Assist Maps For Different M, Odes
Assist Maps For Different M, Odes
Assist Maps For Different M, Odes
30 Motor
TOrcu 313
302- COrrection 32
319 Moror
315 Circuit
Current Correction
U.S. Patent Nov. 11, 2014 Sheet 1 of 4 US 8,886,408 B2
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FIG. 1
U.S. Patent Nov. 11, 2014 Sheet 2 of 4 US 8,886408 B2
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216 ---
FIG. 2
U.S. Patent Nov. 11, 2014 Sheet 3 of 4 US 8,886408 B2
301 - MOTOR
303 S.
FIG. 3
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1. 2
VEHICLE STEERING CONTROL SYSTEM nent of a blending MAP at a faster rate than a smaller com
AND METHOD ponent of the blending MAP when a new MAP is selected.
Automotive engineers have developed vehicles which The following description and drawings set forth certain
allow the driver to alter the driving characteristics of the car illustrative implementations of the disclosure in detail, which
depending on their needs and/or the environment in which the are indicative of several exemplary ways in which the various
car is being driven. These systems allow drivers to adapt to principles of the disclosure may be carried out. The illustrated
different road and traffic situations. For example, the driver 10 examples, however, are not exhaustive of the many possible
can decide whether they wish to maximize handling, embodiments of the disclosure. Other objects, advantages
and novel features of the disclosure will be set forth in the
economy or a balance between the two. These multi-mode following detailed description of the disclosure when consid
systems enable the driver to choose between driving modes ered in conjunction with the drawings, in which:
which alter vehicle systems, such as, throttle and steering 15 FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of an automotive vehicle
responsiveness, and climate control. When changing between electric power assist steering system;
modes, various settings of the vehicle's components are FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustration of an automotive
modified to yield the desired characteristics for the selected vehicle steer-by-wire system;
mode. FIG. 3 is a flow chart illustration of data flow within a
power steering electronic control unit;
FIG. 4 is a graphical depiction of a map Switching protocol.
Various details of the present disclosure are hereinafter DETAILED DESCRIPTION
Summarized to provide a basic understanding. This Summary
is not an extensive overview of the disclosure, and is intended 25 Electric power assistand steering-by-wire vehicle steering
neither to identify certain elements of the disclosure, nor to systems may benefit from the present disclosure. The follow
delineate the scope thereof. Rather, the primary purpose of ing description is directed primarily to those systems; how
this Summary is to present some concepts of the disclosure in ever, it is envisioned that application to other types of the
a simplified form prior to the more detailed description that is steering methodologies or steering systems may also be
presented hereinafter. 30 advantageous.
According to a first embodiment, a control method for an Many automotive vehicles utilize electric motor assisted
automotive vehicle steering system including an electric steering. For example, the hydraulic steering system may be
motor providing a steering force on a steering mechanism is supplemented with an electric motor to drive the hydraulic
provided. The method comprises providing at least three pump. This approach allows the steering effort to be con
steering system MAPs which control an electric current Sup
35 trolled by varying the pump speed and allows the vehicle to
have various modes of operation. For example, a driving
plied to the electric motor. If a new MAP is selected when at mode can exist where driving conditions (such as city, coun
least two prior selected MAPs are blending, the deselected try, highway, etc.) are automatically judged and appropriate
MAP comprising the greatest component of the blend is levels of assistance are provided. Similarly, a steering wheel
decreased at a faster rate than the deselected MAP comprising 40 input mode can be used where the speed of the steering wheel
the lesser component of the blend. movement is used to determine the degree of assistance
According to a second embodiment, a control method for a required. Alternatively, a steering load mode can exist where
steering system of an automotive vehicle having a plurality of demand for power assistance is determined by the counter
driving modes is provided. The method includes the steps of pressure of the hydraulic fluid, sensed through variations in
providing an ECU storing a plurality of steering MAPs. A 45 the motor current load.
vehicle electronic power steering motor is also provided. The A control unit can be provided to monitor these conditions
current Supplied to the motor is adjustable based upon the and send a control signal to the motor power circuit. More
selection of aparticular steering MAP, wherein upon a change over, the control unit can be programmed with a plurality of
from a first to a second steering MAP, MAP blending is algorithms which calculate the appropriate steering assist
performed according to the following parameters: 50 level (current) based on monitored steering system conditions
rising rate of the new MAP (RR per millisecond) equals in view of a selected mode. Alternatively, the control unit can
100%/time in milliseconds required for complete tran host a lookup table(s) which map steering system conditions
sition to new MAP, and and vehicle modes, associating each with a pre-calibrated
falling rate of the old MAP (FR per millisecond) equals steering assist current level. Furthermore, the control unit can
I(X)/((100-Y)RR) wherein X is the existing blend per 55 operate using a combination of a lookup table(s) and pre
centage of the old MAP and Y is the existing blend programmed algorithms. The term MAP is used herein to
percentage of the new MAP. reflect these types of methodologies for assessing steering
According to a further embodiment, an automotive vehicle system conditions and calculating power steering assist cur
including a steering system having an electric motor receiv rent, including, but not limited to, pre-programmed algo
ing a current from a drive circuit is provided. The drive circuit 60 rithms and lookup tables. In today’s vehicles where multiple
receives a control signal from an electronic control unit. The modes of vehicle operation can be present, it is likely that the
electric control unit includes a data processor housing a com steering control unit will include numerous pre-programmed
puter program designed to select a current for the electric algorithms and/or lookup tables, each interchangeably
motor and provide a control signal to the drive circuit. The referred to herein individually as a MAP.
computer program associates vehicle operating conditions 65 Complexities exist when the current delivered to the steer
with a MAP associated with a vehicle drive mode, wherein ing assist motor is modified in response to a simultaneous
the computer program selectively reduces the largest compo shift between more than two MAPs. It is relatively easy to
US 8,886,408 B2
3 4
access two MAPs and blend them together over several sec The output shaft 20 is connected to a pinion gear 40 that
onds. However, a problem occurs when the driver or vehicle engages the steering rack 42 which is operatively coupled to
changes to a third MAP while a first set of two MAPs are in the vehicle's steerable wheels 46 via steering linkage (not
the process of blending. In a steering system, the driver can shown) in a known manner. When the steering wheel 12 is
readily feel changes in effort especially while turning, so that 5 turned, the rack and pinion gear 40 converts the rotary motion
if blending the MAPs together is not performed in a con of the steering wheel 12 into linear motion of the steering rack
trolled manner, there might be a Sudden change in steering 42. When the steering rack 42 moves in a linear direction, the
effort required. This might occur if one MAP is changed more steerable wheels 46 pivot about their associated steering axes.
quickly than is desirable. While delaying the institution of a An electric assist motor 50 is operatively connected to the
new MAP until the current MAP blending is completed is an 10 steering rack 42 through a ball-nut assembly (not shown) in a
option, this protocol can cause a delayed feeling in the steer known manner or other desired gearing arrangement (such as
ing system. In this regard, the present MAP blending protocol a worm and wheel, bevel gear or belt driven system). When
allows for the MAP having the largest share of present time energized, the electric assist motor 50 provides power assist
to aid in steering as guided by the rotation of the vehicle
influence on the blended current signal to be reduced at a 15 steering wheel 12 by the vehicle operator.
faster rate than the MAP having the lesser share. The basic operation of an electric motor in an electric
This protocol will have benefits if applied to the electric steering system 10 is well known in the art. Basically, the
motor assist hydraulic systems described above and in asso stator poles are energized to achieve a desired amount of
ciation with electric power steering (EPS). Electric power motor torque in a desired rotational direction. The direction of
steering systems assist driver effort through the use of an motor rotation is controlled in response to the sequence in
electric motor which can act through a reversible gearbox and which the stator coils are energized in certain motor types and
in certain cases, also an electromagnetic clutch. An electronic the direction of current flow in other motor types. The torque
control unit (ECU) determines the degree of assistance that is produced by the motor is controlled by the amount of current
rendered. through the stator coils. The drive circuits typically include
Electric power steering has some advantages over hydrau 25 field affect transistors (“FETs) or other forms of solid state
lic steering. The reduction in engine load of an electric power switches operatively coupled between the vehicle battery and
steering system (it can be as low as 4 watts when the car is the electric assist motor. Motor current can be controlled by
being driven in a straightline) means that the fuel economy of pulse width modulation (“PWM) of the FETs.
a car equipped with electric power steering is very similar to When the electric motor 50 is energized, the motor in turn
that of a car with no form of power steering. Analyses pro 30 transfers a linear force to the steering rack 42. A rotor position
vided by manufacturers of electric power steering systems sensor 60 is operatively connected to the motor 50 and senses
indicate potential fuel savings of 4-8 percent over cars the position of the rotor relative to the stator. The position
equipped with conventional hydraulic steering, with the sensor 60 provides a rotor position signal indicated at 62,
lighter mass of an electric power Steering also having a posi having a value indicating that relative position between the
tive impact. The independence of the system from engine 35 rotor and the stator.
operation also means that should the engine stall, steering The electric power steering system 10 includes an elec
assistance does not charge. Environmental gains are also pos tronic control unit (ECU) 70. The ECU 70 is preferably a
sible from the decreased production and disposal of hydraulic microcomputer having suitable memory. The ECU 70 is pro
fluid (worldwide, an estimated 40 million liters of power grammed with MAPs that are operative to control the electric
steering fluid was in use in 1995) and from the decreased 40 motor 50 in a predetermined manner in response to sensed
requirement for the non-recyclable polymers used in hydrau parameters.
lic hoses. The ECU 70 is operatively connected to a drive circuit 80.
Electric power steering also allows the steering system The drive circuit 80 is operatively connected to a power
responsiveness to vary in different driving situations. This supply 84 via a relay 82. The power supply 84 is operatively
variation in responsiveness can be automatically controlled 45 connected to a vehicle battery 86 and regulates electrical
by a vehicle or operator selection For example, a sport mode power supplied to the drive circuit 80. The ECU 70 provides
can be provided which enhances electric power steering a voltage control output signal indicated at 90, to the drive
responsiveness through increased assist. During economy circuit 80. The voltage control output signal is indicative of
mode operation, the electric motor gives priority to vehicle the voltage to be supplied to each phase of the electric motor
efficiency. Normal mode provides standard settings for steer 50 50, as determined by the MAPs programmed in the ECU 70.
ing. A voltage/current monitor 100 monitors the motor current
Referring to FIG. 1, an electric power steering system 10 provided to the electric motor 50 and provides a measured
includes a steering wheel 12 connected to an input shaft 14. motor current signal of each phase to the ECU 70. These
The input shaft 14 is operatively connected to an output shaft measured motor current signals are indicated at 102. The
20 through a torsion bar 16. The torsion bar 16 twists in 55 rotor position sensor 60 and the torque signal processor 32
response to applied Steering torque thereby permitting rela provide the rotor position signal and the sensed torque signal,
tive rotation between the input shaft 14 and the output shaft respectively, to the ECU 70. A vehicle speed sensor 104
20. provides a vehicle speed signal, indicated at 106, to the ECU
A position sensor 22 is operatively connected to the input 70. Other inputs, indicated generally at 114, may also be
shaft 14 and to the output shaft 20. The position sensor 22 in 60 provided to the ECU 70 for control, safety, or system moni
combination with the torsion bar 16 forms a torque sensor 30. toring purposes.
A position sensor 22 determines the relative rotational posi The steering system conditions monitored by the ECU 70
tion between the input shaft 14 and the output shaft 20. The and fitted to the MAPs include a torque control loop 120, a
torque sensor 30 provides an applied torque signal indicated motor control loop 130, and a current control loop 140. The
at 24, to a torque signal processor 32. The torque signal 65 torque control loop 120 is operative to determine a requested
processor 32 provides a signal, shown at 34, indicative of the torque command signal indicated at 126. The torque com
applied steering torque. mand signal is indicative of the amount of steering assist
US 8,886,408 B2
5 6
torque required from the electric motor 50, based at least The road wheel unit 216, like the steering wheel unit 214,
partially on the sensed steering applied torque and the sensed is also a closed loop control system that uses a road wheel
vehicle speed. The torque control loop 120 provides the position signal detected by a road wheel position sensor 241
torque command signal to the motor control loop 130. as a feedback signal to control a road wheel actuator thereby,
The present disclosure is also highly suitable for use with 5 controlling the direction of the vehicle. There may typically
steer-by-wire systems. In steer-by-wire systems, the steering be a road wheel unit 216 for each steerable wheel, though only
wheel does not have a direct mechanical connection to the one is shown in the FIG. 2. A tie rod sensor 243 is also located
road wheels. Rather, the steering wheel is used to produce within road wheel unit 216. The tie rod sensor 243 detects and
control signals that are transmitted to electric drive motors measures the forces on the tie rods and sends signals (224 for
and actuators that are used to turn the road wheels. Typically, 10 one wheel, 226 for the other) representative of the measured
the angular rotational displacement of a shaft connected to the forces to the master control unit 212.
steering wheel is detected by sensors, such as position and The master control unit 212 includes processing means to
torque sensors, and converted into an electric signal or plu index the composite tie-rod force relative to one or more
rality of signals. This electronic signal is processed and torque MAPs. Where more than one MAP is used, such as
applied to an electric motor that is connected to and controls 15 vehicle speed 228 the outputs are can be blended based upon
the angular positioning of the road wheels of the vehicle with various input signals. For example, two MAP tables might be
respect to the position of the vehicle body. The road wheels used, one for low speeds and one for highway speeds. As the
are then moved according to the signal received by the motor vehicle speed signal increases, the table for highway speeds
to effect the steering of the vehicle. Because steer-by-wire becomes increasingly dominant in the blend over the table for
steering control systems do not have a direct mechanical low speeds. The indexed signal is applied to a frequency
connection to the steered wheels, the vehicle operator does based compensator (not shown) to generate the steering
not inherently receive the tactile feedback that is provided by wheel torque command signal 218. Similarly, based on an
conventional systems. Therefore, it is desirable to incorporate operator or vehicle selected mode, an economy based MAP
mechanisms into steer-by-wire steering control systems that and a performance based MAP may be implemented by the
are adapted to provide input to a vehicle operator that simu 25 master control unit 212.
late some of the tactile feedback characteristics of a conven Many vehicle conditions can be monitored and compared
tional steering system. As with electric assisted hydraulic and to the established steering MAPs from which the correspond
EPS systems, it is desirable to provide modified current to the ing output current Supplied to the steering assist motor is
electric motor to address variations in driving conditions and/ determined. These include monitoring of the steering force,
or selections made by the driver to create a desirable steering 30 vehicle speed, engine RPM, and turning limits. Furthermore,
response. it may be desirable to provide operator selectivity in the
Referring to FIG. 2, there is shown a steering control sys steering system. Moreover, steering responsiveness prefer
tem for a vehicle. The steering system 200 comprises several ences are highly individual. Accordingly, it may be desirable
closed loop Subsystems that work together to provide an for the operator to select between modes such a as highly
operator with control over the direction of the vehicle. 35 responsive sport setting, a soft comfort setting, and a normal
A steering wheel unit 214 detects the position and move setting which is between sport and Soft.
ment of a steering wheel (not shown) with a steering wheel Typically, the process may involve setting a proper base
position sensor 233 and sends a steering wheel position signal current setting for a selected mode using, for example, the
220 to the master control unit 212. steering force signal from a torque sensor and/or the vehicle
The steering wheel unit 214 is a closed loop control system 40 speed and/or the engine speed. Various corrections are then
that uses steering wheel torque signal 236 as the feedback to performed to adjust the base current. The base current can be
control a steering wheel actuator 234. The steering wheel modified based on inertia correction which compensates for
torque command signal 218 is received from the master con the influence caused by the motor body of revolution inertia
trol unit 212. The steering wheel torque command signal 218 (insufficient torque when starting while torque continues
is compared to the internally generated feedback steering 45 when stopping). Damping correction which reduces vibration
wheel torque signal 236 to yield a torque error signal as transmitted from the road Surface. The damping and inertia
needed to comply with the steering wheel torque command corrections cause the base current to be either increased or
signal 218 and maintain the stability of the steering wheel unit decreased. To prevent malfunction of the steering system due
214 control system. The steering wheel actuator 234 contains to overheating (due to motor over-speed or other features), the
the necessary elements to provide a reaction torque to the 50 steering mechanism turning limit and a cumulative value of
operator as well as a torque sensor 231 to provide feedback, the motor current can also be detected and the current output
the steering wheel torque signal 236 to the steering wheel unit to the steering motor varied accordingly.
214 and the master control unit 212. A steering wheel position A plurality of MAPs can be stored in the steering system
sensor 233 is also included that produces a steering wheel ECU (or another controller associated with the vehicle). The
position signal 220. Generally, reaction torque will be 55 plurality of MAPs include current settings based upon opera
imparted to the operator by an electric motor coupled either to tor and/or vehicle selected mode as guided by the sensed
the steering column or the rack (not shown). conditions. It is noted that the disclosure is not intended to be
The master control unit 212 combines the information of limited solely to the particular sensed conditions described
the steering wheel position 220 with a speed signal 228 from herein but contemplates others which the skilled automotive
the vehicle speed sensor 229 and the tie rod force signals 224, 60 engineer may deem appropriate.
226 (one each for a left and right wheel) from the road wheel FIG. 3 shows several inputs (base current, inertia correc
unit 216. The master control unit 212 processes these signals tion, damper correction) used in creating a desired feel in the
to compensate for signal spectral content and produces a steering system. As illustrated, the EPS system 300 includes
steering wheel torque command signal 218, which is sent to a torque sensor 301, speed sensor 302, and a current sensor
the steering wheel unit 214. In one embodiment, the master 65 303 providing vehicle conditions fitted to a MAP intended to
control unit 212 combines the tie rod force signals 224, 226 to provide a particular steering condition. More particularly,
generate a composite tie-rod force signal. torque sensor 301, speed sensor 302, current sensor 303 pro
US 8,886,408 B2
7 8
vide quantitative vehicle conditions to the ECU 307 which decreased at the rate of 0.054% per millisecond from 30% of
establishes a power assist base current 309 based on the stored the blended current signal to 12.35% of the current blended
MAPs. The base current 309 can be calculated based on the signal, while sport mode MAP has increased from 49% of the
vehicle conditions in view of MAPs which vary according to blended current signal at a rate of 0.1% per millisecond to
a driverselected steering mode (example comfort, sport, stan 79% of the blended current signal at time 4.
dard) and/or automatically dictated by vehicle driving condi At time 5 blending of comfort, normal and sport mode
tions such as Snow, rain, or ice or even driver's skill as MAPs has been completed and sport mode MAP controls
described herein below. This selection is communicated to the
ECU 307 via a mode selection 311.
100% of the current motor signal.
In addition to vehicles having driver selected driving
The base current 309 is then modified using the various 10
modes, many vehicles, particularly electric and hybrid
MAPs associated with, for example, inertia correction 313, vehicles, may have internally governed drive modes to
center inertia correction 315, and damper correction 317 to achieve, for example, adequate driving range. The motor may
render a final signal 319 communicated to the motor drive be automatically controlled to provide varying levels of assis
circuit 321, resulting in a final current distribution to the tance at different operating conditions. For example, greater
power steering motor 323. 15
Referring now to FIG.4, the MAP blending protocol of the assistance may be provided at operating conditions where the
present disclosure is graphically depicted. A shift in mode benefit of the assistance (e.g., on reduced emissions,
occurs at time 1 from sport mode to comfort mode. Accord increased fuel economy, increased power, etc.) is higher, and
ingly, at time 1 the sport mode MAP represents 100% of the less assistance may be provided at operating conditions
drive current signal. Subsequent to time 1, the steering system where the benefit of the assistance is lower. Assistance pro
ECU begins blending the sport mode MAP with the comfort vided and/or the operating conditions at which assistance is
mode MAP and the current signal is modified. For represen provided may be varied based on the power available to drive
tative purposes, the protocol associated with FIG. 4 sets the the motor and/or an expected driving range (e.g., a distance
blending time period for MAP blending between modes at that the vehicle is expected to be driven between charges, such
approximately one second. Moreover, the protocol is con 25 as for a plug-in hybrid vehicle). In this regard, the automotive
structed to from one fully engaged mode to a newly selected vehicle may include an energy conservation mode which
mode in approximately one second. It is noted that this time automatically governs current availability to the steering sys
frame is representative only and that the disclosure is not tem to ensure a sufficient state of charge is maintained to
limited thereto. allow anticipated travel to be completed.
At time 2, approximately 0.3 seconds into the conversion 30 Similarly, vehicles may be equipped with engine idle stops.
from sport mode to comfort mode, a vehicle or operator Idle stop systems save fuel by shutting down a vehicle's
directed mode switch from comfort mode to normal mode is engine automatically when the car is stationary and restarting
made. At time 2, sport mode MAP represents approximately it when the driver resumes driving. Especially in urban areas,
70% of the blended current signal while the newly engaging drivers often let their car's engine idle at traffic lights or when
comfort mode MAP represents approximately 30% of the 35 stopped in traffic jams. Switching off the engine to stop it
blended current signal. Subsequent to time 2, the ECU begins idling in these situations enhances fuel economy. During
blending of the old sport mode MAP, the old comfort mode engine idle stop it is feasible that the current supply to the
MAP and the newly selected normal mode MAP. Rather than electronic steering system will be similarly halted. Accord
decrease existing comfort mode MAP and sport mode MAP ingly, at termination of engine idle stop mode, the MAP
at equal rates while the ECU works to achieve a fully normal 40 dictating current Supply to the power steering assist motor
mode MAP, the ECU decreases the MAP controlling the will be phased back into operation. If the vehicle or the
largest portion of the blended MAP (i.e., sport MAP) at a vehicle's operator elects to make a mode change or multiple
proportionally faster rate than the MAP controlling a smaller mode changes during this event, the MAP blending protocol
portion of the blended MAP (i.e., comfort MAP). More spe of the present disclosure can be beneficial.
cifically, sport mode MAP which occupies 70% of the 45 In addition, it has been proposed to provide an electric
blended MAPattime 2 is decreased faster than comfort mode power steering system that estimates the skill of the driver and
MAP which occupies 30% of the blended MAP at time 2, provides steering assistance to match. A driver skill estima
with normal mode MAP increasing in accord with the goal of tion device can have inputs from one or more of a GPS
achieving 100% normal mode MAP within about one second. system; a vehicle speed sensor, a steering sensor that provides
Moreover, the efficient blending protocol can be achieved 50 information on Steering angular speed, angular acceleration
according to the formula: and a torque input; a brake pedal sensor that detects stroke,
rising rate of the new MAP (RR per millisecond) equals speed and force; a throttle pedal sensor that detects accelera
100%/time in milliseconds required for complete tran tor stroke and speed; a yaw rate sensor; and a road friction
sition to new MAP estimate input.
falling rate of the old MAP (FR per millisecond) equals 55 The driver skill estimation device analyzes the actual path
DX/((100-Y)/RR) wherein taken by the vehicle and compares this with a computed target
X-existing blend percent of the old MAP; and trajectory. Using this and data on the vehicle wheelbase, the
Y-existing blend percent of the new MAP. distance that the front and rear wheels are from the vehicle
To further illustrate the MAP blending protocol, at time 3, center of gravity (and other factors) the system awards the
where each of the sport mode MAP, comfort mode MAP and 60 driver an ability that varies rom the very poor to very good. A
the normal mode MAP have an influence on the current very good driver may be rewarded with very little steering
signal, an operator or vehicle selected change from normal force resistance (the drivergets what he or she asks for), while
mode to sport mode is made. Each of the deselected normal a poor driver will encounter steering that actively does not
and comfort MAPs are decreased in proportion to their com allow major steering inputs to be made at high speed which
ponent of the overall blended map. Accordingly, comfort 65 prevents the vehicle operator from over-reacting to the
mode is decreased at the rate of 0.041% per millisecond from vehicle response and so stabilizes the vehicle. The vehicle
21% at time 3 to 8.65% at time 4. Normal mode MAP is steering system ECU can receive input from the driver skill
US 8,886,408 B2
estimation device and select and blend appropriate MAPs to 9. The method of claim 7, wherein said system is an elec
provide a suitable drive current to the electric steering system tronic power steering system.
motor. 10. The method of claim 7, wherein at least one steering
The exemplary embodiment has been described with ref system MAP is associated with a driver skill estimation
erence to the preferred embodiments. Obviously, modifica 5 device.
tions and alterations will occur to others upon reading and 11. The method of claim 7, wherein said MAP is associated
understanding the preceding detailed description. It is with at least one driver selected Steering mode.
intended that the exemplary embodiment be construed as 12. The method of claim 7, wherein said MAP is associated
including all such modifications and alterations insofar as with at least one vehicle selected Steering mode.
they come within the scope of the appended claims or the 10
13. The method of claim 12, wherein said vehicle is an
equivalents thereof. electric vehicle and said vehicle selected steering mode is
The invention claimed is:
1. A control method for a steering system of an automotive selected to conserve state of charge.
vehicle, said control method comprising: 14. The method of claim 7, wherein said MAP is associated
providing an ECU storing a plurality of steering MAPs; 15 with a vehicle engine idle stop.
providing an electric motor in association with said steer 15. The method of claim 7, wherein said MAP includes at
ing system, wherein a current Supplied to said motor is least one of a damper correction and an inertia correction.
adjusted based upon the selection of a particular steering 16. The method of claim 7, wherein more than two MAPs
MAP: are blending when the new MAP is selected and each MAP’s
wherein upon change from a first MAP to a second MAP. contribution to a new blend is decreased at least substantially
MAP blending is performed according to the following proportionally to its component of the blend at the time the
parameters: new MAP is selected.
rising rate (RR) of the second MAP equals 100%/time in 17. The method of claim 7, further comprising:
milliseconds required to complete transition to the for each of the deselected MAPs, determining the rate with
second MAP: 25 which to decrease the deselected map, the rate being
falling rate (FR) of the first MAP equals (X)/((100%- equal to CX)/((100%-Y)/RR), where X is the existing
Y)/RR), wherein X is the existing blend percentage blend percentage of the deselected MAPY is the exist
of the first MAP and Y is the existing blend percentage ing blend percentage of the new MAP, and RR is the rate
of the second MAP, and with which to increase the blend percentage of the new
wherein the first and second MAPs are blending at the 30
time a third MAP is selected.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein said vehicle includes an 18. An automotive vehicle including a steering system
electronic power steering system. having an electric motor receiving a current from a drive
3. The method of claim 1, wherein said vehicle includes a circuit, said drive circuit receiving a control signal from an
steer-by-wire system. 35 electronic control unit, said electronic control unit comprised
4. The vehicle of claim 1, wherein at least two of said of a data processor including a computer program designed to
steering MAPs are associated with a driver selected driving select a current for the electric motor and provide a control
mode. signal to said drive circuit, said computer program associat
5. The vehicle of claim 1, wherein at least two of said ing vehicle operating conditions with a MAP associated with
steering MAPs are associated with a vehicle selected driving 40 a vehicle drive mode, wherein said computer program selec
mode. tively reduces the largest component of a blending MAP at a
6. The method of claim 1, wherein the contribution of the rate faster than a smaller component of the blending MAP
when a new MAP is selected.
new MAP to a blending map increases at a RR for the new 19. The vehicle of claim 18, wherein said vehicle operating
MAP, and wherein the contribution of each of the two old conditions include at least one of vehicle speed, steering
MAPs to the blending map decreases an FR specifically deter 45
system torque, damper correction and inertia correction.
mined for the old MAP
7. A control method for an automotive vehicle steering 20. The vehicle of claim 18, wherein said vehicle drive
system including an electric motor providing a steering force mode is selected from at least one of sport, comfort and
on a steering mechanism, the method comprised of providing normal.
at least three steering system MAPs which control an electric 50 21. The vehicle of claim 18, wherein each MAP being
current supplied to said electric motor, wherein when a first reduced as a component of the blending MAP reach a 0%
MAP is selected to replace a second MAP and in response to contribution to the new MAP at substantially the same time.
selecting a new third MAP when, the at least two prior dese 22. The vehicle of claim 18, wherein said computer pro
lected first and second MAPs are still blending, the input of gram, for each of the blending map components to be
the deselected MAP comprising the greatest component of 55 reduced, determining the rate with which to reduce the com
the blending at the time the new third MAP is selected is ponent, the rate being equal to CX)/((100%-Y)/RR), where
decreased at a faster rate than the deselected MAP comprising X is the existing blend percentage of the component, Y is the
the lesser component of the blending. existing blend percentage of a new MAP, and RR is the rate
8. The method of claim 7, wherein said steering system is with which to increase the blend percentage of the new MAP.
a steer-by-wire system. k k k k k