Mod 2 3 4

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UNIT 2 Question Bank

1. Right understanding, feeling and thought are collectively known as

a Knowledge b. Prosperity c. Happiness d. Unhappiness
2. We can know our weaknesses and remove them by doing
a. Class room study b.Self Study c.Group study d.None of these
3. Program and desire are the contents of
a. Self-evolution b.Self investigation c.Self exploration d.happiness
4. Harmony should be maintained between
a. Between body and life b.Between self and Society c. Between life and
environment d. All of the above
5. The ‘Self’ is central to the human existence and __________ is central to the
existence. a.Coexistence b.Nature c. Struggle d. Society
6. Right feeling & right thought deals with
a.Self b.Body c.Self and body both d.Physical Facility

7. ___________means harmony within myself.

a. Happiness
b. Pleasure
c. Excitement
d. All

8. Who is knower?
a. Human Being
b. Existence
c. Self
d. Bod

9. Total things to understand are- Consciousness (Self), Material (eg. Body)

a. Space
b. Units
c. Imagination
d. Feelings

10.Which feelings are naturally acceptable-

a. Struggle for Existence
b. Survival of the Fittest
c. Be the Best
d. Relationship, Harmony, and Co-existence
11 My interaction with the Body or the world outside is by way of-

a. Feelings
b. Assumption
c. Sensation
d. Reaction

12. Feeling of responsibility toward body- for nurturing, protection and right
utilization of body is-
a. Sanskar
b. Health
c. Self Regulation
d. Justice

13. The system of the body works in a __________ way.

a. Understanding
b. Self organized
c. Self Investigated
d. Right Evaluation
14. Each human being is co-existence of the ________ and the _________.
a. Cost, Value
b. Self, Body
c. Evaluation, Material
d. None of these
15. The activity of desires, thoughts and expecting, together is called as ______.
a) Imagination b) Interaction c) Conscious
d) None of above

16. The __________ does not ‘assume’ things.

a. Body
b. Values
c. Self
d. None of above
17. The self is ________ in nature while body is _______ in nature.

a. Behaviour, Work
b. Value, Understanding
c. Conscious, Physico-chemical
d. Right Evaluation, Understanding

18. The activity of desires, thoughts and expecting, together is called as ______.

a. Imagination
b. Interaction
c. Conscious
d. None of above

19. Where there is harmony among the parts of the body, it is known as

a. Work
b. Handwork
c. Swasthya
d. None of above

20. The ____________ is an ___________ of ___________. .

a. Behaviour, Work, Body
b. Value, Understanding, Power
c. Body, Instrument, I(Self)
d. Right Evaluation, Understanding, Power

21. With the help of the _______, self explores and interact with rest of the
a. Material
b. Body
c. Work
d. Self
22. Acceptance of excellence in others is called __________.
a. Gratitude
b. Reverence
c. Glory
d. None of above
23. Human being is co-existence of ____________.
a. Material and Unit
b. Value and Skill
c. Self and Body
d. None of above
24. The self or I is also called _____________.
a. Material
b. Consciousness
c. Unit
d. any of above
25. Clothing, nourishment etc are the needs of _____________.
a. Material
b. Self
c. Body
d. Nature
26. The needs of the self are ________ in time and needs of body are
a. Discontinuous , Permanent
b. Continuous, temporary
c. Happiness, Permanent
d. None of above

27. Choosing and imaging are the activities of _________.

a. Unit
b. Material
c. Self
d. Respect

28. To be in harmony is happiness.

a. False
b. True

Unit 3 Question Bank

1. ______enables one to behave properly with others human being and
work with mutual fulfillment with rest of nature and thereby contribute
to the human order or system.
a. Health
b. Education
c. Justice
d. Service

2. The content of ______is the understanding of harmony at all the four levels
of our existence – from myself to the entire existence..
a. Health
b. Justice
c. Education
d. Service

3.The satisfaction of self is ensured by dimension of______

a. Justice
b. Health
c. Education
d. Service

4. ______builds the ability, the competence for Right Understanding, Right

Thought and Right
is ensuring recognition of relationship among human beings, its fulfillment
through values leading
a. Punishing the culprit and saving the innocent
b. To protect other human being as they are our relative
c. ensuring recognition of relationship among human beings, its
fulfillment through values leading tomutual happiness
d. none of the above

5. The outcome of justice is______

a. right understanding
b. prosperity
c. trust and fearlessness
d. coexistence with nature

6. What we obtain as outcome of labour on rest of nature is known as

a. Production
b. Service
c. Preservation
d. Right utilization

7. The competence gained from ______ enables us to live in harmony

a. Understanding
b. Learning
c. Implementation
d. Evaluation

8. Production and ______leads to Prosperity and Co-existence

a. Work
b. Justice
c. Storage
d. Exchange

9. ______and ______ are for physical facilities


10. In nature, there are ______ different kinds of entities

a. 2
b. 4
c. 3
d. 5

11. ______refers to a feeling of responsibility for nurturing, protecting and

rightly utilizing the body.
a. Surakshã
b. Svãsthya
c. Sanyama
d. Sanskãra
12. The goal of education is______
a. To facilitate the process of developing those abilities in
the individual which are essential for ensuring human society
and order.
b. Only preparing human being to earn money
c. To earn respect from others through degree
d. None of the above

13. Health is referred to as. ______

a. Surakshã
b. Svãsthya
c. Sanyama
d. Sanskãra

14. Cyclic means ______ ended

a. Close
b. Open
c. Hard
d. Soft

15. I use it for nurturing of the body and do not let

it get wasted. ______
a. Enrichment
b. Right
c. Protection
d. Storage

16. There is Justice in a relationship, only when there is mutual ______

a. Fulfillment
b. Happiness
c. Understanding
d. Relationship
17. The route to prosperity and social harmony is through right
understanding only______
a. Right understanding
b. Prosperity
c. Fearlessness
d. Co-Existence

18. All encompassing Solution’ called______

a. Samãdhãna
b. Samriddhi
c. Abhaya
d. Saha-Astitiva

19. Preservation alias ______ refers to harmony in the relationship between

human being and the rest of nature.
a. Samriddhi
b. Abhaya
c. Saha-Astitiva
d. Surakshã
20. A child starts to learn and understand by the method of______
a. Imitate and follow
b. Imitate and obedience
c. Follow and obedience
d. Obedience and self-verification

21. While in the process of understanding, if self-verification is right child

develops ______
a. Opposition and self confidence
b. Struggle and opposition
c. Self-discipline and self confidence
d. Self-discipline and opposition

22. While in the process of understanding if self-verification goes wrong

child develops______
a. Opposition and self confidence
b. Struggle and opposition
c. Self-discipline and self confidence
d. Self-discipline and opposition

23. Exchange – Storage ______

a. Sikshã – Sanskãra
b. Vinimaya – Kosa
c. Utpãdana-Kãrya
d. Svãsthya-Sanyama

24. To ensure health of the body what is required to focus on______

a. Ensure enough physical facility to fulfill the requirement of
Nurturing, Protection and RightUtilization of the Body
b. Ensure a life style which takes care of this Nurturing, Protection and Right
Utilization of the Body
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

25. What is not the indicator of good health in self and body______
a. Feeling of happiness and prosperity
b. Proper functioning of organ systems
c. Feeling of self-regulation towards the body
d. Feeling of jealously, competition, anger for others

26. For staying healthy what area we need to work on______

a. Intake and Daily routine
b. Labour and exercise
c. Posture of body and regulated breathing
d. All the above

27. ______ refers to the output/physical produce that is obtained through

these efforts.
a. Storage
b. Exchange
c. Production
d. Justice

28. ‘To create an environment of mutual trust in the society’ it is the

objective of______
a. Respect

b. Happiness

c. Justice

d. Love

29. Harmonious human-human relationship resulting in mutual happiness, is

the achievement of
a. Respect

b. Trust

c. Justice


30. When justice is not ensured

a. Environment of trust and fearlessness is developed in relationship and
b. Development of harmonious human-human relationship resulting in
mutual happiness
c. People understand each other, and a feeling of cooperation is developed
d. Environment of mistrust and fear is developed in relationship and

31. Understanding the issues completely, taking full responsibility and

execute them is_____
a. Obligation

b. Ethics

c. Duty
d. Justice

32. Taking the responsibility partly, supporting the person who has
taken full responsibility in its execution is _____
a. Obligation b. Duty c. Ethics d. Justice

33. Doing the things while understanding is_____

a. Obligation b. Duty c. Ethics d. Justice

34. Whatever we have been given as duty or whatever we are doing as

obligation, if we execute itproperly, is termed as_____
a. Obligation b. Duty c. Ethics d. Justice

35. Which among the following is not considered as production?

a. Making food
b. Washing cloths
c. Making car
d. Growing grains

36. What do you mean by right utilization of the body?

a. Nutrition
b. Protection
c. Work
d. All of the above

37. Right Understanding is also referred as _____

a. Samadhana
b. Samriddhi
c. Abhaya
d. Saha-Astitiva

38. _____ is the foundational value in relationship

a. Affection
b. Trust
c. Guidance
d. Glory

39. _____ means individuality

a. Affection
b. Respect
c. Guidance
d. Trust

40. There are _____ dimensions in Human endeavor

a. 5
b. 3
c. 4
d. 2

41. _____refers to harmony in the relationship between human beings

a. Suraksha
b. Samadhana
c. Nyaya
d. Samriddhi

42. _____ refers to a feeling of responsibility for nurturing, protecting and

rightly utilizing the body.
a. Sanskara
b. Svasthya
c. Suraksha
d. Sanyama

43. Nyaya dimension of society works to ensure _____ and _____

a. Fearlessness
b. Protection
c. Co-esistence
d. Affection

44. _____ refers to harmony in the relationship between human being and
the rest of nature.

a. Justice
b. Production
c. Exchange
d. Preservation

45. Health-Self Regulation leads to _____

a. Prosperity
b. Fearlessness
c. Co-Existence
d. Right Understanding

46. Things obtained out of work_____

a. Justice
b. Production
c. Exchange
d. Preservation

47. _____ means that there is a relationship and complementarity among

all the entities in nature including human beings

a. Prosperity
b. Fearlessness
c. Co-Existence
d. Right Understanding
48.____ refers to storage
a. Kosa
b. Vinimaya
c. Upadana
d. Karya

49. _____is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment

a. Love
b. Trust
c. Affection
d. Attachment

50. Universal Human Order refers to_____

a. Sarvabhaum Vyavastha
b. Akhanda samaja
c. Sarvabhaum samaja
d. Akhanda Vyavastha

51. _____ as the Basic Unit of Human Interaction

a. Family
b. Friends
c. Justice
d. Body

52. Feeling of acceptance of the other, as one’s relative is the feeling of _____

a. Care
b. Affection
c. Guidance
d. Love
53. The feeling of _____ is the feeling to nurture and protect the body of our

a. Guidance
b. Reverence
c. Care

54. _____= To understand harmony at all four levels of living

a. Justice
b. Health
c. Education
d. Production

55. _____is the recognition, fulfilment and evaluation of values in

‘HumanHuman relation leading to mutual Happiness.

a. Sanyama
b. Svãsthya
c. Nyãya
d. Vinimaya

56. _____ is the labour that human does on the rest of nature

a. Work
b. Education
c. Health
d. Wealth

57. nature’s processes are all _____

a. Cyclic
b. Acyclic
c. Continual
d. Periodic
58.Society is our _____ level of living

a. 3rd
b. 1st
c. 2nd
d. 4th

59. Health-_____ leads to Prosperity

a. Self Regulation
b. Preservation
c. Education
d. Justice

60. Right utilization is the most important part of _____

a. Sanskara
b. Svasthya
c. Suraksha
d. Sanyama

61.Trust, respect, happiness etc are the needs of _____________.

a. Self
b. Value
c. Material
d. None of above

62. The word “society” is primarily used in the context of human-________

a. Human
b. Nature
c. Both
d. None

63.Harmony should be maintained in:

a. Between body and life.
b. Between self and society
c. Between life and environment
d. All the above.

UNIT-4 Question Bank

1. Material Order is known as_______
a. padãrtha avasthã
b. prãn.a avasthã
c. jïva avasthã
d. gyãna avasthã

2. Which comes under Material order?

a. Soil
b. Water
c. Air
d. All the above

3. Grass, plants, trees, flowers, fruits comes under _______ order

a. Material
b. Plant
c. Animal
d. Human

4. The _______ order is visible

a. Material
b. Plant
c. Animal
d. Human

5. _______ order is greater in quantity compared to Plant order

a. Material
b. Animal
c. Human
d. All the above
6. Animals and birds form the _______ largest order
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth

7. _______ are the smallest order

a. Material
b. Plant
c. Animal
d. Human

8. _______ means interconnectedness

a. paraspartã
b. paraspara
c. püraka
d. pranic

9. The Material Order provides the nutrients to the Plant/Bio-Order in the

form of _______ and _______
a. Soil
b. Minerals
c. Water
d. Rock

10.Plants produce oxygen/ carbon dioxide and thus help in the movement of
the _______Order
a. Material
b. Plant
c. Animal
d. Human

11.Three orders besides the _______ Order are in harmony

a. Material
b. Plant
c. Animal
d. Human

12.Activity refers to _______

a. Vastu
b. Kriyã
c. Svabhãva
d. Dhãran.ã

13.Fundamental unit of body is _______

a. Cell
b. Nerve
c. Molecule
d. Tissue

14.Each unit in the order can be understood as an _______

a. Activity
b. Innateness
c. Think
d. Conformance

15._______ is intrinsic to the unit

a. Activity
b. Innateness
c. Think
d. Conformance

16.Each order is composed of a no.of _______

a. Vastu
b. Kriyã
c. Svabhãva
d. Dhãran.ã

17._______ order is a development of the material order

a. Reiki
b. Pranic
c. Prana
d. Vedic

18._______ and _______ together are the innateness

a. Existence
b. Surveillance
c. Growth
d. Order

19.Svabhãva of human order are _______

a. Dhïratã
b. Vïratã
c. Udãratã
d. All the above

20.The continuity of the fundamental nature of the material unit is preserved

through the physical and _______ processes
a. Chemical
b. Biological
c. Aerial
d. None of the above

21.Basic need of the humans _______

a. Physical facility
b. Right Understanding
c. Relationship
d. All the above
22.There are _______ orders in nature
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

23.Basic need of the human-_______

a. Food
b. Shelter
c. Clothing
d. All the above

24.Knowledge Order is referred to as _______

a. Gyãna Avasthã.
b. padãrtha avasthã
c. prãn.a avasthã
d. jïva avasthã

25.It is only with right understanding, with knowledge that we have definite
a. sanskãra
b. Nyaya
c. Visvasa
d. Svabhava

26.Only _______ have Material order

a. Plants
b. Animals
c. Humans
d. All the above

27.An _______ means something that has motion

a. Activity
b. Innateness
c. Think
d. Conformance

28.Plant/Bio Order is referred to as _______

a. padãrtha avasthã
b. prãn.a avasthã
c. jïva avasthã
d. gyãna avasthã

29.Plants produce ____/ carbondioxide and thus help in the movement of the
Material Order.
a. Nitrogen
b. Oxygen
c. Silicon
d. Hydrogen

30.The Plant/Bio Order provides ___for animals, birds and fishes.

a. Shelter
b. Food
c. Water
d. All the above

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