Perdev Pre Post
Perdev Pre Post
Perdev Pre Post
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Sultan Kudarat
Bambad, Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
Instruction: Choose the correct answer among options a,b,c and d. Write the letter only as your answer on the space
_____ 1) When someone reflects on his/her strengths and weaknesses and learns more about himself or herself, it is
said that the person undergoes a process called?
a) Self-reflection b) Self-motivation c) Self-discovery d) Self-gratification
_____ 2) What do we call that process where a person understands himself/herself better through learning new skills
or overcoming bad habits?
a) Self-development b) Self-education c) Self-discovery d) Self-reflection
_____ 3) John understands fully the benefits of building good relationships with his social environment and the
effects of man’s transgressions to his fellow beings. It is said that John;
a) develops effective human relations skills c) develops social awareness
b) develops holistically d) develops social responsibilities
_____ 4) Krystala, a Grade 11 TVL-Home Economics student, develops favorable relationships with her peers and
family members. In the context of development, she is said to have manifests;
a) behavioral Development c) physical Development
b) social Development d) psychological Development
stress 5) Justine finds it difficult to concentrate and stay focused in his studies, loses the thread of thoughts or
conversations, confused because of the lockdown and cannot move freely and visit his girlfriend in the neighboring
city. Justine is said to manifests;
a) love sickness b) emotional problem c) psychological trouble d) intellectual trouble
_____6) It refers to the ultimate reason for a continued search of understanding one’s own true and inner nature.
a) Self-reflection b) Self-motivation c) Self-discovery d) Self-gratification
self concept7) It refers to the set of beliefs about oneself, including attributes, roles, goals, interests, values and
religious or political beliefs.
a) Self-reflection b) Self-motivation c) Self-discovery d) Self-gratification
_____8) It refers to the development stage of adolescents which takes place in the context of all their relationships
particularly with those with their peers and families.
a) cognitive development b) social development c) emotional development d) spiritual development
_____9) It refers to the development stage of adolescents where they intensify involvement with peer groups and
gives way to more intimate relationships and romances.
a) early adolescence b) middle adolescence c) late adolescence d) adulthood
_____10) It refers to the dramatic shift in thinking of an adolescent from concrete to abstract which gives them a
whole new set of mental tools.
a) cognitive development b) social development c) emotional development d) spiritual
_____11) It refers to the biological states associated with nervous system brought on by neurophysiological changes
variously associated with thoughts, feelings, behavioral responses and a degree of pleasure or displeasure.
a) feelings b) emotions c) cerebellum d) brain
_____12) It refers to the “holistic development of a person’s actions and behaviors as compared to just acquisition
of specific content knowledge.
a) whole person development c) social development
b) emotional development d) spiritual development
_____13) It refers to a process which involves experimenting with different ways of appearing, sounding and
a) sense of identity b) social identity c) sense of emotions d) spiritual identity
_____14) It refers to the development of the adolescence in which they experience a growth spurt, rapid growth in
bones and muscles as well as sexual maturation.
a) cognitive development b) social development c) emotional development d) physical development
_____15) It refers to the development of the adolescence where they are faced with the task of establishing a sense
of identity, give them the ability to reflect on who they are and what makes them unique.
a) cognitive development b) social development c) emotional development d) physical
_____16) Which of the following statements best describes stress among adolescents?
a) Enhanced Community Quarantine/General Community Quarantine
b) Academic work such as assignments and reading activities
c) Family conflict and financial problems
d) All of the above
_____17) The following are signs of behavioral changes due to stress among adolescents, except;
a) feeling sick (headaches, shoulder pain, stomach aches, etc.) b) seeming nervous or anxious
c) withdrawing from friendship groups or activities d) refusing to go to school
_____18) Finding it hard to concentrate and losing the thread of thoughts or conversations as well as making trouble
remembering things are signs of;
a) physical stress b) psychological stress c) mental stress d) behavioral stress
_____19) The following are cognitive functions of the left brain, except;
a) analytical Thoughts and Detail-Oriented perceptions c) verbal, Math and Science and Planning skills
b) ordered sequencing d) emotional thoughts
_____20) It refers to a complex and ongoing process by which differing regions of the brain takes over the
functioning of specific behaviors and cognitive skills.
a) Brain lateralization b) Stress Management c) Brain hemisphere d) Powers of the Mind
_____21) Which of the following statements best describes emotionally intelligent person?
a) A person who understands only his/her emotions.
b) A person who understands his own and other people’s emotions and feelings
c) A person who understands what other people need and want.
d) A person who understands that life is changing over time.
_____22) The following are basic Emotional Quotient skills of an individual, except;
a) noticing other’s fault and weaknesses
b) noticing that there are more intelligent people
c) noticing that many people have mental health issues
d) noticing and accurately labeling everyday feelings of people.
_____23) Which of the following statements is correct?
a) A high IQ (Intelligent Quotients) can predict top test scores; a high EQ
(emotional quotients) can predict success in social and emotional situations.
b) A high IQ can predict emotional stability; a high EQ can predict social skills.
c) A high EQ can predict intellectual capacity; a high IQ can predict emotions.
d) A high EQ can predict social stability; a high IQ can predict physical prowess
_____24) Which of the following statements best describes managing one’s reactions in a given situation?
a) Reacting to emotions in a way that is disrespectful, intense and impulsive.
b) Knowing when, where, and how to express yourself.
c) Knowing what to say and how to behave around.
d) Reacting to emotions in a way that is respectful, sober and cool.
_____25) Being aware of one’s emotions means:
a) labels one’s emotions and feelings as good or bad
b) understands that a person unpredictable, emotions and feelings change.
c) understands that a person needs to work on its emotions.
d) helps manage emotions and understands how other people feel.
_____ 26) It refers to close connection between people, formed by emotional bonds and interactions.
a) Emotional Relationship b) Personal Relationship c) Social Relationship d) Political Relationship
_____ 27) It refers to the adolescent relationship with their parents, siblings, relatives, grandparents, and peers.
a) Emotional Relationship b) Personal Relationship c) Social Relationship d) Political Relationship
_____ 28) The following are elements of a healthy relationship in the areas of communication, except;
a) Honest with each other c) Listen to each other
b) Keep in touch with each other d) Trust and Care with each other
_____ 29) It is considered as the basic unit in the society;
a) Family b) Church c) School d) Market
_____ 30) Which of the following statements best describes a nuclear family?
a) Traditional type of family structure. It consists of two parents and children.
b) A single parent raising his/her children
c) A family consists of two or more adults who are related with each other by blood living together and
working towards common goals.
d) A family with only one man and several wives in one house.
_____ 31) Basic building blocks of the nervous system
a. amino acid b. nerve cells c. cell body d. neurons
_____ 32) The cell parts that receive nervous system impulses
a. axons b. dendrites c. cell body d. myelin sheath
_____ 33) The gap between neurons
a. synapse b. myelin sheath c. neuron d. nerve cells
_____ 34) Opiate-like substance in the brain
a. dopamine b. endorphin c. serotonin d. addictive cell
_____ 35) Chemicals that make it possible for neurons to communicale
a. neurotransmitters b. The Heart Organ c. hormones d. dopamine
_____ 36) Hormone closely associated with emotional excitement
a. Estrogen b. Epinephrine c. Dopamine d. The glial cell
_____ 37) Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Cell Body b. Myelin Sheath c. Axon d. Endorphine
_____ 38) The brain structure that regulates movement and balance
a. Hypothalamus b. Pituitary gland c. Cerebellum d. Spinal Cord
_____ 39) A Latin word meaning "pertaining to the temples", they are involved on processes of memory,
perception, emotion and language comprehension
a. Auditory Complex b. Parietal Lobe c. Spinal Cord d. Temporal Lobe
_____ 40) The bridge that connects the two hemispheres of the brain.
a. Cerebral cortex b. Myelin Sheath c. Cerebellum d. Corpus Callosum
_____ 41) IQ is also known as?
a. Intelligent Quotient b. Intelligence Quotient c. Intelligent Quote d. Intelligent Quality
_____ 42) This is an emotion wherein you feel alone and nobody cares.
a. Jealous b. Lonely c. Afraid d. Ashamed
_____ 43) This is an emotion wherein you feel sad, blue, discouraged, and unhappy.
a. Afraid b. Lonely c. Depressed d. Confused
_____ 44) John's parents always give his younger brother anything he wants, but not with him. He felt unfair and
sad and had a little anger inside him.
What do you think is the emotion he is showing?
a. Lonely b. Confident c. Jealous d. Anger
_____ 45) What kind of emotion does a person need?
a. Positive b. Negative c. Both d. None of the Above
_____ 46) When you feel stressed about your school works and started acting inappropriately, what kind of skills do
we need to improve to manage our emotion
a. Understanding how others feel and why c. Managing emotional reactions
b. Emotions of adolescence d. Choosing your mood
_____ 47) Your friend tried to open up matters about himself, but you ignored him and thinks he is just
overreacting. He told you are insensitive and do not want to be your friend anymore. What kind of skills do you
need to improve in managing emotions?
a. Managing your emotional reactions c. Choosing your mood
b. Understanding how others feel and why d. Being aware of your emotion
_____ 48) Many people feel confident when they?
a. Tell people to do something c. Know how to do something
b. Forget to do something d. Don't want to do something
_____ 49) All of these are ways to manage emotions except?
a. Exercise b. Eat Junk foods c. Distract yourself d Be grateful
_____ 50) Your friend told you she has suffered depression. What would you do?
a. Allow your friend to express her feelings and show support
b. Convince her to go out with some friends and get her mind out of it
c. Give her some time to herself
d. Spend time with her but avoid talking about her depression
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