034-83 Oct 2014
034-83 Oct 2014
034-83 Oct 2014
3. All formulae used must be stated and the method of working and all intermediate steps must be
made clear in the answer.
The positions given in brackets after the names of prominent points are approximate to 1' and are
to be used for identification purposes only.
Section A
1. At 1415 hrs, 28th April, a ship steering 060°C, observes the horizontal angle between
Hope’s Nose (50°28ʹN 03°29ʹW) and Spot height 160 (50°21ʹN 03°32ʹW) as 72°.
At the same time Berry Hd lighthouse (50°24ʹN 03°29ʹW) was in transit with Radio Mast
(50°27ʹN 03°37ʹW) bearing 298°C.
The OOW is undertaking checks of the navigation equipment, including checking the
Deviation Card against the deviation obtained by observation.
(iii) the deviation by observation using the charted variation corrected to 2013. (5)
(b) Find the true course to steer at 14.2 knots to pass 4.0 miles southward of Bill of
Portland lighthouse (50°31ʹN 02°27ʹW) counteracting the effects of a tidal stream
(c) At 1615 hrs the vessel is in position by GPS 50°26ʹ.1N 02°44ʹ.6W (Adjusted to
Find the actual set, drift and rate of the tidal stream experienced. (6)
2. A ship proceeding to Southampton must pass beneath power cables spanning the harbour
Charted vertical clearance of power cables 17.2 metres. (Assume Charted Height measured
from HAT).
The Port Authority advises the ship that they consider that the maximum height of tide for
the ship to safely pass beneath the power cables is 2.8 metres.
(a) Calculate the clearance under the power cables at the recommended maximum height
of tide. (4)
(b) The ETA of the ship at the power cables is during the afternoon of the 26th April.
Find EACH of the following, using the recommended maximum height of tide:
(i) the earliest time that the ship can pass under the power cables; (5)
(ii) the latest time that the ship can pass under the power cables on that tide. (5)
Section B
3. (a) State the passage planning information that should be detailed on the navigation
charts and / or the passage plan summary. (12)
(b) Outline the objective of the third stage (Execution) of a passage plan, listing factors
that should be considered. (10)
(i) why tide details should be appraised and considered during the ‘Execution’ stage
of a passage plan; (2)
(ii) why the proximity of fishing grounds should be considered when determining
the planned passage. (2)
4. A vessel is to sail an ocean passage from Cape Town, South Africa to Caleta Cordoba,
Argentina. The vessel will depart loaded to her summer marks and so cannot enter the
Southern Winter Zone until sufficient fuel, water and stores have been consumed.
(a) Calculate the total distance of the rhumb line passages. (12)
(b) The Cape Town pilot will be disembarked at 1100 hrs, Standard Time,
30th September.
Find the ETA, Standard Time, landfall position off Caleta Cordoba. (5)
(a) State TWELVE factors to be considered when determining the bridge composition
when navigating in restricted waters. (12)
(b) Outline THREE reasons for giving one hour’s notice to the Engine Room prior to any
planned reductions in speed. (3)
(c) Explain the requirements and purpose of recording bridge activities as outlined in the
Bridge Procedures Guide. (2)