Askovic Kamp
Askovic Kamp
Askovic Kamp
We are contacting you from Hotel “Asković”, which is located in Zablak —
Montenegro. We will organize a preparatory Camp for Athletic Clubs. Athletics
clubs from Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo and Croatia will participate.
This camp will be organized during the period 01.05.2023 – 31.07.2023.
I invite you as an individual to join the camp, you will have quality preparation
with trainers and triathlons from foreign countries. You will have the full parking
including: food, fitness gym, massages, athletics stadium and hundreds of miles
of trails for running, the Black Lake for swimming and plenty of roads for
cycling, Wi-Fi, laundry.
All these services for one person within one day is 50 €.
Žabljak, 06.04.2023
Yours truly,
Danica Asković
We are contacting you from Hotel “Asković”, which is located in Zablak —
Montenegro. We will organize a preparatory Camp for Athletic Clubs. Athletics
clubs from Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo and Croatia will participate.
This camp will be organized during the period 01.05.2023 – 31.07.2023.
I invite you as an individual to join the camp, you will have quality preparation
with trainers and triathlons from foreign countries. You will have the full parking
including: food, fitness gym, massages, athletics stadium and hundreds of miles
of trails for running, the Black Lake for swimming and plenty of roads for
cycling, Wi-Fi, laundry.
All these services for one person within one day is 50 €.
Žabljak, 06.04.2023
Yours truly,
Danica Asković