Open BIM Protocol: Promoting Coordination Using IFC Models
Open BIM Protocol: Promoting Coordination Using IFC Models
Open BIM Protocol: Promoting Coordination Using IFC Models
Version: 2.0
All rights reserved. Nothing from this publication may be copied or published through print, photocopies, DVDs,
internet pages or any other way without prior consent in writing from Data Design System. The Open BIM
protocol is continuously being developed and updated. Therefore rights cannot be derived from this publication.
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Links.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
This document describes the specification of an Open BIM model, promoting the coordination between
different BIM software solutions. This document is aimed on the exchange between DDS-CAD and architectural
and structural software solutions.
This document is not a comprehensive Open BIM manual. Also, it is not a manual of how to export models from
different software solutions.
An Open BIM project protocol is not a static document. Each project is different in both design and build. As a
result, no static Open BIM protocol is included in this document. A 'Checklist Open BIM protocol' is added at the
end of this document. This checklist can be used for a project’s kick off meeting and provides a basis for the
project specific Open BIM protocol.
During the publication of this document, the ‘IFC2x Edition 3 Technical Corrigendum 1’ is applied.
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Open BIM Protocol - Version 2.0
Basic structure
It is mandated that the following points are identical for each IFC model within a project:
When these points are not identical, or one of these points is missing in one of the IFC models, the coordination
between models will be difficult, if not, impossible. The models will not have the same origin or rotation.
Editing the storey structure in an exported IFC model is complex. It is recommended not to edit the IfcSite,
IfcBuilding and IfcStorey during a project. Incase this is required, all participants involved in the project should
be informed about these changes in order to keep the cooperation and coordination intact.
Within IFC models, all objects are related. The IfcBuilding is related to the IfcSite, the IfcStorey is related to the
IfcBuilding, etc. It is important that these relations are correct within an IFC model. A wall that belongs to the
third storey should have a relation to that exact storey. A window should be related to an opening, which in its
turn is related to the wall in which it is inserted.
It is possible to place objects within an IFC model on the 'correct' place by coordinates, which make it seem like
the object is at the correct position, despite it having a relation to another object on a different storey. When
such a model is used in the design process, the wrong relations will disturb the process.
Following points promote the cooperation and re-use of information:
All information is defined with the correct IfcType and IfcSubType. For example: a window is defined as
IfcWindow, and not as a transparent wall (IfcWall).
Only when there is no IfcType available, or when objects do not have to be re-used (design objects, furniture,
terrain decor), objects can be exported as IfcProxyElements. There is however an IfcType for furniture and
many other types. A 'perfect' IFC model will not contain IfcProxyElements.
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The most common use of Open BIM is coordination. In this context, coordination means the alignment of the
architectural, structural and building services design. By applying coordination according to the Open BIM
method, possible issues in the alignment (clashes) can be identified and solved at an early state. To achieve this,
only the geometrical information is required. When the geometry in the IFC models is correct, there are no
additional requirements.
A pitfall for coordination, especially at the early design stage, is the amount and detail of the information within
the model. Too detailed information too early in the process more often results in a false sense of certainty than
in actual improved coordination. One example is the use of manufacturer specific content in the early design
The IfcSpace should be modeled on the correct storey and should not overlap. A zone should not be exported as
IfcSpace (but as IfcZone). An IfcSpace should be modeled from the top of the slab up to the bottom of the next
slab and should not overlap with walls.
The heat load calculation is not only based upon rooms, but also on walls, floors, roofs, windows and doors. To
re-use the IFC model for a heat load calculation, all these objects should be defined correctly in the IFC model.
This means, for example, that a door is an IfcDoor, and not an IfcWindow.
Besides that, all relations between objects should be correct. In particular for windows and doors, which both
should be related to an IfcOpening, which in its turn should be related to an IfcWallStandardCase. Only in this
situation will DDS-CAD import the model with correct relations.
There is no parameter for heat transfer coefficient (U value) in IFC2x3. Therefore it is not possible to exchange
this value via the IFC model. It is always possible to add these values to building components in DDS-CAD.
Opening elements
The ‘Opening Element’ function in DDS-CAD allows you to create openings in walls, floors, ceilings and roofs. To
perform this function and re-use of information from the IFC model, the model should contain correctly defined
walls, floors, ceilings and roofs.
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Additional notes
Storey structure
When the storey structure of the architectural IFC model is not (fully) correct, it is possible to adjust and
complete this in DDS-CAD. This is not improving the coordination and collaboration of a project. At first, it is
important to exchange correct IFC models. When this is not possible, adjusting and completing this information
can be useful to continue with the project.
Wall construction
DDS-CAD is capable of importing and converting IfcWallStandardCase to DDS-CAD native walls, which can be
used for specific calculations. In case the IFC model contains IfcWall, DDS-CAD will show the information in the
project, but will not convert these IfcWall to DDS-CAD native walls. Therefore, an IFC model with IfcWall can
only be used for coordination within DDS-CAD.
DDS-CAD is capable of importing and converting IfcSpaces to DDS-CAD native rooms, which can be used for
specific calculations. This applies for 'extrusions' (floor surface with height). When the rooms are modeled as
'Boundary representations', DDS-CAD will import the footprint of those rooms, and stretch the rooms to the
storey height.
It is important that the insertion point and rotation of objects are correct in the IFC model to show the hinges
of windows and doors on the correct side. The following link explains the correct definition. If this is not defined
correctly, it is possible that different software solutions will show the hinges or opening direction on a different
Project structure
A DDS-CAD project consists of one building. When the architectural or structural IFC model consists of multiple
IfcBuilding, it is necessary to create a separate DDS-CAD project for each IfcBuilding. An example of this is a
block of apartment towers, sharing an underground parking garage and where each tower has a different base
Within DDS-CAD, it is possible to export the model to IFC for each project. After that, the IFC models can be
combined into one model. Therefore, the use of multiple IfcBuilding will not result in any limitations.
IFC models that differ from the structure as described above, can still be used as a basis for a project. Wrong or
missing information can be supplemented in DDS-CAD. For example missing rooms, windows or doors can
simply be modeled in DDS-CAD.
For example, if an IFC model has a wrong origin or rotation, it is not possible to adjust this in most cases.
According to the standard, all objects should have a similar reference in the IFC model. Most models do not
comply with this. When a model does not comply with this, changing the origin or rotation will not result in a
similar rotation or movement for all objects within that model.
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When there are multiple imported IFC models in DDS-CAD, one model is assigned as master. The settings of this
models are used for the export.
It is possible to influence the export to an IFC model, depending on the goal of the project.
It is possible to change the export settings, per discipline, for the IFC export. This can be by changing the
exchange requirements, as following:
All Use extruded circle Handling of circles in the export of geometry. Not every viewer
can show geometry in the correct way. This can be solved by
changing this setting.
All Export objects that do Export of objects which are not classified. These objects will be
not belong in any exported as Proxy Elements.
All Export color information Export of pen settings to the IFC model.
All Keep imported IFC file as Combining the original (imported) IFC model with the export
original model.
All Reuse representations Reuse of representations, also known as blocking. When, for
example, a light fixture is used several times, it is possible to only
export the geometry once, on several locations. This makes the
model smaller. When external symbols (DWG and/or 3DS) are
used, it could happen the scaling is not handled correct in the
export. If that happens, this setting can be turned off.
All Export bounding box Export of the needed space of objects, by generating a cuboid
around each object.
All Export annotations Export of object text, free text, dimension lines and markers. Net
every viewer can show this information.
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All Export Light information Export of information from the calculated light fixtures.
All Export document Export of external references from products (links, documents
references and/or pictures).
All Export Pset_DDS Export of all product parameters and calculated parameters of
the modeled products to IFC, classified as DDS property set.
Building Export provision for void Export provision for void as objects.
Building Export provisions for Export provision for void as openings, not as (filled) objects.
void as opening
Building Export 1st Level Space Export of space boundaries, without dividing the boundaries
Boundaries according the heat load calculation.
Building Export 2nd Level Space Export of space boundaries, with dividing the boundaries to 2nd
Boundaries level space boundaries, according the heat load calculation.
Electrical Export Export of an additional property set for the cost calculation of the
Pset_ElectricalCostData electrical building services.
It is possible to classify all objects exported to the IFC model. By default, all building services are exported with
the ISO 12006-2 Omniclass classification. It is possible to create, edit and manage these classification in DDS-
LOD stands for Level of Detail. This means the level of detail of an IFC model. There is no norm or standard that
describes the LOD. A good reference can be shown on the following link. An important nuance is that it is not
needed to export the entire model on one LOD. Per discipline, and even per object, the LOD can be set and
By default, DDS-CAD is delivered with a generic database. When an IFC model is exported from DDS-CAD, the
LOD is, by default, LOD 300. By adding the product database with manufacturer specific information, it is
possible to manually update this towards LOD 500.
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Open BIM Protocol - Version 2.0
Open BIM consists of 'Open' and BIM. BIM stands for Building Information Model, an intelligent model for
building information. In many cases its meaning is limited to a 3D model. A model without geometry can also
be a BIM model. The most important part is the information. All objects in the model contain specific properties
and relations to other objects. An Open BIM model can contain information from building objects, structural
objects and building services, in one or multiple models.
Open stands for open file format. This means that the file format is based upon an open standard, which can be
implemented in all software solutions.
The Open BIM file format is IFC (Industry Foundation Classes), developed and maintained by buildingSMART. IFC
is normalized in the ISO 16739, for long term maintenance and support.
IFC2x4 (IFC4), IFC schema and IFC product library are not generally supported and are not part of this protocol.
It is possible to certify software solutions for the import and export of IFC models. A list of certified software
solutions can be found on the website of buildingSMART.
The certification is split in architectural, structural and building services, import and export.
Certified software does not directly guarantee a good import and export of IFC models. At first, it is not necessary
to achieve a 100% test score to be certified. Secondly it is possible to exclude parts for certification. Besides that,
many software solutions offer a lot of settings, which makes it necessary to have deep knowledge about IFC and
the software to achieve an excellent export result.
Model viewers
Most software companies that offer BIM software solutions, also offer a viewer for IFC models. These viewers
can be used for both viewing and checking models. Examples are BIM+, Solibri Model Viewer, Tekla BIMsight,
DDS-CAD Viewer and FZK Viewer. There are many other viewers available. Each viewer has its own advantages
and disadvantages.
Model checkers
Model checkers are available for advanced clash detection, rule checking and data management. Examples of
model checkers are Navisworks and Solibri Model Checker.
IFC model
Conform the standard, an IFC model has a standard structure. The image on the next page, taken from the DDS-
CAD Viewer, shows an IFC model.
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Each IFC-model contains a project. It is the first line in the image above, with the name ‘Hybrid BIM
An IFC model can have multiple context models. They provide the possibility to change the view and contain
the grid, 2D information, annotations and bounding boxes. Not every model has context models and not
every viewer shows these context models. In the image above, the context models are recognizable by the
capital C.
Below the context models is the IfcSite. The IfcSite contains the location of the project (not the building). It
contains the geographical reference point (location based upon longitude, latitude and altitude). A project
contains only one IfcSite.
Below the IfcSite is the IfcBuilding. Multiple buildings can be combined in one IFC model, in that case there
are multiple buildings in the IFC file browser. This can be useful in case of multiple towers with different
base height sharing a parking garage.
The IfcBuilding contains the building storeys that belong to that building. According to the IFC standard,
each floor level is an IfcStorey, not considering stairs and landings. For example, a suspended ceiling is not
an IfcStorey.
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Open BIM Protocol - Version 2.0
Below a listing of the most common IfcType or the IfcType that are required for cooperation and coordination.
IfcSpace: Rooms
IfcWall: Walls
IfcWallStandardCase: Simplified walls, without layers
IfcColumn: Structural column
IfcCovering: Suspended ceiling
IfcBeam: Structural steel column
IfcSlab: Structural floor
IfcOpeningElement: Opening in wall, floor or roof
IfcWindow: Window
IfcDoor: Door
IfcFlowelement: Building services object
IfcBuildingElementProxy: Undefined object
There are many more IfcType; each IfcType containing multiple IfcSubType. A complete list is available on
The next image, from the DDS-CAD Viewer, shows the different IfcType from a specific model:
Image 2 : IFC file object types browser from the DDS-CAD Viewer
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Both checklists can also be used as input for an Open BIM protocol. Using this at the start of a project, the project
goal and the level of detail for both the incoming as outgoing information can be set.
The goal of the project and models is clear, the expected result of the cooperation and
coordination of the models are defined.
The model has the extension IFC or IFCzip. The model is not optimized with, for example, Solibri
IFC Optimizer.
The IFC model contains a project, a site (IfcSite), building (IfcBuilding) and at least one storey
The origin, altitude and rotation of the site is correct.
The storey structure and height of all models within the project are identical.
The insertion point of all windows and doors is correct, which results in a correct hinge
placement and opening direction.
Information management on a room level
The model contains rooms (IfcSpace).
Rooms are related to the correct storey and do not cross multiple storeys.
Rooms do not overlap. Zones are defined as IfcZone, and not as IfcSpace.
Opening elements
Walls are defined as IfcWallStandardCase.
Walls are divided per storey and related to the correct storey.
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Rooms are related to the correct storey and do not cross multiple storeys.
Rooms do not overlap. Zones are defined as IfcZone, and not as IfcSpace.
Columns are divided per storey (and do not cross multiple storeys).
The origin, height and the rotation of the building services model is equal to the architectural
and structural model.
No elements are classified as IfcProxyElement.
The external references of products (links, documents and/or pictures) are exported.
The space boundaries, not divided according to the heat load calculation, are exported.
The space boundaries, divided according to the heat load calculation (2nd level space
boundaries), are exported.
The correct 2D and/or 3D information is exported.
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The correct 2D and/or 3D information is exported.
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Open BIM Protocol - Version 2.0
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