Completed Action Research

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Factors Influencing the Parental Involvement in School Activities and

Programs of Gaudencio B. Lontok Memorial School: An Action


An Action Research


Dimaala, Arlene Grace L.

Gaudencio B. Lontok Mem School


Title Page ……………………………… i

Table of Contents ……………………………… ii
Abstract ……………………………… iii

Introduction ……………………………… 2-7

Brief Review of Literature ……………………………… 7-8

Research Questions ……………………………… 8- 9

Scope and Limitations ……………………………… 9-10

Methodology ……………………………… 10-11

Result and Discussions ………………………………. 11- 16

Action Plan ………………………………. 17- 18

SUMMARY OF FINDINGS ………………………………. 19-21

CONCLUSIONS ………………………………. 21
RECOMMENDATIONS ………………………………. 21


References ……………………………… 22
Questionnaire ……………………………… 23- 24


The quality of parents and school partnership is manifested in the outcomes of

school programs and activities. Regardless of the different metamorphoses that

continuously take place in the Philippine basic education curriculum, one thing remains

unchanged – that is the vital role that parents play to achieve the goals of the school

programs and activities. The Department of Education acknowledges the participation

of parents as an integral part in the continuous adherence of the department to improve

the quality of Philippine education. Thus, the involvement of parents to school programs

and activities has to be intensified at all times. Specifically, this action research

investigated and analyzed how factors such as personal, family-related and school-

related factors influence the involvement of parents to school activities and programs at

Gaudencio B.Lontok Memorial Integrated School. A total of 140 selected parent

respondents were chosen to assess their level of involvement and their perception

regarding the influence of the abovementioned factors in their level of involvement. A

likert-scale type questionnaire was used to measure the assessment.

It was found out that personal and family-related factors were the biggest

influence to their level of involvement. Results also manifested negative experiences

that PTA members encountered when mingling or working with each other. Solicited

suggestions for improving parent-school partnerships were included in the action plan

devised by the researcher.

Keywords: parental involvement, challenges of parental involvement, improvement of

parental involvement

Factors Influencing the Parental Involvement in School Activities and Programs
of Gaudencio B. Lontok Memorial School: An Action Research


The role of parents is integral in the total development of a child. Aside from

sustaining their physiological needs, parents are also expected to create enormous

influence to their emotional development. Their continuous support and encouragement

to every step of child’s endeavor is significant for the child to master key developmental

skills. Likewise, parents have to teach and nurture the values of their children in order to

contribute in building a strong and harmonious nation. They are also expected to

safeguard their children in any form of inhumanity and prejudice.

As the child steps the halls of the school, teachers become partners of the

parents. As partners, both parties are obliged to work together in the development of

child’s cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills. Psychologists define successful

parent involvement as the active, ongoing participation of a parent or primary caregiver

in the education of his or her child.

Parents’ involvement can be demonstrated in many ways. Helping their children

in their homework, reading stories to them, attending school functions and volunteerism,

and inquiring their children’s academic and non-academic status are some of the ways

where parents’ maximum involvement is anticipated. Likewise, watching the

performances of their children and supporting them in their needs are ideal to promote a

healthier relationship among parents, teachers and students.

Research findings showed that the concept of parental involvement to children’s

education creates positive results and great rewards for all concerned. Children that can

feel their parents’ support to their academic endeavor tend to be more confident and

exhibit a positive attitude, thus, achieving better in their academics. They also manifest

better social adjustment among other children which are key factors in producing a

productive and responsible member of the society.

Similarly, a successful parental involvement triggers a higher morale among

teachers. They feel that they do not carry the burden of teaching the learners alone but

believe that parents are their partners in carrying such responsibility. Besides, teachers

become more passionate and careful in their task knowing that parents are monitoring

their children’s progress.

Parental involvement in any school programs and activities is relatively important

not only in promoting quality education to students but also in the improvement of

school structures and premises. However, the percentage of parents attending and

participating in school programs and activities is declining over the years. Although the

Philippine curriculum has undergone a lot of metamorphosis to suit the changing time,

the great parental involvement’s effect to the holistic learning is still stable and should

not be underestimated.

However, parent involvement has declined as their children grow older. Over the

years, there are also a decrease in the number of parents participating in school

programs and activities, specifically in Bayanihan activities. The change of millennium

has also introduced seismic changes in many societal aspects including the parenting

styles. Although many experts claim the benefit of parental involvement to students’

achievement, it cannot be denied that parents’ participation to school activities has

increased gradually.

In Gaudencio B. Lontok, statistics of parents’ participation has gone down

drastically. Out of 1, 910 students’ population, only 342 parents attended Brigada

Eskwela in 2015. In fact, most of the attendees are other stakeholders like alumna,

sangguniang barangay, and other influential people in the community who have no

children schooling in G.B.Lontok. This figure simply implies that the level of involvement

among parents is inadequate in number

Figures of the recent Homeroom Parent Meeting revealed that 22 out of 45

parents in every class were able to attend. This number is below the median of the total

number of students in each class. Homeroom Parent Teacher Meeting is essential for

both the parents and the students. Through this activity, the parents are oriented about

the school policies and regulation, academic performance of their children and other

activities that would greatly need their presence and support.

Despite the efforts of teachers in reaching out to parents so that they can be part

of the school activities and programs, still the declining number of parents participating

can be observed, aside from the fact that the participants are the same people all the


It is in this juncture that the researchers deemed it wise to analyze the level and

factors influencing the parental involvement in the school activities and programs.


In a study conducted by Guðlaug Erlendsdóttir in Namibia, it was revealed that

parents who were highly involved with their children’s education showed higher

expectations towards their children’s education and their future did impact positively on

the academic achievement of the students chosen as respondents. The parents all

recognized the importance of staying involved with their child’s education. They were

eager to know how their child spends his or her time outside of school and with whom

their child spends his or her time. They were very supportive in their endeavor and

offered help in home works when need arises.

The role of parents in helping the school in funding school structure is recognized

by the department of education. The Deped order no.117 series of 2009 acknowledges

the Parents-Teachers Associations (PTAs) as partners of schools to ensure effective

implementation of responsive programs, projects and activities. As the largest

bureaucracy in the Philippines, the DepEd has been awarded the highest allocation

annually in the annual budget. However, in spite of the massive funding and

prioritization of the national government to Department of Education, still the allocated

budget is inadequate to the needs of the public school especially in the key inputs like

classrooms and learning materials. The blistering growth of enrollees every year is one

of the leading causes of the consistent demand in education.

Thus, the DepEd considers the Parents-Teacher Association as a potential

partner in different programs and activities of the school that are necessary in seeking

additional funding for school needs. Other than financial assistance, the PTA also offers

“bayanihan” to carry out some communal unity, work and cooperation to achieve

particular goal. Moreover, the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA)

provides a package of policy reforms focused on Key Reform Thrusts which deals on

the continuous school improvement through the active involvement of stakeholders

where parents are part of it.

Research Questions

Parents and teachers contribute the most to the development of an individual.

Collaboration between them is the key to success in achieving the goal of every school


As a teacher for many years, the researcher is very much interested to examine

the factors that hinder the maximum level of parental involvement. The researcher looks

forward that this undertaking will be a significant contribution to educational institutions,

to the body of knowledge and to her professional development.

As a catalyst of building a nation with responsible and competent professionals,

teachers need parents’ help to carry out their duties. The type of relationship that

parents and teachers have can greatly affect the interest of a child to continue his

schooling and do well. Thus, this study would be very helpful in pointing out the

challenges that impede the parents to fully participate in school programs and activities.

Results of this study can lead to new discovery on the current status of parental

involvement and their short and long term effect to students’ behavior and success.

Thus, this may serve as an avenue for educators to experiment new trends in reviving

the motivation of parents to involve themselves in different school activities.

This paper attempted to assess the factors affecting the parental involvement to

school programs and activities in Gaudencio B. Lontok Elementary School, a school

situated in the city of Lipa. Specifically, the following were the compelling questions

relative to the problem at hand:

1. Analyze the level of parental involvement in school programs and activites.

2. Analyze the factors influencing the level of parental involvement in school

activities and programs in terms of:

a. family-related factors

b. personal factors

c. school-related factors

3. Make a plan of actions based on the results of the study.


The level of involvement of parents to school programs and other activities is one

of the variables analyzed by the researcher in this study. This variable was assessed by

two groups of respondents, the teacher respondents and the parent respondents.

The second set of variables includes the factors influencing parental involvement,

in school program and other activities. These factors include personal factors, family-

related factors and school-related factors.

The area of this study is the school itself of the researcher, Gaudencio B. Lontok

Mem. Integrated School. The researcher chose grade six pupils because as the grade

level of pupils gets higher the level of parental involvement gets lower as compared to

primary pupils.


The researchers utilized the Descriptive Survey Research method in this study.

Descriptive survey research is used to describe existing phenomenon and its

association or relationships with other variables.

The variables used in this study were the level of involvement of parents to

school activities and programs and the factors influencing their level of involvement.

Such factors include personal factors, family-related factors and school-related factors.

The respondents of the study were one hundred forty (140) selected parents of

Gaudencio B. Lontok Elementary School. The first part of the questionnaire assessed

their level of involvement to school programs and activities. The following scales were

used for their perceived assessment.

5 - Always
4 - Often times
3 - Sometimes

2 - Seldom
1 - Never
The second part of the questionnaire assessed the factors that influence their

level of involvement. The following scales were used for their perceived assessment.

5 - Strongly Agree
4 - Agree
3 - Neither Agree nor Disagree
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree

An action plan was devised to address and the challenges, thereby, improving

the parental involvement of parents.

Results and Discussion

This part of the study presents the data gathered through the research instruments. It

presents the different data in tabular form, followed by the analyses on the basis of the

applied statistical treatment along with the interpretation and arranged in accordance

with the objectives of the study.

Table 1
Level of Parental Involvement in School Activities and Programs
Items Level of Involvement
As a parent of a child/children
attending the school, I am… Mean Rank Interpretation
1. helping the school in outsourcing 2.61 6 Sometimes
materials needed for Brigada
eskwela and other community
partnership programs of the school
2. performing the duties and 3.14 5 Sometimes
responsibilities during the entire
community partnership program

3. joining volunteer work and fund 2.43 7 Seldom

raising program
4. attending parents’ assemblies 3.93 1 Oftentimes

5. attending socio-cultural programs 3.36 4 Sometimes

6. attending the card-giving day 3.86 3 Oftentimes

7. checking the development of 3.90 2 Oftentimes

my child/children with the teacher
during the card-giving day
Composite Mean 3.32 Sometimes
Results revealed that parents are sometimes participating in the school program

and activities as manifested by the composite mean of 3.32 displayed in table 1. They

are often times attending the parents’ assemblies (mean = 3.93) and inquiring about the

academic and non-academic progress of their children (mean = 3.90). However, most of

the parents are not attending the conference during card giving day. They usually come

after work to pick-up their children’s card. The parents are very inactive in outsourcing

materials needed for the Brigada week (mean = 2.61) and joining volunteer work and

fund-raising program (mean = 2.43).

Table 2

Factors Influencing the parental Involvement in School Programs and Activities
Personal Factors
I find it hard to be involved in Level of Involvement
school programs/activities
because I … Mean Rank Interpretation

1. feel that I cannot contribute to 3.57 4 Agree

school improvement

2. have problems talking/mingling 4.64 1 Strongly Agree

with other people

3. feel that I am inferior compared 3.79 2.5 Agree

to parents who are rich, famous
or educated
4. am a member of a religious 1.29 5 Strongly Disagree
group that hold activities on the
day of school activities
5. have a job/business which I 3.79 2.5 Agree
cannot leave.

Composite Mean 3.42 Agree

Table 2 reflects the assessment of the respondents on the personal factors that

influence their parental involvement. Parent-respondents agreed that personal factors

do influence their level of parental involvement as attested by a composite mean of

3.42. They are affected most by their low interpersonal skills (mean = 4.64). The

problem boils down to the area where the school is situated. Since G.B. Lontok is one of

the schools in a thickly populated area, most people do not know each other. Thus,

there is communication barrier among them that affects their level of involvement.

One of the personal factors that affect their involvement is the feeling of inferiority

complex. The education and socio-economic status have always been a significant part

the institutional mechanism that divides people. It is a culture that is embedded in the

Philippine society for more than a century now which paralyzes many national

developments in different aspects.

The work/job of the parents also affects the parental involvement of parents to

their children’s education. Many of the parents are working in contractual basis where

they cannot afford to be absent since they are under a no work no pay agreement. They

have no security of tenure that they try hard not to lose their job even sacrificing their

other parental roles. One of these neglected roles is showing their moral support to their

children’s education through participating in school activities and programs.

Table 3
Factors Influencing the parental Involvement in School Programs and Activities
Family Factors
I find it hard to be involved in school Level of Involvement
programs/activities because I …
Mean Rank Interpretation
1. have problems bringing my little one at 4.75 1 Strongly Agree
2. have problem balancing my time as a 4.65 2 Strongly Agree
single guardian (partner is abroad, unwed
parent, widow, etc.)
3. have problem with the family’s culture 1.88 4 Disagree
that a wife should stay at home
4. have an insecure husband/wife that never 4.12 3 Agree
lets me to participate in school activities
5. have a sick family member that I have to 1.72 5 Strongly Disagree
look after

Composite Mean 3.42 Agree

Parent-respondents agreed that parents’ participation in school activities and

programs is also affected by family factors as reflected on their composite mean of 3.42.

With young population of parents, the researcher observes that most of them still have

little ones that they have to bring with them at school every time they have to participate
in school programs and activities. This scenario becomes a hassle for them that may

have affected their level of involvement (mean = 4.75). It is also difficult for single moms

or dads to participate in the school activities especially if they are the only ones working

to provide for their family’s needs (mean = 4.65). Based on the student records in G.B.

Lontok Elementary School, the number of children that are products of dysfunctional

families increase every year. This situation creates a riffle effect that affects the total

development of a child.

One of the burdens that couples carry and affects their involvement is their

relationship with each other. The parent-respondents revealed the presence of

insecurity between the couples (mean = 4.12). Most of them are not able to attend

school events because their wife/husband does not allow them to mingle with people

which are attributed to insecurity.

Meanwhile table 4 shows the perceived school-related factors as assessed by

the parent respondents that could influence their parental involvement. Based on the

result, the school-related factors do not necessarily influence their level of involvement

to school activities and programs as manifested by a composite mean of 2.42. However,

it can also be gleaned that parents encounter social relation problems among the PTA

members (mean = 3.40). There are also minor perceived problems with the information

dissemination (mean = 3.15)

Table 4
Factors Influencing the parental Involvement in School Programs and Activities

School-Related Factors
I find it hard to be involved in school Level of Involvement
programs/activities because I …
Mean Rank Interpretation
1. have negative experience with the 1.30 5 Strongly Disagree
management of school
2. have negative experiences with the PTA 3.40 1 Agree

3. find the school staff/teacher very 1.70 3 Strongly Disagree

4. think that the teachers/staff are not 1.65 4 Strongly Disagree
practicing confidentiality
5. am not informed about the upcoming 3.15 2 Neither Agree nor Disagree
Composite Mean 2.24 Disagree
The result simply implied that school staff is very much willing to cooperate with

the parents and they are anticipating the maximum participation of the parents in order

to deliver better services to the learners. They give equal respect to all parents

regardless of their status in life and they acknowledge the significant role of parents in

the total development of the child.


This part of the study suggests the action plan that will be implemented by the

school staff of Gaudencio B. Lontok Elementary School. The action plan is designed to

increase the level of parental involvement of the parents in school activities and

programs. Having known the challenges that parents encounter in joining the school

activities and programs, the researchers came up with five (5) goals that can address

the abovementioned factors.

Table 6

Action Plan to Increase the Parental Involvement to School Programs and

Objectives Plan of Actions Time frame Expected

1. Establishing 1. Updating the parent contact information during Whole year Established
more every enrollment or when special need arises round better
communication 2. Providing a bulletin board exclusively for PTA communication
channels announcements and other PTA concerns between school
3. Conducting home visits when necessary. This
between the and parents
may also help teachers to be aware of the
school and parents’ situations and may help them organize
parents activities based on their needs and avalability
4. Sending out homework assignment and/or
daily progress report for parents to sign to ensure
that parents are aware of the assignments and
are able to monitor their child’s learning at home

Objectives Plan of Actions Time Frame Expected

2. Establishing 1. Organizing parents’ day or parents’ night with Once a year Established
better activities especially designed for team building of better
camaraderie parents camaraderie
among parents 2. Organizing a sports’ day solely for parents Once a year among parents
3. Conducting assessments that can evaluate the
and better
relationship existing within the PTA organization. Whole year
relationship Consult an expert on how to address the round
between situations based on the results of the assessment
couples 4. Conducting a seminar-workshop about
marriage and family
3.Recognizing 1. Choosing a parent for “Parent for the Month”. Once a month Maximum
parents’ Criteria used should be clear to all parents. participation of
contribution to 2. Awarding the winner quarterly during card Card giving parents
school giving time period
3. Posting the chosen “Parent for the month” in
the bulletin board to recognize his/her Whole year
contribution to school round
4 Giving small tokens to the chosen “parent for
the month”. Whole year

4. Increasing 1. Organizing a seminar-workshops for parents Card giving Better parental
parents’ that tackle about parenting. period strategies
awareness to 2. Inviting psychologists and organizing a
the benefits of parents’ conference day where they can ask on Card giving
how to rear the 21st century learners. period
good parenting
3. Producing newsletters that would feature
different situations that deal with the problems of
parenting and how to solve it. Make sure to Quarterly
produce one in Filipino language

5. Creating a 1. Creating a parents’ lobby where they can stay Whole year Warm
warm-respectful especially when they are waiting for their kids. round relationship
and welcoming The lobby should also include a kiddie corner for among parents
school little ones they bring along with them. Every end of and school staff
2. Sending personalized invitations encouraging activity
parents to visit the school
3. Sending a personalized thank you to parents
at the end of each activity Whole year
4. Providing a suggestion box so parents can round
have the opportunity to express their feeling over
some matters. All the time
5. Remaining calm and positive in every situation
6. Making the parents feel their importance by Once a year
including them in planning sessions


This part of the study presents the major findings of the study, the conclusion and

the recommendation.

A. Summary of Findings

1. Level of Parental Involvement in School Activities

Results showed that parent-respondents sometimes involve themselves in

school programs and activities. They are often times present during parents’ assemblies

and card giving day. They check the academic and non-academic status of their

children. However, they seldom attend the volunteer and fund-raising program of the


2. Factors Influencing the Parental Involvement in School Programs and Activities

A. Personal Factors

Results showed that personal factors do influence the level of parental

involvement of parents to school programs and activities. This was attested by their

assessment about their level of self-esteem self-efficacy. They perceived that they have

low self-esteem and self-efficacy. They also attested having an inferiority complex. Their

employment status is also a factor of their low level of parental involvement.

B. Family-Related Factors

Result showed that family factors influence their level of involvement to school

programs and activities. Their problem lies on the difficulty of having little kids to take

with them to school and the status of being a single parent. They also attribute the

family factor to the relationship that exists between them as couples in which most of

them is characterized by insecurity.

C. School-Related Factors

Results showed that parents do not have complaints with school staff. They feel

the welcoming atmosphere of the school. However they have issues with the social

relation among PTA members. There are also some shortcomings in the information


4. Action Plan

Based on the assessment of the respondents regarding their level of participation

and the challenges encountered, an action plan was suggested by the researchers. The

action plan has five main goals to achieve: establishing better communication between

school and parents, establishing better camaraderie among parents, recognizing

parents’ contribution, increasing parents’ awareness regarding the benefits of parental

involvement and creating a warm, respectful and welcoming school environment.


1. There is no maximum participation of parents in school activities and


2. The parents are challenged with different psychosocial factors that influence

their level of participation to school programs and activities.


1. Strictly follow the plan of action included in the suggested action plan.

2. Conduct a monitoring process on the implementation of the plan of action.

3. Make an assessment of the outcome of the implementation of the suggested

plan of action

4. Make a follow-up action research based on the assessment of the outcome.

Appendix A


LaBahn, J. Education and Parental Involvement in Secondary Schools: Problems,

Solutions, and Effects. Retrieved (2016)
from  http://www.edpsycinteractive/files/parinvol.html

Importance of Parental Involvement in their Child(ren)’s Learning. Retrieved (2016)


Guðlaug, Erlendsdóttir. Effects of Parental Involvement in Education A Case Study in

Namibia. Retrieved (2016) from

Tabbada-Rungduin, Teresita. Exploring Parental Involvement and Teachers’ Activities

in Early Literacy Development. Retrieved (2016) from

Capistrano, Zea. (2015) Brigada Maestra? Parents’ Participation in Brigada Decreases

Retrieved (2016) from

Getting Parents Involved in Schools. The Center for Comprehensive School Reform and
Improvement. Retrieved (2016) from

Appendix B
Sample Questionnaire



Name: _________________________________________

Part 1. Directions: Below are activities at school that require parental involvement. Please put a check
under the scale that you think best describes the level of your involvement. The verbal interpretations of
your responses are:

5 – Always 3 – Sometimes 1 – Never

4 – Oftentimes 4 – Seldom

Items 5 4 3 2 1
As a parent of a child/children attending the school, I am…
1. helping the school in outsourcing materials needed for Brigada
eskwela and other community partnership programs of the school
2. performing the duties and responsibilities during the entire
community partnership program
3. joining volunteer work and fund raising program
4.attending parents’ assemblies
5.attending social-cultural programs
6.attending card giving day
7.checking the development of my child/ children with the
teacher during card-giving day

Please put a check under the scale. The verbal interpretations of your responses are:

5 – Strongly Agree 3 – Neither Agree nor Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree

4 – Agree 4 – Disagree

I. Family-Related Factors

I find it hard to be involved in school programs/activities because 5 4 3 2 1

1. have problems bringing my little one at school
2. have problem balancing my time as a single guardian (partner is
abroad, unwed parent, widow, etc.)
3. have problem with the family’s culture that a wife should stay
at home
4. have an insecure husband/wife that never lets me to
participate in school activities
5. have a sick family member that I have to look after
Personal Factors

I find it hard to be involved in school programs/activities because 5 4 3 2 1

1. feel that I cannot contribute to school improvement
2. have problems talking/mingling with other people
3. feel that I am inferior compared to parents who are rich,
famous or educated
4. am a member of a religious group that hold activities on the
day of school activities
5. have a job/business which I cannot leave.
6. have an illness that prohibits me to attend school activities

School-Related Factors

I find it hard to be involved in school programs/activities because 5 4 3 2 1

1. have negative experience with the management of school
2. have negative experiences with the PTA
3. find the school staff/teacher very unfriendly
4. think that the teachers/staff are not practicing confidentiality
5. am not informed about the upcoming activities/programs
6. think that the school management is not valuing the parents


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