Iso 10721-1-1997
Iso 10721-1-1997
Iso 10721-1-1997
Fi rst edi ti on
1 997-02-01
Part 1:
M ateri al s an d desi g n
Structures en acier -
I H SI I CCI l996. Not for resale. No part of these I S0 docu men ts may be
as allowed in the copyright law of the country of use, or with the prior
Reference nu mber
I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
IS0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
1 SCOPE ............................................................................................ 1
Q IS0 1 997
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International Organization for Standardization
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I S0 1 0721 -l :1 997(E)
0 I S0
7 ANALYSI S OF STRUCTU RES ....... ... ... ...... ........... ...... ..... . ...... ..... 15
7. 1 General ......................................................................................... 15
7. 3. 1 General ......................................................................................... 16
8 ULTIMATE LIMIT STATES .. .......... ...... . ..... ..... ...... ...... .. .... ... .. .. .... 17
8. 1 Mem ber desian .. . ... . . ... .. .. .. . . .... . .... . ... .. . .. .. . . ... . . .. .. . . . ... . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. . .. . 17
8. 1 . 1 General ......................................................................................... 17
8. 2 Resistance of m em bers .... ... ... ....... .... ...... ...... . ..... ..... .... .. .. ... . ... ... 18
8. 2. 1 Mem ber strength .............. ... ... ....... .... ... ... ...... ..... . ...... .... ....... ... ... 18
8. 3 Classification of cross sections .. ....... ....... ... .. ...... ..... . .... ... .... ..... . 18
8. 3. 1 General ......................................................................................... 18
8. 4 Flexural buckling .. ... .... ... ....... ....... ...... .... .... ... .... ... ..... ...... ... .. ...... . 19
8. 4. 2 Slenderness ................................................................................. 19
8. 5 Torsional and lateral torsional bucklinq ..... .. ... . ...... .... ....... ... ... . 21
8. 6 Bucklina of plates . .. .... ...... ..... ...... ...... .... .. . ..... ...... ... .. .. ....... .. .. .... .. 22
8. 6. 1 General ......................................................................................... 22
8. 8 Bolted connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. 25
8. 8. 1 General ......................................................................................... 25
8. 8. 2 Bolting details .............................................................................. 25
8. 8. 3 Strength of connections with bolts and rivets ......................... 26
8. 8. 4 Slip coefficients ........................................................................... 26
8. 8. 5 Deduction for holes .................................................................... 26
8. 8. 6 Length of connection .................................................................... 27
........................................................................................... 27
8. 9. 1 Scope
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~............................................................ 35
. . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 35
1 0. 1 ScoDe
General ......................................................................................... 35
1 0. 1 . I
1 0. 2 Fatique assessm ent procedu res . ...... ..... .. .... . ... ... ..... ...... . ... ... .... . 35
Fatiaue strenath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
1 0. 5
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
Annex A ............................................................................................................ . 41
A. 6. 3 Materials ....................................................................................... 41
A. 7. 1 General .......................................................................................... 41
A. 8. 3. 1 General .......................................................................................... 45
A. 8. 4. 2 Slenderness .................................................................................. 48
A. 8. 4. 4 Determination of fc ....................................................................... 48
A. 8. 6. 1 General .......................................................................................... 61
Q I S0
I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
0 IS0 IS0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
International Standard IS0 1 0721 -l was prepared by Technical Committee lSO/TC 1 67, Steel and aluminium
structures, Subcommittee SC 1 , Steel: Material and design.
IS0 1 0721 consists of the following parts under the general title Steel and aluminium structures:
- Part 1 : Materials and design
- Part 2: Fabrication and erection
Annexes A and 6 of this part of IS0 1 0721 are for information only.
I S0 1 0721 =1 :1 997(E) 0 I S0
I ntrodu cti on
This part of I S0 1 0721 establishes a common basis for drafting national standards for the use of materials in steel
structures and for their design, in order to ensure adequate and consistent measures regarding safety and
Annex A of this part of I S0 1 0721 contains noncompulsory recommendations which may be used as guidelines for
practical design.
The speci fic and numerical requirements for the completion of structures which are optimal with respect to the
state of a country’s economy, development and general values should be given in the national codes of the
The design rules given concern limit-state verifications for comparing the effects of actions or combinations of
actions with the strength (resistance) of the structure and its components.
I NTERNATI ONAL STAN DARD o I S0 I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
Part 1 :
M ateri al s an d desi g n
1 Scope
This part of I S0 1 0721 establishes the principles and general rules for the use of steel materials and design of steel
structures in buildings.
NOTE 1 The degree of reliability should be as speci fied in national codes. In the establishment of design safety factors,
due consideration should also be given to I S0 1 0721 -2 for fabrication of steel structures.
This part of I S0 1 0721 is also applicable to bridges, off-shore and other civil engineering and related structures, but
for such structures it may be necessary to consider other requirements.
This part of I S0 1 0721 does not cover the special requirements for steel structures in corrosive environments
beyond normal atmospheric conditions and corrosion protection with regard to fatigue design.
This part of I S0 1 0721 does not cover the special requirements of seismic design.
For welded connections and for structures su bject to fatigue, special considerations regarding the scope of this
document are presented in 8. 9 and 1 0. 1 respectively.
N OTE 2 Rules and recommendations regarding composi te steel and concrete structures and fi re safety of steel structures
will subsequently be issued as separate International Standards.
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of
I S0 1 0721 . At the ti me of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are su bject to revision, and
parties to agreements based on this part of I S0 1 0721 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of I EC and I S0 maintain registers of currently
valid International Standards.
I S0 630: 1 995, Structural steel - Plates, wide fl ats, bars, sections and profi les.
For the purposes of this part of I S0 1 0721 , the following definitions and symbols apply.
3. 1 Definitions
Limit states: The states beyond which the structure no longer satisfies the
design requirements.
U ltimate limit state: The limit states corresponding to the maximum load carrying
Serviceability limit The limit states related to normal use (often related to function).
Specified life: The ti m e the structure is to be used under the given design
Nominal action: The numerical value of an action sither defined by the authorities
Design action: Actions used in calculations. The design action is the nominal
Shake down: The process of local yielding due to the initial applications of
Variable action: Action which is unlikely to act throughout a given design situa-
N ormal use: N orm al use is that which conform s to the loading and
Fatigue loading: A set of typical load events described by the position of loads,
Loading event: A defined loading sequence applied to the structure and giving
Stress range: The algebraic difference between two extrema of the stress
Geom etric stress: A fatigue design stress, adjacent to the weld toe, defined as the
due to weld geom etry and inherent defects in weld and adjacent
Cycle counting: A particular method used for counting the number of stress
loading event.
Design spectru m : The total of all stress spectra relevant to the fatigue assess-
Equivalent stress The constant-amplitude stress range that would result in the
range: sam e fatigue life (number of cycles of stress ranges) as for the
su mmation.
Miner’s sum mation: A cumulative linear dam age calculation based on the
Palmgren-Miner rule.
Constant amplitude The limiting stress range value above which a fatigue
Cut-off limit: Limit below .which stress ranges of the design spectru m do not
Groove (butt) weld: A weld m ade in a preparation to receive weld m etal. (Also
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
3. 2 List of svmbols
A Cross-sectional area
For butt joi nts, A, = thickness of base m etal multiplied by its length. For
the weld
A, N et section area
0 I S0
I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
B Coefficient
ET Tangent modulus
F Force, action
Fk Characteristic action
Polar m om en t of inertia
Ki Coefficients (i = l-51
L Length
M . 9, Reduced m om en t resistance
W Plastic m om en t of flanges
Plastic m om ent = f, W,
0 IS0 IS0 1 0721 -I :I 997(E)
Ml Torsional moment
MW Plastic moment of web
MY Yield moment = f,W
M,, M, The larger and the smaller moments at the supported ends of a member
N Normal force fchapt. 81
N Number of fatigue strength cycles (chapt 1 0)
N cd Buckling resistance (chapt. 8)
NC Number of cycles (2.1 0”) at which the reference value of the fatigue
strength curve is defined (chapt. 1 0)
N,,, N,z Buckling resistance about y- and z- axis, respectively
ND Number of cycles for which the constant amplitude fatigue limit is defined
(= 5.1 0”)
N, Normal force resistance
NV, Normal force design resistance
NE, b % Elastic buckling force of a pinned column = ~2rr2 El
(about the y- and z-axis, respectivelyf.
N Ear Elastic buckling load of a structure = L,’n= El
NET Elastic torsional buckling load
Ni Number of cycles of stress Aq to cause failure
Nl. Number of cycles for which the cut-off limit is defined (= 1 0’)
Plastic normal force resistance
N Td Torsional buckling resistance
N vd Ultimate tensile yield force resistance
kd Ultimate tensile strength
P Concentrated force
‘d Concentrated force resistance
R Resistance
S Static moment of area
T Tensile force (in a bolt)
v Shear force
V, Shear resistance
IS0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E) 0 IS0
k, k Coefficient for the effect of the stress distribution and the support
I Length, span
m Slope constant of the fatigue strength curve. The curves have slopes of
-1 1 3 and /or -l/5 and the corresponding values of the slope constant m
are 3 and 5
r Radius
S Distance between bolt holes (the staggered pitch) . Wel d size for T-welds
t Thickness
Flange thickness
Web thickness
Y. 1 z,
Shear center coordinates
of bolted connections
Partial coefficient
resistance factor)
IS0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E) 0 IS0
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
4. 1 Calculations
4. 2 Testinq
4. 2. 2 The magnitude and distribution of actions during tests shall correspond to the design
4. 2. 3 Sam ple size, scale effects and other relevant effects shall be considered in establishing
4. 3 Documentation
The calculations, drawings, or other relevant docu ments shall be presented in a manner
Stru ctures or structural elements shall be designed and maintained such that they, with
These requirements, which can be satisfied by use of this code, shall apply throughout
The degree of reliability should be chosen to account for the possible consequences of
exceeding the design criteria of the limit states. These consequences will vary. The
The choice of structural concept should also take into account accidental events and
their possible consequences. The main structure should as far as practical not be
I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
The design of steel structures should aim at a ductile behaviour, avoiding brittle fractu re
Limit states
The structural perform ance of a whole structure or parts of it shall be descri bed with
The limit states. are classified into the following two categories, which may also be
or equipment;
- local dam age, including limited cracking, which reduces the durability of a
5. 3. 1 General
All relevant limit states shall be considered in design. A calculation model shafl be
5. 3. 2 Design situations
structural system s, different reliability requirements, different design values, and different
accidental conditions.
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
5. 3. 3 M em ber resistance
_^-. --. _-.
_---_--I --
5. 3. 3. 1 For the ultimate limit states, the structure shall be designed for sufficient resistance, i. e.
strength and/or stability. At every part of the structure the m em ber resistance shall be
larger than or equal to the action effects of the relevant ultimate limit load cases.
5. 3. 3. 2 Variable and repetitive actions shall be considered. At. . . every part of the structure the
fatigue strength shall be larger than or equal to the effects of the repetetive actions.
5. 3. 3. 3 For the serviceability limit states the structure shall be designed to eliminate unacceptable
levels of vibration, deflections or slip under the effects of the relevant serviceability
6. 1 General
The design assumptions shall include the necessary set of basic variables. The normal
- actions;
- environmental conditions.
6. 2 Actions
6. 2. 1 General
1. Direct actions:
2. I ndirect actions:
The result of i m posed or constrained deformati ons in the structu re, such as
For characteristic values of the actions, reference is m ade to the relevant I S0 standard or
- variable actions,
- repetitive actions,
- accidental actions,
I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E) 0 I S0
According to the way in which the structure responds to an action, one may distinguish
- static actions, which are acting on the structure without causing any significant
- dynamic actions, which may cause i mpact effects or significant oscillations of the
Dynamic actions, which cause i m pact effects, m ay be handled as static by an appropri ate
increase of the magnitude of its corresponding static effect, except for the cases when
6. 2. 2 Design Value
__. __._.
- - _-_-.
For a specific limit state the design value, F, , is the representative action or combination
6. 3 Materials
6. 3. 1 General
6. 3. 2 Structural steels
-- --
6. 3. 2. 1 The steel to be used shall conform to the requ irements of I S0 630 and I S0 4951 or to
6. 3. 2. 2 The dimensions and m ass of all steel sections and plates and their dimensional and m ass
6. 3. 2. 3 When elements of the structure may be used at low tem peratu res, consideration shall be
given to notch toughness- characteristics of the steel to avoid brittle fracture. This is
particularly necessary where thick welded constructions are su bjected to tensile stresses.
The selected steel shall be of sufficient toughness and the structure shall be designed
A higher notch tOU Qhnk?SS specification may be required for steel which is to be cold
Weldability may be determ ined on the basis of the carbon equivalent value or other
When an element is stressed in tension normal to its rolling plane via heavy welds on the
tearing may be reduced by using steel with specified through thickness ductility in the
element concerned.
6. 3. 3 Connecting devices
6. 3. 3. 1 Connecting devices covered by the design rules of this standard are bolts, studs, rivets
and welds.
Q I S0 I S0 1 072+1 :1 997(E)
6. 3. 3. 2 All bolts, nuts and washers, including plated com ponents, shall conform to the relevant
I S0 standards, or to the appropriate national standards. Bolts used for stru ctures
covered by this standard, shall not be of higher grade than 1 0. 9, see I S0 898.
Nuts for preloaded bolts or bolts loaded in tension shall be such that stripping failure will
6. 3. 3. 3 All material for riveting shall conform to the appropri ate national standard.
6. 3. 3. 4 All welding consumables shall conform to the appropriate I SO, IIW or national standards.
Methods for testing and inspection shall be in accordance with the appropri ate I S0 or
national standards.
Geometry of the structure shall be uniquely described, i. e. shape, size and arrangem ent
of the structure and its elements. Tolerances shall be included if they are im portant. to
The design value of resistance R, shall be determined by dividing the characteristic value
R, = R/y,
- the possible systemati c deviation and the variability of the material properti es
(such as f, , f, and E) and the geom etri cal cross-sectional dimensions and the
- the prediction of m em ber resistance, i. e. the deviation between the actual m em ber
7. 1 General
Calculation m odels and basic assumptions for the calculations shall represent the
The distribution of internal forces and bending m om en ts shall be determi ned either by
calculations or testing.
In proportioning the structure to m eet the various design requirements, the m ethods of
analysis given in this chapter shall be used, as appropriate. The distributions of internal
I S0 1 0721 -l :1 997(E) 0 I S0
7. 2 Structural behaviour
The analysis referred to in 7. 1 shall, where sway effects are significant, include the sway
effects produced by the vertical actions acting on the structure in its displaced configu-
ration. For som e types of structu res where the vertical actions are small and the
structure is relatively sti ff, and where the lateral displacement resisting elements are well
In all cases, the details of m em bers and connections should be consistent with the
assumptions m ade in the design, without adversely affecting any other part of the
stru cture.
Effects such as the distortions of semi-rigid connections and the siip in long slotted holes
shall be considered for strength and stability at the ultimate limit states.
7. 3 Methods of analvsis
7. 3. 1 General
An ultimate limit state for which the structure will have a ductile m ode of failure, may be
7. 3. 2 Elastic analysis
The forces and m om ents throughout all or parts of the structure m ay be determined by
Having determ ined the forces and m om ents on the basis of an elastic analysis, the
resistance of the structural m em bers may be based either on the fi rst yield criterion in
accordance with theory of elasticity or on the Strength of the cross section in accordance
with Chapter 8.
7. 3. 3 Elastic-plastic analysis
For each combination of actions the forces and m om en ts throughout all or parts of the
structure may be determi ned by an analysis which considers the non-linear force-defor-
7. 3. 4 Plastic analysis
For each combination of actions, the forces and m om en ts throughout all or parts of the
m om en t redistribution.
as given in 8. 3. 3.
c) The m em bers are prevented from prem atu re lateral buckling in accordance with
d) Web stiffeners are supplied at points of concentrated actions where plastic hinges
will form . This requirement need not be m et at the location of the last plastic hinge.
0 IS0 IS0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
e) Except for those splices designed and detailed to behave as hinges, splices occurring
within the length of a member shall have an adequate deformability and shall be
designed to transmit at least 1 .l times the maximum computed force at the splice
location. The design strength need not exceed the full resistance of the member but
shall be at least 25 % of that resistance.
Unless specific provisions have been made in both the analysis and design, plastic design
shall not be used for structures subjected to alternating plasticity which leads to
incremental collapse.
For structures subjected to variable actions of high amplitude which could cause repeated
plastic deformations leading to incremental collapse, the design action shall not exceed
the shake down resistance.
The resistance of the member is the full strength of the cross-section. The behaviour
corresponding to this strength is complete yielding under the given actioneffects whether
in tension, compression, shear or bending.
8. 2 Resistance of m em bers
For class 1 or 2 sections where no instability occurs prior to the ultimate limit state, the
This strength involves yielding under the given actions whether in tension, compression
or bending;
A. 8. 2. 1 . l.
For m em bers or parts of m em bers su bjected to com pressi on, with the exception of
class 4 sections, limitations are im posed on the width-thickness rati os to ensure that
prematu re local instability will not occu r, see 8. 3. 3. For m em bers su bjected to bending
the section class also depends on the axis about which the m em bers is bent.
For m em bers with a cross-section of class 4 the effects of local buckling shall be
adequately included.
8. 3. 1 General
bending, and thus on the capability of the m em ber to resist local buckling.
8. 3. 2 Definitions of classes
Class I: Cross-sections which can develop yielding in the entire cross-section, and
Class 2: Cross-sections which can develop yielding in the entire cross-section, but local
Class 3: Cross-sections which can attain the yield strain at the extreme fibres of the
Class I cross-secti ons shall, when containing a plastic hinge, have an axis of sym metry in
the plane of the action. Class 1 cross-sections without an axis of sym m etry may be used
when the design does not require plastic hinges, in which case lateral bending and
Class 2 cross-secti ons shall, when su bjected to flexure, have an axis of symm etry in the
plane of the action, unless the effects of possible asym metry are included in the analysis.
By use of a reduced yield stress ‘fye, see A. 8. 3. 2, or by using a width reduced to m eet
Class 2 cross sections m ay be used for plastic design provided that the rotation capacity
Local buckling does not further govern the design of a m em ber if the proportions of the
cross-section do not exceed the limiting values given in Table A. 8. 3. 3 for class I and 2
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 -l :1 997(E)
Recom m ended width-thickness ratios for cross-secti ons of class 1 , 2 and 3 are given in
Table A. 8. 3. 3. For class 4 sections the m em ber resistance m ay be determi ned by the
m ethods given in A. 8. 6.
8. 4 Flexural buckling
and N Ecris the theoretical elastic buckling load of the actual column, com pu ted with due
regard to rotational and translational restraints, and L is the geom etri cal length of the
8. 4. 1 . 1 For compressi on m em bers in trusses or fram es the effective length should be considered
for buckling both in and out of the plane of the truss or fram e.
8. 4. 1 . 2 The effective in-plane buckling length of com pressed m em bers in trusses or fram es
should be esti m ated with due consideration of the cross-section of the m em bers and their
end restraints. When estimating out of plane effective lengths of com pressed m em bers,
the end restraint of the m em bers and the resistance to displacements of the restraining
m em bers out of the plane of the trestle fram e should be taken into consideration.
8. 4. 1 . 3 For structures with m om ent resisting fram es in which the sway effects have been
included in the analysis to determ ine the m om ents and forces in the m em bers, or for
structures in which the sway effects, in addition to the lateral actions, are resisted by
bracing or shear walls, the effective length factor, K, , shall be taken eoual to 1 . O, unless
the degree of rotational rest. raints afforded at the ends of the unbraced lengths show that
For structures with m om ent resisting fram es in which sway effects have not been
included in the analysis used to determine the design m om en ts and forces, the effective
length factor shall be determ ined from the degree of rotational and translational restraints
afforded at the ends of the unbraced length, but shall not be less than 1 . O.
8. 4. 2 Slenderness
5;= -N r
J N Em
where N , is the cross-sectional, normal force resistance and N Esr is the elestic buckling
The relative slenderness for class 1, 2 and 3 sections is the slenderness A divided by a
factor A,
where 1, = TF~
I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E) 0 I S0
The relative slenderness is introduced to obtain formulae and diagram s which are
The slenderness A should be taken as the effective length L, divided by the radius of
gyration of the cross-section, calculated with respect to its relevant axis of buckling:
Due to serviceability and erection requirem ents, limitations for the slenderness of
vibration considerations.
8. 4. 3 Compression resistance
-. - --
= 1 f, . A, = f, . As
For a column with a cross-section of Class 4 the com pression resistance mu st also
8. 4. 4 Buckling strength f,
Buckling curves for the determination of f, should represent the maximum load resistance
of the actual m em ber. When using the curves a computational model with effective
The following shall be accounted for in the derivation of the buckling curves:
The actual curve to be used will depend on the cross-sectional shape, manufacturing
process as it affects residual stresses and out-of-straightness, and the axis of buckling.
Research Council’s Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structu res, accounting for
the axial force acting on the deform ed shape of the m em ber, the variation of
bending m om ents along the length of the m em ber, torsional or lateral torsional
Built-up m em bers shall be calculated considering the possibility of local buckling of the
different parts of the m em ber. The strength and the stiffness of the different parts of
the m em ber shall be such that the assum ed buckling m ode may be attained.
The slenderness of such a m em ber shall be increased due to shear deformati ons.
See A. 8. 4. 6.
connected to the rest of the section, shall be calculated considering the entire cross
8. 5. 1 Torsional buckling
. _-_. _-. -_----_.
be expressed as
N ’ f
Td = - CT ’ A,
For a column with a cross-section of class 4, the torsional buckling resistance shall also
M, =lf, -W,
M, = l f, *W,
for class 4 sections, unless a m ore detailed analysis is m ade, where fcL is the lateral
M embers in structures where the distribution of m om ents and forces have been
determined by plastic analysis shall be braced to resist lateral and torsional di splacements
Calculation of elastic lateral torsional buckling strength should for Class 4 sections be based
The buckling strengths f, , and f, , for torsional and lateral torsional buckling, respectively,
shall include all relevant effects and provide sufficient correlation with experiments and/or
numerical simulations.
I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E) 0 I S0
recom m ended in A. 8. 5. 3.
8. 5. 4. 1 Bracing m em bers assum ed to provide lateral support to the compressi on flange of beam s
and girders, or to the compression chord of tru sses, and the connections of such bracing
m em bers, shall be proportioned to resist a force equal to 1 per cent of the force in the
compression flange or chord at the point of support, unless m ore accu rate calculations
are m ade.
out-of-plane deflections at the braced point to a value equal to or close to the initial
8. 5. 4. 3, When bracing of the compression flange or chord is effected by a slab or deck, the slab
or deck, and the means by which the compu ted bracing forces are transmi tted between
the flange or chord and the slab or deck, shall be adequate to resist a force in the plane
8. 5. 4. 4 The stiffness of the slab or deck shall be sufficient to enable the braced m em ber ro reach
its design resistance. In assessing the stiffness, the structural stiffness of the d eck or
slab, the flexibility of the connecting elements and the flexibility of the anchoring portion
8. 5. 4. 5 Consideration shall be given to the probable accumulation of forces from one braced
m em ber to another.
8. 5. 4. 6 M em bers restraining beam s and gi rders designed to resi st actions causing torsion shall be
8. 6 Buckling of elates
8. 6. 1 General
theory or on test results. At its ultimate resistance the plate has buckled and the in-plane
stresses are concentrated at the supported plate edges. In these regions stresses m ay
The effective area is a reduced area which, multicplied by the yield stress, will give the
where the coefficient k depends on the stress distribution and the support conditions.
Normally, the edge should be assu med to be simply su pported or free, unless it can be
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
effective flanges of an l-beam su bjected to bending m om ent can sustain the entire
m om en t alone, the web may be exclusively retained for the purpose of carrying an
additional shear force. Otherwise, the com bined buckling effects of shear and bending
shall be considered.
8. 6. 2. 3 The width-thickness-ratio of a web should be limited such that the compression flange is
8. 6. 2. 4 For web panels with varying bending m om ent and axial force the design stress
8. 6. 3. 1 The shear resistance of webs may be calculated according to the method given in
tension field theory, which has been sufficiently correlated to experimental results and/or
numerical simulations.
slenderness A, , defined by
where T, , = f, /d3 and k, is the elastic shear buckling coefficient depending on the aspect
ratio, see A. 8. 6. 3. 2.
The resistance of a web also depends on the flexural rigidity of the end stiffeners in the
web ulane.
The shear resistance should be checked against the largest shear force within the panel.
8. 6. 4 Combined forces
-Y--s-. .
8. 6. 5. 1 The pu rpose of stiffeners is to subdivide a plate or a web into smaller panels to increase
see Fig. 8. 6. 5. Stiffeners shall be designed such that they provide sufficient stiffness
and strength to allow the required resistance of the plate or web to be developed.
I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E) 0 I S0
Unless m ore accurate calculations are m ade, the stiffeners shall comply with the
For structu res su bject to repetitive actions the unfavourable fatigue effects of possible
shall be considered.
8. 6. 5. 2 A transverse stiffener shall have sufficient strength to carry all the forces which are
transferred to it, and have sufficient stiffness to allow the required resistance of the
Recom m en ded requ irements for the second m om ent of area and the cross section area of
8. 6. 5. 3 A longitudinal stiffener shall’ have sufficient strength to carry all the forces which are
transferred to it, and have sufficient stiffness to allow the required resistance of the
Recom m en ded requ irements for the second m om ent of area of longitudinal sriffeners
8. 6. 5. 4 Stiffeners at su pports should be checked for the total support force. The buckling length
is equal to 0. 75 h, where h is the web plate height or the distance between flanges.
Parts of the web may be considered as acting together with the stiffener.
The stiffener m ay be stopped at a distance not less than 4t and not larger than 6t from
8. 6. 5. 5 A stiffener at the end of a web Shall be able to’carry all the forces which are transferred
The design shall be based on the strength of the individual connectors or welds.
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
All connections shall have a design strength such that the structure is capable of
The structural properties of connections shall be such that the assumptions m ade in the
provided that they are in equilibrium with the applied design forces, that the design
resistance is nowhere exceeded and that the adopted distribution does not entail
excessive deformations.
Should there be significant deform ati ons, their structural effects shall be considered.
I f the design strength of the connection is less than that of the connected m em bers, the
deformati on capacity of the connection shall be sufficient for the assum ed failure m ode
When various types of fasteners are used to carry a shear force in the sam e plane or
when welding and fasteners are combined, then one type of connection should normally
be designed to carry the total action. Wel ds and preloaded high-strength bolts in
slip-critical connections m ay, however, be assu med to share the forces at the service-
ability load level provided the bolts are fully tightened after welding, see 8. 8. 3. 2-b.
8. 8 Bolted connections
8. 8. 1 General
--. _-. --
The fasteners used in bolted connections may either be ordinary bolts or high-strength
described in 8. 8. 2. 3.
8. 8. 1 .l Ordinary bolts are those which are manu factured from low-carbon steel. The steel used
shall conform to the requirements of I S0 4753 or to the requirements pf the appropri ate
national standards.
8. 8. 1 . 2 High strength bolts are those which are manufactu red of high-strength steel. The steel
tension, or combi ned shear and tension in the bolts. They should not be used in joints
which are su bjected to fatigue or earthqu ake actions and they should not be used in
structures sensitive to geom etric changes, as joint slip m ay occur. See also 8. 8. 2. 4.
slip-critical connections.
8. 8. 2 Bolting details
--_---. -_. -__
8. 8. 2. 2 The nominal diam eter of the bolt hole shall not be m ore than 2 mm larger than the
nominal bolt di am eter for bolts smaller than 27 mm and 3 mm for bolts equal to 27 mm
di am eter and larger. Oversize or slotted holes m ay be used for 16 mm or larger bolts.
IS0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E) 0 IS0
Joints using oversize or slotted holes shall meet the requirements given in A. or
as given in the national standard.
Oversize holes shall not be used in bearing-type connections but may be used in any or
all plies of slip-critical connections. Each preloaded high-strength bolt shall be tightened to provide, when all bolts in the joint
are tight, a tensile force equal to or greater than 70 % of the nominal ultimate tensile
strength of the bolt. Ordinary bolts and non-preloaded high-strength bolts with normal clearance between hole
diameter and shaft diameter shall not be used in connections where the force direction is
frequently changing.
8.8.3 Strength
-._-. of connections ----_-------_---_--_-
-_--.__.-_-.-.----- with bolts and rivets For calculation of bolts in tension, see A. . It is important that possible prying
forces are -included. Such connections shall .not be used with non-preloaded bolts if the
connection is subject to frequent variation in tension, see also chapter 1 0. Bolted joints subjected to shear forces may be designed according to the following
aJ Bearing type connections with normal bolts or high strength bolts with no
controlled tightening up to grade 1 0.9:
The shear force at the ultimate limit state should not exceed the bearing
resistance nor the shear resistance as given in National Standards or in
A. .
b) Slip-critical connections with preloaded high strength bolts where slip shall not
occur at the serviceability limit state:
The shear force at the serviceability limit state should not exceed the slip
resistance as given in National Standards or in A.
The shear force at the ultimate limit state should not exceed the bearing
resistance nor the shear resistance as given in National Standards or in
A. .
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
b) The su m of the sectional areas of all holes in any zig-zag line extendig
progressively across the m em ber or part of the m em ber, minus s2t/4g for each
s = the staggered pitch, i. e. the distance, measu red parallel to the direction of
For sections such as angles with holes in both legs, the gauge should be m easu red along
In a built-up m em ber, where the chain of holes, considered in individual parts, do not
correspond with the critical chain of holes for the m em ber as a whole, the resistance
of any fasteners joining the parts between such chains of holes should be taken into
8. 8. 5. 4 Rivets and fitted bolts shall be calculated as regular non-preloaded bolts. When m aking
alterations, rivets and new high-strength bolts in slip-critical joints may be considered as
Rivets shall when possible not be used for connections giving tensile forces in the rivets.
8. 8. 6 Length of connection
For a distance less than 1 5-d between the first and the last bolt in a connection, the
resistance of the ipint can be taken as the su m of the resistances of the individual bolts.
d is the di am eter of the bolt. When the distance is larger than 1 5. d, the resistance of the
tribution of forces over the connection length, e. g . for the transfer of shear forces from
the web of a beam ‘or column to the flange, neither does it apply to slip critical
8. 9 Welded connections
8. 9. 1 scope
. _____-
1) welded joints in steel structures su bjected primarily to static actions. For provisions
particular the Carbon Equivalent Value (calculated for instance in accordance with
the IIW formu la) may need to be controlled, and also the sulphur level may need to
5) joints in which the weld m etal is compatible with the base m etal in term s of
I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E) 0 I S0
8. 9. 2. 7 Wel ded stru ctures shall be designed to perm i t adequate access for welding and
8. 9. 2. 2 Com plete information regarding location, type, size, and length of all welds shalt be
shown on the drawings. The drawings shall distinguish between shop and field welds.
8. 9. 2. 3 In the case of partial joint penetration grooves, detailed shop or working drawings shall
8. 9. 2. 5 The required weld lengths specified on the drawings shall be the effective lengths.
8. 9. 2. 7 Wh ere tensile stresses occur via heavy welds perpendicular to the surface of the
element, attention should be given to the susceptibility of the steel m aterial to lamellar
tearing. If such details cannot be avoided, appropriate measu res shall be taken to
minimize the possibility of lamellar tearing. For flat elements with a thickness of m ore
properti es of the m ateri af and/or the joint detail (see e. g. Fig. 8. 9. 2. 7) shall be such as to
“] i;
Fig. 8. 9. 2. 7
8. 9. 2. 8 Eccentricity between intersecting parts and m em bers shall be avoided unless accounted
I f it cannot be avoided, adequate design provisons shall be m ade for all eccentricities. In
the cases of end connections, of single angles, double angles and similar type of
m em bers, it is not necessary to completely balance the welds about the neutral axis or
8. 9. 2. 9 Welds at the location of plastic hinges shall be able to develop the full resistance of the
connected parts.
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
8. 9. 2. 1 0 For ordinary structural steels welding in cold form ed areas is allowed, provided
appropriate m easu res are taken to avoid the possibility of brittle fractu re.
8. 9. 3 Types of welds
____-. .___I
. . _-. .-------
8. 9. 3. 1 For the purpose of this Standard, welds shall be generally classified as groove, fillet, plug
or slot welds.
8. 9. 3. 2 A com plete penetration groove weld is defined as one having com plete penetration and
fusion of weld and base m etal throughout the depth of the joint, see 8. 9. 5. 7.
8. 9. 3. 3 A partial penetration groove weld is defined as one having weld penetration less than the
8. 9. 3. 4 National standards shall be consulted for additional conditions defining com plete and
8. 9. 3. 5 Flare grooves shall be classified as partial penetration groove welds, see also 8. 9. 7. 1 1.
8. 9. 3. 6 Groove welds shall be continuous for the full length of the joint, except as provided in
m ay, at points of external framing, have additional welds to accom m odate the external
action, but such welds need not be continuous for the full length of the m em bers.
Except as permi tted in national standards, fillet welds shall not termi nate at corners of
parts or m em bers, but shall be returned continuously, full sized, around the corner for a
length equal to twice the weld size where such return can be m ade in the sam e plane.
8. 9. 3. 9 All corners of slots provided for fillet welding shall be rounded and the fillet welds shall
Single fillet and single partial penetration groove welds shall not be su bjected to bending
about the longitudinal axis of the weld if it produces tension at the root of the weld.
Fillet welds m ay be used for connecting parts, of which the fusion faces form an angle of
60” to 1 20”, see Fig:8. 9. 7. 2. Angles of less than 60” are perm i tted. H owever, in such
cases the weld shall be calculated as a partial penetration groove weld. For angles larger
than 1 20” the fillet welds shall not be relied upon to transmi t calculated forces.
Plug and slot welds in lap joints may be used to transm it shear or to prevent buckling or
81 9. 4 Design assumptions
-. ------
8. 9. 4. 1 For welded joints or single welds, designed to transfer any combination of loads, the
forces within the joints or the welds at their line of action shatl be established by either
8. 9. 4. 2 Although the distribution of stresses along the length of the weld may be uneven, such
distributions m ay be assu med provided they satisfy the basic requ irements of equilibrium
and continuity and they adequately relate to the actual deformation charac-
I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E) 0 I S0
8. 9. 4. 3 Residual stresses and stresses not participating in the transfer of forces need not be
considered in the design of welds su bjected to static actions. This applies specifically to
the normal stress parallel to the axis of the weld which is accom m odated by the base
materi al.
8. 9. 5 Design provisions
8. 9. 5. 1 The strength of base m etals shall be those specified in the applicable national standard.
The strength of the weld m etal shall normally be equal to or greater than the strength of
8. 9. 5. 3 The design value for shear in the base m etal is the shear strength, which, unless
otherwise specified in the applicable national standard, is taken as the limiting value of F
given in A. 8. 9. 7. 1 .
8. 9. 5. 4 The vector su m of longitudinal and transverse shear forces shall not exceed the Strength
analysis is used.
8. 9. 5. 5 Plug and slot welds shall be considered only to provide shear resistance in the plane of
8. 9. 5. 6 The effective area of groove welds shall be the effective weld length multiplied by the
The effective weld length for any groove weld, squ are or skewed to the direction of
8. 9. 5. 7 The effective throat thickness of a complete penetration Qroove weld shall be the
thickness of the thinner part joi ned, and no increase is perm i tted for weld reinforcem ent.
The effective throat thickness of a partial penetration groove weld shafl be as defined in
The compressi ve resistance of joints utilizing partial penetration groove welds shall be
based on the effective throat area of the welds plus the area of the base m etal fitted in
contact bearing.
8. 9. 5. 8 The effective throat thickness of a partial penetration groove weld for joi nts with no root
opening shall be the depth of cham fer, minus 2 mm for grooves having an included angle
at the root of the groove less than 60” but not less than 45”.
The effective throat thickness of a partial penetration groove weld shall be the depth of
cham fer for grooves having an included angle at the root of the groove of 60” or greater.
8. 9. 5. 9 The effective throat thickness of a partial penetration groove weld reinforced with a fillet
weld shall be the shortest distance between the root of the groove and the su rface of the
8. 9. 6 Com plete joi nt penetration groove welds in butt and tee joints
8. 9. 6. 1 Tension butt joints in plates of different material thicknesses or widths shall be m ade in
such a manner that the slope through the transition zone is not steeper than 1 in 1,
except for structures su bject to fatigue, in which case the slope should not be steeper
than 1 in 4. The transition shall be accomplished by chamfering the thi cker part, tapering
the wider part, sloping the weld m etal, or by any combination of these, see Fig. 8. 9. 6. 1
a and b.
0 IS0 IS0 1 072%1 :1 997(E)
Compression butt joints do not require a transition zone in members of different thickness
or width.
2C 1 2C
m 1 m
2c 2c \J
after before
weldlng welding
LC I 2c 1
bl Transition
wC) Transition
a) Transition by slQplng the
sloplq the
weld surface veld surface
snd chamfering
thicker part Partial penetration groove welds are permitted for steels with good ductility in butt, tee
and corner joints. When required such joints may be reinforced with fillet welds, see
8. 9. 7. 1 0 The leg size of fillet welds reinforcing groove welds, for sm oother transition in T- and
corner joints, shall not be less than t/4 where t is the thickness of the welded m em ber,
but need not be m ore than 10 mm. Such reinforcement is mandatory for T-joints
Fig. 8. 9. 7. 1 1 . a, and
- of flare-groove welds for solid bars fitted flush to the surface of the solid section of
The effective throat thickness may be established by m eans of trial welds for each set of
procedural conditions, and the trial welds should be sectioned and measu red to obtain
welding techniques that will ensure that the design throat thickness is achieved in
I S0 1 0721 -l :I 997(E) 0 I S0
8. 9. 8. i The diam eter of the hole for a plug weld or the width of a slot for a slot weld shall not be
8. 9. 8. 2 The ends of the slot shall be semi-circular or shall have the corners rounded to a radius
not less than the thickness of the part containing it, except for those ends which extend
8. 9. 8. 3 The thickness of plug or slot welds in plates of 1 6 .mm thickness or less shall be equal to
The thickness of plug or slot welds in plates thicker than 16 mm shall be at least one-half
8. 1 0. 1 Compression forces between different parts in welded joi nts may be transmi tted by
contact bearing provided that the contact su rfaces are parallel and fit reasonably well.
perm i tted. Contact surfaces shall be locked against lifting or sliding, unless otherwise
into account. Tensile and shear forces and forces which m ay be generated by buckling
9. 1 The evaluation of the serviceability limit states shall be based on the representative
- Deform ations which affect the efficient use or the appearance of structural or
non-structural elements.
- Local dam age, including cracking, which reduces the durability of a structure or
- Durability, the structure shall withstand the actions for the expected lifetime of the
9. 3 In the serviceability limit states normally two types of combinations are appropri ate:
9. 4 For the serviceability limit states, the calculations shall normally be carri ed out in the
elastic field. However, a restri cted plastic redistribution of forces and m om en ts can be
accepted, provided the plastic redistribution is not repeated, and it is included in the
1 0. 1 Scope
1 0. 1 .I General
These rules present a general method for the fatigue assessm ent of structures and
The fatigue assessm ent procedures assum e that the structure has been designed in
accordance with the other limit state reguirements of this standard and the material
1 0. 1 . 2 Limitations
The rules are applicable for all structural steel grades in accordance with this standard.
All nominal stresses for fatigue assessm ent mu st be within the elastic limits of the
m aterial, the range of such stresses (unfactored) should not exceed 1 .5 f, for normal
The following effects are not covered by the rules of this standard:
a) A fatigue assessm ent m ay be om itted for ordinary building structures except in the
following cases:
- Crowd-induced oscillations
b) A fatigue assessm ent is not required if the repeatedly applied stresses are
The aim of designing a structure against the limit state of fatigue failure is to ensure,
within an acceptable level of probability, that its perform ance is satisfactory during its
entire design life, such that the structure is unlikely to require repai r or to fail by fatigue.
I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E) 0 I S0
The required safety level shall be obtained by imposing an appropri ate fatigue load factor
The safety verification shall be carried out either in term s of the equivalent stress range
by comparing it with the fatigue strength for a given number of stress cycles, or in term s
When the constructional detail is defined in the detail classification tables (see 1 0. 5 and
A. 1 0. 51 , the stress range to be used is the nominal stress range, unless otherwise
When the detail di ffers from a constructional detail defined in the classification tables
(see 1 0. 5 and A. 1 0. 5) by the presence of a geom etri c stress concentration effect which
should be included, the stress range to be used is the nominal geom etri c stress range,
see 1 0. 2. 2.
Careful attention is required in ensuring that the geom etri c stress is properly evaluated,
see 1 0. 4 and that the detail can be considered to be that in the classification tables.
ni is the number of cycles of stress range A4 which occurs during the required design
Ni is the number. of cycles of stress range AUi to failure, which depends on the detail
The cumulative dam age assessm ent shall be based on the relevant slope constants m
Alternatively, the fatigue assessm ent may be based on an equivalent constant amplitude
1 0. 2. 1 . 2 Nominal shear stress ranges, AT, shall be handled similarly to nominal normal stress
In the case of a combination of normal and shear stresses the fatigue assessm ent shall
consider their combined effects. When applicable, one of the following methods m ay be
a) The maximum principal stress m ay be used when normal and shear stresses
induced by the sam e loading event are in phase, provided that the planes of the
0 IS0 IS0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
b) If, at the same location, normal and shear stresses vary independently, the
components of damage using the Palmgren-Miner rule for both normal and shear
stresses should be combined according to the following expression:
D AU is the fatigue damage due to normal stresses and calculated according to
1 0.2.1 .l
D Ar is the fatigue damage due to shear stresses calculated according to 1 0.2.1 .2.
The nominal shear stress may be neglected when its equivalent constant amplitude stress
range is less than 1 5 % of the equivalent nominal normal stress range.
1 0.2.2 Fatigue assessment based on a geometric _---____-
stress range
The geometric stress (or “hot spot stress”) is defined as the extrapolation of the
maximum principal stresses to the weld toe. The maximum values of principal stresses
at the weld toe shall be found, investigating various locations around the welded joint or
the stress concentration area. The geometric stress takes into account only the overall
geometry of the joint, excluding local stress concentration effects due to the weld
geometry and discontinuities at the weld toe.
Proper account shall be taken of the fact that residual stresses are low in small scale
samples. The resulting fatigue strength curve shall be corrected for the effect
In welded details there are several locations at which potential fatigue cracks m ay
initiate, and the detail classification shall take this into account.
For details with geom etry not classified in 1 0. 5. 1 , the fatigue strength shall be--
determi ned on the basis of reference fatigue strength curves and the geom etri c stress
The reference fatigue strength curves shall be based on fatigue strength tests for relevant
structural details, and take account for weld type, weld profile and accep-
The geom etri c stress range shall represent the effect of stress concentrations due to the
geometry of the detail, such as variation of stiffness within the detail, and load
The influence of m ean stress level in non-welded or stress relieved welded details may be
For thicknesses of the parent material that exceed those included in the experimental
basis for the fatigue Strength curves, a reduced fatigue strength m ay be obtained based
on a model that takes account of the crack propagation in a region with stress gradients.
To take into account uncertainties in the fatigue response analysis, the design stress
ranges shall, for the fatigue assessm ent procedu re, include a partial safety factor yr.
- the equivalent constant amplitude stress range from the design stress range
spectru m
- the design life of the structure, and the evolution of the fatigue loading within the
In order to take into account uncertainties in the fatigue resistance, the characteristic
Values of the partial safety factors y, and y, shall. be given in the relevant national
0 IS0 IS0 1 0721 -l :1 997(E)
Annex A
A.6.3 Materials
A.6.3.2 Structural steel
All steel shall be identified in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate IS0 or
national standard when leaving the mill.
It may be requested to prove the quality and the origin of the steel, if needed.
Any steel which is not in accordance with appropriate IS0 or national standard is to be
subject to acceptance testing requirements, see IS0 82 and 630.
However, in general it may be accepted that the first yield is exceeded in small local
areas, provided that no single stress component exceeds f,/y,.
IS0 1 0721 4:1 997(E) 0 IS0
Combinations of moments, shear forces and axial forces may generally be checked by
use of relevant interaction formulae. Examples of such interaction formulae are given in
A.8.2.1 .
L, = 1 .3 i, Ffor1 .0 2: $ 2 0.5
I- Y 1
where MJM, is equal to the ratio of the smaller to the larger moment at opposite ends of
the unbraced length in the plane of bending, positive when the member is bent in single
curvature and negative when the member is bent in double curvature.
The necessary control of the bracing may be done according to A.8.5.4. The bracing
must be designed to be effective when the structure reaches its ultimate limit.
Where the sequence of formation of hinges can be predicted with certainty, bracing is
not required at the location of the last hinge to form in the relevant failure mechanism.
A.8.2.1 Calculation of sections which may reach full plastification, i.e. class 1 and 2 sections,
can be done by any rational stress distribution which is in consistency with the laws of
equilibrium. Alternatively, interaction type of formulae may be used, calculating the
different forces and or moments and relate them to their fully plastified capacities.
Simplified formulae are given in A.8.2.1 .l - A.8.2.1 .5.
N,, = A, - f, 1
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 -l : 1 997(E)
A f
--1 r YN l
A! %l Y, f”
The axial com pressi ve resi stan ce, N rd , d evel oped by a m em ber, n ot su bj ect to l ocal
N,, = 5 = !!!Y
Yr Yr
m e m be r h as a cl ass 4 secti on , th e com pressi ve resi stan ce of th e secti on will be red u ced ,
see A. 8. 3. 2 an d A. 8. 4. 4. 3.
For m em be rs wi th a web wh ere no prem atu re bu ckl i n g will occu r, th e sh ear resi stan ce of
= 0. 6 f,
= 0. 66 f,
Th e u pper limit of
T, s 0. 58 f,
secti on .
Th e cal cu l ati on s of sh ear resi stan ce m u st i ncl u de th e effects of possi bl e web cu t-ou ts.
M em bers for which prem atu re sh ear bu ckl i n g m ay occu r sh ou l d be d esi g n ed accord i n g to
A. 8. 6. 3.
0 I S0
I S0 1 0721 4: 1 997(E)
=! xW=M y
M rd
Yr Yr
For secti on s of cl ass 4 th e resi stan ce cal cu l ati on s m u st adequ atel y i ncl u de th e effects of
or by ad opti n g th e con cept of a red u ced effecti ve yi el d stren g th kf, , in which case th e
Both con cepts m u st be su ffi ci en tl y correl ated to experi m en ts an d /or n u m eri cal
rsd = 4 + Mw (1 i I v) 1
M, = M, (1 . 4 - 0. 6
N, + 0. 85 2 + 0. 60 -2 5 1
MdY dr
Y+Z1 ; 1
M cty Mdz
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
simple theory of elasticity and the resistance m ay be checked according to the yield
may be adopted.
For m em bers with a cross-section of class 4, the recom mentations given in A. 8. 6. 4 may
be adopted.
A. 8. 3. 1 General
. -_. --. ---. -
boundary conditions of a plate are dependant on whether the edges are free, hinged or
considered to be fixed, see Fig. A. 8. 3. 1 . A single fillet weld will act as a hinge, whereas
Fig. A. 8. 3. 1
For elements supported along one edge only, parallel to the direction of the compressive
a) For plates and flanges of l-shapes, the width fb) is the distance from the free edge
to the first row of fasteners or the toe of fillet welds or the transition curve to the
b) For legs of angles, flanges of channels and zees, and stem s of tees, the width (b)
For elements su pported along two edges parallel to the direction of the compressi ve
a) For flange or diaphragm plates in built-up sections the width (b) is the distance
I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
For elements supported by two welds on each side the width is the distance
between the weld toes. For rolled sections the width is the distance between the
b) For flanges of rectangular hollow structural sections the width (b) is the width
The thickness of elements is the nominal thickness. For tapered flanges of rolled
sections, the thickness is the nominal thickness halfway between a free edge and the
A. 8. 3. 2 Definitions of classes
-. . -. ----. --_. ----. . ---. -
sections provided the m ateri al yield strength f, is replaced by a reduced effective yield
= 0, 1 02 E (;) ’ s f,
and similarly, for a web in pure bending and with hinged boundaries the effective yield
Based on the effective yield strength fys, effective plastic resistances m ay be calculated.
For class 3 sections the general requirement is that the section shall be able to attain the
yield stress in its m ost com pressed fibre prior to local buckling or distortion of the cross
section. According to the methods given in 8. 6 and A. 8. 6 this implies that any plate or
The factor’k depends on the boundary conditions, see 8. 6. The edge condition
comprising one fillet weld is equivalent to a hinge. In Fig. A. 8. 3. 1 som e examples are
A-8. 3. 3 Maximum width-thickness ratios of elements su bjected to com pression and/or bending
Recom mended values for the maximu m width-thickness ratios of elements su bjected to
0 IS0 IS0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
Class 1 & 2
b Moment (web)
Circular hollow
sections: Compression and/or
rj 0.065;
Y fY 4
Compression E
K, = 1 - 0.39 NIN, K, = 1 - 0.63 N/N, K, = 1 - 0.67 N/N N/N refers to the fully cross section
for doubly symmetric sections
K, = (0.425 - 9.1 (w+l) + 1 0.4(~+1 )’ ]“2 u/ is positive as indicated above
K, = 1 0.57 + 0.2~ + 0.07yr’ )1 ’2
Note 1 : Class 4 are governed by A-8.8 or alternatively A. 47
IS0 1 072+1 :1 997(E) 0 IS0
A.8.4.2 Slenderness
Relative slenderness is introduced to give non-dimen-
sional formulae and diagrams, i.e. diagrams which can be used independent of the yield
strength of the steel.
1 = $
where A,=n;
J-- Y
A.8.4.3 Compressiond---e--
For cross-sections of class 1 , 2 or 3, see Table A.8.3.3, the resistance will be
Noal= lfc . A0 = f, . A,
For cross-sections of class 4 the resistance in compression may because of local buckling
be handled as given in A.8.4.‘4,3.
The buckling strength f, may be obtained from Fig. A.8.4.4.a, where f, is presented as a
function of the relative slenderness i. The buckling strength curves of Fig. A.8.4.4.a are
the result of an extensive test program involving tests of columns of various
For members with cross-sections as shown in Fig. A.8.4.4.b, f, is determined from the
appropriate curve. For crpss-sections not shown in Fig. A.8.4.4.b, curve c may be used.
The values of f, presented in Fig. A.8.4.4.a may with a very good accuracy be found
from the expression
+ = [B + (B* i i2 )““3-’
B = 0.5 [i + a ( 1 -Q + i’l
A, represents the relative slenderness, below which no instability will occur due to strain
hardening effects.
Unless the curves of Fig. A.8.4.4.a are adopted, values of o and 2, should be given in
national standards.
0 IS0 IS0 1 0721 -l :1 997(E)
For the curves in Fig. A.8.4.4.a the following values may be adopted:
1 .0
fY 0.8
JCJ 0.7
0.6 s;c =q -i-
0.5 i, = JK-
x, = P--&
0 0.5 1 .0 1 .5 2.0 2.5 3,o 3.5
Fig. A.8.4.4.a Buckling curves, alternative 1
I S0 1 0721 4: 1 997(E) 0 I S0
Con di ti on bkl i n g
bkl i n s
cross sect1 cl n : een d l ai kr
cu rve
=w-m e’ l t
m0 -e ds
H ot form ed t a-
H ol l ow secti on s: Y-Y a
col d form an d or
Wel d ed box secti on s: Stress rel i eved y-y orZ-Z
Ae wel ded
y-y or z-z b
(except as bel ow>
Y-Y a
-I Qb
z-z b
l -7 <’ Y-Y
- - 1 2
Wel d ed
Fl am e cu t fl aps b
I -secti on s:
Rol l ed fl m g es
z-z C
Y-Y b
Rol l ed I -secti on s
Re-en forced
wi th vel ded
I -sectI on S
Ye-V --*Y
fl en g e pl ate! 3
z-z e
V. .U U -U
L-secti on s: X.
U -3 T-
an d
-- or
-! -- -y
sol i d y
Q z-z
secti on s:
Fi g . A. 8. 4. 4. b Rel ati on between cross secti on an d appropri ate bu ckl i n g cu rves, al tern ati ve 1 .
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
A. 8. 4. 4. 2 Alternative 2:
The buckling strength f, may be obtained from a single mean-value-curve, e. g. based on the
f c
-r1 2 for h 5 h,
c=, for h > h,
f, :2
K = 0.41 9
q = 0. 877
= 1 .5
A-8. 4. 4. 3 The determination of f, for m em bers with a cross section of class 4 mu st include the
This can be obtained by replacing the actual yield strength f, with a reduced yield
strength which is equal to the lowest local plate buckling strength f, , of the
cross-section is of class 3.
handled by adopting the concept of a reduced effective cross-section, which includes all
relevant effects, and is obtained from experiments and/or numerical simulations. I t can
param eters of the m em ber. The buckling resistance of the m em ber m ay finally be
A. 8. 4. 4. 4 For cold form ed sections, neither normalized nor stress relieved, the residual stresses and
the variation of material properti es due to cold form ing will affect the buckling resistance
m em bers with cold form ed hollow sections, provided the determination of f, is based on
A. 8. 4. 4. 5 For L-sections buckling curve b should be adopted, unless the m em bers is hot-dip
For a m em ber with an L-section, connected in one leg only, the support conditions will
affect its buckling resistance. This may beLaken into account by adopting yhe concept
of replacing the actual relative slender_ness h. (based on the minimum radius gf gyration)
IS0 1 0721 4:1 997(E) 0 IS0
b) The angle is connected with two bolts of welded, and the adjacent chords are not
loaded to their full capacity:
A.8.4.5’ Compression
.-_-_-_--.------- members
____ subjected to moments
Examples of interaction equations considered to meet the requirements of 8.4.5 are given
in A. and A.
A. Alternative 1:
1 + $My+Ney + kzMz+Nez i ,
Nal MdY M dr
y and z indicate the strong and the weak axis of the cross-section, respectively.
k = 1 - pzN/(~N,,l I 1 ,5
Moment diagram cs
End moments alone:
M L&=1 .8-.0.7 ye
-1 rqJrl
Transverse loads alone:
00 = 1 .3
wa = 1 .4
YM /max M/+/min M/
for moment diagrams
: with change of sign
A- Alternative 2:
Members other than Class 1 sections of l-shaped members, subjected to bonding
moments and an axial compressive force may be checked by the interaction formulae
a1 Cross-sectional resistance
N PyMy PZM, 5 1 .0
Md’ - $) + M,(l - +)
2 1 .0
N, M,, M, are the design values of the action effects and M,, M, include 2nd-order
translation moments if applicable.
N,, = f,A,h,
NcY, N,, are based on L/i, and L/i, respectively and include y factors.
N,,, N, are Euler buckling loads based on L/i, and L/i, respectively.
Mdy, M,, are the relevant cross-sectional moment resistances depending on the section
M,, is the lateral torsional buckling resistance based on the moment diagram that exists
{i.e. includes non-uniform moment effects).
Unless a more accurate analysis is carried out the equivalent moment, flYMY or&M,, shall
be taken as:
where M, is the larger end moment and M, is the smaller end moment at the opposite
end of the unbraced length and is taken as positive for double curvature and negative
for single curvature.
PM = fl,,M, = M,
where M, is the maximum moment due to transverse load in the unbraced length.
c) For members subject to both end moments and transverse loads, where M, and M,
are as defined in a and b above
I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E) 0 I S0
Built-up m em bers with principal axis (y) equal to the principal axis (y) . of the individual
m em bers, see Fig. A. 8. 4. 6. a, shall be checked for buckling about this axis according to
A. 8. 4. 1 - A. 8. 4. 5.
A-8. 4. 6. 2 Built-up m em bers for which none of the principal axes (y or z1 coincide with the principal
axis of the individual m em bers, m ay be checked for buckling about the principal axis
- -
cross section -
Cross section
y-y z-z
0 2
2 2
- -
A, = s, /i , , where s, is the center spacing of the reinforcing plates, but not m ore than the
ok30 I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
For batten and laced columns with A > 50, it is required that AI < 0. 5 A.
For built up m em bers with individual m em ber spacing corresponding to the gusset
thickness, see Fig. A. 8. 4. 6. a. ,Ii = q . A when the m em ber, aside from its battens or
lacing, has riveted, ream ed bolted or welded interm ediate ties spaced no m ore than 1 5i,
Y 1
I I 5
I t
A. 8. 4. 6. 3 The m em bers (main m em bers and battens or lacing) shall be designed for the notional
shear force
v, = l. 2V 2 0. 01 2 JY A,
and the bending m om ent due to Vi in the main m em ber and the batfens.
A, is the total cross sectional area of the m em ber and V is the external shear force.
For simplicity Vi may be taken as constant along the m em ber. Alternatively, the effects
The torsional and the lateral torsional buckling resistance of m em bers m ay be handled
similarly to the m ore simple case of compressi on m em bers, i. e. the elastic buckling
strength resultants and the material strength are employed to express the resistance of the
m em ber.
8. 4. 4 and A. 8. 4. 4. 1 , applying
The buckling strength for lateral torsional buckling of m em bers with cross sections of class
1, 2 or 3 may be taken as
IS0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E) 0 IS0
f CL =fyU + 1,
-20 1
where n = 2 for hot rolled and lightly welded sections, n = 1 .5 for other welded
sections, and where A, is defined in A.
For welded sections with flame cut flanges n = 1 .5 may be conservative.
A. The relative slenderness parameter for torsional buckling is given by
A. The relative slenderness parameter for lateral torsional buckling is given by
where M, = f, W and M,, is the elastic lateral torsional buckling moment.
For beams with doubly symmetric cross-sections and with actions in the shear center,
M,, is given by
0 IS0 IS0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
where @ depends on the actions and the support conditions of the member,
see Fig. A.
For beams with monosymmetric cross-sections, i.e. sections with weak axis symmetry,
and with actions outside the shear center, M,, is given by
Point of action
Center of qravity
IS0 1 0721 =1 :1 997(E) 0 IS0
A. For a member with a cross-section of class 4 the local buckling effects may be handled
by replacing the actual yield strength f, with a reduced yield strength which is equal to
the lowest local plate bucklinQ strength f,, of the cross section. The torsional and the
lateral torsional buckling resistance of the member may then be calculated according to
the recommendations for class 3 sections, only with f, replaced by f,,. The elastic local
buckling strength f,, may be obtained from A.8.6.2.
The torsional and the lateral torsional buckling resistance of a member with a
cross-section of class 4 may also be obtained by employing the concept of a reduced
effective cross-section, i.e. the gross section resistance is reduced by a factor k such
that the torsional buckling resistance may be expressed as
N Td = J% f, A,/Y,
and the lateral torsional buckling resistance may be expressed as
M, = KL f, w/Y,
where the reduction factors K~ and K, are obtained from experiments and/or numerical
simulations. They can generally be expressed as functions of the effective cross-section
and the buckling parameters of the member.
A. The inelastic lateral torsional buckling resistance of columns and beams may be
determined from inelastic lateral torsional buckling curves and that of beam-columns from
interaction equations based on such curves as are given in national standards. Such
curves shall provide sufficiently good statistical correlation with experimental results or
numerical simulations so that resistance factors can be evaluated.
A. The initial out-of-straightness of a set of n columns or beams used to calculate the forces
developed in the lateral bracing shall be taken as
6” = (0.2 + :,a,
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
limited to the initial out-of-plane imperfection, the extensional stiffness of the bracing
m em ber shall in general not be less than 4N /L, where N is the com pressive force in the
Wh ere a line of bracing provides lateral support to a series of columns or beam s the
A. 8. 6 Bucklina of nlates
A. 8. 6. 1 General
gular thin plates with small initial geom etri c i mperfections. The plates are assu med to be
su bjected to in-plane forces only, i. e. normal and shear stresses. The ultimate capacity
will for slender plates occur after the plate has buckled and its deform ations are much
larger than the plate thickness, i. e. the plate has reached its post critical range.
Wi th such deformations of the plate, the in-plane stresses will be concentrated towards
the supported plate edges. The resistance of the plate may then be determi ned by
Alternatively, the resistance m ay be calculated by using the average stress which the
The formulae given in A. 8. 6. 2 - A. 8. 6. 5 are empirical and are the results of extensive
test prog ram s. The formulae give the ultimate load which the plate can sustain, and
there are no such unmobilized reserves in its capacity as m ay be obtained from a theory
of small deformations.
A. 8. 6. 2. 1 The resistance of the plate will be a function of the m aterial strength f, and the relative
slenderness defined by
with u , =kae=k
The coefficient k depends on the stress distribution and the support conditions whether
free, simply supported or restrained. k is given in Pig. A. 8. 6. 2. 1 . a for the m ost com m on
IS0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
- Ffee edge
- ;,;wJs;wrted
3 %6
’ I ’ I ’ 3 2,1II,854
3 4 5
u =a/h a -a/b
t1 0”
Fig. A. .b
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 4: 1 997(E)
0, 8
0, 6
0. 2
73 b
0 I
Fi g . A. 8. 6. 2. 1 .c
Tabl e A. 8. 6. 2. 1 Effecti ve wi dth b, an d cri ti cal stress f, , for fati g u e l oadi n g for
A, be
-=- 1 when “, , s 0. 71 -9 .= 1 when $ s 0. 71
A b
43 be 1
-= - ? (1 . 00 - -&) ! %1 . 5-1 h p
fY &f
b hP ’ P
when 0. 71 s hp s 5. 0 0. 71 s xp 5 J ”i
f, = 1
fy 7
*e be
is given as ou rve a $f! is gi ven as cu rve b
A b
in Fi g . A. 8. 6. 3. l . c in Fi g . A. 8. 6. 3. 1 .c
I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E) 0 I S0
The edge of the plate shall be considered free or simply su pported, unless it can be
Plates su bjected to repetitive actions should be checked with respect to possible fatigue
effects (see Chapter 1 0) if the actions cause the plate to enter the post-critical buckling
stage and “breathing” occu rs. This m ay be avoided in the design by adopting the
In Fig. A. 8. 6. 2. 1 . c and Table A. 8. 6. 2. 1 formulae are given for the effective width b, and
The load case m ay be axial force or bending m om en t. Combinations of axial force and
m om en t are handled in A. 8. 6. 4.
The effective area of a plate will be A, = t b, concentrated along the supported edges as
shown in Fig. A. 8. 6. 2. 1 . b.
Plates supported at 4 edges, of which two are parallel to the stress direction will have
two effective zones, one at each edge parallel to the stress direction.
Plates supported at 3 edges and with the fourth edge free and parallel to the stress
direction, will have only one effective zone adjacent to its supported edge. Such plates
N , : :?m
- fy- A, or N, = l-f;A
Yr Yr
The effective height h, of a web in com pression or bendin’g is calculated according to the
with h, /h, , where h, is the com pressed part of the web calculated according to Navier’s
for the entire web or for the appropri ate parts of the web between longitudinal sti ffeners.
Fig. A. 8. 6. 2. 2
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 -l :1 997(E)
which will prevent the compressi on flange of a straight beam to buckle into the web. h is
the height of the web, or the distance from the flange to the nearest longitudinal
A. 8. 6. 2. 4 For webs with axial force and non-uniform bending m om en t, the critical cross section to
Fig. A. 8. 6. 2. 4.
0. 4 a
0. 4 b
, kl
Generally, the tension field m odel can be based on the assumption that the ultimatf shear
The two mechanisms m ay be evaluated independently of each other, and the shear
resistance of the panel is the su m of the shezr forces which can be obtained for each of
the two m echanisms. H owever, the calculations of the shear forces which can be
obtained for each of the two m echanisms mu st be limited by their joint effect, as
discribed below.
The shear force which can be obtained from the simple shear field mechanism (i. e. purely
shear) , should, under these assumptions, be limited by elastic shear buckling and by the
The shear force which can be obtained from the tension field mechanism should be
limited by the yield strength of the web m aterial. H owever, this m echanism m ay also
I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E) 0 I S0
a fram e mechanism,
in which case the shear force resistance will also be limited by the plastic resistance of
The stress calculations in the web, and the plastic resistance calculations of the flanges
and stiffeners m ust include all relevant effects from the co-operative mechanisms, and
Wel ds m u st be designed to resist all the relevant stresses which are introduced into them
End panels m u st be given special attenti on, as the sti ffn ess of the end sti ffen er wi ll
affect the tension field behaviour of the panel. The end stiffener m ust be designed to
resi st all forces which are introduced into it due to the co-operative actions of the
A. 8. 6. 3. 2 The m ethod given below is an empirical method which gives the ultimate shear resistance
of a web.
The ultimate shear resistance of webs may be expressed as a function of-the materi al
The su pport con di ti on s shall always be assu med simply supported, and k. is given by
b = 5. 34 + 4 (i) 2 + 4. 00 for a i h
The resistance of a web also depends on the flexural stiffness in the web plane of its
In table A. 8. 6. 3. 2 form ulae are given for the ultimate shear strength of a web, r, , as a
function of A, and the aspect rati o CY= a/h. The shear yield stress
The formu lae of Table A. 8. 6. 3. 2 are all empirical and based on extensive test results.
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 -l : 1 997(E)
Tc 0. 76 =C
1 -0. 024(4-r~ ) ~
TC 0. 76 =c
-=_ -= ! &J ! z
+ 0. 024(4-a) 2
TY A, =Y +J
0. 76
for < 1 ,s 1 . 22
for 0. 76 < y, s 3. 8
l -0. 01 24(4-a) ’
l S2 + 0. 024(4-a) 2
h , +l . 22
for 1 . 22 < $ 5 3. 8
fati g u e effects (see ch apter 1 0) if th e acti on cau se th e pl ate to en ter th e post-cri ti cal
bu ckl i n g stag e an d “breath i n g ” occu rs. This m ay be avoi ded in th e desi g n by ad opti n g
th e fol l owi ng :
T’ = 1 for ip < 0. 76
TC 0. 76
-xv for 0. 76 -z h p 2 1 . 41
=Y b
TC 1 . 08
for 1 . 41 < hp 5 3. 8
form u l a
N, + (X) 2 + (+ ) 2 i 1
rd rd
IS0 1 072%1 ,:1 997(E) 0 IS0
N, = 3 A,
M, = frw e
If the panel have axial forces in two directions (x and yl, the first term of this equation
may be replaced by
3 +- Nz
Nyd NZd
A separate control of the flanges may be carried out by checking the stresses against the
appropriate buckling strength given in A.8.6.2.
Alternatively, a tension field theory comprising the entire cross-section may be adopted.
For a member with an l-section subjected to a combination of strong axis moment and
shear, the following empirical interaction formulae may be adopted
0.73 g- + 0.46 + s 1
rd rd
.in which all terms refer to the entire cross-section, and M,, and V,, are calculated in
accordance with A.8.6.2 and A.
for class 2, ,3 or 4 sections
a = a,.+.2 a2 + 5 (tf + r1
0 IS0 IS0 1 0721 -l :1 997(E)
if P is located at a distance less than h from the end of the unstiffened web.
a = a, + a, + t, + r 5 500&h
if P is located at a distance less than h form the end of the unstiffened web.
Fig. A.
A combined stress situation may be checked by simple theory of elasticity and the
Huber-Hencky-von Mises yield criterion given in A.7.3.2. The local maximum stress in
the web due to P (located farther than h from the end of the member) may be calculated
ay = &
L, = 1 .2 [ a, + 2 ( a2 + t, + r ) 3 or
L, = 1 .4 t, ( b/t,., )ln
whichever is the smallest, and b is the width of the flange, see Fia. A.
For slender webs loaded from both sides the local buckling resistance may also have to
be checked. This may be done by considering the web as a fictitious column with a
width equal to its height. If P is located nearer than h from the unstiffened end of a
web, this width should be reduced accordingly. Buckling curve c may be applied.
I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E) 0 I S0
A. 8. 6. 5. 1 One or m ore stiffeners will increase the Strength of the web or panel. The full effect will
be obtained when the stiffeners behave as straight edges of the subdivided plate or web,
and the ultimate plate resistance can be obtained before any significant buckling
Fig. A. 8. 6. 5. 1 . a shows som e of the m ost com monly used open stiffeners.
Two fillet welds m ay give som e restraining effect and accordingly improve the capacity.
Fig. A. 8. 6. 5. 1 . b illustrates som e of the m ore com m on torsional stiffeners. The effect of
such stiffeners will be an effective restraint of the plate edges, and considerably
The m om en t of inertia for a stiffener is calculated with respect to the centre-line of the
‘z =>
Fig. A. 8. 6. 5. 1 . b Examples of closed stiffeners
z n
Z n z
i i -i i
z n i i
Z n
A. 8. 6. 5. 2 For transverse stiffeners of plate girder webs, the m om en t of inertia I , and the area A, of
I, 2 a c [ 2. 5 (i) 2 - 21 L 0. 5 a c
The length of the transverse stiffener is the distance h between the flanges.
In general any vertical stiffener m ay be cut off and unattached to the web for a distance
less than or equal to 6t, . , , and if possible larger than 4~ . See Fig. A. 8. 6. 5. 5.
A. 8. 6. 5. 3 I f the longitudinal stiffener is supposed to form a rigid su pport for the adjacent plates, it
I, :: 0, l h@,
C, = 8 + 60 2
and A. 8. 6. 2. The stiffener itself should, when possible, at least have width/thickness” -
ratios as required for calss 2 sections. The stiffener with the adjoining parts of the web
column is the distance between the transverse stiffeners or between points where deflec-
The axial load in the column will be the su m of the forces due to the stresses in the
stiffener itself and the stresses in half the width of the adjoining panels.
sti ffeners, e. g. stiffeners which are termi nated at each transverse stiffener, shall be
calculated as excentrically loaded, the axial load acting in the middle plane of the web.
A. 8. 6. 5. 5 End stiffener
IS0 1 0721 4:1 997(E) 0 IS0
- an axial force equal to the entire support force acting on an equivalent column
length of 0.75 h, and
- a horizontal force (due to the tension field action), see Fig. A.,
T, and A, are given in A., and H, is located 0.25h from the top flange.
a or h 5 t [ 0.2V/(EAJ ]-ors
a is the distance between the end stiffener and the first transverse stiffener. This will
ensure an adequate anchorage panel for the tension field.
0 IS0 IS0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
preloaded. In connections where prying forces will occu r, see Fig. A-8. 8. 2. 3, this
1 1
Fig. A. 8. 8. 2. 3
A. 8. 8. 3. 1 Bolts in tension
f ”
= specified ultimate tensile strength of the bolt m ateri al
The effect of prying forces, . if any, shall be included in the external tensile force.
Bolts are su bjected to shear by the bearing of the connected parts against the bolt
shank. The resistance of the connection will therefore be governed either by the
shear resistance of the bolts or by the bearing resistance of the connected parts.
F, = K
K = 0. 6 for 8. 8 and 1 0. 9 bolts when shear occurs in the unthreaded area, 0. 5 when
0 IS0 IS0 1 072+1 :1 997(E)
For connections with a spacing larger than 1 5 d between the first and last bolt,
see A.8.8.6.
b) The bearing resistance per bolt, equal to or greater than the bearing strength of the
plates adjacent to the bolt, is given by
F, = a f, t d I yrc
d = bolt diameter,
t = sum of plate thicknesses loaded in the same direction as the bearing stress,
and where o is the relation between the bearing strength and the ultimate strength of
the member material: u is a function of the distance e from the center of the last bolt
to the edge of the plate in the force direction, and a function of the distance between
the bolts measured in the force direction (pitch).
a = 1 .5 -2 e 2 1 .2 d) s 3.0
c). Bolts in a bearing type connection may be subject to combined tension and shear.
In this case, the following interaction equation may be applied:
F, = shear resistance of the bolt, see A. above, calculated for the shear
F, = m z F, ?-
see A-8. 8. 3. 2. 1 .
Bolts in a slip critical connection may be su bjected to tension in addition to the shear.
F, = m p (Fp - 0. 8 F, ) k
F, is the tensile force pr. bolt due to external actions and possible prying forces.
A. 8. 8. 4 Slip coefficients
The slip coefficient strongly depends on the surface treatm ent. The effectiveness of
spraymetalized su rfaces depends on the spraying process, and the values of m controlled
accordingly. The slip coefficient also depends on the type of action, and its variation
(shot-t term ) p
H ot dip’zinc metalized 0. 1 8
Alternatively, the slip coefficient for specific coating system s may be established by
For structures in which slip into bearing under long term sustained loads would be
detrimental, design recomm endations should be found from long term tests or in the
appropriate national standards. I f slip will occur for such a connection, its resistance
should be calculated according to the recomm endati ons given for bearing type
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
A. 8. 6. 6 length of connection
. .. . --. _---_. _.-.- . - ---___
When the spacing between the first and the last bolt in a connection is larger than 1 5d,
where d is the bolt di am eter, the resistance of the connection should be reduced by a
H owever, this reduction does not apply for uniform distribution of forces over the
connection length, e. g. for the transfer of shear forces from the web of a beam or
column to the flange, nor does it apply to slip calculations of slip-critical connections.
B = l . o75- -3[3fl d
1 .0
0. 6
0. 4
15 d 65 d
A. 6. 9. 2 General reauirements
A. 8. 9. 4 Design assumptions
---- -_-
For the calculation of weld sizes, a simplified stress distribution within the welds in the
joint is normally assu m ed. Since the actual elastic distribution of forces between welds
is highly indeterminate, such assumptions have been found acceptable and satisfactory
for design practi ce, and rely on the dem onstrated capacity of welds to redistribute
joi nts to permi t such yielding and the resulting deform ations to occur.
A. 8. 9. 5 Design provisions
A. 8. 9. 5. 2 The resistance of a com plete penetration groove weld in a butt joint should be the
The resistance of a com plete penetration groove weld in a Tee joint should be the
The resistance of a partial penetration groove weld should be calculated in the sam e
A-8. 9. 6. 2 For T-joints with partial penetration groove welds, see Figs. A. 8. 9. 6. 2 and 8. 9. 7. 1 0, the
resistance may be calculated by handling the joint as one with fillet welds.
Fig. A. 8. 96. 2
A. 8. 9. 7 Fillet welds
A. 8. 9. 7. 1 The fillet weld m ay be controlled by calculation of forces in the different cross sections
A, B and C, as illustrated in Fig. A-8. 9. 7. 1 , where the relevant stress components are
01 - normal stress perpendicular to the plane of the weld throat containing the axis
of the weld
Tl - shear stress in the plane of the. throat perpendicular to the axis of the weld
The normal stress com ponent parallel to the axis of the weld, ~1 , m ay in resistance
calculations of the weld be om i tted, as it is accom odated by the base materi al.
. -. _.
. /‘I
P’ i
Fig. A. 8. 9. 7. 1
0 IS0 IS0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
01 , TI and T 1 1 are the stress components on the effective area, due to the external
design force F.
A. Single fillet welds are unable to take moments about their longitudinal axis.
A.lO.l Scope
A. 1 0.1 .3 .-_-____
Situations in which no---fatigue assessment
---_____.-- ----__-____--is required
No fatigue assessment is-required when one of the following conditions is satisfied:
- If, whatever the constructional detail, no nominal stress range multiplied by the
factor y, exceeds 26/y, (N/mm?).’
- If, for a particular detail, for which a constant amplitude limit is defined, no stress
range (either nominal or geometric) multiplied by the factor y, exceeds the constant
amplitude fatigue limit divided by the factor y,.
- If, whatever the detail, the number of stress cycles is less than:
2.1 06 * ( 36 I3
Yr ’ Yf * ‘OE
Ao,, the equivalent nominal stress range, is in N/mm2.
IS0 1 0721 -I :I 997(E) 0 IS0
Au, is the fatigue strength, which depends on the detail category and the total number
of stress cycles during the required design life.
A conservative assumption may be adopted in evaluating Au, and Au, in using a fatigue
strength curve of unique slope constant m = 3.
More generally, Au, and Au, may be calculated taking into account the double sloped
fatigue strength curve and the cut-off limit, se Fig. 3.1 at end of chapter 3.1 .
A.l’O.2.2 Fatigue assessment based on a geometric stress range
The geometric stress (or the stress concentration factor applied on the nominal stress
range) may be determined from parametric formulae within their domains of validity, a
finite element analyses or an experimental model. The fatigue assessment based on
geometric stress range is to be handled similarly to the procedures given in 1 0.2-l
replacing, where appropriate, the nominal stress range by the geometric stress range.
Reference fatigue strength curves to be used jointly with the geometric stress range
concept are defined in A.1 0.5.2.
Measured stress histories m ay not accurately reflect the future fatigue loading. In som e
structures, for example bri dges and cranes, the load m odel used to describe the fatigue
loading should, as such, be able to take into account the possible changes in usage, such
representing the fatigue effects of all loading events. The equivalent fatigue loading m ay
The design stress range spectru m for a typical detail or structural element may be derived
from the stress history obtained by adequ ate experiments and/or by numerical
The Rainflow or the Reservoir stress cycle counting m ethod, in conjunction with the
A. 1 0. 5 Fatiaue strenath
The fatigue strength curves to be used in the fatigue assessm ent procedures are given
+ classified details for hollow sections, and hollow section joints in lattice girders.
classification has been establised on, the basis of stresses along the direction indicated by
the arrow for potential cracks on the su rface of the parent m etal, or for the case of weld
throat cracking, on the stress calculated in the weld throat. The stresses are obtained
from classical strength of m aterials elastic theory using the gross or net section of the
loaded m em ber, as appropri ate. The stress thus calculated corresponds to details tested
under simple loading configurations giving rise to a principal stress, generally parallel or
alm ost parallel to the direction of the arrow used in the classification of constructional
details, adjacent to the potential crack location. ’ N ote that the crack is located in a plane
normal to this stress range direction. For these details the calculated stress is called the
nominal stress, and the associated stress range for fatigue assessm ent, the nominal
stress range.
The fabrication requirements for fatigue detail classifications are given under the heading
I f the requirement for the actual details are not m et in the finished structu re, the use of
the fatigue strength curves associ ated with those details m ay be inappropriate, in which
case, a fatigue assessm ent m u st be carried out by suitable adaptation of these rules.
Test data for som e details do not fit the fatigue strength curves given in Figure
(identified by an asteri sk in the tables) are located in a detail category one step lower
assessm ent would be to increase the classification of such details by one detail category
provided that the constant amplitude fatigue limit is defined as the fatigue strength at
0 I S0
I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
step 1:
steJ l 2: B B
k&the part of the
stress hi story on the
left of B to the end
of the load even t.
i. e. linkOCA-E3> to C.
step 3:
FiliChe resultlnjj
"reservoi r" with water".
The greatest depth Is
the major stress cycle.
I . e. Aa1 occu rs once.
Drain on the greatest
depth. and find the new
maximum depth. ~62
Stress-range spectru m:
--------- -- -------
0 IS0 IS0 1 0721 +1 997(E)
- Basic SN-curve
Alternative classification
(increased by one category)
Number of cycles, N
The requirements for the inspection of welded joints subject to fatigue should be in
accordance with national standards, or the IS0 Standard on Fabrication and Erection.
Depending on the inspection scheme adopted, it may be necessary to identify certain
critical joints on the design drawings and to elaborate on the procedures required for
these joints.
In order that the appropriate degree of inspection may be applied to the various parts of
the structure in accordance with the IS0 “Fabrication and Erection” specification
Appendix D, it is necessary to identify all joints where the stress spectrum is such that a
detail category greater than 56 is required by these rules. In each case the joint should
be identified on the detail drawing with the required “Fat” inspection category and stress
direction, as illustrated on Fig. A.1 0.5.b. The required “Fat” inspection category number
is the reference strength -Au, for the lowest fatigue strength curve for which the damage
summation is less than 1 ,O (see 1 0.2.1 .l 1 .
FAT '71
I,- FAT 90:
Illllllll~~llrllllllllllllllllllllllllllil IIIT VIII
--z FAT 1 1 2
Jll~lllll~ ~~ll~l~l~l~llllllllIllllllllllU
I”” b”I
I t is important that the value of the reference strength for the maximum perm i tted
detail category according to the classification tables in A. 1 0. 5. 1 is not used for the
“Fat” number (unless it happens to be the sam e as the required “Fat” inspection
category) , otherwise unnecessary fabrication and inspection costs are likely to ari se.
A. lO. 5. 1 .l Fatigue strength curves for non-hollow sections are defined as follows:
- Non-welded details
The fatigue strength curves for a number of typical detail categories are given in
The constant amplitude fatigue limit corresponds to the fatigue strength for
N = 5 * 1 06.
The cu t-off limit corresponds to the fatigue strength for N = lo*. Stress ranges
the location and direction of the stresses for which the stress ranges are to be
presented in Table A. 1 0. 5. 1 .l . a.
The fatigue strength curves for nominal shear stress ranges are defined in Figure
parent m ateri al, full penetration butt welds and for bolts of bearing type in shear.
Category 80 is for fillet welds and for partial penetration butt welds in shear.
normal stress ranges. The cut-off limit remains at 1 O8 cycles. No constant amplitude
The corresponding values for a numerical calculation of the fatigue strength are given
in Table A. 1 0. 5. 1 . 1 . b.
I s01 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
0 I S0
1 00
1 5 1, 5 1 2
5 1 5
IO4 I O5 I O6 1 0’ IO8
Number of cycles N
Table A. I O. 5. 1 .l Numeric31 values of fatigue Strength curves for normal stress ranges
1 40 1 2. 751 1 6. 786 1 04 57
1 25 1 2. 601 1 6. 536 93 51
1 00 1 2. 301 1 6. 036 74 40
90 1 2. 1 51 1 5. 786 66 36
80 1 2. 001 1 5. 536 59 32
71 1 1 . 851 1 5. 286 52 29
63 1 I . 701 1 5. 036 46 26
56 1 1 . 551 1 4. 786 41 23
50 I I . 401 1 4. 536 37 20
45 1 I . 251 1 4. 286 33 I8
40 1 1 . 1 01 1 4. 036 39 16
36 1 0. 951 1 3. 786 26 I4
Table A. I O. 5. 1 .I .b Numerical values for fatigue strength curves for shear stress ranges
Detail category log a Cut-off limit
m =5
AT, (N /m m ’)
1 00 1 6. 301 46
80’ 1 5. 801 36
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 -I :1 997(E)
Stress range AT (N /m m ‘)
1 000
N umber of cycl es
I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E) 0 I S0
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
8 II
I S0 1 0721 -l :1 997(E)
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
0 I S0
I S0 1 0721 -l :1 997(E)
ii .
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 -l :1 997(E)
I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E) 0 I S0
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 -l :1 997(E)
I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E) 0 I S0
0 I S0 I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E) 0 I S0
0 I S0
I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
A. 1 0. 5. 1 . 2 Fatigue strength curves for hollow sections and hollow section joint details are defined
as follows:
a) The fatigue strength curves to be used in conjunction with the hollow section
b) The fatigue strength curves to be used in conjunction with the hollow section joint
Stress range Ao (N /m m 2’
Cu t-off
N u m ber of cycl es N
I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E) 0 I S0
cl The throat thickness of fillet welds shall not be less than the wall thickness of the
The corresponding values for numerical representation of the fatigue strength curves are
given in Table A. 1 0. 5. 1 . 2. a.
m= 5 N = lo*
90 1 6. 051 41
71 1 5. 551 32
56 1 5. 051 26
50 1 4. 801 23
45 1 4. 551 20
36 1 4. 051 16
The m em ber forces maybe analyzed neglecting the effect of eccentricities and joint
stiffness, ’ assuming hinged connections, provided that the effects of local bending
m om ents on the stress ranges are considered. In the absence of more accurate stress
analysis and modelling of the joint, this effect may be taken into account by multiplying the
stress ranges due to axial m em ber forces by the coefficients defined hereafter (for
For lattice girder joints with circular hollow sections these coefficients are given in
Table A. 1 0. 5-l . 2. b.
‘gap K we 1 .5 1 .o 1 .3
N type 1 .5 1 .8 1 .4
overlap K type 1 .5 1 .o 1 .2
N we 1 .5 1 . 65 1 . 25
For lattice girder joints with rectangular hollow sections these coefficients are given in
Table A. 1 0. 5. 1 . 2. ~
QaP K we 1 .5 1 .0 1 .5
N we 1 .5 2. 2 1 .6
overlap K type 1 .5 1 .o 1 .3
N type 1 .5 2. 0 1 .4
1 00
0 IS0
RI Fii I 0
I S0 1 0721 4:1 997(E) 0 I S0
1 02
I S0 1 0721 -1 :1 997(E)
lS0 1 0721 -l :1 997(E)
0 IS0 IS0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
A. 1 0.6.2. -.---_-.--._------_.--
Influence of thickness
The fatigue strength depends on the thickness of the parent metal in which a potential
crack may initiate and propagate. The variation of fatigue strength with thieckness
needs to be taken into account for thicknesses greater than 25 mm. Then the fatigue
strength may be reduced according to:
Ao,(t) = L&l [25/J o.26
The formula for the thickness effect should be limited to structural details (hollow and
non-hollow sections) where welds are transverse to the loading direction (normal stress
No corrections for thickness effect should be taken when this effect is already included in
the detail category in the classification tables.
A.1 0.7 Partial safetv factors
A.lO.7.3 Values of partial safety factors
For normal stuctural applications conforming with the requirements of this Chapter and
the quality requirements of the IS0 “Fabrication and Erection” specification, values of Y,
and y, equal to 1 .O may be used, unless otherwise stated in the national standard or
relevant loading specification.
1 05
I S0 1 0721 -l :1 997(E) 0 I S0
1 0. 7. 2 are abnormally high or where an exceptional level of safety has to be assu red,
consideration may be given to the use of an appropri ate partial safety factor greater than
unity. In this case the value of the partial safety factor shall be agreed between the
client, the designer, the public authority and any other concerned party as appropriate.
special in-service inspection procedures at regular intervals to monitor one or m ore of the
following as appropriate:
The cost of this option should be carefully considered, taking into account:
components. A higher priority may be given to components where fatigue failure would
- “fai l-safe” structures, with reduced consequences of failure, i. e. the local failure of
1 06
0 IS0 IS0 1 0721 4:1 997(E)
Annex B
Standards and Recommendations:
1. Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, Load and Resistance Factor Design.
AISC, 1 986
2. Manual on Stability of Steel Structures. ECCS, 1 976
3. European recommendations for Steel Construction. ECCS, 1 977
4. European recommendations for Steel Construction:
Buckling of Shells. ECCS, 3rd ed. 1 984
5. Ultimate limit state calculation of sway frames with rigid joints. ECCS, 1 984
6. Slip factors of connections with H.S.F.G. ECCS, 1 984
7. European recommendations for bolted connections in structural steel work.
ECCS 1 985
8. Recommendations for angles in lattice transmission towers ECCS, 1 985
9. Recommendations for the fatigue design of steel structures ECCS, 1 985
1 0. Behaviour and design of steel plated structures. ECCS, 1 986
11. Design of longitudinally stiffened webs and of stiffened compression flanges.
ECCS, 1 990
1 2. Practical analysis of single-storey frames. ECCS 1 990
1 3. ENV 1 993-l -1 (Eurocode 3): Design of Steel Structures, Part 1 .
General Rules and Rules for Buildings
1 4. ENV 1 993-l -1 (Eurocode 3): Design of Steel Structures, Part 1 . Annex A - Z
1 5. IS0 404 - Steel and steel products, General technical delivery requirements
1 6. IS0 1 052 - Steels for general engineering purposes.
1 7. IS0 2631 - Guide for the evaluation of human exposure to whole body vibration
1 8. IS0 4356 - Basis for the design of structures. Deformations of buildings at the
serviceability limit state
1 9. IS0 4950 - High yield strength flat steel products, Part 1 and 2
20. ISOlDlS 8930 - General principles on reliability for sturctures, List of equivalent terms
Chapters 5 & 6
A. A. C. E. ST 3 March 1 972
1 8) Wi nther, G. : Cold form ed, high-gage steel construction. Proc. ASCE Vol. 85.
St. 9. 1 959
20) Basler, K. : Strength of plate girders in shear. Proc. ASCE. St. 7 1 961
21 ) Gerard, G. , Becker, H.: H andbook of structural Stability I-VII N ACA Reports 1 957
22) Hsglund. T. : Design of thin plate I gi rders in shear and bending with special reference to
23) Fujii, T. : on an i mproved theory for Dr. Baslers theory. I ABSE. 8 congr. N. Y. 1 968
24) U sam i , T. , Fu ku moto, Y. : Local and overall buckling and Wel ded Box Columns. Proc.
25) H orne, M. R. , Narayanan, R. : An approximate m ethod for the design of Stiffened steel
26) Little, G. H . : Stiffened steel compression panels-theoretical failure analysis. Stru ct. Eng.
Dec. 1 976
27) Dwight, J . B, Little, G. H . : Stiffened steel com pression flanges - si mpler approach. Struct.
29) Nielsen, P. M. , Christensen, B. : Post Buckling Strength of Steel Plate Gi rders Subjected to
- . Shear. Bygn. Stat. Meddel. N o. 3. 1 982
30) Ravinger, J.: Girders with U nstiffened Slender Webs. J . C. S. R. Vol. 3. N o. 2, 1 983
31 ) Bergfelt, A. : Post buckling behaviour of webs under concentrated loads:I ABSE. 9 Congr.
Am st. 1 972
321 Graves Smith, T. R. , Gierlinski: Buckling of Stiffened Webs by Local Edge Load. Proc.
331 Roberts, T. M. : Slender Plate Gi rders Su bjected to Edge Loading. Proc. I nst. Civ. Engrs.
34) Dubas, P. : Plattenform ige Elemente mit Verstarkungen in Einftihrungen in die N orm 51 A
35) Dubas P. : Plated structu res with closed-section Stiffeners. Conf. on Steel Plated
1 09
IS0 1 0721 -l :1 997(E) Q IS0
36) Kulak, G.L., Fisher, J.W., Struik, J.A.H.: Guide to design criteria for bolted and riveted
joints. J. Wiley & S., 2nd ed. 1 987
37) Godley, H.R., Neddham, F.H.: Comperative tests on 8.8 and HSFG bolts in tension and
shear. Strut. Eng. March 82. No. 3
381 Fisher, J.E., Beedle, L.S.: Criteria for designing bearing-type bolted joints. I.A.C.E. Proc.
1 968
391 Witteveen, J.,. Stark, J.W.B., Bijlaard, F.S.K.: Welded and Bolted Beam - Columns
Connections. Proc. A.S.C.E. No. St. 2, Febr. 1 982
40) Fischer, J.W., Yoshida, N.: Large bolted and riveted Shingle splices. A.S.C.E.
Proc. 1 970
41 1 Butler, L.J., Kulak, G.L.: Strength of fillet welds as a function oi direction of load. Weld.
Journ. 1 97 1
421 Houldcraft, P.T.: Welding Processes Brit. Weld. Res. Ass. Cambr. 1 967
43) Masubuchi, Koichi: Analysis of welded structures. Residual stresses, dirtortion and their
consequences. Pergamon Pr. 1 980
Chapter 9
1) IS0 4356: Bases for the design of structures - deformations of buildings at the
serviceability limit states.
I S0 1 0721 -I :1 997(E)
I CS 91 . 080. 1 0
Descriptors: steel constru ction, bu i ldi ngs, constru ction materials, stru ctu ral steels, design, stru ctu ral design, rules (instru ctions) .