The buildingSMART openBIM Awards Yearbook 2021
The buildingSMART openBIM Awards Yearbook 2021
The buildingSMART openBIM Awards Yearbook 2021
openBIM Awards
Yearbook 2021
The buildingSMART Awards program was The 2021 Awards saw projects compete
established in order to recognize exemplary in 8 categories, with 1 additional Award
projects that have used buildingSMART being presented at the discretion of
standards and solutions to effectively the buildingSMART management team,
overcome interoperability challenges. The resulting in 9 project winners.
first awards were presented in Toronto in
October 2014, and the program continues
to grow year on year.
2021 Highlights
The program was divided into four broad
categories: Project Delivery, Operations,
Research and Technology. Each category
has its own sub-categories, providing the
basis for the Awards program.
This Awards program was supported
by 154 jurors across 23 chapters. The
primary role of the juror is grading project
submissions against a strict criteria,
designed to ensure the highest quality of
submissions. This year there was once
again a triage team to help reduce the
amount of work on all jurors.
There were a record 133 submissions
across all the categories, 74 of which
passed triage. The breakdown for those
that passed triage is outlined below:
• Asset Management: 4
• Construction: 17
• Design: 18
• Facilities Management: 2
• Handover: 2
• Professional Research: 10
• Student Research: 3
• Technology: 18
Special Mentions
Due to the high volume of quality
submissions, there were a number of
projects deemed a high enough standard
to warrant a special mention. These
projects were scored especially highly
by the jury, falling slightly short of the
required score to become a finalist. These
projects were duly awarded during the
Awards Ceremony, alongside all finalists
and Award winners.
Asset Management MKP GmbH, Germany Pages 6-7
Project Description
smartBRIDGE Hamburg is an innovative project
demonstrating the application of digital twins
to optimise the maintenance of bridges. The
current maintenance process in Germany
consists of a periodic manual inspection
and an analogue workflow in analysing and
documenting the results. This leads to limited
Category of Asset Management
All project partners could access current data and • Comparison of as-designed and as-built
undertake model-based collaboration. Reviews of models based on a LIDAR point-cloud
models were made and delivered via BCF.
• Connection of BIM to real-time data from
In addition to the EIR, the “Bauteilkatalog heterogeneous monitoring sources
Brücken” component catalogue was used, as
it contains project-independent specifications buildingSMART openBIM Solutions
for the creation of 3D BIM bridge models and
enabled interoperability. The different semantic BCF, IDM, IFC 2x3
information was embedded in the model as Software Used
attributes for each IFC object. These standards
were extended for the implementation of Autodesk 3Ds Max, Autodesk Revit, BIM Vision,
monitoring systems, damages and diagnostic BIM360, BIMplus, Blender, Desite BIM, NavVis
examination. Indoorviewer, Nemetschek Allplan, Sofistik Bridge
Modeler, Solibri Model Checker, Unity
Real-time condition measurement data from
Köhlbrand Bridge came from continuous structural Result
health monitoring (IoT) sensors, inspection data
In this project, the Köhlbrand Bridge was used to
from traditional periodic manual inspection and
other structural diagnostic examinations. The demonstrate a transformation in infrastructure
information streams were combined into a single maintenance and operation based on BIM
information source, with the BIM model acting as a methodology. By combining BIM with IoT and
central data hub that linked real-time conditions. other heterogeneous data sources and processing
the data with high-level analytics, it becomes
The collected real-time data was aggregated possible to optimise the maintenance process
into easily understandable condition indicators and implement predictive functionalities. The
that allowed all stakeholders (owner, operator, result is more precise damage prognoses and
maintainer) to have a constant overview of the thus predictive and sustainable maintenance
bridge’s condition. A high-level browser-based management.
solution for visualisation of the digital twin called
conditionCONTROL was developed to allow
approachable and open access for any user, “The award is a great opportunity to show the
with different navigation views to choose from, world what is already possible with openBIM
depending on the user’s needs. today. In the future, BIM will be indispensable - in
A cloud-based system was developed that enabled all phases of a bridge’s life. As a company, we gain
the use of machine learning algorithms to predict international visibility and prove ourselves as BIM
the bridge’s behaviour and trigger maintenance experts. A great programme.”
countermeasures when alarm or limit values are Marc Wenner, MKP GmbH
• Second largest road bridge implemented in
• About 10,000 IFC objects modelled, and 26
different models created
• Over 200 different non-geometric attributes
• Implementation of automatic model checking
• Cross-discipline model-based collaboration
Project Description
The project was full of complexity in both the
design and construction stages, requiring
streamlined collaboration and coordination.
Category of Construction
and the IFC standard was integrated into the and a variety of self-developed construction
software and bound with geometric entities to management software
generate the structure objects. To represent the
long, linear infrastructure entities, the openBIM Result
model was imported into SuperMap iDesktop, and
By using openBIM standards, the project team
oblique photography data was superimposed to
built an ecosystem for multi-party cooperation
merge BIM and GIS data.
and information sharing. The application of IFC,
In the construction phase, the BIM management mvdXML and other standards greatly improved
team created a cross-professional Information communication between the project participants,
Delivery Manual (IDM) and applied IFC files in the resulting in a time saving of 144 days and an
data exchange scenario. The ISO-19650 standard estimated cost saving of $2.36 million.
was applied in the information management
Employing the COBie standard when transferring
workflow to form a standardized railway asset
data from the construction to the operation
model and information generation process.
and maintenance stage prevented information
In the operation and maintenance stage, misalignment due to imperfect information-
the information exchange templates were sharing mechanisms. This reduced the need for
formulated using COBie. By establishing the repeated collection of construction data during
the railway infrastructure operation and the operation and maintenance phase, resulting
maintenance information model data standard, in further time and cost savings and better-quality
a firm foundation was laid for the full life cycle data.
management of the railway.
Feedback from the various project stakeholders
Highlights reveals that openBIM allowed them to better
understand the project’s status throughout and
• The first high-speed railway that adopts the improved quality, safety and communication
concept of openBIM to carry out multi-domain between all parties.
full life cycle management on the whole
process in China
• More than 20 software were used in the “The bSI Award is a recognition of the development
project, and a new mode of multi-platform in applying openBIM in railway projects. The
collaborative management at all stages was project proves that openBIM can help us establish
adopted a digital environment that is interoperable and
shared throughout the life cycle, creating a more
• Successful adoption of openBIM standards convenient and comprehensive ecosystem for
such as IFC 2X3, IDM, mvdXML and COBie in constructing the first intelligent railway in China.”
the design phase and construction phase
Dashuang Li, China Academy of Railway Sciences
• The first digital railway project in China that Corporation Ltd
combines openBIM modelling with GIS data
Software Used
Ansys, Bentley ContextCapture, Integrated
Maintenance System (IMS), MicroStation V8i,
Model Review Software (MRS), Navisworks,
OpenRoads Designer, PowerCivil, ProjectWise,
Railway Engineering Management Platform
iDesktop, Tekla Structures,Unreal Engine 4,
• IFC files contractually mandated as deliverables
• 76 IFC files, approximately 90,000 BCF issues
• Communication between 600 distinct users
through the IFC model
• IFC data structured using Norway’s
interdisciplinary building part tagging standard
• 3D models viewed on devices, leading to a
paper-free building site
Randselva Bridge –
Preparing for the Future
Sweco Norge, Norway
About the Project of successful BIM use, they proposed that the
Randselva bridge should be designed and built
The Randselva Bridge is a 634-meter-long free based entirely on BIM models.
cantilever cast-in-situ concrete bridge and is the
world’s longest bridge built without the use of Engineering consultancy Sweco Norge, who
any drawings, only BIM models. It contains over produced designs, calculations, and openBIM
200,000 rebars, 200 pour stages, 250 unique models for the Randselva Bridge, had experience
tendons in the pre-stressing system, over 19,000 in BIM-driven approaches on smaller scale
m3 of concrete, and 18,000 m2 of formwork. projects in the past. As a result, they recognised
the benefits a BIM-based approach would offer to
The owner of the project is the Norwegian Public a project of this magnitude, including the ability
Roads Administration (NPRA) and the project to detect clashes, implement design changes,
included a multidisciplinary, international team and the impact cost and performance early in the
including a design team situated in five different project could have. Additionally, while drawings
countries (Norway, Finland, Denmark, Poland and are country-specific, BIM models are international,
Portugal). which allowed Sweco to choose their best
Core Objectives engineers from across several countries to work
on the bridge’s design.
This project was a proof of concept for complex
model-based projects and demonstrates that The project involved complex geographic
model-driven projects can be more beneficial for considerations, including an asymmetric river
site management, site monitoring, clash detection, valley geometry and a steep, 80 m2 sandy slope
understanding the scope of work and flexibility in located on the west side of the valley. These key
the design. requirements, together with other functional
Project Description
In recent years, the NPRA has gradually extended
their demand for how BIM is used in their projects.
Initially, they mandated that BIM models should
be used for project drawings, which resulted
in a significant reduction in change orders
thanks to better clash control and an improved
understanding of their scopes of work. As a result
Category of Construction
crossing needs related to an existing railway line, Grasshopper, Rhino, Solibri Model Checker, Tekla
the Kistefoss road, a future parking place and a Structures, Trimble Connect
local access road, necessitated the development
of a bridge solution that harmonised all these Result
Applying openBIM on this project has and
The whole bridge was modelled in Tekla Structures will continue to provide numerous benefits
using both calculations and parametric design throughout the lifecycle of the Randselva Bridge.
and exported as 57 IFC files to the client. To limit Using IFC files enabled designers from different
model sizes and lessen the information filtering countries to use the best suited software for
requirement, the model was divided up into the task at hand, which resulted in significantly
several parts when exported into IFC files. The fewer change orders, enhanced understanding
superstructure was divided into three parts with of the scope of works, and made procurement
each part made up of one pier/abutment. All easier. It also improved communication between
objects in the model were fed with 22 user-defined stakeholders, and facilitated progress monitoring
attributes to serve as metadata. In addition, shape and supported construction teams with
codes with additional attributes for bar bending information on-site.
schedules were also included.
In the future, openBIM models created in this
Communication between stakeholders, project will have further application as digital twins
including the contractor, the design team, for the operation and maintenance stage and
third-party control, internal quality control can act as input data for future design based on
and the construction site, was done using IFC reference models.
and BCF standards. New ways of transferring
information through geometry and attributes
was enabled by an openBIM approach, with 95 “Taking part in the buildingSMART Awards
% of the information flow from design team to Program has encouraged us to define current
the construction site transferred through the IFC benefits and future goals of our BIM-workflow. It
format. has also given us publicity to communicate the
ever-increasing importance of BIM and the need to
At the construction site, the IFC model was used
democratize it by using openBIM formats.”
for backfilling and excavation, scaffolding systems
and coordinates, third-party products helped Øystein Ulvestad, Sweco Norge
with reinforcement and material placement. This
information was available on-site using tablets or,
for some tasks, augmented reality.
• World’s longest bridge built using only BIM-
• 95% of the information transferred through IFC
• Over 250,000 IFC structural objects and over
200,000 rebars modelled
• Collaborative design process across five
different countries and multiple software
Software Used
Project Description
The CCR project is divided into three major
works packages: Tunnels, Stations and
Development (TSD), Rail, Integration and
Systems (RIS) and the European Train Control
Category of Design
Project Description
Given the extensive scope and size of the
stadium refurbishment project, it was essential
to its success that all stakeholders were able
to work in a coordinated manner with access
to the latest information. Therefore, an
openBIM methodology was implemented with
a view to achieving reliability, interoperability,
Category of Design
Software Used
AutoCAD; Analysis: ETABS, Bexel; 5D: Presto,
Bexel; 6D: Verity; 3D Coordination: Navisworks,
BIMcollab, Caneco BT, Cost-It, CYPE, CYPE MEP; 4D:
Synchro, Design Authoring: Autodesk Revit, Dialux
Evo, Fire Dynamic Simulator, Rhino, SAP2000,
Solidworks, Tekla
About the Project BIM viewer (Desigo CC) of the BMS. In alignment
with the buildingSMART Use Case Management
This project by Siemens implemented an IFC Service “Auszug Elemente Gebäudeautomation”
model-based performance gap analysis in the (Automated Building Element Extraction), the
building management system (BMS) of an existing unique system asset ID (AKS) from the planning
high-rise building, Grosspeter Tower, Basel stage were used to pass information between
Switzerland, by comparing the real-time values to the simulation tool and the BMS. The ID keys
the predicted values from a simulation tool that created a link between the real and simulated
was used during the planning phase of the project. world and enabled collaboration with other project
The proof of concept focused on the temperature stakeholders, such as planners, electricians and
values as transmitted by temperature sensors on the facilities management team.
one floor.
In the common data environment (CDE), each
Core Objectives data point was connected to a BIM object, the
The goal of the project was to enable a client simulation data, and the live values obtained
or operator to identify areas where building from temperature sensors, as represented
performance optimisation is required by by IfcSensor in the model. The resulting data
visualising the gap between the simulated as- points were visualised on the BIM Viewer (using
designed building performance and the real-time IfcSpace) to show the gap value between the
building performance. live data and the simulation data using a colour
gradient in a 3D floor view of the respective
Project Description rooms.
To identify opportunities for building performance The IFC (IfcSpace) was parameterised with the
optimisation, target/actual performance
comparisons—or so-called gap analyses—could
be achieved. This requires real building values on
the one hand and simulated or target values on
the other to calculate the discrepancy between the
In this project, the architectural simulation model
and building management models of Grosspeter
Tower (in IFC 2x3 format) were integrated into the
Category of Facilities Management
use cases using the CDE and imported into the operator to identify and inform their operational
IDA ICE (Indoor Climate and Energy) simulation decisions using the IFC model.
environment from the software company Equa
The standardised and open IFC schema meant
via the IFC import interface. The pre and post-
that it was possible to translate and represent
processing took place in the authoring software
the designed, simulated, and real worlds in one
Revit. The quality assurance of the input data
consistent digital form within the IFC structure to
was first carried out with the help of Simplebim
provide the operator with a clear visualisation of
and then with Solibri. The simulation results were
Grosspeter Tower’s relative performance.
analysed using Python scripts (model-based data
analysis), visualised in Python and Revit (model- Further, the use of IFC models during the planning
based data visualisation) and exported from Revit stage added value to the project through better
as IFC in Trimble Plancal Nova for building services and faster data availability regarding simulation
planning. In the process, both the heating and boundary conditions and related simulation
cooling capacity required for dimensioning and the results, more transparent communication of
expected indoor climate were passed on. decision-making for building use and internal
Integrating the simulation tool into the building loads, and business savings through optimisation
management platform environment allowed live and automation of the planning process. This has
data from linked systems to be fed back into the led to a holistic increase in quality and accuracy of
simulation. This enables continuous improvement the expected building behaviour and lower error
of the simulation and even enables operational costs in planning.
improvement opportunities to be predicted. As
the building can be optimised by the simulation,
and the simulation can, in turn, be improved by “Model-based performance gap analysis brings
data from the building. This results in a symbiosis the simulated, designed world together with reality
between the two systems with the digital twin in in one digital medium that allows the operator
the BIM viewer at the centre. to identify and inform his decisions using the
IFC model. The main added value in planning
Highlights phases using IFC models was the better and faster
data availability regarding simulation boundary
• openBIM methods and the IFC 2x3 format
conditions and related simulation results.”
were used in the design and integration of the
simulated and actual 3D model data Werner Fehlmann, Siemens Schweiz AG
• Target and actual building energy efficiency
performance values were compared to
conduct a gap analysis
• IfcSensor used as a transfer medium between
the simulation and actual values
Software Used
BIM 360, Equa IDA ICE, Plancal Nova, Revit 2019.2,
Siemens Desigo CC, Simplebim, Solibri
The processes explored in this project brings the
simulated (as designed) world together with the
real world in one digital medium that allows the
case study, the strategic goal was to reduce the • openBIM standards, such as IFC, were the
operation and maintenance costs for one of the primary information sources for developing
buildings in the portfolio. the platform tools
Digital twin for building maintenance • Digital twins used for maintenance and indoor
At the managerial level, the digital twin was used air quality use cases
to improve both the efficiency of the teams’ • Maintenance monitoring systems integrated
performing operations and maintenance work with openBIM
and the efficiency of the technical systems. The
tool has an integrated interface for accessing buildingSMART openBIM Solutions
information about the technical systems, like
heating, cooling, ventilation, water, gas, fire, and IFC 2x3
safety. These systems are represented digitally in Software Used
BIM, integrated using IFC, and coupled with static
and dynamic data about the building. Having all AR4FM, ArchiCAD, Granlund Designer, Granlund
the maintenance data in single repository enables Manager, Revit, SimpleBIM, Solibri Model Checker,
better planning of maintenance activities and Tridify, Unity
identifying the root causes of maintenance issues.
Digital twin for indoor air quality
openBIM was an essential aspect of the
A second managerial tool uses the digital twin development of the BIMLIFE platform. IFC enabled
for improving and tracking the indoor conditions the project team to exchange information
using real-time sensor data (temperature, CO2, between different tools, integrate with the
humidity, lux levels) and feedback inputted by building automation systems, develop the facility
end users about the conditions (indoor air quality, management use cases, and exchange and
noise, light, odour, ambience, design, quality of the synchronise information.
furniture) within the building.
Through the application of these openBIM tools,
A colour-coded heat map quickly shows whether building maintenance teams will be able to
rooms are within, below or above predetermined improve the value and sustainability of real estate
targets, allowing building users to select the assets while increasing the satisfaction, health, and
area where conditions are most suitable for wellbeing of building users.
their workday. The tool can also monitor room,
floor, and occupancy levels, which can help to
understand space usage and plan post-COVID “An ecosystem of Digital Twins is a good approach
return-to-work measures. to create value with the use of openBIM, and
Augmented reality for facilities management satisfy the needs of the different stakeholders in
(AR4FM) building operations.”
This operational tool was developed to help field Francisco Forns-Samso, Granlund Oy
maintenance engineers plan efficient reactive
and preventive maintenance routines. The tool’s
main feature is to visualise and provide static and
dynamic information about the technical systems
and equipment that are commonly not visible.
It can be launched using mobile devices such as
tablets and smartphones.
• An openBIM-based platform enables seamless
information exchange in the operation and
management of building assets
About the Project the project. One of these goals was an accurate
and verified as-built model handover with asset
The Foodstuffs facility at Auckland Airport’s The attribute information requirements, as set out
Landing Business Park is a new, purpose-built by the client for their eventual use in Asset
facility to serve as both the company’s corporate Management/Facility Maintenance (AM/FM) in
headquarters and a distribution centre (80,000 the building operations phase. Auckland Airport
m2 of floor area) for over 100 supermarkets. An required these delivered models to be in IFC
adjacent and architecturally award-winning office format alongside the native authoring files, rather
building (8,500 m2 of floor area) was designed to than indicate a specific BIM authoring software for
accommodate approximately 1,000 Foodstuffs the disciplines to use.
employees, along with a flexible ground floor
design for conference, catering, and presentation Throughout the design and construction phases,
areas. delivery teams collaborated via regular model
exchange using Revizto and updated models
Core Objectives to reflect the as-built situation as the buildings
The main objective was to deliver a new, were constructed. All native files were set up
architecturally significant, and sustainable to align to a common survey control network,
head office for Foodstuffs, adjacent to the new which ensured that each IFC discipline model
distribution centre, using BIM technology and output would correctly align without the need to
processes throughout all project phases to translate models to the correct location in a model
promote efficient project delivery. federation tool.
IFC files were delivered to the client via Aconex to
Project Description
The two projects, the distribution centre, and the
office, were delivered by separate teams, with
a BIM consultant coordinating the information
exchange on behalf of the client, Auckland
Airport. This role was critical to ensuring that all 22
discipline models aligned, and attribute fields were
correctly structured.
A BIM execution plan was developed at the start
of the project and clearly set out the goals of
Category of Handover
Software Used
Aconex, Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor,
Autodesk Navisworks, Autodesk Revit, Bentley
Prosteel, BIMcollab Zoom, Graphisoft Archicad,
iConstruct, Revizto, Solibri Office
Project Description
A prototype system integrating BIM and blockchain
(called OBBi, openBIM and Blockchain Integration)
was developed for managing AEC processes in a
real-life building project in Hong Kong called the
WCH project. In particular, it looked to manage
Category of Professional Research
(4) Blockchain-based BIM data storage for the buildingSMART openBIM Solutions
authenticity of BIM versions and changes on the
blockchain. IFC 2x3, IfcJSON
The web-based openBIM interface displayed Software Used
the up-to-date and historical BIM models during
the WCH project. On the interface, a user could Autodesk Navisworks, Autodesk Revit, BIMVision,
upload the latest BIM model, retrieve the recorded e-InstalStar, e-Instar, e-TranStar, Hyperledger,
historical BIM at any timestamp, and contrast the Solibri
changes between versions. Result
The BIM semantics back-end minimized the The project led to three significant and unique
massive IFC files as incremental changes contributions: the tidying up the IFC for BIM
for blockchaining. Particularly, the Semantic and blockchain integration, the invention of
Differential Transaction (SDT) model developed
an innovative methodology to blockchain BIM
by the research team could differentiate the
changes only and the development of a new
chronological changes and eliminate the
approach to retrieve information from blockchain
information redundancy between IFC models.
and restore it to BIM without time delay or
First, an IFC file was loaded as a hierarchy of
information loss.
openBIM semantics. Then, the “global IDs” of
IFC components generated by Revit were de- As a result, the key outcomes of the
randomized to compare their semantic contents. implementation were a high IFC compression
The resultant SDT records filtered out the ratio on chain—largely reducing information
unchanged IFC components and relationships. redundancy, lossless IFC encoding and quick
restoration of IFC from the blockchain.
A permissioned Blockchain 2.0 stored the initial
version of the project BIM and all the incremental This is one of the first few studies that has truly
changes over time. A smart contract formatted the harnessed the benefits of openBIM and IFC to
SDT records as encoded transactions documents. integrate BIM and blockchain to enable various
A permissioned blockchain channel shared the on- value-added uses of these technologies.
chain SDT records to the WCH project users via on-
demand requests from the web-based interface.
Alternatively, a permissioned user could also “The buildingSMART International Awards
synchronize the SDT records via two Revit node Program is a competitive but friendly program.
add-ons that supported access to the OBBi system I first experienced the ceremony in Beijing and
through the Revit environment and APIs. decided that we should participate in it. I found
With the three layers of openBIM blockchain and it is particularly inspiring to combine the real-life
two Revit add-ons, the OBBi system can resolve AEC challenges with cutting-edge research findings,
the information authenticity and redundancy at to connect practitioners with researchers, and to
the same time. promote the value of openBIM in real world AEC
Highlights Professor Wilson W.S. Lu, The University of Hong
• One of the first studies to employ IFC for Kong
blockchain and BIM integration
• Invented an innovative methodology to
blockchain only the changes in the model to
minimize data volume
• Developed a novel approach to retrieve
information from the blockchain and restore it
to BIM without time delay or information loss
About the Project Recently, this IDM schema was proposed as ISO
29481-3 and is currently in the Draft International
A team made up of researchers from the Building Standard (DIS) phase.
Informatics Group at Yonsei University, Cospec
Innolab and BIM Peers created a machine- The proposed solution was validated through
interpretable link between an Information Delivery the development of xPPM-neo, a new IDM
Manual (IDM) and a Model View Definition (MVD) configuration (authoring) tool, that allows a user
to avoid the need for manual mapping between to generate an MVD from an IDM document using
IDM and MVD elements. idmXML and the bSDD API.
The new solution, xPPM-neo, employed idmXML xPPM-neo consists of three components to
and the buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD) support the use case, the business context map
Application Programming Interface (API) to (including the process map and the interaction
automatically generate an MVD from an IDM map), and the exchange requirements (ER) of the
document. IDM, as specified in ISO 29481-1.
To automatically generate an MVD and validate
Core Objectives the xPPM-neo solution using the exchange
To improve and facilitate the IDM and MVD requirement (ER) section of IDM, the following
development process to make clear what steps were taken:
information should be generated, managed, and
1. Specification of information units
submitted at each phase of a BIM construction
project and how it can be used throughout the The first step was to specify information units
project’s lifecycle. required to conduct the target tasks. In the ER
section, the user can specify the information units
Project Description
This study proposed a mechanism to directly link
IDM and MVD through bSDD and address the
absence of a proper data schema that makes an
IDM document machine-readable. To do this, the
team employed the newly developed IDM data
schema (idmXML schema definition or idmXSD),
which enables users to store, search, share, and
exchange IDM documents and their contents.
Category of Professional Research
that they want. In the IDM data schema, the data schema as a linking mechanism between
information unit includes name, data type, IDM, IFC and bSDD. Further, this study opened
definition, external element, and example. the possibility of linking IDM not only to IFC and
2. Linking ER and bSDD bSDD, but also other standard data schemas
including cityGML, gbXML, and openGIS by
The second step was to use the bSDD API to converting IDM documents into a standardized,
search for the IFC element (entity or property) that machine applicable, readable, and transferrable
corresponded to the specified information unit. (SMART) format through idmXSD. By automating
An advantage of using bSDD as a search engine MVD generation, the solution helps to resolve the
was that bSDD could also find the IFC elements current slow and error prone MVD development
with synonyms in addition to the IFC elements with process.
exact-matching terms. For example, if a user typed
in “floor” to mean a concrete slab, bSDD will return
“IfcSlab” as one of the candidates IFC elements for “This study proposed Automated generation of
“floor”. an MVD by linking IDM and bSDD through IDM
3. Derivation of a full valid MVD from individual schema – idmXSD. Machine-readable IDM includes
elements a mechanism to link information units in IDM
and IFC elements in bSDD. Using Concept-based
The final step was to collect all the IFC elements MVD generation algorithm, a generated MVD
matching the specified information units and includes all specified IFC elements, supertypes, and
automatically generate an MVD. Even if all the mandatory properties. This study contributes to
IFC elements that match specified information
demonstrating the validity of the IDM data schema
units were found, the collection of IFC elements
as a linking mechanism among ISO 29481-1
were still far from a fully valid MVD because, for
(IDM), ISO 16739-1 (IFC), and ISO 12006-3 (bSDD).
example, IFC requires supertypes and mandatory
Furthermore, the proposed study contributes
properties to be included in a valid MVD. To create
to the open possibility of linking IDM to other
a full valid MVD from the collection IFC elements,
standard data schemas through ISO 29481-3
the concept based MVD generation algorithm
previously developed by one of the project
contributors (Lee) was used. Seungwoo Son, Yonsei University
• A new IDM authoring tool, xPPM-neo, was
developed to recreate IDM documents in a
machine-readable format, idmXML
• xPPM-neo linked the IDM and MVD through
the bSDD API
• The solution helps to resolve the current slow
and error prone MVD development process
Software Used
xPPM-neo (a newly developed IDM configuration
This study demonstrated the validity of the IDM
The IfcInfraToolKit
The Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
• A VPL-based toolkit was developed to
modularize the assembly IFC 4.3 models using
existing authoring tools
• Combines new schema development with
user-friendly validation prototyping
• Allows interactive composition and
modification of IFC models without touching
source code
• The composition of IFC-based concepts in an
interactive design environment was found to
be flexible and easy to understand
Software Used
Edificius by ACCA Software S.p.A. (BIM design),
Node-RED by OpenJS Foundation (data acquisition
from the real-world devices), usBIM.IoT by ACCA
Software S.p.A. (user interface and IFC reader),
usBIM.viewer+ by ACCA Software S.p.A. (properties
definition), usIFC.server by ACCA Software S.p.A.
(background technology for IFC cloud editing)
• Solution returns output in the form of an IFC 4 Peter O’Brien, VCE Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT
BIM model and an accompanying BCF report GmbH
Software Used
BIMcollab Zoom, DESITE, Metashape, Python
IfcOpenShell, Revit, Solibri Model Checker
The STRUCINSPECT solution is ground-breaking
on multiple fronts. It offers a new and innovative
automated approach to structural inspections
based solely on photographs. It provides a
revolutionary alternative to a 2D structural
inspection report in the form of an IFC BIM model,
and it enables the “round-trip” of site-based
inspection input from minor interim inspections
Collaborative Development
of openBIM Technologies
Open Design Alliance, USA
Open IFC Viewer is a free, stand-alone viewer that buildingSMART openBIM Solutions
can be used to independently visualize and verify
IFC models of any version and to quickly work with All IFC versions, BCF
new IFC specifications as they are published by bSI.
Software Used
The ODA approach to implementing openBIM is
far less expensive for member companies than All software used in the project was developed by
the cost of in-house IFC support development, ODA
and by using a shared solution, each member Result
company benefits from the testing and verification
done by all other companies. In addition, using Applying ODA’s collaborative development model
the same underlying technology for IFC results in to openBIM has yielded a high-quality, low-cost
fewer errors and fewer incompatibilities between technology solution that has been widely adopted
openBIM data created by different vendors. by major industry vendors. This approach has
benefitted the industry by enabling a shorter IFC
The ODA model fosters faster adoption of new
development cycle, promoting faster adoption
IFC versions by providing complete, professional
of new IFC versions by vendors, improving
implementations of new IFC versions in real time
compatibility between vendors, creating higher
as soon as the specifications are published. The
quality IFC files and making the entire openBIM
process of creating a new version of IFC is complex
ecosystem more efficient and user-friendly.
and involves a large number of participants from
a wide range of companies and organizations,
all working together to verify and refine the “Partnering with the Open Design Alliance allows
specification to ensure it meets industry needs.
Autodesk to fast-track support for international
Fast availability of ODA implementations for new
data exchange standards like IFC. ODA allows
IFC release candidates allows interested parties
the industry to share a joint kernel for openBIM
to quickly integrate new IFC versions into their
workflows, providing a common language and
products, leading to faster verification of the new
understanding of data to improve interoperability.”
specifications, and a shorter development cycle for
Angel Velez, Autodesk
new IFC versions.
In this way, by the time a new IFC version is
officially published, it will have been more
thoroughly used and tested by more parties than
in the past, and users of ODA technology will have
a short, convenient, and well-defined process for
upgrading to the new version.
• Provides a complete and affordable solution
for professional BIM interoperability
• Enables quick integration of new IFC releases
into software products
• Full access to all data in IFC 2x3, IFC 4 and IFC
• Fully self-contained solution with no
dependencies on third party components
ACCA Software, Italy
shows all the property sets, IFC classes, and buildingSMART openBIM Solutions
properties required for each IFC element. The
operator uses the modelling feature of usBIM. BCF, bSDD, IDS, IFC
ids to fill in the required data in compliance with
the information requirements defined by the Software Used
client. For each property, the user can enter only usBIM, usBIM.blockchain, usBIM.browser, usBIM.
a permitted value as defined in the IDS, e.g. from ids, usBIM.platform, usIFC.server
a list of values or a value in a data range. Once
the data modelling is completed, a new IFC file is Result
produced containing all the information requested usBIM.ids enables clients and stakeholders to clearly
by the client in addition to the geometric data. express their exchange requirements, something
usBIM.ids (validator) receives both the complete that was previously a cumbersome and error-prone
IFC file of the model (geometry and data) process. It allows the level of information needs
delivered by the modeler and the created IDS to be defined, enables predictable and reliable
files as inputs. The validator quickly checks the data exchange workflows, and makes it possible
information quality of the IFC file. Any issues found to automatically validate IFC models against client
are displayed on the dashboard of the platform requirements.
and color-coded for easy analysis. usBIM.ids also
produces appropriate reports or files in BCF, XLSX
or CSV format for further use. “One of the most important aspects for the correct
setup of a BIM tender is the need for clients to have
All the output produced by usBIM.ids (IDS files, a model governance that is smooth and in line
IFC models) can be registered on blockchain to
with the objectives for which they are requested.
guarantee document authenticity and immutability
With usBIM.ids, which implements the new
over time.
buildingSMART standard (Information Delivery
The usBIM.ids solution has been tested in several Specification -IDS), you can correctly define your
projects by ANAS, which is part of Ferrovie dello Level Of Information Need (LOIN) within the
Stato, the Italian Public Railways Group. Prior Employer Information Requirement (EIR) and the
to the development of usBIM.ids, ANAS used to BIM Execution Plan (BEP).”
define the exchange requirements using Excel files
Michelangelo Cianciulli, ACCA Software
but lacked a software tool to verify the correctness
and completeness of the models produced by
the contractors. It was also impossible to perform
manual checking and validation given the large
size of the IFC models provided by the contractors.
usBIM.ids solves all these problems by enabling
ANAS to validate IFC models in a matter of seconds
rather than several days, transforming the way
they work.
• Solution based entirely on openBIM standards
(IFC, IDS, bSDD, BCF) and cloud based
• First solution that supports stakeholders in
using bSI’s proposed Information Delivery
Specification (IDS) standard
• Captures and configures exchange
requirements in a machine-readable format
for modelling and validating IFC models