Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Plan 3
old; Subject: English language
Sources Family and Friends 1; Class Book; Workbook; Teacher’s Book; CD; Family and Friends Alphabet Book; Reading
and writing; Grammar Friends 1
Aims and objectives To practise numbers, questions about ages and greetings
To identify colours
Short term To practise colours
To draw and colour the rainbow
Long term To sing about the rainbow
To match colours with the names
To talk about their favourite colours(L1)
To encourage them speaking and singing
Methods Work on short text
Class management
Individual part Pair work Whole class
T- S,S,S S,S-S,S S,S,S
Teaching aids, materials Class Book, Workbook, CD player, Starter story poster, colour chart, magnets, flashcards,
and equipment
Additional plan Sing a song: Red kite, orange kite, yellow kite, blue. Green kite, black kite, white kite too. (Blue skies)
colours into their notebook purple, green, blue, yellow, pink, orange, Notebook to draw with them,
white, black, grey and brown. Felt tips and colour give some 12'
To pronounce different Under of each circle, teacher writes the name Coloured circles. instructions
colours of the colour. She walks around the class and pencils and wait
checks how children draw. When they have them.
finished, she invites them to listen to her and
repeat each word after her.
Then she takes colour chart and asks Colour Some Teacher
To practise correct children: chart students repeats this
pronunciation of different ‘What colour is this?’ They try to give might exercise as
colours correct answer. But after each child, teacher have much as
repeats the name of the colour and asks problems she can. 8'
To develop pupils' skills children to repeat after her in chorus. with
She repeats this one more time. She calls up correct
To improve their vocabulary all children in the class. pronunciat
She asks children to take their Class Book CD player Some Teacher
To practise colours and open them on page number 7. They've children walks
already learnt that number and teacher waits Class Book can't around the
To develop pupils' skills- them very patient. She walks around the class remember class,
listening and checks if they open the books on the CD what counts
correct page. Then she invites them to listen number 7 aloud using
Main part
To practise numbers and point colours in exercise 1. She plays the is. her fingers.
second part of the recording for children to Pupils 5'
To listen, point & repeat repeat the colours in chorus. repeat after
her and
figure out
number 7
She asks children to look at the rainbow in CD player None. None.
To present colours of a exercise 2. She also draws and colours it on
rainbow the board. She shows at the colours and they CD
say what colours they can see.
To sing a song She tells them they are going to sing a song Class Book
about the colours of a rainbow. She plays the
Main part
To practise colours Teacher takes flashcards of seven different The Some The rest of
To develop critical thinking colours. She sticks them on the board. Close Alphabet need help. the class try
To play game with pupils to each of flashcards she adds a group of letters to be their
Final part
letters. She invites 7 volunteers to come and Flashcards support. 5'
make a correct word of that colour. They've Board
got one minute. When they have finished
they read their word aloud.
Homework. Workbook page 7- exercise 2