While "odor" and "smell" can refer to pleasant and unpleasant odors, the terms
"scent", "aroma", and "fragrance" are usually reserved for pleasant-smelling odors
and are frequently used in the food and cosmetic industry to describe floral scents
or to refer to perfumes.
Physiology of smell
Odor control covers at a sewage treatment plant: Under these covers, grit and
gravel are settled out of the wastewater.
Sense of smell
The perception of odors, or sense of smell, is mediated by the olfactory nerve. The
olfactory receptor (OR) cells are neurons present in the olfactory epithelium,
which is a small patch of tissue at the back of the nasal cavity. There are
millions of olfactory receptor neurons that act as sensory signaling cells. Each
neuron has cilia in direct contact with the air. Odorous molecules bind to receptor
proteins extending from cilia and act as a chemical stimulus, initiating electric
signals that travel along the olfactory nerve's axons to the brain.[1]
When an electrical signal reaches a threshold, the neuron fires, which sends a
signal traveling along the axon to the olfactory bulb, a part of the limbic system
of the brain. Interpretation of the smell begins there, relating the smell to past
experiences and in relation to the substance(s) inhaled. The olfactory bulb acts as
a relay station connecting the nose to the olfactory cortex in the brain. Olfactory
information is further processed and forwarded to the central nervous system (CNS),
which controls emotions and behavior as well as basic thought processes.
Most odors consist of organic compounds, although some simple compounds not
containing carbon, such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, are also odorants. The
perception of an odor effect is a two-step process. First, there is the
physiological part. This is the detection of stimuli by receptors in the nose. The
stimuli are recognized by the region of the human brain which handles olfaction.
Because of this, an objective and analytical measure of odor is impossible. While
odor feelings are personal perceptions, individual reactions are usually related.
They relate to things such as gender, age, state of health, and personal history.
Odor perception is a primary evolutionary sense. The sense of smell can induce
pleasure or subconsciously warn of danger, which may, for example, help to locate
mates, find food, or detect predators. Humans have an unusually good sense of smell
considering they have only 350 functional olfactory receptor genes compared to the
1,300 found in mice, for example. This is despite an apparent evolutionary decline
in the sense of smell.[11][12] The human sense of smell is comparable with many
animals, able to distinguish between a diverse range of odors. Studies have
reported that humans can distinguish in the region of one trillion unique aromas.
Habituation or adaptation
Odors that a person is used to, such as their own body odor, are less noticeable
than uncommon odors. This is due to "habituation." After continuous odor exposure,
the sense of smell is fatigued, but recovers if the stimulus is removed for a time.
[15] Odors can change due to environmental conditions: for example, odors tend to
be more distinguishable in cool dry air.[16]
Habituation affects the ability to distinguish odors after continuous exposure. The
sensitivity and ability to discriminate odors diminishes with exposure, and the
brain tends to ignore continuous stimulus and focus on differences and changes in a
particular sensation. When odorants are mixed, a habitual odorant is blocked. This
depends on the strength of the odorants in the mixture, which can change the
perception and processing of an odor. This process helps classify similar odors as
well as adjust sensitivity to differences in complex stimuli.[17]
Genetic component
The primary gene sequences for thousands of olfactory receptors are known for the
genomes of more than a dozen organisms. They are seven-helix-turn transmembrane
proteins. But there are no known structures for any olfactory receptor. There is a
conserved sequence in roughly three quarters of all ORs. This is a tripodal metal-
ion binding site,[18] and Suslick has proposed that the ORs are in fact
metalloproteins (most likely with zinc, copper, and manganese ions) that serve as a
Lewis Acid site for the binding of many odorant molecules. In 1978, Crabtree
suggested that Cu(I) is "the most likely candidate for a metallo-receptor site in
olfaction" of strong-smelling volatiles. These are also good metal-coordinating
ligands, such as thiols.[19] In 2012, Zhuang, Matsunami, and Block confirmed the
Crabtree/Suslick proposal for the specific case of a mouse OR, MOR244-3, showing
that copper is essential for detection of certain thiols and other sulfur-
containing compounds. Thus, by using a chemical that binds to copper in the mouse
nose, so that copper wasn't available to the receptors, the authors showed that the
mice couldn't detect the thiols without the copper. However, these authors also
found that MOR244-3 lacks the specific metal ion binding site suggested by Suslick,
instead showing a different motif in the EC2 domain.[20]
Evolutionary impact
Gordon Shepherd proposed that the retro-nasal route of olfaction (odorants
introduced to the olfactory mucosa through the oral cavity often as food) was
partially responsible for the development of human olfactory acuity. He suggested
the evolutionary pressure of diversification of food sources and increased
complexity of food preparation presented humans with a broader range of odorants,
ultimately leading to a "richer repertoire of smells". Animals such as dogs show a
greater sensitivity to odors than humans, especially in studies using short-chain
compounds. Higher cognitive brain mechanisms and more olfactory brain regions
enable humans to discriminate odors better than other mammals despite fewer
olfactory receptor genes.[21]
Measuring techniques
Odor concentration refers to an odor's pervasiveness. To measure odor sensation, an
odor is diluted to a detection or recognition threshold. The detection threshold is
the concentration of an odor in air when 50% of a population can distinguish
between the odorous sample and an odor-free reference sample. The recognition odor
threshold is usually a factor of two to five higher than the detection threshold.
To establish odor concentration, an olfactometer is used which employs a group of
human panelists. A diluted odorous mixture and an odor-free gas—n-Butanol—as a
reference are presented from sniffing ports to a group of panelists who are
sensitive in odor perception. To collect an odor sample, the samples are collected
using specialized sample bags, which are made from an odor free material, e.g.,
Teflon. The most accepted technique for collecting odor samples is the lung
technique, where the sample bag is placed in a sealed drum, where a vacuum is
created outside the bag, which fills under expansion, and draws into itself the
sample from the source. Critically, all components which touch the odor sample,
must be odor free, which includes lines and fittings.
In comparing the odor emitted from each port, the panelists are asked to report if
they can detect a difference between the ports. The gas-diluting ratio is then
decreased by a factor of 1.4 or two (i.e., the concentration is increased
accordingly). The panelists are asked to repeat the test. This continues until the
panelists respond with certainty and correctly twice in a row. These responses are
used to calculate the concentration of the odor in terms of European odor units
(OUE/m3, where 1 OUE/m3≡40 ppb/v n-butanol).[24]
There are a number of issues which have to be overcome with sampling, these
Odor measurement is essential for odor regulation and control.[28] An odor emission
often consists of a complex mixture of many odorous compounds. Analytical
monitoring of individual chemical compounds present in such an odor is usually not
practical. As a result, odor sensory methods, instead of instrumental methods, are
normally used to measure such odor. Odor sensory methods are available to monitor
odor both from source emissions and in the ambient air. These two contexts require
different approaches for measuring odor. The collection of odor samples is more
easily accomplished for a source emission than for odor in the ambient air.[29]
Field measurement with portable field olfactometers can seem more effective, but
olfactometer use is not regulated in Europe, while it is popular in the U.S. and
Canada, where several states set limits at the receptor sites or along the
perimeter of odor-emitting plants, expressed in units of dilution-to-threshold
Odor intensity is the perceived strength of odor sensation. This intensity property
is used to locate the source of odors and perhaps most directly related to odor
The perceived strength of the odor sensation is measured in conjunction with odor
concentration. This can be modeled by the Weber-Fechner law: I = a × log(c) + b,
[31] where I is the perceived psychological intensity at the dilution step on the
butanol scale, a is the Weber-Fechner coefficient, C is the chemical
concentrations, and b is the intercept constant (0.5 by definition).[31]
Odor intensity can be expressed using an odor intensity scale, which is a verbal
description of an odor sensation to which a numerical value is assigned.[31]
Odor intensity can be divided into the following categories according to intensity:
0 – no odor
1 – very weak (odor threshold)
2 – weak
3 – distinct
4 – strong
5 – very strong
6 – intolerable
Odor intensity is determined in a laboratory by specialists who have been trained
to accurately define intensity.
FIDOL factors
The overall set of qualities are sometimes identified as the "FIDOL (Frequency,
Intensity, Duration, Offensiveness, Location) factors".[33]
Most commonly, a set of standard descriptors is used, which may range from
"fragrant" to "sewer odor".[34] Although the method is fairly simplistic, it is
important for the FIDOL factors to be understood by the person rating the smell.
This method is most commonly used to define the character of an odor which can then
be compared to other odors. It is common for olfactometry laboratories to report
character as an additional factor post sample-analysis.
Different categorizations of primary odors have been proposed, including the
following, which identifies 7 primary odors:[22][35][36]
Musky – perfumes
Putrid – rotten eggs
Pungent – vinegar
Camphoraceous – mothballs
Ethereal – dry cleaning fluid
Floral – roses (see also floral scent)
Pepperminty – mint gum
Though the concept of primary odors is not universally accepted.[36]
Direct sampling
Direct refers to the placement of an enclosure on or over an emitting surface from
which samples are collected, and an odor emission rate is determined.
The most commonly used direct methods include the flux chamber[37] and wind tunnels
such as the one at the University of New South Wales (UNSW).[38] There are many
other available techniques, and consideration should be given to a number of
factors before selecting a suitable method.
A source which has implications for this method are sources, such as bark bed
biofilters, that have a vertical velocity component. For such sources,
consideration must be given as to the most appropriate method. A commonly used
technique is to measure the odor concentration at the emitting surface, and combine
this with the volumetric flow rate of air entering the biofilter to produce an
emission rate.
Indirect sampling
Indirect sampling is often referred to as back calculation. It involves the use of
a mathematical formula to predict an emission rate.
Many methods are used, but all make use of the same inputs which include surface
roughness, upwind and downwind concentrations, stability class (or other similar
factor), wind speed, and wind direction.
Health risks
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The human sense of smell is a primary factor in the sensation of comfort. Olfaction
as a sensory system brings awareness of the presence of airborne chemicals. Some
inhaled chemicals are volatile compounds that act as a stimulus, triggering
unwanted reactions such as nose, eye, and throat irritation. Perception of odor and
of irritation is unique to each person, and varies because of physical conditions
or memory of past exposures to similar chemicals. A person's specific threshold,
before an odor becomes a nuisance, depends also on the frequency, concentration,
and duration of an odor.
Occupants should expect remediation from disturbing and unexpected odors that
disturb concentration, diminish productivity, evoke symptoms, and generally
increase the dislike for a particular environment. It is important to set
occupational exposure limits (OELs) to ensure the health and safety of workers, as
well as comfort, because exposure to chemicals can elicit physiological and
biochemical changes in the upper respiratory system. Standards are hard to set when
exposures are not reported and can also be hard to measure. Workforce populations
vary in terms of discomfort from odors because of exposure history or habituation,
and they may not realize possible risks of exposure to chemicals that produce
specific odors.[39][40]
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Some odors are sought after, such as from perfumes and flowers, some of which
command high prices. Whole industries have developed around products that remove or
mask unpleasant odors, such as deodorant.
Odor molecules transmit messages to the limbic system, the area of the brain that
governs emotional responses. Some believe that these messages have the power to
alter moods, evoke distant memories, raise spirits, and boost self-confidence. This
belief has led to "aromatherapy", wherein fragrances are claimed to cure a wide
range of psychological and physical problems. Aromatherapy claims that fragrances
can positively affect sleep, stress, alertness, social interaction, and general
feelings of well-being. Evidence for the effectiveness of aromatherapy is mostly
anecdotal and controlled scientific studies to substantiate its claims are lacking.
Some people are allergic to the fragrances found in perfume, scented shampoo,
scented deodorant, or similar products. Reactions, as with other chemical
allergies, can range from slight headaches to anaphylactic shock, which can result
in death.[citation needed]
Unpleasant odors play various roles in nature, often to warn of danger, though this
may not be known to the subject who smells it.[41] The natural gas industry uses
odor to enable consumers to identify leaks. Natural gas in its native state is
colorless and almost odorless. To help users detect leaks, an odorizer with the
scent of rotten eggs, tert-Butylthiol (t-butyl mercaptan), is added. Sometimes a
related compound, thiophane, may be used in the mixture.
What causes a substance to smell unpleasant may be different from what one
perceives. For example, perspiration is often viewed as having an unpleasant odor,
but it is odorless. It is bacteria in the perspiration that causes the odor.[42]
Unpleasant odors can arise from specific industrial processes, adversely affecting
workers and even residents downwind of the source. The most common sources of
industrial odor arise from sewage treatment plants, refineries, animal rendering
factories, and industries processing chemicals (such as sulfur) which have odorous
characteristics. Sometimes industrial odor sources are the subject of community
controversy and scientific analysis.
Body odor is present both in animals and humans and its intensity can be influenced
by many factors (behavioral patterns, survival strategies). Body odor has a strong
genetic basis both in animals and humans, but it can be also strongly influenced by
various diseases and psychological conditions.
The study of odors is a growing field but is a complex and difficult one. The human
olfactory system can detect many thousands of scents based on only minute airborne
concentrations of a chemical. The sense of smell of many animals is even better.
Some fragrant flowers give off odor plumes that move downwind and are detectable by
bees more than a kilometer away.
The study of odors is complicated by the complex chemistry taking place at the
moment of a smell sensation. For example, iron-containing metallic objects are
perceived to have a distinctive odor when touched, although iron's vapor pressure
is negligible. According to a 2006 study, this smell is the result of aldehydes
(for example, nonanal) and ketones: 1-octen-3-one) released from the human skin on
contact with ferrous ions that are formed in the sweat-mediated corrosion of iron.
The same chemicals are also associated with the smell of blood, as ferrous iron in
blood on skin produces the same reaction.[43]
Pheromones are odors that are used for communication, and are sometimes called
"airborne hormones". A female moth may release a pheromone that can entice a male
moth that is several kilometers downwind. Honeybee queens constantly release
pheromones that regulate the activity of the hive. Worker bees can release such
smells to call other bees into an appropriate cavity when a swarm moves into new
quarters, or to "sound" an alarm when the hive is threatened.
Advanced technology
Most artificial or electronic nose instruments work by combining output from an
array of non-specific chemical sensors to produce a fingerprint of whatever
volatile chemicals in the local environment. Most electronic noses need to be
"trained" to recognize chemicals of interest before it can be used.[44][45] Many
current electronic-nose instruments suffer from problems with reproducibility
subject to varying ambient temperature and humidity. An example of this type of
technology is the colorimetric sensor array, which visualizes odor through color
change and creates a "picture" of it.[46][47]
Behavioral cues
Odor perception is a complex process involving the central nervous system and can
evoke psychological and physiological responses. Because the olfactory signal
terminates in or near the amygdala, odors are strongly linked to memories and can
evoke emotions. The amygdala participates in the hedonic or emotional processing of
olfactory stimuli.[48] Odors can disturb our concentration, diminish productivity,
evoke symptoms, and in general increase a dislike for an environment. Odors can
impact the liking for a person, place, food, or product as a form of conditioning.
[49] Memories recalled by odors are significantly more emotional and evocative than
those recalled by the same cue presented visually or auditorily.[50] Odors can
become conditioned to experiential states and when later encountered have
directional influences on behavior. Doing a frustrating task in a scented room
decreases performance of other cognitive tasks in the presence of the same odor.
[51] Nonhuman animals communicate their emotional states through changes in body
odor, and human body odors are indicative of emotional state.[52]
Human body odors influence interpersonal relationships and are involved in adaptive
behaviors, such as parental attachment in infants or partner choice in adults.
"Mothers can discriminate the odor of their own child, and infants recognize and
prefer the body odor of their mother over that of another woman. This maternal odor
appears to guide infants toward the breast and to have a calming effect."[citation
needed] Body odor is involved in the development of infant–mother attachment and is
essential to a child's social and emotional development and evokes feelings of
security. Reassurance created by familiar parental body odors may contribute
significantly to the attachment process.[53] Human body odors can also affect mate
choice. Fragrances are commonly used to raise sexual attractiveness and induce
sexual arousal. Researchers found that people choose perfume that interacts well
with their body odor.[54]
Body odor is a sensory cue critical for mate selection in humans because it is a
signal of immunological health. Women prefer men with major histocompatibility
complex (MHC) genotypes and odor different from themselves especially during
ovulation. Different MHC alleles are favorable because different allele
combinations would maximize disease protection and minimize recessive mutations in
offspring. Biologically females tend to select mates "who are most likely to secure
offspring survival and thus increase the likelihood that her genetic contribution
will be reproductively viable."[55]
Studies have suggested that people might be using odor cues associated with the
immune system to select mates. Using a brain-imaging technique, Swedish researchers
have shown that gay and straight males' brains respond in different ways to two
odors that may be involved in sexual arousal, and that the gay men respond in the
same way as straight women, though it could not be determined whether this was
cause or effect. The study was expanded to include lesbian women; the results were
consistent with previous findings that lesbian women were not as responsive to
male-identified odors, while their response to female cues was similar to that of
straight males.[56] According to the researchers, this research suggests a possible
role for human pheromones in the biological basis of sexual orientation.[57]
An odor can cue recall of a distant memory. Most memories that pertain to odor come
from the first decade of life, compared to verbal and visual memories which usually
come from the 10th to 30th years of life.[58] Odor-evoked memories are more
emotional, associated with stronger feelings of being brought back in time, and
have been thought of less often as compared to memories evoked by other cues.[58]
Use in design
Further information: Visual merchandising § Scent
The sense of smell is not overlooked as a way of marketing products. The deliberate
and controlled application of scent is used by designers, scientists, artists,
perfumers, architects, and chefs. Some applications of scents in environments are
in casinos, hotels, private clubs, and new automobiles. For example, "technicians
at New York City’s Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center disperse vanilla-scented oil into
the air to help patients cope with the claustrophobic effects of MRI testing.
Scents are used at the Chicago Board of Trade to lower the decibel level on the
trading floor."[59]
Scent preferences
Effect of perfume on sexual attractiveness
Both men and women use perfume to boost their sexual attractiveness to members of
the opposite, or same, sex. When people find that a particular perfume or
aftershave is perceived positively, they may be hard-pressed to change it.
Olfactory communication is natural in humans. Without perfume or aftershave, humans
unconsciously detect people's natural scents: in the form of pheromones. Pheromones
are usually detected unconsciously, and it is believed that they have an important
influence on human's social and sexual behaviour [60] There are a number of
hypotheses concerning why humans wear perfume or aftershave, and whether it
amplifies or reduces their natural scents.
Body odor can provide MHC information. Although less is known about how odor is
influenced by MHC genes, possible explanations have been that microbial flora[69]
or volatile acids[70] are affected by the gene, which can be detected in body odor.
Female mice and humans have both shown odor preferences for males with MHC-
dissimilarity.[71] Research has shown that women prefer the scent of men with
dissimilar MHC genes. In a study, women rated the scent of T-shirts, worn over two
nights by men, as more pleasant when smelling those of MHC-dissimilar men.[72] It
has also been found that women were reminded more of current or prior partners when
smelling odors from men whose MHC was dissimilar to their own. A study of married
couples found that MHC haplotypes differed between spouses more than chance would
dictate.[73] Taking oral contraceptives has been found to reverse the MHC-
dissimilarity odor preference.[74]
There are several scents that reflect good genetic quality that females prefer
during the most fertile phase of their cycles. Women prefer the scent of
symmetrical men more during the fertile phases of their menstrual cycle than during
their infertile phases,[79] with estrogen positively predicting women's preferences
for the scent of symmetry.[80] Women's preferences for masculine faces is greatest
when their fertility is at its highest,[79] and so is the preference for attractive
faces.[81] Other scents found to be preferred by women in the most fertile phase of
their cycle are the scent for developmental stability,[82] and the scent for
If women are taking a contraceptive pill the changes in mate scent preferences over
the menstrual cycle are not expressed.[84] If odor plays a role in human mate
choice then the contraceptive pill could disrupt disassortative mate preferences.
[85] Those taking a contraceptive pill show no significant preference for the scent
of either symmetrical or asymmetrical men, whereas normally cycling women prefer
the scent of shirts worn by symmetrical men.[86] Males' preferences for women's
scent may also change if the woman is taking oral contraceptives. When women take a
contraceptive pill, this has been found to demolish the cycle attractiveness of
odors that men find attractive in normally ovulating women.[87] Therefore, a
contraceptive pill affects both women's preferences for scent and also affects
their own scents, making their scent less attractive to males than the scent of
normally cycling women.
See also
Aroma compound
Machine olfaction
Olfactory fatigue
Scented water
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Further reading
Jarvis, Brooke (January 28, 2021). "What Can Covid-19 Teach Us About the Mysteries
of Smell?". The New York Times. Retrieved January 31, 2021.