Beta Oil Injection Guide

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RR 2T and X - Trainer oil injection

and wiring trouble shooting guide

General information

1. Before performing the following diagnostic procedures, check wiring plugs and terminals for corrosion and secure connections.
2. Inspect the wiring harness for any damage.
3. Most problems that occur are usually simple in nature, always check the basics first, spark and fuel being present or not can help determine
which areas to explore first.
4. To access some areas will require the removal of the seat, tank and left air box cover, please refer to the bike specific owner’s manual if you need
information for these procedures.

Table of contents
Warning light and system diagnoses/ trouble shooting…... 2
Diagnosis relay test (15 X Trainer only) ………………….…….…. 3
Oil pump location and test..…………………………………………..… 3
Oil pump volume test…………………………………………………….… 4
Diagnoses relay test (15 X Trainer only)…………………………... 4
Oil pump control unit (15 X Trainer only)………………………… 4
Voltage regulator……………………………………………………….…….. 5
Throttle position sensor (TPS)…………………………………………. 5
ECU/ Coil……………..……………………………………………………….…. 6
Stator/ Pick up………………………………………………………………….. 7
2015 X Trainer wiring diagram…………………………………………. 8,9
2016 X Trainer wiring diagram…………………………………………. 10,11
2017 X Trainer wiring diagram…………………………………………. 12,13
2016 RR 2T Oil injected wiring diagram.…………………………… 14,15
2017 RR 2T Oil injected wiring diagram……………………………. 16,17

Electrical and oil injection trouble shooting

Symptom and warning light Suggested checks Page

(No warning light)
Not charging ------------------------------------------- Voltage regulator 5
Not pumping oil --------------------------------------- Diagnosis relay ( X Trainer only) 4

(Flashing warning light)

No oil pumping --------------------------------------- Oil pump 3,4

(warning light constant)
No spark -------------------------------------------------- CDI/ECU, Coil 6
No oil pumping------------------------------------------ Oil pump control unit ( X Trainer only) 4
Oil pump 3,4

Diagnoses Relay Oil pump location
(2015 X Trainer only)
Figure 1 (X Trainer) Figure 2 ( RR )

Once the seat has been removed, remove the relay from the *The X Trainer oil pump can be tested through the air box (Figure 1) but the RR pump can
support and check that the resistance (pins 85 and 86) is easily be tested by removing the battery strap from the battery and moving the battery and
approximately 80 Ohm. strap out of the way (Figure 2).
Check pin 30 and pin 87a for continuity.
Power the relay coil (pins 85 and 86) with 12V on one terminal Test the oil pump by removing the wiring plug and checking the resistance between the 2
and ground on the other. terminals, 19.5ohms is the correct value, replace the oil pump if you get a reading greatly
Check pins 30 and 87a are in open circuit and pins 30 and 87 have different then this.

Oil pump volume test Diagnosis Relay plug Oil pump control unit
(2015 X Trainer only) (2105 X TRAINER ONLY)
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

*Warning light flashing or suspected incorrect oil amount.

Test for voltage, one lead on the Pink-Black The oil pump control unit is located under the left
Oil flow verification: wire of the relay and the other lead to side air box panel. The removal of the seat, air box
Empty the fuel tank then refill with 60:1 premix. ground. cover and rear fender are necessary for
Carefully disconnect the oil tube from the intake manifold Start the bike and after 15 seconds, Check replacement.
and slide a piece of carb vent tubing over the end. that there is 12v . If you see a different
Cap off the inlet jet. voltage, replace the oil pump control unit . *Once the unit has been replaced, test for normal
Start the bike and check the amount of oil flowing into the oil flow and if it is corrected, drain the premix out
lengthened tubing. At idle there should be about 1” of oil *See step 3 for oil control pump unit of the tank and refill with standard fuel.
flow in 90 seconds and 1” in 60 seconds revving or holding a replacement.
higher RPM.
If no oil is pumping, replace the Oil pump control unit
2015 x trainer only and the oil pump on all other bikes.

*If you have oil flow and flashing warning light , proceed to
step 2 on 2015 X trainer only.
Regulator TPS connector (Figures 1-3) TPS connector
(same location on all bikes) (x Trainer location) (RR location)
Fig 1 Fig 2

Check the voltage between the battery terminals Remove the fuel tank and unplug the TPS
with the bike running and with a fully charged connector. Verify a resistance of 4.6 kOhm
battery, if the voltage is less then 13.5v, replace the between the Blue wire and the Black wire.
voltage regulator. With throttle closed, the resistance between
the Yellow wire and the Black wire at 0%
throttle should be 0,6 kOhm and 3,2Kohm at
100% throttle.

Fig 3

(x trainer location) Coil
The CDI is located behind the air box
Check that the resistance between
cover, unplug the connector and check for
tab (A) of the primary circuit and
damaged or oxidized pins and also look for
tab (B) is 0.6O Ohms +-20%.
damage to the harness.
Check that the resistance between
If everything checks out ok, proceed to
the same tab (B) and the spark plug
the coil test on this same page.
wire end with the cap removed (C)
is 13.20 +-20 %
The resistance measured between
the ends of the cap should be
*Replace the coil or cap if you find
them to be out of spec.

(RR location)
(RR location) (x trainer location)

Stator Pick up

Wire colors Values Wire colors Values

(RR location) (XT location)

2015 X Trainer only

2015 X Trainer electrical diagram legend only

2016 X Trainer only

2016 X Trainer electrical wiring diagram legend only

2017 X Trainer only

2017 X Trainer electrical wiring diagram legend only

2016 RR 2T wiring diagram only

2016 RR 2T wiring diagram legend only

2017RR 2T wiring diagram only

2017 RR 2Twiring diagram legend only


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