SHORTLIST FOR M - 49ac229d
SHORTLIST FOR M - 49ac229d
SHORTLIST FOR M - 49ac229d
1 ABAYISENGA Yves Leonce Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Professional Certificate of Secondary Education
related field or Diploma in Journalism and with no application letter , CV and proof of NOT NOT
Communication with 4 years working experience. working experience SHORTLISTED PROVIDED
2 BUGIRIMFURA Yannick Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Arts in Mass Media and
related field or Diploma in Journalism and Communication - Public Relations with no NOT
Communication with 4 years working experience. proof of working experience SHORTLISTED
3 BUJYACYERA Jean Paul Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and
related field or Diploma in Journalism and Communication with no proof of working NOT
Communication with 4 years working experience. experience SHORTLISTED
4 DUSHIMIMANA Aimable Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and
related field or Diploma in Journalism and Communication with relevant working SHORTLISTED 0786364606
Communication with 4 years working experience. experience
5 HATANGIMANA François Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Arts in Rural Development
related field or Diploma in Journalism and Economics with no application letter, CV and NOT
Communication with 4 years working experience. proof of working experience SHORTLISTED
6 INGABIRE Diane Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and
related field or Diploma in Journalism and Communication with no application letter, CV NOT NOT
Communication with 4 years working experience. and proof of working experience SHORTLISTED PROVIDED
7 KAREKEZI Ismael Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelors Degree of Radio, Television and
related field or Diploma in Journalism and Film Production with relevant working SHORTLISTED 0784113828
Communication with 4 years working experience. experience
8 KAREMERA Onesphore Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Diploma in Education with relevant working
related field or Diploma in Journalism and experience SHORTLISTED 0782119279
Communication with 4 years working experience.
9 KAWERA Jeannette Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Diploma in Hospitality Management and
related field or Diploma in Journalism and Leadership plus Certificate in Journalism and
Communication with 4 years working experience. Mass Communication with relevant working SHORTLISTED 0788203067
10 KAZUNGIRE Merci Dieu Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and
related field or Diploma in Journalism and Communication with relevant working
SHORTLISTED 0788765656
Communication with 4 years working experience. experience
11 MAHORO Vainqueur Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and
related field or Diploma in Journalism and Communication with relevant working SHORTLISTED 0784588035
Communication with 4 years working experience. experience
12 MANZI Jean Claude Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Science in Biology with relevant
related field or Diploma in Journalism and working experience SHORTLISTED 0788655023
Communication with 4 years working experience.
13 MAZIMPAKA Japhet Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bahelor of Arts in Massmedia and
related field or Diploma in Journalism and Communication with relevant working
Communication with 4 years working experience. experience SHORTLISTED 0789226248
14 MUGABE Guillaume Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Diploma in Commercial Administration with no
Schadrack related field or Diploma in Journalism and proof of working experience NOT
Communication with 4 years working experience. SHORTLISTED 0783375421
15 MUGISHA Huzairu Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and
related field or Diploma in Journalism and Communication with no application letter, and NOT
Communication with 4 years working experience. proof of working experience SHORTLISTED
16 MUNYANA Maximilian Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Arts in Mass Media and
Audace related field or Diploma in Journalism and Communication (Undergraduate) with no proof NOT
Communication with 4 years working experience. of working experience SHORTLISTED
17 NDACYAYISABA Hubert Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and
related field or Diploma in Journalism and Communication with relevant working SHORTLISTED 0782400863
Communication with 4 years working experience. experience
18 NDAYISABYE Adrien Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and
related field or Diploma in Journalism and Communication with n proof of working NOT
Communication with 4 years working experience. experience SHORTLISTED
19 NIYIRORA Christian Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Arts and Journalism with no
related field or Diploma in Journalism and relevant working experience NOT
Communication with 4 years working experience. SHORTLISTED
20 NIYONGIRA Eric Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and
related field or Diploma in Journalism and Communication with no proof of working NOT
Communication with 4 years working experience. experience SHORTLISTED
21 NIZEYIMANA Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Advanced Technical Certificate in Tourism
Abdoulkudusi related field or Diploma in Journalism and with no proof of working experience NOT
Communication with 4 years working experience. SHORTLISTED
22 NTETE Olive Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in No Files were uploaded
related field or Diploma in Journalism and NOT NOT
Communication with 4 years working experience. SHORTLISTED PROVIDED
23 RUKUMBUZI Beni Arsene Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelors Degree in Mass Communication
related field or Diploma in Journalism and (Finalist) with relevant working experience SHORTLISTED 0784587416
Communication with 4 years working experience.
24 RUTABANA Jean Claude Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Arts in Modern Languages with
related field or Diploma in Journalism and relevant working experience SHORTLISTED 0789096848
Communication with 4 years working experience.
25 SAFARI Garçon Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and
related field or Diploma in Journalism and Communication with relevant working SHORTLISTED 0785282795
Communication with 4 years working experience. experience
26 TAFADZWA Joseph Sandi Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Arts with no proof working
related field or Diploma in Journalism and experience NOT 056 753 8233
Communication with 4 years working experience. SHORTLISTED
27 TUNGANDAME Pierre Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelors Degree in Journalism with relevant
related field or Diploma in Journalism and working experience SHORTLISTED 0785552742
Communication with 4 years working experience.
28 TWIZERIMANA Valens Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelors Degree in Journalism with no
related field or Diploma in Journalism and application letter, cv and proof of working NOT NOT
Communication with 4 years working experience. experience SHORTLISTED PROVIDED
29 UMUKUNZI Anny Sabine Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelors Degree in Information and
related field or Diploma in Journalism and Communication Technology in Digital SHORTLISTED 0780372307
Communication with 4 years working experience. Media(Finalist) with relevant working
30 UWICYEZA NKAKA Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelors Degree in Journalism and
Yvonne related field or Diploma in Journalism and Communication (Finalist) with no proof of NOT
Communication with 4 years working experience. working experience SHORTLISTED
31 UWIMANA Olivier Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Science in Monetary Economics
related field or Diploma in Journalism and with relevant working experience
Communication with 4 years working experience. SHORTLISTED 0785616144
32 UWINGABIYE Anick Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Application letter and CV with no academic
related field or Diploma in Journalism and papers and proof of working experience NOT
Communication with 4 years working experience. SHORTLISTED
33 UWIZEYIMANA Christophe Degree in any field with 2yrs working experience in Bachelor of Business Administration - Finance
related field or Diploma in Journalism and with relevant working experience SHORTLISTED 0788228789
Communication with 4 years working experience.