Biotechnology Syllabus Old
Biotechnology Syllabus Old
Biotechnology Syllabus Old
West Bengal University of Technology B. Tech. in Biotechnology Semester III Code A BT-301 BT-302 Course Title Theory Cell Biology & Bio-Chemistry Process Calculations, Thermodynamics & Bio-Chemical Reaction Engg. Microbiology Structural Chemistry of Bio-molecules Mathematics III Contact Hrs./ Wk L-T-P 3-1-0 3-1-0 Credit 4 4
4 4 4 20
B BT-391 BT-392
4 4 8 28
B. Tech. in Biotechnology
Semester: IV Code A BT-401 BT-402 BT-403 CHE-414 Course Title Theory Genetics Industrial Microbiology & Enzyme Technology Molecular Biology Unit Operations of Chemical Engg.I Contact Hrs./ Wk L-T-P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 Credit 4 4 4 4
Semester: V Code A BT-501 BT-502 BT-503 CHE-514 CS-515 Course Title Theory Immunology Bio-reactor Design & Analysis Bio-informatics Unit Operations of Chemical Engg.II Data Base Management System and Computer Networking Semester Total B BT-591 CHE-582 CS-583 Practical Bioinformatics Lab Unit Operations Lab II Data Base Management System Lab Semester Total Contact Hrs./ Wk L-T-P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 15-5-0 0-0-3 0-0-6 0-0-3 0-0-12 15-5-12 Credit 4 4 4 4 4 20 2 4 2 8 28
B. Tech. in Biotechnology
Semester: VI Code A BT-601 BT-602 BT-603 BT-604 CHE-615 Course Title Theory Plant Biotechnology Bio-separation Technology Environment, Ecology and Bio-diversity rDNA Technology Process Instrumentation and Control Practical Plant Tissue Culture Lab rDNA Technology Lab Process Control Lab Seminar Semester Total Contact Hrs./ Wk L-T-P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 15-4-0 B BT-691 BT-692 CHE-683 C 0-0-3 0-0-6 0-0-3 0-0-12 0-0-3 15-4-15 Credit 4 4 3 4 4 19 2 4 2 8 2 29
Industrial Training in a suitable Industry, R & D Organisation or Institute for 4-6 weeks to be arranged during Summer Vacation.
Elective-I Industrial Economics and Management Sessional Project Work In-Plant Training Seminar Semester Total
3-0-0 4-0-0
3 4
8 3 2 28
Semester: VIII Code A BT-801 BT-802 BT-803 ID-814 B BT-886 BT-887 BT-888 Course Title Theory Ethics and IPR in Biotechnology Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Elective-II Elective-III Sessional Project Work Report and Viva Voce on Project Work Comprehensive Viva-Voce Semester Total 12-0-12 0-0-12 8 6 8 34 Contact Hrs./ Wk L-T-P 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 12-0-0 3 3 3 3 12 Credit
BT 703: ELECTIVE I BT 703A Biophysics of Macromolecules BT 703 B Renewable Energy Technology BT 703 C Modelling and Simulation of Bioprocesses BT 703 D Molecular Modelling and Drug Design BT 703 E Bio-sensors and Diagonistics
BT 803 :ELECTIVE - II BT 803 A Proteomics and Protein Engineering BT 803 B Human Genomics BT 803 C Bio-safety BT 803 D Biomedical Engineering BT 803 E Bio-fertilizers and Bio-pesticides
ID 814 : ELECTIVE -III ID 814 A Information Technology/ Artificial Intelligence ID 814 B Post-harvest Technology ID 814 C Biomaterials ID 814 D Bio-metallurgy ID 814 E Total Quality Management
Total Credits 1 Semester 30 2nd Semester 30 3rd Semester 28 4th Semester 30 5th Semester 28 6th Semester 29 7th Semester 28 8th Semester 34 Total : 237
West Bengal University of Technology B. Tech. in Bio-Technology Detailed Syllabi Theory BT-301: Cell Biology & Bio-Chemistry Note 1 : There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark.
Lehninger, Nelson & Cox, Principles of Biochemistry, CBS Publishers Modern Experimental Bio Chemistry, Boyer, Pearson Education Biochemistry, Mathews, Pearson Education Elliot, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, OUP Lubert Stryer, Bio chemistry, Freeman & Co, NY Voet & Voet, Fundamentals of Biochemistry, John Willey & Sons Hames, B.D. (Ed.), Biochemistry, Viva Books
BT-302: Process Calculations, Thermodynamics & Bio-chemical Reaction Engineering L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem Note 1 : There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2 : Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. Module I : 10L Material Balance & Energy Balances: Mathematical requisites -- use of log-log and semi-log graph paper, triangular diagram, graphical differentiation and graphical integration, material balance without chemical reaction, material balance with chemical reaction, energy balance: enthalpy changes, heat of reaction and its temperature dependence, heats of solution and mixing, adiabatic flame temperature, use of psychometric charts. Module II : 10L Basic Concepts: The Ideal Gas, Review of first and second laws of thermodynamics, PVT behaviour of Pure Substances, Virial Equation of State, , Application of the Virial Equations, Cubic Equations of State, Generalized Correlations for Gases and Liquids. Vapour/Liquid, Liquid/Liquid, Solid/Liquid and Solid/Vapour Equilibria: The Nature of Equilibrium, the Phase Rule, Duhems Theorem, Simple models for Vapour/Liquid Equilibrium, Roults Law, Henrys law, Modified Raoults Law, Kvalue Correlations, VLE from Cubic Equations of State, Equilibrium and Stability, Liquid/Liquid Equilibrium, Solid/Liquid Equilibrium, Solid/Vapour Equilibrium Module III : 10L Application of Thermodynamics:The Chemical Potential and Phase Equilibria Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: for pure species and solution; Generalised correlations for Fugacity, the Ideal Solution, Property Changes and Heat Effects of Mixing Processes. The Vapour-Compression Cycle, the Choice of Refrigerant, Absorption, Refrigeration and liquefaction: Low temperature cycle: Linde and Claude Module IV : 10L
BT-303: Microbiology L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem Note 1 : There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2 : Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. Module I : 10L Basic knowledge of various microorganism: Bacteria, moulds, yeast, algae: their morphology and sub cellular structure including sporulation; archaebacteria and extremophile. Module II: 10L Microbial taxonomy and physiology of growth: Different culture techniques, media, pure culture technique, isolation of preservation. Biochemical, serological classification; DNA/RNA based classification. Module III: 10L Energy metabolism: Energy transduction mechanism specific to prokaryotes-phosphoketalose; Etner Doudroff and glyoxylate pathways, anaerobic respiration. Module IV: 10L Nitrogen and sulfur metabolism. Revision : 5L Books: 1.Microbiology, Pelczar, M.J., Jr., Chan, E.C.S., Krieg, N. R., 5th ed.,1996, TMH 2.Microbiology, Hames, B.D. (Ed.), 2nd ed. , Viva Books 3.Microbiology, Tortora, Pearson Education
BT 304: Structural Chemistry of Bio-molecules L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem Note 1 : There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2 : Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. Module I: 10L Chemistry of amino acids, carbohydrate, nucleic acids and lipids. Chemistry of nucleosides and nucleotides.; Module II: 10L Primary, secondary and tertiary structure of protein; enzymes as a class of protein, active site and protein folding. Module III: 10L Nucleic acid structure and composition: A, B, and Z: forms of DNA. Module IV: 10L Macromolecular structure determination: X-ray diffraction, crystallography, spectrophotometry, fluorescence spectrophotometry, NMR spectroscopy, circular dichroism, electron microscopy.
M 315 : Mathematics III L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem Code: M 315 Contact: 3L + IT Credit: 4 Allotted Hrs.: 48L Fourier Series: Introduction; Eulers formula; Problems related to Fourier series; Conditions for Fourier expansion; Functions having points of discontinuity; Change of Interval; Even and Odd function; Half Range series; Typical Waveforms (square, saw-toothed, triangular, half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier) Series Solution of Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE); Special Functions: Introduction, validity of series solution of an ordinary differential equation, general method to solve equation of the type: P0y//+P1y/+P2y=0; Problems; Bessels equation; Properties of Bessels function; Recurrence formula for Bessels function of first kind (Jn(x)); Equation reducible to Bessels equation; Legendres equation, Legendre function, Recurrence formula for Legendre function (Pn(x)); Orthogonality relation. Partial Differential Equations (PDE) and its Applications: Introduction, linear and nonlinear PDE of first order; Examples; Homogeneous Linear PDE of 2nd Order with constant coefficients and variable coefficients; Separation of variables, Formulation and solution of wave equation (1D); One Dimensional heat flow equation and solution; Two Dimensional heat flow equation and solution. Statistics: Mean, median; mode; Standard Deviation, Variance, Random Variable; Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions: Distribution and Density Function, Mathematical Expectation; Standard Probability Distributions: Binomial, Poisson, and Normal; Correlation and Regression; Linear Curve FittingLeast Square Method. Total 10L 14L 12L
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Advanced Engineering Mathematics: E. Kreyszig, Wily, 5th Edn. Higher Engineering Mathematics: B. S. Grewal, 1997 Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 1 & 2, Shastri, PHI Fundamental Concepts of Mathematical Statistics: Gupta and Kapoor, S.Chand. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, GreenBerg, Pearson Education Statistical Methods: N.G.Das Elements of partial Differential Equation: Sneddon, MGH
BT-391: Bio-chemistry Lab L-T-P = 0-0-6 Separation of amino acids/ sugars/steroids/ vitamins/ alkaloids/antibiotics by Ascending Paper Chromatography. 2. Separation of lipids/steroids/sugars/amino acids/oligo-peptides/ alkaloids athletic doping drugs by Thin Layer Chromatography. 3. Separation and isolation of proteins/aminoacids and oligopeptides by Paper Electrophoresis. 4. Separation of proteins/aminoacids and peptides by Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE). 5. Demonstration of isolation of proteins of specific molecular sizes by Ultrafiltration. 6. Demonstration of isolation and purification of enzymes by Reverse Osmosis. 7. Determination of BOD5 and COD of a sample of waste water. 8. Preparation of cell-free extract : Bacterial cell by sonication, Rat liver by homogenization. 9. Assay of enzyme activity (a) Phosphatase assay (Rat liver) (b) Protease assay (Bacterial / fungal cell) 10. Study of an enzymatic reaction (conversion of glucose to alcohol by immobilized yeast cells in poly-acrylamide gel) in a packed bed-flow reactor. BT-392: Microbiology Lab 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. L-T-P = 0-0-6 Study of Autoclaving and sterilization of media. Preparation of solid basal medium, dilution plating with a known microbial strain; isolation of microorganisms from single colonies. Study of a compound microscope. Gram staining and identification of microbes through a microscope. Subculturing of a strain using a synthetic liquid media. Study of bacterial growth of E.Coli by a Spectrophotometer. Assay of an antibiotic by zone-inhibition method using antibiotic impregnated discs. Study of biochemical activity of microorganisms by some standard tests like hydrolysis of starch, hydrolysis of casein, IMVIC test (Indole production test, Methylated test, Voges-Proskraves and Citrate utilization test). 1.
BT-401: Genetics L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem Note 1 : There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2 : Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. Module I: 10L Classical Genetics: Mendelian inheritance physical basis of inheritance, gene interaction, multiple alleles, complementation, linkage, recombination and chromosome mapping, sex determination; extrachromosomal inheritance, special types of chromosomes. Module II: 10L Bacterial Genetics: Transformation, transduction, conjugation, phage cures (recombination) Module III: 10L Chromosomal Variations : Numerical euploidy and aneuploidy : structural deletion, duplication, inversion and translocation. Hybridization technique and selection; out breeding and heterosis. Module IV: 10L Application of Genetics: Genetic materials in population: equilibrium, changes of gene frequency, continuous variation, human genome, genetic disease and gene therapy. Revision : 5L Books: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Genetics, Winter,P.C., Hickey,G.I. and Fletcher, H.L., Viva Books 2002 Klug, Concepts of Genetics, Pearson Education Genes VII, Benjamin Lewin, OUP Genetics a Molecular Approach, 2nd Ed. Brown, T.A., Chapman and Hall, 1992
Industrial Microbiology, Prescot and Dunn, Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology Handbok, Atkinson, B and Marituna, F., The Nature Press, Macmillan Publ. Ltd. Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, Bailey & Olis. MGH.
BT-403: Molecular Biology L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem Note 1 : There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2 : Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. Module I: 10L The biochemical basis of inheritance, DNA as the genetic material. The central dogma. DNA structure and replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Module II: 10L Nucleotide sequence composition: unique, middle and highly repetitive DNA; Redundant DNA; Genetic code. Module III: 10L Transcription and translation machinery in prokaryotic and eukaryotic system. Module IV: 10L Regulation of gene expression in encolioperation concept; hormonal control of gene expression in eukaryotes. Tools of recombinant DNA: restriction endonucleases and other enzymes; vectors; plasmid, bacteriophage and other viral vectors, cosmids, Ti plasmid, yeast artificial chromosome. Revision : 5L Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. Molecular Biology, Turner, P.C., McLennan, A.D. Bates & White, M.R.H., 2nd Ed. Viva Books. Elliot, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, OUP Watson, Molecular Biology of Gene, Pearson Education Cell and Molecular Biology, Rastogi, S.C., New Age International.
CHE 414: Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering-I At least 45 hrs/sem L-T-P = 3-1-0 Note 1 : There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2 : Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. Module I: 10L Basic concepts of Fluid Mechanics : Dimensional Analysis: Buckingham Pi-theorem, Dimensionless groups, Conversion of equations. Basic equations of Fluid Flow, Hagen Poiseville equation, Bernoulli Equation, Fluid Friction. Friction in flow through packed beds, fundamentals of fluidisation. Module II: 10L Flow measurements and machineries: Flow through pipes and open channels, Orifice and Venturi meters, Pitot Tube, Weirs, Rotameters and other types of meters, Transportation of fluids, Pipe Fittings and valves, Pumps classification, centrifugal and positive displacement type -- peristaltic. Blowers and Compressors (oil-free) Module III: 10L Heat transfer : Classification of heat flow processes, conduction, Thermal conductivity. Heat flow in fluids by conduction and convection. Countercurrent and parallel flow. Enthalpy balance in heat exchange equipment. Individual heat transfer coefficients, overall coefficient, Heating and cooling of fluids, Heat transfer equipment. Unsteady state heat transfer, Radiation. Module IV: 10L Mechanical Operations : Principles of comminution, Types of comminuting equipment. Energy and power requirement, Crushers, Grinders, Mixing and Agitations, Power consumption in mixing, Mechanical separation, Screening, Types of screen, Filtration, Principle, Constant pressure and constant rate filtration, Settling classifiers, Floatation, Centrifugal Separations. Revision : 5L Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering: McCabe, Smith & Harriot, TMH, 5th edition Transport Processes & Unit operations: Geankopolis, PHI, 3rd edition Chemical Engineering, Vol-I & II: Coulson & Richardson, Butterworth Heinemann Heat Transfer: D.Q. Kern, MGH Badger, W.L., Banchero, J.T., Introduction to Chemical Engineering, MGH Foust, A.S., Wenzel, L.A, Principles of Unit Operations, 2nd edition, JWS Perry, Chilton & Green, Chemical Engineers Handbook, MGH
CS 415: Data Structure and Algorithm L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem Note 1 : There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2 : Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. Module I : 10L Linear Data Structures: Sequential representations, Arrays and Lists, Stacks, Queues and D-queues, String and their applications. Link Representation: Linearly linked lists, Circularly linked lists, Doubly linked lists and applications. Module II : 10L
4. 5.
The overall aim of this course is to inculcate a sense of confidence in the students and help them to become good communicators in their social as well as professional lives. Books: Text 1. SharmaBusiness Correspondence & Report Writing, TMH 2. PrasadGroup Discussion & Interview (With Audio Cassette) , TMH Reference: 1. Sashi KumarSpoken English (with Cassette) , TMH BT: 501 Immunology L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem Note 1 : There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2 : Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. Module I: 10L The origin of immunology : Inherent immunity; humoral and cell mediated immunity. Primary and secondary lymphoid organ : antigen, B cell, T cell and macrophages. Module II: 10L Major Histocompatibility complex (MHC) : antigen processing and presentation; synthesis of antibody and secretion, Module III: 10L Molecular basis of Immunology: Molecular basis of antibody diversity, polyclonal and monoclonal antibody, complement, antigen-antibody reaction. Module IV: 10L Immune response and tolerance: Regulation of immune response, immune tolerance; hyper sensitivity, autoimmunity; graft versus host reaction. Immuno-deficiency and immuno-proliferate diseases. Revision : 5L Book: 1. 2. 3. Immunology: Lydyard, P.M., Whelan,A., Fanger, M.W. , 1st Ed., Viva Books Essential Immunology, Roitt, I.M., 9th Ed. (1997), Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, UK Immunology, Kuby, J. 3rd Ed. (1997), Freeman, W.H. ,Oxford
BT-502 Bio-reactor Design & Analysis L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem Note 1 : There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark.
Tertiary Structure predictions; prediction algorithsms; Chao-Fasman algorithm, Hidden-Markov model, Neural Neworking. Module IV: 10L Applications in Biotechnology: Protein classifications, Fold libraries, Protein structure prediction: Fold recognition (threading), Protein structure predictions : Comparative modeling (Homology), Advanced topics: Protein folding, Proteinligand interactions, Molecular Modeling & Dynamics, Drug Designing. Revision : 5L Books:
CHE:514 Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering II L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem Note 1 : There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2 : Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. Module I : 10L Introduction to Mass Transfer: Molecular diffusion in fluids. Diffusivity, Mass Transfer Coefficients, Interphase Mass Transfer, Gas Absorption, countercurrent multistage operation, Packed Tower. Module II: 10L Distillation: Vapour-liquid equilibrium, Rayleighs Equation, Flash and Differential distillation, continuous rectification, McCabe-Thiele Method, bubble cap and sieve distillation column. Module III: 10L Extraction, Drying and Crystallization:, Liquidliquid equilibrium. Liquid extraction, Stage wise contact; Liquid-solid equilibria, Leaching; Batch drying and mechanism of batch drying, Principle and operation of a spray drier, Preliminary idea of Crystallization, Module IV: 10L Advanced Separation Processes: Dialysis, Ultrafiltration, Reverse Osmosis, Pervaporation, Electrodialysis, and Membrane separation. Revision : 5L Book: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering: McCabe, Smith & Harriot, TMH, 5th edition Transport Processes & Unit operations: Geankopolis, PHI, 3rd edition Chemical Engineering, Vol-I & II: Coulson & Richardson, Butterworth Heinemann Treybal, R.E., Mass-Transfer Operations, MGH Perry, Chilton & Green, Chemical Engineers Handbook, MGH
CS 515:Database Management System & Computer Networking L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem Note 1 : There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2 : Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. Module I : 10L Introduction : Database System Concepts & Architecture , Data Models, Scheme and Instances , Data Independence, Database Languages, Database Manager, Database Administrator, Database Users, E/R diagram. Relational Data model and Languages : Relational Data Model Concepts, SQL Data Definitions / Queries and Updates in SQL. Module II :10L Example of DBMS ORACLE : Basic Architecture, Data Definitions, Data Manipulation, DBA Functions, SQL, PL SQL. Concurrent operations on the Database : Basic Concepts, A Simple Transaction Model, A Model with Read and Write only. Module III : 10L Computer Networking : LAN/MAN/WAN, OSI 7 layer Model, Communication Techniques, TCP/IP Protocol Stacks . Module IV : 10L Inter Networking, WWW, URLs, Search Engines, Electronic Mails, Distributed System, Distributed Database System Concepts.
Reference: 1. 2. 3. James Martin, Principles of Database Management Systems, 1985, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi Fundamentals of Database Systems, Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B.Navathe, Addison Wesley Publishing Edition Database Management Systems, Arun K.Majumdar, Pritimay Bhattacharya, Tata McGraw Hill
BT 591: Bio-informatics Lab L-T-P = 0-0-3 DNA sequence analysis using BLAST; sequence pattern, motifs and profiles. Prediction of secondary structure of proteins Prediction of tertiary structure of (fold recognition, homology search) Molecular modeling and dynamics: using small oligonucleofides and small protein with known crystal structure (available from data bank) 5. Drug designing using available data Applications of bio informatics open ended / small project. CHE 582: Unit Operation Lab II L-T-P = 0-0-6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To verify Rayleighs equation. To draw the vapour-liquid equilibrium diagram from Othmer Still. To study the performance of a Rectification Column. To determine the gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient (Wetted Wall column or Stirred Cell). To study the drying characteristic curves under constant drying condition in rotary and tray dyers. L-T-P = 0-0-3 Familiarization with ORACLE Package , Table design , creation & manipulation with SQL. Sharing resources in a LAN , Internet Connection , Web browsing , Search Engines , Downloading. Books: 1. Oracle 9i Complete Reference Oracle Press. West Bengal University of Technology B. Tech. in Bio-Technology Detailed Syllabi 1. 2. 3. 4.
BT 601: Plant Biotechnology Note 1: There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2: Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem Module I: 10L
2) H.E Street(ed): Tissue culture and Plant science, Academic press,London, 1974 3) M.K.Sateesh, Biotechnology-5 Animal cell biotechnology Immune biotechnology Plant biotechnology New Age Int Publishers,2003 4) Concepts in Biotechnology D. Balasubramaniam, Bryce, Dharmalingam, Green, Jayaraman Univ. Press, 1996
BT 602: Bio-separation Technology Note 1: There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2: Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem
Module I: 10L Basic Concepts Basic concepts of Bio-separation Technology, Separation characteristics of proteins and enzymes size, stability, properties; purification methodologies Characteristics of bio-products; Flocculation and conditioning of broth, overview of reaction processes involved in separation, numerical examples illustrating the process. Mechanical separation processes; Filtration at constant pressure and at constant rate; empirical equations for batch and continuous filtration, centrifugal and cross-flow filtration, Centrifugation: basic principles, design characteristics; ultracentrifuges:: principles and applications. Module II: 10L Techniques Involved in Separation Processes
Module IV: 10L Industrial Applications Industrial aspects of separation of bio-molecules, Material balances, mathematical analysis and modelling: Case studies. References: I 1. Schuler & Kargi, Bio-process Engg. PHI 2. Keith Wilson and John Walker, Practical BiochemistryPrinciples and Techniques, Cambridge, 5th Ed.2000 3. Coulson & Richardsons Chemical Engineering Volume 3 (Chemical and Biochemical Reactors and process controls) ed. Richardson, J.F., Peacock, D.G., First Indian ed. Asian Books Pvt. Ltd. 1998. 4. Bailey & oils, Biochemical Engg. Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill, 1990 5. 6. 7. Geankoplis, C.J. Transport Processes and Unit Operations Prentice Hall of (I) 3rd ed. 1997. Mukhopadhyay, S.N. Process Biotechnology Fundamentals, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd. 2001. Muni & Cheryan, Handbook of Ultrafiltration
References: II 1.Perry, Chilton & Green, Chemical Engineers Handbook, McGraw-Hill 2. Ho, W.S.W. and K. K. Sirkar, Membrane Handbook, Van Nostrand Reinhold, N.Y. (1992)
BT - 603: Pollution Control, Environmental Biotechnology & Bio-diversity Note 1: There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2: Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem
Module I Ecology & Biodiversity Introductory concepts, The biological world and Ecology: Ecological balance and consequences of change, Biological word and eco-systems; Biochemical Diversity in ecosystem development; Diversity indices; Cellular diversity and the classification of living system Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic organisms, General physical properties and Tolerance to environmental conditions; Microbial Biodiversity strategies bio-prospecting and recovery.
Module II Air Pollution Control Methods and Equipment Primary and secondary air pollutants, standards, sampling, basic ideas of air pollution control equipments, Bag Filter, Electrostatic Precipitators, cyclone separators, Wet-scrubbers, Bio-scrubbers, Electrostatic precipitators, High volume sampler, RSPM Sampler, Control of specific gaseous pollutants. Module III: 10L Wastewater Treatment by Biotechnological Processes Water pollution; sources and classification of pollutants, B.O.D, C.O.D, D.O, T.D.S, Oil and grease, Metals etc. Standards, sampling and method of analysis, Bacteriological measurements. Overview of treatment principles and theory of aeration, Municipal Sewer and Industrial Wastewater Treatment Principles, operation and design aspects of: Activated Sludge process, Extended Aeration, Nitrification-denitrification, Trickling Filter, Mechanically aerated lagoons, Concepts of Waste stabilization ponds, Aquatic plant systems, Ranking of waste water treatment processes, common effluent treatment plant.
Module IV: 10L Environmental Biotechnology: Specialized aspects Oil pollution treatment with micro-organisms, Bioremediationrecovery of metals from waste water and sludge, xenobiotics, degradative capabilities of microorganisms with reference to toxicology, pesticides, herbicides, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, .Anaerobic and aerobic composting, Vermiculture, Wetland Management, Membrane based waste water treatment processes case studies. Books : 1. 2. 3. 4. Odum, E.P., Fundamentals of Ecology Metcalf & Eddy, Wastewater Engineering Treatment, Disposal and Reuse, 3rd ed., Tata McGrawhill Rao, C.S., Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, New Age International, 1999 Arceiwala, S.J., Wastewater treatment for pollution control, 2nd Ed. TMH
BT 604: rDNA technology Note 1: There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2: Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem Module I: 10L Expression of genes in prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems Gene structure in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Gene expression concept of operon and related elements in the unit, regulatory and structural gene, post translational processing of mRNA, extra chromosomal DNA and its functions. Module II: 10L Tools of rDNA technology Restriction endonuclease and other enzymes, Vectors: bacteriophages, cosmids, Tri plasmids, yeast artificial chromosome and others, DNA labelling radioactive and non-radioactive methods, DNA sequencing, Southern and Northern blotting in situ, DNA fingerprinting Module III: 10L Gene transfer technology cDNA and genomic DNA library, gene isolation and cloning, Polymerase chain reaction and site directed mutagenesis,Expression of cloned gene in recombinant cells,-Stability of recombinant cells production of biochemicals discussion with examples. Module IV: 10L Application of rDNA technology Antisense and ribozyme technology, Human genome project and its application, Gene therapy prospect and future, DNA vaccine, Transgenic plants, Current production of rDNA products, Bio-safety measures and regulations for rDNA work. References: 1). D.M. Glover, Genetic Engineering, Cloning DNA, Chapman and Hall, New York, 1980 2) S. Mahesh and A.B. Vedamurthy, Biotechnology-4 (rDNA Technology, Environmental biotechnology, Animal cell culture), New Age International Publisher
CHE - 615: Instrumentation and Process Control Note 1: There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2: Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem Module: 10 L Introduction Principles of measurement. Error Analysis, Static and dynamic characteristics of instruments. Industrial instruments for measurement a) Temperature: Filled system Thermometer, Thermocouples, resistance thermometers, radiation and optical pyrometers b) Pressure: Manometers, elastic deformation and electrical type gauges. Vacuum gauges mechanical, electrical and ionization types. c) Flow: Head flow meters, area flow meters, positive displacement flow meters, mass and magnetic flow meters. d) Level: Direct and inferential type. Module II: 10 L Miscellaneous measurement Measurement of density and specific gravity, humidity, viscosity and composition. Analytical principles involving emission spectrometry, I R, spectroscopy, gas chromatography, Polarography, x-ray and PH. Process Instrumentation: Recording, indicating and signaling instruments , Transmission of instrument readings, Instrumentation diagram Module III: 10 L Simple system analysis: Laplace transform, block diagram, Forcing function, Concept of transfer function, Transient response of first, second and higher order systems. Linearization, Transportation lag, Lumped and distributed parameter system. Feed back control: Control loop and its components, servo and regulator control, closed loop response. Principle of automatic control with reference to proportional, integral and derivative modes. Module IV: 10 L Stability Concepts: Routh Hertwitz method, root locus method and Bode diagrams Controller tuning i) Zigler Nicols method ii) Process reaction curve Control hardware: Measurement elements and dynamics, final control elements sizing and dynamics. Pneumatic and electronic controller. Elementary idea of feed forward, cascade, ratio, adaptive and digital computer control,. Control of complex processes such as distillation column and heat exchanger Text Books / References: 1. Instrumentation, measurement and Analysis B. C. Nakra & K. K. Chaudhury (TMH) 2. Process system analysis & Control D. R. Coughanowr MGH. 3. Chemical Process Control G. Stephanopoulus PHI. BT- 691: Plant Tissue culture lab 1) Explant selection sterilization and inoculation 2) Various media preparations: MS, B5, SHPCL2 3) Callus and cell suspension culture; induction and growth parameters 4) Chromosomal variability in callus culture 5) Plant regeneration from embryo, meristem and callus culture. 6) Androgenesis: Anther and pollen culture: Isolation and culture of protoplasts BT 692: rDNA Technology lab 1) Isolation of genomic RNA
CHE 683 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL LAB 1.0 Temperature Measurement using Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD), Thermocouple. 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Pressure gauge calibration using Dead Weight Tester Liquid-Level Measurement using Air-Purge Method Measurement using Load Cell Study on Responses of First and second-Order Interacting and non-interacting Systems Studies on Characteristics of Control Valve Studies on the Stability and tuning of a Flow Controller Response of a P & PI Controller Demonstration of Bourdon tube, diaphragm gauge, etc.
BT 701: Animal cell and Immune technology ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2: Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem
Module I: 10L History scope and prospect of animal cell culture History of animal cell culture and development, Development of primary culture, Development of cell line by enzymatic disaggregation, Culture media and growth conditions. Cell type and characterization, origin of animal cell line, maintenance and characterization of different cell lines, Marker gene characterization, Module II: 10 L Growth and scale up Cell growth characteristics and kinetics, Micro-carrier attached growth, Cell culture in continuous, perfusion and hollow fibre reactor, Mass transfer in mammalian cell culture. Module III: 10L Technology Present and future Hybridoma technology, Organ culture technology, Transfection of animal cells, Future tissue engineering Module IV: 10L Immune system Defence and immunity, Immune response, Dysfunctions of immune system and their modulation, Approaches for correcting immune dysfunction, Vaccinology, Monoclonal antibody technology
References: 1. Balasubramanian, Bryce, Dharmalingam, Green and Jayaraman (Eds.), Concepts in Biotechnology, University Press, 1996 2. Hood L.E., Weissman I., Wood W.B. and Wilson J.H. Immunology, Benjamin Cummings, 1989 3. Biotol Series Butterworth and Heineman, Oxford, 1992
Module I: 10L Preservation technology Spoilage of food, Microbiology of water, meat, milk, vegetables, Technology - canning, dehydration, ultrafiltration, sterilization, irradiation etc. Module II: 10L Food Production technology Single cell protein (yeast, mushroom, Fermentative production of food, Pickling and alcoholic beverages, Genetically manipulated crop. Module III: 10L Technology for improved process Enzyme in bakery and cereal products, Enzymes in fat/oil industries, Protease in cheese making and beverage production, Utilization of food waste for production of valuables. Module IV: 10L Food quality and control Analysis of food, major ingredients present in different product, Food additives colour, flavour, vitamins, Microbial safety of food products, Chemical safety of food products, heavy metal, fungal toxins, pesticide and herbicide contamination. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. Jay, Modern Food Microbiology, CBS Publishers, 1987 Frazier, Food Microbiology G. Reed, Prescott and Dunns Microbiology, CBS Publishers, 1987 Desrosier, Technology of food preservation, CBS Publishers
Module I: Economic environment of Business, Economic planning in India, Industrial policy, Industry and natural environment, Environment policy, Impact on Environment, Green industry. 10L
Module II: Principles and functions of management, Line and staff organization, Motivation, Attitude and behaviour, Elements of Production management, Productivity, Quality and materials management. 10L
Module III: Elements of Financial management, Concept of cash-flow and ratio analysis, Capital structure of a firm, Analysis of Balance sheet, working capital management. 10L
Module IV: Concept of Project, Preparation of Project Report, Feasibility studies, Detail Project Report (DPR), Project appraisal, Payback period, Rate of return, Monitoring techniques of Project, Concept of HRD, Recruitment, Selection, Appraisal and Training, Industrial relations. 10L Revision: 5L
Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. N.K. Sengupta: Government & Business. Vikas Publishing R. Dutt & K.P.M Sundaram: Indian Economy. S. Chand & Co. Ramchandran: Accounting & Financial Management for MBA and MCA students, Scitech. P. Gopalkrishnan & M. Sundaram: Materials Management, An Integrated Approach. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing.
BT 703A Biophysics of Macromolecules: Module1: 10L Introduction to biophysics, Strong and weak interactions in biomolecules, dielectric properties of biomolecules, electronic properties of biomolecules condctivity, photoconductivity and piezoelectric effect, conformation and configuration of biomolecules Module 2: 10L Conformation of proteins and enzymes, effect of amino acids on the structure of proteins, energy status of a protein molecule, helix coil transformation of proteins, structure-function relations of enzymes, cooperative properties of enzymes, dynamics of protein folding Module 3: 10L Conformation of nucleic acids, helix coil transformation, thermodynamics of DNA denaturation, Changes in nucleic acid structures during biochemical processes Module 4: 10L Methods for study of biomolecule structure -- X-ray crystallography, optical, uv and ir spectroscopy, luminescence, fluorescence, magnetic resonance and electron microscopy
Module I Biological fuel generation : Biomass as a renewable energy source; types of biomass forest, agricultural and animal residues, industrial and domestic organic wastes; conversion of biomass to clean fuels and petrochemical substitutes by physicochemical and / or fermentation processes. Module II Sources of biomass; biogas from anaerobic digestion; thermal energy from biomass combustion; ethanol from biomass. Module III Hydrogen production by photosynthetic bacteria, biophotolysis of water and by fermentation; Microbial recovery of petroleum by biopolymers (Xanthum gum), biosurfactants. Module IV: Solar energy: solar collectors, solar pond, photovoltaic cells, chemical storage. Geothermal energy and wind energy: Use of geothermal energy, operating principles of different types of wind energy mills. Nuclear energy: nuclear reactions and power generating tidal wave energy. Ref. : 1) J.E. Smith Biotechnology, 3rd ed. Cambridge Univ Press 2) S. Sarkar Fuels and combustion, 2nd ed., University Press
BT 703C Modelling and Simulation of Bioprocesses Note 1 : There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2 : Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem
Module I: Approach to modeling, Unstructured and structured modeling, Deterministic and stochastic models, Segregated and unsegregated models, Shus segregated models for Lactic acid fermentation. Module II: Structured kinetic models: Compartmental models (two and three), Product formation, Unstructured and structured models, Genetically structured models. Module III: Stochastic model for thermal sterilization of the medium, Modelling for activated sludge process, Model for anaerobic digestion, Models for lactic acid fermentation and antibiotic production. Module IV: Process simulation techniques, Equation oriented approach, Equation oriented simulators ( SPEED UP, ASCEND, FLOWSIM, QUASILIN, DYNSIM), simulation programs based on Eulers methods, Newton Raphsen methods, Runga Kutta methods, Simulation of biochemical system models. References: 1) G. Francis, Modelling and Simulation 2)A. Haerder and J. A. Roels Application of simple structured I Bioengineering, and P55 in Advances In Biochemical engineering Vol21, A. Fiechts (ed) Spring Verlag , Berlin, 1982. 3)J.E. Bailey and D.F. Ollis, Biochemical Engg Fundamentals, 1986, McGraw Hill Book Company
Module I: Introduction Immobilization key to biosensor construction, Biosensors diversification. Module II: Redoxmediated systems, Optoelectric biosensors. FETs (Field Effect Transistors), Thermistors, Conductimeters, Piezoelectric crystals,
Module III: Variations on the biological /biochemical component, Bioaffinity principles, whole cell biosensors. Module IV: Applications and uses of biosensors, Clinical chemistry, medicine and health care, Veterinary, Agriculture and Food production, Environmental control and pollution monitoring. References: 1) Turner, A.P.F, Karube.I.,and Wilson,G.S, Biosensors Fundamentals and applications, Oxford Univ. Press. 2) D.Thomas and J.M. Laval Enzyme Technology in concepts in Biotechnology by Balasubramaniam et al, Univ. Press, 1996.
BT 801 Ethics and IPR in Biotechnology Note1: There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note2: Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem
Module I: Juriprudential definition and concept of property , rights, duties and their correlation; History and evaluation of IPR like patent design and copyright. Module II: Distinction among the various forms of IPR, Requirement of a patentable invention like novelty, inventive step and prior art and state of art. Module III: Rights/Protection, infringement or violation, Remedies against infringement, civil and criminal, Indian patent Act 1970 and TRIPS, Major changes in Indian patent system, Post TRIPS effects. Contents of Patent specificaytion and procedure for patents a) Obtaining patents b) Geographical indication c) WTO, Detailed information on patenting biologic products: Biodiversity, Budapest treaty.
Module IV: Applications of Genetic engineering-Safety, social, moral and ethical considerations, Ethics in genetic testing and screening, medical safety, Legal implications and public concerns in Human gene therapy, genetic modifications and food uses.
BT 802: Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Note 1: There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2: Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem
Module 1: 10L Drug Development in Pharmaceutical Process Production of pharmaceuticals by genetically engineered cells (hormones, interferrons) Microbial transformation for production of important pharmaceuticals (steroids and semi-synthetic antibiotics) Techniques for development of new generation antibiotics Protein engineering, drug design, drug targeting Module II: 10L Disease Diagnosis and Therapy ELISA and hybridoma technology DNA vaccine Gene Therapy Toxicogenomics Module III: 10L Proteomics in Drug Development Role of Proteomics in Drug Development Diagnosis of disease by Proteomics Separation and identification techniques for protein analysis Development of antibody based protein assay for diagnosis Module IV: 10L Diagnosis and Kit Development Use of enzymes in clinical diagnosis Use of biosensors for rapid clinical analysis Diagnostic kit development for microanalysis References: 1. 2. Balasubramanian, Bryce, Dharmalingam, Green and Jayaraman (ed), Concepts in Biotechnology, University Press, 1996 Epenetos A.A.(ed), Monoclonal antibodies: applications in clinical oncology, Chapman and Hall Medical, London
BT 803 A: Proteomics and protein engineering Note 1 : There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark.
Module I: 10L Patterns of genome organization Structural genomics Functional genomics Reverse genetics Gene patenting Module II: 10L Electronic PCR Genome mapping and genome sequencing Specialized database in molecular biology
BT 803 C Biosafety Note 1 : There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2 : Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem
Module I Introduction to safety in biotechnology: Problems of organism pathogencity during manufacture of vaccines or diagnostic reagents; Risk assessment studies Module II Classifications of microorganisms according to pathogencity; classification by European Federation of Biotechnology; characteristic feature of those organism (allergic reactions, food poisoning etc) Module III Release of genetically manipulated organism to the environment; genetic modifications and food uses; Ethical concerns relating to the food use of certain transgenic organism; genetic engineering of the animals ( e.g. application of transgenic growth hormones into animals to improve meat quality) serve moral opposition. Module IV Areas of public concern on human genome research: genetic testing and screening; commercial exploitation of human genome; Eugenic pressures; effects of germslike gene therapies on later generations; Regulations to super use medical safety; legal implication and public concern. (Ref (1) J.E. Smith Biotechnology 3rd ed)
BT 803 E Bio-fertilizers and Bio-pesticides Module I Definition of Bio-fertilizers ,Bacterial suspensions/inoculants as bio-fertilizers and bio-control agents to fight insect pests, weeds or diseases in plants; Atmospheric nitrogen fixing soil bacteria (Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Acetibacter) and several cyanobacteria;
Module II Mechanism of soil bacteria and cyanobacteria for enhanced nitrogen fixation; Role of water fern Azola as biofertilizers; advantage of biofertilizers over chemical fertilizers; activity to control insect pests. Module III Free living and symbiotic nitrogen fixers; nif genes to other soil micro-organism; Endophytic diazotrophs; NIF gene transfer; Nodulation by Rhizobium; Rhizobium management; Rhizo-sphere engineering. Module IV Biopesticide definition: Types (Bioinsecticides and biofungicides); Protein antipest materials such as Bacillus Thuringiensis; Development of biopesticides, advantages over chemical pesticides (biodegradability, specificity) References: c 2. Stacey, Burris and Evans (ed), Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Chapman & Hall, 1992
ID 814 D Biometallurgy Module I Introduction to Biotechnology applied to Raw Material processing, Biogeochemical reactions chemical mechanisms and controlling factors, Microbial interventions, Nature and characteristics of Biogeochemically important micro-organisms. Module II Kinetics of bioleaching; Applications of biogeochemical processes in mining and metallurgy, dump, heap and in-situ leaching. Module III Reactor modeling for leaching, beneficiation of ores and process residues:recovery of gold and silver, beneficiation of sulfidic tailings from tin processing; purification of ferroginous sand. Module IV Beneficiation of bauxite, applications of sulphate reducing bacteria; applications of sulphate reducing bacteria. Environmental pollution control: accumulation of metals by microbial cells; growth of microbial cells in water flowing pipe lines; microbial degradation of water-based metal working fluids. References: 1. 1. H.D. Kumar and S. Kumar, Modern Concepts of Microbiology, Vikas Publishing House, 2nd Edition, 2001 2. M.E. Curtin, Microbial mining and metal recovery biotechnology (1), pp 229-235, 1983 3. Woods D, Rawling D.E., Bacterial bleaching and biomining in marx J.L. (ed), Revolution in biotechnology, Cambridge University Press
ModuleI Review of digital, logic & circuits; instrumentation sets, multiprocessors versus single processors; peripheral devices; hard disks, CDs, video display monitors, device controllers, input/output; operating systemsfunctions, unix/linux or windows, process management, memory and file system management. Module II Basic network components, HUB, switches, and media; for LAN/WAN network cards, protocols, telecommunication devices, different methods of communications, network, applications; topologies and protocols; installation and operation of bridges, routers and gateways. Module III Network performance analysis; privacy, security and security; installation and configuration of LAN and WAN networks; Internet working, www, web browsing, URLs, file transfer, email, search engines, client server computation. Module IV Distributed databases, distributed and hierarchical control of processes, computer based instrumentation and control. References: 1) 2) Mano Digital computer architecture, PH-I A.S.Tanenbaun - Computer network , PH-I
ID 814C Biomaterials Note 1 : There will be one compulsory objective type question comprising ten numbers spread over the entire syllabus and each carrying one mark. Note 2 : Two questions are to be set from each module out of which five questions are to be answered taking at least 1 from each module. All questions carry equal marks. L-T-P = 3-1-0 L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem
Module I Definition of biomaterials biologically derived materials or materials compatible with biology. Common biomaterials: some proteins, many carbohydrates and some specialized polymers. Collagen (protein in bone and connective tissues): Structure production and its use. Fibroin (protein in silk): Production a and its use. Production of these proteins by conventional cloning methods. Module II: Carbohydrates: Modified carbohydrates actin gas lubricants for biomedical applications; Polydextrose made from bacteria; Carbohydrates modified from enzymes; artificial wood. ModuleIII: Biopolymers: Synthesis from a simple biological monomer ( eg hyaluronate polymers); Dextrans (used in chromatography columns); Rubberllike materials produced by bacteria and fungi (Polyhydroxybutyrate PHB), Polycaprolactone(PCL); Production of a copolymer of PHB and PHV(polyhydrovaleric acid), sold as Biopol by fermentation on Alcaligenes eutrophus; Biodegradable polymers Module IV: Industrial biopolymers: Production of polyphenol resins by the enzyme soybean peroxidase; Evaluation of the properties of biopolymers to make good biomaterials; Tensile strength(both elasticity and breaking strength); Hydration, visco elastic properties; viscosity. References: