OOW SQA Stability 2023 1
OOW SQA Stability 2023 1
OOW SQA Stability 2023 1
Port Stbd
Kg 12.00 m
Kg 3.00 m
10.50 m
Ships outside special areas and Arctic Ships within special areas and Arctic
Garbage type
waters waters
Worksheet Q1
Datasheet Q3 - Hydrostatic Particulars
Worksheet Q4
1. Examinations administered by the SQA on behalf of the Maritime & Coastguard Agency.
2. Candidates should note that 100 marks are allocated to this paper. To pass candidates
must achieve 50% of the total marks available. In addition, candidates must achieve a
minimum of 40% from Section A and a minimum of 40% from Section B.
4. All formulae used must be stated and the method of working and all intermediate steps
must be made clear in the answer.
Section A
Stage 2 when the crane is slewed to starboard and is over the centreline;
Stage 3 when the weight has been landed in the stowage position.
(i) Using Worksheet Q1, show the Centre of Gravity of the vessel at EACH
stage of the operation. (6)
(ii) For EACH stage of the operation, explain the effect on the vessel’s
metacentric height. (6)
(iii) State the list of the vessel at EACH stage of the operation, describing how
the list changes at EACH stage of the operation. (6)
(b) State the effect of an increase in free surface moments on an angle of list
due to an off centre weight. (2)
2. (a) Explain EACH of the following:
The vessel is upright in dock water RD 1.012 and the waterline is 0.50 cm
below the lower edge of the tropical load line.
Calculate the additional weight of cargo to load for the ship to be at the
Tropical freeboard in salt water given that the TPCSW is 58.90 t for the tropical
load displacement and the FWA is 288 mm. (9)
The vessel is required to sail with a trim by the stern. This must not exceed
0.35 m.
(a) Using Datasheet Q3 - Hydrostatic Particulars, calculate the trim after cargo
operations are completed. (8)
(b) Comment on the suitability of the vessel’s trim for sailing after cargo
operations are completed. (2)
Section B
(b) state the document in which EACH of the following discharges of garbage
should be recorded:
(i) cargo residues from a bulk carrier that carries solid bulk cargoes; (2)
5. (a) With reference to the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers,
outline the general principles to be observed with respect to safe movement
on board ship. (15)
(b) State the action to be taken by the Officer of the Watch if port workers report
difficulties while attempting to lash and unlash containers on deck. (5)
(a) the vessel’s name, Master’s name and voyage number all appear on the Cargo
Loading Plan. List the additional information that should appear on the
vessel’s Cargo Loading Plan; (5)
(b) outline the checks that should be made on the cargo before it is loaded. (5)
1. Examinations administered by the SQA on behalf of the Maritime & Coastguard Agency.
2. Candidates should note that 100 marks are allocated to this paper. To pass candidates
must achieve 50% of the total marks available. In addition, candidates must achieve a
minimum of 40% from Section A and a minimum of 40% from Section B.
4. All formulae used must be stated and the method of working and all intermediate steps
must be made clear in the answer.
Section A
Present condition:
Even keel draught 4.400 m KG 8.59 m
The transfer of the ballast will introduce a total of 446 tm of free surface
(a) the weight of ballast to transfer to create the required list; (8)
(b) the angle of list when the heavy lift is first picked up and suspended over
the quay. (12)
Note: assume no change in the KG of the vessel due to any vertical component
of shift of weight of the ballast.
(a) Using Datasheet Hydrostatic Particulars, calculate the position of the ship’s
Longitudinal Centre of Gravity (LCG) at these draughts. (10)
(b) Using Worksheet Q2, for the vessel in the trimmed condition, indicate the
position of EACH of the following:
(i) centre of gravity, as calculated in Q2(a) showing the weight force; (4)
(c) Calculate the vessel’s Longitudinal Centre of Flotation (LCF) for the vessel’s
condition and indicate this on Worksheet Q2. (3)
3. Explain with the aid of a sketch of curves of statical stability on the same set of
axes’, the difference between the terms, stiff condition and a tender condition
vessel and comment on the relative roll period for EACH condition. (10)
Section B
4. A helicopter is to land on a bulk carrier and the Officer of the Watch has been
designated as the officer in charge on deck.
(a) List the preparations to be made by the Officer of the Watch on deck before
the helicopter makes an approach. (14)
(b) State the additional items of equipment that should also be ready on deck. (6)
(a) List FIVE publications and documents that are to be consulted when deciding
on the stowage location and securing of dangerous goods. (5)
(b) Outline the specific duties of the Officer of the Watch with respect to the
dangerous goods containers. (12)
(c) State the requirements with respect to the dangerous goods documentation
after loading operations are completed. (3)
6. With reference to the International Safety Management Code for the Safe
Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM Code) explain EACH of the
following terms:
11.75 m
4.100 3.600
11.75 m
4.100 3.600
1. Examinations administered by the SQA on behalf of the Maritime & Coastguard Agency.
2. Candidates should note that 100 marks are allocated to this paper. To pass candidates
must achieve 50% of the total marks available. In addition, candidates must achieve a
minimum of 40% from Section A and a minimum of 40% from Section B.
4. All formulae used must be stated and the method of working and all intermediate steps
must be made clear in the answer.
Section A
1. (a) State how a vessel’s mean draught will change when passing from dock water
to fresh water. (2)
(b) Explain why the draught changes, as stated in your answer for Q1(a) above. (3)
The vessel is even keel and floating at the summer draught of 9.300 m.
(i) Calculate the weight of cargo that must be discharged into barges so that
the vessel can pass over a bar at the port entrance (RD 1.025).
The depth of water is 10.40 m, an underkeel clearance of 1.70 m is
required. (5)
(ii) Ignoring the effects of fuel consumption, calculate the vessel’s new
mean draught on arrival at an upriver berth where the dock water RD is
1.009. (4)
(iii) At the berth, 690 t of cargo is discharged and 220 t of bunkers loaded.
2. (a) List the information that can be obtained from a curve of statical stability
(GZ curve). (7)
(b) State THREE disadvantages for EACH of the following conditions of loading:
3. (a) Sketch a stable vessel listed to a small angle.
4. With reference to the The Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers
as amended:
(a) Prior to entering an enclosed space, list the gases to be checked for using the
vessel’s atmosphere-testing equipment; (4)
(b) a ballast tank on an oil tanker has been opened and entered for inspection.
State the procedures and arrangements to be complied with while the tank
inspection is being carried out. (16)
5. (a) With reference to the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers,
and latest guidance, outline the general principles to be observed with
respect to safe movement on board ship. (15)
State the immediate actions to be taken by the Officer of the Watch. (5)
Outline the duties of the Officer of the Watch with respect to security, which is
set at Level 1. (10)