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Project Guidelines for


Understanding significance of Project Report

Many learners underestimate the significance of the project report and make
the mistake of thinking that good marks can be scored by simply producing a
good lay-out. This is fundamentally not the case as many projects are graded
well below their potential because of an indifferent or poor write-up. In order
to acquire the right balance, learner should consider the aim behind making
the good project.

A Project provides the opportunity for learner to demonstrate independence

and originality, to plan and organize the project work, and to put into
practice the knowledge and techniques they have been taught throughout
the course.

Meaning of Project

A project can be defined as a temporary endeavor undertaken to achieve a

particular aim or it is a study of factual information for comprehending and
applying the various concepts of the course into practice. In simple words a
Project can be understood as mentioned under:
 It is a practice of verification or demonstration of concepts or
hypotheses or processes. In fact, Project is a supplement to learning.
 It is a technique of self-learning, of learning by doing. It has a practical
 The purpose of the project is not to generalize but to study the situation
with practical orientation.

Although an illustrative list of the topics is being given in order to give an idea
about project topics or title of the project, learners are nevertheless advised
not to restrict themselves only to the topics mentioned over here for Project
Work, as the institution gives liberty to choose any topic relevant to Design

Project Guide

Projects can be guided by any Post Graduate degree holder with/without a

Doctorate Degree working in an academic institution (preferably teaching MBA
/Management Courses) or persons working in the field of design thinking in
any industrial/business organization. Learners must take time to time advice
and suggestions from their guides.

Project Proposal

Once the learner decides the Project topic, afterwards he/she should prepare a
Proposal as per the format given below to SCDL for approval under the
signature of his/her guide. A copy of Proposal needs to be attached as
ANNEXURE 1 in Project Report. The Proposal should not be more than 5 to 6
pages. In other words, the project proposal needs not to be sent separately.
Format of Proposal

Name of the Learner……………………………………………

Registration No……………………………………………………

Proposal must carry the following information

1. Title of the Project
2. Objectives
3. Need for the topic
4. Methodology and Procedure of Work
5. Statistical Techniques to be used (If any)
6. Chapterization
7. Detailed Information of Guide: Name, Address, Qualification,
Designation, Special Field of Work, Experience, Any Other Important

Technical specifications of the project report

1. Paper: A4 size Bond Paper only (11”x 8.5”)

2. Fonts: Times New Roman, 12 font, ‘1.5’ spacing
3. Margin: Left 35 mm, Right 20mm , Top 35mm , Bottom 20mm

Front and first page should have the following information:

 Top: The Title in BLOCK CAPITALS

 Center: Full name of the student in Capital letters and, Registration
 Bottom: Name of the Institute, Academic Year, in Block Capitals
Instructions for the preparation of soft copy of the project report:

Learners should note the following important points regarding project work:

1. The title of the project-report should not be the same as the objectives,
as there can be more than one objective for a particular study.
2. Each objective will have at least one or more findings and suggestions.
3. Each objective must have relevant questions in the questionnaires and/or
interview schedule.
4. Learner must ensure adequate coverage of the topic in general and
objectives in particular.
5. Colored figures/diagrams/graphs/tables will add value to the
presentation of the report. Every table and diagrammatic representation
should have a serial number and a caption.
6. Learners should submit the draft of the project report to the guide before
the final submission and make necessary changes corrections suggested
by the guide.
7. Project Report should be 50-65 pages minimum, excluding the pages of
format, for one year programs.
8. Learners have to strictly follow the deadline for submission of the project
9. Please note Plagiarism check is mandatory before submitting the final
soft copy of project to SCDL for evaluation. In simple terms, plagiarism is
copy-paste. Students can use the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)
available online for checking the same. As per the UGC guidelines,
similarity index should be less than 10%. The plagiarism report should be
attached with the project report without which the project report will not
be evaluated.

(For one year programs the Project report must be submitted within three
months of completion of the second semester)
No Objection Certificate

If the project is carried out in an organization, a certificate of the CEO of

the organization or equivalent is necessary, mentioning that the organization
has no objection in publishing the findings of the project study.

The name of the authority with signature and company stamp should
be given at the end of the certificate. Alternatively, the certificate be given on
the company's letterhead and signed by the company's authorized person.




This is to certify that ……….. (learner’s name) is an employee of our organization

for past …………

We have no objection for him/her to carry out a project work titled

“…………………” in our organization and submitting the project work and
submitting it to the Director SCDL as a partial fulfillment of the ……………..

We wish him/her all the success.

Seal of the company Signature of the competent authority

of the institute / organisation




This is to certify that ………..(learner’s name) is permitted to use relevant

data/information of this organisation for his/her project as a partial fulfilment
of the ……………..Program

We wish him/her all the success.

Seal of the company Signature of the competent authority

of the institute / organisation



This is to be given by the learner and the guide indicating that this project work
is original and submitted for the first time.



This is to declare that I have carried out this project work myself in partial
fulfillment of the …………..Program of SCDL.
The work is original, has not been copied from anywhere else and not been
submitted to any other University/Institute for an award of any

Date Signature

Place Name:


Certified that the work incorporated in this Project Report……………..(Title)

submitted by ……………..(Learner’s name)is his original work and completed
under my guidance. Material obtained from other sources has been duly
acknowledged in the Project Report




Chapters Page no.

1. Introduction………………………………………………………….
2. Objectives and Scope…………………………………………….
3. Limitations …………………………………………………………..
4. Theoretical Perspective………………………..……………….
5. Methodology and Procedure of Work .………………….
6. Analysis of Data…………………………………………………….
7. Findings, Inferences and Recommendations……………
8. Conclusion………………………………………………………………
9. Summary of the Project Report (Synopsis)
1. Proposal ………………………………………………………..
2. Reference ……………………………………………………
3. List of Figures, Charts, Diagrams……………………
4. List of Tables …………………………………………………
Scheme of Assessment and Evaluation of Project Report

Sr. Item of Assessment

1 Area and topic selected for the project work
2 Need of the project topic and statement of objectives of the
project work
3 Methodology and procedure of the project work
4 Tools of data collection
5 Presentation of collected data tabulation, diagrams, graphs
6 Analysis of data
7 Use of statistical techniques for analyzing of data (Optional)
8 Findings, inferences and their educational implications
9 Preliminary pages of the project report , typing, binding and get-
up of the report
10 Overall impression about the project work and its presentation in
the report form

Students may undertake any one of the following type of project:

(a) Comprehensive case study (covering a single organization, involving

multifunctional area problem formulation, analysis and recommendations).

(b) Inter-organizational study aimed at inter-firm comparison / validation of

theory / survey of management practices.

(c) Field study (empirical study).

Topics for the PGDDT project:

Following are few topics suggested for the students to submit their Project
Report. Students can either prepare a report on any one of these topics or
choose any topic of their interest related to design thinking.

1. Watch the Design thinking video that presents design thinking for innovation
in business and society.
Use any other video from the Internet (Mention the Link in your repot)
Prepare a project report that includes:
a. The five key steps of Design Thinking
b. The problem mentioned in the video
c. How Design thinking was used to solve the problem
d. The final result or its impact

2. Prepare a Case study on the topic, Customer Journey Mapping’. It should

a. What is Customer Journey Mapping?
b. The reasons for creating a customer journey map.
c. Ways to collect deep and accurate customer insights.
d. Provide an example of Customer Journey Mapping.
For your reference you may like to visit the site:
3. Create Design Thinking Activities for learners who are learning design
thinking virtually. Include how to utilize video calls, virtual meetings, other
digital media and online tools, to learn design thinking concepts and
methodology. For your reference you may like to visit the site:

4. Meet your colleagues over a meal (for at least an hour) and share your
design thinking course experiences. Choose a method we’ve taught you to
debrief each person (journey map, user empathy map, user portrait… or
another you prefer). As part of project report include:
 What insights did you uncover?
 How could those be useful as principles for designing screening
experiences for your customers or users?

5. Conduct a survey on the effectiveness of designing thinking adopted by an

organization. Prepare a project report on the steps followed, customer
insights and ideas generated and the results achieved.

Important instructions

• Any queries pertaining to Evaluation of Project Report:-

The students are requested to contact SCDL within 8 -10 working days after
the project report marks are reflected in performance sheet. The queries
on Project report evaluation received after above said timeline will not take
into consideration.

 Student has to submit the soft copy of the complete project online i.e.
using Project Submission Link available in Student Centre.

 compress the multiple project and other relevant files, if any, in .zip or
.rar folder and upload the single folder in your student’s login
• Students must retain one copy of the Project for future reference.

• Please note Plagiarism check is mandatory for following chapters (as per
section 09) before submitting the final soft copy of project to SCDL for

• Analysis of Data

• Limitations, Findings, Inferences and Recommendations

• Conclusion and your suggestions for improvement in the organisation

In simple terms, plagiarism is copy-paste. Students can use the Free and
Open Source Software (FOSS) available online for checking the same (For
e.g. as per the UGC guidelines, similarity index
should be less than 10%. The plagiarism report should be attached with the
project report.

• Please note that, the plagiarism report is mandatory and the project will
be considered for evaluation only after the specific criteria of less than 10%
is met by the learner.

 Students are required to submit online submissions with applicable

Submission Fee. The fees can be paid through online payment or by
Demand Draft. The D/D should be in favor of “The Director SCDL, Pune”
payable at Pune and attached the D/D with duly filled Service Request Form
on following address.

Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning

Symbiosis Bhavan,
1065 B, Gokhale Cross Road,
Model Colony,
Pune – 411 016
The online payment link is available under the project option in your
student centre.
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