Practical Approaches To Strip Mall Fires:: With A Concentration On Rural/Low Manpower Operations
Practical Approaches To Strip Mall Fires:: With A Concentration On Rural/Low Manpower Operations
Practical Approaches To Strip Mall Fires:: With A Concentration On Rural/Low Manpower Operations
1. Introduction
2. Building Construction
3. Fire Travel
4. Fire Volume/Fire Flow
5. Apparatus Placement
6. Strategy & Tactics
7. Forcible Entry
8. Ventilation
9. Hand lines
10. Search and Rescue/Utility Control
11. Strategy and Tactics
12. Miscellaneous Considerations [RIT/Thermal Imaging]
13. Command Considerations
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 3
When I was approached to write this text I react with a mix of trepidation and joy. I was
scared to look like an idiot but happy to have a chance to share all I have had the chance
to learn. I have been lucky over the course of my career as a paid firefighter and a
volunteer to work with some great people. Some were better with the theory and others
could barely spell their own name but could put the fire truck exactly where it needed to
be at every single time.
I learned my lessons the hard way. I went to fires and messed up. I have taken the wrong
line to the right place and have taken the right line to the wrong place. I have taken the
long solitary ride home in the fire chief’s car listening to how bad I messed up. The
lesson I took away from these years of trial and error is that no matter how well I do on a
fire I always could have done better. Maybe this discussion can save you a few trips to
see the Chief.
Long ago I became a harsher critic of my own actions than any outside observer could
ever be. There is no other way to exist in the fire business. This book is my chance to
share the lessons I have learned with anyone willing to listen. My approach is to show
you what I know will work and to skip the things that I am not so sure of. This book is
about getting the job done at strip mall fires without all the resources of the big city fire
departments. Everything here will work with a three-person engine crew, and if it might
not I am sure to say so.
About one week into this project humility set in. As I tried to put everything I know on
paper it became increasingly clear that there was much more to know. Of course I could
not wait until I knew everything; that would take a while. At no point do I claim to be an
expert. I am merely sharing what I know. I also include a list of additional resources
because the only expert out there is all of the good minds combined.
This discussion only covers strip mall fires and surely that is enough for one day. Enough
of the chatter; let’s see what there is to know about fires in strip malls.
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 4
For the purposes of this discussion the term strip mall refers to any of the numerous styles
of commercial shopping centers arranged in a row with a common awning and sidewalk.
These structures come in many forms and the actual design depends on numerous factors
including the area where they are built and the year they were built. When we discuss
strip malls we differentiate them from the taxpayer because the strip mall is not designed
for residential occupancy. We differentiate the strip mall from the stand-alone store of
similar construction because the stand-alone store does not present the same exposure
problems and is thusly a different animal.
Strip malls come in many shapes and sizes but it is the things they have in common that
allow for a unique approach to fires in these structures to be developed. The discussion
below is a brief overview of general building construction features. However, each
company who might be call to a strip mall fire should take the time to learn the buildings
in their area. Area familiarization is a life saving tool.
Considerable variations in construction features
exist when it comes to the strip mall but the
picture on the left paints one of the more common
pictures. The picture shows the lightweight steel
construction common to these structures.
Parapet walls make gaining roof access from the front dangerous and difficult if not
reckless and impossible. Peaked parapet walls in the front may be held up by a cable
system anchored to the roof. The presence of a parapet wall also increases the radius of
the collapse zone considerably. While
parapet walls are less common in the rear
they do exist. One easy way to detect
parapets in the rear is by the location of the
roof drains. If there is wall above the gutter
drain then a parapet is present.
In newer buildings cost savings are achieved, time is saved, and aesthetics unaffected by
leaving the underside of the roof uncovered. The occupant simply places a coat or two of
paint on the underside of the roof structure and calls it a ceiling. This practice leaves all
the HVAC ductwork and structural steel exposed. The problems this practice poses are
many. One of the biggest problems is that the exposed insulation and wrapping on the
HVAC ducts burns away quickly leaving a slinky like death trap for advancing
firefighters. The photo on the left shows the ductwork in place and the photo on the right
shows the ductwork up close.
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 6
Front Access
Access in the front is typically metal frame door with tempered glass in door and in the
glass panels immediately adjacent to the door. The rest of the window structures tend to
be plate glass. Use extreme caution when breaking glass. Walking on tempered glass is
like walking on ice with sneakers and plate glass breaks into large, sharp, and dangerous
Rear Access
Expect rear doors to be outward opening, heavily secured and sometimes with extreme
measures including bars and four point locks. We will talk later about forcible entry
considerations for these doors.
Fire Separation
Fire Protection
Utilities are usually grouped in rear. It is also
possible to find HVAC controls and other utility
controls in the space between the ceiling and the roof level. Some strip malls have a
common rear corridor where these utilities are located. Either way they tend to be
grouped together and in the rear.
Drop Ceilings
Drop ceilings are a low cost way of improving the aesthetics of a workspace. They are so
cheap in fact that it is usually easier and cheaper to hang a new drop ceiling under an
existing one than replace the initial ceiling outright. In buildings that have seen multiple
renovations it is not uncommon to find multiple drop ceilings.
The danger with drop ceilings is two-fold. One, they do a great job of hiding fire and
smoke for extended periods of time allowing fires to grow unchecked in the ceiling void.
Many times when the fire department arrives they are faced with a light lazy smoke
condition and no heat. It is not until the fire finally breaks out of the compartment that the
true magnitude of the problem is realized. Two, many engine crews have reported that
they had the fire knocked while command was staring at flames 40 feet into the sky. The
fire was in between drop ceilings.
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 8
It is crucial for fire department personnel investigating odors of smoke in strip malls to
gain immediate access to the overhead space, ensuring that they get past all ceilings
present. Your life depends on it.
Renovations are common as strip malls change occupancies over the years. You may find
multiple drop ceilings, to rear doors that no longer access the interior, HVAC or other
live loads added to the roof, multiple occupancies grouped into one or one occupancy sub
divided, just to name a few.
It is crucial that fire department personnel be familiar with the types and construction
features of all building in their response district.
Fire Spread
Rapid fire spread is likely as fire and heat travel through open channels between
occupancies, or conduct heat via the structural steel exposed in the plenum. Fire can
spread rapidly in the front overhang area where typically you can find electrical, and
sometimes plumbing lines in a non-fire stopped open space that is common to all the
occupancies on the row. The electrical feed for the front signage is housed in the
overhang. Extension and fire spread along the rear is not typically a problem, unless of
course, the fire accesses the cockloft void.
[For more information on strip mall construction and building construction in general
see Francis Brannigan.]
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 9
Size Up
Size-up is one of the most crucial and often the most overlooked functions on the fire
ground. The first arriving units on the fire ground dictate the pace and nature of the entire
operation and in order to do this good information must be had.
The size of the strip mall usually precludes the first arriving officer from doing a
complete walk around. It becomes incumbent on units assigned to the rear to give a good
size-up report from the rear.
As with any fire size up begins long before the first unit arrives on the scene. Size-up
begins with good pre-planning and by paying careful attention to all available dispatch
Strip mall fires have the potential to generate a significant number of BTUs requiring a
significant fire flow to absorb those BTUs. In other words, big fires require big water.
Companies with strip malls in their response district must be proficient in generating
large fire flows quickly. The determination of needed fire flow and how those resources
can be developed are the topic for another lesson.
Below are some examples of commonly accepted methods for determining required fire
flow and some internet resources you can use to develop your knowledge base further:
Accepted Formulas
Additional Resources (type fire flow into the search field) (click on needed fire flow link in left hand navigation bar)
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 11
Apparatus Placement
Apparatus should park in anticipation of the building coming down. To that end units
should not be right up against the building. Obviously engines need to leave room for the
ladder companies as well. When arriving at an advanced fire that will lead to master
stream operations it is important to leave sufficient room for tower ladders to extend their
buckets to ground level. The distance needs for tower ladders vary by the maker and
model of the unit but a good rule is to park the unit about 60’ from the building. This
allows the operator to put the basket on the ground in front of the occupancy and sweep
the front of the fire with its powerful master streams.
A quick word to engine company crews: Just because the fire hydrant is right in front of
the building does not mean you should use it. The closest hydrant is not always the best
Stay out of the collapse zone. The collapse zone is 1 ½ times the building’s height
including the parapet. Bricks fly and they hurt when they hit you.
The diagrams below highlight some do’s and don’t of apparatus placement at strip mall
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 12
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 13
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 14
Forcible Entry
Forcible entry at the strip mall on the front is pretty easy. The worst-case scenario is to
break the glass out of the door. By simply striking the tempered glass in the corner with a
sharp blow you can spider the glass and push it easily out of the way. Forcing entry in the
rear is a more difficult task as rear doors tend to be more heavily secured.
As easy as it seems our times have forced many business owners to find new ways to
prevent the easy entry that large glass windows present. A few examples are illustrated
below. The key point to remember here is to never open just enough of the bars or gate to
make entry. Continue to take the entire gate down. What was an easy entry on arrival
may be a bottleneck if you are forced to retreat from a quickly advancing fire.
A power saw with a metal blade works well to cut through rear doors. You can either cut
out the lock with a triangle cut or if there is enough of a gap between the door and the
jamb you can saw straight down in between the two. See pictures below.
Note the gap between the door and the jamb. Inserting
the saw blade and cutting the lock bolt is an easy
method to gain entry.
Cutting hinges
• You may have some luck popping the hinges out of a rear door. It is typically
hard to get good access to the pins to get them out. If you are fighting time don’t
fight the hinge pins too; cut
them. (The pins are not usually
popped out and easy to get to
like the in the picture.)
• Fire damage costs more than
everything on this list. (When in
doubt take it out.)
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 18
Comprehensive ventilation is one of the major facets of fire fighter safety. By releasing
the heat, smoke, and toxic by-products of combustion from the building the fire
department makes it easy, faster, and safer to conduct interior attack operations.
When a building is on fire the fire department should not hesitate to aggressively
ventilate the structure. Of course this ventilation should occur in coordination with the
fire attack.
There are two main ways of ventilating the strip mall: horizontally and vertically. I
hesitate to send people to the roofs of these buildings, especially after the earlier
discussion of their construction features. Another major difference between the two
ventilation options is their use of tools and manpower. To safely ventilate from the top
you need at least two firefighters, who must have already established two ways off of the
roof, are carrying a power saw and other tools, and are wearing their full compliment of
protective clothing including SCBA. The firefighters operating on the roof may have to
remove multiple layers of roofing material and without a doubt they will expend a great
deal of energy.
Conversely that same two-person team on the ground can use one person to break all the
front glass while the second person forces the rear door with a power saw. No one is
working inside an IDLH and the entire vertical ventilation operation can be done in
remarkably less time than vertical ventilation and with diminished risk.
There are other holding operations that are just as effective as the trench cut and can be
completed with less manpower in less time.
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 19
Roof Safety
The roof of a strip mall is an inherently unsafe place and should be avoided. However, if
the incident commander orders crews to the roof there are ways to make the operation
• Do not jump onto the roof. Probe it first then step onto it.
• If possible enter from the rear, the access is usually only one story in the rear and
has no parapet wall.
• Before stepping onto the roof make a kerf cut at the edge, while you are still on
the ladder. If fire or heavy smoke under heavy pressure comes out of the hole
cancel the roof job.
• Keep three of four ladder rungs over the roof edge so you can see it.
• Before stepping onto the roof ensure that you have at least two ways off of the
roof and that all members entering the roof are aware of the planned egress points.
• Take more than one saw with you.
• Ensure that all members are wearing all of their PPE and at least one member is
radio equipped.
• Save trips up and down the ladder by deploying a utility line over the roof edge.
• Identify the direction and location of the roof supports and walk along them if
• Do not vent between yourself and your exit point. (This seems like a no-brainer
but you would not believe some things I have seen out there)
• Save saw blades by removing the rubber coating of the roof before sawing. (This
is time consuming. It requires that you remove the ballast with a shovel, cut the
rubber with a sharp razor or carpet knife, peel the rubber back with hooks, and
then make the cuts in the metal deck. The other option is to plunge your saw blade
into the composite roof, cut for a few feet, and the replace the saw blade.)
When operating on the roof beware of the following signs to get off of the roof:
• Rapid deterioration in fire conditions below
• Units operating on the interior are not making progress
• The fire vents itself through the roof
• Heavy smoke venting under pressure
• Loss of visibility
• Melting snow or tar
• Soft spots or sagging portions of roof (note that many corrugated roofs feel
“saggy” when they are not on fire, this does not mean that you should accept
saggy when there is a fire beneath them
• Any movement of any of the roof top appliances, HVAC units, etc.
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 20
Pre-planning allows you to know how the building is laid out, whether there are cubicles,
bars, or other turns to navigate. Pre-planning also helps you plan for where the fire might
be going instead of where it is, like in the case of a small fire in the rear of occupancy
with flammable storage in the rear. In this case you might choose a larger line to counter
the possibility of the rear reaching the flammables.
Your initial size-up will let you know where the fire is and will give you an idea of how
much of a head start the fire has on your operations. If an error must be made let it be an
error of over estimation. Do not take a knife to a gunfight. Better to take the 2” line and
only need a 125 GPM fire flow than to take the 150 GPM line for a 250 GPM fire.
Most fire officers rely on their judgment and a quick “eyeball” of the building to choose
their line. While fire flow formulas are nice and are scientifically valid they are
developed under controlled circumstances and cannot take into account all of the
variables of the fire ground. Discretion and experience are the primary factors at work
here. Some fire departments mandate that crews take a 2” line with a 1” tip as the initial
attack line on all strip mall incidents.
The best rule of thumb is that the fire continues to grow until you put water on it. Do not
choose the line you need for what is showing when you arrive, pull the one you will need
by the time you get the line into place and flowing on the fire.
When speaking of two or three person engine companies it is worthy to note that while a
2 ½” line may be the theoretical best choice it is near impossible to maneuver a line of
that size with a two-person line crew once the line is charged. If you have to make
numerous corners great energy will be expended and the line might never make it to the
You must flow test your lines to know how much they can flow. One fire company just
outside Washington, D.C. uses a pre-connected 250’ 2” line with 1, 1 1/8” , and 1 ¼”
tips. They flow tested this line and found that with the hose they carried on that line and
the nozzle they were using they could get 265 GPM (1-1/8” tip). The line is much harder
to handle at this flow rate but is still moveable for a two-person line crew.
If you should choose the 2 ½” line consider pairing engine companies up to get the
manpower you need to move the line about the occupancy.
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 21
One serious consideration though is that if you feel the need to advance a 2 ½” line into a
building for fire attack, especially given the construction features of a strip mall, you are
more than likely operating in a dangerous zone. If you need that kind of flow you might
be better served by placing a master stream in service to quickly darken the fire and cool
the steel before moving in with a hand line. The blitz attack and other attack options are
discussed later.
Using and 1 ¾” line is not necessarily a bad thing. It moves much more quickly through a
fire allowing you to access the seat of the fire quickly. The 1 ¾” line still has a very
effective reach and with a 7/8” slug tip may give you nearly 180 GPM, a respectable flow
With a short line crew, two or three persons, you will find great difficulty making corners
and maneuvering around obstacles. Take the time to lay the line out on the sidewalk in
front of the fire building. Avoid having to drag couplings around the front door by laying
the line out perpendicular to the entry door. No matter how well you flake out the line
there will be kinks and couplings will get stuck on corners. Think about using your
engine driver to help advance the line trough the threshold of the door once they have set
up the pumping operation. You can also use other crews to assist you with moving the
line. The time you save flaking out dry hose will be made up many times over once you
make your initial entry into the structure.
After you make entry, use your hose line to gain access to the overhead by sweeping
across the top of the occupancy beginning at the front door. This accomplishes two
• It exposes hidden fire
• It allows you to get cooling water on the steel
Continue to sweep across the ceiling at regular intervals but always before you advance.
Once on the hose line and inside the structure you might need to go back for more hose.
Know who is going to go back for more line before you even leave the station. We are
supposed to work in pairs but reality dictates that someone has to go back for more line.
Base your decision as to who goes or who stays with the nozzle on the experience of your
In no case should you make entry into an advanced fire prior to the initiation of
ventilation. Remember if the rear door is open and the front glass is in place the fire and
smoke have to move over your crew to escape to the outside.
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 22
“As the first line goes, so goes the fire.” I don’t know who said it but it is true.
In most cases where the fire can be controlled by fire department hand line it is controlled
by the first line in. Vincent Dunn says on his website that you don’t have a back-up line
until the first line is in place. This makes sense. All crews operating on the fire ground
should be operating to get the first line into place and working before attempting to get
the back-up line in place.
Which objective is met first depends on the situation the crews are faced with. Most
importantly it is vital that the second line work to protect the first line. Good placement
of the second line goes a long way towards preventing Mayday transmissions.
Additional Lines
Even though engines and trucks should be assigned to cover the rear of strip malls when
they are on fire this does not mean that they need to necessarily make entry to the fire
occupancy from the rear. The units assigned to the rear are typically the later arriving
companies and the lines they stretch will primarily be used for exposure protection.
The pictures show a view first
from the outside and second
from the inside of a store to
what used to be an exit door.
The door was welded shut
from the inside, framed and
dry-walled over. Crews
attempting to force entry from
the rear had one heck of a time
trying to get the door open.
Now they know why.
It is not always a bad practice to advance lines from the rear to protect the exposures but
great caution must be exercised. As stated earlier strip mall occupancies change all the
time. Each new tenant makes the renovations necessary to accommodate their business.
What happens sometimes is that the door you force in the rear may not lead to the
exposure occupancy you are trying to access but instead to the rear of the fire occupancy.
Just looking at the numbers on the back of the door is not enough.
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 23
If there is any doubt about what door leads to where secure a line from the front and
make your access from there. Units operating exposure lines not immediately adjacent to
the fire occupancy have less to worry about.
Additional lines to the fire occupancy (above the first two lines) should not be advanced
through the same entry point used by the first two lines. The practice of running three or
four lines through the same access point is confusing at best and creates an impediment to
advancing any of the lines.
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 24
The unit(s) responsible for conducting the search should use a good risk-benefit analysis
and attempt to search under the protection of a charged hand line at all times. Remember
when searching that it is very easy to get lost in a building of this size. Make every effort
to stay in contact with the engine companies, as the hose line will provide you direction
to the egress. If searching in areas remote from the fire but filled with smoke consider
wide area search, tag line search or ventilation procedures.
In the presence of a working fire when you have a low-manpower situation you can save
more lives and property with good ventilation and adequate fire attack than you can by
racing in ahead of the hose line to “search.”
Utility Control
Luckily for the fire department most of the utility valves and shut-offs for most strip mall
will be grouped together in the rear. Use caution when accessing the rear to control
utilities to be cognizant of the collapse danger and you proximity to the building.
While most of the utilities are group together in the rear of the store it is not uncommon
to find shut-offs and controls inside the occupancy in the ceiling area. This practice, of
course, makes it tougher for the utility person to get to them.
Anticipate where the fire is going and shut-off all of the valves. This allows you to isolate
the affected units, possibly before they are even affected.
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 25
Strategic Framework
The underlying strategic framework for all fire is essentially the same; provide for life
safety, incident stabilization and property conservation in that order. A fire occurring in a
strip mall does not affect the overarching framework.
Unit officers and incident commanders must always keep in mind that modern
construction techniques make tearing down and re-building a strip mall heavily damaged
by fire a better alternative to repairing. Those very same construction features are what
make fighting fires in these buildings extremely dangerous.
Firefighters are essentially fighting fires in large open compartments with exposed
structural steel; buildings that almost want to fall down when attacked by fire. When
considering a strategic approach remember that life safety is for fire department
personnel as well.
It is not necessarily the best thing to do to conduct exterior only attacks on all of these
buildings. The incident priority framework also includes property conservation. It is the
imperative of unit officers and incident commanders to understand and practice good risk
management procedures and to constantly re-evaluate the tactics in use.
The following tactical alternatives are approached that have worked in the past. However,
the biggest decision when faced with a strip mall fire is whether or not to commit crews
to an interior attack. This is not a decision to take lightly.
Tactical Approaches
Good forcible entry and ventilation work will improve this process but clearing heat and
smoke, allowing the line crew to advance quickly. The second line into the structure
should protect the first and ensure that the overhead cooling is continued. Going through
the front door to get it.
Forcible entry should concentrate on gaining access to and opening rear doors providing
and exhaust point for heat, smoke and steam. Ventilation efforts should concentrate first
on horizontal methods and then vertical methods. Horizontal ventilation requires less
manpower. When vertical ventilation is attempted crews should minimize the time spent
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 26
on the roof and should seek out pre-existing openings. Cutting holes in commercial roofs
is manpower intensive, dangerous, and time-consuming; it should be avoided.
The idea is to flow water into the compartment allowing the steam to suppress the fire
much like when fighting fires on ships. Of course this approach is tricky as crews leave
the fire to build for as long as it takes to stretch lines, force entry and then breach a wall
from the exposure into the fire building. In low manpower situations or when forcible
entry crews are delayed this option may allow the fire too much time to burn unchecked;
increasing the risk to all.
This tactic requires speed in both breaching and line advancement. Any delays should be
a good indication that it is time to switch tactics.
The first crew moves into the building far enough to allow other crews to advance past
them and then initiates a combined cooling and holding pattern. This line operates
initially into the overhead, cooling steel, and can also take advantage of the reach of the
stream to operate into the fire, hopefully darkening it down for the second line.
The second line advances just after the first line, it is of a smaller, easier to maneuver
diameter and flow. Operating under the protection of the first line the second line moves
in to attack the bulk of the fire. If the first line cannot extinguish the fire command must
decide if a third line is required or if it is time to back the troops out and conduct an
exterior attack.
5. This attack has to be coordinated with ventilation and forcible entry, meaning
multiple crews are needed before the attack begins.
The combined attack also requires crews available to move into exposures quickly to
control extension.
A blitz attack can be quickly employed with tank water and a two-person crew making it
an ideal choice for low manpower situations or when help is far-off.
This attack hinges on getting water to bounce off of ceiling and walls breaking up the
stream into heat absorbing droplets. Simply flowing the wagon pipe into the front of the
store and out of the back is ineffective and a waste. The size height of modern apparatus
forces a modification of the blitz attack. In the modified blitz the crew sets up a portable
monitor in front of the fire building and uses it to achieve the knock down. This
modification can still be done with a two-person crew. One of the benefits of conducting
the blitz attack this way is that you can get a better angle for breaking the stream up on
the ceiling and walls.
A blitz attack that does not lead to a quick knockdown of visible fire leads quickly to a
defensive operation. A simple guideline is that if one tank of water does not achieve
knockdown, the next tactic is defensive operations. (this assumes a booster tank size of
between 500 and 1000 gallons.)
*Recent training evolutions have demonstrated that it takes two well-trained people
working with a deck-mounted master stream, that they have to take off of the engine,
place on a base and run hoses to, about 90 seconds to get water flowing. Having a pre-
connected heavy flow device allows one person to deploy the line in less than half that
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 28
When conducting a defensive attack the objective shifts from the fire to ensuring that no
one gets hurt for a building we have “written off.” All operations should be conducted
from outside the collapse zone, and more importantly, crews should not be sent in
afterwards to mop up or perform overhaul.
The decision to “go defensive” means that the building is unsafe for humans. The
addition of millions of gallons of water does not make it any safer.
When possible, tower ladders are preferable to straight trucks in this attack mode. The
tower ladder has much more versatility, can change positions quickly when needed, and
is much faster to set up. Perhaps the greatest advantage of the tower ladder is its ability to
flow from below grade, getting the water to where it will be best used. Too many times
you see streams from ladder pipes rolling ineffectively off of roofs while wagon pipes
and towers sit idle.
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 29
SOPs bring a new level of order and control to fire ground operations. I like to think of
SOPs as a playbook of sorts. If everyone is aware of what everyone else is supposed to do
while remaining focused on their own role the chances that a critical task will be missed
are lessened.
SOPs should take into account the prevailing manpower situation, the available water
supply, and the time lapse between when the first crew arrives and when the rest of the
help arrives. It is crucial that all members and all departments that might run mutual aid
are aware of the SOPs and have agreed to follow them.
Of course SOPs are not the end all be all answer to fire suppression and they are certainly
not designed to interfere with the autonomy of the Incident Commander. The SOPs are
designed to ensure that all critical functions are met in a prescribed order. With SOPs we
take the guesswork out of how we are going to behave on the fire ground.
SOPs cannot cover all contingencies but can provide a theoretical and practical
framework for dealing with all contingencies. SOPs also prove useful when a firefighter
becomes lost or is found to be missing. If the Incident Commander knows where the
firefighter should have been the search can start there and save valuable time.
If the fires are going to go out, and as much property saved as possible we cannot afford
to make up the game plan as we go along. The fire department must be prepared. Some
sample SOPs for strip mall fires are attached.
For departments operating primarily with home response or on-call personnel SOPs will
help to prioritize which tasks and tactics will be used until full staffing is reached. The
SOPs need not be complicated, they just need to be thought out and followed. If you have
them, know them, if you don’t have them, then get them fast.
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 30
Other Considerations
Thermal Imaging
What the thermal imager can do for you in the strip mall:
• Help to identify the relative heat release of the structural steel. If all the trusses are
the same color as the roof and the room, you know that the trusses have absorbed
a great deal of heat and must be cooled quickly if interior attack is to continue.
• Helps to speed searches. In occupancies with long aisles a search crew with an
imager can scan aisles using the imager to identify objects requiring manual
investigation. While the imager is not a replacement for a manual search it can
certainly speed the process.
• Helps locate the fire. Sometimes the smoke is such that easy identification of the
fire’s location is just not possible. Using the thermal imager crews can more
quickly determine just where the fire is.
• Helps to locate alternate egress points. These occupancies are all arranged
differently. The imager can help you find that window or door that will be your
way out is conditions deteriorate.
The other uses of the thermal imager are limited only by your knowledge of the
technology and the machine you are using. Just remember that the thermal imager has its
draws backs including:
• Loss of depth perception
• Loss of orientation
• Loss of peripheral vision
• Loss of a hand when using it in its member’s only section has a regular thermal imaging column. It is
worth the read. Also numerous classes are available. If you buy a thermal imager you
should at least buy the training to go with it.
Rapid Intervention
Rapid intervention is tough stuff made harder by the configuration and fire loads of
commercial structures. It is crucial for the RIT to be assigned, to be ready, and to have
the tools/equipment they need to make their operation successful. This is not the place to
go into too much detail about RIT operations but here are a few key points:
• The size and shape of these buildings may require more than one RIT
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 31
• The RIT should have the tools for breaching and breaking the material they are
faced with, a carbide blade on the cut-off saw is not what you need when a
firefighter is trapped by burglar bars.
• The RIT should do a size-up and that size-up should be on-going
• The RIT should not be sacrificed to run additional lines.
• The RIT should not be disbanded when the tactics go from offensive to defensive.
Command Considerations
Initial Command
You are the unit officer dispatched to a fire in a strip mall. You have a large number of
things to consider including:
• What do I know about this building already?
• How many people do I have?
• How long will it take for help to arrive?
• How much water will I need and how long will it take for the water to arrive?
• Can I stop the fire I see quickly, or do I protect exposures first?
• Do I have a two-out/RIT?
• Do I have enough people to run a large line inside or will the blitz attack be
• I don’t see any fire or smoke, save for a lazy haze inside the building, do I attack
what I expect to be a hidden void fire or do I work to evacuate and get lines in the
This is, of course, just a sampling of the types of questions that need to be asked by the
first arriving unit officer, the de facto incident commander. Vincent Dunn’s book
Commanding Fires and Other Emergencies is an excellent resource in this regard as is the
Street Smart Firefighting text.
Formal Command
What makes commanding difficult is that the Chief is rarely the first one on the scene. He
or she usually arrives after at least some of the units have committed to a strategy and the
tactics to support that strategy. SOPs make the job easier for the Chief as they know at
least where crews “should” be, even though they still have to ensure that crews are where
they should be. Command has then to decide if the decisions made by the initial units are
strategically sound or if they need adjusting.
Having a plan is the key to a good command operation. In Bingham’s Street Smart
Firefighting Book he provides a pretty good risk/benefit matrix. If you like his use it, if
not use another but the incident commander at a strip mall fire has some pretty big
decisions to make pretty fast:
• Do I have enough water?
• Do I have enough people?
• Where is this fire headed?
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 32
Command Structure
This section was added after the rest of the text. Chief Roger McGary of the Silver
Spring, MD Volunteer Fire Department teaches a class on Command and Control of
Initial Operations for the National Fire Academy. One of the neat little things I picked up
in his class was a three-pronged approach to fire problems. When given a fire scenario
you: Ask yourself what the problems are. You then ask what the tactical solutions are to
solving these problems. Finally you have to develop an IMS solution that matches the
problem you have and the solutions that you have chosen.
Below is an example based on a strip mall with 7 stores and heavy fire in the middle of
the row. It is 2 o’clock in the afternoon. People in adjacent stores don’t seem to realize
that there is a problem.
The building is on fire.
There is a rescue/evacuation problem
The fire is likely to extend laterally
I have limited resources
Put water on the fire
Rescue/evacuate the people
Put lines in the exposures
Call for additional resources.
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 33
IMS Solution
There are, of course other IMS solutions. I lean towards the use of groups as opposed to
divisions whenever the situation allows. For more information on the use of IMS to map
out fire problems I suggest the NFA class.
Practical Approaches to Strip Mall Fires 34
Further Reading
Building Construction
Brannigan is the man hands down. Buy the book read it and refer to it often
Water Supply
Montgomery County, MD
Prince George’s County, MD
Thermal Imaging