word/s being describe by the statements given below.

Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.

1. One that provides data from an original source document.

2. A source of information that is concerned with what is happening

beyond the boundaries of the organization.

3. This kind of information can help senior managers make long-

range ‗big picture‘ decisions.

4. These information are those that is used to organize and locate

secondary and primary sources.

5. An information that provides information from a source other than

the original.

6. These includes poems, diaries, court records, interviews, surveys

and original research.

7. This information is used by team leaders and teams to make


8. This information can help middle managers make decisions.

9. These information is very vital to the successful management of

the organization.

10. Refers to online indexes that usually include abstracts for each
primary or secondary resource, and may also include a digital
copy of the resource.

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1. Primary information

2. External information

3. Strategic information

4. Tertiary information

5. Secondary information

6. Original written works

7. Operational information

8. Tactical information

9. Internal information

10. Database

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Information Sheet 4.2-2

Learning Objectives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. Define working conditions.

2. Enumerate common types of industry working conditions.


Working conditions are the demands, environment and terms of

a job that influence the satisfaction of employees. Firms may compete to
offer attractive conditions as a means to attract and retain talent. The
law in many jurisdictions also defines a minimum set of working
conditions that employers must provide. The following are common types
of working conditions.

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1. Hygiene Factors
Hygiene factors are basic expectations that employees have
of a working environment. When these conditions aren't met,
employees become extremely dissatisfied. For example, an office
worker may expect a comfortable chair and a lunch break.

2. Health & Safety

A healthy and safe environment. Workplace related illness
and injury are a common problem in many industries. Efforts to
make a job healthy and safe may include processes, procedures
and safety equipment.

3. Remuneration
Gainful employment that provides a wage that is competitive
given the talent of an individual and the demands of a job. Where
working conditions are poor, salary may be increased as
compensation. For example, a position that is stressful may be set
at a higher pay level than an equivalent position that isn't

4. Profit Sharing
Plans that allow employees to share in the success of a firm
such as the granting of stock.

5. Employee Benefits
Non-wage compensation such as insurance, disability
income protection, pension, parental leave, daycare, education
support, vacation, sick leave, housing allowances, commuting
expenses and wellness programs.

6. Responsibility & Accountability

The responsibilities and accountability of a position. For
example, a position that includes burdensome or high-risk
responsibilities as compared to a position that has highly
achievable objectives.

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7. Workload
The intensity and hours of work. For example, 40 hours of
work with light content such as long meetings as opposed to 50
hours on a fast moving assembly line that involves physically
exhausting work.

8. Work Schedule
The working schedule of a job. Employees typically prefer a
standard, predictable schedule. Irregular hours that change week
to week can decrease employee satisfaction. Short shifts may not
be worth the effort of a commute and disruption to schedule.
Overly long shifts can be exhausting. Work during non-standard
hours can disrupt sleep and social interactions.

9. Occupational Stress
Stress related to workload, schedule, office politics,
workplace conflict and inherently stressful activities such as
fielding complaints from dissatisfied customers.

10. Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is the degree to which an employee feels
that their job compliments and supports their quality of life as
opposed to reducing it.

11. Commuting & Travel

Employees commonly find commuting and travel to be
stressful. For example, an employee who can walk to work may be
more satisfied than an employee who is often stuck in long traffic

12. Autonomy
The degree of freedom that an employee enjoys in their work.
In many cases, knowledge workers are given significant leverage to
achieve their objectives according to their own style and methods.

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13. Controls
The internal controls that an employer implements to ensure
employee compliance to rules, regulations and norms. Controls
can improve employee satisfaction if they make a workplace more
efficient and civil. Alternatively, controls may be viewed as an
administrative burden or needless paternalism.

14. Organizational Culture

The norms, expectations and shared symbols of an
organization that evolve over the course of its history. For example,
an organization that expects common courtesies such that
coercive or rude behavior is not tolerated may improve employee

15. Performance Management

The process of setting goals, evaluating performance,
rewarding performance, promoting people and handling low

16. Job Security

The likelihood or perceived likelihood that employment will
be terminated. Generally speaking, employees become extremely
dissatisfied if they feel they are likely to be dismissed. As such, an
environment of stable employment where employees are regularly
provided with feedback can improve working conditions.

17. Employment Terms

The legal terms of an employment contract. For example,
non-compete clauses and other terms that restrict an employee's
freedom to pursue their profession after they leave a firm.

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SELF – CHECK 4.2-2


1. What are the common types of industry working conditions?

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1. Hygiene factor
2. Health and safety
3. Remuneration
4. Profit sharing
5. Employee benefits
6. Responsibility and accountability
7. Workload
8. Work schedule
9. Occupational stress
10. Work-life balance
11. Commuting and travel
12. Autonomy
13. Controls
14. Organizational culture
15. Performance management
16. Job security
17. Employment terms

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Information Sheet 4.2-3

Learning Objectives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. Identify government laws that affect business nature.

2. Familiarize external environment business and legislations.
3. Enumerate main areas of legislation that affect business.

Government Laws that Affect Business

You can put a stopwatch to it if you want to, but after small-
business owners shake hands, exchange pleasantries and inquire
―What‘s new?‖ it usually doesn‘t take longer than five minutes for
someone to open the floodgates. The subject: laws that affect business
and the subject‘s familiar cousin: government regulations affecting
business. For the record, regulations are laws created by agencies such
as the Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. But it‘s easy for the two subjects to converge and consume time
and cause small-business owners in every industry so much worry.

In case you think that you and the people in your social circle are
overreacting to how legislation affects business organizations, guess
again. Gallup finds that small-business owners cite government policies
affecting business as their ―most important challenge.‖ Unless you
granted from law school, you should have a lawyer help you navigate
and understand how government policies affect your business. Your
lawyer‘s counsel and expertise should be invaluable to you, but you‘ll
still want to be well-versed on six pertinent laws and regulations – for
when you‘re feeling both social and decidedly anti-social about the

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Issue No. 1: The Federal Tax Code

So many thousands of changes and additions have been made to

the federal tax code over the last 30 years that people can‘t even agree
on how long it really is.
Its complexity makes one thing easy, though: understanding why
one-third of small-business owners tell. The Business Journals that they
spend more than 80 hours per year on their federal taxes to comply with
government regulations affecting their business. Almost half pay an
account at least $5,000 to keep them in the good graces of the IRS.
Make sure you understand the different types of taxes you may be
responsible for paying:

 Income Tax

Estimated tax, which offers small-business owners the

chance to make payments throughout the year, as your business
makes money, instead of in a lump sum at the end of the year.
Employment tax, which cover employees and includes Social
Security, Medicare, federal unemployment tax and federal income
tax withholding.

 Exercise Tax

Exercise tax, which is paid when purchases are made on a

specific good, such as gasoline. Excise taxes are often included in
the price of the product.

Issue No. 2: Labor Laws

There‘s more than one way to feel as though you‘ve gone to law
school; you can hire even one employee and probably be able to recite
state and national laws within a year. The department of labor‘s First
Step Employment Law Advisor provides a useful primer to what you
need to know.
Make sure you understand the labor laws that affect business the
 Hours and wages, including provisions for overtime pay.
*Equal opportunity laws, which apply to most business with 15 or
more employees and are enforced by the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission.
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 Employees‘ legal status, which employers must verify to the federal
*Family and medical leave, the provisions of which are outlined in
the Family and Medical Leave Act.

 Employee benefit security, which covers pension and welfare

benefits. Workplace health and safety, much of which is regulated
by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Unions, if
your business includes union employees.

In addition, some states require employers to display informational

posters in visible places.

Issue No. 3: The Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act makes riveting reading for small-business

owners, who must be prepared to comply with then act‘s data collection
and reporting requirements. Not only does compliance often require a
considerable amount of time, it often requires small-business owners to
build a complex information technology system around it. So in addition
to the legal advice you glean from a lawyer, you probably will need a
skilled accountant and IT expert to help you, too.
Make sure you understand what your responsibilities include.
―The extensive amounts of data that employers are required to collect
can take hours and even require complex IT infrastructures,‖ Julie Stich,
director of research at the International Foundation of Employee Benefit
Plans tells The Business Journals. ―The process has meant a cost
increase for many, especially smaller organizations.‖ Meanwhile,
businesses with 50 or more employees must file paperwork with the IRS
proving that they comply with the ACA‘s minimum health insurance
coverage requirements. Businesses that fail to do so face penalties.

Issue No. 4: Working with Independent Contractors

It‘s so typical that you can set another stopwatch to it: Abuses
occur and government regulations affecting business become more
onerous. Such is the case with independent contractors and the U.S.

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Department of Labor making it more difficult for businesses to classify
people as such.
Make sure you understand the difference between an employee an
independent contractor and identify people properly. Titles have nothing
to do with the distinction. Says Workplace Fairness: ―It is the nature of
the relationship that matters, and employers can be subject to stiff
penalties if they misclassify workers.‖ Your lawyer and the department of
labor can help, but you can always count on the IRS to crystalize a
financial issue. In this case, the agency focuses on an employer‘s
relationship with a worker under three key differentiators, says the
Society for Human Resource Management:

 Behavioral: Does the company control or have the right to control

what the worker does and how he does it?

 Financial: Does the company control how the worker is paid,

whether expenses are reimbursed and if supplies are provided?
*Relationship type, meaning is there a contract or are benefits
such as insurance, sick time and vacation pay offered?

Issue No. 5: Truth in Advertising

You can call it deceptive or you can call it manipulative

advertising. But as a small-business owner, you want to make sure that
a careless or unscrupulous marketer doesn‘t tug you over the line the
Federal Trade Commission draws on truth-in-advertising. It prosecutes
business that mislead customers, exhibiting little patience for the ―I
didn‘t know‖ defense about government regulations affecting business
with regard to advertising.
Make sure you understand that the FTC requires advertisers to:
back up their claims; comply with labeling laws for consumer products;
and follow the rules for advertising over the phone and via email and the
internet. Right from the get-go, the FTC can take a hard line against ads
it deems unfair, which it defines as one that ―causes or is likely to cause
substantial consumer injury which a consumer could not reasonably
avoid‖ and ―is not outweighed by the benefit to consumers.‖

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Issue No. 6: State Licenses
Licenses seem to find a natural fit under the heading of ―you don‘t
know what you don‘t know yet.‖ In other words, it‘s common for small-
business owners to learn about local and state license and permits after
they unwittingly overlook the need for one. You cannot possibly
memorize them all, but since you‘ve probably already opened your
business, remember that it‘s not too late to double-back and ensure
you‘re in compliance.
Make sure to understand that certain businesses must have the
appropriate state-issued professional license to operate. And businesses
that sell gasoline, firearms, liquor and lottery tickets are also subject to
carrying certain licenses or permits.

External Environment: Business and Legislation (GCSE)

The way in which a business can operate is controlled by

legislation. Legislation mainly acts as a constraint on business.

The main areas of legislation that affect businesses are:

1. Employment Law
2. Consumer Protection
3. Competition Law

1. Employment Law

This aimed at protecting the health, safety and rights of


The main employment laws that a business needs to

consider are:

 Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Employers must provide safe premises and

machinery. They must ensure that workers health is not
affected by their work.

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The key cost and benefits of the Health and Safety at
Work Act for a business are:
- Adds to costs to businesses that need to train staff and
spend money maintaining the standards set out.

 - BUT may reduce cost in the long term because of

a reduction in staff absences and not having to pay
compensation for injuries.
 - Good health and safety record is a good way of
encouraging recruitment of good workers

 Equal Pay Act 1970

Employees who do equal work or work of equal value

must receive the same pay as workers of the other sex.

 Sex Discrimination Act 1975

Employees cannot be sexually discriminated in

employment, training or recruitment.

 Race Relations Act 1976

It is illegal to discriminate against someone on the

basis of race, ethnic group or color.

 Employment Protection Act 1978

Employees must be given a written contract of

employment. It protects against unfair dismissal (without
good cause) and says that redundancy pay must be paid if
the worker has served more than two years and their job is
to be abolished.

Employment law imposes additional costs to the

business because they have to spend additional money on
training, recruitment and pay. Like the Health and safety
Act there are also benefits if the workers fell they are treated
fairly and there is more security, they will be more

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2. Consumer Protection

This is aimed at making sure that businesses act fairly

towards their consumers – especially since consumers are
sometimes in a much weaker financial position. The main
consumer protection legislation is:

Sale and Supply of Goods Act – this states that goods

must be of satisfactory

Trade Description Act – goods and services must

perform in the way advertised by
the business

Consumer Credit Act – this protects the consumer when

borrowing money or buying on

Consumer protection imposes additional costs to

businesses since they have to comply with the laws. If
they do not comply they risk fines and ultimately being
put out of business by the courts of law.

3. Competition Law

Competition law aims to ensure that fair competition takes

place in each industry. Governments believe that greater
competition leads to lower prices, better quality goods and a wider
variety of products.
Competition Commission (CC) and the Office of Fair Trading
(OFT) investigate any business that has more than 25% of the
market share, especially if it merges with another business. They
may feel that the business has too much power and can set high
prices and provide poor quality products. The CC and OFT has the
power between them either to fine these businesses, or prevent the
merger taking place.
The OFT can also fine businesses who fix prices or prevent
other businesses from trading in their market. Most recently they
investigated the car industry and warranties offered by leading
electrical retailers.
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SELF – CHECK 4.2-3


Identify the word/s being describe by the statements given below.

Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. This aimed at protecting the health, safety and rights of


2. An act that ensures workers health and is not affected by their

work, employers must provide safe premises and machinery.

3. Employees who do equal work or work of equal value must receive

the same pay as workers of the other sex.

4. Employees cannot be sexually discriminated in employment,

training or recruitment.

5. It is illegal to discriminate against someone on the basis of race,

ethnic group or color.

6. It protects against unfair dismissal (without good cause) and says

that redundancy pay must be paid if the worker has served more
than two years and their job is to be abolished.

7. This is aimed at making sure that businesses act fairly towards

their consumers – especially since consumers are sometimes in a
much weaker financial position.

8. It aims to ensure that fair competition takes place in each


9. Makes riveting reading for small-business owners, who must be

prepared to comply with then act‘s data collection and reporting

10. It mediates the relationship between workers, employing entities,

trade unions and the government.

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1. Employment law

2. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

3. Equal pay Act 1970

4. Sex Discrimination Act 1975

5. Race Relations Act 1976

6. Employment Protection Act 1978

7. Consumer Protection

8. Competition Law

9. Affordable Care Act

10. Labor law

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Information Sheet 4.2-4

Learning Objectives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. Define industrial relations.

2. Enumerate the scope and objectives of industrial relations.
3. Recognize fundamental principles as objectives of social policy
governing industrial relations.
4. Enumerate different types of industrial relations.

Industrial Relations

Industrial relations may be defined as the relations and

interactions in the industry particularly between the labor and
management as a result of their composite attitudes and approaches in
regard to the management of the affairs of the industry, for the
betterment of not only the management and the workers but also of the
industry and the economy as a whole.
The term industrial relations explain the relationship between
employees and management which stem directly or indirectly from
union-employer relationship.
Industrial relation is the relation in the industry created by the
diverse and complex attitudes and approaches of both management and
workers in connection with the management of the industry.

The term ‗Industrial Relations‘ comprises ‗Industry‘ and ‗relations‘.

Industry means any productive activity in which an individual is
engaged. It includes- (a) primary activities like agriculture, fisheries,
plantation, forestry, horticulture, mining etc. etc. and (b) Secondary
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activities like manufacturing, construction, trade, transport, commerce,
banking, communication etc.

Economically speaking, industry means the secondary sector

where factors of production (land, labor, capital and enterprise or four
M‘s – men, materials, money and machines) are gainfully employed for
the purpose of production, and where a business organization exists.

‗Relations‘ means ‗the relations that exist in the industry between

the employer and his work-force. Different authors have defined the term
industrial relations in somewhat different way.

Some of the very oft-quoted definitions are given below:

According to Bethel and Others, ―Industrial relation is that part of

management which is concerned with the manpower of the enterprise
whether machine operator, skilled worker or manager.‖

Manpower of the enterprise can, thus, be classified as

management and workers or employers and employees and industrial
relations can, thus, be treated as relations between the employer and the

According to V. Agnihotri, ―The term industrial relations explains

the relationship between employees and management which stem
directly or indirectly from union-employer relationship.‖

According to V.B. Singh, ―Industrial relations are an integral

aspect of social relations arising out of employer- employee interaction in
modern industries, which are regulated by the State in varying degrees,
in conjunction with organized social forces and influenced by prevailing,
institutions. This involves a study of the State, the legal system, workers‘
and employers‘ organizations on the institutional level; and that of
patterns of industrial organization (including management), capital
structure (including technology), compensation of labor force and the
forces of market on the economic level.‖

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Thus, it covers all types of relations arising out of employer-
employee interaction in the industry which are influenced by the power
of the State and other social and economic institutions.
According to Ordway, Tead and Metcalf, ―Industrial relation is the
composite result of the attitudes and approaches of employers and
employees towards each other with regard to planning, supervision,
direction and coordination of the activities of an organization with a
minimum of human efforts and frictions with an animating spirit of
cooperation and with proper regard for the genuine well-being of all
members of that organization.‖
According to T.N. Kapoor, ―The term ‗Industrial Relations‘ should
be understood in the sense of labor- management relations as it
percolates into a wider set of relationship touching extensively all
aspects of labor such as union-policies, personnel policies and practices
including wages, welfare and social security, service conditions,
supervision and communication, collective bargaining etc., attitudes of
parties and governmental action on labor matter.‖

The following points emerge from the analysis of the above definitions:

1. Industrial relations are the relations which are the outcome of the
‘employment relationship‘ in an industrial enterprise. It is, thus,
employer-employee relationship in an industry. Two parties—
employer and workmen are necessary without which such
relationship cannot exist and it is the industry which provides the
setting for industrial relations.

2. Industrial relation is the relation in the industry created by the

diverse and complex attitudes and approaches of both
management and workers in connection with the management of
the industry. Attitude refers to the mental state of a person;
approach can be the external expression of such an attitude.
Attitudes are always not obvious and the individual himself may
not always be fully conscious of the attitudes.
Attitudes must be inferred from tone of verbal expressions or
perhaps from the individual‘s overt behavior. Attitude is the
mental state of the individual which prepares him to take a
particular, (external) approach or make him behave in a particular
manner. Attitudes of both—employer and employees influence
each other and determine natural relationship.
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3. This relationship emphasizes on the process of accommodation
whereby both the parties develop skills and methods of adjusting
to and cooperating with each other.

4. Industrial relation is not a simple relationship between the two

parties but is a set of functional interdependence involving a
number of factors, say, historical, economic social, psychological,
demographic, technological, occupational, legal and others etc. It,
therefore, requires an interdisciplinary approach for its study. In
this context, industrial relations are the relations and interactions
between management and workers and as a result of their
composite attitudes and approaches.

5. Every industrial relation creates a complex of rules and

regulations to govern the work-place, the work- community with
the main purpose of maintaining harmonious relations between
the management and the workmen by solving their problems
through the process of collective bargaining.

6. The Government/State also regulates the industrial relations in

the country. It evolves, influences and shape industrial relations
through laws, rules, agreements, awards of the courts, and
emphasizes on the usages, customs, traditions, implementation of
its policies and interference through executive and judicial

Industrial relations may, thus, be defined as the relations

and interactions in the industry particularly between the labor and
management as a result of their composite attitudes and
approaches in regard to the management of the affairs of the
industry, for the betterment of not only the management and the
workers but also of the industry and the economy as a whole.

Industrial Relations – Scope

Industrial relations are relation between employee and employer in

their day-to-day work. Hence, it is continuous relationship.

The scope of industrial relations includes:

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a. Relationship among employees, between employees and their
superiors or managers.

b. Collective relations between trade unions and management. It is

called union-management relations.

c. Collective relations among trade unions, employers‘ associations

and government.

Thus, the scope of industrial relations seems to be very wide. It

includes the establishment and maintenance of good personnel relations
in the industry, ensuring manpower development, establishing a closer
contact between persons connected with the industry and that between
the management and the workers, creating a sense of belonging in the
minds of management, creating a mutual affection, responsibility and
regard for each other, stimulating production as well as industrial and
economic development, establishing a good industrial climate and peace
and ultimately maximizing social welfare.

Industrial Relations – 4 Main Objectives

Two-fold objectives of good industrial relations are to preserve

industrial peace and to secure industrial co-operation.

If we have to establish industrial peace, the workers must be

assured of fair wages, good conditions of work, reasonable working
hours, holidays and minimum amenities of life.

Industry can be defined as a venture of co-operation under the

direction of the management to secure the effective co-ordination of men,
materials, and machinery and money.

The objectives of good industrial relations should be development

and progress of industry; through democratic methods, stability, total
wellbeing and happiness of the workers; and industrial peace.

Industrial peace is the fruit of good industrial relations. It is the

harmonious atmosphere where there is no ―inquilabs‖, no strikes and no
industrial disputes.

Regional prejudices, provincialism and clannishness have no place

where good industrial relations prevail.
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The primary objective of industrial relations is to bring about good
and healthy relations between the two partners in the industry i.e., the
management and the labor.

All other objectives revolve around it. Mr. Kirkaldy, has listed the
following four objectives of industrial relations:
a. Improving the economic condition of the labor in the existing state
of industrial management and political government;

b. Controlling industries by the State to regulate production and

industrial relations;

c. Socialization or nationalization of industries by making the state

itself the employer; and

d. Vesting the proprietorship of the industries in the worker.

He stated ―The state of industrial relations in a country is

intimately connected with the form of its political government and the
objectives of an industrial organization may change from economic to
political ends.‖

The Labor Management Committee of the Asian Regional

Conference of the ILO has recognized certain fundamental principles
as objectives of social policy in governing industrial relations with a
view to establishing harmonious labor management relations.

They are:

1. Good labor management relations in an industry depend upon

employers and trade unions being able to resolve their problems
mutually, freely, independently and responsibly.

2. The trade unions and employers and their organization must be

desirous of resolving their problems mutually through the process
of collective bargaining. However, the assistance of appropriate
government agencies may be sought in resolving the problem,
whenever necessary in the public interest. Collective bargaining,
therefore, is the corner-stone of good relations and appropriate

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legislative measures must be adopted to aid the maximum use of
this process of accommodation.

3. The workers‘ and employers‘ organizations should be desirous of

associating with government agencies keeping in view the social
public, economic and general measures affecting the relations
between the two parties.

The committee, therefore, emphasized the need for the

management to acquire the fuller understanding of human factor in
production and must use the appropriate methods of employees‘
selection, promotion and training, wage administration work rules
and labor discipline, lay-off and dismissal procedures etc. and other
policies and procedures and practices to improve labor and personnel

In short, the objectives of industrial relations are given below:

1. To safeguard the interest of labor and management by securing

high level of mutual understanding and goodwill between all
sections in the industry which are associated with the process of

2. To raise productivity to a higher level by arresting the tendency of

higher labor turnover and frequent absenteeism.

3. To avoid industrial conflicts and develop harmonious relations

between labor and management for the industrial progress in a

4. To establish and maintain Industrial Democracy, based on labor

partnership, not only by sharing the gains of the organization, but
also by associating the labor in the process of decision making so
that individual personality is fully recognized and developed into a
civilized citizen of the country.

5. To bridge about government control over such units which are

running at losses or where production has to be regulated in the
public interest.

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6. To bring down strikes, lockouts, gheraos and other pressure
tactics by providing better wages and improved working conditions
and fringe benefits to the workers.

7. To bring the gap, by the state, between the imbalanced, disordered

and maladjusted social order (which has been the result of
industrial development) and the need for reshaping the complex
social relationships adaptable to the technological advances by
controlling and disciplining its members, and adjusting their
conflicting interests.

The main theme behind the concept of industrial relation is to

recognize the fact that labor is a human being and not a commodity and,
therefore, it should be treated as living being. Every individual differs in
mental and emotional abilities, sentiments and traditions. Human like
treatment only can improve the relations between the management and
the labor. In its absence, the whole edifice of organizational structure
may crumble down.
Thus, the employees constitute the most valuable assets of any
organization. Neglecting this important source may result in high cost of
production in terms of wages and salaries, benefits and services,
working conditions, increased labor turnover and absenteeism, growing
indiscipline, strike and walkouts and the like besides deterioration of
quality of goods and strained labor- management relations.

Industrial Relations – Types

The industrial relations is chiefly concerned with the management

and the workers relations or employer-employees relations. But its scope
is not limited only to this aspect. It also includes labor relations i.e.,
relations between workers themselves or between various groups of
workers and public or community relations i.e., relations between the
community or society and the industry.
There are so many groups of workers in an industry like workmen,
supervisory staff, management and employer and harmonious
relationship between various groups that affects the social, economic
and political life of the whole community. Thus, industrial life creates a
series of social relationships which regulate the relations and working

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together of not only workmen and management but also of community
and industry.
Good industrial relations not only indicate the cordial atmosphere
in the industry but also facilitate higher and quality production and
industrial growth.

Thus, industrial relations include four types of relations:

1. Labor relations i.e., relations between union- management (also

known as labor management relations);

2. Group relations i.e., relations between various groups of workmen

i.e., workmen, supervisors, technical persons, etc.

3. Employer-employee relations i.e., relations between the

management and employees. It denotes all management employer
relations except the union- management relations;

4. Community or Public relations i.e., relations between the industry

and the society.

The last two are generally, not regarded the subject matter of
study under industrial relations. They form part of the larger
discipline—sociology. The first two are studied under industrial
relations but these two i.e., labor management relations and
employer-employee relations are synonymously used.

Industrial Relations – Salient Characteristics

The salient characteristics of industrial relations are discussed

herein below:
1. Parties in the Industrial Relations Activities:
Basically, two parties-workers and management are involved
in the process of establishing relations. However, the government
agencies regulate /maintain industrial relations.
2. Interactive Process:

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Industrial relations arise out interactions between different
persons/parties. They are supervisors, workers trade unions,
employers‘ associations.
So, interactive process takes place between –
 Supervisors and industrial workers
 Supervisors and group/team members
 Management and trade union leaders
 Employers‘ federations and workers‘ unions.

3. Two-Way Communication:
IRs is a two-way communication process. One party gives
stimuli, other party responds to the stimuli. So, the transaction
occurring through such mechanism is either complementary or
cross. More the complementary transactions, better will be the
industrial relations situations.

4. HRM Practices:
Effective human resource planning system, identification
and stimulating prospective employees, designing the most
suitable selection technique to choose the right kind of people help
to organization to get a committed and willing workforce that want
to grow, develop and achieve. Such employees in the process like
to develop better relations with their bosses. So, HRM practices
influence IRs pattern in the industry.

5. Approaches to IRs:
Various approaches contribute to shape IRs pattern in
industrial organizations. These approaches include sociological,
psychological, socio-ethical, human relations, Gandhian, system
approaches etc.

6. State Intervention:
State plays a vital role to influence industrial relations
situations through its activities as facilitator, guide, counsellor for
both the parties in the industry.

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7. Role of Trade Union:
Behavioral manifestations of workers are mostly governed by
the trade unions to which they belong. Hence, trade union‘s
perception, attitudes towards management influence workers to
form their mind set that regulates/promotes interaction with the

8. Organizational Climate:
If, congenial and conducive organizational climate prevails,
workers feel homely, interact spontaneously, communicate boss
about their problems, difficulties directly and come close to him to
exchange/share the views each other in respect of work, change of
job design, introduction of any operative system, process etc.
Under such situation, possibility of establishing healthy human
relations develops and these relations influence industrial
relations pattern of organization.

9. Dispute Settlement Process:

If, the management personnel believe on the philosophy of
settling workers‘ grievances/ disputes through bi-lateral
negotiation process, they give much more emphasis on mutual
talk, sharing responsibility, collaboration, partnership dealing and
mutual trust. In the process changes in workers‘ attitudes,
behavior and thought pattern are likely to occur which effect
industrial relations.

10. Outcomes of IRs:

Outcomes of IRs are reflected in production both in quantity
and quality, services, man days lost, wastes, accident rate,
productivity, labor turnover rate, absenteeism rate, number of
bipartite negotiations, company‘s image, growth, development etc.

11. Competency Development:

Healthy industrial relations help to develop workers‘ skill,
knowledge, ability, aptitude and change their attitudes, perception

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to enable them to participate in collaborative activities / collective
bargaining process effectively.

12. Issues in IRs:

Industrial relations climate / situation is greatly influenced
by the issues-economic, non-economic governed by service
contract / terms and conditions of employment. Besides, the
issues not covered under service rules viz., behavioral, and
attitudinal issues influence IRs pattern.

Industrial Relations – Importance of IR

1. The labors today are more educated and they are aware of their
responsibilities and rights. Management has to deal with them not
merely as factors of production, but as individuals having human
dignity and self-respect. The objective is to change the traditional
views of management and labor towards each other and develop
mutual understanding and co-operation and work towards
achievement of common goal. Good industrial relations lead to
industrial peace and increase in production.

2. Joint consultation between employees and management paves the

way for industrial democracy and they contribute to the growth of
the organization.

3. Conducive industrial relations motivate the workers to give

increased output. Problems are solved through mutual
discussions, workers‘ participation, suggestion schemes, joint
meeting, etc. Good industrial relations, increase labor efficiency
and productivity.

4. With increased productivity, the management is in a position to

offer financial and non- financial incentives to workers.

Good industrial relations depend upon a large number of


1. History of Industrial Relations in an Enterprise

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Every industry moves ahead with its good or bad history of
industrial relations. Harmonious relationship between the workers
and management marks the good history of the enterprise. While
strikes and lockout characterize the bad history of the business.
History, good or bad, established once will take time to change.
Once militancy (strikes, lockouts etc.,) is established as a
conduct of operations, there is a tendency to continue. If
harmonious relationships are established, it will perpetuate. This,
however, does not mean that militancy situation cannot be
converted into a harmonious relationships or vice-versa. Rather
what it means is that probability of peaceful relations is greater
where mutual understanding exists – and the probability of
conflict is greater when industrial conflict has been accepted as a
normal conduct of business.

2. Strong Trade Unions

Strong and enlightened trade unions help to promote the
status of labor without jeopardizing the interest of management.
Trade unions maintain good relations with management and avoid
militancy and strikes situation. Enlightened trade unions induce
the workers to produce more and persuade the management to
pay more.
They mobilize public opinion on vital labor issues and help
the government in enacting progressive labor laws. They develop
right kind of leadership, avoid multiplicity of unionism and union
rivalry. Hence, a strong, responsible and enlightened trade union
promote healthy industrial relations.

3. Negotiating Skills of Management and Workers

Well experienced and skillful negotiations create a
bargaining environment conducive to the equitable collective
agreements. The representatives of management and workers
must recognize the human element involved in collective
bargaining process.
Both parties must have trust and confidence in each other.
They should be able to perceive a problem form the opposite angle
with an open mind. A constructive and positive approach from
both the parties must be present to honor the agreements in the
right spirit.
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4. Economic Factors
Economic satisfaction of workers is one of the important
condition for good industrial relations. Reasonable wages and
benefits in commensurate with other industries must be paid by
the employer. Economic need is the basic survival need of the

5. Social Factors
Social factors such as – social values, social groups and
social status also influence the industrial relations. The
employment relationship is not just an economic contract. It is a
joint venture involving a climate of human and social relationships
wherein each party (workers and management) fulfills his needs
and contributes to the needs of others. The supportive climate is
essentially built around social factors. The influence of social
factors gets changed with the progress of industrialization.

6. Psychological Factors
The psychological factors such as motivation, alienation and
morale are significant determinants of industrial relations. The
relationship between workers and management would be more
stable and sure if the needs and expectations of the workers are
integrated with the goals of the enterprise.
Workers should understand that their interests get
furthered when organizational goals are achieved. Cordial and
collective relations create an environment of power relationships,
where everyone will be motivated to offer their best towards the
attainment of goals.

7. Public Policy and Legislation

The regulation of employer- employee relationship by the
government is another important factor for the smooth industrial
relations. Government intervenes the relationships by enacting
and enforcing labor laws. Government intervention checks and
balances upon the arbitrary management action.

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It also provides a formal measure to the workers and
employers to give emotional release to their dissatisfaction. Timely
intervention by the government can catch and solve problems
before they become amounting serious.

8. Off the Job Conditions

Living conditions of workers are also important. The
industry appoints the ‗whole person‘. His personal and home life is
inseparable from his work life. His personal optional conditions do
effect on his efficiency and productivity. So off-the-job conditions
of workers must be taken care of and improved to develop good
industrial relations at the work place.

9. Better Education
Industrial workers in Indian are generally illiterate. They can
be easily misled by the trade union leaders who have their self-
interest. Workers must be properly educated to understand the
prevailing industrial environment. They must have a problem
solving approach and a capability to analyze the things in the right
perspective. They must be aware of their responsibility towards the
organization and the community at large.

10. Business Cycles

Industrial relations are good when there is boom and
prosperity all round. Levels of employment go up, wages rise and
workers are happier in prosperity period. But during recession,
there is decline in wages and fall in employment level. Such
recessionary conditions mar the good industrial relations. Thus
business cycles also influence the existence of healthy industrial
To sum up, the establishment of good industrial relations
depends upon the constructive approach of both the management
and the trade union. Mutual respect, understanding, goodwill and
recognition of dignity are the essential conditions for healthy
industrial relations. Promotion of collective bargaining and
establishment of a fair and independent machinery for the
peaceful settlement of industrial disputes are the pre-requisites for
good industrial relations in the modern industrialized world.

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SELF – CHECK 4.2-4

True or False:

Write the word True if the statement is correct, otherwise write

False if it is wrong.

1. The term industrial relations explain the relationship between

employees and government which stem directly or indirectly from
union-employer relationship.

2. Industry is a venture of co-operation under the direction of the

employees to secure the effective co-ordination of men, materials,
and machinery and money.

3. Good labor management relations in an industry depend upon

employers and trade unions being able to resolve their problems
mutually, freely, dependently and responsibly.

4. The main theme behind the concept of industrial relation is to

recognize the fact that labor is a human being and not a
commodity and, therefore, it should be treated as living being.

5. Good industrial relations not only indicate the cordial atmosphere

in the industry but also facilitate higher and quality production
and industrial growth.

6. The labors today are uneducated and they are unaware of their
responsibilities and rights.

7. Conducive industrial relations motivate the workers to give

increased input.

8. Economic satisfaction of workers is one of the important condition

for good industrial relations

9. Mutual respect, understanding, goodwill and recognition of dignity

are the essential conditions for healthy industrial relations.

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10. Behavioral manifestations of workers are mostly governed by the
management to which they belong.

1. False

2. False

3. False

4. True

5. True

6. False

7. False

8. True

9. True

10. False

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Information Sheet 4.2-5

Learning Objectives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. Define work ethic.

2. Identify factors of a good work ethic.
3. Enumerate the elements of a strong work ethic.
4. Demonstrate a strong work ethic to your employer.

Work Ethic

Work ethic is a belief that hard work and diligence have a moral
benefit and an inherent ability, virtue or value to strengthen character
and individual abilities.[1] It is a set of values centered on importance of
work and manifested by determination or desire to work hard. Social
engrailment of this value is considered to enhance character through
hard work that is respective to an individual‘s field of work.

Factors of a good work ethic

Proponents of a strong work ethic consider it to be vital for

achieving goals, that it gives strength to their orientation and the right
mindset. A work ethic is a set of moral principles a person uses in their
job. People who possess a strong work ethic embody certain principles
that guide their work behavior, leading them to produce high-quality
work consistently and the output motivates them to stay on track. A
good work ethic fuels an individual's needs and goals; it is related to the

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initiative by a person for the objectives. It is considered as a source of
self-respect, satisfaction, and fulfillment.

Factors are:

1. Goal-oriented actions: It is not about making plans or the next

logical steps; it's about getting things done so that the work
invested wouldn't be counter-productive.
2. Prioritized focus: Focusing on qualitative activities that a person is
responsible for and in areas where they can make a difference or a
high impact based on objectives.
3. Being available and reliable: Spending time on the work and
building oneself up for the task.
4. Conscientiousness: A desire to do a task well, being vigilant and
5. Creating a rewarding routine/system: Engaging in tasks that
provide strength and energy which can be transferred to your
ultimate goals, creating a habit and a habitat for success.
6. Embracing positivism: Shape a problem with the statement "good,
(action) (problem)", e.g. "I'm tired and it is time for a workout"
leads to "Good. Workout tired".

A negative work ethic is a behavior of a single individual or a group

that has led to a systematic lack of productivity, reliability,
accountability and a growing sphere of unprofessional/unhealthy
relationships (e.g., power politics, lack of social skills, etc.).


Assumptions about good work ethic is drawn out in philosophical

writings of Goldman, they are:

1. The path to what you want is to take action.

2. The success of action plans depends upon how congruent one's
worldview (Weltanschauung) is with the society's.
3. Many problems faced are only a temporary breakdown of self-
4. Setting time limits for achieving goals helps to overcome the edge
of discomforts that time can have on subjective needs.
5. A positive problem-solving or goal attainment experience improves
one's ability to cope with the next difficulty.

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6. Hardships in life is a normality, they become a problem when they
are the same over and over.
7. A person is what s/he does, and feelings flow from behavior.
8. Feelings can be viewed as beliefs about one's wants.
9. How hard you work will determine how far you go.

In the 1970s, a good work ethic was considered as a lifestyle to meet

unmet or unsatisfied wants by people.


Let‘s start off with defining work ethic. There are so many
definitions attached to the phrase. If we‘re going to use a simple
definition for work ethic, we could go with the one describing it as a set
of moral principles that an employee uses in the performance of his job.
Another business definition describes work ethic as ―the belief in
the moral benefit and importance of work and its inherent ability to
strengthen character.‖
Basically, work ethic can refer to how you feel about your job or
career, so it covers your attitude and behavior. It also pertains to how
you do your job, or the responsibilities that come attached with it. The
level of respect you show your co-workers and people you come into
contact with at work, and how you communicate and interact with them,
also defines your work ethic.
From that definition, we can also surmise that work ethic is also
used to refer to key characteristics that you should have, and they
include honesty, integrity, humility and accountability, among others.
These traits or characteristics will dictate how you will react or do in a
certain situation, or when you are faced with a particular circumstance.
How you respond will reveal the kind of work ethic that you have.
Obviously, work ethic is important in defining your identity. It
becomes part of who you are, and there is no doubt that a huge part of
how people will view and know you will come from what they perceive to
be your work ethic.
Why is it so important to have a good and strong work ethic?
Ultimately, it will show the strength of your character and present you
as an all-around positive person. In the workplace, this will be to your
advantage. If you are looked at favorably by your co-workers and
superiors, you‘d have better chances at advancing your career. You‘d be
viewed as someone who can interact with, and even lead, other people
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very well. This show of leadership will increase your chances of rising up
the ranks of the organization.
From the point of view of the organization, it will be to its benefit
to have employees with solid work ethics, because their traits and
personalities will contribute to the attainment of the vision and goals of
the organization.
Work ethic, on its own, isn‘t going to be of any use to any
organizational setup, though.
If you want to become effective as a contributing member of the
organization, then you should have a good and strong work ethic. Then,
and only then, can you hope to be viewed and recognized favorably by
your employer.


But when can you describe your work ethic to be good and strong?
Several authorities named key factors, and we‘ll try to name all the
elements that serve as a solid foundation for a strong work ethic.

Integrity should permeate every aspect of your job, from how you
deal with your clients to how you treat your co-workers and your
superiors. It means doing the right things, at all times, even if no one is
watching, much less your boss. Its greatest impact is seen in your
relationships with the people around you, which is why integrity is seen
as one of the most important ingredients of Trust.
According to Robert Shaw, you can earn a certain level of trust if
you are able to achieve results while demonstrating concern for others
and acting with integrity the whole time. Hence, the formula:
Results + Integrity + Concern = Level of Trust
Acting with integrity, in this context, also means behaving in a
consistent manner. For example, if you are part of a team, your behavior
should be in tune with everyone, in accordance with a clear set of
guidelines in working together toward a clear purpose.

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Emphasis on Quality of Work
If you show dedication and commitment to coming up with very
good results in your work, then your work ethic will definitely shine.
While some employees do only the barest minimum, or what is
expected of them, there are those who go beyond that.
They do more, they perform better, and they definitely go the extra
mile to come up with results that surpass expectations. Clearly, these
employees are those who belong to the group with a solid work ethic.

The word ―professionalism‖ is often seen as something that is too
broad or wide in scope, covering everything from your appearance to how
you conduct yourself in the presence of other people.
It is so broad and seemingly all-encompassing that many even go
so far as to say that professionalism equates having a solid work ethic.

Work ethic is something that emanates from within. You can tell
an employee to do this and that, be like this and like that, over and over,
but if they do not have enough discipline to adhere to the rules and
follow through with their performance, then there is no way that they
can become the productive employees that the company wants.
Discipline involves focus, dedication and determination on your
part to do what you should.

Sense of Responsibility
The moment you became part of the organization and assigned
tasks and duties, you have a responsibility that you must fulfill. If you
have a strong work ethic, you will be concerned with ensuring that you
are able to fulfill your duties and responsibilities. You will also feel
inclined to do your best if you want to get the best results.

Sense of Teamwork
As an employee, you are part of an organization. You are simply
one part of a whole, which means you have to work with other people. If
you are unable to do so, this will put your work ethic into question.
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Work ethic is also continuously shaped by relationships,
specifically on how you are able to handle them in achieving goals,
whether shared or individual.



It is one thing to proudly declare that you have a strong work ethic
to your boss, but it is another totally different thing to convince him that
you really do. In fact, bosses are not inclined to take such claims at face
value, instead wanting you to convince them with actions and not just
So what are the things that you can do in order to convince your
employer that you have a strong work ethic as you claim?

1. Put the company first.

Trying to demonstrate a good work ethic if you don‘t actually care

about the company will be acting, and no matter how good of an actor
you are, it won‘t be long before you are discovered. You need to actually
have the good work ethic before you try to show it to the world.
And this starts with putting the company first in your thoughts
and actions. Once this is done, half the battle is won.

2. Manage your time wisely.

Time management is not limited to being on time for work and

meeting deadlines.
It actually involves more than that.

 Be punctual.

They say that punctuality is one of the first indicators

of professionalism. Brett and Kate McKay pointed out
several reasons why punctuality is very important.
Important points were made on how punctuality strengthens
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and reveals your integrity while also demonstrating your
level of discipline, humility and dependability. It is also one
way to show your respect for others, while allowing you to
build your self-confidence and always put your best foot
forward. For many managers and supervisors, lack of
punctuality is a deal-breaker. If a new employee is
habitually tardy in coming to work, this is likely to drive
them to have a low opinion of the capabilities of that
employee to continue working in the company.

 Maintain a good attendance record.

It‘s not just your punctuality and how you observe

work hours that will be closely looked into. A high rate of
absenteeism certainly does not bode well, even if it is
unintentional or there are unavoidable circumstances, such
as if you are frequently ill that you have to take days off
from work. If this is the case, it is important to take up the
matter with your superiors in order for both parties to come
up with a solution that will benefit everyone. If there are
truly unavoidable circumstances causing you to miss work,
bringing it up before you are confronted shows that indeed
you are concerned about the company and it makes your
bosses more open to suggestions that you might have. An
example would be allowing you to work remotely from home.
Your bosses will know if you are taking a day off work
to avoid performing a particularly rigorous or complicated
task. This will not reflect positively on you, and any chance
you might have of getting a raise or a promotion won‘t look
too good.

 Observe deadlines.

Between an employee who barely beats the deadline,

rushing at the eleventh hour to get things done and
finishing his task just as the clock hits 12, so to speak, and
an employee who finishes his task well ahead of time,
without any rushing and stressing out, who will be more
favorable in the eyes of the supervisor? Obviously, it is the
second employee.

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If you are able to finish your task ahead of time, that
means you are able to manage your time wisely. That will
also give you ample time to make any adjustments, if
necessary, since there is still some time left before the actual
deadline. Better yet, you should take the initiative to set
your own deadlines.
If there is a timetable provided by the company, it will
be to your advantage to create your own timetable. This will
enable you to prioritize better. You‘ll be able to avoid
distractions easily, and any potential delays will be dealt
with before they can actually arise.

3. Be honest
Although the phrase may seem a bit of a cliché nowadays, there is
still truth to the adage ―Honesty is the best policy‖. The esteemed Warren
Buffet said it best when he cited three qualities to look for when hiring
new people: integrity, intelligence and energy.
There is no way that a person can hide his dishonesty forever.
Sooner or later, it will manifest itself, and that will not do your work
ethic any favors.
The biggest problem that a dishonest employee will encounter is
the lack or absence of trust from other people. Therefore, if you want to
go far in your career, or go up the hierarchy in the organization, then
you should make it a point to be honest in your dealings so that you can
be trusted by your seniors and fellow colleagues.
Since we are on the topic of honesty, other things that you can do

 Give honest feedback.

This shows that you are capable of objectivity.

Managers, co-workers and even clients will value you more if
you show that you are able to provide honest feedback.
Sure, this may be a sensitive area, which is why you have to
take extra care on your delivery of your feedback. If you are
able to get your message across without openly offending
anyone and igniting hostilities, then that will prove even
further the strength of your work ethic.

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 Own up to your mistakes.

If you did something wrong, it is best to man up and

own up to it, instead of denying all blame and, worse,
pinning it on other people. This is a sign that you are unable
and unwilling to take responsibility, a sure sign that your
work ethic is less than solid.

4. Maintain a balanced and consistent performance in performing

your work
An employee with a strong work ethic is a productive employee.
This productivity is seen in the pace of work and your persistence
in maintaining that pace. If you can work at a fast pace, that means
you‘ll be able to accomplish more within the limited time that you are
given. You are not the type to give up just because you are exhausted or
you suddenly feel lazy. You do not quit until you have completed what
you have started.
As an employee or worker, your main concern is to perform your
core functions, or the tasks and duties that are in your job description.
Therefore, that is the first thing that you should focus on. It doesn‘t
make a whole lot of sense if you score high in punctuality and have a
perfect attendance record, but you‘re only churning out what is needed,
instead of producing great work.

 Do quality work.

Employers want employees who care about the quality

of the work that they churn out, going a step above and
beyond the minimum of expectations with regard to the
quality of their work. An employee who is committed to
quality in his own work is an employee worth keeping
because, at the end of the day, his work will form part of the
overall quality of the output of the organization.

 Be organized.

A disorganized employee is seen as someone who may

have trouble meeting deadlines and producing quality work.
It‘s similar to how your personality is often judged by your
personal hygiene. If you have dirty nails or unkempt hair,
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you‘d be immediately judged – especially by those you are
meeting for the first time – to have problems keeping things
It‘s the same thing if you are disorganized, say, in how
you maintain your work area. If you are working with tools
and machines, leaving them lying around may even result to
accidents and injuries. Being organized shows how you are
able to prioritize, and will also provide an indication of how
you can contribute to the achievement of the goals and
objectives of the company.

 Be consistent.

You have to continue working at your peak, getting

the best results, even when no one is watching. Some
employees, in their desire to impress their bosses, will only
visibly put in more work if they know they are being
watched. This is not how you demonstrate a strong work
ethic. On the contrary, it will only paint you as pretentious,
which is one of the worst things that can taint your work
It is ―do, not say‖, and ―act, not tell‖. At the end of the
day, it is your output and your work that will speak the
loudest volume about your work ethic. Show great results,
and you‘ll be seen as someone with a great work ethic.

5. Always show respect

Respectfulness is, sadly, becoming more of a rare commodity these

days. But it remains to be one of the traits that supervisors are looking
for to indicate whether an employee has a strong work ethic or not.
Using proper etiquette is basic for humans, which is why it is
valued greatly in the workplace. Even a slightest shift away from proper
etiquette can potentially destroy a relationship that has been cultivated
and nurtured for a very long time.
What if you are under too much pressure? Does that not give you
a bit of a leeway, so you can use it as an excuse to be rude or let your
temper fly?

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In the workplace, there should be no excuse to be disrespectful to
other people, whether it is with a peer or a subordinate. Tight deadlines?
Impossible demands from impossible clients? They‘re part and parcel of
a regular ―day at the workplace‖. Therefore, you should not let your
temper get the better of you.
 Stay calm and poised.

Good and rational decisions are harder to come by if

anger is clouding your judgment. If you show that you are
frazzled, this will also fluster the others, and soon you‘ll be
dealing with a roomful of panicking and co-workers.

 Be diplomatic.

Choose your words carefully, and be careful not to

offend others. Even a misplaced word here and there can
potentially lead to a blowout, which you‘d definitely want to
avoid as much as possible.

 Listen to others’ opinions.

Even if you might not 100% agree with them in the

end, giving them time to voice out their opinions and
listening to them is already a sign of respect. Besides, you
may just find solutions in those opinions.

 Avoid gossiping and harmful talk about, and against, others.

Idle chit-chat is unavoidable at the workplace, but

there is a difference between chatting idly about this and
that, and gossiping maliciously about other people. This can
potentially blow up and lead to conflicts and even bigger
problems. Negative talks will definitely affect teamwork if it‘s
not avoided.

 Show fair treatment to others.

If you are in a supervisory position, you might not be
aware that you are favoring one worker over the others. If
you are dealing with clients, you might be showing a bias
toward one client while acting passively toward others. This
inequity is an indication that you may have a skewed

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judgment, especially when it comes to dealing with bigger
Demonstrate grace under pressure, and you can
definitely convince your boss that you have a work ethic
strong enough to merit further notice during promotions to
higher positions.

6. Follow the rules

If you can‘t follow even one simple rule, such as keeping your work
area neat and orderly, or properly clocking in when you get to work, your
boss is likely to take that as a sign that you‘d find it even more difficult
to keep the rules that do matter.

How can you show that you are a law-abiding employee?

 Be aware of company policies.

There‘s bound to be an employee handbook or

company manual that covers policies, rules and regulations
that employees must abide by. Make it a point to read
through it and know the finer points, because you certainly
cannot argue ignorance if, at some point, you are called out
for violating a company rule. Making the effort to learn
about these policies and regulations will also put you in a
positive light. Your boss will see this as a sign of
commitment on your part about wanting to do good in your
work while sticking to the rules.

 Follow the dress code.

This is another key characteristic of professionalism.

Appearance may not be all that matters in the workplace,
but it DOES matter to a certain extent, regardless of the
actual work that you do. Even laborers and those who are
doing manual labor have a prescribed dress code that they
must adhere to, not just for purposes of safety at the
workplace, but also as a member of the organization. As
employees and workers, they are still representatives of the

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organization, and if you are able to dress properly, this will
reflect positively to the organization.

7. Work with others

No matter how much you think you are better at working alone, or
that you can provide more and better results if you work by yourself, the
very nature of being an employee of a company means that you are
merely one of the cogs in a larger machine. Therefore, you have to work
with the other employees.

 Cooperate

Cooperation is very important. Even if you have

personal differences in opinion with a co-worker, or you do
not see eye to eye about a matter entirely separate from
work, you should still be able to cooperate and work
together with him. Set aside those differences, at least for
the time being. Your boss will appreciate you more if you are
able to prove that you can separate the personal from work
and still be able to cooperate with others.

 Socialize

Yes, you read that right. Socialization is also very

important. You can‘t be all work and serious talk all the
Once in a while, you have to take a step back, relax,
and socialize with your co-workers. This is one way to
cultivate your social skills while strengthening your
relationship with the other employees or members of the
8. Stay fit and healthy

Believe it or not, being sound and healthy in mind and body also
contributes to your work ethic. Let me explain why.
If you are healthy, you‘ll be able to think more clearly, so you can
make better decisions and exercise better judgment when doing your

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work. Being healthy also ensures that you won‘t have a problem with
your attendance record. You‘d be able to report to work on time, and
absenteeism won‘t be an issue.
In the same manner, if you are fit and healthy, you won‘t have
problems socializing with your co-workers. You will also be in a positive
mood, so tempers and frustrations will not get in the way.
Therefore, make it a point to exercise regularly. Eat your meals
properly and maintain a balanced diet. Get out for some air once in a
while. If you have vacation days, make the most of them, so you can rest
your mind and body. If you‘re the type to enjoy the great outdoors and
commune with nature, make it a point to do that whenever you have the
opportunity to do so. This will refresh and strengthen you for when you
go back to work and carry on with your tasks and responsibilities.
If you think about it, these things are not all that difficult to do.
In fact, they are relatively easy. It is the execution that most people
find complicated. Still, it is a fact that building and maintaining a strong
work ethic is not a walk in the park. It takes a lot for a person to prove
that he has one, but if you are committed and dedicated enough, then
you will no doubt be able to convince your bosses that your work ethic is
one of the things that make you an asset of the company.

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SELF – CHECK 4.2-5


1. What are the elements of a strong work ethic?

2. What are the factors of a good work ethic?

3. How to demonstrate a strong work ethic to your employer?

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1. Integrity
2. Emphasis on quality of work
3. Professionalism
4. Discipline
5. Sense of responsibility
6. Sense of teamwork

1. Goal-oriented actions
2. Prioritized focus
3. Being available and reliable
4. Conscientiousness
5. Creating a rewarding routine/system
6. Embracing positivism

1. Put the company first
2. Manage your time wisely
3. Be honest
4. Maintain a balanced and consistent performance in
performing your work
5. Always show respect
6. Follow the rules
7. Work with others
8. Stay fit and healthy

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Information Sheet 4.2-6

Learning Objectives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. Define quality assurance.

2. Enumerate the different inputs in performing quality assurance
3. Identify the duties and responsibilities of quality assurance

Perform Quality Assurance

Perform quality assurance is an executing process with the main

focus of overall process improvement by tenaciously improving the
activities and processes power under taken to achieve quality.

The PMBOK is equally focused on not just improving the product

but also the process, because improving the process and aligned
activities will have a positive effect on improving the quality of the
products and bringing about an overall reduction of cost.

This process is often confused with the perform quality control

which is a monitoring and controlling process where each deliverable is
inspected measured and tested to ensure that it meets quality

Perform quality assurance is the process of auditing the quality

requirements and the results from quality control measurements, to
ensure appropriate quality standards and operational definitions are
used. Whereas, perform quality control is the process of monitoring and

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recording results of the executing the quality activities to assess
performance and two recommends any necessary changes.

The main inputs to the perform quality assurance process is the

quality plan, and therefore this process which is an ongoing activity
throughout the project cannot start until the quality plan has been

Inputs to the Perform Quality Assurance Process

1. Project Management Plan

It is actually the quality management plan portion that is of

interest here as it describes how the process of perform quality
assurance will be carried out. Also of interest here is the process
improvement plan which details how the work is being performed
and what actions might be taken to improve this performance and
as such is a key input.

2. Quality Metrics

During the process plan quality these were defined

describing how quality will be measured and may relate to any
aspect of quality. One is important is that each quality metric
must be measurable and so details of the amount and units for
each metric must be clarified and so provides an objective means
of measurement.

3. Quality control measurement

These are an output from the perform quality control

process, and consist of important documented measurements of
quality levels and compliance.
These measurements ae derived by inspecting and reviewing all
project deliverables to ensure they comply with specifications, as
well as coming from potential areas to improve any aspect of the
management of the project.

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4. Work performance information

As already stated, perform quality assurance is concerned

with process improvement, and so work performance information
is an important input as it will assist in identifying areas where
process improvements are needed. This input will also include
information regarding areas with process improvements have
worked. In summary, the purpose here is to fix poor process areas
and it knowledge or possibly enhance successful process

5. Change requests

Since this process carries out analysis and evaluation then

it is normal to expect that change requests would be a natural
outcome of this process, and as such change requests from this
process would be about procedural changes.

6. Project management plan updates

As a result of this process the way in which the project is

being managed is likely to change. Within the project management
plan is the quality management plan and the process improvement
plan and one or both of these two documents are highly likely to
be updated.

7. Project document updates

Changes to quality can impact just about any element of the

project including budget, schedule, scope, risk, resources, etc. So
therefore, any particular knowledge area and their related plan
may need to be updated as a result of performing this process.

8. Organizational process assets updates

These consist of any assets which can be used for future

projects and as such should be updated whenever such practices
are implemented or indeed if any new information has been
learned. These assets are a common input to many of the PMBOK
process, and therefore in the spirit of overall process improvement,
it is important that the outputs of this process are fed back into
the organizational portfolio of assets.

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9. Plan quality and perform quality control tools and techniques

These are common tools that are also used for the plan
quality process and perform quality control process.

This list of tools is large but would include:

 Cost benefit analysis
 Control charts
 Benchmarking
 Design of experiments
 Statistical sampling
 Flowcharting
 Cause and effect diagrams
 Pareto diagrams
 Run charts
 Scatter diagram
 Statistical sampling
 Inspections and reviews
 Quality audits

This are the main tools used within perform quality

assurance because such audits review the project in order to
evaluate which of those activities being carried out on the
project need to be improved, and which of those leads the
required quality standards. The objective of these audits is to
improve acceptance of the product and to minimize the overall
cost of quality.

10. Process analysis

This tool is used to review the quality process with the aim
of ensuring that it works both efficiently and effectively.

Duties and Responsibilities of Quality Assurance Managers

Quality assurance managers play a crucial role in business by

ensuring that products meet certain thresholds of acceptability. They
plan, direct or coordinate quality assurance programs and formulate
quality control policies. They also work to improve an organization‘s
efficiency and profitability by reducing waste.

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1. Oversee Process

One of the challenges you would face as a quality assurance

manager is staying abreast of internal, external and international
rules and regulations pertaining to manufacturing, selling and
shipping goods. Managers prepares and update quality
documentation, basing their processes on a recognized standard
such as ISO 9000 – Quality Management, published by the
International Organization for Standardization. Industry specific
manuals and protocols also apply.

2. Lead Teams

As quality assurance manager, you would supervise teams

of inspectors who carry out the detailed assessment of products
and their components at different stages of production. Managers
recruit and train supervisors, and provide them with documented
quality standards as guidelines for their day-to-day work.
Managers also select quality inspection tools and software to
support the inspection team. You would have the authority to
immediately stop the production line if you see product defects or
spot safety guards off a conveyor belt

3. Train Employees

Your duties as a quality assurance manager would also

include ensuring that employees working in production are aware
of quality requirements, quality assurance managers prove
training in best practices. They aim to make production employees
responsible for managing their own quality standards. To promote
a culture of quality, managers run awareness and award
programs. When companies develop new products, quality
assurance managers work with the product development team to
establish quality standards.

4. Manage Inputs

Suppliers of components and materials play an important

part in a company‘s quality process. Quality assurance managers
work with suppliers to help formulate quality standards for the
goods. This ensures that incoming components and materials will
comply with the manufacturer‘s quality standards, minimizes the

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time and cost of inspection, and contributes to the quality of the
finished product. Any deviations must be detected and
immediately corrected.

5. Analyze Data

Being successful in the role of quality assurance manager

would require you to have skills in quantitative measurement.
Quality assurance managers review statistical data from the
production lines to identify quality problems. they analyze the data
and recommend changes to production process or quality controls
to eliminate the problem. They also analyze records of product
returns to identify specific problems or trends over time. Quality
assurance managers develop and monitor continuous
improvement programs, aiming to reduce the number of defects
and improve levels of quality. Continuous quality improvement
reduces manufacturing costs and improves overall product

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SELF – CHECK 4.2-6

True or False

Write the word True if the statement is correct, otherwise write

False if it is wrong.

1. Perform quality assurance is an executing process with the main

focus of overall process improvement by tenaciously improving the
activities and processes power under taken to achieve demand.

2. Quality assurance managers review statistical data from the

marketing lines to identify quality problems.

3. Quality control measurement are derived by inspecting and

reviewing all project deliverables to ensure they comply with
specifications, as well as coming from potential areas to improve
any aspect of the management of the project.

4. Process analysis is a tool used to implement the quality process

with the aim of ensuring that it works both efficiently and

5. Quality assurance managers play a crucial role in business by

ensuring that products meet certain thresholds of acceptability.

6. Managers also select quality inspection tools and software to

support the inspection team.

7. Suppliers of components and materials play an important part in a

company‘s quantity process.

8. Continuous quality improvement increases manufacturing costs

and improves overall product quality.

9. When companies develop new products, quality assurance

managers work with the product development team to establish
quality standards.

10. The objective of these audits is to improve acceptance of the

product and to maximize the overall cost of quality.

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1. False

2. False

3. True

4. False

5. True

6. True

7. False

8. False

9. True

10. False

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Facilities/Tools Date &
Training Activity Trainee Remarks
and Equipment (Workstati Time
on/ Area)
Recap of Activities
7:30 AM
Feedback of All
to 8:00
Training trainees

After each
4.2-1 Key rotation the
Ssources of  Internet student will
Name of the
GROUP I  PC 8:00am- be assessted
Information on Work
10:00 am every end of
the Industry  Reference Book Station
the week.

After each
4.2-2 Industry
rotation the
Working GROUP II 10:00pm- student will
Conditions  Internet
Name of 12:00pm be assessted
 PC
Workstation every end of
4.2-3 Legislation  Reference Book 2 the week.
that Affects the
Industry Satisfied/

4.2-4 Industrial
Relation Isues and Name of
Major Workstation After each
Organizations 3 rotation the
 Internet student will
GROUP III be assessted
 PC 1:00pm –
4.2-5 Work Ethics every end of
 Reference Book 3:00pm-
Required in the the week.
Industry Satisfied/

After each
rotation the
4.2-6 Quality
 Internet student will
Assurance Name of
be assessted
 PC Workstation 3:00pm –
GROUP IV every end of
 Reference Book 4 5:00pm
the week.


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Facilities/ Tools Date &
Training Activity Trainee Remarks
and Equipment Time
n/ Area)

Prayer 7:30
Recap of Activities
trainees AM to
Unfreezing Activities
Feedback of Training 8:00
Rejoinder/Motivation AM

After each
4.2-1 Key Ssources  Internet rotation the
of Information on GROUP  PC 8:00am- student will be
Name of the
IV  Reference 10:00 assessted every
the Industry Workstation
am end of the week.
Book 1

4.2-2 Industry After each

Working m- rotation the
Conditions  Internet student will be
Name of 12:00p
GROUP I  PC assessted every
Workstation m
4.2-3 Legislation  Reference 2
end of the week.

that Affects the Book

Industry Completed

4.2-4 Industrial
Relation Isues and
Name of After each
Organizations rotation the
GROUP II  Internet Workstation
student will be
 PC 3 1:00pm assessted every
4.2-5 Work Ethics  Reference – end of the week.
Book 3:00pm-
Required in the Satisfied/
Industry Completed

After each
rotation the
4.2-6 Quality  Internet student will be
Assurance  PC Name of 3:00pm
assessted every
GROUP end of the
 Reference Workstation –
Book 4 5:00pm

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Training Facilities/Tools Date &
Trainee Remarks
Activity and Equipment (Workstati Time
on/ Area)
Recap of
Unfreezing All
7:30 AM
Activities trainees
to 8:00
Feedback of

After each
4.2-1 Key rotation the
Ssources of  Internet student will be
 PC Name of the 8:00am-
Information on GROUP III assessted every
Work Station 10:00 am
the Industry  Reference Book end of the week.

4.2-2 Industry After each

Working 10:00pm-
rotation the
Conditions GROUP IV student will be
 Internet Name of 12:00pm
assessted every
 PC Workstation
4.2-3 Legislation end of the week.
 Reference Book 2
that Affects the
Industry Completed

4.2-4 Industrial
Relation Isues
and Major
After each
rotation the
Name of student will be
 Internet
Workstation 1:00pm – assessted every
4.2-5 Work GROUP I  PC 3 3:00pm- end of the week.
Ethics Required  Reference Book
in the Industry Satisfied/

After each
rotation the
4.2-6 Quality student will be
Assurance Name of
 Internet assessted every
Workstation 3:00pm –
GROUP II  PC 4 5:00pm
end of the week.
 Reference Book

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Evidence Plan

Competency Organic Agriculture Production NCII

Unit of Use Farm Tools and Equipment
Ways in which evidence will be

Third party Report

Demonstration &
The evidence must show that the

Observation &



Informal and/or formal research is used to
 
update general knowledge of the industry

Updated knowledge is shared with

customers and colleagues as appropriate
 
and incorporated into day-to-day working

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Content Knowledge Comprehension Application
of test

Key Sources of
Information on the 20%
10% 10%

Industry Working
Conditions 10% 5% 15%

Legislation that
Affects the
15% 15%

Industrial Relation
Issues and Major
10% 10% 20%

Work Ethics
Required in the
10% 10%

Quality Assurance 10% 10% 20%

TOTAL 45% 45% 10% 100%

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Objectives/Content # of test
Knowledge Comprehension Application
area/Topics item

Key Sources of
Information on the 4
2 2

Industry Working
Conditions 2 1 3

Legislation that
Affects the Industry 3 3

Industrial Relation
Issues and Major
2 2 4

Work Ethics
Required in the
2 2

Quality Assurance 2 2 4

TOTAL 9 9 2 Items

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Written Test

Name:___________________________ Date:_________________

Direction: Select and encircle the best answer.

I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Refers to data provides from an original source document.

a. Primary source of information
b. Secondary source of information
c. Tertiary source of information
d. Internal/External source of information

2. One that provides information from a source other than the

a. Primary source of information
b. Secondary source of information
c. Tertiary source of information
d. Internal/External source of information

3. Primary sources are original materials on which other research

is based, including:
a. Poems
b. Diaries
c. Interviews
d. All of the above

4. Which of the following is the business type of information?

a. Customer and employee information
b. Emails, mail and faxes
c. Charts and graphs
d. All of the above

5. These are the demands, environment and terms of a job that

influence the satisfaction of employees.
a. Working statements
b. Working conditions
c. Working plan
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d. Working management

6. These are the basic expectations that employees have of a

working environment.
a. Health and safety
b. Remuneration
c. Hygiene factor
d. Employee benefits

7. The following are common types of working conditions; EXCEPT:

a. Responsibility and Accountability
b. Performance management
c. Union Labor
d. Work Schedule

8. This law aimed at protecting the health, safety and rights of

a. Employment law
b. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
c. Equal Pay Act 1970
d. Employment Protection Act 1978

9. An act that employers must provide safe premises and

machinery and ensure that the workers‘ health is not affected by
their work.
a. Employment law
b. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
c. Equal Pay Act 1970
d. Employment Protection Act 1978

10. This is aimed at making sure that businesses act fairly towards
their consumers – especially since consumers are sometimes in a
much weaker financial position.
a. Consumer Protection
b. Competition Law
c. Trade Description Act
d. Sale and Supply of Goods Act

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11. It explains the relationship between employees and
management which stem directly or indirectly from union-
employer relationship.
a. Trade and Commerce
b. Labor Relations
c. Industrial relations
d. Industry Management

12. Refers to any productive activity in which individual is engaged.

a. Labor
b. Industry
c. Trade
d. Commerce

13. Which of the following is the scope of industrial relations?

a. Relationship among employees, between employees and
their superiors or managers.
b. Collective relations between trade unions and
c. Collective relations among trade unions, employers‘
associations and government.
d. All of the above

14. The following are the objectives of industrial relations; EXCEPT:

a. To safeguard the interest of labor and management by
securing high level of mutual understanding and goodwill
between all sections in the industry which are associated
with the process of production.
b. To raise productivity to a higher level by arresting the
tendency of higher labor turnover and frequent
c. To suspend government control over such units which are
running at losses or where production has to be regulated
in the public interest.
d. To avoid industrial conflicts and develop harmonious
relations between labor and management for the
industrial progress in a country.

15. It is not about making plans or the next logical steps; it's about
getting things done so that the work invested wouldn't be
a. Goal-oriented actions
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b. Prioritized focus
c. Being available and reliable
d. Embracing positivism
16. The desire to do a task well, being vigilant and organized.
a. Goal-oriented actions
b. Conscientiousness
c. Creating a rewarding system
d. Embracing positivism

17. Which of the following is the elements of a strong work ethic?

a. Integrity
b. Professionalism
c. Discipline
d. All of the above

18. It is often seen as something that is too broad or wide in scope,

covering everything from your appearance to how you conduct
yourself in the presence of other people.
a. Integrity
b. Professionalism
c. Discipline
d. Sense of responsibility

19. How would you demonstrate a strong work ethic to your

a. Put the company first
b. Manage your time wisely
c. Be honest
d. All of the above

20. How would you maintain a balanced and consistent

performance in performing your work?
a. Do quality work
b. Be organized
c. Be consistent
d. All of the above

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Answer Key

1. A

2. B

3. D

4. D

5. B

6. C

7. C

8. A

9. B

10. A

11. C

12. B

13. D

14. C

15. A

16. B

17. D

18. B

19. D

20. D

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Questions to probe the candidate’s underpinning Satisfactory

knowledge response
Extension/Reflection Questions Yes No

1. What is industry knowledge?  

2. What bare industrial relations issues?  

Safety Questions

3. Why is knowledge important in industry?  

4. What is a good work ethic?  

Contingency Questions

5. How would you get industry knowledge?  

6. How would you update your industry  

7. How do you handle employee relations issues?  

Job Role/Environment Questions  

8. Why is it important to keep updating one‘s  
knowledge and skills?
9. What is the role of quality assurance manager?  
Rules and Regulations  
10. What are some employee relations issues?  

11. What are good working conditions?  

The candidate’s underpinning  Satisfactory  Not

knowledge was: Satisfactory

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Expected Answer for Questioning Tool

Questions to probe the candidate’s underpinning Satisfactory

knowledge response
Extension/Reflection Questions Yes No
1. Industry knowledge skills is the acknowledgement of
the market trends and flow by heart as if it you‘re
following your baby. It enhances your capability of
making good decisions and providing good advice to  
other companies regrading overtaking its

2. The term ―industrial relations‖ generally refers to

employment issues and the employment relationship
between an organization and its staff. These
regulatory bodies have different roles but are both  
independent government organizations.

Safety Questions

3. Increasing industry knowledge gives you a  

competitive advantage and assists you in the growth
of your business. Scheduling time each day for
industry education and research, so that this
important component of your professional growth
does not get postponed in lieu of more pressing
4. A strong work ethic is an important part of being  
successful in your career. Work ethics is a set of
values based on the ideals of discipline and hard
work. Forming good habits such as focusing, staying
motivated, finishing tasks immediately, and more
helps to create a good work ethic that will impress

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Contingency Questions

5.  
 Find a mentor
 Network
 Use social media
 Read industry news

6. Updating and developing industry knowledge involves  

the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge
required to develop and update current and emerging
information on the hospitality industry, including
industry structure, current technology and key
environmental, community, legal and ethical issues.

7. Tips to turn conflict into consensus between feuding  

 Understand the nature of the conflict
 Encourage employees to work it out themselves
 Nip it in the bud quickly
 Listen to both sides
 Determine the real issue together
 Consult your employee handbook
 Find a solution
 Write it up
Job Role/Environment Questions  
8. Improved marketability and competitiveness.  
Upgrading your skills helps keep you up-to-date within
your field and makes you a more competitive job
applicant. Better career opportunities. Upgrading your
skills will open the door to new career opportunities
that you may not have been able to consider before.

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9. Quality assurance managers play a crucial role in  
business by ensuring that products meet certain
thresholds of acceptability. They plan, direct or
coordinate quality assurance programs and formulate
quality control policies. They also work to improve an
organization‘s efficiency and profitability by reducing
Rules and Regulations  
10.  
 Conflict management
 Hour and wage issues
 Adequate safety ion the workplace
 Annual leave disputes
 Timekeeping and attendance issues

11. Working conditions covers areas such as space,  

temperature, lighting, ventilation, humidity and
welfare facilities, including access to drinking water.

The candidate’s underpinning  Satisfactory  Not

knowledge was: Satisfactory

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Thomson Reuters: Economic Indices

LexisNexis: Corporate and Professional Business Solutions

International Organization for Standardization: ISO 9000 – Quality


O*Net Online: Quality Control Systems Managers

Aveta Business Institute: The Importance of Quality Management

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: OOH: Quality Control Managers

ACS Quality for Life: Quality Control

Electronic Resources

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