Internship Project Guidelines
Internship Project Guidelines
Internship Project Guidelines
During the training, the student is expected to learn about the organization and analyze and
suggest solutions of a live problem. The objective is to equip the student with the
knowledge of actual functioning of the organization and problems faced by them for
exploring feasible suggestions.
During the course of training, the organization (where the student is undergoing training)
will assign a problem/project to the student.
The student, after the completion of training will submit a report to the College/Institute
which will form part of third semester examination as per the guidelines.
The report (based on training and the problem/project studied) prepared by the student will
be known as Summer Training Project Report. The report should ordinarily be based on
primary data. It should reflect in depth study of micro problem, ordinarily assigned by the
organization where student undergoes training. Relevant tables and bibliography should
support it. One comprehensive chapter must be included about the organization where the
student has undergone training. This should deal with brief history of the organization, its
structure, performance products/services and problem faced.
The report will have two certificates. One by the Head of the Department and the
other by the Reporting Officer of the organization where the student has undergone
training. These two certificates should be attached in the beginning of the report.
The Summer Training Project Report will carry 150 marks and will be evaluated by two
examiners (external and internal). The evaluation will consist of
Project Report evaluation
Project Presentation and Viva.
Project Report Evaluation (50 Marks)
Evaluation Criteria
Relevance of Objectives with topic
Relevance of Research Methodology
Interpretation & Analysis
The following are the guidelines for the structure of the project report. The report should
be submitted in the prescribed format, a draft of which should be duly approved by the
faculty mentor before submission.
Table of contents includes the following:
a) Page-1- Title of the project
b) Page-2- Certificate of originality
c) Page-3- Industry mentor certificate
d) Page 4- Faculty Mentor Certificate
e) Page-4- Acknowledgement
1. Executive Summary
The purpose of the synopsis is to enable the reader to gather important information
quickly without having to go through the whole report. It includes major findings,
conclusions and recommendations. In short, the executive synopsis is a report in
miniature. It should be noted that the synopsis can be prepared only after the full report
is written, then inserted in the appropriate place
2. Table of Contents
It should include topics covered, major headings and subheadings. The table of contents
is followed by list of tables /graphs.
3. List of Tables / Graphs/Figures
Every table should have a number (1a) and title (1b)
The Source of all secondary data must be mentioned at the bottom of the said
It represents list of Figures/Tables/Graphs of the project report with their page
4. Introduction
Background of the problem under study
Objectives and Significance
5. Company profile
Industry Profile
Company Profile
Department Profile
6. Analysis of 3Cs
Company ( Product, Distribution, HR & Finance interrelationships),
7. Research Methodology
It includes a clear and sequential statement of the methods, which has been used to
identify the problem statement and if required, formulate and test the hypothesis
/hypotheses. The structure may be as follows:
a. Research Design
b. Sample Design
i. Sample Unit
ii. Sample Size
iii. Sampling Technique
iv. Sampling Area
c. Data Collection
i. Sources
ii. Tools
d. Data Analysis
i. Statistical Tools/Techniques
ii. Inferences
8. Data Analysis and Findings – Presentation and establish cause effect relationship or to
do the analysis of the salient information, which has been gathered in order to test the
hypothesis/hypotheses/ problem statement. Analysis of data by usage of relevant tools,
techniques, and models.
9. Conclusion and Recommendations: The conclusions are drawn by inference from the
findings. Care should be taken to state a conclusion for each objective of problem
defined. The conclusions verify or deny the premises upon which the study has been
10. References- Use the APA style for listing references to published papers / articles.
List all references used in the text in alphabetical order by the authors surname
according to the convention detailed as follows.
Surname and initials of author(s) year of publication, title of the article, name of
journal, volume number (issue no.): page numbers.
For Example: -
Anbalagan, M. & Gunasekaran, V. (20017), “Retail Consumers Market In India- The Next Big
Leap”, Indian Journal Of Marketing, Vol. XXXVII, No. 3. pp. 2-10.
Cygnus Business consulting and research (2006), Industry insight: Indian retail industry, Cygnus
Business Consulting and Research, Hyderabad, pp.11.
Dialforhealth India Ltd. (2007) (online) (citied on 27th July , 2007), available from <URL> Us.aspx
11. Annexure
5. Cover Title
a) The outside front cover shall bear the title of the work in black capitals, Times
New Roman, Font size- 28.
b) The lettering shall read top to bottom i.e. as to be readable when the project is
lying flat with the front cover upmost.
c) The logo of the institute and the names of the Mentors should also be placed,
Annexure- A
Submitted in Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Two Year Full Time Master
of Business Administration
I.T.S Logo
Annexure B
I hereby declare that this Summer Internship Project Report is my own work and that, to the
best of my knowledge and belief, it reproduces no material previously published or written
that has been accepted for the award of any other degree of diploma, except where due
acknowledgment has been made in the text.
(Student Name)
Enrollment No.
Annexure- C
Date: ………….
This is to MBA Batch (2022-24) has successfully completed his/ her summer internship
under the guidance of Mr./ Ms………………………(Industry Mentor’s Name) for a duration
of …………………..weeks, from…….to…………, 2023.
We wish him/ her all the very best for future endeavours.
Organization seal
Annexure- D
This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. ……………………….. MBA (2022-24 Batch) a student of
Institute of Technology and Science has undertaken the project on “(Project Title)
The project has been carried out by the student in partial fulfilment of the requirements for
the award of MBA, under my guidance and supervision.