Lesson Plan 10
Lesson Plan 10
Lesson Plan 10
old; Subject: English language
Teaching unit Talking about colours and toys What is your favourite colours/toys?
Recent work UNIT 2 Lesson 3 & 4 Presentation some new toys and four Alphabet letters (e,f,g,h)
Sources Family and Friends 1; Class Book; Workbook; Teacher’s Book; CD; Family and Friends Alphabet Book; Reading
and writing; Grammar Friends 1
Aims and objectives To make pupils interested in topic
To present poem
Short term To talk about favourite colour/toy/ animal
To recognize and say the names of given toys, animals and colours
Long term To develop pupil's skills
To listen and read the poem
To listen to a recording and complete a listening comprehension activity
To practise speaking in pairs, using a context that is similar to the reading and listening activities
Methods Work on poem
Class management
Individual part Pair work Whole class
T- S,S,S S,S-S,S S,S,S
Teaching aids, materials Class Book, Workbook, CD player, Starter story poster,
and equipment
Additional plan Teacher’s Book Unit 2
To talk about favourite asks them what their favourite colours are. chart
colour/toy/ animal She encourages different pupils to talk. 4'
What is your favourite colour/ toy/ animal?
Teacher asks pupils to take their Class Book Class Book Some Teacher
To recognize and say the and open them on page 18. She invites pupils pupils shows and
names of given toys, to look at the pictures and find an animal and might have asks: What's
animals and colours a toy. problem to the animal?
What's the animal? A cat recognize What's the 4'
What's the toy. A ball things and colour?
Main part
To make pupils interested Teacher talks with pupils about poem. She Class Book Some Teacher
in topic motivates them to tell her who writes the CD pupils reminds
poem. What's the name of the bottom? CD don't them that
To present poem This is Tom? player understand they should
How old is Tom? all the listen and
To develop pupil's skills He is 7. She asks pupils to show her where words. read the
they found it. poem 10'
To listen and read the Then they listen to the poem and read it. carefully,
poem Teacher reminds them that they should listen but it
and read the poem carefully, but it doesn't doesn't
matter if they don't understand all the words. metter if
Main part
they don't
all the
To talk about yourself Pupils work in pairs. Then she asks a pupil:
What is ayour favourite toy? When he/ she
answers, he/she asks a question to a different
To develop writing skills Teacher copies the sentences from exercise 3 Class Book Some Teacher
onto the board without gaps between the Board pupils can't does the
words. She circles the first sentence as the Chalk recognize first
children say. They also do the same with all Pen the words. sentence on
sentences. She invites different pupils to Notebook the board 7'
circle the words in the sentences. and read
She asks them to copy first two sentences as loudly every
the example into their notebook. single word.
Final part